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Chit Chat >> Personal Hair Journals >> juri no monogatari http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1118385704 Message started by juri on Jun 10th, 2005 at 5:41am |
Title: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 10th, 2005 at 5:41am
"Juri no monogatari" because "Juri: diary of a Coke (and sometimes Pepsi) addict" was just too long.
Moving along, this is to remind myself what I've been doing with my hair, why I decided to grow out my hair, and to record various musings and ramblings. I really like Japanese music and manga so please excuse me if I frequently mention Japanese rock bands or manga series. Hair type: 1bNCii (just missed iii--3.5) Hair color (natural): black Hair color (current): black roots (7-8") and reddish length Current shampoo: Nature's Gate Jojoba Current conditioners: Nature's Gate Aloe Vera and Suave Milk 'n Honey Vitamin/Supplement: 1800mcg biotin (just started; plan to gradually increase) 1000mg flax seed oil 435mg nettle 600mg calcium 1 multi And now for something completely different...I was watching the NBC show "Hit me Baby 1 More Time" and I was surprised at how well the members of The Knack have aged. Last week I saw the lead singer from Flock of Seagulls and the only thing I could think was "Whoa, what happened?!" It's interesting how differently people age. That reminds me, only 4 more years until my 10th reunion. Goal for the up coming week: stop checking how long my hair is. I think I compare the length to various reference points every night. It's not going to grow any faster by doing that. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 11th, 2005 at 6:41am
I'm surprised at how well the nylon and bbb I bought last week is working. I had bad expierences with well-meaning grandmothers trying to detangle my hair with brushes with nylon tufts and stayed away from tuft-type brushes for years. *eye twitches at memory of hair being painfully pulled out* But when I read about how a bbb is supposed to be used and how helpful they are (esp. Mason Pearson), I got suckered in and got one--a good bbb, not one from MP. Anyway, my hair is shinier and I've been able to extend the time between washes by one day. I think I could go longer, but by the end of the 3rd day without a wash, I thought my roots looked a little too greasy and the sebum beads were increasing. Ick!
I've tried CWC twice using the instructions on Anais' site and I love it! If you're reading this, Anais, thank you so much for posting different washing methods! Since our hair types are similar, the different methods will be very helpful in the future. The first time I used it my mom commentted on how shiny my hair looked. That made me quite happy since I'm growing out bleached (and dyed) hair and have been working hard to get the length decently healthy looking. Speaking of bleached hair, never again will I do that. I found a couple of old pics from 2001 when my hair was at it's longest (a bit past BSL) and it looked so nice and healthy (not to mention only one color)! When I compare the way my hair looks now to the picture, I think, "What the heck was I thinking?!" Actually, I know very well what I was thinking. I had been trying off and on since the 8th grade to get my hair to a noticable red and been toying with the idea of dyeing my hair purple, pink, or blue. Finally last year I decided that since I only had one more year as an undergraduate left, it was now or never, and bleached then colored my hair fuchia. It looked really cool, but sometimes I wish I hadn't ruined my hair. On the positive side, at least I got all that out of my system before I reach my hair goal. It's a wash day tomorrow. Will do the CWC again, but will dilute the shampoo a bit and see how that works. Random quote: "I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians." --Monty Python :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 14th, 2005 at 7:22am
Forgot to condition hair before washing it. I'm surprised at how much of a difference the 1st C in CWC makes...either that or the Suave conditioner is much better than the Nature's Gate. Have to spray some lavender and rosemary EOs on to my hair before bed to make up for not doing a proper CWC. I'm surprised at how much two EOs mixed with water can help.
Need to work on perfecting ACV rinses. The first time I tried a recipe from an EO book and used 1 tsp ACV, 2 cups water, and 1 tbs conditioner. It made my hair softer, but the conditioner made my scalp oilier faster. The second time I used 1/3 cup ACV to 2 cups water. I think that was too much ACV. The ends felt softer (i.e. not crunchy), but the length was dry. That seems like an oxymoron. Anyway, next time I'll try 1/4 cup ACV diluted in water and add conditioner after I've clarified my scalp, and then use that on the length. I think that might work. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:30am
*Finally* updating this thing. I can't even keep up with personal journal so I don't know how I thought I would be able to keep this one updated as well. Moving on.
Changed my ACV routine. This time around I diluted 1/4 cup of ACV in a condiment bottle and then clarified the roots only. After, I added about 1TBS of conditioner and used that on the length. That seemed to work a lot better. The roots were fine and the length wasn't dried out like the last time. Right now I'm addicted to the "Into the West" mini-series on TNT. Watching the first episode reminded me of the phase I went through in the 5th grade when I wanted to be native American and not Japanese. I think between the 5th and 6th grades I had seen "Dances With Wolves," "Thunderheart," and "Last of the Mohicans." Odd fare for a kid without any native American roots. I was a weird child. Oh, but the stupid thing is that sometimes when I'm watching "Into the West," I'm only staring at the native Americans' hair and trying to figure out how they got their braids so nice. Mine always end up looking kind of messed up in the back. I think the biotin supplements are working. It kind of seems like my hair is growing slightly faster, but it could also be the change in the weather. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jul 4th, 2005 at 2:11am
Death to Ultra Nourishair! I've had experiences in the past when I got something stuck in my throat, but it always fixed itself in less than a minute. Not this time! What the hell possessed GNC to make those Ultra Nourishair pills do damn huge? I wonder if there's a lot of other people who also got that pill stuck in their throat. I know I should have cut the pill in half because it was so big, but how was I supposed to know it was going to get stuck for close to 10 minutes? Sigh.
Trying to get the pill out was quite distressing because it didn't seem like anything was working. If I had been a bit calmer I think I would have realized that the pill would evenually break down and I would be able to get it down. But tell that to someone who's never had a major pill-induced choking experience before. Thank goodness for Mom! If it hadn't been for her suggestion to drink some warm water to melt the pill faster, I think it would have been stuck for a longer period of time. On a lighter note, getting all of those nice comments about my hair made me extremely happy! ;D Compared to a lot of the other hair pictures on this site, I don't think my hair looks that good so it was quite a confidence boost to get so many postive remarks. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jul 6th, 2005 at 6:59am
I was able to return the Ultra Nourishair! Woo! The only thing was that I felt like a rube for bringing it back because I couldn't swallow it. I tried swallowing the pills after cutting them in half a few times, but that choking episode left an impression and I couldn't easily get the pills down. Oh well. I hope I never have an episode like that again.
July hair measurement: 25.75 I kept getting different measurements ranging from 25.5 to 26.25 so I'm averaging the two. I hope the biotin is working. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Jul 19th, 2005 at 3:35am
Hi Juri, I read your journal and am happy to have an ::almost:: hair twin (I'm about 1b C ii/iii right now). Looking forward to reading more :)
Hugs Anais |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 10th, 2005 at 8:44am
Thanks, Anais! It's nice to have an almost hair twin! Now if only I could get myself to update more frequently.
~~~~ I'm a bit wary to try this again. The Powers That Be seem to be doing Their best to not let me update this journal tonight. This is the third try for me! The first time my computer disconnected from the internet and my account timed out, then the power went out. I'm kind of tired to writing the same thing over and over again so this is an extremely abreviated version of what I wrote earlier. Did ACV rinse on Sunday. Nice except for all the shedding. Pretty sure it's from the extra handling, but it's still a bit scary to see a ton of hair in the drain. At least the next day I had less shedding than usual. Now stretching time between washes to every four days. Not sure if I want to go more than that. It is funny when I say to myself "When was the last time I washed my hair?" Biotin is working (or else I'm in a hair growth spurt). I don't think I had 0.75 inches of growth per month before the biotin. Then again, I wasn't measuring my hair before I started biotin. For fun, the character I took my name from! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 10th, 2005 at 8:46am
Yes, third time's a charm!!!! :D :D :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by divewench on Aug 10th, 2005 at 5:43pm
Agh. I choke on those Ultra Nourishair pills too. :P Didn't occur to me to try to take them back, so now the bottle just sits on my windowsill and mocks me. :)
I'm trying to space out my washes more (currently every other day) and you've inspired me to give bbb's a go. Thanks! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 11th, 2005 at 4:34am
I don't know how I managed to miss that post about your colorful "phase". I just have to laugh because I did the EXACT same thing. I originally wanted lavendar hair like Catty from Gall Force, or blue. I tried highlights that never really showed up in black hair. And then I think in 2000 I bleached the front of my hair, and did every shade of semi-permanent except green. :) I'm glad I got it out of my system too - and glad I got pictures so I won't ever have to do it again. I have been considering colored extentions though. ::)
Ack, sorry about the bad pill experience. Sometimes it helps to stick your neck forward like a duck when swallowing. I know it's weird, but it works! :) Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 11th, 2005 at 7:02am wrote on Aug 10th, 2005 at 5:43pm:
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with them too! What was GNC thinking? It's like they were designing pills for horses. Well, the next time the bottle starts to mock you, mock it right back. ;) wrote on Aug 10th, 2005 at 5:43pm:
Aww, thanks, Divewench! I found that using a bbb before bed worked the best for my hair. When I used to use it in the morning, it made my hair look oily. Ick! Good luck spacing out your washes. The adjustment period is annoying, but it's worth it. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 11th, 2005 at 7:12am wrote on Aug 11th, 2005 at 4:34am:
*lol* Isn't having black hair fun? We have to go to extreme measures just to get dyes to show up on our hair. :P Your hair must have looked really cool! When I orinally bleached my hair, I had been planning to do something like you and dye it different colors. But after I found out what a pain it was to have semi-perm dye on my hair, I decided that once was enough. Even so, a couple of months ago I had to talk myself out of buying Special Effects dye and using it on my hair. The colored extentions sound like they would be neat! Post a pic if you do decide to do that. :) wrote on Aug 11th, 2005 at 4:34am:
Thanks for the tip! I usually tilt my head backwards, but I'll try it your way and see if that makes a difference. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 16th, 2005 at 7:25pm
Celebrating two years of hair growth!
Okay, that sounds a bit weird, but it's been about two years since I made the decision to grow my hair out from a bob. I hope I never have to keep my hair short again. About three or four years ago I was under a ton of stress because I was taking four upper division summer classes and as a result, had major shedding. I don't think anyone could tell, but I was getting rather paranoid about my thinning hair and Mom suggested that if I cut my hair short my hair would look thicker. With that suggestion, I chopped off my hair and for a year or two, wouldn't let it get longer than shoulder length. I think my hair's recovered most of it's original thickness, but I know I lost some overall volume because of normal hairloss due to aging. I read somewhere that hair is thickest when you're 20, and I'm not 20 anymore. Yay? Here's a pic that was taken on Saturday, Aug. 13. I know my ticker says I'm supposed to reach waist in about 6 months, but after looking at this picture, I don't think it'll take half a year...well, I hope it won't. My mom laughs when she takes pictures of my hair. She says it's like I'm taking a mug shot. In a way it's true, but this wall is the least distracting backdrop in the house. ^_^;; edit: photo resized |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Aug 16th, 2005 at 7:29pm
That's no mug shot! ;D Your hair is beautiful.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 17th, 2005 at 1:00am
Wow your hair is so pretty! Congratulations on two years of growth! :D
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Aug 17th, 2005 at 2:38am
You're hair is beautiful!! Congratulations! :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Aug 17th, 2005 at 5:24pm
That's great to hear! Your hair is in really lovely condition.
Anais |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 18th, 2005 at 6:24am
Thank you very much, ladies!! :) I think my hair got a lot better after coming to LL; that helped quite a bit. Well, that and daily conditioning. I don't even want to know what my hair would look like if I didn't do that. :P
This week I'm trying out a new shampoo and conditioner. For the shampoo, I tried Alba's Replenishing Shampoo on Monday. Although it smells nice, it's either too weak and didn't get all the grease off or it's too emollient for me. I say that because the next morning my first day hair looked more like second day hair. However, my hair looked shiny, but not greasy. That sounds a bit strange, but I'm not sure how else to describe it. I think I'm going to have to try it a couple of more times before I decide if I'm going to continue using it or have to look for another shampoo. For the conditioner, it's Aubrey Organic's Honeysuckle Rose. I've used it twice and I love it! I wish I had discovered it when I bleached my hair last year. Anyway, it's extremely thick and is more like paste than a regular conditioner (kind of like Infusium 23's deep conditioner). It's a little hard to rinse all of it off, but it made my hair extremely soft and it felt rather silky. Yay! I've finally found a conditioner without cones that works as well as the conditioners that are packed with them. I have hair that's on the finer side of coarse--if that makes sense--and I think AO's Honeysuckle Rose would work well for people with normal to coarse hair. For those with fine or thin hair, it might be a little too heavy. I'll post the ingredients for the shampoo and conditioner in my next post. I'm too lazy to do it right now. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 20th, 2005 at 2:32am
Okay, here's the ingredients for the Alba shampoo and the AO conditioner.
Alba Replenishing Shampoo: echinacea angustifolia, golden seal, nettle, certified organic aloe barbadensis, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, disodium laureth sulfosuccinate, cocamidopropyl betaine, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl cocoate, vegetable glycerin, glycol stearate, certified organic jojoba, panthenol (pro-vitamin B5), phenoxyethanol, methyl/propylparaben, citric acid, grapefruit extract, and botanical fragrances. Aubrey Organics: coconut fatty acid cream base, organic aloe vera, organic shea butter, wheat germ oil, organic jojoba oil, organic rosa mosqueta rose hip seed oil; extracts of fennel, hops, balm mint, mistletoe, camomile, yarrow, chrysanthemum, angelica, forsythia and magnolia; honeysuckle oil, carrot oil, aubrey's preservative (citrus seed extract, vitamins A, C and E) I don't think I want to try the Alba for a second time. With the Nature's Gate jojoba shampoo, I could go four days before washing my hair, but last night I had to wash my hair on the third day. Not too happy about that. I don't see the NG jojoba shampoo at the store anymore so I got a shampoo from Origins today. Hopefully that one will work better. I'll try it the next time I'm due for a wash and post the results. I had a funny hair experience today when I went to lunch with one of my friends. We were coming out of Origins and she commented that she has to wash her hair everyday and could already feel it getting oily. I said that daily washing could be contributing her oily hair. When she asked how I learned that, I embarrassedly told her that I belong to a hair site. It's kind of sad that I was embarrassed to tell her that; it's not like I belong to a group that promotes ritual goat sacrifice. Anyway, I ended up pulling out--er, not literally-- the things I learned from LL and gave her some suggestions on improving her hair care practices. The funny part was when she jokingly said, "Wow, I've never seen this side of you before!" (I don't normally talk about hair/hair care outside of LL). |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Aug 20th, 2005 at 3:35am
Is sodium lauryl sulfoacetate a gentle cleanser? I have never heard of -sulfoacetate before.
Edit: I just saw your picture! WHOA!! That's two years of growth? Amazing, you have great growth if it was in a bob! It looks so healthy, even the ends that had been colored. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 20th, 2005 at 9:21am
Thanks, Panpeus! Daily conditioning works wonders. Acutally, I think I had about 13 inches of growth since I started growing; just slightly faster than the average 6 inches per year. I'm just under 5'4" so 12 inches of growth (had one inch trimmed in January) would look a lot longer on me than a taller person. *cough Panpeus cough* Sorry! Sometimes I get a little envious of tall people. ^_^;; I remember in the volleyball class I took last spring, none of us short girls could block the ball at the net.
I looked up sodium lauryl sulfoacetate and according to Toadie for Soap, it's used in bath powders, cream and paste shampoos, and other cosmetic products. Additionally, it is "milder to the skin than sodium lauryl sulfate. It is hard water stable. It is often used to replace soap whenever soap sensitization is found...Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate is completely biodegradable. Is much milder than other foaming agents and is safe for children's bath products." So, I guess it is a gentle cleanser. ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 12:44am
Today is third day hair and it looks better than when I used the Alba and even NG's jojoba shampoo. When I washed on Thursday, I used some old Aveda "hair detoxifier" shampoo I had laying around. It makes my hair quite clean, but it has ammonium lauryl sulfate. I've heard that ALS is harsher than sodium lauryl sulfate so that might acount for the unusually-clean look that's going on right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be a wash night and I'm going to try the Origins shampoo.
I had a weird hair dream last night. I don't really remember a whole lot, but at one point there I was in a restaurant and a waitress had looong reddish brown hair that I thought was really nice. At another part of the dream, I looked in the mirror and my hair had been cut back into a bob. I freaked, but then I noticed that my hair was a lot thicker than normal and I didn't mind the hair cut. Sheesh. :P It's funny but lately I've been noticing that a lot of women and children in my state have long hair. When I went to the mall yesterday, I must have seen close to thirty women and children with hair that was waist to classic length. I knew a lot of people here have long hair, but I didn't think it was that common. Considering how some people get a bad time for having long hair, I'm happy I live in a place where a longhair would more likely be asked, "Do you dance hula?" and not "Are you going to donate your hair?" |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 7:16am
Ended up not washing my hair. I'm not planning on going anywhere tomorrow so it wasn't "oily enough" to deem a wash. It's funny, but four months ago I wouldn't have asked myself if my hair looked greasy enough to have to wash it. Man, that ALS is strong stuff.
I was bored and did this. I think John William Waterhouse is rolling over in his grave.:P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by gabi on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 7:34am
Sheesh Juri - that is just about exactly the kind of hair I want (and of course ain't gonna get) - the other choice is curly wildness (which I also ain't gonna get.
But hey, we have to appreciate what we have, right ... RIGHT !!! ??? ...g |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 6:41pm
So true, Gabi. It's taken me a while to accept my hair. For a long time I wanted red or brown hair that looked like Christine's from The Phantom of the Opera.
~~~~~ I must be insane. I just bought a furisode from Ichiroya.com. For those who don't know, a furisode is a formal kimono worn by young, unmarried women in Japan. On Coming of Age Day, parents usually buy their 20 year-old daughter a furisode and, traditionally, that signifies that the young woman is an adult and single. I have no idea as of yet where I can wear this, but I've been looking at it for a few days and unfortunately it's not one of those things where I can wait a couple of weeks before I decide to get it. There's only one so someone could have bought it before I did. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Oh geez. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 8:35pm
WOW the furisode is so pretty! I didn't know that about Japanese tradition, in fact I didn't know that was a furisode. I thought it was a kimono. I'll have to do more reading! So many things to learn, so little time..
Grat's on your new outfit! :D Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Aug 24th, 2005 at 6:05am
Oh my, that Waterhouse spoof is GENIUS :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by gabi on Aug 24th, 2005 at 8:01am
Couldn't get to the furisode yet but ditto on the waterhouse ;D...g
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 24th, 2005 at 8:21am
Khrome--Thanks! You're right, you know. There's different types of kimono and furisode is one of them. Then it gets complicated because there's subcategories depending on the length of the sleeves or the pattern of the fabric. :P It's kind of confusing. I don't know all of it myself.
Anais and Gabi--Thank you! There's several more in my Photobucket account that are waiting to be posted. Yay? :-/ Edit: got rid of a redundant "confusing" |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 24th, 2005 at 10:46am
Juri - Wow! That's a nice Furisode! I would love to see your choice of obi. I just got my obi for the red Omeshi and have been practicing tying it. I am so happy you got a Kimono! Congrats! 8) 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Aug 24th, 2005 at 11:47am
Juri, the colors on the Furisode are beautiful!! Between you and Lisabelle I'm learning about the different types of Japanese outfits. And drooling over the colors and patterns. :o
I love the thoughtbubble on the Waterhouse as well. ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by divewench on Aug 24th, 2005 at 5:57pm
Wow juri, that furisode is stunning! My brother was stationed in Japan for a few years, and sent me a totally gorgeous vintage wedding kimono and obi. I may need to add to my collection since you so kindly provided the link to Ichiroya. :)
And I'd bet Waterhouse would be ROTFL like I was. Thanks! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 24th, 2005 at 6:31pm
Lisabelle--Heehee! I have to thank you for enabling me. When I saw your kimono I thought, "Oh, why the heck not?" I haven't bought an obi yet. After spending $311 on a furisode, it'll have to wait. But I do like this fukuro obi. Can't wait too long, though. I think it will be hard to find an obi once the "Memoirs of a Geisha" media blitz gets into full swing.
Maroula--Thank you! The kimono on the Ichiroya site are really nice. If I had tons and tons of money to throw around, I would order a lot more things from them. *dreamy eyed look* Divewench--Thank you to you too! Oh, you're lucky to have a wedding kimono! If it's anything like the one on Ichiroya's site, it must be very beautiful. I wonder if kimono are like potato chips; you can't have just one. ~~~~ Hair stuff: Finally washed my hair yesterday night. I don't think I've gone five days without a wash since intermediate school. I left the Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose conditioner on for longer than usual and now there's nary a tangle. I'll have to do that more often. The Origins shampoo seems to be a good shampoo (so far). Hair looks clean without feeling stripped or "weirdly shiny." |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by gabi on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:38pm
OMG! I got the pic -
Hey all - I hope everyone clicked on the "more pictures" for the details. It is stunningly beautiful - I'm a total sucker for that kind of delicate drawing - and the colors, yummmm...g |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by divewench on Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:43pm
Hi again juri! Yes, I am beginning to think that kimono are like potato chips - I definitely need more after spending some time at Ichiroya! Mine is most like this one: http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2.php?number=75713
except that the cranes on mine are embroidered, not woven. And from the prices on that site, I think I got a terrific deal. Now I just need a wall big enough to display it on! :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 24th, 2005 at 10:06pm
"Lisabelle--Heehee! I have to thank you for enabling me. When I saw your kimono I thought, "Oh, why the heck not?" I haven't bought an obi yet. After spending $311 on a furisode, it'll have to wait. But I do like this fukuro obi. Can't wait too long, though. I think it will be hard to find an obi once the "Memoirs of a Geisha" media blitz gets into full swing."
