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Message started by Moonchild on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 6:48pm

Title: Hello Everybody
Post by Moonchild on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 6:48pm
I am 43 years old and AGAIN I am letting my hair grow. I have quiet a few layers as well. I think this must be the 10th time that I am going thru this. Once upon a time my hair was down to my hipbone, when I went to the beauty shop and got it chopped off. It was then maybe 2 inches long. Since then I had it back below the bra strapes with layers, to my shoulders without layers, with perm and without, tried to get my hair RebaMcEntire-red,....a lot. Now I've been surfing thru the net to find some ideas on what to do with my hair. I am working in a big office, go to a lot of meetings, and I am "expected" to have my hair "done". I am seriously considering a perm to help me get over the in-between stage. (My hair can take a lot) But I've been reading all these "not-to-do's" and now I am wondering.....I look like a rag doll if I am not using at least a curling iron. Maybe I should mention that I have very little perm left in my hair, absolutely nothing anymore on top of my head, but like 3-4 inches down it still curls up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I want my hair long (again)

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 7:08pm
Growing out is sooooo tough.  Perms are really hard on the hair and usually needs to be cut off eventually.  The best thing you can do is to try to keep the hair from getting too dry and brittle.  Good conditioning and maybe some oil on the permed hair will help.  

The curling iron will also contribute to damage and dryness, but if it is necessary during the difficult awkward stages, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  Again, be sure to condition and protect as best as you can.  You might try rag or foam curlers to replace the curling iron.  They can give you lift and curl without heat.

Good luck with the growing - many of us have done it more than once as well.  We can be very sympathetic.  :D

::slaps self upside the head:::  Oh, and WELCOME!

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Moonchild on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 7:17pm
I still have some foam curlers somewhere from the last time ...thanks!

I never used one of these chat rooms before. This is pretty cool. All this info  wow

When you guys talk about all these different products, I have to say that I swear by DOVE now. My hair tends to be pretty dry, but that stuff is really good.
I also try to wash my hair only every 2 days. Sometimes I go 3, but then I really wish I would have a big rock to climb under. Luckily I did find a beauty shop where they only trim my hair like half a centimeter every time I go (every 6 weeks or so)
When we go to the beach I like to put baby oil in my hair. Is that good , bad or indifferent? Any idea?

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 7:59pm
Baby oil is mineral oil which is not good for the hair.  If you want an inexpensive oil to put in your hair for swimming, you might try olive oil or coconut oil instead.

I've not looked at the ingredients of the Dove products lately.  Previously they were pretty heavy with -cones.  Cones can coat your hair (which makes it look smooth and shiney for a while), but can "strangle" the hair causing it to become dry and brittle.  Regular clarifying shampoos or vinegar rinses can prevent this.

Glad you are finding helpful information here.  

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by MillieBelle on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 8:25pm
Welcome Moonchild!!

Is your hair styled like Reba McEntire's also? I had my hair like that, and grew it out!!!

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by khrome on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 8:46pm
Hi Moonchild, and welcome!


Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by AtlantisAllure on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 9:41pm
Hello and Welcome!! I understand how difficult it is not to do bad things to your hair such as perm and color...At the moment I am growing out black hairdye. Ick! But the more time and effort I put into my hair, the less I want to treat it poorly.

Again, welcome and I look forward to reading your posts.  ;)

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by NaturalRogue on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 10:11pm
[glb]Hello and Welcome aboard, the board![/glb]
May you find, as all of have, lots of support, great advice, and several shoulders to whine upon.  :D

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by gabi on Aug 4th, 2005 at 6:23am
Hi and Welcome  ;D

Oh how I remember the growing out pains.  And oh how I remember the perms.  It can be done but it'll be so much more pleasant for you, in even three months, if you don't.  

It sounds like you have enough length to do at least partial updo's - much easier on ya and it gives nice waves when you take it down...good luck and keep growing with us ...g

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Trisha on Aug 4th, 2005 at 12:58pm
Welcome Moonchild   :)  I'm also 43 and growing out my (layered) hair.  You've come to the right place for advice and friendship.  Hang in there and happy hair growing!

