LongLocks Salon
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Message started by Maroula on Aug 15th, 2005 at 1:03am

Title: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 15th, 2005 at 1:03am
Well, here I am, new name, new community, new hair products and a new start along the same old hair road.

I was using Ojon under the advice of a very dear friend who shall remain nameless.  I had been using Kiehls and liking the results I got with it, but not really loving it.  So I happily switched to something that was slyly and subtlely touted as the Holy Grail of hair products but said dear friend.

And being the product and scent wench that I am, I went for it.    ;D

I started using Ojon S & C and loved it.  After about 3 or 4 weeks I was not getting the same results as I had in the beginning....past that point I was disliking my results intensely.  I had frizz and unmanagebility and it just wasn't working for me at all.

*sigh*  Back to the drawing board.

At that point, dear friend said, hey, I just wanted to tell you about LML and how great it is!

You would think at this point my spidey senses would tingle and such.  However, I know my friend is honest and doesn't exaggerate and with Ojon, she jumped the gun a bit, it worked for about a month before you notice a difference and this time she had been using LML for about 3 months before she mentioned it to me.  I had, at that point, used Ojon for about 2 months, so I thought, I'll try it.  Anything was better than what Ojon was doing to my hair.

While I waited for by LML long hair beginners pack, I went back to my trusty Kiehls and my hair got better finally.

Tomorrow I start writing about my LML pack and my journey as I figure out if this is the right product for my tempermental hair. :P


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by greek_lady on Aug 15th, 2005 at 5:33am
Welcome in our little community Maroula. Your nickname sounds quite Greek, do you happen to be?

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 15th, 2005 at 6:05am
*cough cough* - well, I think your friend sounds like a delightful and charming person *cough cough*.

I'd bet your friend is deeeee lighted to hear that this latest recommendation is working out so well and I'll bet friend feels like a real poop for "jumping the gun" with Ojon - but hey, I'm just guessing  ;D.

So anyway.... I just love having you over here (((M)))...g, the nameless

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 15th, 2005 at 11:19am

wrote on Aug 15th, 2005 at 5:33am:
Welcome in our little community Maroula. Your nickname sounds quite Greek, do you happen to be?

Thank you very much greek_lady!

Well, it is Greek actually, but it is a new name for me.  :)  As I explained in my intro here, I used to be known as Amazon on a few boards and was very comfortable with that name but wanted something new.

Maroula, from what I found, was the last Amazon of Lemnos, and it has part of my real name in it, so I thought it would be a good name. ;)


As to whether I'm Greek or not, not really, however my family says if we go back a couple of generations we would find Greek relatives. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 15th, 2005 at 11:21am

wrote on Aug 15th, 2005 at 6:05am:
*cough cough* - well, I think your friend sounds like a delightful and charming person *cough cough*.

I'd bet your friend is deeeee lighted to hear that this latest recommendation is working out so well and I'll bet friend feels like a real poop for "jumping the gun" with Ojon - but hey, I'm just guessing  ;D.

So anyway.... I just love having you over here (((M)))...g, the nameless

My friend is very delightfull. ;)

Yes she feels bad, but she doesn't need to, it's quite alright as I have told her a few times already. lol

I am loving being here, thanks for showing me the way.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 16th, 2005 at 2:47am
I compared pictures of my hair over the last two years.  I am not happy with how it looks now as compared to 2003.  Not only is my hair at least 4" shorter, it looks (to me) considerably thinner on the sides at the ends.

I will post pictures tomorrow and over the next couple of months see if I can figure out where I went wrong (if anything) and to see if I can change anything to help my hair's growth and health.

Still LML'ing, I still love it.  I ordered the #11 and a surprise pack to tide me over until I can afford to magic pack if I decide to go that way, which I think I will.

Off to bed.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 16th, 2005 at 7:38am
Hey Maroula Hon - I would make a really strong guess that your hair will be back to it's best and maybe even better glory and length within no more than six to eight months.

And besides - it's still humdinger gorgeous and no one but you can see any decline in quality...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 16th, 2005 at 3:13pm
Gabi, thank you so much. :)

Yeah, I'm probably the only one that thinks it looks 'bad'. lol  I'm hoping that in 6 months I will be happier with my hair.  I enjoy wearing it down, and I really hope that isn't damaging my hair too much.

Here are two pictures, the first one is August of 2003.  Actually the very day that I tried to go into LML's shop and meet her. :)  The second picture is pre LML,  July 2005, when I met up with Denise and Beatnik Guy.  I had cut off about 4" or so to try and thicken up the end a bit, that is probably why I am not happy still.  I had alot of damage from dying my hair one too many times and it is nearly all gone.  The thinness on the bottom in the back I think is the last of it...I hope.

In a couple of weeks I'll update with another picture of me after I've been using LML for about a month or so.  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 17th, 2005 at 1:39am
I started LML on July 28th, with the purchase of a long hair beginner's kit.  In it came the BTN Duo, the chillout spray, the #18 SOS scalp oil, the smoother comb the flexipic and the small scritcher horn comb.

Prior to the order I had emailed LML with a few questions and always received prompt and courteous replies.  

This is what I wroteon August 5th after I started LML in my live journal.

"It's been about a week since I started LML and I have to say, so far I love it. But then I loved Ojon in the beginning too. :P

"We have had an unbelievable heat wave with extremely high humidity the last 3 weeks it's disgusting. While I was using Ojon (after about 2 months being on Ojon) my hair was this massive puff/frizz ball. It was gross. If I decided to put a leave-in in (either Kiehl's or Giovanni), my hair had greasy areas. :P It was a lose lose situation and made me want a buzz cut...not kidding. It was so bad, I was embarrassed to go to work, I felt like at some point I had fried my hair.  I got so disgusted I turned to my Kiehl's for a temporary solution until LML arrived. It helped, but not tremendously. :P

"With LML my hair is fluffy, but not nearly as frizzy and dry looking. The waves are more defined and the halo of frizz on the head area is contained. My ends that always disgust me, look fuller and don't just hang there begging to be chopped off.

"Now, granted, this is only after a week...and I might change my mind. I also only have the beginners kit, so I don't have other products that may take care of the frizziness and bring out the waves more. I am trying to get some money saved up so that in a month I can see if I want to magic pack it.  So for now, I love it. "

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 17th, 2005 at 1:45am
Trying to catch up on posting in this journal about how LML is working with my hair.  I was not happy with how my hair looked and was hoping LML would help.  

So far so good.  ;D

Wrote on August 12th about LML the following:

"I am still using the LML and really like it. However, I get the frizzies around the crown area. It's probably a combo of unbelievably high humidity the last 2 weeks and the fact that I am running around getting dressed and ready for work.


"I am slowly saving for the magic pack, but for the time being I decided to go with the 8 oz # 11 Magic Spray and the 95'er surprise pack. I let them know that I have the beginner's pack for long hair so that I can avoid unnecessary duplicates of items.

"I'm hoping that these products are similar to the important ones from the magic pack (at least the ones that wind up being important for me ;) ). I told them of the poofiness I am having from the humidity, so that hopefully I will receive products good for my hair.

"I do have to say...as surprising as it is, my hair is drying really fast. Before I had to hit the roots with the hair dryer before leaving for work, or else it was a mess. Wet, frizzy and then disgusting looking at work if I didn't use the dryer and not too much better if I did.

"Other than the little frizzies and the poofiness, my hair is softer (not shinier because, well, you know, the frizzies) and I have my waves back again at the bottom of my hair, both before and after I comb. Before, with some product gel I would get the nice waves, but not be able to keep them unless I used the lavender mist from the curly book. But that is a pain to drag around and then constantly mist. I have no product in my hair to get that look. The only thing is, it is poofy and a bit frizzier than I would like as you go up the head, and that's most likely the weather.

"Dying to know what will come in the surprise pack."

