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Hair Care >> Au Natural >> Hypnosis for hair growth~

Message started by Peachygirl on Apr 9th, 2007 at 1:35pm

Title: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by Peachygirl on Apr 9th, 2007 at 1:35pm

My friend sent me this site yesterday, I'm thinking or ordering the one for hair growth!! It seems natural that thinking positvely about something is great for making it happen!!  Science has proved that while under visual, aroma or mental stimulation about something, it can produce those same physical effects on the body. Pretty cool, huh!!

Check out what it says about the process of hair growth!! http://www.deeptrancenow.com/hair.htm

I will try it and let you all know how it worked for me  :)


Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 9th, 2007 at 8:33pm
Very interesting - good luck and let us know if you notice any improvements.

Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by La Diosa on Apr 11th, 2007 at 2:41am
Yeah, I want to know if you have results with this too.  

The thought of subliminal messages has always creeped me out.  It makes me think of those people who claimed to have heard weird messages by playing records backwards.[smiley=evil.gif] LOL!

Just be sure that you purchase the Boost Your Hair Growth Deep Trance Program and NOT the Permanent Hair Removal Deep Trance Program:o

*added [timestamp=1176292002] *I just noticed that they have a subliminal tape for learning foreign language.  Now, that's something that I may actually try myself. Hmm...[smiley=happy.gif]

Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by Peachygirl on Apr 13th, 2007 at 11:21am
Haha!! That is sooo funny..yea, can you imagine if I was meditating on losing hair?? I guess it's for the bikini area and lip and brow..etc. I will just continue getting my waxing done, thx!!  lol. Yea, the subliminal messages are kinda creepy..I am starting with the general hypnosis cd..and possibly getting one of those audio visual light and sound machines to go with it, they have them at spa's for relaxing..and if anything, it will be a great way to relieve stress~! Did you listen to a sample of the hypnosis cd? the music and voice is really cool;) made me sleepy..

I guess it all goes back to the power of positive thinking  :)


Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by La Diosa on Apr 13th, 2007 at 1:30pm
Um no, that wouldn't be funny that would be horrific! LOL!  

I tried listening to a sample the other day but it wouldn't load on my computer for some reason. :'(  For some reason that sounds more like mind control than positive thinking.  You know that they say that we only tap into a fraction of our mental abilities.  I think that the hypnosis may be for helping you tap into the part of your brain that controls things such as hair growth, for instance. :-/

As I mentioned, I was inspired to look further into the foreign language subliminal tapes because before this, I didn't even know that they existed.  So thanks for starting this topic. ;)  

Anyway, I was able to listen to a sample on anoter site and it was relaxing.  I'm even pretty convinced that it may work.

Yesterday, I was taking a nap and the tv was on.  While napping, I had a dream that I was a scientist about to go on a mission and I knew all of these scientific terms and possibly why boats dissapear in the Bermuda Triangle (all of which I've completely forgotten by now ::)) but when I awoke, I noticed that everything I was dreaming about was on tv.  My husband was watching the Discovery channel and my mind was incorporating the program into my dream.:o   That's why I really think that it's possible to learn a language in my sleep because the brain picks up things even when you think it isn't.  

The program that I found also has a workbook so that you can test yourself and montior your progress.   I really have nothing to loose.  I've been teaching myself Spanish for about 2.5 years now and I still feel that I'm not learning fast enough, I want to be fluent already! >:( [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 13th, 2007 at 3:39pm
I'm a firm believer in subliminal learning.  When I was in high school/college, the night before a test, I found that if I read thru my materials just before going to sleep, my mind would continue to process the materials and I would breeze thru the test.

My mother quit smoking using hypnosis/subliminal methods.  She did that back in the 70's.  To this day, there are certain trigger words and situations that nauseate her as a result of what she listened to.  An ashtray with a cigarette butt in it is one of them!

I think learning a new language subliminally would be a great way to learn!  I just may have to give that some more thought (or sleep on it??  ;D)

Title: Re: Hypnosis for hair growth~
Post by La Diosa on Apr 13th, 2007 at 7:09pm

bikerbraid wrote on Apr 13th, 2007 at 3:39pm:
My mother quit smoking using hypnosis/subliminal methods.  She did that back in the 70's.  To this day, there are certain trigger words and situations that nauseate her as a result of what she listened to.  An ashtray with a cigarette butt in it is one of them!

Wow, it's amazing that it was able to work for cigarret addiction.  After seeing my parents many attempts to quit over the years, I know how difficult that can be. :o

bikerbraid wrote on Apr 13th, 2007 at 3:39pm:
I think learning a new language subliminally would be a great way to learn!  I just may have to give that some more thought (or sleep on it??  ;D)
 ;D ;D  So funny! ;)

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