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Chit Chat >> Personal Hair Journals >> Christiana's Hair Affairs http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1114997499 Message started by Christiana on May 2nd, 2005 at 12:31am |
Title: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 2nd, 2005 at 12:31am
Sunday, May 1, 2005
I thought this would be a good place to keep a record of what my hair has been up to lately...what I'm doing that works/not works, etc., etc. Then I can refer back to it and get ideas for the future, or something... Well, on Friday night I oiled my hair with coconut oil after washing/towel blotting it. Then I blowdried it and braided it. Usually I put a quarter-sized dollop of conditioner onto it after I blowdry it almost dry, and then I blow it dry completely--afterwards adding some coconut oil to my braid--this creates instant "fat hair" and volume and shine. However, I wanted to see what just the oil would do, and in the morning I discovered why I had started adding the conditioner in the first place. Totally thin-looking/feeling and slippery and un-voluminous hair!!! That night I did not wash my hair but I added the customary conditioner. It soaked in fast and I did not have to use the dryer. It instantly felt fat and thick. I braided it and coiled it around the top of my head, and I was not disappointed this Sunday morning! I was grateful that it looked good for Mass. I just don't feel happy all around if my hair doesn't please me. I like it to look soft and feminine and romantic at ALL TIMES!!! It's almost 8:30 pm now, and I want to get in a half hour of dancing before bedtime. That would be at 10---I have resolved to be faithful to this appointed time no matter what! I even forced myself to read the Sunday paper this afternoon instead of my usual late-night hour. No more of that for me...10 sharp it is. So I had better sign off for now and start dancing, and then maybe do some other relaxing thing until 10! BUT 10 IT WILL BE!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 2nd, 2005 at 7:11pm
Monday, May 2, 2005
Last night I braided my hair for bed and instead of leaving almost half of it unbraided (to curl around the body of my braid before pinning it up) I left just 5 inches unbraided, oiled it with coconut oil and rubbed the rest on my braid, and curled the 5 inches around the braid. The result was a tighter and longer lasting curl/wave in the morning on my ends!!! I was very happy with it, and I hope I remember the 5 inch rule for the ends. Also: my current hairstyle is gathering my front hair beginning at the temples and affixing a sort of poof with hair combs and a barette. I fluff my bangs into place and make sure that the long wispy "sideburns" are satisfactorily in position, too. I like the feeling and look of having a soft frame around my face. Then I place my fingers directly underneath my ears and draw back some side hair, sort of drape-like, fastening with another barette low down near my neck. The entire do is very soft and bridal looking, I like it so much and I wear it every day. (I think it works/looks better if I do it this way, drawing it back starting at underneath my ears, instead of the variation I have been trying for the past week--drawing it back from above my ears. I won't wear it that way anymore. It makes a difference in how the whole style hangs, especially the back.) My face: Still working on how to moisterize dry yet oily and acne prone skin. I would like to try some jojoba someday...I went to Wal Mart on Thursday and looked at Shea Butter--6 bucks!! No way. However, I found a bottle of witch hazel for $1.27 in the section with the rubbing alcohol. What a deal...and it really works! My face feels so sparkling fresh and clean when I use it! So fresh that I dared to try some coconut oil on it as a moisterizer. After applying the coconut oil, I dabbed additional witch hazel on my cheeks. This is DAY 1 of the facial coconut oil moisterizer test. I will give my face a week to discern if it likes it. The CO gives my face a healthy glow--not oily or greasy, and it feels SO SOFT!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I will mix the CO with aloe vera for easier spreading. I purchased my tub of coconut oil in the cooking oils section at the grocery store. It says right on the label 100% pure and natural....makes NON GREASY tortillas, etc. Non greasy! It really is true. My hair surely does like it, and I hope my face can adjust to it as well. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 3rd, 2005 at 7:20pm
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
I made a mistake yesterday, about my current hairstyle--drawing back the hair ABOVE the ears and gently draping it, before pinning it at the neck, is what works for me. I had tried it drawn back starting at the temples and also below the ears--each way gave a different variation of the style. Definitely *above* the ears is what works and looks best, hanging "just right". I washed my hair last night, and remembered to slather on a palmful of coconut oil BEFORE the wash. This keeps the length from getting too dried out and listless looking. It is DAY 2 of my coconut oil face moisterizer trial. So far, so good! My face feels soft and healthily glowing. I hope this keeps up...today I mixed aloe vera with the CO. If I don't do that, I have to use way more oil to get all bases covered and I don't want to overdo it. First I anointed my face with witch hazel, of course. That stuff is great, it really seems to do a good job on my face! I don't think I like the 5-inch rule for curling my ends after all. It looks too kinky/frizzy. Well, maybe I can smooth out the frizz with a little coconut oil! It does do wonders! The benefits of the 5-inch rule are otherwise good--more waves near the ends of my hair. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 5th, 2005 at 3:47am
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
My hair felt and looked good today! Tonight I have to wash it...and condition/oil it up so that it has some life to it. It always looks best after one day, though sometimes I wait 3 or more days to wash it even though it starts to get REALLY oily on the 2nd day. Washing every 2 days, especially during the upcoming warmer weather, seems the best deal. Just more work. It is day three of the coconut oil face moisterizer test. I am amazed so far! Witch hazel, aloe vera and natural coconut oil seem to be very beneficial to my face. The CO is awesome, it gives such a healthy glow on hair and face without heaviness or greasiness. Last night I braided my hair and curled it about half way down. I don't think it gives enough waves that way. Tonight I'll go back to the (approximately) 5 inch rule for the ends. Tonight...yes, tonight!!! It is almost tomorrow, so I had better sign off for now and get in the shower! I really need a relaxing shower right now. Dad and I spent the evening Mother's Day shopping, deliberating over which vaccuum cleaner to buy Mom. We decided on one at closing time--only to change our minds about it almost right away!!! We are going to exchange it tomorrow. Shopping is stressful! Off to shower, then to bed!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 5th, 2005 at 7:18pm
Thursday, May 5, 2005
I never did wash my hair last night--too tired! I really messed up on my 10 pm deadline for getting ready for bed. Instead I shampooed my bangs and the hair around the front of my face--that got me through all right. Sort of a mini scalp wash. Maybe I should do scalp washes more often? I haven't found a really good method, though. I often end up with practically my whole updo soaked even though I try to place my head strategically under the shower spray. Day four of the coconut oil face moisterizing trial--I can't believe how good this is going so far! Just so I remember for all posterity: first rub witch hazel onto my face, followed by a fingertip's worth of coconut oil melted in my palm, and a dime size amount of aloe vera, mixed together well. I spread it all over face and neck, plus a TINY amount of CO around my eyelid area. Can't get too much near my eyelashes, for fear of inflammation. I have to soak and scrub my eyelashes every day with baby shampoo and Q-tips or else they get inflamed. I had to give up makeup forever last year after a bad infection, sties, etc. Now I'm used to it, and it's great. So natural and free and clean. I was researching the safety of aerobic dancing on concrete floors--that's what I have in my room, covered with tile of course. It's supposed to cause all sorts of problems. I'd better make sure not to leap around barefoot or sockfooted anymore, or even dance so much in my heels. My pair of old, tight leather tennis shoes might be a better option for dancing and working out--but you just can't leap gracefully in tennis! The shoes are not tight fitting, but I can draw the laces tighter and wear thick socks. Better that than shin splints, back problems, foot and leg problems, etc. I watched a behind the scenes video of Riverdance once, and the lead dancer was practicing in tennis shoes! So I'll give it a try. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 11th, 2005 at 7:34pm
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hi diary, good to be back!!! A long weekend and a busy first-of-the-week has prevented me from being online for some days! Needless to say, the one-week Great Coconut Oil Face Moisterizing Trial has been completed, and I have decided it is going to work. Coconut oil continues to intrigue me with its softening, healing properties. ON MY HAIR: Grease up the length good, I mean REALLY GOOD before washing, and hair feels baby-soft afterwards. On clean, dry hair, a little smoothed onto dry ends and onto length adds a light, natural shine. ON MY FACE: Apply generously right before washing--for me, that's in the evening before bed. That's also when I wash my hair. Massage gently into skin. Coat eyebrows, lashes, etc. Brush/floss teeth in the meantime, and when you are finished, wash face with a drop of baby shampoo. Skin feels SUPER SOFT, JUST LIKE A BABY's!!! Since I started the CO routine, I hardly recognize my own face in the mirror! Even the scaly, red, irritated patch on my cheek is getting better!!! It's PMS time, so NOTHING really suits me right now...my hair seems to me to look horrible and I feel so discouraged, but I go through this EVERY MONTH and the key is to just tell yourself that it will pass. Things will get better!! I wonder what the name of the hormone is that makes you feel so dissatisfied with your appearance, ESPECIALLY your HAIR, once a month??? I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, however, that I don't dare complain. "Only the grateful keep the gift". |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 14th, 2005 at 7:55pm