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 18th, 2005 at 10:18pm
Still waiting patiently for my order to come.  :)  The first order I made, which would also be the last order I made  ;D ,arrived within a week so I should have it by Monday hopefully.  :D

There are a couple of things that have occured with my hair that I am very happy for.  The first I had mentioned already and that is how much faster my hair dries.  I really found that difficult to believe when Gabi mentioned it, even though I know full well that that girl does not exaggerate.

To be able to wash and go in an hour and a half and not use the hair dryer and have my hair presentable for work?  Unbelievable, and yet that is exactly how it goes.  It will be interesting to see if I get the same results all the time.

Another thing is the fact that more of my waves are coming out then before....no matter I do with my hair prior to washing, or whether I scrunch or not afterwards.  And this is without additional product use.  The only two thing I use that are not LML is Aubrey's MM and a hair spray that I do not like.  I am hoping for something comparable in the surprise pack, or else I will purchase replacemeents when I need them.

Also, and for me this is a biggie, I can comb my hair and it is good to go.  I have been visiting hair boards since 2000, and have tried too numerous to count hair products, natural and not, and there has never been one item that allowed me to use it and go with just combing my hair and having it look full and actually brushed and not stringy and piecey looking.  I am a nut about how I want my hair to look and could only get the results I liked with brushing.  Now I don't need to, and prefer not to because of the waves I am developing.

I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring using LML products.  I want to see if other products of her line yield similar, better or worse results and if it will work for me in the long run.  Right now it is working, but it hasn't been that long and I have had fantastic early results with almost everything I've tried.  Time is the answer of whether something works for a person's hair or not. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 19th, 2005 at 2:10pm
I started wearing a braid to bed instead of my usual bee butt bun to see if that helps at all with the condition and growth of my hair.

The one thing I noticed is my braid looks thinner than it used to. :(  Granted I have never had a fat braid...not even a normal size braid, but it just seems thinner.

I am going to just keep thinking that it is the result of the big weight loss I had in the last year and a half as Gabi suggested and not worry about it.  Hopefully LML will help get my hair to the point I will be happy with it.  It's working so far.

I have not pampered my hair the way I used to since I started full time.  I just don't have the same kind of time to continue with the routines I had done.  So I realize I have to figure out new routines that work with my time.

I joined the local gym and that will help with toning my body, which it sadly needs.  Maybe I will use that time to deep condition my hair once a week on one day that I don't have to rush anywhere. :)  

Hopefully the LML surprise pack that I am waiting for will have some kind of deep conditioning treatment in it so that I don't have to use something different.  I want to stick with LML as much as possible during this time to see how my hair reacts.

I will see if I can get a picture done this weekend of my hair now that I have been using LML for about 3 weeks.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by panpeus on Aug 19th, 2005 at 3:50pm
Sounds like you're getting a routine worked out!  I hope LML works for you.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 19th, 2005 at 7:09pm

wrote on Aug 19th, 2005 at 3:50pm:
Sounds like you're getting a routine worked out!  I hope LML works for you.

So do I!  When I sat down to think about how the last year and the beginning of this year went, I understand alot more about why my hair probably looks like this. :P

The routine is coming along...just a few tweaks here and there. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by NaturalRogue on Aug 19th, 2005 at 9:53pm
Maroula, I just noticed that you had started up a journal, my apologies for not being more conscientious. :) Something struck me while reading, you were using one product and it wasn't working. Then, you started another product and, rightfully so, are waiting to see if it falls short too. Might you simply have product build up? Do you ACV rinse at all? Over the years, even before I started to allow my hair to grow long, I would always get a product build up; perhaps, not in the way most people think, my hair simply became immune to a product over time.

I would notice this when I used to go to a salon to get my hair cut. Everytime, I'd come away and my hair felt, somehow, lighter, better feeling. I finally asked my hair-cutter about it and they suggested that I switch shampoos every once in awhile. I followed this advice and lo' and behold! They were right. My hair had acquired, if you will, an immunity to the product I was using. I wonder if an ACv rinse might restore your excellent results with your old favored product or, should your new product follow the same path?

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 20th, 2005 at 1:48am

wrote on Aug 19th, 2005 at 9:53pm:
Maroula, I just noticed that you had started up a journal, my apologies for not being more conscientious. :) Something struck me while reading, you were using one product and it wasn't working. Then, you started another product and, rightfully so, are waiting to see if it falls short too. Might you simply have product build up? Do you ACV rinse at all? Over the years, even before I started to allow my hair to grow long, I would always get a product build up; perhaps, not in the way most people think, my hair simply became immune to a product over time.


My hair had acquired, if you will, an immunity to the product I was using. I wonder if an ACv rinse might restore your excellent results with your old favored product or, should your new product follow the same path?

NaturalRogue, don't worry about missing my little journal, I only just started and it's really only to keep track of my using LML.

You have asked a very good question.  I am a sloppy writer in some instances.  My brain is usually way ahead of my fingers and thus I forget great amounts of information at times.   :-[

I never use a product exclusively. LML will actually be the first product line I use without rotating with something else.  

I used to clarify with ACV, I made my own herb infused ACV that sits in my fridge when I need it.  I hate the scent, I truly do, lol, but I use it when I need to.  I had used it with the Ojon and traded off with other product brands, but something about the Ojon just sat on my hair.  Gabi had the same results with it that I did, so it wasn't just my imagination.

I really think it was just a combination of alot of stress and changes in my diet coupled with a product that really was just too heavy for my fine hair. :)

LML has alot of different shampoos and conditioners to rotate with, so that works for me.  Right now everything seems to be working well, clarifying by either shampoo or ACV will be a definite along the way.

Thank you so much for all your suggestions, I really do appreciate it.   :-*


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 1:49am
Jumped back into the gym after nearly a year...my body is not happy with me right now. :P

It is so very hot and humid today, my poor hair.  It looked really good after I washed it, I scrunched a bit of Aubrey's MM into the ends, front and then a bit throughout.  Lots of waves and a couple of loose curls, however, as soon as I combed it most came out.  I don't like how my hair looks uncombed, too thin and piecey.  If my hair was a bit fuller I wouldn't mind so much.  I may have to mix up a batch of lavendar mist to mist the waves back in after combing.  That usually keeps it looking fuller.

I can't wait for my order from LML to come.  It's longer this time than last time, however, Gabi said there was a holiday last week.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Sakina on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 4:23am
Maroula, be careful not to overtrain while getting back into a regular exercise routine.  Be patient with the process and you'll be happier and healthier!  I recommend a hot bath w/epsom salts to help w/muscle soreness-its cheap and effective.  Keep up w/your pure water intake also.  Be sure to stretch after your work out-it will decrease lactic acid buildup (which is what causes the muscle soreness).  If your gym has a sauna or steamroom these can also help your recovery.  Sleep is one of the most important factors in allowing your body to repair itself.
Congratulations on getting yourself back to the gym, that 1st step is always the hardest.

Yay, Maroula!!

I'm waiting on LML, too.  Sure hope it comes tomorrow!!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 6:39am
Hey Maroula  ;D

Have you tried scrunching with the #10b and a little water after it's dry.  I plan to experiment with that.  #19 is also recommended for use as a kind of gel.

I don't know for sure if Monday was a Canadian holiday :-/

Did you get a sample of LM's "non-salt" - I have no idea what the composition is but I think I like it - I've been using it after running and I think they may be an electrolite boost.

You know what this means don't ya - I'm going to have to do another order *yikes*...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 1:58am

wrote on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 4:23am:
Maroula, be careful not to overtrain while getting back into a regular exercise routine.  Be patient with the process and you'll be happier and healthier!  I recommend a hot bath w/epsom salts to help w/muscle soreness-its cheap and effective.  Keep up w/your pure water intake also.  Be sure to stretch after your work out-it will decrease lactic acid buildup (which is what causes the muscle soreness).  If your gym has a sauna or steamroom these can also help your recovery.  Sleep is one of the most important factors in allowing your body to repair itself.
Congratulations on getting yourself back to the gym, that 1st step is always the hardest.

