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Chit Chat >> Show Off Your Locks >> Bikerbraid August 2006 http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1155498859 Message started by bikerbraid on Aug 13th, 2006 at 6:54pm |
Title: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 13th, 2006 at 6:54pm
After procrastinating for over a year, I finally got hubby to snap a picture of my hair. The camera doesn't show all the grey. ;D The waves are mostly from being in a bun, but I do have some natural wave as well.
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by nancyn28 on Aug 13th, 2006 at 7:42pm
Very, very pretty!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by rhpetunia on Aug 14th, 2006 at 12:41am
Wow!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Your hair is gorgeous!!!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by mrsncook on Aug 14th, 2006 at 12:43am
WOW!!!! :o
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Sakina on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:03am
Oooohhh!! Ahhhhhh!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by KerBear on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:22am
wow! gorgeous - thanks so much for sharing! :D
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by greek_lady on Aug 14th, 2006 at 3:04am
Ohhhhhhhh :o :o :o
Gorgeous BB, just gorgeous. Classic looks nice for your hair. Maybe this photo should be your new avatar so we can ogle all the time ;) ;) Thank you for sharing that. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Blondestorm on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:12pm
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! I love the color and the length and the thickness! Very, very, very beautiful indeed!!! We need to see more pics now! Is that the longest your hair has ever been? Jim |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by maggie on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:16pm
Beautiful as ever! I can only dream of my hair being that length.
Simply gorgeous! ;D |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:44pm wrote on Aug 14th, 2006 at 1:12pm:
Thank you all ::blush:: I will admit that my hair looks better in this picture than I had imagined. :-X Jim, the longest my hair has ever been was about 6 inches longer than this picture, just a few months ago. In previous long hair growths, I had grown it to waist length, but never beyond that. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by novusfemina on Aug 14th, 2006 at 2:11pm
I love it, BB! I don't know if it's just the outdoor lighting, but the "honey-ness" of the color is just beautiful!
So very, very pretty.. thanks for sharing. :D |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Blondestorm on Aug 14th, 2006 at 3:54pm
Six inches longer! WOW! Your hair is so very beautiful...I am really impressed! Thanks for posting such a great picture. I am soooh jealous of you beautiful hair........If mine would only grow so long. Jim |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 14th, 2006 at 5:48pm wrote on Aug 14th, 2006 at 3:54pm:
Jim; Just remember, women tend to have longer terminal lengths than men. Your length is already exceptionally long for a man - you should be proud of your accomplishment. Are you measuring your hair - is it still gaining length month to month? Or maybe measuring 4 x's a year is a better indicator. You might be surprised that your hair is still growing. Mine took a a long rest at about tailbone. I swore it did not grow at all for about 6 months. Then the ends got very thin, but they were growing. That's why I had 6 inches trimmed - I didn't like how they looked being sooooo thin and wispy. They were also hard to keep in a braid. I like my ends much better now. ;D |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Curlgirl64 on Aug 15th, 2006 at 12:12am
Absolutely beautiful,BB! The shine and color are great!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Beesan16 on Aug 15th, 2006 at 9:03am
:o :o Woooooooooooooooooooooooow!! *low whistle*
I showed it to my aunt, mom, and my uncle's wives. They all said-and i quote- "*gasp* beautiful!!" yup that's our mod ;D ;) |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 16th, 2006 at 6:15pm
;D ;D
Thanks for making my day! |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by khrome on Aug 17th, 2006 at 1:35am
BB I LOVE your hair!! I think this is the first time I've seen it down, except in your avatars. I think you should post big pics more often! You have the perfect sized waves. Those are the kinds I'd like to get, but my hair is too straight. Maybe I need to try sock curls..
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by oldkathy on Aug 25th, 2006 at 9:52pm
Bikerbraid, is it my imagination, or did you change your avitar today? The photo is wonderful, by the way!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 25th, 2006 at 11:00pm
Caught me! ;D
My old avatar was 2 years old - I figured it was time for an update. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Angel Spun on Aug 26th, 2006 at 4:10am
Holy cow, BB!! :o
Your hair is gorgeous!!! Brilliant work! :D |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Sara on Aug 26th, 2006 at 11:22pm
Wow Bb. I swear that we have the same hair type (mine is a little darker thought) I'm almost to your length! I have found my inspiration! Stunning!