Hi Juri, I'm so happy I had a hand in it! Oh the obi is really nice! I was thinking about the "Memoirs of a Geisha" media blitz too, it comes out in December . I read that book years ago and loved it and have since read it over a dozen times. I can't wait to see the movie! ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 26th, 2005 at 2:29am
Divewench--Ooh, that's a pretty kimono! White ones are nice; elegant in a subtle way. As for the price of yours, heehee, you can't beat free! :)
Lisabelle--Thanks! I like that book too. Have you been to Monkey Peaches? They have info on the "Memoirs of a Geisha" movie and some of the pictures link to a Zhang Ziyi site with gorgeous stills from the movie. ~~~~~ Hair ramblings--put it in a bun today and held it with my Ketylo sticks. I love those things. The best part about up dos is taking them down and having silky hair. I find myself checking out the hair of longhaired men and not the men themselves. Kimono stuff--sent in the payment for the furisode. I can't wait until they send it and I'm holding it in my hands. *sigh* Bought a kimono accessory kit off of eBay. Aparently I'll need padding and other dodads if I want to wear a kimono "correctly." It's a good thing I didn't wait to buy it. When I checked back later in the evening, it wasn't listed anymore. I guess some people bought the other two kits. I was able to find some kimono accessories locally at Shirokiya (a Japanese department store at Ala Moana Shopping Center). Yay! Here's a list of what I found: *Kimono underwear/juban = $48 for the full-length. More expensive than on-line, but 100% cotton and it's hard to find on-line anyway (on-line ones are synthetic) and shipping may make price difference almost nil. *Kanzashi (hair ornaments) = nice, well made ones in pretty colors for approx. $58. :-/ Expensive, but way cheaper than the ones at this site. Other ones at the store and on-line aren't that nice. When I looked again today, the ones on the link are much more complicated and there's more labor involved--explains the high cost; plus you get two ornaments. *Formal geta = $23. Black with yellow thongs. I hope they have other colors. Checked today (Friday) and they have red and a yellow/ black combo. *Obi = they have. Not much difference in the price between the store's and the ones on the internet. Lack of shipping would make Shirokiya a possible place to buy. Also have obi for yukata (lightweight summer kimono) for $35; pretied $45-75. The fancier they are, the more expensive. *Tabi (split-toe socks) = $22 approx. Need to have shoe size in centimeters. Have it in white and black. *Misc = there's kimono accessories (such as the padding and obi ties). Not sure of the cost. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 26th, 2005 at 4:16am
What cool kimono finds! I can't wait to see you guys in your full outfit. I love those hair accessories - now I know what to look for when I go to Japantown in San Francisco (I go about every other year.) Do you know if those flower hair accessories are clips, combs, or sticks? It's hard to tell on the black background.
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 26th, 2005 at 6:01am
Khrome--I think the ornaments with the dangle-thingies are kind of like hair forks. I don't know how strong the metal prongs are (there's usually two) so it might be a good idea to secure a bun with pins and then slide the prongs through a couple of times. The ones with only one or two flowers on them probably won't hold anything up and are just for accents.
I got an email from Ichiroya not too long ago and it said that the furisode is on it's way! Woo! Hopefully it'll arrive by this time next week and I can take pictures of it. edit: weird grammar |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 26th, 2005 at 10:15am
Thanks for the link! I watched the trailer and it was awesome!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 27th, 2005 at 8:35am
You're welcome, Lisabelle! After seeing the trailer, I cannot wait for that movie to come out.
Woohoo, I'm finally a diamond! Yay! :D :D :D After putting it off for a few days, I finally did an S&D. Found a lot of little white dots and tiny splits, but I wasn't too surprised. However, I was dismayed to find a few half-inch splits and one that was an inch long. Ack. Still, that's better than the 4-9 inch long splits I would sometimes find before I began doing S&Ds on a regular basis. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 27th, 2005 at 12:44pm
Juri - when I saw the trailer I was like - Oh look there's the Chairman! There's Mother and Nobu and Hatsumomo! Hubby was like Wow! you really know that book! He noticed the girls from "Crouching Tiger" and wondered why they were not Japanese. I had heard that people were upset that the main characters are not Japanese..
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 27th, 2005 at 11:02pm
LOL! I was doing the same thing as you! I was going, "Ooh, there's Ken Watanabe! Oh, there's the guy who was in the Japanese 'Shall We Dance?'!"
Yes, people were upset, at least in the Asian internet community, about the lead actresses being Chinese. I have mixed feelings on that issue. On one hand I was annoyed because of the way Hollywood portrayed Asian characters. A long time ago there was one Chinese actress named Anna Mae Wong (that may not be the right spelling) who was stuck in supporting roles because seeing an Asian woman kiss a Caucasian man was "scandalous". And in "The Good Earth" Caucasian actors were made up to look like Asian characters. And then there's the implication that the different Asian ethnicities are interchangeable. On the other hand, I myself can't tell the difference between, oh a Scotsman and a Welshman, and I don't get upset if an Australian portrays an Englishman, etc. So in that mode of thought, it's hypocritical of me to get annoyed that all the leads aren't Japanese. And at least Hollywood stopped using other races to play Asians so I'm happy that there's a movie with a lot of Asian actors in it. I don't see very many Asian actors in Hollywood so I'm grateful for what I can get. I hope that made sense. ^_^; ETA: on the whole I'm glad "Memoirs of a Geisha" is coming out. Now I just hope it doesn't suck. edit: the use of three "happy"s in one post drove me nuts. Had to put in some synonyms (sp? ack) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 27th, 2005 at 11:11pm
I agree on your views and I hope the movie doesn't suck too!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 27th, 2005 at 11:16pm
I used "happy" too many times in one post! Argh. I think my vocabulary is getting worse the longer I'm out of college. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 28th, 2005 at 6:47am wrote on Aug 27th, 2005 at 11:02pm:
I think people react that way initially, but it is out of pride for that particular culture. That's not a bad thing. Usually once people see the film or play, they "get over it". That's a sign that the actor or actress really did their job, and no one seems to be bothered anymore about ethnicity. Oh, I just had another example. In the new Battlestar Galactic, Boomer is played by an Asian woman. In the original, he was an African-American man. Before the show started, everyone was all "what?? That's never going to work." But with excellent story writing and acting, they pulled it off. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 28th, 2005 at 7:44am
I think I heard about the controversy about Lea Salonga. I think there was also a problem with Jonathan Price playing that--oh crap, I can't remember the name of the character--guy (sheesh) because the character was supposed to be half Asian.
And I do agree that some of the problems surrounding the casting of the Memoirs movie comes from ethnic pride. After I saw the trailer many of my concerns were laid to rest. I should check the messageboards at IMDB and see what other people have to say. Thanks for sharing your opinion, Khrome! ~~~~~ Washed hair today. I like the Origins shampoo. It cleans without stripping the hair and my hair didn't look super greasy by the end of the day. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 29th, 2005 at 7:30am
Looked on IMDB and people are still mad about the MOAG movie. Hmm, keeping mind I've seen some anti-Memoirs websites, I shouldn't have been too surprised.
Hair stuff: Went to some websites with instructions on how to make fancy buns and I can't do them. I think my length-to-thickness ratio is such that my hair is going to have to be somewhere between waist and hip length before I'll be able to do them successfully. I've tried to make French twists and they don't look very good. Maybe having longer hair would help. I did try to make the Sailormoon-type hairstyle following the instructions provided by Lisabelle. It *sort of* looked like the one the author of the site made. However, my odangos were a lot bigger and I only had 6 inches of a pigtail coming out of the odango so it looked a bit odd. I think this hairstyle would be easier for people with fine(r) hair. I'll try again in a couple of days--or tomorrow evening--when my hair is dirtier and easier to handle. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Aug 29th, 2005 at 9:28pm
Where is the sailor moon hairstyle link? I just gotta see it >.>
My hair can't hold a style unless its dirty. It drives me crazy sometimes! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 29th, 2005 at 10:45pm
I did a search for "odango" and came up with this page. Is this it?
http://www.iwaynet.net/~sos/odango/odango.html So CUTE!!!! I'm gonna try that. I have a feeling my hair will be too thick or coarse tho. I can't really do a nape knot either, and it's the same principles. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:15pm
Tha'ts the one! Thanks, Khrome! :)
Whoo, the mailman came a few minutes ago and had my kimono!!! I'm gonna go and oggle it. Bye for now! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Aug 30th, 2005 at 12:20am
How exciting! Pictures, pictures!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Aug 30th, 2005 at 12:46am
Awesome! Can't wait to see it on you!! My pic's will be coming soon!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Aug 30th, 2005 at 1:03am wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:15pm:
Oh yay for you!!!! Pictures when you are done oogling and drooling please? ;) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 30th, 2005 at 8:03am
Thanks, everyone! I'm still waiting for the kimono accessories kit to come in (the furisode will be easier to wear). I'll post some pictures after it does. Hopefully by then I'll have figured out how to tell Mom I bought something so impractical as a kimono. She knows I had my eye on it and she said, "It's up to you" when I half-jokingly told her I wanted to buy it. I don't think she expected me to accutually do it. I'll say this about the furisode, it's soooooo much nicer in RL! The pics on Ichiroya's site doesn't do it justice.
I finally have my job references lined up. Yay! It's past 11pm here so I'll work on my resume and do some serious job searches tomorrow. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Aug 30th, 2005 at 10:13pm
heehee I bet once your mom sees it on you, she'll totally love it.
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Aug 31st, 2005 at 12:12am
Ok, I'll try to wait patiently for pics. ;D
Good luck at your job searches tomorrow!!! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Aug 31st, 2005 at 7:25am
Khrome--lol! Either that or she'll give me a "Mom Look". On the positive side, I think my grandma would go nuts (in a good way) when she sees the furisode.
Maroula--Thank you and sorry for making you wait for pics. I was doing internet searches and I think there's a few jobs I'm going to apply for. Tried to do that Sailormoon hairdo again. It worked a bit better, but the odangos still look weird. That's a hard style to make when you have coarse hair that has layers. Can we say tangle city? I should have taken some pictures before I undid everthing. Oh well. Next time. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Aug 31st, 2005 at 2:26pm
Juri don't rush with the pictures, I'm apatient woman. ;)
Hope your leads work out for a great job! :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 1st, 2005 at 6:04am wrote on Aug 31st, 2005 at 7:25am:
Agreed!! I tried them yesterday also. I had to use NR's "three tries" rules and stop before I ended up getting mad. :) Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 1st, 2005 at 6:42am
Wow, the journal is on page 5! :o
Maroula--Thanks again! The accessories kit arrived today. Perhaps I should put the furisode on and say to my mom, "Look at what I bought!" Khrome--lol! Did you have trouble getting both odangos to look the same? I can get the one on my right to come out, but the left odango looks mishapen. I wonder if it has to do with being right handed. Job Stuff: I saw an ad for a job fair at Borders next week. I'm gonna go and apply. It would be nice to get a job there; I love that store. Hair Stuff: Washed scalp and length. I used some Aubrey Organics gel today and had to get it off. Hmm, not much else to say about my hair other than: "I wish it was 39 inches long already." |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:33am
Girl, I had trouble getting one odango to not look like a wongdangle or a wackidangodoodaade!
Cynde. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 5th, 2005 at 7:39pm wrote on Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:33am:
ROTFL!! I tried again yesterday and I still can't get that style to work. I think I'm throwing in the towel until all of my layers are at least elbow length. :P I don't know what happened with my browser, but from Friday until this morning, I could log into LL but when I would click on a board, the top of the page would say "Welcome guest." I'm glad I can finally login and reply to posts. It was annoying to be able to read posts but not reply to them. >:( Anyway, did a CWC wash yesterday. I'm due for a ACV rinse, but I don't feel like doning one yet. I really should, though. I'm not sure when's the last time I did one. BPAL is evil. After visting their site several times, I compiled a list of 13 imps I want to get. Whether or not I acually buy them is another story. >_< |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Sep 8th, 2005 at 1:38am
BPAL is evil....and very delicious and addicting. ;)
Have fun browsing. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 8th, 2005 at 7:06am wrote on Sep 8th, 2005 at 1:38am:
lol! One of my friends always uses a body spray so I think I'm going to try and get her addicted to this too. :) Hair stuff: Washed tonight. I'm not actually due for a wash until tomorrow, but Borders is going to have a job fair that day and I don't want to go with 4th day hair. Ick. Finally did an ACV rinse. I changed how I did it and hopefully it was a change for the better. Here's the steps to my experimental rinse: 1) Used 1 1/2 Tbs of ACV and instead of working it into my hair like shampoo, just squirted it on while lifting sections of hair. That used about half of the rinse. 2) Added more water to the condiment bottle, stopping 1.5 inches from the top. 3) Added 3 squirts of honey to the ACV and shook the container until the honey was dissolved. There was a nice frothy head to it (looked like beer, but smelt like honeyed vinegar). *interesting* 4) Dunked the ends and squirted the ACV on the length as usual. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and rinsed. 5) Did the final C of the CWC and did the rest of my shower duties before rinsing that off. My hair is still damp, but it feels so nice and soft! When I was rinsing out the AO conditioner, it felt so silky and I kept thinking, "Aaaaahhh, lovely." If this turns out well, I'm going to stick to this ACV routine and possibly add honey to the AO conditioner when I do a CWC. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Sep 8th, 2005 at 6:32pm
All I keep reading tonight is BPAL, BPAL I think I have to check it out myself ::)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 9th, 2005 at 4:18am wrote on Sep 8th, 2005 at 6:32pm:
That's what I thought after reading about it in 13bodies' journal and seeing it mentioned on another longhair site. Let us know if you buy anything from them. :) Hair stuff: Put hair into a bun today and used the Ketylo sticks. I'll be happy when my layers are all the same length. I don't really like the stray hairs that don't get bunned and end up sticking out from the main coil. I like the results from adding honey to the ACV rinse. My ends and length don't feel as dry as they used to when I would add NG's aloe vera conditioner to it. I guess I'll use this method in the future. Job stuff: Went to the Borders job fair today. I wasn't completely expecting to be interviewed at the fair, but I was. I guess that was a good thing; killed two birds with one stone. After signing in, I had a pre-screening with one of the employees and I guess that went well. The only question that I was really stumped on was when she said, "Tell me about yourself." I don't like that question. It's too broad for me; it's so much easier when they ask questions with a narrower focus. After the screening, she showed her notes (or whatever she was writing) to the manager and I got called for an "interview" several minutes later. I was surprised at how short the interview was. I was expecting more questions like the ones from the screening, but the only real questions I got were "Tell me about yourself" and "Do you have any previous retail experience?". I think I was only in the manager's office for a few minutes and I was rather worried about that. I can't believe I actually asked, "Should I be worried that this was so short?" The manager kind of laughed and said no and that making it through the pre-screening was a good sign. So after I fill out the on-line application and do the personality test, he's going to call my references and I'll get a response in a few days. He wasn't kidding about the personality test. The sucker was 37 pages long. I hope I get that job. But if not, there's a largeish job fair a couple of weeks from now and I'll go to that. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 9th, 2005 at 7:27am
Good luck with the job! I actually know tons of people who work at the two local Borders. The personality test must be a new thing. 37 pages?? Sheesh! :)
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Sep 9th, 2005 at 11:27am
Good luck on the job! Those personality tests that are so long should be banned in my opinion. Unless interpreted by a qualified professional in conjunction with interviews, they can be very misleading and provide questionable value to the employer. (I'm speaking as a person that has worked with those tests for many years in the mental health field). But don't let the test worry you - I'm sure you did just fine.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Sep 9th, 2005 at 11:47am
37 pages - they sure had a bunch of questions. I never had to take a test like that 8)
My son told me about one - boy was he mad. ??? Double-winded-around the corner-lookingthruthepeephole-questions and you just cannot answer it "right" 8) He got the job. Good Luck to you ! And ref BPAL: I went to the site and checked it out. I think I will order a few imps and see.... |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Sep 9th, 2005 at 4:36pm
I hope you get the job!!! No worries! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by divewench on Sep 9th, 2005 at 11:09pm
Good luck getting the job at Borders juri! I could never work in a bookstore - I'd spend my whole paycheck before I got it out of the store! :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by gabi on Sep 10th, 2005 at 2:23am
Good luck on the job. I have to admit I think personality tests are obnoxious ...g
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 10th, 2005 at 7:07am
Thank you very much, ladies! :) I think there were only 5 or 6 questions per page, but since there were 37 pages that was rather a lot. The only personality test Iever liked was the Myers-Brigg test I took a couple of years ago at my former unviersity's counseling center (I'm an INFJ-introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging ["judging" as in: I need deadlines and I'm obsessively punctual]).
Kimono stuff: No more kimono-buying for me for at least five...make that six months. I just won an auction on eBay for a new kimono. The price was good, only $38. So with the furisode I already have, that makes two. Not a lot considering how many I've coveted, but perhaps two too many since I don't have very many places to wear them and I still need to get an obi. Anyway, here's the one from eBay: And I thought I'd throw in a pic of the furisode for the heck of it (I still have to take a picture of me wearing it): |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Sep 10th, 2005 at 12:06pm
Oh you got another one! ;D Buying kimono can be addictive, I bought another one myself ::) Making that three! Hubby said "No more!" LOL yeah sure... hehehe!
I found that Obi's can be really expensive too! I got a silk tradtional one, takes about an hour to tie :-/ and I got two pre-tied. There's a seller who has the pre-tied ones for a resonable price. PM me for details if you want. Wow we have to put on a fashion show of pictures for everyone here. Oh and I love your new avatar! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 10th, 2005 at 11:07pm
The new avatar is lovely!! Hopefully we can see you there with your new outfit on. :D
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Sep 11th, 2005 at 3:52am
What lovely kimono! A picture with you wearing one would be a treat. :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 11th, 2005 at 4:52am
Lisabelle--lol! I said it once and I'll say it again, kimono are like potato chips. heehee. Yes, obi are expensive! I don't even want to know how much a brand new one costs in Japan. It's probably a good thing I wasn't accepted into the Jet Program to teach English in Japan; I'd go broke buying kimono and Hello Kitty things. As for the avatar, thanks! And I'll definately PM you.
Khrome--Thanks! I think you'll see me in the black kimono sooner than the furisode. Mom knows about the eBay purchase, but I still haven't told her about the other one. ^_^;; BB--Thank you! I'll post a pic after I get the black kimono, but it might look a little funny because I don't have a complete outfit yet. Hair Stuff: I tried doing a dutch classic today (I think that's what it's called). The braids ended up lopsided and the bun/coil looks off center, but since I'm bad at the more complicated braids, I'm pleased at how it turned out. Anyway, it was just practice and I wasn't actually going to go out with an off-balance hairstyle. edit: photo resized |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 11th, 2005 at 7:12am wrote on Sep 11th, 2005 at 4:52am:
LOL Uhoh! How are you hiding it?? It's so large! My mom always goes hunting around in my closet. I've found it's easier to hide things if I leave it right out in the open. I don't think that would work for a furisode though. :D Your bun looks lovely! I think it came out looking like a seashell or a flower. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Sep 11th, 2005 at 3:04pm
Oh, what a gorgeous braided bun!! I love the colors of your hair in the braid, so pretty!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Sep 12th, 2005 at 7:33am
Very pretty bun and the new avatar both :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 12th, 2005 at 8:04am
Thanks, Gabi, Khrome, Maroula, and Moonchild! :)
Khrome--I read that kimono need to be folded a certain way and stored flat, so after doing that, I wrapped it in a sheet and put it on a pile of clothes. At least this way it's not taking up a lot of space. Also, my closet is rather disorganized to begin with and even if my mom went into my room--which she doesn't--I don't think she would even notice. I can't believe I'm supposed to be an adult and I still do stupid things like this. :P Oh, and thank you for posting the picture of that pretty shell! Hair stuff: Did the Dutch classic again today and I figured out how to get the coils tighter so the style came out looking much better than yesterday. For the inner coil, I have to fold the unbraided "tail" against the plait and then roll the braid towards my head. Unfortunately I didn't put the bobby pins in the right places and towards the end of the day I was getting a sore spot on my scalp. Did a CWC and added about two quarter-sized blobs of honey to my final C. Although it didn't feel like it did anything for my hair when it was wet, it started to feel softer as it dried. I'll definately do this again. edit: photo resized |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Sep 12th, 2005 at 10:20am
Ooooh - your second try is fantastic! Good job!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Sep 12th, 2005 at 7:23pm
I agree w/BB! Your second attempt is a winner!!!
Oh yeah, about the bobby pins. Make sure you put the pin where your finger is when you're holding the braid to your head. That way you get the right placement. Let me know if you try it and how it works for you! It works great for me, but my hair isn't as long as yours. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:53am
What an impressive classic! If my hair was longer I would give it a shot. The kimonos look very cool! The back one is a tomesode, right?
I always check out Yamatoku for kimonos. You gotta dig through a lot of damaged garments, sometimes. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 13th, 2005 at 7:25am
*applauds the Dutch classic*
Great job!! :D Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Sep 14th, 2005 at 6:26am
The bun looks fabulous :) And the kimonos are very pretty. I favor the second one.
And like BB said: Pictures, Pretty Please :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 24th, 2005 at 2:12am
Thanks everyone! Sorry about not getting back to you all sooner, but the internet connection at home has been out for nearly two extremely annoying weeks and didn't get looked at until this afternoon. Many blessings on the RoadRunner techs who had to spend three or four hours to get everything fixed.