Yay, Maroula!!

I'm waiting on LML, too.  Sure hope it comes tomorrow!!

Thanks Sakina!  I don't like baths that much, too big for the tub. :P lol

I am going slow, I took today off, I'll be back tomorrow.  I only went for about a half hour each of the three days I went.  I stretch before I start and try to remember afterwards, thanks for the reminder. :)  I weighed in today and almost lost all that I gained when my hubby was in the hospital.  3.5 lbs to goal!   :D

My sent ticket was waiting in my email  today when I got home from work this evening, yay!!  Did you get your order today?

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 2:00am

wrote on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 6:39am:
Hey Maroula  ;D

Have you tried scrunching with the #10b and a little water after it's dry.  I plan to experiment with that.  #19 is also recommended for use as a kind of gel.

I don't know for sure if Monday was a Canadian holiday :-/

Did you get a sample of LM's "non-salt" - I have no idea what the composition is but I think I like it - I've been using it after running and I think they may be an electrolite boost.

You know what this means don't ya - I'm going to have to do another order *yikes*...g

I tried scrunching with the #10b on Sunday,  I liked how it looked alot...I'll have to play around with it and see what I can live with. ;)

No, I didn't get any 'non-salt' yet, but it sounds interesting.

How many orders have you made already dear? lol

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Sakina on Aug 24th, 2005 at 4:19am

wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 1:58am:
Thanks Sakina!  I don't like baths that much, too big for the tub. :P lol

I am going slow, I took today off, I'll be back tomorrow.  I only went for about a half hour each of the three days I went.  I stretch before I start and try to remember afterwards, thanks for the reminder. :)  I weighed in today and almost lost all that I gained when my hubby was in the hospital.  3.5 lbs to goal!   :D

My sent ticket was waiting in my email  today when I got home from work this evening, yay!!  Did you get your order today?

I also have a sent ticket, estimated date of delivery is the 28th, which is a Sunday.

Congratulations on your 3.5# decrease!  Sorry to hear hubby was in hospital.  I hope he's better.  Sure is stressful when loved ones are unwell.

Keep up the good work, if you hit a plateau pm me and I'll cheer you on!!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 24th, 2005 at 7:59am

wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 1:58am:
Thanks Sakina!  I don't like baths that much, too big for the tub. :P lol

I am going slow, I took today off, I'll be back tomorrow.  I only went for about a half hour each of the three days I went.  I stretch before I start and try to remember afterwards, thanks for the reminder. :)  I weighed in today and almost lost all that I gained when my hubby was in the hospital.  3.5 lbs to goal!   :D

My sent ticket was waiting in my email  today when I got home from work this evening, yay!!  Did you get your order today?

Excuse Me  :o -3.5 to goal

And don't believe her Sakina - she's still thinking way bigger than she is and the picture doesn't properly represent because it got squished.

*cough cough* as to how often I have ordered.  Weeellllllll, I'm about to do it again - salts, split nippers, maybe some face cream, oh, this n' that  ;D ... g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 11:16am
Sakina my estimated delivery date is the 29th, we should be getting packs around the same time. :)  I got my first package from them 2 days after the sent ticket, so according to that I would have it today, but you know how the mail is. :P

Hubby is better now, but this is going to be an ungoing thing for him, being in and out of hospitals.  We have done this before.  Hubby is a kidney transplant receipient and the transplanted kidney is failing.  So he is back on dialysis while waiting for a new one.  

Thank you for the encouragement, that is so sweet of you!  Gabi is my personal cheerleader and I think has helped me lose quite of few of those 83 lbs just by listening to her cheers.  :D  

Have a great day!  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 11:18am
Gabi, you are the best, don't forget it.   :-*

And I think I'm gonna have to make you list everything you've gotten outside of the magic pack to see if there is any extra purchasing in my future besides the MP.   ;)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Aug 24th, 2005 at 6:51pm
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's kidney problems, Maroula. That must be really hard for you and your family. (((Hugs)))

Congrats on getting closer go your weightloss goal! You really look like you lost a lot of weight in the picture you took in July.  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:26pm

wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 6:51pm:
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's kidney problems, Maroula. That must be really hard for you and your family. (((Hugs)))

Congrats on getting closer go your weightloss goal! You really look like you lost a lot of weight in the picture you took in July.  :)

Thank you Juri.  Yes, it's going to be hard, but we've been through this before so we know what we are in for...it makes it a bit easier, you know? :)

Thank you, as gabi said, I tend to view myself as larger than I appear to everyone else. ;)  Maybe when I get to goal it'll be easier to accept. lol

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:30pm
;D - but now it's looking more like you might outrun me and I might kick your ummm, you know  ;D...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:48pm

wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:30pm:
;D - but now it's looking more like you might outrun me and I might kick your ummm, you know  ;D...g

I may be thinner gabi, but my butt is still too high for your feet to reach.   :P

*runs away fast*

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Aug 25th, 2005 at 6:01am
I see you've changed your avatar - it looks great!  Your hair is lovely.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 25th, 2005 at 8:08am

wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:48pm:
I may be thinner gabi, but my butt is still too high for your feet to reach.   :P

*runs away fast*

See SEEEEeeeeeee - already you're talking with the fast - hey - I can always wear shoes a la Tom Cruise  ;D...wait - then I can't run, drat ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:25am

wrote on Aug 25th, 2005 at 6:01am:
I see you've changed your avatar - it looks great!  Your hair is lovely.


Lol, thank you for noticing!  It's the same picture, just not squashed like gabi said.  I was hoping it would help spur me on a bit in losing the last couple of pounds. :P

I will try and get a new picture posted next week, I'm on vacation and so is hubby, so I'll chase him with the camera. ;)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:26am

wrote on Aug 25th, 2005 at 8:08am:
See SEEEEeeeeeee - already you're talking with the fast - hey - I can always wear shoes a la Tom Cruise  ;D...wait - then I can't run, drat ...g

Lol...trust me gabi, you will always be faster than me. ;)

Tom Cruise...eww. :P

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:32am
Went to the gym last night, gotta remember to stretch afterwards, I keep forgetting.  ::)

Hubby met with his trainer last night, which I felt was so very important for him.  He showed him how all the machines work and at what settings he should have them.  Then he showed him how to stretch after every machine, using the machine itself.  Very cool.  He learned he was breathing wrong.  ;D

Still using the LML and waiting for my surprise basket.  The sent ticket had the 26th on it, not the 28th, so I should have it hopefully by tomorrow.  

I remember to scritch at night while reading TLL, lol, and remember to scritch before I wash...but I never seem awake enough to remember to oil.  Gotta get that habit going this week.  

I work today and tomorrow, then I'm off until the day after (USA) Labor Day!! Woohoo!!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:33am
HEY!! I'm a sapphire!   :o

How awesome!!!   :D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Lisabelle on Aug 25th, 2005 at 12:07pm
Congrats on being a sapphire!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 25th, 2005 at 4:59pm
Congrats! :) Saaayyy, Nice new avatar! I see you've also snuck in Denise and Beatnik Guy...?

added a word

Title: =pRe: Maroula's new start
Post by panpeus on Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:29pm
Congrats on being a sapphire!  I always forget to stretch after working out, too. =p

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 26th, 2005 at 1:56am
Lisabelle thank you very much!   :)

Anais Satin thank you, and yes, that's Chris and Denise.  :)

The original picture I think is posted over at another hair board. :)

panpeus thanks!  Yeah, it's hard to remember to stretch.  Hopefully the trainer tomorrow will show me how to incorporate it into the circuit and then it will be easier. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 26th, 2005 at 2:07am
Yay!!!  I got my LML 95'er surprise basket in the mail today.  ;D  I also got my Villianess order of soaps as well today.  I love her soaps. hmmmmmm  :-*

I also ordered a #11 Magic spray and used it a bit this evening, very nice.  Not heavy at all, comes out as a light mist...I think I'm going to love this little item.

