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Announcements >> Boutique News >> Silent Charity Auction to Benefit Katrina Victims

Message started by Rapunzel on Aug 31st, 2005 at 1:06am

Title: Silent Charity Auction to Benefit Katrina Victims
Post by Rapunzel on Aug 31st, 2005 at 1:06am
Hurricane Katrina has dealt a devastating blow that has affected millions of people. The horror stories that are flooding the newswires become even more horrible with every passing hour. We at the LongLocks HairSticks Boutique would like to do our part to help whatever way we can, and hope those who enjoy my work feel the same way.

We have started a silent auction of a very special pair of LongLocks Special Edition FoilStix to benefit the New Orleans chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The auction will run until midnight on Friday, September 2 and all proceeds will be forwarded directly to Habitat for Humanity. To view the design available at auction, follow the link below:


To bid, simply click the Add to Cart button. The bid increment is set at $5 and the current highest bid will be updated and displayed on the page regularly. The winning bidder's choice of payment method will be processed at the end of the auction.

IMPORTANT: If you would like to bid more than the minimum $5 increment, please be sure to state your bid in the Feedback text box that appears on the first page of the secure shopping cart.

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any assistance you are able to give.

Title: Re: Silent Charity Auction to Benefit Katrina Vict
Post by Rapunzel on Aug 31st, 2005 at 1:08am
We are already up to a $120 bid on our Special Edition LongLocks FoilStix silent charity auction to benefit the New Orleans chapter of Habitat for Humanity!  Thank you so much to those who have generously bid in the few hours the auction has been running, you are truly wonderful people!

I've decided to "sweeten the pot," so to say.  *Every* person who successfully bids will receive a special LongLocks voucher code that will entitle them to a 10% discount on ALL purchases from now through the entire month of September!  Even better, whomever actually wins the auction will receive a 15% discount for the same time period!  Bidders who are members of the LongLocks HairSticks Collectors Club will also continue to earn credit toward their free gift certificates for any purchases made with these bonus vouchers.

Thank you so much for participating in our auction and PLEASE feel free to pass this message on to anyone whom you feel might like to take part.

Title: Re: Silent Charity Auction to Benefit Katrina Vict
Post by Rapunzel on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 9:17pm
We are fast approaching the end of our auction to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and I must say I am absolutely *overwhelmed* at the response... our high bid is currently a whopping $605!!  

I realize this is a lot of money to most people, but if you are able and would like to bid to raise the donation even higher, please follow the link below:


To bid, simply click the Add to Cart button. The bid increment is set at $5 and the current highest bid will be updated and displayed on the page regularly. The winning bidder's choice of payment method will be processed at the end of the auction.

IMPORTANT: If you would like to bid more than the minimum $5 increment, please be sure to state your bid in the Feedback text box that appears on the first page of the secure shopping cart.

A deep, heartfelt thank you to everyone who has participated in the auction or has chosen to donate something on their own.  You are all truly wonderful people.

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