Sakina--Thanks for the tip about the bobby pins. I tried it today when I made another Dutch classic and didn't get a sore spot. Panpeus--I was trying to classify the black kimono, but since it doesn't have any family crests, I'm not sure if it qualifies as a tomosode. The only thing I know is that it's made of rinzu silk and with the short sleeves, might make people think I'm married. Ack. Oh man, I am so glad to be back on-line. I don't know if I should attempt trying to catch up with nearly two weeks of messages on this board. ??? Hmm, knowing me, I'll probably end up reading them all. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Sep 24th, 2005 at 3:00am
Nice to see you back Juri, you have been missed. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Sep 24th, 2005 at 3:16am
Glad to see you back! I know how hard it can be to be without an internet connection - I've just gone through 2 nights without :-/ - at least I had connection from work! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Sep 24th, 2005 at 7:11am
Welcome back! I was starting to wonder what happened to you. :)
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Sep 24th, 2005 at 8:12am
Thanks, Maroula, BB, and Khrome! I missed everyone here and wondered what I was going on with you all. I hope I don't have too many unexpected extended absences like this in the future. *knocks on wood*
Hair stuff: Things I wanted to write about for the past couple weeks: *Premature white hair--I found more! >:( I think there's about 15 currently growing that I know about. After pulling out a two a couple of years back, I've finally accepted the fact that I have white hair as well as all the other issues that come when finding white hairs at an early age. On the positive side, only one or two are visible without lifting sections of hair. *Long hair sighting--Last week while I was on the bus, I saw a woman on the sidewalk who had her hair in a ponytail and half of the tail was in a braid, but her hair was still nearly to her knees! I was amazed and wondered how long her hair is loose. Yowza. She must have been growing it for ages. *AO's Honeysuckle conditioner--Wonderful as a deep conditioning treatment. Last week I mixed some with honey and left it on for over an hour before washing my hair. The end result got a big WOW from me. I know I keep saying this, but I love that stuff. *Hair length--It's about 1.5-2 inches from waist and is finally starting to feel long. In fact, I think this is the longest I've ever had it (or at least the longest it's been in four years). But just when I get good at making buns without using pins, it's now at a slightly weird length that makes constructing nice buns somewhat difficult. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 1st, 2005 at 8:07am
The last time I updated this was on Sept. 24? Yeesh. Well, since the last time I did a somewhat thorough on my hair and haircare info was in June, I'd better update it now.
Basic hair info: *Type: 1bNCii/iii (ponytale is 3.75") *Length: somewhere between 27.5" and 28" (1/2 inch discrepancies[sp] are annoying, but I know it's grown more than .25" in September) Products *Shampoo: Origins' Knot Free *Conditioner: Suave Natural's Milk and Honey, Aubrey Organics' Honeysuckle Rose mixed with honey Haircare routine *Everyday: condition with Suave *Every 3-4 days: CWC *Every 2-3 weeks: ACV rinse with added honey Vitamins and supplements *Nature Made daily multi *1200mg calcium *1800mg biotin *500mg flax seed oil--on a break from it for now due to oddly timed acne. Amazingly that's made a difference ~~~~ Washed hair today--a day earlier than I was supposed to--and did an ACV rinse. Um, yeah. After resisting for a year, last weekend I finally succumbed and joined the ranks of people who watch "Lost." Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I had held off before because it seemed like everyone else was watching it. Mom's BF has the season 1 box set and I spent last weekend watching all of it. Ack. Since it's filmed on Oahu, I usually end up playing "Name that Location" when I watch it. Apart from a lot of the interior shots, I've been able to ID the following: *YWCA on Richards Street *stair case in the downtown First Hawaiian Bank *Hawaii Convention Center (the Sydney airport) *Honolulu docks *Ala Wai boat harbor *Costco in Waipio Gentry (not too far from my house. Neat!) *underground storage area in Waikele *neighboorhoods in Nuuanu or Manoa Valley *St. Andrew's church *the Mall at the University of Manoa (it was out of focus, but the background looked like the Mall) *Valley of the Temples *some wetland near Chinaman's Hat--a small off shore island *rocks near Makapuu/Blow Hole area *a room that's probably in the old court house near the state capital building According to IMDB, the cave scenes are filmed in the old Xerox building. That's the place where Byron Uesugi shot and killed several of his coworkers in 1999, so that rates a 11 out of 10 on my creepy scale. Still waiting for the black kimono to come. I hope it arrives soon. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Oct 1st, 2005 at 12:14pm
Isn't it fun to try to ID places in shows/movies?
We/ve had fun with the movies that were filmed in the Minneapolis area. Darn I can't think of all the names, Fargo is one, Jingle....something with Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Disney movie with ice skating, and Mighty Ducks. The Grumpy Old Men movies were filmed just south of Minneapolis, and I recognized shots from those as well. I'm sure you have many, many more movies and shows to pick from. Hmmmmm, could it be the COLD up here?? :o |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 1st, 2005 at 8:00pm
Your new avatar looks great, BB! Figure 8 buns always look so cool. :)
lol! While more movies and TV shows may be filmed here, the cast and crew have to deal with super humid weather. Ick. :P As for the locations used in "Lost", some of the scenes end up being unintentionally humorous. It's too funny when I see local spots that are supposed to represent places in Australia, Korea, England, etc. And I laugh every time I see the grassy area that's used as a "golf course"; that place has been used in so many movies that I keep expecting George of the Jungle, dinosaurs or Godzilla to start walking across. ^_^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:31am
That's cool you can identify the places. We did something similar this weekend - we watched the movie "Sideways" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375063/ which was filmed along a popular stretch of California which is known as the California wine country. Most of it extends a few hours south up to a few hours north of where I live. The only difference is, is that they actually called places by their real names which took the guesswork out of most of it. It was still neat to see familiar landmarks on TV.
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 7:52am
:) Funny. Hubby does that too. We watch a movie and he tells me where it is and when he's been there. Especially movies playing in or around the Washington area. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 4th, 2005 at 5:42am
Heehee, reflected glory through recognizing places is always fun! I think a lot of people get excited when they see a place they know on TV. :)
I found a picture from Dec. 2003. I can't believe how short my hair used to be, and this was four months after I had a hair cut so my hair was even shorter! Measured my hair last night when it was slightly damp. Most of the hair measured in at 28", but there were some strays that's 28.25". edit: photo resized. I copyright'd my face. haha |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Oct 4th, 2005 at 5:59am
WOW! That's some progress! Cute picture. 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 4th, 2005 at 8:41am
Oh you're so cute! Wow that is a big difference. I think my hair grows at the same rate as yours - It was about that short in '03 too. Oop, I forgot to measure-in. Wear did I put the tape measure...
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Oct 4th, 2005 at 11:23am
Cute picture!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 5th, 2005 at 2:22am
Sakina and BB--Thank you! It's a little on the yellow side, but I had a hard time finding a picture where I didn't look stupid. haha. :P
Khrome--Thanks! That pic was taken at the end of the fall semester, so it's a wonder that I don't look super tired. I took another look at the pictures you posted at the beginning of your journal, and it does seem like we grow at the same rate. Oh, and we're practically hair twins, except your hair is much thicker than mine. Cool! :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 5th, 2005 at 3:20pm
Whoa, you must have some fast growing hair!! You're so cute hehe!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 5th, 2005 at 10:26pm
Panpeus--haha! I usually describe myself as "not totally hag-like" so the comments you and Khrome left make me smile a lot. Thanks! :) I don't know how fast my hair grew before, but it seems to have picked up speed with the biotin.
Hair stuff--Did a CWC last night and oiled my boxwood comb. My poor bbb, it's sitting on the shelf completely neglected because I use the comb so often these days. I've learned that my hair has reached a point where high ponytails are no longer comfortable. I did my hair like that for luch with a friend today, and I ended up taking it down once I got back home. I think from this point on, the tail is too heavy wear in anything besides a low ponytail. Photobucket--I think the site is down. My avatar and pics, along with some other members' on LL, are no longer showing. I tried going to the Photobucket website, but I can't access the thing. I hope Photobucket goes back on-line soon. >_< |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 6th, 2005 at 1:36am
Yaay photobucket looks like its back up and running. And you are WAAAY cuter than "not hag-like!"
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Oct 6th, 2005 at 8:24am
Oh my, you look so cute in that picture :) And yes, your hair must be growing like wildfire....
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 7th, 2005 at 9:07am
Panpeus--lol! Thanks again! I think the "not totally hag-like" bit comes from an extreme case of Asian modesty (i.e. put yourself down even if you don't think you look that horrible). Ack.
Moonchild--Thank you! As for the hair, I think I've been really lucky that my daily caffine consumption hasn't affected my hair's growth...so far. *knocks on wood* Hair stuff--Figured out how to get my bun to stay. Earlier this summer I was pushing the ends through the middle of the bun, but since that doesn't work anymore, I need to push the ends through only part-way. The result kind of looks like a doughnut with the center put back in. Kimono rambling--The black rinzu kimono finally arrived today. I'm surprised that the SAL shipping method took this long, but the seller said that US customs is taking longer to process packages. Anyway, it's very nice and the pattern in the kimono looks cool (it looks like some sort of leaf). I'll have to take a picture in that one and post it. I also need to take a pic of the yukata (a light summer kimono) my grandma gave me a couple of days ago. She used to wear it to bon dances (I'll explain what that is in a later post) when she was a girl, so it means quite a lot to me that she let me have it. Actually, I had never even seen it before until this past week. Anyway, although it has some age spots, it's a lot nicer than any yukata I've seen on the internet or at the store. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 7th, 2005 at 2:50pm
I can't wait to see your Kimono pics! Oh yeah, SAL shipping takes forever. I think they go on the "Slow boat from China" There's a cargo boat that goes arcoss the Prime Meridian and it takes weeks! My last Kimono's took a month on this boat. I saw a special on TV with Micheal Palen and he took the boat across the pacific. The captian and crew have a neat ritual they do to cross the prime meridian ! It was really neat! Wow, your grandmother's Yukata, it must be so lovley... :) What a great thing to get and cherish!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 9th, 2005 at 1:49am
Lisabelle--Yes, the yukata is really nice! I think people put more work into things back then; it's only a yukata, but there's a lot of detail in the fabric and even flecks of gold paint (I was extrememly surprised to see that). Heehee, I've only seen "Full Circle," but I love Michael Palin's travel shows!
Housework--I tried to straighten up the spare room I store most of my books and misc. junks in, but didn't get very far. There's too many things in there! I think I'll weed the yard a bit so I feel like I did something productive today. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by ChiliPepper on Oct 9th, 2005 at 2:21am
Oh, I do love your picture!! It's so interesting to see what people look like.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 10th, 2005 at 8:56pm
ChiliPepper--Thanks! I agree, it's fun to see what LL members look like. :)
Kimono ramblings--I finally got some pictures of the kimono from eBay and my grandma's yukata. I don't have an obi for either of them, but hopefully everyone gets the general idea of what they look like. Here's the eBay kimono: The yukata: Then I got "creative" and tried to copy a drawing of Oriya from the manga "Yami no Matsuei" (aka "Descendants of Darkness"). If I do that again, I think I'll need to get a wind machine. o^_^o edit: photos resized. new and "improved" with special watermarks! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 10th, 2005 at 9:12pm
OH! :o The Kimono and Yukata are lovely!! I like the Anime pic you did, that mask is really cool! And you look so cute!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Oct 11th, 2005 at 12:05pm
I love the kimono and yukata. You give them a very traditional, sophisticated look. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Oct 11th, 2005 at 11:53pm
I like the color of your kimono, but that yukata is GORGEOUS! How extra special that it belonged to your grandma.
I think you did a great job imitating the anime pic. Thanks for sharing!! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sara on Oct 12th, 2005 at 1:22am
I love them both!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 12th, 2005 at 1:28am
Oooh how cool! Lookin' good!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 12th, 2005 at 1:39am
Thanks everyone! :-*
Because the yukata is around 70 years old, I think it would be better to store it nicely and not wear it in public too often; I'm rather nervous about ripping it or getting it stained. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Oct 13th, 2005 at 3:06am
The pictures are great! And the yukata OMG so pretty!
This is really a family treasure. I am amazed that the colors are still that "full" after 70 years. Fantastic :o |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 13th, 2005 at 6:13am
Thanks, Moonchild! :) I was surprised at how well the yukata aged, especially since my grandma lives in a rather damp area and things are prone to mildew.
Hair--CWC tonight. Hmm, not much to report other than that. Oh, so exciting. >_< |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 13th, 2005 at 7:05am
You look great in those!!! They're both so pretty!
I think you did a great imitation of the anime pic - your pose is right on. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 13th, 2005 at 7:32am
Thank you, Khrome! :) Heh heh, when I look at the last photo the perfectionist in me says, "the mask should be in a different position, your hand could be at another angle..." Well, you get the idea.
I just found out that my friend's surprise b-day dinner is being moved up to tomorrow. Hmm, I think I'll give her money. Not the most original idea in the world, but with gas costing over $3 a gallon over here, who doesn't like money? Wow, this journal is on page 9! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 13th, 2005 at 10:08pm
Grats on page 9! :)
Gas is $3? Where do you live!? Maybe it's bad in Chicago...since I'm at school, you don't heave much about gas. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 14th, 2005 at 1:17am
Panpeus--Thanks! I'm kind of surprised at how quickly the pages are accumulating.
About the gas, I live in Hawaii where everything is more expensive than the continental US. I think the average price per gallon is $3.40 on Oahu and almost $4 on the outer islands. I, ah, don't know how to drive so I usually catch the bus, but I feel sorry for my friends (and everyone else) who have to pay that much for gas. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Oct 14th, 2005 at 11:22am wrote on Oct 14th, 2005 at 1:17am:
Don't feel bad for them! They choose to drive. You choose to use a more economic and environmentally kinder method of transportation - Good for you! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 15th, 2005 at 6:22am
Thanks for putting it in a different perspective, BB! lol. I hadn't thought of it that way.
Hair ramblings--It's a good thing I didn't go into construction; my measurements would create lop-sided homes. Why do I say that? Well, earlier in the summer I had guessed that I would hit waist at 30" and calculated my hair's growth at .57" a month, so it would take six months to reach waist. But apparently that turned out to be completely off because right now my hair is just barely touching my waist (which apparently turned out not to be at 30"). I think by the middle of November it will definately be at waist, even on bouncy-first-day-hair days and not just at the end of the day when my hair is a bit lank. I'm rather happy about this, but at first I was rather skeptical and kept rechecking my hair in the mirror to make sure that I wasn't just seeing things. Yay for skepticism and slightly OCD behavior. Ack. My ends have been feeling rather dry lately. I think I need to buy shea butter pretty soon and start up with the weekly deep conditioning treatments again. I hope the shea butter works. I tried oiling earlier in the summer, and while my hair was smoother, I didn't like having crunchy ends. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 16th, 2005 at 3:00am
I think you'll like the results with shea. I tried oils too, and they left me crunchy. I had better luck with shea.
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 16th, 2005 at 5:57am
Thanks for the info, Khrome! I think I'll pick some up the next time I go to GNC. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 17th, 2005 at 2:16am
Bye bye chickie counter from Ticker Factory. You were cute while you lasted, but unfortunately you became completely superfluous due to my lack of measuring prowess. :'(
Completely random stuff that has nothing to do with hair--Seeing Rodent and Lisabelle's drawings are helping inspire me to draw more. I used to do it quite a lot until I entered college and had no time. Goal: try to draw something at least once a day. Gothic lolita--I wish I lived in Japan so I could buy that type of clothing. I doubt the designer I really like would ship outside of Japan. Atelier Boz(click on "Boz" under the black "Boz Catalog" sign) has great gothic clothing, but I don't think they do international shipping. :'( |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 17th, 2005 at 3:16am
www.limebarb.com does commission works. If you showed the 'look' that you were going for, I'm sure that Barb and Julia could make it for you.
Their most recent costume is Rydia from FFVI. It's got 400 hours worth of hand beading on it. They're the best costume designers in the midwest. And perhaps nationwide. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 17th, 2005 at 4:07am wrote on Oct 17th, 2005 at 2:16am:
I'd be interested in seeing your drawings! I also love to draw but don't have time. I think I produce something about once a year on average, and each piece takes a couple days to complete. I would LOVE to have an EGL dress. Ohyeah, I was watching an episode of America's Next Top Model, where the girls were sent to Japan. They had to put together an Anime street outfit. They were sent to a couple of stores to pick out their outfits, including Metamorphose. It looked so fun! Unfortunately, the girls knew nothing about Japanese-anything, and were so not enthused. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 17th, 2005 at 7:43am
Panpeus--Thank you SO much for that suggestion! I was looking at Limebarb last week, but it never occurred to me to ask them about making a gothic outfit. ::) Heheh, I know what I'm going to do with my first paycheck when I finally find a job. Ugh, I'm so responsible. *sarcasm*
Khrome--lol. Your drawing "schedule" sounds like what I've been doing for the past couple of years. I don't have a scanner so I'll need to photograph the drawings and crop them. Depending on how that turns out, I'll post a thing or two. Don't expect anything amazing from me. :P I wish I had seen that episode of America's NTM. I would have had a lot of fun there if I had been them! The EGL look is really cute, but I think my personal preferences lean towards EGA. If I really do ask Limebarb for a commission, I want to get this jacket and blouse made: Jacket Blouse I luv Atelier Boz! But my pocketbook wouldn't. >_< |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 17th, 2005 at 11:01am
Wow that outfit is awesome! I would LOVE that frock coat! I once asked my MIL to make me one, but I need to find a pattern. Really really cool!!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 17th, 2005 at 7:03pm
Thanks, Lisabelle! Yeah, when I saw that coat on the AB site, I almost shouted, "I MUST HAVE THAT!!!!" I've wanted to have a frock coat for years, but it's hard to find a pattern. I think I looked at designs from the more well known pattern makers--Simplicity, Macalls, etc--as well as stuff from Amazon Drygoods, but never saw anything I really like. Pft, as if I know how to sew something more complex than a drawstring bag. :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Oct 18th, 2005 at 4:06am
:) wow - that is really different!
And BTW, a drawstring bag would be all that I could do ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 18th, 2005 at 8:41am
Those are cute! I would totally wear that style. Infact, when I look for a nice jacket, I usually look for something Victorian-inspired like that.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 18th, 2005 at 6:53pm
Moonchild--lol! Maybe we should start a support group for people who can't sew and/or crochet--I can't do either. ^_^
Khrome--It is a neat style, isn't it. I like to look for Victorian-style jackets too (ah, obviously), but somehow my jackets end up having a militaryesque look to them. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 22nd, 2005 at 6:50am
Okay, I've been laz-er, I mean busy-and haven't written in a few days. Let's see, what's been going on:
Hair stuff: CWC--Did one yesterday and also did a ACV rinse. Shea butter--Finally bought some today and tried it. Woo, that stuff is great. I only used a little and my hair felt softer and not as dry. I think I'll lay off the Suave Milk and Honey conditioner for a while and use this between shampoos. Although Suave worked well the first couple of months, I think my hair is getting protein overload and it's been feeling a bit crunchy lately. Hairsticks--Won a cute pair of hairsticks with glass mushrooms on the ends off of eBay. I just paid for it yesterday, so hopefully I'll get it sometime next week. Random stuff: Art--I've been working on an original drawing for the past few days. I have part of it colored, but I'm stuck at the girl's hair; I don't know how I should shade it. I'd better figure it out before I loose interest and start working on something else. >:( DeviantArt.com--This site is great. Perhaps a little too great as I am spending more time looking at other people's art than I am working on my own. Oh yeah, I said I'd post a couple of my drawings here. Hmm, I'll do that tomorrow. Shodo (Japanese calligraphy)--Okay, after taking lessons from Nihon Shuji (a worldwide calligraphy school based in Japan) since January, I finally joined the organization last month as an official member. Each month we get a new set of characters to work on and at the end of the month Nihon Shuji members each turn in a sheet with the best version of the characters they could do and those papers are looked at calligraphy masters (not what they're actually called) and we're ranked according to our ability levels. Well, I got my first sheet back yesterday and I was ranked fifth out of eight beginner levels, with 8 being the lowest and 1 the highest. Yay! I was surprised I had placed so well, but also relieved--I would have been kind of annoyed if I had been doing calligraphy for 9 months and only placed in the 7th level. Next week I have to turn in another set of characters. I hope we can't get demoted... |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 22nd, 2005 at 11:19am
Wow, the Shodo sounds great, I would love to see some of your work. I know some people who post too DeviantArt.com. I almost got a gallery there but I was to embrassed :-[ I do have a gallery in cyberspace, pm me if you want to see it. shea butter is great! I put it on my skin too :)
Nice to see you back ^ ^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 22nd, 2005 at 7:10pm
Lisabelle--Shodo is neat, although frustrating at times when I do three kanji well and then mess up the last one. I was thinking about getting a DeviantArt account, but like you I'm too embarrassed. Compared to a lot of the artists on that site, my stuff looks like crap.
And now for some shameless selfpromotion (haha). Not like anyone would steal these pics, but I put a watermark on most of the art. Shodo pic one Shodo pic two. I don't know what this says. Done in the gyosho (medium touch) style. Now for the fanart. Totoros and Mei by a pond, summer 2004. This was the first time I worked in watercolor in several years. It's not finished. I think I was going to paint Mei's skin after my Cotman watercolor set arrived, but I never went back to the painting. Medium: grumbaucher(sp) watercolor, Strathmore watercolor paper. This was done sometime during winter 2003. The original is by the group CLAMP and I think this is one of the characters from Card Captor Sakura. Medium: copic markers, prismacolor pencils, Strathmore sketch paper. Original: This is what I'm working on right now. Although it's not as "nice" as the CLAMP fanart, I'm rather proud of it as I didn't use another pic as a model and I'm trying new coloring techniques. Medium: copic markers, prismacolor pencils, Strathmore bristol board. Not finished. Sorry for the general crapiness of the pics, but I haven't done a lot of art for years and the flash from the camera made things look washed out. edit: changed the photos into links |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Oct 22nd, 2005 at 8:21pm
Wow! I love calligraphy, I've only done celtic, and some of the Roman and Olde English styles. I'd like to try brush calligraphy, but I've kinda gotten out of it-maybe someday.