Gabi and Sakina, maybe you two can help me with some instructions on which shampoos to use with which conditioners and when.  I saw on LML's site, she said to rotate every 3 days, and in between use the BTN duo.

I received a small set of BTN, I guess that's to share with a friend? Ha, it's MINE!  :P  And a beautiful scrunchie that's different than the first one.  These were my gifts...sorry gabi, no pops.  :-/

The whole thing was packaged in an actual two handled basket, nice touch.  

I got a big jar of the Honey Bee Long Intensive treatment, a big bottle of the #9 Trees conditioner,  #17 Lilith Rinse, and #10-A Protein Oil Treatment.  

I also received a small bottle of the #27 Chill Out, and small bottles of Lava, Camo and Shampouzo shampoos.

Help.  ???

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 26th, 2005 at 6:49am

wrote on Aug 26th, 2005 at 2:07am:
Yay!!!  I got my LML 95'er surprise basket in the mail today.  ;D  I also got my Villianess order of soaps as well today.  I love her soaps. hmmmmmm  :-*

I also ordered a #11 Magic spray and used it a bit this evening, very nice.  Not heavy at all, comes out as a light mist...I think I'm going to love this little item.

Gabi and Sakina, maybe you two can help me with some instructions on which shampoos to use with which conditioners and when.  I saw on LML's site, she said to rotate every 3 days, and in between use the BTN duo.

I received a small set of BTN, I guess that's to share with a friend? Ha, it's MINE!  :P  And a beautiful scrunchie that's different than the first one.  These were my gifts...sorry gabi, no pops.  :-/

The whole thing was packaged in an actual two handled basket, nice touch.  

I got a big jar of the Honey Bee Long Intensive treatment, a big bottle of the #9 Trees conditioner,  #17 Lilith Rinse, and #10-A Protein Oil Treatment.  

I also received a small bottle of the #27 Chill Out, and small bottles of Lava, Camo and Shampouzo shampoos.

Help.  ???

Ah - here you is *snerk*.  I think I can handle this one with Ms. Sakina.

Any conditioner with any shampoo.  The shampoos I think she would either have you use the (always the same one three days in a row, unless you miss more than one day) any of the shampoos for three days and then #2 for three days OR use the shampoos sequence you want but again no more than three days in a row and then go back to #2.  Going back to #2 for three days is never wrong - that n' #10b are the bread n' butter (yumm).  The #2 does not have to be with #10b but to re-balance I have a hunch it works best.

#17 Lilith - it is a hummer of a feel - but don't get carried away - you only use it with #9 and you only use it at most twice a week - it and #9 both are the most closing of cuticles, using them together you'll be slam shut.  You can either use #17 after #9 in the shower as a total rinse out, and/or as a re-treat the usual way after you are out.

#10a - is also no more than once or twice a week - better for most people spread into two weeks.  Most hair (mine) can't take it more than two days in a row - it'll get snarly or just weird on you.  But two days in a row can be very nice.  

#19 has a lot of possible uses (which I haven't even tried) but for now - #19 is used as a double up with #9 (always #9 after #19).  You can put it on after your latherings (don't try to detangle, because it's not meant to and it won't) the same as your other conditioners, you know, bottom up, scrub into scalp just like a shampoo scrubbing; leave it on as long as you have, rinse and put on the #9 the usual way for flexi'ing letting set and rinse.  The two differences in #9 is you will use two to three times as much as #10b, it'll just feel right, and after you flexipik it for detangling, before you let it set, slick over another application over all the hair - just a little, no scrubbing.   Rinse the usual way and re-treat only with #13 or only #10b.


You do your latherings - put on and scrub the #19, wrap it in plastic, get out of shower, slap on towel or heat cap, let set for 20 to 30 min; get back in - don't detangle; put on the #9 just like above and finish.  Optimum for this is two days in a row every two weeks - but using it every week is great too, either the short session or long.  Oh, #19 is also a great face and body moisturizer so don't let anything hit the floor

#9 can also be used with any of the shampoos by itself (without the #19) but re-treat is still #10b.  I usually do just 2 days in a row but you can go way longer as long as it "feels right".

Watch the feel of your hair on the #11 Spray - only on totally dry according to the site and IIRC she says two to four times per week.  I would guess that many use it way more than that.  I'm not even using mine yet.

and finally - I can't believe you didn't get a lollipop, I'd bitch  ??? :(ROTF - we got GOOOoooood filters here

If I got gobbledy gooked - please ask for more clarification and I'm sure Sakina will help too...hugs and enjoy, gabi

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 26th, 2005 at 11:54pm
Gabi I went with the Camo shampoo and the #9 trees conditioner.  I followed it with #17 Lilith and then retreated with #17.  I think I used a bit too much on the retreat, but my hair is sooooo soft and smooth.  Not much frizz, but then that has been getting better the last few days anyway because the weather has been awesome.  Tomorrow I'll skip the #17, and on the third day in this rotation, I'll try it again without the retreat.  :)

Oh, and gabila...the surprise basket is actually cheaper than buying the products seperately at member prices.  The only size I was not sure about was for the Honey Bee long, I can't tell if it's an 8oz or a 16oz.  I would assume it's an 8oz.  I estimated prices on the shampoos, because I don't have the numbers for them.  I have the numbers for everything else though.

I have to say, I can't get over how my hair looks just combing.  I used to HATE how it looked unless I brushed it.  It was always so thin and piecey looking and had that "hair that really needs to be combed" look to it.  I haven't used a brush since I started with the LML, and I think it's really making a difference on the really humid days. :P

This has been a full month (missing I think two days that I skipped washing) of using this product, with no clarifying and my hair looks better daily.  Today was the first day that I didn't use the BTN duo.  I must say I was one of the doubters of this line, thinking it was all talk and hot air.  I had used the product and liked it, but used it in rotation with other products.  So far so good, and hopefully in another month I will have money saved for a MP and by that time I should know if this is really the product line for me.  

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 26th, 2005 at 11:59pm
Today was my last day at work until the day after Labor day!  WOOHOOO!!!

I met up with the trainer at the gym today, and she was very nice and had such a pretty southern accent.  :D  

She made me go over on the 'guys' side of the gym...very intimidated I was, yes I am a wussy amazon, what of it?  luckily there were only about 2 or 3 guys over there.  She had me do three machines there, and then we went back to the other side for 3 others and some crunches.

My legs are all wobbly. :P  I went home had a small dinner and then treated myself to a Venti Java Chip Frappachino light.  yummmm

Tomorrow I'll work on cardio and then Sunday back to weights. :P

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 27th, 2005 at 6:37pm
I am definitely staying here...I like the people here, and they have welcomed me with open arms, despite my little perculiarities (especially my poor spelling).   :-*


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:24pm
I'm so glad you've decided to stay.  I enjoy reading your posts.  I've not noticed any peculiarities - and if there were any - we are a forgiving group!  ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:29pm

wrote on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:24pm:
I'm so glad you've decided to stay.  I enjoy reading your posts.  I've not noticed any peculiarities - and if there were any - we are a forgiving group!  ;D

Awww, thank you!  ((hugs))   :D

*goes to hide the whips and chains*

*lets out the long haired men from the dungeon*

*calls cult leader to call off the meeting tonight*


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:31pm
8) I wondered where all the long haired men were - NOW I know!  ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Aug 27th, 2005 at 10:45pm

wrote on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:29pm:
*goes to hide the whips and chains*

*lets out the long haired men from the dungeon*

*calls cult leader to call off the meeting tonight*


Heehee! I saw that cabana-boy bit you wrote on the LHC LML thread (I'm assuming that was you because I don't know anyone else named Amazon who uses LML and has cabana boys at her beck and call)!

