LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> So Straight >> How did she do it??

Message started by ScrapGirl on Sep 12th, 2006 at 2:04pm

Title: How did she do it??
Post by ScrapGirl on Sep 12th, 2006 at 2:04pm

I'm looking at Holly Magill's style, and I'd like to replicate it for my sister's wedding on Saturday.  Also, I'd like ideas for how to make my hair look as smooth and shiny as hers does...unfortunately, the last stylist "thinned" my hair and now it's got several yucky flyaways.  Any ideas?

Also...has anyone done the Victorian style (http://www.longlocks.com/hairstyles.htm) with hair like mine?   Will I have lots of pieces of hair sticking out in strange places?


Title: Re: How did she do it??
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 12th, 2006 at 2:13pm
I think she has just pulled half her hair back into a ponytail, then tied the pony tail and secured the knot with the hair sticks.  I love this style myself and even do it with all my hair, to give me a shorter, more manageable ponytail.

I use aloe vera gel to tame the little flyaway hairs when I want a more sleek look.  

For shine, start with a clarifying shampoo, then a vinegar rinse, and a conditioner.  Conditioners with -cones will often provide more shine.

Title: Re: How did she do it??
Post by Sakina on Sep 12th, 2006 at 2:18pm
For the smooth and shiney you'll probably need a product with silicone in it.  I guess you could use oil if you can do it super sparingly.

Sorry, I can't tell what she did to her hair to help there.

Good luck!

Title: Re: How did she do it??
Post by VictoriaLynn on Dec 8th, 2006 at 8:40am
Oh, what beautiful hair styles!   :o  I had never seen these pictures before.  

Lynn   :)

Title: Re: How did she do it??
Post by oldkathy on Dec 9th, 2006 at 6:54pm
Scrapgirl, I've done the Victorian and similar versions many times.  I like to use one of my antique combs above the pony tail to really set it off.  The do is basically a flip ponytail with braids.  It is easy and looks great.  

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