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Hi diary, it's been a couple days. Here's what's new: HAIR: I think I am going to try COing. Shampoo (currently Pantene) seems to leave my hair sort of dull. Then I have to use lots of leave-in conditioner to give it volume, and coconut oil for shine. Problem is, my scalp gets oily after a day or two. Will COing work for me? Diary, I'll let you know! FACE: Forget coconut oil. And soap. Coconut oil is not a sufficient moisterizer, I don't think. And the soap I have been using is what is irritating my skin--not the store bought moisterizers I first suspected! I think! Am I right? We shall see. Last night after washing with soap some bumps on my face started to bleed, besides being red and rough. I smoothed on some Cetaphil lotion. Ahhhhhhhhh, instant relief. By morning my face looked and felt great. I gently soaked my face with hot water and a washcloth this morning, and then applied Dove Day Lotion, adding the heavier Cetaphil over my "bad" cheek. What shall I do tonight? Shall I "CO" my face as well as my hair? I'm going to try it. "Fickle is woman"--is that how the old saying goes???? I don't know if it's me or my skin or what!!! Something's always changing! Except my hairstyle. It seems not to be happy any other way than in it's current fixture. I added a new accessory to the clip (in the low back) that holds the drape of the sides, though---a backwards-facing 2-inch black butterfly clip gives a neat look over a plain black barrette, adding lift and keeping hair neatly in place. Well, it's almost 4 pm...time for a nap! I have to mow the lawn tonight, the grass is SO tall...I wish my hair grew as fast. I am going to start pinning up or braiding my hair when I work outside. I used to just wear it down, but I think I am risking breakage that way. Gotta go!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 16th, 2005 at 11:12pm
Monday, May 16, 2005
I'm not feeling so good, and so I didn't wash my hair last night. Just rinsed my bangs and that got me through the day. Last night, I used aloe vera gel for the first time to set my braid before bed! What fantastic curls and waves in the morning! I didn't have to use but a bit of hairspray in the back. The aloe vera held wonderfully. Maybe tonight I will try COing my hair. I have abandoned soap for my face. I am now washing it with Noxema at night, and using lotion lavishly in the morning. My skin is loving it. I trimmed my bangs a half inch last night, and almost instantly regretted it, as I quickly came up with a new frontal style that would have looked good with longer bangs. Oh well...they will grow out quickly enough. They always do! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 17th, 2005 at 11:49pm
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Actually I've been COing for a while now--my length only. I've just never tried it on my scalp. I tried it last night and knew as soon as the conditioner failed to spread on my scalp that we were headed for trouble. I used my customary palmful of shampoo on my head instead. I have lots of oil in my skin/scalp, so shampoo is really necessary. Before I washed I remembered to thoroughly drench my hair, especially the ends, with coconut oil. Afterwards: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SMOOOOOOOOTH and soft. I towel dried my hair, then blowdried it a bit and added aloe vera. I braided it and pinned it up for the night. Morning: flat and limp, no volume. Nix that. My face: washing with Noxema at night, soaking with warm water in the morning and applying lotion is working! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 21st, 2005 at 9:48pm
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I've been sick this past week. I shampooed once and made a water/shampoo mixture in an old squeeze bottle, for my scalp. A squirt of shampoo and maybe half a bottle of water--it cleaned my scalp great!!! Usually I use a big handful of shampoo!!! And of course, conditioner only on my length. Washing is preceded by a thorough saturation with coconut oil on my entire length, especially the ends. I would like to be inspired with a new hairstyle. Maybe it's just because I'm feeling under the weather that I'm so dissatisfied with my hair? I don't know! Gotta run...it's almost time for the 6 o'clock news. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 23rd, 2005 at 8:41pm
Monday, May 23, 2005
Feeling much better today!!! Was able to get up and about!!! Plus: an AWESOME HAIR DAY!!! Here's what worked: Last night: A generous saturating with coconut oil. Good thing it's cheap and you get a ton of it in a 2 pound tub, because this stuff is SO effective on hair! A non-greasy oil----amazing! Rubbed it onto my length and ends before shampooing. Shampoo: a squirt of shampoo in my empty squeeze bottle that lives on the shelf in my shower, plus half a bottle of water. Shake together thoroughly, apply to scalp. Cleanses VERY effectively. Saves on shampoo, too. Condition: a straight palmful of conditioner as usual on the length, running my fingers through to detangle. Drying: Towel blotted dry. Gentlly rubbed scalp with towel, let air dry as I made my final preparations for bedtime. Blowdried for a couple minutes. Braiding: I tried something different--I added no conditioner or gel or anything. I scooped my hair into a banana clip way on top of my head, and braided it into a single braid. The banana clip somehow draws your hair right to the top, and you get waves close to your scalp. I braided almost to the end of my length, then took about half of the braid plus the end and coiled that around near the base of the braid--not real close to the scalp, but farther down. I enclosed the coil with a piece of material and secured with a claw-clip. Then I pinned the coiled braid against my head with smaller claw clips. Sleeping: I found a 100% silk scarf in my dresser drawer last night, and I tied it around my head for sleeping--securing the knot near my forehead. What a pleasant sleep it was--the silk was so smooth and comfortable! Best of all, good for my hair--no snagging or tearing! This morning: Oh, oh, oh, the curls and waves were gorgeous. I made a little poof in front and let my length flow down my back, without drawing back the sides any. Some squirts of hair spray completed the look and gave volume/hold. I think I may start shampooing EVERY night. I certainly have enough oil on my scalp...my grandfather is 84 and he still has an oily scalp!!! I guess I'm set for life, then! When I was a young teen (I'm in my 20's now) I shampooed every day, brushed and curled and dried and colored and teased and tore, and my hair grew magnificently. Now, it seems the more I pay attention to it, the less it grows. While not intending to be harsh to it, I am going to just wash it every day and see what happens. It's summer now, after all... Oh yes, one more thing. I NEVER brush or comb my hair now, and I never will. I massage my scalp in the shower, and besides, whatever hair needs to come out comes out in the shower. I think brushing needlessly damages one's locks. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 25th, 2005 at 8:29pm
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I washed my hair 2 days in a row, and it (my hair) did not like it. It was dry and frizzy, just like in the cold winter months. I am going back to washing it every other day or maybe even once a week, doing scalp washes in between. Securing the material-wrapped end of my braid with a claw clip works, but securing the whole braid to my head with little claw clips does not. They unfailingly eat my hair and I will have none of that. Last night I tried bobby pins again, and they held SUPERIORLY with the banana clip on my head!!! Just slide them in under the sides of the banana clip and there are no wobbles or undones the whole night. Wearing my hair long with the sides gently drawn back starting at the temples is nice. With a soft, wispy poof in front, of course. FACE: Straight lotion is a bit too oily for me, I think. Today I blended some lotion with aloe vera for a less greasy moisterizer. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on May 26th, 2005 at 10:16pm
Thursday, May 26, 2005
I tried something new last night: two side braids before I went to bed, with the ends curled up and clipped in place onto the length of the braid. In the morning: stunning results. I was shocked. The waves were nice (though not as close to my head as when I make a single high braid) and the end curls were simply fabulous!!! I sprayed and scrunched with hairspray to make them last. They are still here as I write! I will try this tomorrow (or tonight, rather!) and see if the results are the same--or better! Now if only I could find a scalp wash method that pleases me... Also, I gathered up the hair from the front lower part of my ears into a poof on the top of my head. It seems nice...better than gathering it by the temple area. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 1st, 2005 at 8:51pm
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
The first post of June. Wow... Looking forward to my hair drying faster in the evening when I wash it, now that warmer weather has arrived... Every other day for a washing will probably be my routine. If I go longer than that, it starts to get gunky. Possibly I could go three days...I will try it. Sleeping with twin braids, ends curled and wrapped in fabric/clipped with small claw clips. Awesome waves and curls. Hairspray and scrunching cause them to hold well. I heard that hair grows faster in summer!!! I'm looking forward to that! My longest hairs are tailbone length, but my whole length actually appears to be waist length--the waves/curls shorten the length a good six inches. I would really like the whole curly/wavy length to LOOK tailbone length!!! I'll be praying/waiting. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 2nd, 2005 at 9:51pm
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Last night I bleached my dark brown bangs with peroxide. I figured some highlights would look nice, especially in summer, and so I did it--figuring, of course, that it wouldn't really be permanent since I trim my bangs maybe a half inch every month. HOWEVER...I got some bleach farther up than my bang line, and I have sort of a neat looking highlighted streak in the little poof above my bangs! But.... I wish I'd never done it! Yet, part of me thinks it adds flair to my hair... I wish I could get the bangs part a little blonder. Probably if I peroxide it again and go sit out in the hot sun, it will bleach lighter and lighter. Maybe I'll try it, maybe I won't...God knew what He was doing when He made me a brunette. And my natural color is so nice. Why am I not satisfied??? Well...I justified my actions this way: I have nice natural black eyebrows, and I figured that a lighter bang would show them off even more!!! They say your eyebrows should be lighter than your hair color, but I disagree. I think darker brows with lighter hair is nice. Not TOO dark or out of place, but a little darker... Okay, the deed is done. Might as well go all the way. I'm going to apply more peroxide on the bangs and go sit out on the porch in the sun for a little while, before supper. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs (And Horrors) Post by Christiana on Jun 4th, 2005 at 12:58am
Friday, June 3, 2005
WHY did I bleach my bangs??? I am angry that this deed cannot be undone. I guess that is what I get for not being satisfied with what I've been given--"you never know what you've got till it's gone"....... On the bright side: (ha, ha, and my bangs ARE bright) they grow very fast, and I'm thinking by the end of July most of the bleached parts should be gone. I inadvertantly bleached some hair above my bang line, but once that grows out, it will just blend in with the rest of my hair, I'm hoping. Also on the bright side: the ends of my hair are naturally light--the same color as my bangs! So now, starting from my bangs, I'm light-dark-light. An interesting contrast. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!! I'll just enjoy the highlights until they "disappear"!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 4th, 2005 at 9:38pm