I'm glad you're here, Maroula! I'm happy I'm not the only one hre who makes spelling misteks. ^_^

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 1:22am

wrote on Aug 27th, 2005 at 7:31pm:
8) I wondered where all the long haired men were - NOW I know!  ;D



Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 1:23am

wrote on Aug 27th, 2005 at 10:45pm:
Heehee! I saw that cabana-boy bit you wrote on the LHC LML thread (I'm assuming that was you because I don't know anyone else named Amazon who uses LML and has cabana boys at her beck and call)!

I'm glad you're here, Maroula! I'm happy I'm not the only one hre who makes spelling misteks. ^_^

Thank you Juri!!!  Yep, that was me.  ;D

I'm so glad I'm here too!


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 1:36am
I tried the LML camo shampoo again with the #9 conditioner and nothing else.

Somewhere along the line I messed something up because I wound up with big pouffy hair that appeared frizzy. :P  I did not retreat afterwards, however when the canopy was dry, I retreated with the #10b layered with hot water.  That helped a bit.  It took longer to dry today, than the other days, that may have been one of the problems.  I timed myself to go out gift shopping and started combing and playing with my hair and realized it wasn't completely dry.  

Once it was I sprayed with #11, and that helped a bit.

Tomorrow I will retreat with Lilith and see how that is.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Sakina on Aug 28th, 2005 at 2:06am
Maroula, I find my hair gets dry w/the camo, too.  I usually do #2 (boy, that sounds gross!) inbetween each of the 3 days I do camo otherwise I think it is too drying.  I'd bet you could do the two days of the protein treatment w/the camo and it would be less drying 'cause you use the #10-B after the protein treatment.

I got my package today  ;D, my gifts were a small set of #2 & #10-B and a Baby Bliss Balm.  Do you have any of the balm?  I'm not sure how to use it.  I emailed 'em and hope they'll send me some directions!

I'm glad you're hanging out w/us!  

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 2:13am

wrote on Aug 28th, 2005 at 2:06am:
Maroula, I find my hair gets dry w/the camo, too.  I usually do #2 (boy, that sounds gross!) inbetween each of the 3 days I do camo otherwise I think it is too drying.  I'd bet you could do the two days of the protein treatment w/the camo and it would be less drying 'cause you use the #10-B after the protein treatment.

I got my package today  ;D, my gifts were a small set of #2 & #10-B and a Baby Bliss Balm.  Do you have any of the balm?  I'm not sure how to use it.  I emailed 'em and hope they'll send me some directions!

I'm glad you're hanging out w/us!  

Ooo, maybe I'll do the protein treatment tomorrow.  I'll see how that goes for me. :)  Thank you Sakina!!  :D  Oops, forgot to add, no I don't have the Bliss balm yet.  I am contemplating a tiny order while I get my money together for a MP.  ;)

I have a picture of today's hair...that's how I know it was pouffy, lol.  It doesn't look so bad, and more of my waves show than I thought.  I'll post the picture next to my avatar picture so you can see the difference.  I think, even though it's not at it's best, I still like how it looks better than the other picture. :P

:D  I'm so happy to be here....and all the parties going on today make me impatient for mine! Rofl!!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 2:16am
Side by side comparisons of before LML and a month later.  I am posting this as a comparison for myself even though I am not crazy about how my hair looks today. :P  I will try for a different pic during the week.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Aug 28th, 2005 at 6:54am
Ooh your hair looks shinier in the second pic!  :D


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Aug 28th, 2005 at 7:47am
I agree! Your hair definately looks shinier in the second pic. It's amazing when I see what LML's products can do.  :D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 11:30am
Oh, Khrome and Juri, thank you so much!!   You are both so sweet!  :D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 11:35am
Ok, today I broke the pattern and went with the shampoozoua instead of camo again or the #2.  The only excuse I have is that I felt like it.   :P  Scritched last night and this morning scritched, oiled, and scritched again.

I followed that with the #10a for 15-20 mins in a shower cap while I shaved my legs.  Yes, it takes me that long because they are long legs and I go alllllll the way up.   ;D

Took my hair down and rinsed and flexipicked and rinsed some more.

Put it in a towel while I dried and dressed, took it down, let it rest and then smooth combed it.  Retreated with #10b and a bit of gel at the crown and I am NOT touching it.   ;)

I'll see how it looks later.  So far I have the waves back at the bottom that I have always had until yesterday.  I think somewhere I really did mess up.  I'll try that combo again in a couple of weeks and see if I can correct it.

*edited to add picture of today's hair.  The waves are smoother at the end being that I bunned it for the time I was in the car going to a relative's house...aprox 45 mins.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Aug 28th, 2005 at 10:22pm
Nice! I like the new avatar too!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 28th, 2005 at 10:28pm

wrote on Aug 28th, 2005 at 10:22pm:
Nice! I like the new avatar too!

Thank you Juri!  I like this picture much better than the other one.  This is how my hair has been looking the past couple of weeks.  There is alot more shine than you can see in that picture, my lighting is poor in my bathroom.  :P  If the sun ever comes out this week, I'll try for a natural light shot.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 29th, 2005 at 12:53am
Whoo hoo!  Your hair is really looking good!  I just may have to rethink LML, but I'm just not sure I can handle daily washing..... my hair takes sooooo long to dry.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 29th, 2005 at 1:54am

wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 12:53am:
Whoo hoo!  Your hair is really looking good!  I just may have to rethink LML, but I'm just not sure I can handle daily washing..... my hair takes sooooo long to dry.

Thank you Bikerbraid!  I am very happy with the line, but it isn't for everyone.  You have very long hair and from what I can tell it looks about twice as thick.  One of your double braids looks to be about the thickness of just my one braid.  ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 29th, 2005 at 8:52am
Oy Maroula - that avatar pic is stunning - and I must say that blue is fabulous with your hair too.

Looking fabulous, really really fabulous ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 29th, 2005 at 9:46am

wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 8:52am:
Oy Maroula - that avatar pic is stunning - and I must say that blue is fabulous with your hair too.

Looking fabulous, really really fabulous ...g

*blush*  Thank you gabi!   :D  

I'm working at it. ;)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 29th, 2005 at 10:23am
OMG started my day bright and early because I couldn't go back to sleep after waking hubby at 4am for dialysis.

So at 5:45 I went to the gym, swallowed my nervousness and walked over to the big weights side of the gym and worked out on the machines the trainer suggested to me.  It all went very well and I am not as sore or wobbly today.  :)

Yet.   ::)

Last night I gave in to temptation and ordered a couple of items from LML that wouldn't be in the magic pack...a small wavy soft gel and a small hairspray to try.  I also got a small bliss tips oil just to see what that is like...I figured it's supposed to become part of the routine, I might as well start incorporating it into it.

I have half the money saved for a magic pack, in about 3 weeks I should have it all painlessly.  By that time I will know if this system is right for me...so far so good. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:40am
Today I washed my hair again with the shampouza and used the protein treatment again under a cap for 15-20 mins while I washed and shaved.  The LML site said to use the protein treatment for 2 days in a row and to use the shampoos for 3 days in rotation.  But I had used the camo for 2 days and didn't go back to the #2, so tomorrow I use the BTN duo for a 2 or 3 day rotation then try my last new shampoo, lava. :)

Then by next week I can try the #19 honey bee long!  It sounds and smells yummy!

*edited to add:

I retreated a bit with the #10-B and used a bit of gel to try and set some waves.  All was well until I tried to comb my hair out, then it frizzed a bit.  It was understandable, in that I blew it out a bit for some lift and that frizzes my hair at times.  It was also extremely humid today, so I spritzed a bit with #11 and that helped.

As much as I dislike the scent of the Chill out spray, it is SO good for sunburns!  My shoulders and a bit of my chest and the back of my neck got too much sun.  The Chill out took the pain away and makes it feel so much better.   :D  It's also great on bug bites, of which I have a few.  For those two things, it is definitely something that I will always have for the summer.

I really should use it on my scalp.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Aug 30th, 2005 at 8:21am
ROTF - yes, scalp would be good  8)

I love it when you shop, then you can tell me what to order next *arrrrgh*.  OK OK the comb.