I think your paintings are great! The Card Captors Sakura is really pretty, I like the colors. Thanks for sharing them!!! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 2:21am
I am always in awe of those of you who can draw. The caligraphy is beautiful.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 6:31am
WOW great caligraphy! I've dabbled in Chinese brush painting and Japanese Sumi-e, so I know how hard that can be.
Your anime art is so sool - I especially like the CLAMP fan-art. I'm going to have to share my artwork too now! :D Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 7:12am
Thank you very much, ladies! :)
Sakina--I don't think I've seen Roman calligraphy, but it must look really neat! I tried doing Old English calligraphy, but I think fountain pens have something against me. ^_^ BB--Heehee, you should see the calligraphy I did when I first started taking lessons. Oh, the horror. The calligraphy in the pics I posted are pretty good for me, but when I see what the more experienced students can do, wow! :o Khrome--Chinese brush painting is really cool! Did you take lessons or was it self-taught? Yes, post some of your artwork. I'd love to see your drawings! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 12:05pm
Wow your really good! I love the Shodo and I'm a big Totoro fan! 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 6:16pm
Lisabelle--Thank you! I don't know about good. When I stare at my stuff too long, I start to find all the mistakes. Oh, and for the last pic, I wanted the snail to sit on top of a frog, but the frog's head kept looking like a fish so I changed it to a toadstool; easier to draw. :P
Totoro is the cutest movie! If I ever go to Japan, I think I would go crazy buying Totoro items (along with second-hand kimono, and other anime things). |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 24th, 2005 at 1:59am
*big thumbs up for the watercolor*
That one is my favorite! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 24th, 2005 at 2:32am
Thank you, Panpeus! Woo, kudos from an art major! :)
The Totoro pic is *interesting* because I ended up trying two different methods to paint the sky--wet on wet and wet on dry--just to see what the difference would be. Although there's a lot of wonky parts, I was glad to stumble upon a bunch of happy accidents while I was painting it. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 24th, 2005 at 3:46am wrote on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 7:12am:
I'm doing the self-taught thing, from books. This was the first book I got, which was nice because it came with some supplies. I could "try out" Chinese brush painting, without investing a lot in supplies http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1872700101/qid=1130128553/sr=8-23/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i8_xgl14/103-8848045-9449454?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Later I got a better ink/brush set, and a couple more books. One was this one, and I can't find the other. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0806908335/qid=1130129022/sr=8-2/ref=pd_bbs_2/103-8848045-9449454?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 I also carved my own chop. Not the whole thing - it was a blank chop, and I carved the symbol on the bottom. Since I don't know what my name translates to in Chinese, I used the symbols for "little bear" - that's what my boyfriend calls me. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 24th, 2005 at 4:31am
I tried Chinese brush painting using one of those kits too. However the one I have is from another company and came in a sea green case. At least you're sticking with it. I attempted a few of the examples in the book, but couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do and gave up. :P
It's neat that you carved the bottom of a chop! I remember seeing one for the first time on the show "Reading Rainbow" and I thought they were the coolest things. ^_^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 25th, 2005 at 7:50am
Not much going on hair-wise. I lost some enthusiasm for trying new styles and have just been going out with a cinnabun. Gee, what happened to the time (that was only a couple of months ago) when I liked doing Dutch classics?
But I've been considering (again) the possibility of going back to my natural color with a two-step henna and indigo process. I miss having 100% black hair, but I don't want to use chemical dyes anymore. If I get some samples from mehandi.com and they work, do I really want to shell out close to $80 for henna and indigo? ??? Well, it's not like I need to do this right away so I guess I'll wait and see how I feel a couple of months from now... |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 28th, 2005 at 10:31pm
Hair--The shea butter is working well. Yay! It feels a bit weird until everything is absorbed by my hair, and then the ends feel really nice. I still need to work out a routine for using the shea butter and the Suave conditioner. I don't want to use the shea everyday, but I don't want my ends to dry out either.
For these past few days I've been noticing that I've been shedding a little bit more than usual. I wonder what's causing it. It could be the change of seasons or inadvertantly dropping to a lower BMI. I noticed that when I gained a couple of pounds two years ago, my, er, monthlies got heavier compared to when I was at a lower weight and now I'm really close to that lower weight again. Perhaps the two are related--if I'm not getting enough calories, my body diverts resources to more important functions. I guess I should eat more. Jrock--Yay, the Psycho le Cemu CD singles I won on eBay arrived on Wednesday! I can only change the region setting on my computer 3 more times so I'm trying to make all the screencaps I can from the DVDs that came with singles before I have to change the region setting back to region 1. Note to self: must get a region-free DVD player one day soon. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 30th, 2005 at 7:39am
I did a *gasp* "normal" wash yesterday, not a CWC! Egads! Anyway, it had been a month or two since I washed the length so I thought it was due for one. Surprisingly the length didn't feel dried out today. I suppose this is because I had put the conditioner on, scrubbed the tub, and did the rest of my shower duties before rinsing it off.
My mushroom hairsticks arrived this evening. Yays! They're really cute--glass mushroom beads on the ends--but I'm going to have to cut off about half an inch from the bottoms. They're a little too long at the moment and the ends a kind of pointy. Other than that, though, they were worth the $8. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Oct 30th, 2005 at 10:33pm
The mushroom sticks sound cute. Does the seller have more of them? Are they dangles, or is the mushroom on the end?
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 30th, 2005 at 11:03pm
Hey Khrome! I checked the seller's listing, but right now there aren't anymore for aution. I'll PM you the seller's name so you can ask if he's going to have more of them. Anyway, here's a pic of the sticks:
They're 6.5 inches long and it looks like the mushroom beads were glued on. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Oct 31st, 2005 at 12:55am
Oh those are sooo cute!!! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by greek_lady on Oct 31st, 2005 at 4:18am
Ohhhh sooo cute sticks Juri! :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 31st, 2005 at 7:11am
Thanks, Lisabelle and Greek_Lady! I was a little surprised no one else put in a bid for them. I guess they're not sparkly enough. ^_^
Hair thinggies--I'm trying a leave-in recipe I saw on another hair board. I just put it on about an hour ago and it made a difference in my hair rather quickly. Unlike plain shea butter I didn't have to wait a couple of hours before that slightly tacky feeling went away. So far I give it a thumbs up, but I'll need to try it a couple more times before I make a final decision on whether or not to keep using it. It's so funny, but my mom likes to use my AO conditioner. Today while I was mixing the leave-in she asked if she could use my condish again. I think this was the fourth time so I joked that I should probably get her a bottle of it for Christmas. Out of the all the products I havr and she says she's going to try, this is the only one that she's actually used. lol Holiday gifties--For once I'm planning ahead for what to give some of my friends for Christmas. I'm thinking of making batches of Anais' leave-in and including a horn comb with each gift. Oh, and I should include some lanolin oil as well for the comb. I wonder if they'll like that. Well, I have some time to decide, and at least it's more original than my usual standby of a gift-card. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Oct 31st, 2005 at 9:21pm
Definately like the new Kabuki icon! My Intro to Japanese Culture class is paying off! I knew what it was! :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Oct 31st, 2005 at 9:50pm
Thanks, Panpeus! Your Japanese culture class sounds like it would be really interesting! Go you for recognizing it as Kabuki! :) It looked so out of place when I first loaded it, but that's okay.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Nov 1st, 2005 at 6:44am
Those sticks are adorable! I don't know what it is about mushrooms. They're not my favorite thing to eat (unless they're baked with feta cheese) but I love looking at them. I think there is some Lewis Carroll-influenced fascination with them too.
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 4:53am
Khrome--lol! That sounds like the opposite of me. I really like eating mushrooms, but never felt the urge to wear them until I saw those hairsticks.
Hair stuffs--CWC'd tonight. My AO conditioner is almost gone and I resorted to bonking the bottle against the handrail in the shower to get the condish out. Take that, conditioner. HA! Okay, I don't think I'll be using the shea butter-conditioner mix too much in the future. When I woke up yesterday morning, my hair felt a little sticky. I had plain shea butter in my hair all day today and didn't have that problem. Slightly annoyed that my hair didn't grow as fast this month--only .50 inches, but at least it didn't shrink. o_O Oh, my ends reach my waist, even in the morning when my hair is a bit poofy. As a result, I now consider myself officially at waist length. Yay! This is rather cool; I've never had hair this long before. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 10:55am
Congrats on reaching the "never been here before" length! It is all uncharted territory from now on - enjoy the journey!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 11:22am
Congratulations! How exciting :-)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 6:37pm
Thanks, BB and Sakina! Yep, this is rather exciting for me. If I had stuck to my original goal of waist, I'd be there already. But after joining LL, my hair-length goal kept changing. lol :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 11:13pm
Yep - the sky's the limit - no wait - that should be FLOOR! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 3rd, 2005 at 4:54am
LOL, BB! If I had floor-length hair I'd have to round up a few hair minions! Hmm, I wonder if I could teach my mom's BF's dog how to hold a comb. Hey, if he can "hold" a towel in his paws he should be able to hold a comb.
Non-hair things--A couple of days ago I joined a forum for a particular Japanese rock band. I had a feeling that the mods were younger than me, but I had no idea how much younger until I was looking at some member profiles. I seem to be nine years older than a lot of them! Ack. While nine years doesn't make too much of a difference here, it seems like a lot at that board since all the ones who listed their date of birth are still in high school and I'm the oldest one there. Ugh. My future hair-minion-in-training. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Nov 3rd, 2005 at 11:21am
That's one cute hair minion. How's the training going?
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 3rd, 2005 at 12:35pm
Congrats on your hair length! ^ ^!! I was there a long time ago and it was great! Oh what a cute doggie!! Say, I was on a forum once too were I was the oldest. It was an Anime writing club and the youngest was 13! I thought okay, I am old enough to be there mother. :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 4th, 2005 at 3:38am
Sakina--Thanks! He's a cute and very funny dog. The training? It's not going too well. Everytime I give him a comb, he looks at me and expects me to comb him! I'm not sure who's the hair, er, master and who's the minion. ^_^
Lisabelle--Thank you! It's kind of neat to be at waist length, and only now do I consider my hair to be "long." And thanks for the forum sympathy. How long did you stay on that anime writing forum? On getting older--Although I'm only entering my mid-twenties, I've come to realize that I have reached an age where I'm "old" compared to people other than elementary school students. A few months ago when I was working with the six-year-olds at Kids First (a one night program for kids and parents going through divorce), one of the girls asked me how old I was and when I told her she said, "You're the same age as my dad. Do you want to go out with him?" I replied, "Ah, no, that's alright." Mentally I was going: o_O Wait, did that even explain my feelings of being old compared to high schoolers? Sorry, who ever is reading this. I've been up since 4:45 am and my brain is a bit fuzzy. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Nov 4th, 2005 at 6:15am wrote on Nov 4th, 2005 at 3:38am:
Hehehhe that's WAY funny! The only board I was on that had a really big age gap was a Hello Kitty board. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 4th, 2005 at 12:13pm
Lisabelle--Thank you! It's kind of neat to be at waist length, and only now do I consider my hair to be "long." And thanks for the forum sympathy. How long did you stay on that anime writing forum?
I stood for about a year. I left after I realized my stories were not hitting the mark with the club. Young kids do not like romantic stories. And for all the amime they watch, you would think they would know a bit about Japanese myths. Sadly no :'(. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 4th, 2005 at 6:03pm
Khrome--Yeah, I really had to catch my initial reaction when she said that. At first I wanted to say, "WTF--, no!"
Lisabelle--I think you stayed longer than I would have if I were on that board. I can see how they wouldn't know about Japanese myths. The few anime shows I've seen just touches upon aspects of Jpns mythology and I think only people who are really interested in learning more would go out of their way to do so. When "Pokemon" first came out the dubs were calling musubi/onigiri "doughnuts", for goodness sake. Photos--Due to the recent, and disturbing, news about hair photos ending up on fetish sites, I resized all of mine and put "watermarks" on them. My favorite one is this one. lol |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 4th, 2005 at 6:48pm
LOL! That's a "great" picture! I needed that chuckle. Thanks!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 4th, 2005 at 8:46pm
Heheh, you're welcome, BB. 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 5th, 2005 at 12:49pm
Lisabelle--I think you stayed longer than I would have if I were on that board. I can see how they wouldn't know about Japanese myths. The few anime shows I've seen just touches upon aspects of Jpns mythology and I think only people who are really interested in learning more would go out of their way to do so. When "Pokemon" first came out the dubs were calling musubi/onigiri "doughnuts", for goodness sake
I know, I put up with a lot of taunting on that board. :-[ That forum was into Inuyasha, Samurai X, Samurai Jack (not an Anime) I was into Ghost in the shell, Ninja Scroll (great movie btw)! Vampire hunter D, with Salior moon and Dragonball just for fun. I cracked down and learned as much as I could about Jpns mythos and there's more to learn! I would get ideas form the old mythos and make my own stories. In my album you saw some of the characters I created. I was quite moved by the 47 retainers and created a character from Juroemon, expert at the Naginata. My friend, Kirin-san, loved this story so much she translated it and handed it out in her office in Japan! They loved it! I was so embrassed ^ ^;;;! Sorry for rambling away on your journal. :-[ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 5th, 2005 at 5:12pm
Lisabelle--Taunting?! I'm so sorry you had that experience. *grumbling to self 'punks'* But it's really cool that you became so interested in Japanese mythology. Other than a few folk tales and the little I remember from my premodern Japanese history class, I don't know too much about Jpns myths. It's so cute that Kirin san translated your story and passed it out! I'm glad your tale found an audience who appreciated your talent. Oh, and feel free to ramble all you want. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 5th, 2005 at 6:27pm
Thank you! Your such a sweetie!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 8th, 2005 at 4:43am
Lisabelle--That gif is so cute! :D
Hair stuffs--Hair has been feeling good the past few days. My hair feels a lot softer and more conditioned since I began using shea butter. I wish I had started using it a few months ago! And I definately won't be using the shea&conditioner mix anymore. On Saturday evening I put plain shea on my ends and left it overnight. When I woke up the next day my hair still felt nice and soft, which was the total opposite from when I did that with the shea and conditioner mix. Jrock forum--So far it's been fun. It's not that busy so most of the time the administrator--who's 15--and I have been having conversations between ourselves. Right now they just know that I'm a college graduate; I didn't tell them I'm going to turn 24 pretty soon. I was slightly surprised the admin didn't made a big deal out of it, but it might be due to the fact that I was the only one who gave him a bunch of pictures for an icon challenge he's participating in. haha >.< |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 8th, 2005 at 5:30pm
Warning: this post is pretty much me complaining about telemarketers from a certain credit card company. Turn back now if you don't have a problem with them.
Telemarketers (grrrr)--For nearly two weeks I've been getting calls from a certain credit card company. Well, the calls are actually for my mom, but since they call while she's at work, I'm the one who has to talk to those people. Anyway, it wouldn't be so bad if the telemarketers only called once a week or even once a day, but it's twice a day and it's always the same people! I've gotten so fed up that since yesterday I don't even bother saying, "Sorry, we're not interested." Yesterday morning when I got a call, after asking who was calling and the lady began asking me if I was over 18 and wanted a credit card, I cut her off and said, "I know it's your job, but can you guys stop calling? This is getting annoying." There was a pause and she said, "Oh, well if you have any questions, call blah blah blah." Me, "Uh-huh" and hung up. Then in the afternoon I got another call from the same company and I said, "You people keep calling, but we're not interested." Then there was a pause and the usual, "if you have any questions please call..." I'm really tired of having to hear that ending part so when I got a call not too long ago (it was just barely 9AM in my area), I hung up before the woman even got to the "please call" bit. The conversation went like this: Telemarketer: Is Mrs.------- there? Me: Who is this? TM: This is ---- credit card company. Me: She's not here. Bye. *hang up* The telemarketers are just doing their jobs so I feel a little bad for them and refrained from being even ruder, but things are getting rather ridiculous. I know I could start screening the calls and let the answering machine pick up, but that's almost like letting the telemarketers win and it makes things more inconvenient, especially if it's not a telemarketer; I hate phone tag. Sorry for complaining like this, but I needed to vent. I feel better now. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 8th, 2005 at 5:43pm
I would recommend you sign up for the Do Not Call Registry. Your phone number will be added to a list that telemarketers must abide by. This site also explains what to do if you continue to get calls after you have been added to the list (with a 31 day waiting period). Being on this list has drastically reduced the telemarking calls I get. Unfortunately you can still get calls from non-profits, political parties and companies you have an established relationship with. But you can always ask that they remove your name from their list. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 8th, 2005 at 5:58pm
Thanks for the link, BB. Since the house is in my mom's name, I'm going to let her decide if she wants our number added to the list. I don't mind getting calls from non-profits since we don't get too many calls from them anyway. I wondered if what's happening now is because the telemarketers are running out of numbers to call. They never bothered us this much before. :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 11th, 2005 at 7:12am
Yay, only one telemarketer called on Tuesday and no one called yesterday and today. I guess that credit card company got the message or gave up. Either way, they're not bothering us. Woo! But signing up for the Do Not Call list is still a good idea.
Hair--I'm in a bored/frustrated stage with my hair. I haven't been able to get my buns to work: they're either too tight or the coil gets wonky looking. And I seem to be shedding a bit more than usual tonight. >:( On the positive side, I bought a bottle of Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hair Remoisturizer conditioner for $5.95. Althought the bottle is smaller than the Aubrey Organics conditioner, the price per ounce is a little cheaper. I think I'll try it on my next wash night and see how it compares to the AO condish. Mmm, that's all for tonight. I'm tired. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 12th, 2005 at 1:52am
Not much going on with my hair, but I took a progress pic. This is the third day after a wash so it looks a bit lank. :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Nov 12th, 2005 at 3:18am
Juri, I think your hair looks gorgeous!! Keep up the good work :-)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 12th, 2005 at 7:29am
Thanks, Sakina! It's 11.35pm here, but you made my day! :-*
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Nov 12th, 2005 at 7:48am
Your hair looks great! You've had some good growth (I looked up the first pic you posted.) Congratulations! :D
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 14th, 2005 at 6:17pm
Khrome--Thank you! :D Now that I'm getting close to 30 inches, I hope my hair doesn't go into a resting phase. ^^;
Yay, the internet is working again! It's been down for a couple of days so I'm really happy. Hair stuffs--I tried the Giovanni conditioner on Saturday and although it's a lot "thinner" compared to the AO Honeysuckle Rose, and got runny when I mixed it with honey, it works great! I was really surprised at how silky my hair felt afterward. This is definately a keeper. :) I started to wear my hair in a braid when I go to bed. I should have started doing this a long time ago; morning tangles are almost nonexistant. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 17th, 2005 at 6:23am
Did a CWC tonight. I think I need to do a ACV rinse soon.
Ummm, when wet, the longest ends of my crooked hem line just barely reaches the top of an elbow. Cool! ...still thinking about what I should get my "person". Hmmmm. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Nov 17th, 2005 at 10:37am
I really like your hair. It looks so nice and long already!
Did you figure something out for your "person" yet? I really like that secret santa thing.......I think we need to have a secret bunny too ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 17th, 2005 at 10:59am wrote on Nov 17th, 2005 at 10:37am:
Secret Bunny, Secret Pumpkin....... the list could go on and on! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 17th, 2005 at 11:37am
What's a Secret Bunny? Sounds cute. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 18th, 2005 at 12:38am
Moonchild--Thank you! You should have seen it before I joined LL. It looked kind of dull and had lots of splits. :P I still haven't figured out what to get. I have to go into town tomorrow, so I'm going to hit the mall while I'm there. I'm hope I find something good.
What is a secret bunny? Is that an exhange during Easter? Since it seems like a bunch of people are ready to send their gifts, this seems more like a secret turkey than secret santa. Secret turkey? I must have Thanksgiving on my mind. ^^;; Hair--I was getting kind of frustrated with it this morning. At first I had it in a braid, but then when I lifted the braid up, I noticed that a bunch of hair was sticking out. So then I decided to do pigtail braids, but that didn't turn out well. And by this time I had to leave for the bus or else I was going to miss it so I ended up making a messy bun before rushing out of the house. ack |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 19th, 2005 at 7:00am
Looked for hairtoys while I was running errands today. I have a pretty good idea where I'm going to buy my secret santa gift, but I'm going to keep my eyes open and wait a bit before buying anything. However, I'll definately have the gift sent out before the deadline.
Mailed my JET application today. I hope I get in this time. I'd be so bummed out if I didn't get into the program on the second try. Saw Harry Potter today! WOOO!!! The theater was pretty crowded when I got there at 4:40 for the 5 o'clock show and by the time the movie started, there were hardly any free seats. And when I was leaving the theater, the line for the next showing was out the door. :o Although they had to leave out a bunch of things from the book, it was really good. I think my favorite part was when Alan Rickman rolled up his sleeves (sort of) before pushing Ron and Harry's heads down. Eeee, Alan Rickman!... Should I be worried that I have a crush on an actor who's older than my mother? XD |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 19th, 2005 at 12:03pm
Juri I am a big Alan Rickman fan too! ::) My favorite movie's of his include Robinhood and Something the lord Made. hehe he's not too old for me!! :-*
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Nov 19th, 2005 at 3:45pm
I'm posting this a bit late but...
