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Message started by Kiraela on Oct 12th, 2007 at 9:27pm

Title: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Kiraela on Oct 12th, 2007 at 9:27pm
I think I've actually got red hair! well, one, at least.......

Let me first preface this by saying that I have not dyed my hair in over a year, may the godess strike me bald if I lie.

Now, onto the photos. I have a bright freaking red hair... like, flamey red in real life, brighter and more noticeable than in this photo (also, I've apparently got TWO white hairs now, one by the hair line another tucked mostly under the blondish hair towards the front. Tis fairly visible)

here's the red bit again, proving it wasn't just a trick of the light.

Here's fairly much what the red hair looks like in real life...

Acording to this picture, I've got a bunch of these little lighter hair's scattered around (and that white one looks sort of yellow in this pic, but it's actually not blonde...)

I've heard of highlights, but... bright flamey red strands? that is rediculous...
tell me, am I crazy for thinking that strand is not normal(or really, that the two white hairs are also a bit odd for someone 19(not that I'm complaining)...?

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Angel Spun on Oct 12th, 2007 at 10:38pm
Silly little sis...no one's hair is all one colour.  ;)

Does red hair run in your family?

It is not uncommon for a black fox to be born in a family of red foxes, and vice versa. The same actually happens with Irish people. If one of your parents carried a red hair gene from however long ago, then it wouldn't be surprising for a few red strands or a red tint throughout to appear in your hair.
   I am sure that as you let your natural hair grow, you'll notice even more "bizarre" things like this. Nature is such a fascinating thing, isnt it?

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Kiraela on Oct 12th, 2007 at 10:45pm
well, I used to tease mom that she matched my bright chestnut gelding... :P Maybe I'm just borrowing a hair?

My only real complaint? they're not ALL that color.
it's just.. wierd... I've always assumed natural highlights would be several strands, like? and that the variations wouldn't be THAT noticeable.

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Sakina on Oct 13th, 2007 at 1:03am
Hi, Kiraela.  I have the opposite, some pitch black hairs in my mostly blondes.  My dad has black hair.

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 14th, 2007 at 10:22pm
When every hair is the same color - your hair color will look flat - just like when it is colored.  Hair that is slightly darker or lighter is what gives the overall color depth.   I have more different shades of color than I can count!

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Kiraela on Oct 15th, 2007 at 12:32pm
slightly different, I can understand! I mean, yeah. But... with naturally fairly dark brown hair, and one single strand that looks like freshly henna'd bright red hair... it just... confuses me.

Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by Debr on Oct 16th, 2007 at 6:31pm
Dont worry K, it will be alright.  Angel Spun is correct.  There are MANY variations to one's color  :).  


Title: Re: Okay, this is just bloody wierd...
Post by NaturalHairColorRocks on Jan 6th, 2008 at 11:49pm
Though it really seems weird, it's also very nice in my opinion, I always wanted red hair, and well got everything except red, im not sure about that black!!!!, i once found a few, in my mess of brown, and blonde.

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