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Message started by wishing4longhair on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 7:54pm

Title: my hair (kind of)
Post by wishing4longhair on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 7:54pm
Here are some pictures of my hair (kind of). The first one is of my hair after it had been "straightened" (though it's not all that straight). I really have 3b type hair, but you can't tell.
The second picture is of me trying a new and different hair style. It was fun.  :)
Sorry that I don't have any true pictures of my hair. They're a little big.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by RosaRL on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 8:23pm
I've always wished my hair was curly.. it ist.. you cant get it to keep a curl for anything (even with a harsh perm i'd never use now it fell back dead strait in less than a month)

I think that curls are beautiful.. I can see the texture in your hair. The two buns are cute.

They remind me of this freind of mine who has a blue bandana that she cut two holes in and hemed the holes.. then she brought the hair up through the holes to form the buns.

I can see how that could also be done with a scarf or something more sheer for a more formal look.

I can never get mine quite as neat as you have yours.. my hair wants to go everywhere and has a mind of its own so you are lucky to get it to behave some.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 24th, 2005 at 12:21am
Beautiful hair!  I love your twin buns - what fun.  Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by Valerie on Jun 24th, 2005 at 12:59am
What wonderful thick hair!  It looks great for braiding, and the 2 buns are cute.  

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by NaturalRogue on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:24am
Very pretty hair and I agree, I bet your hair braids well.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by panpeus on Jun 24th, 2005 at 4:28pm
Looks really cute!  I used to wear my hair in two buns like that when I played volleyball.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by wishing4longhair on Jun 24th, 2005 at 6:44pm
Thanks you guys.
Yep, it is good for braiding. My hair was waist length in high school (until I cut it) Everyday it was in a braid! A little boring, but it didn't get tangled.
RosaRL "I can never get mine quite as neat as you have yours.. my hair wants to go everywhere and has a mind of its own so you are lucky to get it to behave some. " I cheated...I did it when the hair was wet. This ensures that the hair will work with me. My hair doesn't style well dry (except for braids). I'll be posting a curly picture later when I get one on my computer.

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by Babyfine on Jun 24th, 2005 at 8:52pm
Very pretty hair!

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by PreciousLocks on Jun 25th, 2005 at 1:04am
Your hair is beautiful. ;D

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by greek_lady on Jun 25th, 2005 at 11:47am
Lovely hair wishing4longhair! I love the colour and texture. And what fun those twin buns are!!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by Galadriel on Jun 27th, 2005 at 7:14am
Very pretty hair!  :D

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by juri on Jul 1st, 2005 at 3:03am
Your hair is very nice!  The bottom pic is so cute! :D

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by gabi on Jul 1st, 2005 at 8:34pm
Lovely hair - great texture

and those double buns ;~) - those are great for exercise too - distribute the pressure ...g

Title: Re: my hair (kind of)
Post by Blondie35 on May 16th, 2008 at 11:37pm
Very beautiful hair!!!!  And I love the color too!!!


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