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Chit Chat >> New Member Introductions >> welcome yogagirl

Message started by ChiliPepper on Aug 18th, 2005 at 3:39am

Title: welcome yogagirl
Post by ChiliPepper on Aug 18th, 2005 at 3:39am
Welcome, I am new here myself.  I love history and I have read that corteseans would put honey, camomille tea and lemon juice on their hair and then sit in the sun to lighten it.  (Pardon the bad spelling NR is obviously our best speller.  I didn't even know what the word genuflect looked like and I was raised Catholic! :o)

Title: Re: welcome yogagirl
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 18th, 2005 at 10:54am
Welcome again - glad to see you post your intro.  (and your spelling is just fine!)

Title: Re: welcome yogagirl
Post by NaturalRogue on Aug 18th, 2005 at 6:42pm
In no way could I be the best speller. :o Sister Mary Agnes must be rolling in her grave to hear you say that!  :)


Title: Re: welcome yogagirl
Post by khrome on Aug 18th, 2005 at 9:40pm
Mmm, that hair recipe sounds nummy.  If I had those ingredients, I honstly thing I'd drink it before it got to my hair.  :-)


Title: Re: welcome yogagirl
Post by Galadriel on Aug 19th, 2005 at 4:54am
Welcome! :D

Title: Re: welcome yogagirl
Post by NaturalRogue on Aug 19th, 2005 at 8:51pm

wrote on Aug 18th, 2005 at 9:40pm:
Mmm, that hair recipe sounds nummy.  If I had those ingredients, I honstly thing I'd drink it before it got to my hair.  :-)


I have used SM&H conditioner with honey with wonderful results. Perhaps, I'll have to purchase some tea (ain't no way I'm gonna try to spell that C word :) besides, you did spell it rite ;) ) and add that as well. I'll pass on the lemon juice 'cause my hair lightens quite nicely all by itself in the sun.  ;)

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