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by wishing4longhair on Aug 4th, 2005 at 2:53pm
Hi and Welcome.
Good luck trying to find out what your hair likes best. Trial and error is the key.  :)

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by panpeus on Aug 4th, 2005 at 3:41pm
Hello!  Good luck and happy growing =)

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by yogagirl on Aug 4th, 2005 at 6:32pm
I just turned 43 on Sunday,  I also use Dove but, I only condition wash.  I am using acv rinses to help prevent build up.  good luck to you!

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by greek_lady on Aug 4th, 2005 at 7:41pm
Welcome aboard Moonchild
Maybe if you can keep out of perm's way for a few more months then you'll find it's no more necessary?

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Moonchild on Aug 4th, 2005 at 7:41pm
:) Thank you all so much! I guess I have to relook all the "good" DOVE stuff........you are all so nice and friendly.....I LIKE THIS PLACE  ;D

And no, I am not wearing my hair REBA style, I just liked the color, now I am trying to go back to my natural color - darkbrown - but it seems like my hair don't want to. I discussed the perm-subject with my hubby this morning, his comment: I love your hair just the way it is. You can do anything to it, just don't cut it. He gets paranoid when I mention trimming split ends. Just gotta love him.

I had no idea that these sticks are available for hair dos. They are so pretty.
Some of my friends are laughing at me that I want to let my hair grow again "at my age"

My biggest problem is the top layer close to my face. It seems like that this part is more brittle and prone to break than the rest of them. And the way the hairdresser cut them the last time is weird too. I feel like I have to puppy ears hanging there.

Thanks again for the warm welcome! Thanks Bikerbraid for the advice with the oil and stuff. I guess, I have been doing a bunch of stuff totally wrong, when I thought I did something good.

Good night everybody. It's already almost 11 :00 here. So, definately bedtime. :D

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 4th, 2005 at 11:30pm
Glad we've been able to give you a few things to think about.

As for growing your hair out "at your age".  HA!  I'm significantly older than you and have hair past my rear.  Age has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by PreciousLocks on Aug 5th, 2005 at 12:24am
Hi Moonchild!  Welcome to LL Salon.  
I am also growing my layered hair out, again, and I'm 48.  I keep thinking each time I change my style and length I'll have found the perfect "do" and won't have to ever fuss or worry about my hair for the rest of my life.  (I live in my own little world, but it's okay, they all know me here  ;) )

I would also guess you could do some nice, professional half updos at this stage.  That would allow the remnants of the perm to show off, but keep the straighter, short layers under control.

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 5th, 2005 at 6:16pm
Welcome, Moonchild! :) You're totally going to enjoy exploring here... and I think the best part about joining a hair board is the support from people who share the same little dream. Sometimes it's the one thing what stops a person from cutting.


edited grammatical error

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by gabi on Aug 6th, 2005 at 3:45am
Geez - I forgot to mention I'm OLDE too  ;D.

I started growing it around age 50 - I'm now 54 and it's going quite well actually ...g

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Moonchild on Aug 6th, 2005 at 9:16am
I know I am repeating myself, but I am sooooo glad that I found this web site.
Seriously. I had more folks around me at work telling me that Iam to "old" to grow my hair out than not.......Well, I guess not.  :o ;D ;D ;D

I tried a few of the half up-dos. It works pretty good. It just takes some time for me to get used to it. Can I wash my hair every day, or is that bad? What kind of shampoo should I use?

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by Galadriel on Aug 6th, 2005 at 10:44am

I believe that life is too short to live it as if it was someone else's. There are always people who will tell you that you're too young, too old, too short, too tall- too anything to be positively different from everyone else. But I suspect that your goal of life is not to decorate their world, so you can just ignore them, grow a long beautiful hair and enjoy your uniqueness!  ;D
I hope you'll enjoy your longhair journey as well as your time on boards.

Title: Re: Hello Everybody
Post by gabi on Aug 6th, 2005 at 8:20pm
*gah* - those are the same people who, when you get it good 'n long will all of a sudden start stuttering and saying how much they actually do like it.

Not always and hey, like Galadriel said (paraphrasing) "it's always something" ... go for it...g

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