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Chit Chat >> Show Off Your Locks >> New Hair Photos http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1177299593 Message started by Kiraela on Apr 22nd, 2007 at 11:39pm |
Title: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Apr 22nd, 2007 at 11:39pm
I took these yesterday, but due to the fact that I was pretty much sick as a dog last night and today, They go up now.
First off, An example of the weird coloring of my hair. When my friend the cosmetology student bleached it last year, she left weird coloring... some areas and streaks are almost black with a purple tinge(sadly not visible in this photo) and.. some streaks are a light red gold, almost blonde. (there are actually one or two streaks of very pale blonde at the front of my hair, where my bangs would be :'( my poor hair!) Next up, we have my horrible french braiding skills... parts 1... and 2....(it always does that. :-( ) And finally, I managed a good french braid! I think I was too asleep to know better ;) Pardon the "camera and mirror" photos... Nobody was around and anyway I felt rather silly "look at this horrible braid! Let's take pictures!"... |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Sakina on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 12:59am
I like your pictures! I think your braids are fine and the coloring is cool. 8-)
Thanks for sharing. ;D |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by bikerbraid on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:33am
Great pictures! Your twin french braids look excellent! Keep on practicing and you will be a pro in no time at all.
Here's a hint I use for creating neat braids - I coat my hands/fingers with aloe vera (or water if my aloe isn't available) as I braid. The aloe/water transfers to the hair and makes for neater braids that last longer. Great job - keep it up. |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Sakina on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 11:59am
Oohhh, good tip, BB! I'll have to try it!!
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 12:16pm
Ooh, I'm going to have to go try that now! Actually, I was cleaning out the bathroom earlier and found a bottle of pure aloe gel left over from before I even moved down here (louisiana summers = sunburn!)
Thanks! (and i suppose the stripes do give me something of a "backwards striped tiger" look... ) |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Angel Spun on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 4:37pm
You're so funny, Kiraela. ;D
Your braids look just fine! I wish that I could train my fingers to do such intricate work with my hair, but alas... Sorry about the colouring issues. They will grow out in time. :) And I hope you feel better soon. BB: Excellent tip! I will have to try that the next time I braid. :D |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 8:03pm
hey,great photos,great tip,it's all good 8-)
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Lisabelle on Apr 24th, 2007 at 6:48am
Nice photos! I wish I could do the double braid on myself. ;)
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Blondestorm on Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:27pm
I love the different colors in your long single braid! Very pretty!!
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by British brunette on Apr 26th, 2007 at 3:54pm
I really want to learn how to do French braids - yours look so good! And don't worry, my hair's lighter at the front anyway (although that was through sunshine, rather than human intervention)
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Apr 26th, 2007 at 5:10pm
Thanks, Y'all. I tried Bikerbraid's tip and it worked well, for both braids, and buns. Since I got my trim, the ends are doing wonky things, but the aloe keeps them under control. And I'm glad you think my braids and stripes look good. It makes me feel better about the weirdness in the coloring.
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by VictoriaLynn on Apr 27th, 2007 at 10:24pm
Your hair looks lovely. I, too, love the twin French braids.
Lynn :) |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Apr 27th, 2007 at 11:47pm
The twin braids are usually how my hair goes for sleep, except when it's wet... the idea of french braiding even mostly damp hair ... Ow. thats all I gots to say. Ow. I can barely comb it :( so single standard braid those nights.
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by UP_Lisa on Jun 11th, 2007 at 9:10am
How do you all keep your arms from getting tired while you are braiding?
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:26pm
here's my secret ... letting my arms rest. holding the braid with one hand and let the other fall into my lap for a bit, something like 15-30 seconds... then repeat with the other arm. It doesn't seem like much but it does really help. Even after such a short rest period, it feels like the strength has increased double what it was.
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 11th, 2007 at 8:14pm
kiraela, I think I have missed something important, what is wrong with your arms? I know it is on the site somewhere, but I would not know where to start.
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Jun 12th, 2007 at 2:15pm
other than they get tired when held above my head for more than 10 or so minutes, nothing, really... at least I hope not. :P
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Blondestorm on Jun 12th, 2007 at 4:21pm
Your hair really looks wonderful....I love the different colors in your thick braid!
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Jun 12th, 2007 at 5:44pm
thanks! It's even more of a contrast when my hair is down, and pulled over my shoulders in two sections... the blonde of the front, meets the dark brown of the underside of the back.
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by La Diosa on Jun 12th, 2007 at 11:14pm
I don't know how I missed these. Very nice plaits, I like the coloring. :)
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Jun 14th, 2007 at 1:13am
Thank you quite kindly, La Diosa!!
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by joeydog 1992 on Jun 14th, 2007 at 7:08pm
I am so sorry, I got so busy worrying if you were ok with your arms, I forgot to tell you how great I thought your hair looked. Oops. :-[ |
Title: Re: New Hair Photos Post by Kiraela on Jun 14th, 2007 at 8:15pm
it's okay...:D Never fear, I'm fine, healthy, and fit as a fiddler. And Thankee for the hair comment, also :D
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