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Would you believe it, I think I am actually going to enjoy my bleached bangs. I'm starting to grow rather fond of the highlighted look. I just wish my dark roots would show up around the "poof" above my bangs. That part is a bit too light for my taste. I like the lighter bangs, though--they look nice and soft and sun-kissed, swept across my forehead. Mmmmmmmmmm....if I decide I REALLY like them, maybe I can touch them up every once in a while! Can I BELIEVE I am SAYING this??????????? :o :o :o The highlights are not so bad, really...and after being sprizted with hairspray, they are darker--and NO ONE in my family has commented or appeared to notice!!! Yay!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ............... PROBABLY because I have natural reddish/gold highlights on my ends. When my sisters were younger, they always colored pictures of me with "orange" hair, though when it grows out from the roots it is actually quite dark! I never thought of myself as being a redhead or blonde, but I have been actually called "blonde" before--must be those highlights. SO.....my little bleaching escapade seems to have gone unnoticed. Which is exactly what I was hoping for. In my teen years I was quite the hair fanatic in more ways than one and I DO NOT want to revive that reputation!!! I am not trying to hide what God has given me, only enhance what is already there. :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 7th, 2005 at 2:28am
Monday, June 6, 2005
It was a good hair day. The sides of my hair, framing my face, which I had trimmed VERY short at Christmas, have now grown back out and fit nicely up into the poof above my bangs!!! I realize now that very short face-framing "side bangs" don't agree with my hairstyle at all--even though when I saw them in a picture on someone, I thought they were a MUST HAVE for myself. So what else is new--I'm still learning from mistakes. ;) The episode of the bleached bangs is now receding slightly in seriousness. I am resigned to waiting for them to grow out--I can't wait till the first dark roots start to appear!!! Soooooooooo...what are my hair resolutions starting now? 1. NO cutting, trimming, ANYTHING except for my monthly forehead bang trim. 2. NO bleaching or coloring EVER(again). 3. Remember to generously oil before shampooing. 4. Be content with what I have. I am so blessed. If I find myself becoming discontent with my hair, start DANCING, EATING, SINGING, whatEVER and forget about it!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 8th, 2005 at 8:24pm
Wednesday, July 8, 2005
Oh, won't I ever be satisfied? I'm not pleased with the way my bangs hang. And when I spritz them with hairspray, I feel like I'm getting an allergic reaction from having them/hairspray so near my eyes. But if they are too far above my eyes, they don't look right...what to do??? I am going to have to devise a new way to wear them. And soon. WHEN are the dark roots going to start showing? I know that "a watched pot never boils", and that little saying obviously applies to hair as well. In a couple of weeks I'll casually look in the mirror and... ;D ;D ;D I found some of Mom's old perm curlers. I intend to use two of the smaller ones to curl the ends of my braids tonight. They should just fit perfectly. :) I did a complete wash/light blowdry last night. I oiled generously beforehand. I don't shampoo my length, so I wonder how much of the oil actually stays on the hair during my shower period? After washing my scalp and rinsing, I apply conditioner, finger comb, twist into a bun on top of my head and cover with a shower cap until I'm finished soaping up all over etc. Then I lightly rinse my hair, and blot dry. I hope not too much oil gets washed off during this process. I have found that oiling on my dry hair makes it a bit too limp. I will post the results of the perm curlers tomorrow--if possible for me to get online!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 10th, 2005 at 3:54am
Thursday, June 9, 2005
I decided not to curl my ends with the perm curlers. There's just nothing like my current method of coiling the ends around the "end" of a half-braided piece and pinning it. Tonight I am going to wrap with fabric as usual, then secure with some hair clips that would normally tear my hair out--but over fabric, NONE of that! The little claw clips I've been using are not QUITE strong or big enough. I [glb]THINK[/glb] my [glb]BLEACHED ROOTS[/glb] ARE FINALLY STARTING TO TURN DARK!!! Oh, thanks be to God!!!!! I also CUT MY BANGS. A new way. Here's my method: 1. I made my side part and gathered about 1cm of hair, pinching it in front of my nose. 2. Lining up my scissors just underneath the lowest point of my eyebrows, I twisted the scissors so that the cut would be at an ANGLE with the longest part of my bangs to be on the left side of my face. 3. CUT!!! I'm happy with it! It gives my style such a lift. I will probably have to re-cut it often, since thanks be to God my bangs grow SOOOOOOOOO fast. That's all for now, it just turned midnight! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 11th, 2005 at 4:37am
Saturday, June 11, 2005
I really should be in bed by now, but I just took a late shower and washed my hair. I wanted it to air-dry a bit before I blow-dry...if I go to bed with damp or wet hair, 1. I get a sore throat/earache/headache 2. No curls or waves, just limpness ***I found some 1-inch claw clips that should hold my curls overnight. Better than the littler claw clips.*** I am SOOOOOOOO frustrated with my bleached bangs!!! I can't believe I did such a thing. To make matters worse, I trimmed them too short yesterday--maybe. I will have to discern tomorrow whether I really like the length or not... I definitely look better with my natural dark brown bangs. At least I HAVE hair, though--and so much more to be grateful for. My punishment consists, then, in waiting for my mistake to grow out. Oh God, I have learned my lesson, please have pity on me!!!! I will NEVER do such a thing again!!! I think I was suffering acutely from PMS at the time. Wouldn't you know, it always clouds my vision of reality. I guess I can try to enjoy the [glb]sun kissed [/glb] look for a little while! Time to go, it's waaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 13th, 2005 at 5:10am
Monday, June13, 2005
I'm up WAAAAAAAAy past my bedtime, but my family had "fine tea" around nine and I did NOT have my customary decaf. Now, needless to say, I'm charged. I need a new style, especially with my bangs. I am just sick of fighting with them and never knowing if it will be a good hair day or not. I don't feel comfortable with having them pulled back, though--my face, my whole body, everything, feels naked. I have to wash and condition tonight...I will do my usual pre-wash oiling with coconut, and I think I will keep a small tub of the c. oil in the shower so I can apply it again after I've washed my hair. Just a thought. I'll give it a try. Well, I'm totally charged so I may as well write it off. No more hair news, though.... I created a "prayer corner" in my room with a nice, rich brown upholstered chair with a black wrought iron stand next to it, on which stands a picture of the Crucifixion and some prayer books. It (the chair) is sooooooo comfy and it is very inviting. A refuge in the midst of the day's troubles. I can't believe it's past 1 a.m...I'm either going to be sick (like I get when I stay up late) or I'm going to be majorly exhausted tomorrow morning. And I still have to shower and everything else. Gotta go.......... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 15th, 2005 at 12:15am
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I AMMMMM sick, just like I predicted in my last post, written at some odd hour of the veeeeeeeerrrrrrry early morning. Way past my bedtime. Wouldn't you know it. :'( :'( :'( Remedy: A STRICT adherence to bedtime, which is going to be (RE-)set at 10 pm. This is going to be tough, because I have major energy spurts late-night, but things are starting to spiral all out of control. What if my waking time was as erratic as my bedtime??? So--I'll have to get my dancing/workout/internet/reading accomplished before 10! A challenge, but I think I'm up to it! HAIR AFFAIRS I'm struggling with my style, mostly my bangs. The bleached color isn't bothering me so much now--of course I wish I'd never done it, but I discovered that I can "disguise" it quite efficiently if I brush the bangs over and across my forehead a certain way. More experimentation is in order for the styling of them. If I feel like it, I may try something tonight--before 10! Used NO hairspray on my curled ends today--or yesterday either! The first day after a wash, I released the spiral curls (with no product on them) and rubbed maybe two pea-sized amounts of coconut oil onto the ends of my curls. (Instead of hairspraying them.) It did not flatten them but rather enhanced them! That night I spiral curled them (with the morning's application of c-oil still on them) and the next morning the curls were FABULOUS, and they held all day! I didn't add anything else to them. I hope this keeps up... No more hair news to report. I need to find a way to wear my bangs that doesn't drive me crazy. I'm tempted to give up on wearing bangs---but I think they flatter my face. I feel so bare without them. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 16th, 2005 at 8:51pm
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I think I put TOO much coconut oil on the ends of my hair/curls this morning...the curls didn't dissipate, but half my length looks SOOO oily. I used two marble-sized amounts of coconut oil. I think ONE pea-sized dab would have been sufficient. Or one marble-sized. My bangs are causing me untold frustration. I styled them differently today: I made a center part and gathered just the right half of my bangs, sweeping them and the sides up into a poof. I left the "left" half hanging free, sort of waving around my eye. Not bad...it's easy and quick and gives the appearance of a "frame" (or more like an accent) without the trouble of the usual way I wear them--which is sort of fluffed or waving across my forehead, side-parted...but it seems they NEVER want to fall in place and/or behave the same way two days in a row! AGHHHHHHHHHH!!! What else is new? I am using some small (approx. 2-inch long) perm rollers (old ones of Mom's) as hair clasps over my night-braid/curls. x x (Braid) x x x x xxxxxxxx (End of braid, which I then loop up and coil around the length of the braid) Wrapping the end with a small square of fabric, I then clasp the perm roller in the center of the square. It holds the coiled end wonderfully. And in the morning I get spirals!!!!! WHICH I will not over-oil. ::) ::) ::) It's almost time for the 5 o'clock news--gotta run!!! 8) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 19th, 2005 at 12:37am
Saturday, June 18, 2005
