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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> blonde http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1116521488 Message started by nikki679 on May 19th, 2005 at 3:51pm |
Title: blonde Post by nikki679 on May 19th, 2005 at 3:51pm
I have a bit of a dilema! I'm naturally very dark and started having highlights about 5 years ago. Since then I went through a period where I had no money whatsoever and couldnt cope with the roots so died the lot with a box colour, (an extremely dark brown box colour). I've since gone back to my hairdressers who have highlighted my hair again for me but its gone a really horrible yellowy colour (think eminem) and I really really hate it. I was talking to a friend at work who said that if I died my hair a red colour, and then put a blonde box colour on it, it would go a much more natural shade .. and also to the roots which it isnt now! Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance Nikki xx |
Title: Re: blonde Post by bikerbraid on May 19th, 2005 at 5:20pm
Changing hair color is tricky. Different products have different chemical makeup and will make changes to your hair. I would recommend visiting a hair coloring specialist to discuss what your options are.
Title: Re: blonde Post by Valerie on May 23rd, 2005 at 2:31am
I have to agree w/ bikerbraid. Unless you're very good at mixing and matching those boxes, I think it is unlikely to match your natural color very well, and more likely to cause damage since you may have to go through a few different processes. Going into a hair dresser will give you a little more comfort in finding something that will match your natural color with one application.
That said, I've seen several people online that match roots wonderfully with either the hair dyes in the store, or henna. I've just never had any kind of luck with that. Good luck, let us know what you decide and how it turns out. |
Title: Re: blonde Post by panpeus on May 29th, 2005 at 3:37pm
I had a similar problem when I dyed my naturally blonde hair -black- (gasp, what was I thinking.) The bright yellow can be handled pretty well by a hair care professional by toning the strands. The toner does not damage the hair as much as bleaching or dying, and you can banish the neon lemon color.
Choose a salon that has a wise colorist. By doing so, you can greatly save the health of your hair =) |
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