Your hair looks great!! ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 19th, 2005 at 11:05pm
I'm sorry I missed it too! Must get new eye glasses! Your hair is so nice! And [glb]Happy Birthday!!!!!!!![/glb]
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 19th, 2005 at 11:35pm
Panpeus--Thanks! And as Sakina once said to me, "It's never too late for a compliment." :)
Lisabelle--LOL! I don't know what my favorite Alan Rickman movie is, but I really like him in "Sense and Sensibility." I love his clothes. Thank you for the birthday wishes! I guess you saw the thread on LHC. ^^ Since my Bday won't be listed until tomorrow (the 20th), I was in disbelief at first and wondered if the post was really referring to me. hahaha. And thanks for the hair compliment! :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Nov 19th, 2005 at 11:39pm
Juri, Happy Birthday!!!
I love Alan Rickman's voice. I really liked him in Galaxy Quest. I think he's the perfect Snape. Can't wait to see the movie :-0 |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 20th, 2005 at 12:35pm
Yep, I saw you on the LHC! Hope you have a great birthday!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Nov 20th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Oh my... I haven't been spending enough time on Longlocks. Your November 11 pic is awesome :) I love the thickness of the ends.
Anais |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 21st, 2005 at 5:09am
(Written on Nov. 20, Hawaii time)
Sakina--Thank you! I had a good birthday, and Alan Rickman is definately the perfect Snape. I can't imagine anyone else in the role. Lisabelle--Heehee, now that I finally joined LHC, it's fun when I see other LL members posting on that board. Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Anais--Thank you! Boy, this day just gets better and better. :) ~~~~~ Hair--Did a CWC and an ACV rinse tonight. Non-hair things--Yay, I'm another year older! Part of today was spent much like my 21st birthday: watching the latest Harry Potter movie. Heehee, I'm obsessed. It was still very good the second time around and I got to oggle After that, my mom and I went to Costco and there was a cute guy at the checkout stand. Then we stopped at the local Ross and she bought me a new purse. When we came home in the evening and two of my closest friends came over and dropped off birthday presents. We're all kind of busy with Thanksgiving coming up so we're going to go out and celebrate sometime after turkey day. I don't like making a huge fuss out of my Bday so this one was very enjoyable. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Nov 21st, 2005 at 5:42am
A little bit late.......but nonetheless
Happy Happy Birthday!!! :) :) :) :) I hope you had a good time. How was the Harry Potter movie? |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 12:03am
Thanks, Moonchild! :) The movie was really good, but because of time constraints, a lot of things from the book weren't included in the movie. Up until the time when the Beauxbaton(sp) and Durmstrang(sp?) students came in, scene changes were rather abrupt, which was a little annoying. But overall, I really liked the film. I think I might see it again during the Thanksgiving weekend. ^^;;
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Maroula on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 12:21am
Ooops, a day late, but Happy Birthday Juri!! :)
And I love Alan Rickman too. ;) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by 13bodies on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 3:53pm
Happy Late Birthday! I'm sorry I'm late--I love celebrating any birthday that isn't mine. 8)
Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber in Die Hard was the Best Movie Villian ever. :-* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 6:48pm
Maroula--Thank you! Yay, another Alan Rickman fan. ^_^
13bodies--That's okay. Thank you very much! I haven't seen "Die Hard," but I guess I have to now. hahaha ;D On another hair board there's a thread about hair fantasies and mine seems so weird compared to what most other people wrote. Many of them talked about imagining herself in Lord of the Rings or in a romantic setting, but I wrote about how I imagine myself in as a guitarist in a band and flinging my black, miraculously tangle-free, fingertip length hair around. I think I've been listening to too much Japanese rock music. hahaha. But seriously, I can't wait until my hair is super long and one color, like Hiro from the band La'cryma Christi. He cut it short a few years ago, but I love his hair. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 24th, 2005 at 4:02am
I'm rather bored so I thought I'd post some pics. Yay, photos!
Okay, this is my minion, Ubu. I think this was taken last week. I wuv that little guy. And here he is when he was one week old. I can't believe how tiny he used to be. And here's part of the backyard. The plants are actually from the house beind ours. They were planted right next to the property line and the runners started to grow on our side of the fence. Notice the lack of grass and presence of weeds in the pic. haha |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 24th, 2005 at 2:23pm
PUPPIE PICTURES!!!! How darling! I'm taking care of our neighbor's dog this week. She's a sweetie, too, but much bigger - about 50 pounds bigger!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 24th, 2005 at 3:19pm
Aww your puppy is soo cute!! ;D ;D And I love your new avatar! 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 24th, 2005 at 6:38pm
BB--Cute! What kind of dog are you petsitting? Ubu's already as heavy as a large sack of rice so I can't imagine having a larger dog than that.
Lisabelle--Thanks and thanks! Ubu's an adorable dog....except when he starts nipping at my toes. Ow! Weird thing is that he doesn't do that to anyone else. Do my feet smell good to him or something?! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 25th, 2005 at 12:40am
Taffy is a golden lab mix. She has turned into a nice family pet for the neighbors. Unfortunately, they had hoped she would also be a bird dog, but her nose is not quite good enough for hunting. But she is a sweetie anyway. ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Nov 25th, 2005 at 1:01am
*gasp*!!! PUPPIEEEEEE!!!!!! Cute!!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Nov 25th, 2005 at 2:53am
Belated Happy Birthday!!!! Grr, I've been too busy lately to keep up with the forums, and completely missed it. I hope it was a good one though!
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 25th, 2005 at 7:24am
BB--She sounds like a cutie!! I think I have low standards for pets. As long as they're cute and cuddly, I don't care if they can't do anything
Anais--Thanks! I'll tell him you said that. ^_^ Sometimes I just like to stare at him and bask in his cuteness. He's such a funny dog; I have no idea why I never posted more pics of him before. Khrome--Thank you! It was a good birthday (mostly because I saw Harry Potter again). :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 26th, 2005 at 9:19pm
Went to a craft fair today and found a gift for my secret santa person. Yay! Hopefully I'll be able to find a box for the gift this weekend and can send it out on Monday or Tuesday. I hope she likes it.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Nov 27th, 2005 at 11:58am
Happy B Lated Birthday Juri!!!!!!! I know its about 5 days late but i didnt know about it. Im glad you had a good b day though!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 27th, 2005 at 6:12pm
Thanks, Curlygirl! That's okay, it's never too late for birthday wishes. :)
Secret santa gift is all wrapped up and ready to send out. Mucho advanced apologies to "my" person. After I wrapped up and addressed the box, I realized I could have put everything into an envelope that would have fit in a mailbox. Sorry if you have to go to the post office to pick up the present. On the plus side, there's almost no way the gift will be damaged. *knocks on wood* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 29th, 2005 at 4:58am
Hair--CWC'd tonight and didn't have as much hair in the drain as previous wash days. Thank goodness. Sometimes I feel like I'm starting to go bald, but since my poytail's circumference hasn't changed, I guess I'm okay. *more wood knocking*
There's a progress pic thread on another hair forum I'm on and I'm debating whether or not to post this pic: click here edit: had a photoshop'd pic up and decided to remove it. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Nov 29th, 2005 at 10:47am
Your progress pics are great! You've had good growth and it looks fantastic. :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Nov 29th, 2005 at 1:01pm
You got some awesome growth going there! :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Nov 29th, 2005 at 7:25pm
Awsome progress!! Heheh and cute paw prints. :D
Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Nov 30th, 2005 at 7:09am
Thanks, ladies! I feel silly saying this so often, but I get self-conscious when I'm on other boards and see sig pics of hair that hasn't been bleached and aren't so two-toned, so your comments make me smile a lot. And if I start to feel embarrassed about having funny colored hair, at least I can cheer myself up with the fact that I've had good growth over the years. :)
It looks like I'll be going to Maui for a week in December. It's not a vacation, tho. My relatives on that island run a shop and they're short handed this holiday season so I'm going to be helping my aunty make gift baskets. She normally has two helpers, but one had eye surgery and the other (her brother) has esophagus cancer. Luckily it was caught early, but he'll be undergoing treatment at that time. Even though I'm going to be away for one week, and not two like they originally asked, I'm going to miss everyone at LL! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Nov 30th, 2005 at 1:36pm
Juri, How fun? Maui!!!!!! i wish my relatives had a store there. ::) good excuse to go there. although i have been to hawaii only once i miss it and its a wonderful place. the people are wonderful, beautiful scenery, waterfalls, white sand beaches.........can you say paradise. HAVE A WONDERFUL TRIP!!!!! 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Dec 1st, 2005 at 5:14am
Making gift baskets! Wow that's dream job if I've ever heard one. How fun!
We'll miss you. Will you be gone over the holidays? If so I'll have to wish you Happy Holidays before you go. Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:14am
Curlygirl--Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to my state. Which island did you go to? While it'll be nice to see my relatives, we're going to be making gift baskets all day long so I don't think I'll get to see much of Maui. Oh, and according to my cousins, my aunty gets really stressed out during the holiday season and they were joking that I might be there for two days and then call my mom, saying I want to go home. But it'll be okay...I think. :-/
Khrome--I'll be gone from Dec. 17-24, so hopefully I won't miss any crazy holiday party you all might have at LL. ;) I hope the gift basket making goes well. I've never seen one of their baskets and my wrapping skills are questionable. hahaha But thank you for saying that I'll be missed! *warm fuzzies* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:13am
Hello juri :),
thats so cool, your hawaiian? how fun!!! I only went to Kauii, that is a beautiful island, so peaceful and serene(almost like heaven on earth). hopefully when i go back which islands do u suggest? i heard the big island is too commercialized. The hawaiian ppl are so friendly, my kind of ppl ::). |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:19pm
Of course you will be missed! We promise to keep some of the partying for your return.
Helping out family during the holidays is admirable. Hope you can have some fun while working. ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 12:07am
Curlygirl--Ummm, if you're asking if I'm from Hawaii, then, yes, I am. But if it's if I'm of native Hawaiian descent, nope, I'm Japanese and Okinawan. Sorry, I don't mean to knit pick (especailly since people who haven't lived in this state for long wouldn't know), but asking someone if they're Hawaiian or saying that they are implies that the person is of native (indigenous) Hawaiian blood. It's not like being from New York and getting called a New Yorker. Hawaii residents who don't have Hawaiian blood usually just say they're from Hawaii. I'm not mad or anything, but it's just an FYI kind of thing. Anyway, you'll look more sophisticated the next time you come here and can tell the other visitors the difference between being Hawaiian-Hawaiian and being a Hawaii resident. ;)
As for recommendations of places to visit, go anywhere except for Oahu (unless you like crowds and major urbanization). I think all the islands have become more developed, but after Oahu, Maui has had the most development and my relatives there say it's more like Honolulu now. Compared to Maui and Oahu, I don't think the Big Island in general is that commercialized (but Kona might be another story). Kauai should still be pretty laid-back. Molokai and Lanai would be the least urbanized. If you just want to get away and relax, I'd go to either Kauai, Molokai, or Lanai (but I think there isn't much to do on the last two islands). BB--Thanks! I hope I don't come back and discover that I missed people going crazy and dancing on virtual tables. ^^ Well, if I do miss the partying, we should have a New Year's bash as well! :) Secret Santa--I came home today and what should I find, but a package from 13bodies!!!! I'm amazed at what she was able to pack into a small priority mail box: 3 pairs of hairsticks, a vial of broccoli seed oil, a bunch of origami-type stars, and 10 BPAL imps! OMG! (My mom is leaving for a trip and packed the digital camera, so use your imaginations for now.) The hairsticks are so cute. One pair is made of bone with a cute little origami crane on the top ends. The other is made of wood and has blue beads with cute turtle dangles. The third is more like the ball-type kanzashi Lisabelle made earlier in the summer, except the ball is decorated with small yellow beads. The imps smell really good and 13bodies was thoughtful enough to enclose a description of each one. So she sent imps of Black Rose, Blood, Elegba, Hetairae, Iambe, Nefertiti, Shanghai, Snake Oil, Umbra, and Whip. *happy sigh* I think that explains why the package smelt so good when I opened it. :) Silly question, but is there a "correct" way to open the imps? I accidentally popped one open and split some on myself. sheesh Thank you so much, 13bodies!!! I love the thought and care you put into the gift!! :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 2:22am
juri it doesnt matter what you are, but your a cool person 8). its interesting that your from hawaii. i love that place and thanks for the info. i cant wait to go back just so i can eat a Hula Pie for dessert. ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 2:44pm wrote on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 2:22am:
Juri, Curlygirl22 is right, it doesn't matter, your a sweetie!! ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by 13bodies on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 7:42pm wrote on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 12:07am:
I hold onto the imp tightly with one hand and slowly push the top off with the other. It's tricky, and I'm klutzy, so I spill more often than I'd like. ::) I'm glad you liked it though.! I had a really good time making the sticks and packing everything up. :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 8:51pm
Curlygirl and Lisabelle--Thanks, ladies! You're both very sweet. I hope you don't think that I felt bad about not being native Hawaiian. It's just that "Hawaiian" seems to have different meanings and I wasn't sure if I was being asked if I live in Hawaii or if that's my ethnic background. But thank you anyway! :-*
13bodies--Thanks for the tip about the imps! I tried it and it works. I have Shanghai on right now. It's very nice and not overpowering. :) The hairsticks and origami are great! How did you make the beaded portion of the blue and yellow 'sticks? |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Beesan16 on Dec 3rd, 2005 at 4:06pm wrote on Nov 30th, 2005 at 7:09am:
This is sort of late, but I hope you have a great time, and OF COURSE we'll miss you!. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin :-/, i hope he gets better in time for the holidays. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 3rd, 2005 at 5:53pm
Beesan--Thanks! And thank you for your concern about my aunty's brother. I've never met him and don't know all the details, but since the cancer was detected before it had the chance to spread, he should make a full recovery. I'll be sure to get an update on how he's doing when I go to Maui.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Dec 4th, 2005 at 4:24am
I have two-toned hair. Actually, I think it looks like six-toned hair. ;) I don't usually post pics because of that reason. :-[
If I didn't color treat my hair, I never would have found LL. I'm thankful I did -- even though it will take a while to grow hair out. Don't get discouraged! Your hair is pretty. :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Dec 4th, 2005 at 8:37pm
Well, sweetie, have fun with your relatives and enjoy the time you spend with them. We will miss you ;)
Hawaii is on my list to be visited one of these days. Maybe when I am retired or I win in the lottery before that 8) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 7th, 2005 at 6:38am
Panpeus--Thanks for the words of encouragement! :) Your hair has six colors to it? From what I could see in the celebratory pic you posted in the Deanna thread, it didn't look like it did. The overall color looked fine to me. But I hope one day you'll feel comfortable enough to post a pic of your hair. ^_^
Moonchild--Thanks! Heehee, winning the lottery would be very helpful if you want to stay at one of the swankier hotels. The Grand Wailea resort on Maui is supposed to be awesome! I haven't been there myself, but I would envy anyone who has. ;D Secret Santa--I finally sent out my gift on Monday. I hope she likes it. Hair--CWC'd tonight. Amazingly, my hair didn't look totally nasty by the time I washed it. Oh, still sitting on the fence about posting that progress collage. I think I was going to write more about my hair routine, but I can't remember what I was going to say. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by 13bodies on Dec 7th, 2005 at 11:14pm wrote on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 8:51pm:
Sorry, I didn't see this till now. :-[ I found some very hair-unfriendly toys at Big Lots with those beads on them. I bought them because I figured that some day I'd find a use for them. I'm a pack rat. :D But I did find a use, didn't I? Ha! Take that, Mom. 8) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 10th, 2005 at 8:08pm
Oh. Haha. Thanks anyway, 13bodies! But now you've got me curious about what sort of hairtoy the beads were originally attatched to. :)
Hair--Decided to give my usual side part a break and changed it. It looks kind of weird at the moment. Unfortunately for me, the right side of my head is kind of thin compared to the left, so the part is on the extreme left side of my head--about where the arch of my eyebrow is. :P On Thursday I decided to try one of those buns that are held with claw clips. To my surprise, it stayed up the whole day (although I did use one main clip and two smaller ones). At the moment I'm having problems with hairsticks and buns so the claw clips will be a good alternative. Did a S&D yesterday. All together, I think I got about 40 white dots and baby splits. But I did find a strand of hair that had broken into three main splits with smaller ones branching off, and almost 80% of the strand was damaged. Yuck. The damaged strand was one of my weird, super coarse and kinky hairs. Those tend to get damaged really easily so I was a little surprised I didn't find more hair that was just as wrecked. I don't like to pull out growing hairs, but at the time I couldn't find the end of the split, I ended up pulling out that strand of hair. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by 13bodies on Dec 13th, 2005 at 7:54pm
I got my present, Juri! Thank you so much, I really liked it! :) :D ;D
Try to imagine one of the scariest hairtoys ever. Start with an elastic band and fasten it in the center with a metal band so it looks like a figure 8 with a metal thing in the middle. Then take 3 of those big beads and thread them on fishing line. Now loop the ends of the fishing line around the top and bottom loops of the figure 8 and fasten them with metal clips. Shudder. Those things would rip out your hair in 10 different ways. The beads were cool, though. :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 14th, 2005 at 2:06am
You're welcome! I'm super glad you like the gift!! :D
Ack, that sounds like the freakiest hairtoy (or should I say hair-trap?) in existence. I wonder if anyone actually tried to use it in their hair. ??? Ican't even imagine how someone is supposed to use it properly. But, I agree, the beads are really cool. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Moonchild on Dec 21st, 2005 at 11:11am
hello there :) just wanted to drop you a little note :)
Merry Christmas for you and your family and a very Happy New Year :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 26th, 2005 at 2:23am
Thanks, Moonchild! This is late, but I hope you had a Merry Christmas! :)
Well, I came back from my "trip" on Saturday and I'm still pooped. It's not all that surprising, though, I ended up working 63 hours in 7 days and put in 32 of them on Wednesday,Thursday, and Friday. I was planning on writing about my trip in this journal entry, but I don't think I have enough energy to do that. I will say this for now, it was hard work, but I had fun getting to know my Maui relatives. They're usually busy with the flower shop, so we don't get to see each other that much. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Beesan16 on Dec 26th, 2005 at 7:26pm
Welcome back juri! :) We sure missed you.
I hope you enjoyed your trip. and waiting to hear about it. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Dec 27th, 2005 at 12:25am
Welcome back!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 28th, 2005 at 7:10am
Thanks, Beesan and Lisabelle! I missed you all too!
Well, what can I say about my trip...it was hard work! My job there was to help my aunty K and cousin B with the gift baskets the flower shop sells. It was kind of crazy how many goodie and fruit baskets we made during the week. Saturday thu Monday weren't that busy, (but I still put in about 7-9 hours on Saturday and Monday). However, Tuesday - Friday were kind of nuts. I'm not sure how many baskets we made during those days, but things seemed a lot busier. Wednesday and Thursday were crazy because I would start work around 7:50am, work until 6:30pm, eat dinner and take a shower at my cousin L's house, L and I would go back to my aunt's house an hour later and work for a couple more hours. Man, I was tired when I came back from Maui. Anyway, I gathered the goodies to put inside the baskets, put the paper shreds/filler on the bottom of the baskets, restocked items, helped deliver baskets to the flower shop, and did various errands that related to the baskets. There were a couple of times when we were low on fruit and so B and I would have to make a trip to the market to buy more fruit or go down to the produce distributor to get the larger boxes of fruit my aunt had ordered. There was a funny experience on Friday when B and I were taking baskets to the shop. We were arranging the baskets on a table when an elderly woman asked my uncle who made the baskets. He replied his wife, daughter, and his niece (me). Then she said, "Oh, how precious." I thought that was rather amusing. I hope she bought one...or several. But I did get to do some fun things. Last week Sunday I got to see my aunt and uncle perform in their church chior. And the same day my cousins L and B, and myself, went to the mall for a couple of hours. We were really surprised because we thought we would have to make baskets (we only worked a couple of hours that day). Oh, and on Tuesday I went to Borders with L because she's in the church's hand bell group and they were going to perform there. I had never seen a bell performance in person so I thought it was rather neat. She said the group was rather small and she wasn't kidding--there's only six people in the group! There's more I wanted to say about my "trip", but I can't remember what. Ack. Well, all in all, I had a good time and might go back to help for Mother's Day. Oh, my mom's BF is going to fix something on the computer, so don't mind me if I don't show up again for a few days. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Dec 28th, 2005 at 1:55pm
Sounds like you had a good time - even if it was hard work. I'm sure that elderly person was impressed that the baskets were made there and not "imported" from some big, faceless corporation.
