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Chit Chat >> The LongLocks Lounge >> cutting one's own hair

Message started by wishing4longhair on Sep 28th, 2005 at 6:39pm

Title: cutting one's own hair
Post by wishing4longhair on Sep 28th, 2005 at 6:39pm
I've seen so much on this board, it's wonderful.  :D One problem: I can't seem to find the things I want when I want. Here's my thing:
I remember seeing someone telling someone how to cut her own hair with  pictures and everything. I think it was a link to somewhere else. I would like to find that but have no idea where to start. Does anyone remember where to find that? I would like the help. Thanks.

Title: Re: cutting one's own hair
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 28th, 2005 at 7:20pm
There is a search function at the top of the page that you can use to search through all the posts.  

I think the link you are looking for is to Feye's self trimming page.

Title: Re: cutting one's own hair
Post by ChiliPepper on Sep 29th, 2005 at 1:39am
What a great page!!  I have been wondering if I could trim my own hair.

Title: Re: cutting one's own hair
Post by PreciousLocks on Oct 11th, 2005 at 11:41pm
I finally got up the nerve to try Feye's method (and my hair is just barely long enough to do it).  It was easy and I already like the results!  8)  I did her "straight across" cut because my hair is still relatively short -- for the longlocks crew here anyway ;D

Now I'll have to hide the scissors for awhile, don't want to get addicted to trimming at this point ;)

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