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Message started by bikerbraid on Jul 15th, 2005 at 5:31pm

Title: Hair ends
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 15th, 2005 at 5:31pm
I'm in need of a trim (I think).  I've not had my hair trimmed for 18 months.  :o My hair now has the "fairy tale ends" look - thin and uneven.  

A) Some people prefer the the "natural" ends look.  Advantages:  The natural end of the hair is less likely to split and be damaged.
Disadvantages:  The ends look "messy" and are harder to make tidy looking braids.

B)  Straight Across ends.  Where the hair is cut perpendicular to the floor.
Advantages:  Tends to make hair look thicker and maintained.
Disadvantages:  Requires regular trims since the hair does not grow this way naturally.

C)  "U" shaped ends.  The hair is slightly longer at the middle of the back than the sides.
Advantages:  Ends can look thicker, is closer to how the hair grows naturally, easier to style than straight across.
Disadvantages:  Still requires regular trims, but less than straight across.

D) "V" shaped ends.  More drastic shaping than the "U" shaped.  Some people's hair grows this way naturally.
Advantages:  If you hair grows this way, trims would be minimal.
Disadvantages:  Some styles would be difficult due to the different lengths.  May require trims to keep the sides even.

So, my question is, which type of hair ends do you prefer for hair that is at least BSL?  

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by greek_lady on Jul 15th, 2005 at 5:46pm
1. straight across
2. U shape
in that order

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by novusfemina on Jul 15th, 2005 at 6:00pm
Yup.. I'm with Greek Lady on this.  

When I gave myself a trim, I did it straight across.  It helped combat the uneven end to a braid look that I kept getting.  And I think straight across looks cleaner and more neatly kept.

But... that's my opinion.  :)

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by AtlantisAllure on Jul 15th, 2005 at 6:00pm
I looove V's. I have been gradually trimming my hair into this shape, as to not lose a lot of length on the sides... Since they still seem short. Once my hair feels long enough(I dont know if that day will ever come), I would like to cut it into a deep V!

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by American Woman on Jul 15th, 2005 at 6:42pm
I just did this a couple days ago.  choose U shape because it looked prettier and seemed to go best with my hair type. My 2nd choice would have been straight cut, but it wouldn't have suited my hair as well.
My reaction to the picture of the V cut was EEK! That looks HORRIBLE!!

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Autumn on Jul 15th, 2005 at 8:02pm
Straight across. I just trimmed mine a couple days ago and trimmed off about two inches  :'( I hated to do it but the ends looked so raggedy. I trimmed it straight across hair still comes passed my waist and almost to my hips but still hurt to take a couple inches off...oh well. :-/

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Bardic Love on Jul 15th, 2005 at 8:35pm
For some reason I think the U shape would look just lovely on your hair. My second choice, if I were in your shoes, would be straight across.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Sakina on Jul 15th, 2005 at 9:04pm
My vote is straight across and then U shaped.
I think I would choose straight across if I was concerned about how my hair looks when styled (ends of braids) but if I wanted a natural look, then I'd choose a U.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by gabi on Jul 15th, 2005 at 9:50pm
I personally love the fairy tail look but I have an unintended "v", which is OK too.

For cuts I guess I tend to like the "u".

I admit I am wishy washy  >:( ...g

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by PreciousLocks on Jul 15th, 2005 at 11:51pm
When I'm "hair-watching" I always like the U shape best.  It seems to have a nice swing and style to it.  However the straight cut would be better suited to updos??
When I finally get to that length *impatient tapping of fingers*, I'll probably opt for the straight cut because I need to put my hair up for work.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by khrome on Jul 16th, 2005 at 5:26am
Hmm, this is hard.  I guess it depends on the person's hair type.  I think I like all shapes equally.

But on me, my last conversation with my hairdresser went like this:

Me: I kind of like the V with layers just at the bottom (pulls out a drawing)
Valentina: Hmm, I don't know.  When hair grows out naturally, each hair grows at different rates.  The ones in the back grow faster and tends to turn into a V.  It will look like you don't get it cut at all.  Most people like the straight cut for long hair.
Me: Well, when I have a wavy day, it definitely looks better with layers.  And I wanted something that tapers at the end because my hair is fanning out, and is drawing attention to my fat waist.   I want to create the optical illusion of a thinner waist.
Valentina: How about a U?  And you're NOT fat.