Hand bell choirs are really fun to watch. I've played in a few myself - but I always get confused if I'm playing more than 4 bells. :P I'm sure more practice would help - I'm usually someone they ask at the last minute and I have only a few days to learn the music. Happy New Year! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 31st, 2005 at 5:14am
Thanks, BB! Happy New Year to you! :D
As for the elderly woman, I guess she was impressed. Perhaps even more so when she asked, "Were they (the baskets) just made?" and my cousin B said yes. And the hand bells, since L's choir shrank a whole lot since she first joined, her situation sounds almost like yours. Before they each only had to play one or two bells, but then they had to learn how to play multiple bells and they don't practice a whole lot (if one person can't come, practice is called off). L told me that sometimes they go three months without practice and then suddenly have a lot of them. Actually, she kind of wants to quit the choir, but then they'd only have five members and I guess the group would have to temporarily disband. Hair Man, it's been a while since I talked about that. Well, this month has been full of hair surprises...and some annoyances. -Much to my surprise, my hair has grown an inch this month! I ran out of biotin in November so I didn't expect such fast growth. However, I've been doing near daily scalp massages so perhaps that accounts for the extra half inch. ??? -As silly as it sounds, I can wrap my hair once around my neck. I don't know why I find that interesting, but I do. -I did a Dutch classic on Sunday and was shocked at how large the bun portion got compared to when I first did one in September. I measured the bun and the sucker was 13" in circumference. -Drier air means my scalp is a bit flakier. Ewwwww! -I can't seem to make comfortable buns using hairsticks, but claw clips are a good substitution. -While my braid is getting longer, I still have to figure out how to get rid of the loose portion of hair at the start of the bun. I try to use equal tension on the right and left locks of hair, but for some reason one side is loose while the other looks okay. :P Gift baskets I finally remembered what I wanted to say about gift baskets! -The shredded paper that lines the basket costs $38 for one box! I was shocked when my aunty told me that. I wouldn't have thought that shredded paper can cost so much. -If you want a basket for a major holiday, it's better to order one/buy it a few days in advance. Towards the end of the week we were running out of some items and had to use substitutions. For example, while the baskets still contained X amount of goodies, sometimes we had to use three different cookies with two repeats instead of five completely different cookies. (I know this opinion was taken from only one experience, but I'm sure other gift basket makers have the same problem) -Fruit baskets are really popular. -Shop around for gift baskets. I was looking at some web sites for Oahu florists, and their baskets start at $50 while my relatives' baskets start at $25. Of course, the $50 baskets would have more things than the $25 one, but IMO $50 is a rather high starting price. Shameless plug for my relatives' shop: If you're ever in the Kahului area on the island of Maui, and need flowers or gift baskets, please stop by Kahului Florist at the Maui Mall! ;D They also carry cute beaded bracelets, cell phone charms, and decorated notebooks that are made by my aunty and cousins. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Dec 31st, 2005 at 6:09pm
Man, there was the freakiest article in my local newspaper and I just had to post a link to it: great white spotted off Haleiwa. Even though the shark was docile and attacks are rare, I don't think I would be crazy enough to leave a shark cage and swim up to a 17 foot long great white. :o Still, it's both exciting and scary that it was only a few miles off shore from Haleiwa.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 8:36am
Went to a New Years' party tonight/yesterday (depending when this is read) and I even though I came home a couple of hours ago, I still feel like I ate to much. :P
I think I might have reached a hair milestone of sorts: tonight was the first time I broke a claw clip so badly that I had to throw it away. I had put my hair in a bun for the party and when I was lightly pinching the smallish claw clip to make sure it was securely attatched to my bun, I heard a snap. I took out the clip and discovered that I had broken all three prongs on one side! It was even more embarrassing when I had to take down my bun and shake out my hair because I couldn't find the prongs just by feeling around for them. Yeesh. I wonder if anyone makes claw clips out of steel or titanium... |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 6:49pm
Wow that is a milestone! Clips like to fall out of my hair, and at the wrong times too. Like in the middle of dinner in a restaurant once, I was wearing a bridal arrangement on a comb to accent a french roll. It landed right in my pasta! ::)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 12:15am
I'm sorry that your clip got broken. I completely forgot how to say "power hair" in Japanese. (It was a vocabulary term from the Kabuki theater chapter in my Intro to Japanese Culture course.) It looks like your hair is on track to that! =P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 4:44am
Lisabelle--Hehehe, it's a weird milestone. I hope it doesn't happen too often in the future, if not I'm going to end up spending a small forutne in claw clips. :P Your clip landed in the pasta?! Oh dear, that is bad. I hope you were able to salvage the hairtoy.
Panpeus--Thanks, but at least it was a cheap clip, so I was more surprised/amazed than annoyed. "Power hair?" I have to admit, I've never heard of that term before, but I can just imagine what it must look like. Hopefully my hair won't become too powerful. It would be really embarrassing if I broke a jumbo-sized claw clip. ^^;; |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 4th, 2006 at 7:36am
This is really overdue, but I finally have a pic of the wonderful gift I got from my secret santa, aka 13bodies.
So there's the three sets of hairsticks, vial of broccoli seed oil, loads of BPAL imps, two origami cranes, and oodles of paper stars. It's hard to see, but the imps are Blood, Umbra, Nefertiti, Whip, Iambe, Black Rose, Shanghai, Snake Oil, Hetairae, and Elegba. I haven't tried them all yet, but man, they smell good! And I thought I'd post an example of the lovely gift baskets my relatives sell in their flower shop. This is a lauhala basket, and although I had wanted a $35 one, she put in extra things things so I *think* it would retail for about $40 (not pictured is a bag of Maui potato chips). Normally there's a large, fluffy bow, but since I had to pack it into a suitcase, my aunty just made a flat one. Still, it's very nice. It looks kind of small in the photo, but in RL it measures 13" x 9". |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Jan 4th, 2006 at 11:20am
glad your back from your trip juri! hows the weather in hawaii? just curious. loveeeeeee that place. also nice thoughtful gift 13 bodies got you! i like it because it has tiny samples of oils that would be nice to try.
the lahula(cant spell again) gift basket is so cute. is it only snacks and chocolate covered macadamia nuts?looks yummy. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 4th, 2006 at 8:32pm
Thanks, Curlygirl! As for the weather, right now it's partly cloudy with medium tradewinds, and slightly chilly (by my standards). If it were spring, I'd say it's good weather, but since it's still winter, I wish it would rain more (we've been under drought-like conditions for a few years). The BPAL imps are really neat and I'm trying to experiment with them so I can work them into my hair care routine; perhaps mixing a little with my shea butter or something.
I agree, the lauhala basket is really cute. There're a lot of products that are made in Hawaii so they'd make nice gifts to out of state peeps. But it's too bad my relatives don't ship the baskets outside of Maui. The basket has: - locally made cookies (ginger snaps, chocolate chip, chocolate chip with macadamia nuts, peanut butter, and shortbread) -there's chocolate covered oreo, ritz cracker, pretzals, arare (pretty much rice crackers made with soy sauce), and marshmallows with rice crispies. My relatives also use chocolate covered fortune cookies and waffers, but we had run out of them by that point. -two types of macadamia nuts (one covered with sweet chili, the other with honey) -Hawaiian Sun chocolate covered mac nuts -Mele Macs (macadamia nuts covered with chocolate and toffee. I'm sensing a theme with the mac nuts ^^) -a package of arare (it's hidden by other goodies) -lemon tarts (from the continental US) -Jordan almonds (from continental US) -chocolate covered rasins (might be from North America) -beans covered a red shell (might be from Hawaii) -mini Milky Way candies This is only a sample of the goodies I got to work with. More expensive baskets and the fruit baskets got other treats. Okay, my break's been long enough. Back to cleaning the bathroom. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Jan 4th, 2006 at 8:37pm
Mmmmmm....chocolate covered raisons. yum ::). Hawaii is big on MAcadamia nuts. I wonder where i can get Mac oil?
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Jan 5th, 2006 at 6:27am
Welcome back! Those baskets are so cute. Do they ship them anywhere? I usually give gift baskets for Christmas. It would be nice to give Hawaiian-themed ones.
Did you see any Pearl Factory booths there? I got lured into one when I went to San Francisco. It's where you can pick an oyster from a bucket, which is garaunteed to have a pearl in it. Then you do this little ritual - tap the oyster three times with the tongs, swing it over the oyster while saying "Ah-loooooo-ha", then they ring a bell and cut your oyster open. It's all a gimick to get you to buy the gold or silver settings, but I got a kick out of it anyway. I wonder if I could just buy cultured pearl oysters. hmmmm Cynde |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 6th, 2006 at 1:50am
Curlygirl--You are so right about Hawaii being big on mac nuts. When I went to a supermarket in a major shopping center, there was an entire section devoted to plain mac nuts and chocolate covered mac nuts. If you like buying things off the internet, Mountain Rose Herbs carries macadamia nut oil in their carrier oils section.
Khrome--Thanks! Unfortunately they don't ship baskets outside of Maui, but a local franchise ships off island. Zippy's is a really popular chain of restaurants on Oahu and they sell gift baskets with local products. The Pearl Factory is on the continental US?! *LOL* I don't know if they're on Maui (they probably are, though), but they're at a bunch of tourist spots on Oahu. I remember going to a marine park when I was in elementary school and opening a Pearl Factory oyster. I think they did the three taps and "Aloooohaaaa!" thing back then too. ^_^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 6th, 2006 at 11:28pm
Thanks for putting up the Zippy's link! The food looks great! Yum yum!!!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlygirl22 on Jan 7th, 2006 at 4:58am
thanks for the link for mac oil juri!!! :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 16th, 2006 at 9:01pm
Lisabelle and Curlygirl--You're welcome! :)
Man, it's been a long time since I've posted. >_< I tried the coconut milk soak "recipe" from the LHC a couple of days ago. It's not really a recipe because it just involves soaking dry hair with coconut milk and then rinsing it out. Anyways, the deep treatment had mixed reviews, but since there's several cans of coconut milk sitting around at home (not too sure why that is), I decided to try it. So I used about half of a 13oz can, warmed it up in the microwave for 10 seconds and then repeatedly dipped my hair in it until the length was completely coated with the milk. After that, I squeezed out the excess, bunned with claw clips, covered my hair with a shower cap, and then left it on for a couple of hours. When it was time to rinse it off, I rinsed with plain water and then worked my Suave conditioner into the length before doing a CWC. Much to my surprise, my hair felt really good after it dried. Some people who tried it complained of crunchy hair or a cat food smell, but I guess I was lucky because that didn't happen at all. My hair felt really soft and silky, and the coconut smell disappeared after my hair dried off. However, the next time I do this, I have to make sure I get the Suave on every section that got milk on it. I had missed a section and it was kind of greasy looking, but it was okay when I went over it with condish the next day. Oh, the brand of coconut milk I used was Chaokoh. Other hair things--I had to hide my tape measure because I was getting too obsessive about measuring. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Anais Satin on Jan 16th, 2006 at 11:53pm
Yes.. Hide that tape measure! ;D Taking measurements just makes me more depressed so I measure only twice a year. And it helps so much.
Welcome back! It really has been awhile. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 17th, 2006 at 11:48am
Yeah, coconut milk is one of my fav's! ;D I use a heat cap with it and my hair loves it too! I use Tosca brand, I think I spelled it right? ??? ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 17th, 2006 at 8:34pm
Anais--Thanks! I was a little sick for a couple of days and then I found out my computer had a spyware virus so I didn't want to type any of my passwords until I was reasonably sure it was taken care of. Still have to log onto Hair Boutique, though. (With the exception of LL, I'm so bad at keeping up with all of the forums I belong to :P)
I agree, hiding the measuring tape seems to have helped so far. I put mine in a box that's inconvenient to get to so retrieving it would be a bit of a chore. lol Lisabelle--Have you noticed a difference with the heat cap? I don't have one, but I was thinking of using a hot towel the next time I do a coconut milk soak. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 24th, 2006 at 6:31am
The trend towards more organic goods seems to have impacted my local grocery store in an unexpected way. When I went to Star Market to look for Suave conditioner, I discovered that they started to carry products from Giovanni, Nature's Gate, Alba, Avalon Organics, and some other organic brands I'd never heard of. I was extremely happy and spent some time looking at the different shampoos and conditioners. ::) Hmm, should I try a different conditioner when my Giovanni condish runs out or should I keep using that one? Kimono I kind of wish "Memoirs of a Geisha" hadn't come out yet because now I'm having a hard time getting a juban (it's kind of like an under-kimono) for a decent price on eBay. Before it came out, I didn't see too many auctions with multiple bidders, but this week I've been outbid on two juban auctions and refrained from bidding on some kimono because the bids were getting too expensive. Sigh. I had to rebid on one of the juban and put a bid on a new furisode juban auction because the price on the first one got too high. *fingers crossed I get both of them for a reasonable price* ETA: While I'm glad that is seems like more people are becoming interested in kimono, it's kind of frustrating when you can't get a good deal on something because several other people are bidding on the same item (especially when that wouldn't have happened a couple of months ago). In happier news I've learned than an apple a day keeps acne away. Well, there's a couple, but they're small and easily treatable. Anyways, for a few months I had an acne problem that I couldn't seem to shake, but since I stopped taking biotin and started having a large apple everyday, my skin's really cleared up. Yay! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 24th, 2006 at 1:28pm
I had a feeling Kimono would triple in price once the movie came out. I bought all mine in the summer and told hubby that this would happen, guess my crystel ball is still working! Hey, I found a neat pimple remedy you might want to try. I read about it in a magzine and it worked for me! Try dabbing toothpaste on the spot. I found it killed my "that time of the month" acne in about two days! I thought it was strange at first bu it realy worked! 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 24th, 2006 at 5:03pm
Lisabelle--Yeah, I even said that it would be harder to get kimono after the movie comes out so I should get my things early, but did I listen to myself? Obviously not. I don't really need new kimono so I'm more frustrated by the fact that juban are more difficult to get (and I'm picky about what I bid on). Oh well. It's my own fault for not getting them sooner. :P
Thanks for the tip about the toothpaste! I'll definately try it. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 24th, 2006 at 11:04pm wrote on Jan 24th, 2006 at 5:03pm:
I had a hard time finding a Juban myself. The one I got was a heavier silk, more for winter ware I think. I am picky too! I would love to get a pair of nice geta. I have a pair I got at a chinese market and there good for working in the garden but I want something more formal or dressy. I'm dreaming away with no money....ah me. :P But its fun! ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by panpeus on Jan 24th, 2006 at 11:23pm
I second the toothpaste trick. Just don't use too much of it, or else it might be very drying. =) Another fun trick I learned -- if you cut yourself shaving, put a dab of deodorant on it to stop the bleeding.
Sounds a bit weird, but it works. ;) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 25th, 2006 at 6:19am
Lisabelle--I know what you mean about finding nice geta. It seems like all of the really nice ones are only sold in Japan. Have you looked at the ones on eBay? I can't remember who the seller is, but some one has pretty, black lacquered ones.
Panpeus--Thanks for the hint about the toothpaste! I was wondering if I'm supposed to slather it on or use it like regular zit cream. There're some sites that sell processed nightingale poop as a beauty treatment, so the tip about using deodorant doesn't sound weird at all. ^_^ Kimono Yay, I won one juban! But I ended up getting it for $16 over the starting price because someone decided to snipe me 2 minutes before the auction ended and I wasn't having any of that. A frantic bidding war ensued and I put in my last bid 30 seconds before the end of the auction. To my surprise the other person didn't put in another bid, but I'm not at all pleased about what happened. Still, I'm happy to have a juban so I can finally start to put together an outfit. Now all I have to get is an obi, obiage, obijime, tabi, zori....... |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 25th, 2006 at 1:29pm
Yeah you got a juban! I hate it when the snipers are out, I lost a lot of bids to them :-[. I have seen some really nice geta on e-bay, I'm just wondering about the size. The zori I have were a little small but hubby altered the straps for me. ;D Business is slow for us right now so kimono shopping is out till the summer. You mentioned the nightingale droppings, I have been dieing to try them! On IG the admin lady tryed it and liked it, so I'm going to give it a go come summer! 8)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jan 27th, 2006 at 1:41am
Onee san--Yes, snipers are a pain! >:( I know people can bid anytime they want until the end of the auction, but it seems really rude to wait until the very last minute and try to "steal" the item out from under someone's nose. I saw the editorial on IG and I was tempted to try the droppings, but I'm hesitant to put bird waste on my face. Still, I wonder who was the first decided to try nightingale poo and what made him/her think it might be a good idea. ???
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jan 27th, 2006 at 1:54pm
Juri chan Hmmm lets see, I know that the nightingale droppings were used by kabuki actors in the Edo period and they swore it made there faces clear, smooth and to brighten there skin. I don't know who was the first to try it, but from my own years of cosmetic knowledge I think they discovered the AHA (alpha hydroxi acid) properties of the poop. It also has something to do with what the birds eat as well, so dropping from other birds do not have the same effect. AHA's naturally exfoliate the skin and leave it soft and brighter. I have used an AHA cream for years and liked it. Hmm…. perhaps in light of the bird flu right now I should abstain from Nightingale poop? :-[
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 4th, 2006 at 8:25pm
'Nee san--I didn't know that about the droppings! Very intersting history indeed. I know the droppings from Chidoriya are supposed to be pasturized (or sanitized in some way) so maybe it would be okay? ???
Computer--The main house computer is being reformated so right now I have to use the laptop my mom's BF set up for us a couple of days ago. It's okay, for now, but I think I prefer regular desktops. Still, at least I have internet access now. Kimono--Since I didn't have access to a working computer when the second juban auction ended, I didn't win the furisode juban. :( (I was disappointed, especially when I discovered the ending price was less than the other juban I bid on). On the bright side, I have to send in payment for my dental and vision plans at the end of the month, so it was probably better that I didn't win the second auction. Hair--It's getting longer! When I looked in the mirror yesterday, I discovered that the longest ends are past my elbows and the shorter ends are past my waist. Woo! Even so, although my hair is now elbow length, I still don't feel like I have long hair. :P Sheesh |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Feb 6th, 2006 at 4:44pm
'Nee san--I didn't know that about the droppings! Very intersting history indeed. I know the droppings from Chidoriya are supposed to be pasturized (or sanitized in some way) so maybe it would be okay? ???
Juri San - Yes, Chidoriya does santize the dropping. I still want to try them though somthing tells me they will be okay. If not they would not be still selling it on there website. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 10th, 2006 at 10:15pm wrote on Feb 6th, 2006 at 4:44pm:
That's very true. ^_^ Hair I finally managed to do a nice figure 8 bun yesterday! I guess all the different layers in my hair are finally long enough to go into a figure 8 without tons of little hairs sticking out all over the place. Since a hairstick would have fallen out after a couple of hours, I used three little claw clips to secure the bun and it held up very nicely for the whole day. I think others have said this before, but figure 8s really do evenly distribute the weight of the bun. I'll definately do this style more often in the future. :) Washed and did an ACV rinse last night. This time I used the ACV after I conditioned and my hair feels a bit softer compared to when I do it the other way. I'm probably going to join the ficcare order on the LHC. I know I want a medium maxima in tortise and a large maxima in border lime green, but I can't decide if I should order both of them or just the green one. ??? edit: spelling |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 13th, 2006 at 6:27am
I think doing the ACV rinse after conditioning made my hair too soft. While my hair feels really nice, it's hard to get it to do anything; I made a figure 8 on Saturday and it kept sliding down my head and the cinnabun I made today looked a little weird. I've decided to just get the medium tortise ficcare. I realized that next month I have to pay for my health insurance, vision, and dental plans, (as well as annual dues for my calligraphy membership), so two ficcares would be too hard on my wallet. Ack, I'm going to feel really poor in March. :'( Pro Bowl I'm not a football fan, but I watched a little bit of the game on TV earlier today. Actually, I only watched for the half-time show. Seeing the Backstreet Boys took me back to high school and how my friends and I would lip synch to their songs. >_< Buuutttt, I was so embarrassed that the audience booed at the beginning and ending of the half-time show. I know BSB aren't popular anymore, but that was uncalled for. I felt bad for the group as well as the dancers in the show; they all work hard and then get treated like that. Because I was watching the show on TV, I thought the audio was bad and I was imagining the boos, but my mom talked to one of her friends who went to the game and the friend told her about the audience booing. So much for the aloha spirit. For goodness sake people, why couldn't you have kept your mouths shut? You made the state look bad. >:( [/rant] Anyhoo I have an interview with the JET Program on Thursday. I hope I do well and get in. If I do, I get to teach English in a Japanese school for a year. That would be mucho exciting. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Feb 13th, 2006 at 12:39pm
Good luck on your interview - it sounds like an interesting job!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Feb 13th, 2006 at 2:44pm
Good Luck, Juri!!! What an awesome opportunity!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Beesan16 on Feb 13th, 2006 at 5:53pm
Good Luck Juri! :)
You deserve the best :-* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 13th, 2006 at 5:59pm
Thank you very much, BB, Sakina, and Beesan! :-* This is my second time interviewing with JET so I really hope I get in this time around.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 14th, 2006 at 6:41am
How many times have I logged on today (still Monday in my neck of the woods)? I guess I'm feeling rather chatty. ^_^
Hair I've been doing a sleep tail at night for about a week. The lack of major tangles in the morning are great. But I'm a little paranoid about developing traction alopecia years down the road so I guess I'll rotate between sleep tails, single braids, and pigtail braids. Maybe I'll get a sleep cap from the drug store one day... Kimono Yay, my juban arrived today! It's rather pretty; the color fluctuates between really pale pink and a somewhat darker pink with flowers woven into the fabric. Okay, now that I have that, I can...I can think about the other things I need to buy but can't because I'm trying not to go crazy buying things over the internet. :P Olypmics Pairs Skating *spoilers if you didn't watch the pairs competition or go to news sites* OMG, Zhag/Zhag totally blew me away tonight! As someone who has fallen on both knees and could barely walk right after, I was so incredibly proud of Zhag Dan. I can't believe that she had the courage to finish the program, and despite the fall, she and Zhag Hao got the silver medal. I was so happy for them that I got teary eyed when their program was over and the audience gave them a standing ovation. Oh, and Shen/Zhao were really great as well! If I remember correctly, the guy (Zhao?) tore his achilles tendon and only had about 6 months to recover before the start of the Olympics. I'm so glad they were able to win a medal. And the Russian couple that won first place were super! According to the backstory on NBC, in 2004 the guy dropped her during a lift and she was unconscious for a few minutes. Yeek. Considering how something like that can hurt someone's confidence, it's really cool that they both continued to skate and remained partners. Okay, enough waxing poetic about the Olympics, but it's really amazing to see how people can push themselves despite tremendous set backs. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Feb 14th, 2006 at 10:53am wrote on Feb 14th, 2006 at 6:41am:
Yes, these athletes push themselves extremely hard. Some say too hard. Many suffer permanent damages. :-/ At least Kwan was smart and decided to not compete. I do feel sorry for her that she won't get her chance for the gold - the only award she has not achieved. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 15th, 2006 at 6:29am wrote on Feb 14th, 2006 at 10:53am:
That's really true. Today I read about Tara Lipinski on Wikipedia and discovered that she had to stop skating because she ruined her hips. I thought that was rather sad, especially since she's only a few years younger than I am. wrote on Feb 14th, 2006 at 10:53am:
I agree. I hope she only looks ahead and is satisfied with all that she has acomplished. I know I'd be really happy if I were a five time world champ and had two Olympic medals under my belt. Hair Did a coconut milk soak earlier in the evening. I used the same can of milk from January and I was surprised that the milk hadn't spoiled. Now I just hope I got all of the coconut milk off and won't find any greasies when my hair dries. Kimono Tried on the juban with my black tsukesage. I need way more practice with kistuke (dressing) because everything looked sloppy. Notes: -Get muslin koshi himo because the nylon ones are too slippery -Need eri shin -The sleeves of the juban are longer than the kimono so they'll need to be pinned up an inch -"Easy collar" for the juban would be a good idea |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Feb 15th, 2006 at 1:25pm
Ah yes, Kimono dressing takes a lot of practice! (((hugs)))Hang in there Juri chan, you can do it! Bonzai!!! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 17th, 2006 at 2:31am
Thanks, Onee san! I needed that. :)
Well, today was my JET interview. During my calligraphy class this morining I was getting really nervous and felt that jumping off a building would be preferable to going through the interview. But after class my sensei said I looked nice (had on a blouse and slacks) and I told her I had an interview with JET. She said, "No, don't go. No waste your time with that." I thought that was so funny that I started laughing and felt a lot of the pressure I was putting on myself go away. As for the interview, I was nervous, but not as nervous as last year. I know I rambled and there were times when I was thinking, "What the heck am I saying?", but overall, I think I did a lot better. Compared to the other interview, I was much more upbeat and not so serious. After last year's interview I wanted to get drunk and forget it happened because I felt like it went so horribly, but I was rather happy after this interview finished. There were a couple of questions I flubbed because I had no idea how to respond in a coherent manner, but it seemed like this year's questions were easier to answer. This time around I had "What would you do if..." type of questions and not, "What would you tell a Japanese person about America?" After some of my answers, the interviewers (there were four of them) smiled and nodded, so I think that was a good sign. The Honolulu counsulate is going to interview 80 people and take around 40 of them for the 2006-2007 academic year. I hope I make it this time. If not, well, that's okay; I tried my best. Now all I have to do is wait until April when the final results come out. :P |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Feb 17th, 2006 at 1:07pm
Good Luck with the JET program! I think that would be a really neat teaching job. Over the years I have been trying to learn the Japanese language, not an easy task! But I know some words. :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Feb 20th, 2006 at 7:38am
Onee san--Arigatou! Japanese is hard to learn, not only because of the kanji and kana, but also because of honorifics and the polite and casual forms of speaking. I thought Mandarin was difficult because it's a tonal language, but in some ways it was easier than Japanese. :P
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Mar 26th, 2006 at 2:34am
Tadaimaaaaa!!!!! Hisashiburi desu ne, mina san! I'm baaaaack!!!!! Long time no see, everyone! ^_^;;;; Gee, has it really been over a month since I've logged in? Yeek.
