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Message started by khrome on Jul 29th, 2005 at 4:00am

Title: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by khrome on Jul 29th, 2005 at 4:00am
Wow I just read the neatest thing!  So I was doing a search for combs, and this site came up for tsuge combs (boxwood).  It was of a woman who had made a case for a comb that she gave to her daughter as a gift.  She made the case out of a kimono she wore 50 years ago, when she was 6.  Other scraps of the kimono went to handmade dolls.  Her crafting is amazing!  She even did the dolls hair's up traditional Japanese style.

Anyway, I just found it rather fascinating, reading about how the kimono was handed down through her family.  


If you click on the link " my childhood's kimono", you will go into the doll pages.


Title: Re: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 29th, 2005 at 1:42pm
What a wonderful way to value the cloth and maintain memories!

The closest thing I every had to this was the winter coat my mother made me out of one of my Dad's suit coats!

Title: Re: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by juri on Jul 29th, 2005 at 9:59pm
Thanks for posting the link, Khrome! I can't believe how much work went into making that cloth doll.

Title: Re: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by Autumn on Jul 30th, 2005 at 12:56am
What an inspiration ... THANKS for posting the site! :)

Title: Re: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by Bardic Love on Jul 30th, 2005 at 10:12pm
Oh wow, I just love that, it's a nice idea and the end result was great. :)

Title: Re: The Everlasting Kimono
Post by 13bodies on Aug 2nd, 2005 at 9:17pm
That site reminds me of one of my favorite craft books, Omiyage by Kumiko Sudo.  It's full of patterns for little bags, pouches, pin cushions, etc to make from scraps of material, like those from the kimonos (of course I have to use more prosaic cotton, but I make do with what's available.  :D)  

I loved the sage of the cat collar; make one, make a new one, make a new one..... ;D  Cats are the same all over.

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