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Chit Chat >> Show Off Your Locks >> Mid-butt length picture!

Message started by leia on Jun 24th, 2005 at 1:31am

Title: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by leia on Jun 24th, 2005 at 1:31am
Hi everyone! Here's my latest picture.

It's really greasy and uncombed in that pic, but it does give a good idea of the length!  ;D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by AtlantisAllure on Jun 24th, 2005 at 2:36am
Oh my goodness! Your hair is absolutely breathtaking...Your length is incredible and the color is stunning. I think I have a new hair idol! What are your secrets.  :P

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 24th, 2005 at 10:16am
Hey Leia!  Glad to see you pop your head (and HAIR!!) in here again.  Your hair is looking fantastic!  Nice and thick to the very ends.  GOOD JOB!  Thanks for sharing your picture.

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Lisabelle on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:18am
You have such lovely hair! I would love to know what you do it it too. :D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by NaturalRogue on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:20am
You've lovely, thick and long looking hair! Great work.

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by styg on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:59am
aw leia, drool drooln droolin' here. mid-butt is actually my new goal (that would be around 42 inches for me).  i've seen too many past-butt haired people at a NIN gig and just in the streets of paris and to be honest i find it just too weird to go that long. for some reason the only people i saw who fit really well with it is those indian child women with braids to their knees.  8)

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by panpeus on Jun 24th, 2005 at 4:26pm
Sooooo gorgeous!  Keep on growing! :)

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by wishing4longhair on Jun 24th, 2005 at 6:40pm
WOW!!! Geeze. Your hair is so thick and beautiful. I'm green with envy. How long have you been growing it out and what length did you start at?

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Babyfine on Jun 24th, 2005 at 8:54pm
Leia, your hair is just lovely, and so thick all the way to the ends.  Yes, share your routine!

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by PreciousLocks on Jun 25th, 2005 at 1:06am
Beee-ooooo-teee-ful :o

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by greek_lady on Jun 25th, 2005 at 11:42am
Beautiful!!! Awesome, lovely hair Leia! ;D ;D I love it!
Thank God and appreciate His gift (whichever name you give to Him) for that hair-gene, every day! Your hair is truly a jewel  :o ;D ;D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Anne-Marie on Jun 25th, 2005 at 1:00pm
Your hair is absolutely lovely,Leia! And it has grown so much! :o

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Valerie on Jun 25th, 2005 at 7:23pm
I certainly can't see any greasiness or unkemptness from the picture.  The color and texture are wonderful as always.  

How tall are you?  I think we were at similar length until a few months ago.  I hope that my hair starts to grow a bit faster again soon.  These months of just millimeter growth are depressing.    

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by leia on Jun 27th, 2005 at 1:36am
Hi again everyone!

I don't really have any "hair secrets!" My first introduction to how to grow long hair was here at this very board! What I do that might be out of the ordinary is I try to do as much as I can naturally. For example, I don't take any hair vitamins, and I am a vegetarian, plus I try not to eat food with preservatives or anything. I like to know exactly what is going in my food, and I try to be a healthy eater. Remember that overall health attributes to hair growth as well!

My routine: I wash once a week. Every other week I do a herbal wash (http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=278542&messageid=1079093499) with Indian herbal powders. Before the wash I sometimes use bhringraj oil on my length.

The weeks when I don't do a herbal wash, I do a deep conditioning. Recently I have been experimenting with doing this all-natural too. I use kitchen products, like eggs, honey, olive oil, yogurt, etc. Most of the time I add a tiny bit of shea butter too. My hair is prone to getting over-conditioned really easily, so I have to be careful about deep conditioning.

As a leave-in, I put shea butter on my ends about 3-4 nights a week. I put the tiniest amount on the bottom of my braid. I don't use brushes - I have a Sierra Legacy wooden comb. I don't blow dry or color my hair.

That's all I can think of as far as my routine! If you want to check out my journal, feel free: www.network54.com/forum/278542

I have been growing my hair out since January 2003. It was 18" then, and was 39" at my last measure-in. I am around 5'4" or 5'5".

I hope that answers all of your questions! And thank you so much for the compliments!  ;D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Galadriel on Jun 27th, 2005 at 7:12am
:o Your hair is really gorgeous! Wow! Thanks for sharing the picture :D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by juri on Jul 1st, 2005 at 2:58am
WOO!  You have really nice hair!  I wish mine looked like that.  Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Blondie35 on Mar 17th, 2007 at 2:07am
WOW!!!!  You really do have gorgeous hair!!!  I wish that mine was like that.  Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by VictoriaLynn on Mar 17th, 2007 at 3:30pm
Your hair is so beautiful!!  I love the texture and the color.

Lynn  :)

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Joan-Ivy on Apr 1st, 2007 at 11:51am
You look like a fairy-queen!!!  :o Your hair is soooo beautiful.  :D

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Blondestorm on Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:32pm
Your hair is really wonderful!!  I love it.

Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Debr on Apr 26th, 2007 at 1:15pm
Your hair is very pretty Leia.  I am a little jealous.  Thanks for the picture.


Title: Re: Mid-butt length picture!
Post by Jerry on Aug 18th, 2007 at 8:59pm
That is a really nice length 8-)

And it looks like your hair is thick also :)


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