THANK YOU JESUS, I HAVE A NEW STYLE !!!!!!! :) :) :) The last time I tried this, was last summer...my hair was of course a bit shorter then. The style: (I wonder how long I will remain enamoured of it?) :-/ Gather front of hair, beginning at temples, and secure with combs and a clip. Flip head upside down and insert banana clip. Clasp high up on top of head. Insert a long metal barrette underneath top section, under hair, for added security. Finger-style hair to give a sort of "tousled" look, covering the edges of the banana clip. I used to wear this style all the time when I was a teenager, and recently too. But now it looks even better than ever. A great, cascading updo/downdo for summer! Oh yes...pull out some side hairs to frame face and spritz with hairspray, twist. So nice. Well, I really should be cleaning my room right now, but I could not resist the urge to post this in my journal. I can't wait to wear my new style to Mass tomorrow morning!! Also: thanks be to God dear brother came over and volunteered to mow the grass!!! And Dad edged the yard too! Whew, now I don't have to wash my whole head of hair tonight because I reek of gas fumes and am covered with debris. Gotta go---clean my room???!!!!!!! YES I WILL DO IT!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 20th, 2005 at 9:55pm
Monday, June 20, 2005
Almost the end of June. My bleached roots are steadily growing out. I MAY start washing my hair every day during summer and see if I notice any growth spurts... I never wore my new 'do to Mass on Sunday. For one thing I was feeling not too well (though good health quickly returned), and running late besides. PLUS there's just nothing like a long mane of hair...and PLUS, if I ever need any discouragement at all pertaining to the wearability of a new style, all it has to do is break or snap one or more hairs off. :( Which is exactly what happened with the banana-clip 'do. :'( So whether or not I will ever wear it again remains to be seen. ::) HOWEVER...it just might come in handy by this time next week, when fam and I will be travelling Down South to visit Grandparents and relatives!!! The super high humidity in Memphis, Tennessee just causes my hair to wilt. They DO have very soft water there, though--when I wash, my tresses feel like silk. The banana-clasp 'do could perform well for travelling and just day-to-day going around. IF it doesn't break any more hairs!!! It's almost time for supper. I want to take a quick walk in the garden before we eat, so here goes I..... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 21st, 2005 at 8:51pm
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I wore the banana-clip updo today, to the noon daily Mass at St. John's--and I know now that I am definitely a longhair downdo person forever!!! I felt positively naked from about the waist up. And my ears felt cold and exposed. I don't like that feeling...I like feeling sheltered and enveloped by my long hair. At least I learned something new!!! ;) As soon as I got home, I unpinned the whole thing and spritzed my hairsprayed curls with water to soften the hardened spots (of hairspray.) And oh, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! I discovered a brand new style just as I was on the verge of desperation!!! I will describe it here for all posterity--or at least until I change my mind about what suits me. PMS time here-----agh!!!!!!!!!!! New Style: 1. Start with hair long and loose. Make a side part about 1 1/2 inches up. Hold that hair in mouth (it's easy that way) while gathering up hair at sides and securing in a soft pouf at top center of head with combs. 2. Take the hair in mouth and sweep it up and over the pouf to the other side, and slide in a barrette behind the combs to secure it. My shorter bangs fall out underneath the long swept-up section, which makes for a very nice frame, but I think this would look great without them, too. I'll have to grow out my bangs! TA DA..........a really nice, soft, semi-tousled look. Thanks be to God--I may have ended up CUTTING something, and that would have been a disaster!!! Dinner tonight will be a disaster if I don't sign off NOW!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 2:44am
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I wore my new style to the noon Mass today and it's great!!! :D I felt so happy all day--and that's unusual, suspiciously unusual, since I am in the throes of PMS. Actually, period was expected on MONDAY and failed to show!!! Does that mean I'll be forced to travel with it? We're leaving for Memphis on the 27th. It'll be 40 days on Friday...maybe it will come then? Irregular cycles!!! >:( Oh well...I digress. This had absolutely nothing to do with my hair--but wait, yes it did. I felt joyful all day about my hair, even in the midst of hormonal disruptions. Met Dad at the park for lunch, after Mass. It was[glb] HOT [/glb]and MUGGY but we survived. So did my hair. Stopped at St. Anthony's on the South Side and lit some candles, said some prayers. Then Mom and sisses and I went shopping for Dad's birthday. Thanks be to God for air conditioning in auto and home... My hair doesn't seem to mind the temps too much. It's doing just fine. I think it is very happy that it has a new style. I know I am! Nothing makes me feel better, on a natural plane, almost, than when my hair suits me. Thank You Jesus, may it give You glory!!! After all, I AM a WOMAN!!!!!!! :) :) :) It is past 10 o'clock as I write this. How do I justify my break with the strict 10 o'clock bedtime? Simple: I reasoned that since I had no time to get online earlier in the day, it wouldn't hurt this once (or once in a while) to get online after 10. I hope God accepts this deal. I love bargaining with Him! ::) ::) ::) It's total hairwash night, tonight. I've not been saturating my length with coconut oil the past couple times, unsure of how good it actually stays on my hair during the wash. I apply a light coating to the lenght when it's dry, however, as well as heavily coating the very ends. UPDATE ON MY FACE: This morning I tried something new as a moisterizer--or rather a combination of things. I applied my usual aloe/witch hazel mixture as usual, and THEN (oh, brilliant!!!) I dotted some Noxema all over my face and rubbed it in, sort of like makeup--only I don't wear makeup. My Mom wears some makeup that I think has Noxema in it, and it always smells so fresh and looks so good on her. Why not try for the same results minus the "makeup color"? It felt and looked good on my face...I hope it doesn't clog my pores! Well, gotta go...I want to do a "face sauna" (microwave a dish of water for 5 minutes and sit with a towel over my head) before I have a snack and get in my shower, etc. The face sauna is SO good at clearing ears and nose and sinuses, as well as for the skin. I must remember to do it every night. Until tomorrow... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jul 13th, 2005 at 4:13am
Tuesday, July 13, 2005
This is my first journal post since returning from vacation!!! 8) My hair DEFINITELY noticed the difference between the Mid-west and the Mid-south! The water quality in Memphis was SOOOOOOO soft, and my hair was too when I washed it, but it would NOT hold a curl. I don't know if it was the water, the high humidity, or both. Now that I'm home, I have my all-day spirals and waves again!!! ;D NEW OILING METHOD that works [glb]GREAT.[/glb] After a hairwash, blot hair dry. Let it airdry a LITTLE before melting a pea-sized portion of coconut oil in palm. Gently rub onto the damp ends. Let hair dry some more or finish off with a quick blowdry, then braid and curl as usual. The results are fantabulous in the morning--for some reason the ends don't get too oily or too dry with this method. AWESOME!!! :) :) :) Speaking of which....my hair has just been washed/oiled, and I was waiting for it to dry as I browsed LongLocks. Now it is dry, and I don't have an excuse to stay online! I must get into bed or ELSE. This journal is a great relaxation tool for me! Ha ha, and it just happens to be way past my bedtime. I hope to post more about what my hair went through on vacation, later... Gotta go!!! |
Title: Christiana's Hair Affairs Updated Post by Christiana on Aug 15th, 2005 at 10:13pm
Monday, August 15, 2005
Well, this is my first journal entry since a little over a month. SOOOOOOOOOO much has happened... :'( :'( :'( I can't speak of it all here, it is just too overwhelming and personal. But the sun is starting to shine in my soul again, just as it is on this picture-perfect, balmy August evening, and I know that everything is going to be all right. My three mottos to get me through: NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP DON'T QUIT, KEEP ON GOING DON'T LOOK BACK They say stress can take a toll on your HAIR but so far I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary--maybe because I have been coping pretty well, with God's grace. Honestly, if it was not for my Catholic faith I would not have gotten through this. My family wouldn't have, either. So being Catholic is good for everything in life, even your hair!!! :) :) :) I seem to be perpetually stuck at tailbone length, though--not that I'm complaining! Once it's curled and styled, though, it looks about waist length or shorter. Still, no complaints....honest, God, thanks for everything here!!! No complaints!! :-X Just therapeutically rambling in this journal! Gotta mow the lawn tonight--that means a definite hair wash later. I think there may be something wrong with the mower--are the fumes supposed to be that overpowering or am I just hypersensitive? ??? Last time I got a headache while I mowed, from breathing them, and I even had a mask on. :P What does that have to do with hair? Oh yeah...I'm going to wash it tonight. I'm trying out a new curling method, too. Will post method and results later. [glb]Midnight[/glb] Okay, I'm back again, sitting at the computer as I wait for my just-washed hair to dry! It doesn't take too long because it is so fine and thin (not thin-NING, thankfully...) I am going to attempt a brand-new hair curling method tonight...um, I mean, this morning! ::) For all posterity I am recording it here: 1. Separate hair into two roughly equal sides. 2. Grasp one side a little bit under the ear. 3. With other hand, grasp the tail and encircle it around the shaft of the part you are grasping under your ear. There will be a slight loop of hair underneath the spirally curled part, which is normal. 4. OH YES...you will need a thin crew sock. Fold the cuff down just like you would do if you were wearing it. Hold your curled hair in your right hand and stuff it into the sock. (Or your left, whichever is easier.) 5. Get a rubber band (it can be any kind of band, 'cuz the sock is protecting hair from damage) and secure the sock-covered curl. To do this effectively you should loop up the end (foot) of the sock and stick it under the band. This will be my first night trying this!!! :) Results tomorrow, hopefully...and now GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Aug 16th, 2005 at 7:01pm
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Well, last night's new method of curling was okay :-/...when I unwrapped the bundles in the morning I had two scrumptious fat sausage-spirals, :) , but they sort of quickly morphed into waves. Maybe it was the heat and humidity? ??? I know my hair can do better than that... All right, tonight I will try sock (rag) curling where you roll your hair up on a sock or rag and tie. I hope it stays in as good as last night's experiment...no muss or fuss, and it was in perfect place when I woke up. It's my turn to cook tonight...pork loin. I can maybe take a nap until 4 o'clock, which is when I need to start cooking, or I can write that long-promised letter to Grandma... Hmmm...maybe I can write that letter this evening? I can't mail it till tomorrow anyway! Better go take a rest...my hair and I could really use it! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Aug 18th, 2005 at 5:27am