So this is how I ended up with the more figure-flattering U shape.  But I love seeing straight and V on other people.


Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Anne-Marie on Jul 16th, 2005 at 11:29am
For myself it's definitely the straight across-blunt cut.I can trim this way myself and it gives my ultra-fine hair a bit more body & swing.
But I really have to admit that I like to see the natural taper or the V-shape on other people,I think it makes the hair look even longer somehow :)

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by NaturalRogue on Jul 16th, 2005 at 11:56am
Allrighty, this seems like a major poll taking place, so my 2 cents...

I think it really depends on the hair type. For straight (non-curly, no waves) hair,  a blunt, straight, horizontal cut works well.

However, if the hair has some natural wave or curl to it, then a gentle "U" shape to give the illusion of volume and resembles natural hair growth.

I haven't figured out what a true "V" cut might look like because all I can imagine is the letter V which I am sure more severe than the actual cut.

:( For myself, I haven't trimmed my hair since I started growing it and I have an inverted "U" or "V". Although, since I've started taking proper care of my hair (thank-you all you lovely, long-haired goddesses), that situation is getting repaired.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Valerie on Jul 16th, 2005 at 12:16pm
I like a U shape cut best.  Since I'm doing my own trims, I'm just cutting straight across though for now.  

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Galadriel on Jul 16th, 2005 at 12:21pm
I think I like straight ends best on myself. On others, those other options look quite attractive- they're just not for me.
IMO, much has to do with how one prefers to wear her hair. A U cut, for example, may be very attractive if hair is worn down often. But I, for example, never wear my hair down, so the U effect would be wasted. I want a hair that is as easy to put up as possible, so straight it is.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by novusfemina on Jul 16th, 2005 at 8:49pm

wrote on Jul 15th, 2005 at 8:02pm:
Straight across. I just trimmed mine a couple days ago and trimmed off about two inches  :'( I hated to do it but the ends looked so raggedy. I trimmed it straight across hair still comes passed my waist and almost to my hips but still hurt to take a couple inches off...oh well. :-/

Awwwwww....  ***hugs***

Autumn, I am in the same boat... I just trimmed my hair (about  1 and 1/2") as mine was just coming to my hips.  And though I hated to, I knew the split ends were most likely only going to ruin the rest of my hair if I left them untrimmed.  It was tough  :(    

But.. there's a silver lining to every cloud, right?  :)  Since my hair's trimmed, it looks so neat and well kept that I just cannot simply tuck it away in a pretty bun all the time..  ;)  

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Anais Satin on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:34am
I'm still debating myself on this. Ever since my hair has developed a very faint wave, I've leaned more towards a UV, V, or natural taper. If my hair was straighter I'd go for a blunted U. Overall in my opinion, the wavier/curlier the hair, the better a person would look with a V. The straighter the hair and the better a person would look with blunt.


Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by Trisha on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:03pm

Posted by: NaturalRogue Posted on: Jul 16th, 2005, 8:56am
Allrighty, this seems like a major poll taking place, so my 2 cents...

I think it really depends on the hair type. For straight (non-curly, no waves) hair,  a blunt, straight, horizontal cut works well.

However, if the hair has some natural wave or curl to it, then a gentle "U" shape to give the illusion of volume and resembles natural hair growth.  

Yeah, what he said!   :)  Let us know what you decide.

Title: Re: Hair ends
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:29pm
I had really planned to have hubby trim my hair this Sunday.  But...................

Well, anyone who has "on call" duties knows how the best laid plans can fall apart.  This weekend was an "outage" weekend (they reboot all 300 servers) plus hubby was on call.  So Sat night at 11 pm hubby goes in to spend the next 6 hours shutting down and starting up servers.  It takes 5 people 6 hours to get through all the servers.  Hubby comes home Sunday morning after being up all night, then the pager starts going off.  Basically he got about 3 hours of sleep until 9pm Sunday night.  Needless to say, I did not want to put a scizzors in his hand to trim.  So, maybe next weekend.  :-/

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