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Message started by Zaphyre on Jun 12th, 2005 at 11:53pm

Title: Zaphyre's Locks Grow To Knee Length
Post by Zaphyre on Jun 12th, 2005 at 11:53pm
Well,I haven't been here for about a year,but I am glad to be back.I will edit my posts in this journal,however,because they don't apply to me anymore.Things have changed,my hair is better,and my scalp is better.

So here's another brief intro,since I have to get going soon.

I'm Zaphyre,I'm not new to the long hair world.My goal is to have my hair reach my knees.My hair type is 2b/M/iii.I used to have really damaged hair a couple of years ago.It was straight and poofy.As I started to take better care of my hair,I discovered that I was a wavy!I love my wavy hair and get many compliments on it.

Condition,Wash,Condition 2 times a week.
Clariify and deep treat twice a month.
Oil after air drying my hair after a wash,or whenever I need it.
Sometimes I do a vinegar rinse to keep my hair soft and shiny.

Today I experimented with diluting my shampoo with water (1:7) and diluting my conditioner too (1:4).So far,so good.My hair is clean.

I notice buildup though,so I'm clarifying next wash with fulls trength shampoo and baking soda.

I still use cones,but I plan to not use them anymore after I run out of conditioner.

Title: Re: Zaphyre's Coffee Locks Grow To Knee Length
Post by Zaphyre on Jun 13th, 2005 at 12:31pm
Diluting my shampoo and condish was a bad idea for me.It got oily fast.

Anyways,I clarified my hair yesterday and deep treated it.

For clarifying this is my routine:

*Clarify with shampoo and baking soda
*Deep treat with protein treatment (usually egg and olive oil,or mayo) 1 hr
*Deep treat with moisture treatment (my usual moisture conditioner and honey) 1 hr
*Wash my hair

Title: Re: Zaphyre's Coffee Locks Grow To Knee Length
Post by Zaphyre on Jun 16th, 2005 at 5:37pm

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