Thursday (very early), August 18, 2005
It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past bedtime but here I am, somehow still sitting up waiting for my hair to dry. After this journal entry, I think I'll just braid it and curl up the ends. Forget curling it without braiding it first. For some reason the ends don't get tightly-spirally curled enough. >:( And rag curling is out of the question. The fabric is too harsh on my hair, which is extremely fragile and fine. The hairs get caught in the rolling-up part. So what is new in hair world? I bathed our Golden Retriever before supper, and even though I brush him every day, a huge clump of hair emerged in the bathtub afterwards. When he was dry, I kept noticing hair coming off of him when I stroked his fur. I decided to brush him with the shedding blade, and a ton more hair escaped!!! :o :o :o He must be losing his summer coat and getting ready for his winter finery (or fur-ery). ::) It is a marvelous thing, the way hair on humans or beasts is created. If I wasn't wary of wishing for something I don't have, I would say that I wish I had hair as thick and wavy as his! Oh my, that DOES sound funny, especially to say such a thing about a dog. :-[ I'm truly happy with what I have, though....it's [glb]great.[/glb] I marvel at my hair...I seem to lose so much in the shower that I wonder if I will someday have no hair left. But there it unfailingly always is again, like the manna in the wilderness...every morning it's there, my HAIR. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Aug 19th, 2005 at 3:50am
Thursday night (almost Friday) August 18, 2005
Okay, so it's almost midnight, and I'm heading off to shower in a few moments. Just wanted to take a therapeutic journaling hit, though! ;D I was absolutely, positively [glb]D-LIGHTED[/glb] with the way my curls turned out this morning, after twin braiding them and curling the ends, and instead of clipping them, using the "Easy N Quick Method for Curling Long Hair" tecnique of inserting coiled ends into socks and securing with looped rubber bands. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they stayed in ALLLL NIGHT!!! Which wasn't that long of a night, because I was BAD BAD BAD and stayed up WAYYYYYYYY so late past a normal bedtime. :( :( :( Now I have a stye on my eyelid, which I think is a result of being tired and not sleeping right for weeks on end. Something has GOT to give here. If nothing changes, NOTHING changes. :'( :'( :'( Well, that would be me of course. So off I go. I think I still have a few minutes before....... MIDNIGHT!!! ;) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Aug 28th, 2005 at 11:54pm
Sunday, August 28, 2005
THANK YOU JESUS for the GREAT NEW STYLE!!! Who else but God Himself could help me with my hair troubles? ??? ??? ??? With all the suffering in the world, I know in the grand scheme of things that my hair woes are pretty small, but I can't help it, I feel absolutely depressed and miserable when my hair is not satisfactory. Gotta go, will write later! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 7th, 2005 at 3:50am
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
(Okay, so it's ALMOST midnight and Wednesday, but...just as I was about to get in the shower at 10:30, dear brother beat me to it. So I just got online here accidentally--yes, I hit the My Documents button to look at the novel I was working on, and instead my internet connection window came up! A definite sign from God!!! 8) ) Well, a great new curling method is being used my me every night. I don't know if this would work for anyone but me, since I have such fine, thin hair, but...it's awesome! I get real "Irish" curls by putting hair in twin braids and braiding about down to my chin, and then wrapping/twisting the rest of the length around a large, long perm roller. OH OH OH the results are FABULOUS!!! Thank You Jesus, this SO works and it SO works WELL!!! :) :) :) And my new style...again I am recording this only for my own delight, since I don't think it could be replicated by anyone else. Flip head upside down. Place inverted clinch (aka banana) clip at very top of head. Clasp. Twist horizontally to the left. Insert the large comb/clippy-thingy (it came unnamed even on the package) in the center of the hanging curtain of hair. Voila, a very easy and classy looking updo that behaves as a downdo if your hair is long enough...the curls hang down my back and around my neck. Perfect... :) :) :) hair doesn't get in the way and still appears long and "down". Again, thanks God, I appreciate the inspiration and the hair help!!! Now I'd better get to the shower...and in bed!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 9th, 2005 at 2:43am
Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005
Today we (Catholics) celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary...Happy Birthday, Jesus' Mother and mine! I wore my hair long to the noon Mass instead of my "new" hairstyle. (The one that is sort of an updo but behaves as a downdo.) The trouble was, I think, was that I wasn't happy securing the do with the comby-clippy thing. Too big and bulky. When I got home from Mass, I vertically inserted a long narrow metal pin, and all day long I have had the do in, and it has upheld itself well. :)Thanks be to God!!! :) Ergo, I have been in a good mood all day. ;) And night. The do even lasted through an evening walk and a workout, complete with vigorous Irish step-dancing. Now I have to wash my oily head, as I am fixing to actually jump in the shower ON TIME tonight!!! Can it be that it is only 10:47 pm??? Unheard of. I must be making a LEEEEEEEEEEEEEETLE progress in reforming and refining my life!!! ::) ::) ::) Which we all need to be doing once in a while....unless I am an anomaly. ;) |
Title: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 18th, 2005 at 8:28pm
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Thanks to you, hair journal, I see that I last trimmed my bangs on June 9. I must have trimmed them pretty short... ::) They still have short layers on them! What's up with that? Yet I know they are still growing because my dark roots are QUITE grown out--I still can't believe I actually peroxided them, but...all is well now, all is well. My hair is actually looking longer. Thank You Jesus, I appreciate it SOOOOOOO much. I've waited so long for this!!! And the new method of curling is working SOOOO well. The curls last all day. I'm glad Mom didn't throw away those old perm rods. They work wonders for my hair--two side braids half braided, half coiled around a perm rod. The front of my hair is looking better now, too, since I discovered that fluffing out the hairs at my temples to frame my face really works. The top is always worn pulled up in a poof with a bit of bangs hanging down over one eye. Can it be for once in my life my hair is consistently behaving and I am satisfied with it??? :) :) :) I wore 2nd day hair to Mass this morning, after having sprayed and massaged my scalp with 1/4 cup vinegar--1/4 cup water mixed in a spray bottle, last night. I will have to experiment with other scalp cleansing options. My length is so delicate and fragile that I would like to JUST wash my scalp sometimes, if I can. I think I can get in a quick nap before supper...or maybe I can make some of my new homemade smoothies? No, I'll wait until AFTER supper for that,when everybody is together--that way anyone who wants to taste them freshly-made can do so. :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Sep 18th, 2005 at 10:52pm
I'm glad you had a good hair day. :) I love homemade smoothies! :D What do you put in yours?
Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 19th, 2005 at 7:07pm
Monday, September 19, 2005
Hi Khrome! In my smoothies, I put a container of yogurt, whatever fresh fruit I can find laying around that will reasonably go with the yogurt flavor, and half a yogurt container of juice--grape, orange, apple, etc. I just started making these recently and needless to say I'm ADDICTED!!!!!!! I just sort of made this recipe up so if you put something different in yours, I'd be most interested to glean new ideas. :) ********************************** Oh, my hair...well I didn't wash it last night--that would be day three---but instead saturated/massaged scalp thoroughly with vinegar-water. In the morning, I felt like a giant greaseball and was really regretting that I hadn't washed it. I was fixing my hair to get ready to go to the noon daily Mass at the basilica and I just kept thinking about what people's reaction would be to my oily roots--especially the folks sitting near me or standing behind me in the Communion line: "Doesn't that girl ever wash her hair?..... Maybe it's too long for her to wash it? ....... Maybe she's too lazy?....... Oooooh yuck...what gross hair..." ::) ::) ::) Okay, so maybe I'm a little too lazy. Having long hair means accepting willingly the price to pay for its care. I would NEVER give it up and I DO want it to look good, so....I'd better just give myself some extra time in the evenings to oil and detangle and scalp wash and condition and dry etc....... Thanks be to God for this great gift of long hair!! I need to show that I really AM grateful and not try to skimp by on experimental "vinegar sprays" to keep my roots looking good. ::) But I'm glad I tried it. And after Mass I came home and looked in the mirror, and it wasn't as bad as I'd thought--I think the vinegar did do something, but very LITTLE something. That's to be expected. I know for a fact that I have oily skin, and my scalp needs the shampoo treatment often. Fine!!! A small "burden" to bear, really. Am I complaining? No. Just recounting what I've learned. Gotta run...it's 3pm, nap time, and do I ever need it...I feel like I'm catching a cold but hopefully it's just allergies. :( And now, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 21st, 2005 at 2:52am
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
[glb]Happy 31st Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad!!![/glb] I definitely need to do at least a scalp wash every day. I'm going to try it using a new method in a few minutes here....(***on the way to the shower....***) 2nd day hair leaves my scalp too oily. And then it feels "cold". Can't stand it. Will report method and results of scalp wash tomorrow. Must go for now.... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Sep 21st, 2005 at 7:29am
Mmm that smoothie sounds good. I'll have to give it a try with yogurt. I usually get the frozen mixed fruits that come in a bag, in different combos. (Not as nice as fresh fruits, but it stays nice and chilly!) Then I put Minute Maid Pinapple, Orange, Banana juice, and a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream.
I use an ACV rinse when my hair gets dull. It makes it shinier because it causes the cuticles to lie flat. Have you noticed any extra shine? I'm not sure if it's different for a leave-in though. Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Sep 22nd, 2005 at 7:55pm
Hi Cynde (Khrome)!
