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Hairstyles and Styling >> Wedding Hair Styles >> No one will help me at my wedding.....

Message started by Sashaboo on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 5:50am

Title: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by Sashaboo on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 5:50am
I have long (almost to my waist) hair that I have bleached and dyed and bleached again....My hair is really soft and smooth and not "overbleached" and its not too dry and not too oily. I want to curl my hair in tight small/medium sized curls (think irish dancer but more seperated) for my wedding and I honestly dont know the best way  to do it, I dont know what to use or how to keep it curly and even though I had a hint that it was not good for my hair I used to use hairspray and then use the curling iron (the sizzle is a dead giveaway that its probably not a good idea to do that). Is there a certain kind of rollers to put in the night before? are some curlers better than others? should I use hairspray before I roll them? Should I use a special shampoo a few days before?  I have no idea and my wedding is in ten days, if you can help at all please comment, thank you so much in advance for any help you can give me.

Title: Re: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by Sakina on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 1:27pm
First of all, welcome to longlocks.  Second, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!  Third, I'm afraid I really don't have any suggestion ofther than rag curls.  I'm not really the one to give directions on how to, but it might give you a direction to look in.

Have you considered asking a hair stylist?

Title: Re: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by Sashaboo on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 3:01pm
Thank you :)
What exactly are rag curls?

Title: Re: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by khrome on Aug 4th, 2006 at 3:00am
Hi Sashaboo,
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!  Here is a page on how to do rag curls.  If you want more info, just stick "rag curls" into google and you'll get a pretty large selection of articles.


Like any new style, it comes out better with practice.  I suggest trying this several times before your wedding day.  I'm not even sure if it will come out to the kind of curl you described.  I'm not sure about hairspray either, since I don't ever curl my hair.  Sorry!

Good luck to you - I hope something works out for you!

Title: Re: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by Sashaboo on Aug 4th, 2006 at 4:07am
Ohh that looks totally feasable Thank you for the link!

Title: Re: No one will help me at my wedding.....
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 6th, 2006 at 11:54pm
If you use a bit of aloe vera gel when curling your hair, it will help "set" the curls so they will last longer.

I'd also recommend practicing the rag curls - it does take a bit of coordination to get the desired results.  Practice will ensure your hair is perfect for your special day.  Congrats!

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