Why was I gone so long? Well, the PC I used to use is being worked on and so my mom brought home an old iMac from her school. However, the comptuer's anti-virus to program hadn't been updated in six years and I couldn't firgure out how to update the thing and so I just didn't log onto any of the forums I belong to. That was the last couple of weeks of February and for most of March, for whatever reason, the comptuer wasn't hooked up to the internet. The iMac's virus database is still out of date, but I'm going to take a risk, and hopefully no one will start to log into LL, pretending to be me. :P It seems like a lot has happened during my time away and I'll eventually catch up. But to anyone reading this who joined after Feb. 20, welcome to LL! I hope you're enjoying your time here. :) Hair--I can't remember the last time I did an in-depth(ish) update so I guess I'll do one now. Length--approx. 31.5 inches Wash routine--CWC with diluted shampoo every 4-5 days and a WO scrub on the third day Shampoo--Origin's Knot Free Conditioners--Suave Citrus Smoothie and Giovanni's 50:50 Balancing conditioner Deep conditioning routine--whenever I feel like it (i.e. not very often) with coconut milk ACV routine--once a month or less :P Last trim--Mid January 2005 Misc. --I went back to sleeping with my hair loose, but the 350 thread count pillowcase really cuts down on morning tangles. --Still doing frequent S&Ds That's all I can think of for now. Off to log-in to my photobucket acount before it expires. I really hope there aren't any weird viruses on this computer; I'd rather not have anything happen to the photobucket files. *fingers crossed* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlgirl64 on Mar 26th, 2006 at 1:15pm
Welcome back!! :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Mar 26th, 2006 at 11:19pm
Glad to see you back! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering what had happened.
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Mar 27th, 2006 at 7:50am
Thanks, Curlgirl64 and BB! :-* Not being able to visit LL was annoying. There were so many times when I wanted to write about something in my journal or wondered what you all were doing. Sigh. But at least now I can join in all the fun. On the bright side, not having internet connection forced me to develop my non-computer related interests.
Hair--The ends felt kind of sticky the past couple of days so I did an ACV rinse tonight and hopefully that'll take care of the problem. Weather--Well, we're into either the fourth or fifth straight week of rainy weather. I usually like rain, but it's been raining too much. It seems like just when one weather system is going away, there's another one waiting in the wings, ready to dump more rain on the state. It's almost midnight here so I think I'll stop for tonight. I've caught up with the new posts in the other sections of LL, so now I'll have to work on reading the journals. There seems to be new ones so that should be fun. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Mar 27th, 2006 at 8:40am
Hey! Great to have ya back!
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Galadriel on Mar 27th, 2006 at 2:07pm
Welcome back! :D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by khrome on Apr 3rd, 2006 at 9:01am
How are you doing? Hawaii has been all over the news because of the floodings. I hope you and your family are not in those areas! :/
How funny, I had problems with sticky ends too which leads to them getting all tangled. I had stopped shampooing the length a while back, but I started doing that again, and using less shea butter. That seemed to fix the problem. In my case, I think I was having shea build-up. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Apr 4th, 2006 at 12:09am
Lisabelle and Galadriel--Thank you! Sorry for taking so long to reply. >_<
Khrome--Thank you for your concern. After 42 days of constantly cloudy/rainy weather, it looks like things have finally cleared up and it's actually sunny today. As for the flooding, luckily my family and relatives don't live in flood-prone areas, so we were okay. Wish I could say the same about the people on Kauai. It seemed like they got hit hardest by the rainy weather and the dam that broke only made things worse. :( Glad you figured out what was causing the build up on your hair! I think in my case I had conditioner build up, but the ACV rinse took care of the problem. (thank goodness) Kimono--There was a two-day vintage kimono sale this past weekend and my mom and I went on the second day. Actually, we tried to go on the first day, but half-way to the sale it started pouring and it got so bad that we had to get off the freeway and tried to wait it out at a near-by Jack 'n the Box. Long story short, we ended up going home. Anyways, the sale was interesting. It wasn't a huge sale, but there was a decent selection. The prices were similar to what you could get on the internet, but some things seemed overpriced. Still, I ended up buying a cute yellow haori with little flowers on it and my mom got a nagoya obi to use as a wall-hanging. Oh, for some weird reason there were a lot of all-black kimono, the type worn to funerals. I'm not sure why there were so many--around 10--but I thought that was a bit creepy. :P Sewing--During my month-long abscence from LL, I actually managed to finish a sewing project. It was really simple, but considering my history to abandoning craft projects when they're halfway done, I'm rather proud of myself. Anyways, I ended up making four koshi himo (kind of like kimono belts) and a wasit pad using an old towel. The koshi himo look kind of like the ones on Puchi Maiko, but instead of Japanese-type fabric, I used regular flower-print cloth at the ends. I'd post a pic of it, but unfortunately I can't edit photos on this computer. sigh Hair accessories--Well, after the kimono sale Mom and I stopped at the mall and I immediately went to Shirokiya (it's a big Japanese department store). Much to the dismay of my wallet, they had a shipment of hair toys made with kimono fabric. Despite my restraint at the kimono sale, impulse buying took over and against by better judgement, I bought two fakkare-type clips and a set of cherry blossom shaped hair pins. An hour later when the adrenalin rush ended, I thought, "Agrh, what was I thinking?!" >_< The hair pins were a good buy, but I'm having trouble with the fakkares; they don't hold my cinnabun very well. I think my hair's too long for it to work properly. Crap. On the bright side, they work on my mom's hair so I might end up giving them to her. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on Apr 4th, 2006 at 11:10am
I'm so glad to hear you have not had serious issues with the rain. You usually have the weather we all dream for, it is hard to imagine all the rain you've had. Northern MN is again suffering from flooding, not from the rain as much as the snow melt occurring while the ground is still frozen. Many busloads of volunteers are heading north to sandbag the low areas.
Doesn't it feel great to finish a project that was "put on hold"? Congrats! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 4th, 2006 at 12:18pm
I'd love to try a kimono. Could you give me a beginner's course of what to look for,where,how much ($) is ok and how to wear it?? What site is good to look at when I want to purchase? Maybe I could even learn how to sew my own. Another project to be conpulsive with!! lol
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Apr 4th, 2006 at 12:23pm
Hi Juri San!
Wow alot has happened. The flood sound scary, I'am happy everyone is okay. You've been so busy! I wish I could go to a kimono sale with you, we would have loads of fun! Hmmm... black kimono eeek, well I guess it best to have one for wakes and all. I have a black dress I use solely for funerals. I heard on EG that my black obi should only be worn for half mourning, I would love to paint a design on it but I have to find the nerve as it was over 100 dollars and is silk. I don't like the ficcare hair clips too. They poke my scalp and hold the hair to tight. Right now I've been putting my hair up like Sailor moon, meat ball head!!! I've been reading The Tale of Genji and I do say he is such a Cassanova, oh man! ::) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Apr 5th, 2006 at 5:07am
BB--Yeah, I've lived here my whole life and can't remember the weather being so bad. At one point we even reached a 97% humidity level. I haven't been following the news too well so I hope the flooding in your state isn't too bad, but I'm glad people are coming to help with flood prevention. Thanks! I'm psyched that I managed to finish a project, especially one that will come in handy when I put on a kimono...even more so that I successfully managed to use a sewing machine and didn't have to hand sew everything. :)
Curlgirl64--Sure! I've only been interested in kimono since the summer, but I'll be happy to share what I know. Lisabelle onee san--Hehe, yeah, when I was at the kimono sale I thought, "I wish Lisabelle was here!" My mom doesn't know much about kimono so she almost bought one of the mofuku to wear at a bon odori. She tried it on and when she asked what I thought, I replied, "Morbid. :P" Eeek, I don't think I could paint on a $100 obi either. Haha, Sailor Moon hair! I haven't tried that since August. ^_^ Okay, and now for my kimono (buying) tutorial! I'm not an expert at kimono kitsuke (dressing), but I'll share what I do know. Anyway, for those of you out there who want to wear a kimono the traditional way, be prepared to spend serious $$$. Not only do you need the kimono, you'll also need to buy a juban (an under kimono), an obi, zori (slippers), tabi (socks), and a bunch of other accessories. But, if your budget is a lot smaller, a yukata (a summer kimono made of cotton) is a better way to go. I'll go over what you need for a kimono and yukata, but first some kimono buying tips (also includes yukata). Buying tips -Ideally, the the length of the kimono/yukata should be equal to your height. However, it's okay to buy one that's longer than you are. Shorter is okay, too, but not too short -A real kimono/yukata will have a seam running down center of the back. The bolts for making kimono aren't that wide, so if there isn't a back seam, it's most likely a fancy bathrobe -Generally, the shorter the sleeves on the kimono, the older the wearer -The price of the kimono will vary according to it's age and the condition it's in. Shop around because some sites are cheaper than others -Since the kimono on internet sites are usually one-of-a-kind, returns may not be possible. Make sure you buy what you really want -If you're single, don't buy a tomesode. Those are for married women. And if you're married, don't get a furisode...unless you want to send the message that you're available. ;) Kitsuke (dressing) items for a kimono *Prices in parenthasis are to give a general idea of what it might cost online -Juban [under-kimono] ($28 ebay) -Kimono slip--optional ($20 ebay) -koshi himo [ties to secure kimono and juban; need at least 3] ($12 for a set of 3) -obi makura [obi pillow] ($5 ebay) -obi ita [obi stay] ($10 ebay) -korin [kimono belt to keep kimono from opening up in front] *Kyotocollection on eBay sells a set of obi makura, obi ita, koshi himo, and korin for $40 -obi age [kind of like a sash to cover the obi makura's ties] (can get expensive) -obi jime [a chord to keep obi in place] (varies) *some sites like Ichiroya sells the obi age and obi jime in a set. Ichiroya's cost around $40 -obi [a nagoya obi is good for most kimono, but a fukuro obi is for formal occasions] (the price will varry greatly; some ebay auctions start for as little as $15) -zori [foot wear] (really depends; ebay is probably the cheapest place to get it) -tabi (around $15; depending on site/seller) -kimono (too much variation; $10-$$$$) Kitsuke for yukata -yukata ($30+) -hanhaba obi [half-width obi] ($15+) -kimono slip--optional ($20 ebay) -koshi himo -geta [wooden clogs...sorta] ($30 ebay) Some internet sites and ebay sellers -Ichiroya* -Yamatoku* -Chuu -Moto-ya -Kyotocollection (ebay)* -Ryujapan-99 (ebay)* -Paperhouse7788(ebay)* *based in Japan Putting on a Kimono/Yukata I can't remember the sites I go to, but the forums on Immortal Geisha has a lot of links and is worth checking out Shipping Since a lot of sites are based in Japan, shipping can get rather expensive. The three main shipping methods are EMS, air mail, and SAL -EMS--the fastest and most expensive method. I've had one kimono send via EMS and I got it in less than a week. You might have to sign for the item when it arrives -Air mail--the second fastest. It took about a week to reach me -SAL--the slowest and cheapest. Good if you're not in a rush as it can take up to 6 weeks to reach a destination, but can take only two weeks. I don't think it's insured, but I haven't had any problems with it. Anyway, that's just a really basic overview on kimono and doesn't even go into the different types of kimono and obi. If any one's interested in that, just let me know and I'll either write about them myself or find some good sites. :) edit: added more to tutorial |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Apr 5th, 2006 at 7:05am
I forgot to add this to the tutorial.
Misc. tips -When putting on the kimono, make sure to wear it left-over-right! Right-over-left is only done for corpses. You're not a corpse, are you? -Keep a space the size of your fist between the nape of your neck and the collar of the juban or yukata. But you can show more neck if you're feeling sexy. hahaha -Koshi himo made of nylon or rayon are harder to use since the kimono tends to slide around more. Cotton or muslin koshi himo are a better choice -Since the idea is to get a tube-like outline, a waist pad might make the kimono easier to wear. I'm not sure who sells it, but a thin towel tied at the waist will do the trick -Don't wear tabi with geta nor neglect wearing tabi with zori MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't get discouraged if things look like crap the first time you put on a kimono. It takes a lot of practice for things to look right, so keep trying. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Apr 5th, 2006 at 1:44pm
Juri San - That was an excellent intro to Kimono! I'm so proud of you! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Curlgirl64 on Apr 5th, 2006 at 7:30pm
Juri,thank you so much!! That was so much info.I'll have to take it alittle at a time!! lol I'd love to learn more and will have to start at step 1 to buy,dress and know the do's and don'ts :)
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Apr 17th, 2006 at 2:03am
Argh, for some reason the Mac isn't hooking up to the internet anymore. That said, if I'm not here for several days in a row, it's pretty much safe to assume that I can't get to a computer with internet access. >:(
Lisabelle--Since I didn't really get interested in kimono until meeting you, that's quite a honor! Thank you! :D Curlgirl64--You're welcome! It was a lot of information to digest, but go slowly. For me it was easier to start buying things one at a time, rather than trying to rush and get everything at once. JET Program results--Well, I got the letter this past Wednesday, and (drumroll...................) I got in! Yay! So unless something goes wrong (fingers crossed it doesn't), I'm going to leave for Japan in early August. After I send in the reply form, the program will get me assigned to a school district. I should find out what part of Japan I'll be sent to some time in May. Well, that's it! See you the next time I get internet access. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Apr 17th, 2006 at 8:08am
Juri Chan, the pleasures all mine! I love kimono and am happy I helped you get into such a wonderful tradition! :D Oh wow you got into the JET program! Congratulations ;D ;D ;D. Take me to Japan with you! I know I would fit into a suitcase, trust me! LOL!! That's so awesome!! I know you will do really well and wish you the best of luck! ;D I Hope you can get a better internet connection as I know how frustrating it can be to be off line and I missed you. :-[
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Apr 30th, 2006 at 7:37pm
Lisabelle onee san, I missed you too, as well as everyone at LL. The internet connection itself is okay, but the Mac was in my mom's classroom and instead of using the IP address from our home internet account, it keeps replacing it with the school's. Weird. Anyways, thanks a lot! I'm really excited about getting into the program. If I could fit you into my suitcase, I would sneak you aboard! LOL ;D Since there's a good chance I'll be stationed in the countryside, I'm hoping I'll have good internet connection there and be able to keep up with LL and let everyone know what I'm doing in Japan.
Hair--Not much. I've stopped conditioning it every night and my hair looks a lot less greasy by the time wash day rolls around. It must be because it's not being handled as much, hence less grease production. Cinnabuns are starting to look a little weird so I've been braiding it more often. Until the next time! Whenever that is...haha |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on May 1st, 2006 at 12:01pm
Wow, it's great to hear from you! Ah! You will be in the countryside, oh that would so beauftull! I'm thinking of the pine trees and lakes...reminds me of Genji Monogatari.......dream land. ;D ::) ;D. Hubby and I thought you were going to Toyko and were worried for you. I had a friend from there and he said to was wild and very fast paced. I know your going to do really good! :)
Love, Onee san ^0^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on May 2nd, 2006 at 7:04am
Onee san--Well, I won't find out where I'm going to be stationed until later this month. But since not too many jet participants are sent to large cities, it's a good bet that I'll be assigned to a school district in the country. Which is good; I don't think I'd want to be in Tokyo for more than a few days. Thank you for your concern (as well as hubby's)! It means a lot. :-*
Internet stuffs--Mom asked her BF if I can use his laptop more often since the Mac is craping out on us, so hopefully I'll be able to check in more often. Yay! Hair--I finally managed to do a successful French braid today. I was so proud. For some weird reason I couldn't do them before. It was a lot more comfortable than an english braid. The area around the nape of my neck would always get really loose with that type of braid and start to look really messy. Until next time! :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on May 2nd, 2006 at 5:17pm
Your Welcome! ;D
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on May 10th, 2006 at 7:06am
Hair--After neglecting it for a couple of months, I finally got around to deep conditioning my hair last week Friday. That coconut milk soak is the best! The next day I kept petting my ponytail because it felt so silky (which was a nice change). I wonder if I'll be able to find coconut milk in the more rural areas of Japan. ??? Okay, that and Giovanni's 50/50 Balancing conditioner. After trying a few different natural brands, that one works the best for my hair. I guess I'll have to get my mom to send me bottles of conditioner while I'm away. :P
Broke another smallish claw clip today. Now I've officially destroyed three of those claw clips and no longer have any matching pairs. I wonder if France Lux clips are better than cheapie store brands. I'd be willing to invest in some if I was reasonably sure they wouldn't easily break. JET--As of last week Friday there were exactly three months until I leave for Japan. So much to do before then: 1) Get a work visa 2) Clean room and box things up 3) Complete an IRS form 4) Make own crash-course in Hawaiian culture 5) BRUSH UP ON JAPANESE 6) Buy teacher-type clothes, except I hate shopping 7) Learn some hula? 8 ) Other things I should do, but haven't thought of yet I wonder how many JET participants from Hawaii actually know how to do hula. I assume I'm going to be asked how to do it, but to me hula is a very spiritual thing and isn't like doing, say, ballet or hip-hop. I'd feel weird teaching something I don't know much about and couldn't acurately convey the meaning each movement has to native Hawaiians. :-/ ~~~ Yeek, that was a bit of a downer. I should end on a happier note. Hmm...Ummmmm.....Hey, look over there! (runs off) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on May 10th, 2006 at 9:26am
Hi Juri chan! :D
Your hair must really be thick to break the clips, time for stronger ones! I have no idea if you will find coconut milk in Japan but It would be really neat to get care packages from home. While your there you could try camillia oil, I like it on my face more then my hair. I have seen hula dancers here and wow can they move. Do you really think they will ask you to preform? Don't worry to much about it. I wish I could take a course in Japanese it would be great! Love Onee san ^ o ^ |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on May 21st, 2006 at 8:06am
Lisabelle--Well, I think the thickness of my hair is average for a Japanese girl. Maybe I'm trying to make the clip hold too much hair? As for the camellia oil, I tried using it when I got my boxwood comb, but it made my hair crunchy. I found out I'm going to be in a small town, but perhaps by some stroke of luck they'll carry coconut milk. Here's to wishful thinking! *haha*
Hula dancers sure can move! Whenever I watch them, I think, "I don't think I could move like that." *lol* I'm not sure if they'll ask me to do hula, but I have a feeling someone might. Japanese is hard, but interesting to learn. Hopefully one day you'll be able to take a course. :D Internet--Mom's BF finally moved into his own place and took his laptop with him. The Mac is able to connect to the internet again. I have no idea why, though; for some weird reason it wouldn't in the past. At any rate, I'm psyched to have internet connection again. Hair--It's getting pretty close to hip length. Woo! Maybe another month or two and I'll be there. Had a nice hair compliment from my supervisor at Kids' First (I volunteer with that program once a month) this past Wednesday. I usually have my hair in a bun, but that day it was on a bubba tail. So anyway, I was counting how many kids had arrived when I felt someone touching my hair a bit. I looked up and my supervisor was playing with it. "Your hair! It got so long!" she said in admiring way. I don't usually like people touching my hair, but for some reason I thought that was kind of neat and boosted my hair-esteem. Actually, I think the reason why I didn't mind was because the image of an older woman in a business suit playing with someone's hair was rather funny. JET Program--I got my assignment on Thursday and I'm going to a small town in Aomori prefecture. The population is less than 6,000 and the town is 9 hours away from Tokyo by bus. I'm a bit bummed to be so far from major cities, but I'm trying to think positively. Good points about my placement: -Aomori is the "apple capital of Japan" and I love apples -I could have been put on an island with a population of only 700 -It might be easier to get to know people in a small town -Aomori is right under Hokkaido, so summer might not be as muggy -I'll get to see snow...lots and lots of snow -It's close to the mountains and a river runs through the town -From the few pictures I've seen, it looks like a nice area -Cost of living should be cheaper than more urban locations -Located along a main train line It'll be quite a change from Hawaii. Hopefully I won't freeze during the winter. *lol* |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on May 21st, 2006 at 1:58pm
Wow! Your hair is getting so long! Hmm.. camillia oil not working...mind you I only put it on my face, sometimes on my hair.