Btw, AngelSpun, are you a fan of "Otherland" I couldn't help but notice your avatar ;). |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Carrie-Leia on Aug 27th, 2006 at 1:10pm
Oh wow, that is so beautiful. It looks really, really healthy. The ends of your hair have as much health and volume as the roots! I'm trying to do the same with mine! Unfortuanetly the ends of my hair are going dry and brittle, causing split ends. Need to have probably 2 inches cut off to stop it spreading.
But yours is gorgeous! :D |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 28th, 2006 at 12:10am
:::blush::: I'm not sure I am worthy of all this praise. The ends look thick and healthy because of the 6 inch trim I had not too long ago. The waves make my hair look much thicker than it really is. But for an aging blonde, I am greatful for the thickness that I have.
Thank you all - your compliments help encourage me to keep my hair growing. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Blondestorm on Aug 28th, 2006 at 12:19pm
Just keep on blushing then! Your hair looks great! It looks so thick and so beautiful.....and you recently cut 6 inches? Please post more pics of your gorgeous hair for all of us. Thanks. Jim |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by berkanna on Aug 28th, 2006 at 6:23pm
Lovely! Just lovely! :D
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by rodent on Aug 29th, 2006 at 3:41am
My goodness! I'm speechless! There is nothing I can write to describe what I see. :o
:o :o Still speecless ;D The whole picture here; the hair, the pretty lady; the pose, the balcony with the drop-off, the background of a never ending peaceful valley... I am unworthy to be able to view this heavenly scene as a mere mortal rodent. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Aug 29th, 2006 at 10:38am
awwwww ratty - you're so sweet. :-*
That picture was taken on our deck off the back of the house. We have no backyard, so to speak, as it drops down into a park that also has a woods. We have oak trees in our yard that makes it feel like our deck is a tree house. It is one of my favorite places to sit and relax. (At least as long as the squirrels don't drive us nutty with their squawkling and chattering.) The colors in the fall are gorgeous when the maple trees in the park turn bright yellow and orange. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by rodent on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 3:01am wrote on Aug 29th, 2006 at 10:38am:
I'm still speechless. That's one of those peace and tranquility type pictures that stay with you. I could have sworn you were older than me, but not looking at that! Have to second guess here. I thought you were older than me... but are you? I would guess early 30's looking at the fullness and color of your locks. Now if you would ... uh.. uh ... pretty please... repeat this pose showing the fall colors you describe when they appear...uh... well that would be a real treat for an old aging rat. Orange and yellow would go with your color perfectly. ;D ;D ;D Rats look rediculous when begging. My maple does the yellow thing in front with an occaisional brigth red leaf. The nut tree does the most brilliant bright red. |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 2:07pm
Sir Rat,
I am quite sure that I AM older than you. The lighting on this picture seems to disguise the grey in my hair. ;D I will try to catch the fall colors, if the colors, weather and hubby all cooperate! |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Curlgirl64 on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 5:16pm
I think the Fall is God's way of taking a paint brush with all different colors on it at different times and painting the leaves!! I'm so glad I was born in the fall,I don't think I would have liked it any other way. (Like I had a choice in the matter ::) )
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by PreciousLocks on Sep 8th, 2006 at 9:55pm
BB, just beautiful!
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by styg on Jan 8th, 2007 at 2:33pm
oh i hadn't seen this one yet! your hair seems transformed, the ends filled in nicely. oh a little trim can do wonders sometimes. (psst, i trimmed at least 10" this year!) :) [smiley=thumbup.gif]
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by flaming bunny on Jan 8th, 2007 at 4:58pm
I've just spotted this one! BB your hair is sooo different from when I last saw it! It's stunning :-*
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by VictoriaLynn on Feb 1st, 2007 at 9:40pm
Very beautiful! I hope mine gets that long!! :)
Lynn |
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by Lisabelle on Feb 1st, 2007 at 10:34pm
Lovely! ;)
Title: Re: Bikerbraid August 2006 Post by bikerbraid on Feb 1st, 2007 at 10:46pm
Thank you!
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