When I did the leave-in vinegar thing on my scalp, I noticed some increased SHINE---but whether it was from the vinegar or the fact that my roots were just extra oily from not shampooing, I don't know! ::) ;) :) Your smoothie recipe sounds delicious! I will keep that in mind! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thursday, September 22, 2005 I'm off to wash my scalp/shower now. Finally, a scalp-wash method that works! Put hair in a high ponytail, cover with a plastic bag, and secure tightly with a snug-fitting clip. The TRICK is to hold the plastic-covered ponytail high above your head with one hand while washing your scalp with the other, and also while rinsing! This is ideal for doing in the shower. This will work wonderfully for the upcoming winter months! Gotta run. MUST get up early tomorrow and clean house. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 18th, 2005 at 5:03am
Tuesday (1 a.m.) October 18, 2005
It's been almost a month since I posted anything! :o :o :o I've been SOOOOOOOOOOO busy--thanks be to God. For life and health and everything, everything, everything, [glb]DEO GRATIAS!!![/glb] HAIRCUTTING NOTE: I trimmed my bangs after a hiatus of months. What's up with that??? They didn't seem to grow as fast as usual! I used to have to trim every month! Actually, I KNOW my hair is growing...about the lack of apparent bang growth, my theory is that when I peroxided my bangs in June, I damaged them...and now they are paying me back by being fragile-ended and breaking off at the tips. Hence the appearance of not growing. (If it wasn't for this handy hair journal, I would never have remembered when my last trim was. :) ) However...it is waaaaaaaaaay past time to sign off here. I just finished doing a total hairwash and I am online as I wait for my locks to dry a bit--but it's past one in the morning now! Baaaaaaaaaaad Christiana--BADBADBAD!!! I really need to be in bed by twelve. It's great to have faults and failings, though...they keep me humble. ::) :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by greek_lady on Oct 23rd, 2005 at 6:44am
Hi Christiana! :D
Would you care to post pictures perhaps of the updo/downdo you describe in an earlier entry? Also maybe pics of the "comb/thing" ? I am trying to imagine how it is but I am totally clueless. I would love to try an updo-that-looks-like-a-downdo!! :D g_l |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 25th, 2005 at 4:35am
Early Tuesday morning October 25, 2005
Hi Greek Lady!!! Oh, believe me, I would really like to post some pics of those things, but I don't have a digital camera (or any other camera, for that matter)...I will have to see if I can borrow one from my Dad. And figure out how to work it. And load the pics. And transfer them from his computer to mine. I will let you know if I am successful!!! --Christiana +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well, here I am up again at half-past midnight, after my shower and scalp-wash. I just went upstairs to look out on the deck and see if the ENORMOUS RACCOON was feeding there, but alas, he has not stopped by yet to eat his macaroni-and-cheese, apple, and ham bone that I set out for him. Feeding/observing coons is my new hobby. Trouble is, they can come around any time from 8pm to the early hours of the next morning. Tomorrow, I am going to install a small windchime in the mulberry tree so that when he climbs up in it, near the deck, I will be alerted to his (or their---how many visit, I don't know) presence. I would like to have a coonskin hat. Their hair looks so soft and furrrrrrrry. Maybe if this enormous coon has a natural death, I can arrange that??? Just kidding. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o I have a major (okay, for my fine, fragile hair, it is major) hair-conversion issue to report: I have started combing. Just my ends, and only after they are lathered with coconut oil PROFUSELY. And only at the end of the day, when I am finger-detangling my length before getting ready for the shower. A few loose hairs come out, but I figure it is better to comb them out rather than have them just build up and fall out on my sweater, coat, floor, food, etc, which is what they used to do. For years. Now that my hair is getting longer bit by bit, I am getting more tangles, and combing the long ends seems to help keep the length smooth and orderly. There is no need to comb or brush my scap or length--my fingers do an excellent job by themselves. It's nearing one a.m....ughhhhhhhhhhhh, it's my own fault and I know it. If I hadn't stayed up waiting for that coon so long, I could've been in bed long ago. I'm going to slip upstairs again though, one last time, and see if he's there....so, gotta go!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Oct 25th, 2005 at 7:55am
lol! That raccoon story is funny. I live in a suburb in the middle of the Pacific Ocean so I don't get to see interesting animals like that outside my house; just neighborhood cats.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 26th, 2005 at 4:54am
Hi Juri! You get to see neighborhood cats, I get to see neighborhood coons. Here in my midwestern state we have a law that prohibits cats from being outdoors, so I never see any! I live in the suburbs too, would you believe it? You just never know what kind of creatures are lurking around after dark, even in suburbs!!!
(However, I live very near a woodsy park and a wooded cemetary. I've also seen deer, possums, and foxes around here. There are even reports of mountain lions :o :o :o I wouldn't want to run into one of those! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH Veeeery Early Wednesday morning, October 26, 2005 Will this late-night thing never cease with me? Here I am after my shower again, with a tee-shirt turban on my freshly scalp-washed head. Thanks to all the wonderful tips I have gleaned on LongLocks over the months, my hair is doing sooooooo well. I am so pleased with it, and therefore my overall temperament is improving!!! ::) ::) ::) We are truly body AND soul. And that includes hair. It has to be "right" or I feel totally out of kilter. May God preserve me from vanity though...may my hair always and only give Him glory. Coon News I installed the windchime in the mulberry tree today! And I added a little feeding cup in the middle of it, to make SURE SURE he caused it to jangle. This is in addition to his usual plate on the deck ledge, filled with the leftover mac-n-cheese and apple peelings. Sure enough, and earlier than usual, at 9:30 pm I heard the chimes ringing. I dashed upstairs, and there he was! He even ate the little marshmallow candy treat I put on the chime. They do like sweets. I heard the chimes again at 11:45 pm. He was back, but scurried away when I shone my light on him. Doubtless he will be back again tonight/this morning. Rebecca saw a coon on the deck yesterday morning at 7:30!!! It was still dark out of course. I wonder just how many coons are visiting us? Interesting, cute and funny they are, but I am getting waaaaaaaaay distracted here. Must go and get ready for bed--and RESIST the temptation to run upstairs one more time for a possible coon sighting! Plus I've got to dry my scalp and braid my hair. Must run...................... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Lisabelle on Oct 26th, 2005 at 1:14pm
Tee hee! I have raccoons too! A whole family of them. At sundown they run from the tree's at the east side of the house, across the back lawn, up the path and to the street. We had to get locking trash pails cause every night they would have a what I called the "buffet" at 11:30. They would sit there eating and not even move when you tried to get into the house! And we have a skunk too... She was in a pail someone had not closed the other night. I came up the walk and thought oh man, someone forgot to lock the pail. I went to pick it up and she was still inside. You never seen a women run so fast!! :P
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Oct 26th, 2005 at 5:32pm
Wow, I don't think I've heard of a no-cats-outdoors type of law before. I wonder how it would be reinforced; the police have better things to do than report loose cats. Anyways, the mountain lion sightings sound scary! I'd totally freak out if I saw one in RL. But seeing deer and the other animals you mentioned sounds cool. :D
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Oct 26th, 2005 at 8:04pm
What a cute coon story! We used to have coons and possums but I haven't seen any in the last few years. :( I've seen quite a few mice though. I had to stop growing herbs and tomatoes because the mice were eating them. Now THAT's a rodent-high-life!
Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 27th, 2005 at 4:45am
Hey Lisabelle, Juri and Khrome!
About the cats, I forgot to mention that's only in the city that you can't have them outside...I think the country cats can do what they please! ;D Lisabelle, I envy your coon family...I hope to see many more now that I am a dedicated observer! We have city issued garbage cans here, and they are ENORMOUS...no creature could open one easily. I'd like to see a whole clan come to the coon feeder together. I wish I could have seen you run from that skunk...I've never seen one around my house! Lucky you!! ::) ::) ::) Khrome, I too grow herbs and tomatoes! :) Hee hee, catnip is a herb, right...well, it came up wild and I just sort of cultivated it. It's supposed to keep AWAY pests! We used to have a mouse problem but it never seemed they bothered our "crops". They were probably content with stuffing themselves on the copious amounts of dried corn and birdseed from our numerous wildlife feeders. Oh those creatures!!!!!!!!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Early Thursday morning October 27, 2005 Well, I was actually out of the shower at around 12:30 a.m. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers, I'm doing better!!! I could've gotten into bed sooner, but for some reason my plastic bread bag leaked in the shower. My ponytail got pretty wet, along with my freshly washed scalp. I wasn't anticipating that, but oh well...a small enough trial to bear. :) :) :) I may as well mention Mr. Coon. Unlike last night, tonight he wasn't at ALL afraid of the light I shone on him. Either that or he speedily got used to the jingling chimes. OR it was an entirely different and uninhibited coon! I watched him eat from his little cup attached to the chimes. He disappeard down the tree. He reappeared on the deck ledge to devour his plate of goodies. He left his candy on the ledge and disappeared. He reappeared to eat his candy!!! He sent his dish crashing to the ground--I fear it's broken. He checked out the bird feeder, made the rounds of the deck, and crawled back down the mulberry tree. What kind of hobby have I gotten myself into!!! Answer: a really fun one!!!! Gotta get to bed!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Lisabelle on Oct 27th, 2005 at 11:52am
"Lisabelle, I envy your coon family...I hope to see many more now that I am a dedicated observer! We have city issued garbage cans here, and they are ENORMOUS...no creature could open one easily. I'd like to see a whole clan come to the coon feeder together. I wish I could have seen you run from that skunk...I've never seen one around my house! Lucky you!!"