I looked up Aomori on the web http://www.city.aomori.aomori.jp/english/idxeng.html It looks really nice! Hubby said if you get bored with Aomori take the bullet train to Tokyo! Ah, the change in weather will be hard. I had to compensate when I moved to Canada, man it was cold!(still is!) Here's some stuff that helped me out. Hot water bottle Thick winter underwear Heavy coat and lots of soup! plus someone to cuddle with! I know you'll do great and who nows? Maybe you'll find a handsome farmer! ^0^!!! Love One e San ;D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on May 27th, 2006 at 7:46am
Whoa, just noticed I made 1000 posts at LL. I wonder if I should be concerned at how hair-obsessed I've become.
Lisabelle 'nee san--Yeah, Aomori looks like a nice place. I'm going to be in the southeast section of the prefecture and supposedly it's not as cold/snowy as other areas. Taking the bullet train sounds like a good idea. Even though the trip to Tokyo would take 4 hours, it's a lot faster than a bus. Thanks for the suggestions on how to keep warm; especially about having someone to cuddle with! Hair-- After months of going back and forth between "should I or shouldn't I henna and indigo my hair," I've finally decided to do it. I just sent in an order for some samples from Mehandi.com and if the results look good, I'll go and order 500g of each. I'm not expecting uniform color, but hopefully I'll get less of a two-toned look. Oh yeah, I'm attempting to go back to my natural color (black) by doing the two-step henna and indigo process. Did a coconut milk soak and ACV rinse today. I think I have to get better about using shea butter on my ends on the days I don't condition it. Before I did the soak, my ends were starting to feel really dry. :P Last week I creeped out my mom and myself when I combed my hair over my face and did a Sadako/Samarna pose. Depending on how they are, I think I might dress up like Sadako (ghost from the Japanese version of "The Ring") for Halloween and freak out my students. *evil grin* JET Program--Found of that one of my friends from college got accepted and will be in the prefecture next to mine. Yay! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by bikerbraid on May 31st, 2006 at 12:55am
Juri, if you are hair obsessed with 1000 posts, what does that make me? :o ;D
What an exciting experience the JET program will be for you. I hope you can keep us updated on how it goes for you! |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on May 31st, 2006 at 9:04am
Juri chan,
Hehe you never know who you will meet! ^0^. The henna/indigo sounds good! Ah! you did the Ringu girl! My hair is just long enough to do it, maybe it should do it for halloween too. hehehe..now were is my nasty old white nightgown and kabuki makeup? I think your JET students will be really freaked!! Love One e san ;) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 1st, 2006 at 6:43am
BB--*lol* No offense intended. But compared to how I was in pre-LL days when I just ran a brush through my hair and was good to go, this is quite a change! Now I have a whole routine for my hair and even wonder about whether or not I'll find coconut milk in Japan. Oh, and as for posts, when I first joined LL, I thought it would take years for me to reach 1000+ posts; not 14 months. ;D
As for JET, if I have good internet connection, of course I'll keep everyone updated! Hopefully I'll have interesting stories for you all. :D Lisabelle 'nee san-- I should be so lucky to find a guy in Japan! If I did, my grandma would be thrilled as she's repeatedly said that she can't die until I get a BF...not that I want her to die or anything. Well, you get the idea. :P Hahaha, you should dress as Sadako for Halloween! I think it would look rather neat. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jun 1st, 2006 at 11:12am
Lisabelle 'nee san-- I should be so lucky to find a guy in Japan! If I did, my grandma would be thrilled as she's repeatedly said that she can't die until I get a BF...not that I want her to die or anything. Well, you get the idea.
Hahaha, you should dress as Sadako for Halloween! I think it would look rather neat. Juri Chan, Its interesting you say that about your grandmother cause my parents were not happy till I got married. They didn't really mind me eloping as they were elderly (in there 70's) and worried that I was going to be alone once they were gone. Before Dad died he told me he was happy that I was with my hubby even though I was in another country. Love O nee San :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 5th, 2006 at 10:50pm
Lisabelle 'nee san--I know it's being said from a place of caring, but there's only so many "get a boyfriend before I die" I can hear before it gets old. All of my other cousins either have a BF or are married, so my grandma is probably worried about me being alone. She kind of had to lower her expectations, though, because she used to say she hoped I'd get married before she dies. But since I entered my mid-twenties and still don't have much interest in dating, she had to settle for me finding a BF.
That was a really sweet thing for your dad to say before he passed on. I'm glad he was able to tell you that. :) Doggie blues and rant--Some backstory before I launch into the main event. Mom's BF finally moved out of the house and took his puppy Ubu with him. Mom and I missed Ubu and so the BF, John, said we could "borrow" Ubu's mom, Chasuble (she was living at the house of one of his employees because Mom didn't want multiple dogs in the house). Anyways, Mom and I love Chasuble so she's been at our house since last week Monday. It took a day for her to settle in at our place, but after that she'd roam around the house and seemed happy to be here and. Okay, so yesterday evening Mom and I took Chasuble to a beach park. Towards the end of the walk, this small terrier some how broke free from it's owner's grip and started running towards Chasuble. I thought maybe the other dog wanted to play, but instead it immediately started to bite and claw at Chasuble's face. The dogs were pulled apart rather quickly and the terrier's owner apologized and spanked his dog a few times. At the time we thought Chasuble was okay because she didn't seem that phased by what happened and she's normally on the timid side. I think I was more shaken up by what happened than she was. When we got home, however, Mom discovered that Chasuble had a bite mark on her eye lid and the area was kind of red and swollen. Today the area is still red and the eye is producing rather a lot of mucus. We'll most likely going to take her to the vet by tomorrow night if the mucus doesn't clear up. While I'm worried about her injury, the saddest part is how traumatized Chasuble turned out to be. When I woke up this morning I found her cowering on a shelf in the closet and unless I'm holding her on my lap she'll either try to hide behind the couch or behind the toilet in my bathroom. :'( I took her out of her hiding places several times, but she keeps going back to hide behind the toilet. Poor dog! I tried looking at pet forums to see what I could do to help her, but most of the posts about dog behavior were about house training or what to do with aggressive dogs, not ones that got attacked by another animal. I'm not sure what to do for her, so I'll just keep an eye on her until Mom gets back from work. Man, I just want to give that terrier's owner a good smack. Okay, I wouldn't actually hit the guy, but I'd demand to know what got into his dog (and tell him to pay for any vet bills). Chasuble and the terrier were twenty feet away from each other and didn't exchange any growls or anything, but the terrier still attacked Chasuble. >:( I wonder if the other dog had been previously mistreated by a larger dog or has some sort of hormone imbalance, 'cause it was less than half of Chaz's size. Okay, glad I got that off my chest. Um, I like terriers, don't get me wrong, but that particular one... >:( >:( Hair--I'm hoping the henna samples will arrive within the next couple of days. I got a big plastic mixing bowl and measuring spoons from the dollar store that I'm anxious to take on a test drive. Oh, that and brand new bottles of cloves and merlot to try and darken the henna mix. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 6th, 2006 at 5:43am
Doggie update--Chaz stopped hiding behind the toilet and seems more upbeat. However, she doesn't like to be left alone so she follows either Mom or myself around the house. It's cute, but the reason behind it is rather sad. Poor, poor Chasuble.
Hair--The samples from Mehandi.com arrived this afternoon and I colored two different samples of hair. Both got henna'd, but I left one in the henna mix for 3.5 hours while the other stayed in for 1.5 and then got indigo'd for 50 minutes. Not sure why I decided to do two swatches. I guess I just wanted to see what it would belike to henna bleached hair. For the henna sample, I used (besides the henna powder): 1 Tbs ground cloves 1 tsp pectin 1 Tbs red wine 2 Tbs water 1/2 tsp ACV I had nuked the liquid ingredients for 30 seconds, so the dye release was almost immediate. For the indigo sample: 1/2 tsp amla powder 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 cup water Hennaing the swatches of harvested hair turned out to be rather easy and I didn't have any problems. The indigo, on the other hand, turned out to be trickier than I anticipated it would be. I thought I could leave the hair sample directly in the mixture, but when I rinsed it off an hour later, it didn't even seem like I had colored the hair at all. It wasn't until after I ACV'd the sample that I realized that the color didn't take because the indigo didn't have a chance to oxidize. Since the the remaining indigo mix was starting to oxidize, I decided to put the sample back in and left it for about 40 minutes. Right now the portion of hair that had been bleached two years ago has a weird greenish-brown tinge to it while the unbleached portion looks extra black. Perhaps if I had colored it properly the first time, the color would be more uniform. It will be interesting to see if the color changes within the next couple of days as the hair sample continues to oxidize. As for the henna-only swatch of hair, the naturally black part has a slight reddish tinge to it. The bleached part looks a bit orange. I think I'll wait a couple of days before i decide whether I want to do the two-step henna/indigo process to go back to black hair. I don't think I'll just henna my hair, because that *might* make the color difference in my hair even more obvious. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jun 6th, 2006 at 10:22am
Juri chan,
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. :-[ Some people don't know how to take care of dogs and let there run wild or worst. My friend with the St. Bernard has a habit of not putting his dog on a leash, it ran after a Jack Russell the other day and thankfully it's owner scooped him off the ground before the Saint got him. Eddie just wanted to play but at 120 pounds he could have really hurt that little Jack. I am happy to hear your dog is starting to feel better, poor little thing! Hugs to Chasuble! Wow the henna/Indigo thing sounds interesting! I hope it turns out great for you! Love Lisa One e San :D |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Angel Spun on Jun 7th, 2006 at 12:02am
Don't worry, Juri. Chaz will soon get used to his new surroundings. It shouldn't take long.
My dog, Bodie, was like that when we first got him. He'd been abused & neglected, and was deathly afraid of being abandoned. Oh man, that dog had issues. ::) He paced through the house all day and would follow you if you got up & left the room. But eventually, he mellowed out. Realized that if we stepped out for a bit, we were coming back. Plus, we took him with us everywhere. Just make Chaz feel like "one of the family" and he'll chill. Trust me. ;) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 7th, 2006 at 6:08am
Lisabelle and AngelSpun--Thank you very much for your support and canine anecdotes! :-* Mom and I have been giving her extra TLC, but there's only so much we can do to make her feel better. The sad thing is that before the attack, she had made herself at home, but now she tends to hide in small places. When we took her to the vet this afternoon we found out that she has an ulceration on her right eye so that may explain some of her current behavior. We have to take her back on Saturday for a follow up visit, and I'll you know if her eye got better (hopefully it will!).
Hair--When I looked at the henna/indigo strand this morning, I was really surprisied to see that the greenish-brown area had turned dark brown/soft black. There's a very slight green tint if you hold it up to sunlight, but overall the difference in color between the bleached portion and the virgin hair isn't very noticable. Good enough for me! I'm going to send in an order for henna and indigo on Thursday. Woohoo, goodbye two-tone hair! Obon--It's now bon dance season in Hawaii. Yay! For a quick intro on bon dance, Wikipedia has a description of it (scoll down about half-way through the page). The Honolulu Advertiser* had an intersting article on bon dance in Hawaii. It compares the difference between bon dance in Japan v. Hawaii, and has some pictures of the first bon dance of the season. I don't know why the article says the Hawaii bon dance season is only two months, because the season lasts from June to August and there's even one or two in September. Anywho... When my grandpa T was alive, I used to go to a lot of bon dances, but after he died, I lost interest and got into British culture. Since last summer, however, I became re-interested in bon dance and now I'm trying to see how many I can attend before I move to Japan...where bon dance "season" is only one weekend long. Ack. *I couldn't get a direct link to the article, so click "backissues" and then the link for June 4. You'll be taken to a page with a selection of articles from that day and the article is called "Drumbeat rises on bon dance." |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 7th, 2006 at 7:38am
Before I forget, notes taken from various posts at the Henna For Hair forum.
Henna -Probably didn't have good dye release when I put the samples in. Should let the henna sit for a few hours. -To check for dye release, put some cling film with a white piece of paper over the henna. When a faint orange or yellow color appears, the dye has been released. -Add 1 part fructose to 3-5 parts henna powder to make the mix stringy and easier to apply -Con of boiling pectin is the possibility of killing the henna Indigo -Let the mix sit for about 10 minutes -Get the indigo on the runny side; don't make it as thick as the sample I did |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Lisabelle on Jun 7th, 2006 at 2:29pm
Hi Juri Chan!
I found the Obon festival interesting! It almost the same thing my family would do on Easter. We would visit the family graves and clean the stones then replant flowers from the pervious year. Good luck with the henna! ;D Love Lisa One e San |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 8th, 2006 at 6:20am
Lisabelle 'nee san--Glad you liked it! And thanks for the well wishes about the henna. I'm a bit nervous about it, but it should turn out okay.
Doggie update--Chasuble's been doing a lot better since we took her to the vet. She has to wear one of those plastic cones, but at least her eye will have the chance to heal. :) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Jun 8th, 2006 at 11:11pm
Juri, I'm happy to hear Chas is improving.
Looks like we'll have a 4 hour layover in Japan on our way to Singapore. Do you think I'll be able to find any nice Geisha style hair accessories? I can't remember off hand which city the layover is in-don't even know how many airports are in Japan. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 9th, 2006 at 1:13am wrote on Jun 8th, 2006 at 11:11pm:
Thanks, Sakina! Mom and I felt so bad for her when she got hurt, but she's pretty much back to her old self (at least behavior wise). Quote:
Hmmm, I think it depends on if you can get out of the airport and to a department store. From what I've seen on Japanese TV shows, larger department stores have a kimono section and you might be able to find something there. There's also small specialty shops, but off hand I don't know where they are. If you can give me the name of the airport, I'll see if I can find any nearby shops. :) Hair--Wore my hair in a Dutch classic to calligraphy class today and got an interesting (but not mean spirited) comment from one of my classmates, U san. She noticed my 'do and when she saw the back, asked, "Is that a (hair) piece?" Me, "No. That's my real hair." U san, "Wow...How long is your hair?" Me, "About this long" and pointed to my hips U san, "Do you do hula?" Me, "No. I just felt like growing it long." And then it generated into a discussion between her and sensei about how I need to/should learn hula before I go to Japan. The funny parts about this conversation were that: 1) The braided bun looked like it could have been fake 2) The assumption in Hawaii that long hair = you dance hula... It's a stereotype, but at least long hair doesn't seem to have the stigma that it does in other parts of the country. Other hair things, bought a bottle of Nature's Gate Tea Tree and Blue Cypress shampoo to try. I hope it really does help get rid of dandruff like it says on the label. Henna--Sent in an order to Mehandi. I did a snail mail order so I think everything should arrive by the 17th or 19th. Hopefully I'll be able to post a pic of the results. It's kind of weird, but when I was doing the henna and indigo samples, Mom seemed rather skeptical about the whole thing. Her opinion was that I should either leave my hair the way it is or cut off the bleached portion. While cutting it off would solve the problem rather quickly, there's no way I'd cut off 1.5 years of growth. And when she mentioned those options I just rolled my eyes. However, she changed her mind and was asking me how would henna'd highlights look on her hair. This seems to be part of a pattern with her and my hair. For example, when I first told her I was going to grow it out, she made a face when I said I wanted my hair to my butt. After a while, though, when she realized I wasn't going to listen to her, she seemed more supportive of my decision. I guess her negativity is out of concern for how I look/what I'm doing to myself and is trying to show that she cares. At least she comes round when she realizes I'm still going to do what I want (at least regarding my hair), despite her objections. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Jun 9th, 2006 at 5:48pm
Juri, you are a very sweet person! We're flying into Tokyo airport. What got me started on the idea of shopping in Japan was that I ordered a cute Geisha wig for my halloween costume, its very like on of the Maiko hairstyles in Memoirs of a Geisha and I want to make it more Geisha like with more traditional hair accessories. My search took me to a site I think you've posted about before: Maya Kanzashi. Well, seeing not only how expensive they are but the shipping and handling fee I'd like to try to pick it up while I'm there. Even still, I'm considering ordering something from them 'cause they're just too gorgeous to pass up.
Have you ordered from this company? I wish you had a pic of your braided bun! I really love that style, I try to make it and it turns out OK, on the cutesy side 'cause my bun is so small at this point. I bet yours was fabulous!! (Hula or no hula!) |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 10th, 2006 at 7:02am
Awww, Sakina, you're making me blush! I (nor my hair) aren't that great, but thank you! :-* I'm sure your braided bun must look really nice! As for me, sometimes when I do a Dutch classic, the bun portion resembles a danish. *lol*
Using kanzashi with your wig sounds like a good idea. As for getting one in person, my brain isn't working very well at the moment. Did you want to get a kanzashi from Maya Kanzashi while you were in Japan or just a kanzashi in general? If it's the former, I'll go to their website and see if they have physical shop you could visit. At any rate, I'm guessing you're going to be at Narita Airport (aka New Tokyo International Airport), which is about 35 miles away from central Tokyo and takes at least an hour to get there. That kind of rules out Tokyo -- too bad your layover wasn't longer! -- but if you do manage to get there here's a couple of places that might carry kanzashi: -Oriental Bazaar in Jingumae, which is in western Tokyo -Nakamise-dori in front of Senso-ji temple in northern Tokyo. It's a series of shops that leads up to this huge Buddhist(?) temple Japan Guide has an article on Narita Airport and directions on how to get to Tokyo. I'll look at my Japan guidebook again and look for a couple of Tokyo deparment stores you might want to try. Almost forgot, Narita Airport has some shops you could visit in case you can't get out of the terminal. I don't know if they'll have kanzashi, but it wouldn't hurt to look. But, because of time constraints, it might be easier to catch a bus or something to Narita city and go to Sun (or it might be San) Plaza Shopping Center. According to a 2nd hand kimono directory I have, there's supposed to be a kimono store there. However, the directory is three years old so the store might have closed. Then again, there might be a different one taking it's place. Ack, sorry that wasn't of more help. I haven't bought from Maya Kanzashi, mostly because I don't have the money. *sob* Ebay sometimes has nice kanzashi (though not as nice as Maya) for way less. Good luck! I hope you find something you like. :) Hair--I think I have go back to washing my hair every four days. It's getting rather hot now and today I noticed my hair had a gross, sebumy smell to it. I tried the Nature's Gate shampoo and so far I like it. And...yeah. |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by Sakina on Jun 10th, 2006 at 3:45pm
Thanks for your reply, Juri! I was going to order from Maya online. I'll most likely be shopping in the airport, won't be as much time after we deplane (lots of peeps on the international flights) and yes, we are flying into Narita. You've been a real doll looking that stuff up for me. I don't know how to spell it but, Arigato!
Do you know if there is Kimono underwear that is short, like mid thigh? I've ordered zori and geta and tabi and am contemplating an undergarment. My costume is just that "costume" and I think its made out of poly "satin". I was thinking an "under Kimono" would give me a better look. What do you think? |
Title: Re: juri no monogatari Post by juri on Jun 10th, 2006 at 10:43pm
It was my pleasure, Sakina! Consider it a thank you for getting rid off all the *bleep* that bombarded LL a couple of days ago. Anyway, it's not like Japan is a car ride away for us so in the remote chance you got out of the airport, I wanted you to be prepared. :)
Wow, with all the things your buying to complete your costume, you're going to look great! We can look forward to some pics when Halloween comes around, right? *hint hint* ;D I think an under kimono would be a good idea. Bokunan-do has undergarments you might want to take a look at. The women's undergarments section has half-slips that you could make shorter. And the women's juban page has regular juban (underkimono) that would give your costume a layered look, but like the half-slips, the bottom would have to be cut short. HTH! Doggie news--Went to the vet this morning for a check up and she said that Chasuble's eye healed! Yay! Chaz doesn't have to wear that cone around her neck anymore so she must be happy. |
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