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Chit Chat >> Brushes With Long Hair >> Long hair and my recent travels

Message started by bikerbraid on Jun 28th, 2007 at 9:08pm

Title: Long hair and my recent travels
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 28th, 2007 at 9:08pm
Some of you know I was gone a while for my annual bike trip.  In addition to that I have been travelling quite a bit for work.  (I've been in 4 states in the last 4 weeks.)  Unfortunately, the travel has prevented me from posting as much as I would like, but I've been here, reading all your posts.

I thought I'd give a little synopsis of my long hair sightings.

Bike Trip:  My biking group included a 60+ woman who had stunning, white-blonde hair that was slightly longer than mid-back.  She wore it in a simple ponytail with a velvet scrunchie.  When biking, she added two more hair-safe ponytailers to band the hair.  Her hair was thick and without damage.  She was a fantastic biker as well!

Buffalo NY:  A woman at the company I was working with had her shoulder-blade hair half-up using an absolutely gorgeous barrette that was made of silver an abalone in the shape of a butterfly.  When I made a return trip 2 weeks later, she had her hair in a bun with a pair of beautiful beaded haisticks.  She told me she bought them after she saw how I put my hair up with hairsticks on my first visit.

Airport in Detroit MI:  I was sitting near a woman who had mid-back length brown hair worn loose.  She had two girls - I'm assuming they were twins - that were about 8 years old.  Their hair was classic length, in fantastic shape.  The three of them were a perfect picture of how to wear long hair at any age.

Lawton OK:  If any of you live in this area (OK or TX) - you have my sympathies and I truely hope you are staying dry.  I think it has rained 7 inches since I arrived on Sunday.  I came prepared for 90's to 100's for temps and was not prepared for the rains.  I have been totalled soaked at least 3 times just trying to get from the car into the building.  But as for hair.  I was at a local shopping mall and saw as darling 12 year old gal with a high ponytail that was braided and the braid end hung to her waist.  I am guessing her hair would be close to classic.  It was a lovely strawberry blonde.

I return home Friday, so I have another chance to sit in the airport and watch for more beautiful hair.

Title: Re: Long hair and my recent travels
Post by Debr on Jun 29th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Hi Bikerbraid, I have traveled a lot in the past, and enjoyed looking at other peoples hair since I began growing mine.  Now that I am taking better of mine, I look to see if I can find any healthy longhairs.  Even going to the local mall can be quite an eyefull.  Hope you have enjoyed your trips.  Fly safe.


Title: Re: Long hair and my recent travels
Post by callisto on Jun 11th, 2008 at 6:27pm
I went to a small town in Mexico on a school trip once, and there were a lot of women there who brought new meaning to the term 'little old ladies'- they were all about 4'9".  However, they all had these stunning coronets of glossy black braids- they were beautiful.  I don't know how long their hair must have been--maybe floor length on them, maybe even longer!  

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