We've had these raccoons for years. They use to live in the chimmey of one of the other apartments. (I live in a 150 year old house that is split into 6 apartemts, I have half of the top part) we have every animal except bear and moose. We got deer in the field this summer, that was really sweet! The funny think about the raccoons is there nutty antics...once I was sitting on the Loo one night reading a book and just happen to look out the window and there's a little black masked face watching me! Once, one left a hamberger bun outside the kitchen window! I think you would really enjoy these guys, and there huge!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 29th, 2005 at 7:11pm wrote on Oct 27th, 2005 at 11:52am:
Hey Lisabelle! ;D ;D ;D Oh myyyyyyyyyy, that is hilarious! Yeah, you are right, I would definitely enjoy those coons!!! And I think I might enjoy your 150 year old house, too...I have a thing about old buildings. :) :) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saturday, October 29, 2005 HOOOOOOOOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I finally figured out a way to wear banana (aka clinch) clips without having them tear my hair out!!!!!!!! I like the look of long spirally curls dangling from a high-placed banana clip. Oh it is soooooooooooo me, soooooooooooooo perfect for daily/festive use. I used to like my hair down always, but it is becoming impractical nowadays. I never realized before how harmful it was to have it all the time catching on stuff. The bottom part of the clip was what always snagged and tore my hair. To remedy the situation, I looped a short piece of black ribbon-like material over the offending piece and secured it with a little black clincher-ball thing that holds the ribbon tight. If somebody happened to see it under my hair, it would not look at all bad. NOOOOOOOOOO lost hairs getting caught!!! Thanks be to God!!! For YEARS I have struggled: to wear or not to wear banana clips. The thing I like best about banana clips is that they give the appearance of a long, cascading mane, while keeping your hair up and out of the way. Well, I've got to go take my 3 o'clock nap. Fortunately for me it's 3 in the afternoon! NO MORE late nights for me. I think I am starting to break out more because of it. I heard your body heals itself at night. Definitely need more sleep. Now on to the nap... Oh yeah, coon news. I can't believe these critters. Bought some cheap dry cat food, and Mr. Coon LOVES it. Last night he stayed on the deck for over an hour. I walked out on the deck and he wasn't fazed a bit. When I let the Golden Retriever out, though--that's another story!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He climbed up in a tree and sat there watching us. Tonight I'm going to take his pic up close. Dear brother loaned me his digicam. I tried to take pics of my hair but NOTHING turned out, absolutely NOTHING. DB even installed the software and stuff on my computer so I can use the digicam whenever I want. Even lets me keep it in my room!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO generous. God bless him. But WHY won't the camera take pictures of everything but my hair?????????? |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Oct 30th, 2005 at 4:55pm I give up on taking pictures of my hair. Here is Mr. Coon!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Oct 30th, 2005 at 10:44pm
What a cute coon! I wonder what he uses on his hair. He looks so soft and fluffy! :)
Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Oct 30th, 2005 at 11:00pm
Cute! Wow, you got a really good picture of him! :D
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 4:32am
Wednesday morning, November 2, 2005
Wow.....November already!!! First journal post of the month. Tonight I sprinkled baking soda on my scalp, concentrating around the hairline, and rinsed my scalp in the shower. My hair feels SO soft. What a great scalp-wash method! Much better and easier than using shampoo. And such a clean, soft feeling I have now, on my head! As I sit here and type, when I'm supposed to be in bed................... ::) ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 4th, 2005 at 3:31am
Thursday, November 3, 2005
I raked leaves for an hour this afternoon and AM I TIRED. Heading on to shower/bed. But first I have to note that I trimmed some feathery-frame "bangs" around my temples. So when I look back to see the date: NOVEMBER 3 TRIMMED HAIR AT TEMPLES I so like the look of having a light frame of wispy-ish hair around my face. So softening. So feminine. A squirrel got fried in the transformer across the street this morning. Power was out for an hour. The critter probably crawled in there to get warm. OOOOOOOOOH it was awful. My mother thought the poor dead creature was a rat and she became quite upset, saying that we weren't feeding birds, squirrels or coons ever ever again, because she thought that rats would be attracted to our house! I took a look at the victim and it was DEFINITELY a squirrel. I don't know why she was thinking a rat!!! I told her I was POSITIVE it was a squirrel. Of course I had to respect my mother's wishes and I knew my coon-feedings were about to come to an end, but miraculously, she must have realized I was right. (I tried to be very humble about it...) After supper she even offered me some chicken fat to give to Mr. Coon!!! And minutes later he came and enjoyed his meal! Thanks be to God!!! Honor thy father and thy mother... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by panpeus on Nov 4th, 2005 at 5:44pm
Aww poor squirrel. Though I'm starting to lose a tiny bit of sympathy for them. The ones on my campus have been known to attack people, since they let people get so close to them.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 5th, 2005 at 4:47pm wrote on Nov 4th, 2005 at 5:44pm:
:o :o :o OH MY!!! I'd better be careful then! The squirrels on our deck have become rather "tame"--you can open the door and walk right up close to them, and they just hold fast to their place at the feeders. I never dreamed it was possible that squirrels could attack...how about that...I will beware!!! Meaning I won't try to hand feed them anytime soon. ::) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saturday, November 5, 2005 I can't believe how pleased I am with the temple bangs that I cut a few days ago. However, I'm not pleased with the rest of my hair. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to cut. I probably would if I could go off somewhere where nobody knew me. Right now, if I cut my hair, I think it would be extremely embarrassing. I've ALWAYS had this long hair and everybody around here knows it and is used to it. But now it is starting to annoy me. I am getting more and more knots in the ends, and I'm thinking that maybe mid back length might be more suitable??? OR...less drastic solution...I could trim the ends for the FIRST TIME in too many years to count. I can't BELIEVE I'm saying this. I must be insane. What I need to do is go experiment with some new styles and get my confidence in long hair back up. A little trim wouldn't hurt, but in my experience, my hair NEVER grew back fast at all, but just appeared to stay the same or appear SHORTER. Now the V-tip of my hair touches tailbone. It has taken YEARS to get there. I CANNOT surrender now!! I must go and find a new style that cheers me!!! May God help me---I just can't feel right if my hair isn't "right"!!! O God are You listening please HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPP!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Nov 5th, 2005 at 5:24pm
Tailbone length hair?! I bet it must look great! :D
But if you're still having a hard time, maybe a half-inch trim wouldn't hurt. You'll clean up the ends a little, but wouldn't loose too much length. However, I can relate to not wanting to loose length. I tell myself a trim wouldn't hurt, but a part of my brain screams: NOOOOOO!!!!! *shakes head* |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 8th, 2005 at 6:55pm wrote on Nov 5th, 2005 at 5:24pm:
Yes, that's just how I feel. I CAN'T trim, I just can't, or else I will go into a depression. I could probably USE one, but...trims have caused me only agony in the past. Now I know how to deal with my fairy-tale ends--lots of coconut oil and a tight spiral curl (on old perm rods, at night) keep the ends in good shape, but aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I can't seem to wear the length in any style except in a banana clip! Thanks be to God for that though...no more complaints...I feel guilty for having complained...though it wasn't a selfish complaint, just a complaint for some HELP with what I'm already VERRRY grateful to have... Will write some more later. It's 3 pm, my nap hour. Gotta go!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 20th, 2005 at 1:12am
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Well, I've decided it...the only way I feel good about my hair is when it is up in a banana (clincher comb) clip. I use two hair combs to keep the sides from billowing out too much. And two barettes to keep the clip secured on the top of my head (I can't stand it sliding down lower) --plus a barette and two combs for my "temple poof." I guess dancers need all these things to keep their style intact when they leap around!!! I am usually dancing all throughout the day...Keeps the blood flowing and keeps you warm in this winter weather. Tomorrow is Sunday. I'll wash my hair tonight and have it nice and fluffy and clean for Mass tomorrow. I'm giving up on this scalp wash thing...my head just gets too oily and my strands too saturated. So I'll just do a regular all-wet wash/condition every other day. My hair dries quickly so that shouldn't be a problem at night, if I get in the shower early enough... ::) ::) ::) There ARE advantages to having fine, thin hair... I think at 10-10:30 pm I will do my toning workout. That time seems like a good one for me...then at 10:30 I'll have a nutritious snack, and then--OFF TO BED!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 24th, 2005 at 1:07am
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to cut my hair! Or trim, rather. But it will never grow back--not for YEARS--never!!!!!!!!!!! But what if I just do a WEE LITTLE trim on the ends??? Will it drive me totally crazy??? I haven't trimmed in, like, five years or over. Maybe back then I was just taking off too much. I think I took off a half inch or an inch a month. Yikes!!!!!!! But that was WAY before I found out about Long Locks!!! I hope I can discern what is the right thing for me to do. I've been wearing my hair up because the ends are so raggedy down. Now that winter is here, I'd like to wear my hair down to cover my ears. But I REALLY need a trim. Must go for now.......... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 27th, 2005 at 12:33am
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thanksgiving Eve--November 24, 2005-----was the date of THE BIG CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am SO grateful for it!!! I feel a billion percent better. And my naturally straight hair is now sleek and straight down to the very ends. Those wispy, dry straw ends could be curled into the tightest spirals, but I now see that was not "natural" on me. Those ends were SUFFERING. I tried curling my "new" hair and it barely holds a curl now! That's fine with me, though...I like my straight hair, now that it has been properly trimmed. HOW I DID IT: (Remember to check back here next month to refresh your memory, Christiana) Separate hair into two sections. Lower head until chin touches chest. Hold one section and cut straight across. Repeat for other side. You get a nice layered look from this method! THANKS BE TO GOD!!!!!!! And oh, wonder of wonders--I lost NO hair in the shower after my trim! With my "old" hair, I had tangles and knots, and a clump of hair came out when I washed. I can see now that it was all the dead, dried ends coming out. I don't think I ever would have come to this awesome hair experience if I hadn't seriously perused and pondered the posts at LongLocks so faithfully!!! Must go get some exercises and dance in before...before I keep putting it off until it's too late! ::) ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Nov 29th, 2005 at 3:54am
Monday night, November 28, 2005
It's 10 minutes till midnight, and that's when I'll sign off. I had a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon, so I think a little "staying up late" won't cause too much harm... ::) Recording a new style: (Thanks be to God for this journal, or I may not remember half the hair things I want to...) Gather hair at temples and twist. Hold with left hand while scooping up side hair from right side and adding it to left hand. Switch hands. Scoop up hair on left side etc. and secure with combs. Add a barrette for extra security. NOW gather some hair from back of head starting at temple-line and draw it up to crown of head. Weave another barette in and out to secure this piece to head. Let the loose ends hang freely at either side. I would like to take photos, but brother dear took his digicam back!!! Of course, he thought I was only using it to capture pix of raccoons. And I did, so he must have figured I was finished. Little did he suspect.... Oh well. I don't need to be encouraging my vanity. ::) I am wondering how to "put my hair to bed" now that I have trimmed it, and want to wear it straight. Maybe I'll try a bun on top of my head? Haven't done that for a LOOOOOONG time. I used to get such a weird part from doing that. But with this new style, maybe it won't matter what kind of part I have. :) :) :) Clock says midnight! Gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 4th, 2005 at 12:29am