So are ya going to go heavy on the weights - we need some details like specific weight and reps.  Sheesh, I so need to get going on that myself ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 30th, 2005 at 12:41pm

wrote on Aug 30th, 2005 at 8:21am:
ROTF - yes, scalp would be good  8)

I love it when you shop, then you can tell me what to order next *arrrrgh*.  OK OK the comb.

Well gabi, as I said the smoother comb is very like the Kent comb...I don't remember if you said you had the Kent.  That particular Kent happens to be my very favorite comb and I misplaced it, so I am thrilled with the smoother comb.  I will probably buy a second to have one for the house and one for my bag.

However, your hair is alot wavier than mine is, so I am not sure if you would use it as often as I would.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 30th, 2005 at 12:45pm

wrote on Aug 30th, 2005 at 8:21am:
So are ya going to go heavy on the weights - we need some details like specific weight and reps.  Sheesh, I so need to get going on that myself ...g

Details.   8)

The trainer explained that women should do more reps with lighter weights because our muscles are different than men.  I do 3 sets of 15 reps on all machine, including the abs bench.  

First machine is a laying leg press (my favorite),


The platform weighs about 50 lbs and I add 10 # to a side, so a total of approx. 70 lbs.  That's the machine I feel the most, but the second time I used it I didn't hurt so much afterwards.

Then I go to do lifts using my toes.  This is the hardest machine for me because of my ankle, my left leg doesn't raise and fall properly, but I was told, do what I can and it will help strengthen my left leg...which I need.


It's what he's doing with his toes, but the machine is different, you are sort of sitting and the work is all with the feet.  Machine is set to 25 lbs.

I move on to this standing rack that's about 9' high and goes across about 12'.  The part I use gets set up with this rope in this postion:


It's on a locking pulley, set to 25 lbs.  Locked in the top position above your head, you pull it down below your stomach and out to the sides and bring it back up to your stomach with your elbows tucked to your sides at all times. This works the triceps.  Lower the pulley to the floor and lock it, raising the rope to stomach level and lift and pull out to the sides.  This works the biceps.

Both moves I believe work the shoulders as well.

Next is the abs crunch.  It's a bench with your legs raised.  You actually have handles on the sides which raise part of the bench to support your back and neck while you do the crunches.  Much more comfortable than anything else I've ever used and you really feel it in your abs.

Last two machines is the leg extensions, set to 25 lbs, but I'm bumping that 5 or 10# the next time I go in:


And the leg curl, also 25# going up next time:


Some ab crunches on the floor, stretches and I'm done.  I alternate this with walks on the treadmills and am trying to get use to the elipticle machine.  Now There's a workout!

Hope you understood all that...and these are only a tiny portion of what they have there, machine wise.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 31st, 2005 at 12:50pm
Went back to the rotation of LML #2 and #10b.  Decided to color my hair last night with the Robert Craig Chocolate brown.  My roots were driving me nuts. :P  The nice thing about this hair color is my natural color is nearly identical to this shade.  The only thing you saw on the roots was the grey, no other line.

The Robert Craig comes with a small bottle of shampoo to use afterwards.  I put it aside with the last one to give to my friend and used the #2 and #10b.   ;D

This morning I went with the Lava and #9.  No retreat, I'll see how that is and post later.

Workout will be tonight, I woke up feeling blah, I think it was the chocolate entennman's donuts and peanut butter bars that did it.   :o

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 31st, 2005 at 2:51pm

wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 1:54am:
Thank you Bikerbraid!  I am very happy with the line, but it isn't for everyone.  You have very long hair and from what I can tell it looks about twice as thick.  One of your double braids looks to be about the thickness of just my one braid.  ;D

The braids are deceptive.  The 5 strand braid is flat and in the photo it looks thicker than it really is.  (I wish it was as thick as it was when I was younger.  :-/  My single braid today would be the thickness of one of my braids when I was in my twenties).  Oh well.....

It is always nice when you find a product(s) that work for you - congrats.  Hope it continues to do well for you.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Aug 31st, 2005 at 2:57pm
Bikerbraid, my hair is alot thinner than it used to be as well.  Gotta love getting older.   ;)

Thank you, I hope the products keep working for me as well...if they don't, there's plenty more to choose from.   ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 1st, 2005 at 1:09am
This morning I went with the Lava and #9, did not retreat, and bunned it for about an hour or so.  

It was very soft and not frizzy.  Beautiful waves that held all day and no poofiness even with the high winds today.

So far this is my favorite combo along with the BTN duo.  I'll use it for two more days and then one or two days with the BTN and then for the #19 honey bee long.   ;D  Yay!

Went to the gym tonight and did halve my weight machines because there were too many men on that side of the room and a couple of the machines were being used.  So I just went and managed 10 whole minutes on the eliptical machine.   ::)  It isn't alot, but let me say, that machine is hard!

In the morning, I hit the gym early and do my weights...we go walking through Chinatown tomorrow and will be going to this great restaurant that gives you tons of delicious food.  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:46am
Yikes - I've been neglecting you.

:o weights post - and yes, 10 minutes on the eliptical is a real huffer.

So - sometime soon we can expect the bikini pictures - your hair will be down to your teeny little bottom  :D.

#19 - let no drop go unused - face, legs - anything that's dry or sensitive.  Unlike #9 which you might not want to get where it's tooo sensitive  ;)...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 1st, 2005 at 9:31pm

wrote on Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:46am:
Yikes - I've been neglecting you.

:o weights post - and yes, 10 minutes on the eliptical is a real huffer.

So - sometime soon we can expect the bikini pictures - your hair will be down to your teeny little bottom  :D.

#19 - let no drop go unused - face, legs - anything that's dry or sensitive.  Unlike #9 which you might not want to get where it's tooo sensitive  ;)...g

You have not been neglecting me...I understand. :)

There will be NO bikini pictures!  Not even a regular bathing, nope, no way, uh ah!  This butt is never gonna be teeny...it doesn't know teeny. :P Lol!

Yes, ma'am, do not waste the #19...if you drop some, slop it up and stick it on the body...yes ma'am.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:15am
Even da feetsies love it  ;D ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:16am

wrote on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:15am:
Even da feetsies love it  ;D ...g


I think you are spending too much time in that shower....  lol

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:21am
Yup - I can't seem to get my ears dry LOL ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:27am

wrote on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:21am:
Yup - I can't seem to get my ears dry LOL ...g

Still wet behind the ears?  lol

Oh, I have to say, my very favorite combo right now is #?? Lava (hehe) and #9.  :)  When you scrub #9 in and leave it for 15 mins or so, you get one major buzz on on your scalp.  Feels soooo good, though.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 5:59pm
I am very sad (sad in pathetic).  

I went to Chinatown and bought a Mango Green Tea Bubble Tea.

I am now officially addicted to bubble tea.   :-/

There is no place around here that sells bubble tea.   :'(

We are making a road trip after dinner to a town about 30 mins away so I can have my fix.

I am a sad being.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 7:36pm
I love Chinatown (in San Francisco, that is.)  Is that where you went?  

I have never heard of bubble tea - it sounds yummy.

I really like having tea at the Imperial Tea Court.  I don't know the address off the top of my head, but it's probably on their site somewhere http://www.imperialtea.com/

They're pricey, but it's worth it.  I especially like Imperial Dragonwell and Bi Luo Chun (greens) and Imperial Yunnan Gold (black)


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 4th, 2005 at 12:11am

wrote on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 7:36pm:
I love Chinatown (in San Francisco, that is.)  Is that where you went?  

I have never heard of bubble tea - it sounds yummy.

I really like having tea at the Imperial Tea Court.  I don't know the address off the top of my head, but it's probably on their site somewhere http://www.imperialtea.com/

They're pricey, but it's worth it.  I especially like Imperial Dragonwell and Bi Luo Chun (greens) and Imperial Yunnan Gold (black)


Nope, I'm on the other side of the States. :)  I live on Long Island in NY, we went to Chinatown in NYC.

