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Chit Chat >> New Member Introductions >> Can_add_hair's intro

Message started by bikerbraid on Aug 5th, 2005 at 5:43pm

Title: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 5th, 2005 at 5:43pm
This was posted in the now locked "Hello" topic.  I've copied it here so everyone can give a warm LL welcome.


My name is Can_add_hair,
I am a studio owner that specializes in extensions, and corretive color, I am located in Martinsburg, WV  

Hope I can be of help to others,
My hair is about bra strap level, long layers, 2n color and framed around my face, straight, and I like matrix products. mostly Logics, clip in human hair pieces  

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 5th, 2005 at 5:45pm

Sorry for making things so complicated for you, Can_add_hair.  I just wanted to make sure everyone got to know you.  I

f you would prefer, you could start your own intro and I can delete this one.  (Or we could leave it to Gabi to delete, since she seems to like deleting things  ;D)

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 5th, 2005 at 6:10pm
I bet it makes people paranoid to know that Gabi has deleted random stuff! ;D
A big Welcome to Can_add_hair!


Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by NaturalRogue on Aug 5th, 2005 at 8:12pm
[glb]Hello and Welcome![/glb]

Psst, we shouldn't scare the newbies with gabi's deletes until their third post.  ;D

::ducking and running for cover::

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by gabi on Aug 6th, 2005 at 3:48am
Welcome Can_Add_hair

Don't pay any attention to these BRATS  ;D.

They just want me to get drunk at the upcoming party - to which you are of course invited ... searching for my glasses.

If it disappears - It's NOT my fault ...g

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by khrome on Aug 6th, 2005 at 4:43am
Welcome, Can_add_hair!  


Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by Galadriel on Aug 6th, 2005 at 10:46am
Welcome!  :D

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by greek_lady on Aug 6th, 2005 at 7:12pm
Welcome aboard!

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by PreciousLocks on Aug 8th, 2005 at 9:05pm
Welcome, Can_add_hair!

gabi - I guess you haven't deleted this yet since I've found it, unless you've learned how to un-delete too ;)

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by gabi on Aug 9th, 2005 at 2:27am
;D - that skill has so far eluded me.  But I'm working on it.

Meanwhile - I will keep my glasses verrrrrry close...g

Title: Re: Can_add_hair's intro
Post by yogagirl on Aug 9th, 2005 at 5:51pm
Welcome cann add hair!  nice to meet you!

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