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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Henna Removal

Message started by Beesan16 on Sep 15th, 2005 at 1:13am

Title: Henna Removal
Post by Beesan16 on Sep 15th, 2005 at 1:13am
I bought a packet of henna a few weeks ago, and it did not turn out well :-/, i got it on account of it being a chesnut color, but it turned out to be a really dark chestnut almost black :-/. my hair was the color of .......oh, i don't know how to describe it, sort of a dirty blackish, blue ??? :-/.
so i tried fixing it with red henna, but it didn't change it that much, and i want to brig it back to it's natural color again.

So the question is does anybody know how to at least make it fade faster or i don't know....or anything like that? ???

Title: Re: Henna Removal
Post by khrome on Sep 15th, 2005 at 5:38am
Coincidentally, I just read about this today!  Here is what one woman did


Hope it helps,

Title: Re: Henna Removal
Post by panpeus on Sep 15th, 2005 at 4:16pm
I'm sorry to hear about the henna =(

I'm still rinsing deposit out of my hair.  I found that baking soda clarifying every week or so has gotten rid of some deposit.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Henna Removal
Post by Beesan16 on Sep 15th, 2005 at 5:42pm
thanks so much Khrome and Panpeus :)

i'll be going to sally's next week, but until then i'll try the baking soda.
Pan, how much do i dilute it?

Title: Re: Henna Removal
Post by greek_lady on Oct 27th, 2005 at 7:49pm
Hey beesan, are you still interested in something to remove henna?
I accidentally "discovered" some product that of course does not remove all henna, but it does seem to lift lots of old henna colour off the hair.
Go there: www.korres.com
It's a Greek Natural Cosmetics line, but it has gone international and it's all the rage in NY and the UK we read.
The particular product is the "Green Silt and Corallina Oligoelements" scrub. You can find it under "intensive treatment" hair products. This is a scalp and hair scrub. Excellent results in cleaning the hair and scalp, my hair is so shiny!! With the added bonus of lifting off lots of henna colour from an older application. What a surprise!
The prices are very affordable too. At least here.
There are online stockists listed in the main site, too.
Hope this helps some.

Edited to add a direct link to the product:

Title: Re: Henna Removal
Post by zariva on Jun 6th, 2006 at 6:50am
Ok, this thread is old like whoa, but would you please let me know how those crystals worked for you? And the soda?
I'm thinking of starting using henna myself, but now I read that henna has to grow out and with my dream of tail bone length I'm not sure if I want to use a color that will stay on and on till I cut it off or strip it chemically. :-/

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