I know there are places all over California, let me look to see if I can find a link or two for you.

Here is an article on Bubble Tea:


This is where we went in Manhattan:


And here are some locations:


Looks like there's going to be one in SF Chinatown. But there are a few others in San Francisco. :)

If you go khrome, let me know how you liked it.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Sep 4th, 2005 at 2:41am

wrote on Sep 4th, 2005 at 12:11am:
Nope, I'm on the other side of the States. :)  I live on Long Island in NY, we went to Chinatown in NYC.

I know there are places all over California, let me look to see if I can find a link or two for you.

Here is an article on Bubble Tea:


This is where we went in Manhattan:


And here are some locations:


Looks like there's going to be one in SF Chinatown. But there are a few others in San Francisco. :)

If you go khrome, let me know how you liked it.

Oooh I've heard of boba!  There's a place in town that makes them, but they're not just a boba tea place.  They make all things tapioca.   :o  I haven't tried it, but I will the next time I'm in that area.  The woman in the article didn't like Thai Ice Tea, but I do (in moderation - it is rather sweet.)  So that means I'll probably really like boba.  :D


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 4th, 2005 at 11:49am

wrote on Sep 4th, 2005 at 2:41am:
Oooh I've heard of boba!  There's a place in town that makes them, but they're not just a boba tea place.  They make all things tapioca.   :o  I haven't tried it, but I will the next time I'm in that area.  The woman in the article didn't like Thai Ice Tea, but I do (in moderation - it is rather sweet.)  So that means I'll probably really like boba.  :D


All things tapioca?  Like what for instance?

I actually dislike tapioca pudding, but I love bubble tea.  We found that one lone place on this island that makes it.....it was soooooo good!  I brought one back for my friend and she went gaga over the lotus green tea with tapioca pearls in it.

Have a great time when you go! :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 5th, 2005 at 12:40am

Had my vacation week this week, and we went out alot.  I busted 'but' at the gym all week but made extremely poor food choices because "I wanted to".  

Let's just say, my body is on strike right now and I will be as strict as possible this upcoming week.  Natural foods and nothing processed.

*groan*   :-X

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Sep 5th, 2005 at 7:42am
So your head will be clear and I can hit you with a bunch of new *you know* sometime this week.

BTW - Jillie has to get her tooth pulled  :'(...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 5th, 2005 at 11:49am

wrote on Sep 5th, 2005 at 7:42am:
So your head will be clear and I can hit you with a bunch of new *you know* sometime this week.

BTW - Jillie has to get her tooth pulled  :'(...g

I'll be waiting patiently.  ;)

Poor Jillie!!  :(  Give her some hugs and love from me.

And some hugs for you too going through that with her. (((hugs)))

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 5th, 2005 at 11:53am
Feeling better today and the scale finally went down 3 pounds...sheesh, I won't be doing anything that stupid again in a loooong time.   :P :-X

Went to the gym early and popped the weights up a bit on a couple of the machines.  Wanted to do the treadmill when I was done but hubby came with me and he had to run to work and we came in one car.

Did the LML #2 and #10b yesterday and my hair was not frizzy at all.  The weather has been gorgeous, low humidity, which helps alot.  I think it is also because I got a few other things in the line with that surprise basket.

Can't wait for this last order to come in.  Still saving for a magic pack. lol

*edited to add comparison pics of my hair from July, from 2 weeks ago, and from just before after taking it out of a braid...hmmm, I have no idea why my hair looks longer, I don't think it grew that much, it think it is just laying flatter:

I really need to take a picture in full light, maybe later today, the bathroom light, though brighter now than before, just isn't enough. :P

I really like LML.  It's about time I found something that works for my hair and doesn't weigh it down.  I still will keep watching it to see if it stops working for me, but it's been about 6 weeks so far and my hair is as nice as it was a year or so ago.  At that time though, I was doing leave-ins, and rinses and switching products around...I don't have time for a lot of experimenting these days, so this line looks like it has all that I need.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Sep 5th, 2005 at 7:24pm
Wow, your hair does look longer! I agree with taking a pic in full light--that way we all get to see how shiny your hair's become.  :)

Boy, all that talk of bubble tea makes me want to go to the store and get one. ^_^

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by gabi on Sep 5th, 2005 at 8:14pm
Holy Hairyness and Slimness!!!!! :o :o :o

It just gets better and better - I cannot believe what you have achieved in a year.

You look Maaah velous ...g

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Moonchild on Sep 6th, 2005 at 7:25am
WOW  :o  Your hair DOES look longer and you look like you dropped some more pounds.....

Do you like blue? Or is that coincidental?

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 6th, 2005 at 3:31pm

wrote on Sep 5th, 2005 at 7:24pm:
Wow, your hair does look longer! I agree with taking a pic in full light--that way we all get to see how shiny your hair's become.  :)

Boy, all that talk of bubble tea makes me want to go to the store and get one. ^_^

Yeah, isn't that weird? lol

Ok, next on my list is:

1  Take next picture in full light
2  See how many other people I can make fall in love with Bubble Tea.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 6th, 2005 at 3:31pm

wrote on Sep 5th, 2005 at 8:14pm:
Holy Hairyness and Slimness!!!!! :o :o :o

It just gets better and better - I cannot believe what you have achieved in a year.

You look Maaah velous ...g

Thank you sweetie!  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 6th, 2005 at 3:34pm

wrote on Sep 6th, 2005 at 7:25am:
WOW  :o  Your hair DOES look longer and you look like you dropped some more pounds.....

Do you like blue? Or is that coincidental?

Yeah, I can't get over that my hair looks longer..it measures the same since the 31st and the first pic was 3 days earlier I think.  Odd.

I think my hips did get a bit slimmer, even though it could be the way I'm standing.  Thank you though!

I do like blue, but that was a coincidence...the second picture was right before my workout in some workout clothes. ;)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 11th, 2005 at 2:53pm
Horrid week, hopefully next week is better.

Still having great hair results, will deep condition today while watching the first season of Lost DVD's to catch up before the new season starts.

Went through my hairtoys and found two pieces that I have been reluctant to give up and finally put them up on ebay.  They are just a bit too heavy for my hair, but are sooo beautiful. :(  But I figured, I could use the money to buy things that work for my hair and someone else can enjoy the beauty of these pieces.  If you want to see them, they are here:


I have to see later on if I have anything else.  I know I have these hairsticks that I think are soooo cute, but they are just a bit long for me. *pout*  Not sure if I want to give them up though, they work in my hair.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 11th, 2005 at 9:30pm

wrote on Sep 11th, 2005 at 8:58pm:
don't think you slipped by that new hair pic without anyone noticing  ;D ...g

I have no idea what you are talking about my dear.

*blink, blink*  *innocent look*


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 11th, 2005 at 9:50pm
Wait.......  let me put on my glasses  8)  There - that's better.  The shine was blinding me!   ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Sep 12th, 2005 at 3:21am

wrote on Sep 5th, 2005 at 11:53am:
I really like LML.  It's about time I found something that works for my hair and doesn't weigh it down.  I still will keep watching it to see if it stops working for me, but it's been about 6 weeks so far and my hair is as nice as it was a year or so ago.  At that time though, I was doing leave-ins, and rinses and switching products around...I don't have time for a lot of experimenting these days, so this line looks like it has all that I need.

WOW your hair is so shiney!  If my current method ever stops working, I think I will try LML next.  It seems like it really works for people.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 13th, 2005 at 10:08am
Bikerbraid thank you!  

Khrome thank you.  I'll have to see what products you use, because your hair has a wonderful shine and great body. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 13th, 2005 at 10:15am
Not such a great week.  Having a bit of a time with my son getting ready for the first week of school.  Haven't had a lot of morning time to get ready. I hate starting my days like that.

Last night I came home feeling achy, crampy, headachy etc and found an email from Darryl Pike, the Barrette Baron himself,  telling me I won the August drawing for a barrette of his.  Woohoo!  I can't wait to see what it is...I love all his pieces.


Of course then I ended the night bad as well so I am seriously hoping today is better.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 13th, 2005 at 2:06pm
Congrats on winning a barrette!  His stuff is very nice - I'm sure you'll love whatever it is.

Hope today is a better day for you. :D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Sep 13th, 2005 at 5:45pm
I hope you have a better day!

I have never seen that site before, so I must check it out next break.  :D  Wow, Carrie Fisher bought a clip from him??

Congratulations on winning a barrete!  Do you get to pick out which one you want?


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Sakina on Sep 13th, 2005 at 10:05pm
Congratulations!  I signed up for his mailing list so maybe I'll win one, too!  (now we know your real name, nee ner nee ner neeee ner)

I hope everything's going better for you.  I'd prescribe chocolate.  ;D  Oh, and washing hair at night. *nods head*

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Moonchild on Sep 14th, 2005 at 5:10am
:) Hello Miss Winner Lady! That's cool! I had not heard about that site yet, and of course - just like the rest of the crew - I went immediately and checked it out  :)
They have some cute stuff. And I have some more ideas for Christmas. YAY  8)

edited for spelling: it's wayyyyyyy to early
*yawn, streeeetch*

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 15th, 2005 at 10:10am
Thank you Bikerbraid, my week is finally getting a bit better.  Yeah, his still is really beautiful, I will post a picture of the barrette as soon as I receive it.  :)

Thanks Khrome! No, I didn't get to pick out the barrette, but I am sure it will be beautiful.

Thank you Gabi, I'm feeling better.  

*makes a note to check out the galapagos one* :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 15th, 2005 at 10:11am
Sakina, thank you very much!  And hush now about my name. :P lol

His stuff is quite beautiful, good luck!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 15th, 2005 at 10:15am
Thank you Moonchild, I am so excited! :)

Yeah, I would have thought most of you knew about his site....my mistake.  I heard about him about 3 years ago or so and signed up for his newsletters.

He has some really beautiful pieces...I am especially looking at the bun covers.  :o

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Sakina on Sep 15th, 2005 at 7:38pm

wrote on Sep 15th, 2005 at 10:11am:
Sakina, thank you very much!  And hush now about my name. :P lol

His stuff is quite beautiful, good luck!

Hee hee, sometimes I'm a little stinker!  ::)

Thanks for the luck!  Looking forward to seeing the picture of your prize.   ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Sep 16th, 2005 at 12:55am

wrote on Sep 15th, 2005 at 7:38pm:
Hee hee, sometimes I'm a little stinker!  ::)

Thanks for the luck!  Looking forward to seeing the picture of your prize.   ;D

:) Lol!

Will definitely post pictures. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 21st, 2005 at 11:44pm
Wow, it's been a couple of months since I've posted.  :-[  It was very nice to be missed, thank you to those of you that pm'd me.  What a nice feeling. :)

It's been such a busy two months.  We have pulled my son out of the HS he is in because I could not get him to go to classes.  We have him in therapy which is coming along very well and are looking into alternate placements.

Along the way, my hubby was in the hospital a couple of more times, so being able to take a breath has had to be rescheduled a few times. lol!

Here is the picture that I had promised of the barrette that I won from Darryl the Barrette Baron ( http://www.barrettebaron.com/ ):

**wow, I took a really good picture of that! lol!**

My hair is doing well enough, but not great. Stress and lack of time have not allowed me to pamper it as I would have liked.  I will be working alot from now until Christmas to make some extra money.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Nov 21st, 2005 at 11:57pm
MAROOOOOOOOULAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! It's so nice to see you again! I was wondering what happened to you. :D

I'm glad your son is doing better and I hope both you and your hubby are doing well. Since it sounds like you have a whole lot on your plate, come back and say "hello" when you have the chance.


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 12:14am
In October, hubby and I went to a wedding that was held on a boat.  I have never been to a wedding on a boat, never even heard of it before.  But, it was beautiful and a wonderful experience. :)

What was also great was neighbors that kept coming up to me and telling me how great I looked after losing all this weight.  The bride's sister almost didn't recognize me, I haven't really seen her much in the last couple of years and I have know them for about 12 years now.   :D

For those curious, the first is a picture of me from when I went to Canada in August of 2003, 5 months before I started weight watchers.  The second is a picture from on the boat, October 2005.  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 12:16am

wrote on Nov 21st, 2005 at 11:57pm:
MAROOOOOOOOULAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! It's so nice to see you again! I was wondering what happened to you. :D

I'm glad your son is doing better and I hope both you and your hubby are doing well. Since it sounds like you have a whole lot on your plate, come back and say "hello" when you have the chance.


Juri!!  :D  Thank you sweetie!!  I have been perusing around the site for a bit, and I missed everyone.  I will be getting back to posting bit by bit.  Thanks for missing me!   :D


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 1:19am
Glad to see you back.   :D

Sorry that you are having such challenges with your son - I hope you get it worked out soon.  

Sometimes real life gets very real and our hair, the internet, and other activities must take a back seat.  We are here when you have the time.  Lean on us if you need.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Moonchild on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 10:09am
Hello again  :)

Sorry to hear about all of your personal problems and challenges. At least it's going uphill again, right?

OMG I can't believe those pictures!!! I keep on wondering about WW. But Lady, you really don't look like yourself. WOW  :o

This is awesome  :)  :)  :)

I am really glad to have you back posting again.

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by juri on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 6:57pm
Heehee, you're welcome!

Wow, you look great! :o I don't think I would have recognized you either.  

I'm glad your son's therapy is working out and I hope you can find a solution to his academic difficulties. Like BB said, we're here if you need us.  :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by khrome on Nov 25th, 2005 at 2:08am
Maroula!!! I'm so glad to see you back.  I sure hope things work out for your son soon.  

WOW your before and after Weight Watchers pics look great!  Congratulations!  :D


Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 26th, 2005 at 11:54pm

wrote on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 1:19am:
Glad to see you back.   :D

Sorry that you are having such challenges with your son - I hope you get it worked out soon.  

Sometimes real life gets very real and our hair, the internet, and other activities must take a back seat.  We are here when you have the time.  Lean on us if you need.

Thank you so much bikerbraid, everyone is so great on here. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 26th, 2005 at 11:56pm

wrote on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 10:09am:
Hello again  :)

Sorry to hear about all of your personal problems and challenges. At least it's going uphill again, right?

OMG I can't believe those pictures!!! I keep on wondering about WW. But Lady, you really don't look like yourself. WOW  :o

This is awesome  :)  :)  :)

I am really glad to have you back posting again.

Thank you Moonchild...I have learned one important thing the first time around with hubby...one day, one hour at a time.  I use that in all things...when hubby is sick, in dealing with my son, and it even worked with weight watchers. :)

And thanks for the compliment...these days I don't feel the same either.  ;D

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 26th, 2005 at 11:58pm

wrote on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 6:57pm:
Heehee, you're welcome!

Wow, you look great! :o I don't think I would have recognized you either.  

I'm glad your son's therapy is working out and I hope you can find a solution to his academic difficulties. Like BB said, we're here if you need us.  :)

Thank you Juri!!  :D  I really like everyone here and how everyone comes together for everyone.  I am very happy to be part of such a wonderful group of lovely people. :)

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Maroula on Nov 27th, 2005 at 12:01am

wrote on Nov 25th, 2005 at 2:08am:
Maroula!!! I'm so glad to see you back.  I sure hope things work out for your son soon.  

WOW your before and after Weight Watchers pics look great!  Congratulations!  :D


Thank you and thank you! :)

I am going to try and not be gone that long ever again, I miss everyone too much!

Title: Re: Maroula's new start
Post by Moonchild on Dec 21st, 2005 at 11:12am
How are you?  :) I hope everything is fine with you and your family during this holiday season

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year  :)

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