First Saturday of the month
December 3, 2005 TRIMMED FOUR INCHES!!! HAIR NOW AT BSL!!! And it feels/looks thicker, too! It has slightly layered, V-tapered ends. I think BSL is long enough for me, with my fine hair. What if I trim it EVERY WEEK!!! Just a WEE LITTLE TINY BIT to keep it[glb] FRESH[/glb]? Or should I go with once a month (the first Saturday of the month would be handy...) Ughhhhhhhhhh, I don't feel so good as I sit here typing this. :P :P :P Not much sleep last night or the night before...must be suffering from exhaustion. I WILL get in bed on time tonight!!! Must get up at 8 to have breakfast before Sunday Mass... Heeyyyyyyyyyy, thanks, Mom! (Mom pops in room and hands me a bowl of popcorn!! That should help settle my tummy and this weird sickly feeling...) I'll sign off for now and go hang out with Mom and sisses upstairs. Mr. Coon hasn't made an appearance for about a week, it's been SOOOOOOOO cold. Poor guy, I hope he's staying warm!!! Another plus to my new haircut--my head feels warmer. The hair sort of "hugs" my neck and ears better. Mr. Coon's "hair" should be helping him, too... :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 7th, 2005 at 5:03am
1 a.m. Wednesday morning
December 7, 2005 I'm waiting for my hair to dry, hence the laaaaaaaaaate hour--but oh well, I can always sleep till around ten the next morning, DEO GRATIAS.......... :) Mid-back hair is enjoyable. Layered ends are enjoyable. Thicker hemline and fat ends are enjoyable. No knotty/naughty hair is enjoyable. ;D I can't believe it took me so long to make the cut. I guess I thought I would be one of those ladies with long hair like a blanket covering their body, but I realized that with my hair type, it was not to be--could not be. It's just too fine. But I'm at peace with that now!!! Another plus--hair doesn't get caught in my Ab Roller. ::) I can't think of any more hair news. Coconut oil is working fabulously at keeping the dry winter frizzies away, and it is BELOW ZERO here now!!! OUCH!!! How can man or beast survive out in the elements, I wonder? I think I can go two days without washing my hair. This was the third day, and it was really oily and stringy. It washed up soooo nicely at it's new length. The way it is cut, the layers are longer in back and shorter around my face. I'm very pleased with it. And now, I had better stop procrastinating and sign off ! Goodbye for now!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 11th, 2005 at 4:31am
Very Early Sunday morning
December 11, 2005 Just washed/conditioned my hair with my new White Rain product--Fruit Fortifying, it's called. I think it was "love at first wash." :D Hair is nearly air-dried as I sit here typing--a bit of a blast from the hairdryer and two loose braids for sleeping, and I'm ready for bed! It's about time............... Tomorrow, (oh, ahem, I mean, today) for Sunday Mass, I'll wear my hair up in a banana comb clip. I use it to create sort of a messy updo that is both casual and formal looking. It keeps my hair "up" while being sort of fanned out around my head, as though it was partly down long. While being up at the same time. Oh, I'd better sign off before the hour gets any later...any more hair news? I can't think of anything. I just remembered I needed to coconut-oil my ends before I braid for the night. Better go...more hair news later. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 13th, 2005 at 12:55am
Monday, December 12, 2005
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe I never did wear my hair up in a banana comb on Sunday. It just refused to look decent, so I quickly pinned up the top and sides using small hair combs. I like the look--it adds lots of fullness to the sides, which I have been struggling FOREVER to achieve!!!!!!!!!!! It's hairwash night, tonight. Every other night or ELSE. It's a good thing to have oily skin, though...less wrinkles as you age! I am anticipating my next encounter with White Rain Fruit Fortifying Shampoo. I can't BELIEVE how good it made my hair feel! I think I need to trim my bangs JUST A LITTLE. Must remember to do that tonight. They are hanging a bit too low, into my eye... It's about 9 pm now. I need to sign off and get a few things done before bedtime: mainly, get my WORKOUT in!!! It's so easy to keep putting it off, and that's dangerous! I want to keep limber and fit well into my old age. ;D That goes for my hair, too! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 14th, 2005 at 4:28am
Just past midnight
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 I trimmed my bangs last night, but apparently not too much. They COULD be a bit shorter, but I think I shall wait a little while before I chop again. It's PMS time and who knows what damage I could inflict on my hair, while I'm in this state... ??? :P I just finished working out, but I probably shouldn't have, since it was late to begin with and I had already had a tiring day. I helped Mom put up the Christmas tree and decorations. We ended up sticking the tree in a large bucket and anchoring it with a big slab of brick and lots of sand. Very nice, and much easier than that frustrating commercial tree stand that drives one into a mad frenzy. >:( I also hung up some little white lights all over the curtains, framing the big windows in the living room. The display looks like icicles and is very pretty. I arranged the Nativity scene, too, and made it look like it was nestled amidst a forest. Tonight's bedtime snack: instead of gorging on a bag of chips (you can tell PMS is approaching when I start eating chips before bed) I poured just a little Cheetos in a bowl, and then topped it off with a much more nutritious shredded wheat biscuit, slathered with butter, sliced in four wedges. Yum!!! And I got to satisfy my chips craving when I finished the wheat biscuit. Plus, I had a glass of milk. And a banana covered with chocolate Nutella. Oh yes, it's PMS time all right... Then I did some exercises, which I probably shouldn't have done right before bed. I have to be careful not to overdo it. Irish step dancing is quite a workout. I probably should have just gotten in the shower, as Mom suggested... :-/ Well--------------gotta go! So long for now, o therapeutic journal. :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 15th, 2005 at 1:12am
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Well, it's actually Wednesday evening (as opposed to after midnight Wednesday morning) as I type this. It's also hairwash night. That always feels sooooo good. And I might just trim my bangs a little more tonight, too. A wee little bit more. Our Christmas tree fell down during supper. A few ornaments lost their lives. Now everyone is upstairs trying to remedy the situation. Dad is trying to repair the stand. I did my part by picking up and vacuuming everything. Now I've disappeared downstairs! Mom and sisses and brother are dealing with the tree. Dad is sick BAD and I can hardly understand what he says when he speaks, so better that Mom is there to help with whatever needs to be communicated regarding the re-installment of the tree. ;) I was surprised that my hair did not get caught in the tree or in anything else as I worked to clean up. I tucked it into the back of my shirt and that seemed to do the trick. No snapped hairs! My current hairstyle: I'm using small hair combs to hold up the front and sides. This is nice because my hair falls down over my ears, which always feel so cold during the winter months. Mr. Coon showed up last night!!! I gave him a bowl of macaroni and cheese, cat food, and candy. The dog chased him up a tree at first, but he eventually came down and finished his meal. I've GOT to get my workout in earlier tonight, from 10-10:30 would be GREAT. My new hairstyle holds up even to Irish step dancing!!! :) :) :) Bedtime snack: probably a wheat biscuit and some yogurt. I'm plotting ahead here. We'll see! Now--gotta go!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Dec 15th, 2005 at 7:50am
Eek! Sorry about your tree.
You do Irish step dancing? How cool! It looks so simple when you see pro's do it, but when I actually tried it (in the privacy of my own home as not to make a fool of myself) it actually seems difficult. Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 15th, 2005 at 7:56pm
Hey Khrome,
Oh, yes, I found Irish step dancing difficult too, at first. It took forevvvver to master the moves. Don't worry, if you practice a lot (and it helps to watch RIVERDANCE over and over again :)) you will find that it becomes much easier!!! Over time!!! The secret of Irish step dancing is to make something that is actually difficult look easy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hair news: itchy scalp yesterday!!! Why? Do I have head lice??? I'm thinking it may be because I didn't do a really thorough shampoo the night before, and left my scalp greasier than usual. Either that or it's the winter weather. Anyway, I gently massaged with my fingernails last night. I hope I didn't damage my hair. Maybe it's the new White Rain shampoo I started using??? I heard about washing one's hair with baking soda only. I'm going to try it!!! I'm sort of sensitive to fragrances. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Didn't get my exemption from jury duty. That's okay! :) Just as long as I can get a ride to the courthouse, I'll be fine. If my number even gets called. Brother just came home for lunch break. I bet he's waiting to use the internet. Better sign off for now!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Dec 20th, 2005 at 4:15am
December 20, 2005 BAD BAD BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Christiana, I should have been in bed an hour ago, but here I am on the computer. But my excuse is, I won't get to see LongLocks until NEXT YEAR!!!!!!! We are leaving for Tennessee to celebrate Christmas with family, and I won't have internet access till we get home again. So farewell for now... One of my sisters trimmed her waist-length hair to about mid-back. (Same as me!!) It's good to be a role model... :) :) :) All my things are packed for the trip. My hair always LOVES it in Memphis, because the water is SOOOOOOOO soft. OH it is soft!!! Back when we lived there, we didn't have to use conditioner. Now that I am wearing my hair straight, I don't have to worry about the curl falling out. Memphis is humid, and combined with the soft water, my hair would not curl very well. No worries now! In fact, I am soooooooo happy with my hair right now. I am planning to do a micro trim on the first Saturday of January. That's my monthly trim date. Current style: I use three small hair combs. I gather the temple hair and secure. Then I draw up the sides and insert a comb on each, near my crown. It gives sort of a messy/dressy look that is perfect for all occasions!!! So long for now. I'll be back--in January!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Beesan16 on Dec 20th, 2005 at 12:12pm
We'll miss you Christiana! I hope you have fun with your family and friends :D
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by khrome on Dec 21st, 2005 at 4:27am
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Cynde |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Moonchild on Dec 21st, 2005 at 10:31am
Take care :) Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year :)
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 2:40am
January 1, 2006
We had a good, safe trip and and a good time--thank you for your well-wishes! It is good to be back!!!!!!!!!!! At home, and at Longlocks! The water in Memphis left my hair feeling like...like, I don't know the word to describe it. SOOOOOOOOOO soft. I discovered a new style that is basicly a "messy updo" using a banana clincher comb clip, leaving some hair down at the back of the neck and the rest clipped up high. I like the "messy" look, partly because it fits my personality and partly because I don't have to worry about hairs being out of place. When you wear the "messy" look you can just relax and LIVE. :) I'm actually going to trim on January 7--the first Saturday of the month. Just a micro trim for good end-health and thickness. My hair was actually satisfactory most of the time during vacation. I wore it clipped back in a bun in the car during the long road trip (long hair and long car rides just don't mix) but once we arrived at Grandparents' I could be "myself" again. I wore it up in the banana clip every day, with the ends cascading around the side of my head. I don't see many women besides myself wearing banana clips these days...I wonder why? (I add a few hair combs and a barrette to the style, for staying power.) Thanks be to God, I am starting out the NEW YEAR with a hairstyle I really like and that seems to work! It's a quarter till 11.........must get to bed!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 12:10am
Monday, January 2, 2006
It's hairwash night, tonight. Every other day or else. Or else my scalp gets itchy, oily and acne-ed. My ends are still feeling healthy, smooth and thick, which is amazing...I was debating whether or not to actually do the monthly microtrim on Saturday, and I finally decided that to prevent damage to my fine hair, it really is a necessity. I want to maintain my thick, healthy ends always. I NEVER want to go back to the damaged, wispy fairy-tale ends I sported for YEARS!!!!!!!! I think that if I just cut a smidgen off, I won't sacrifice too much length. I used to trim, like, an inch off every month, in years past...and wondered why my hair never seemed to grow long. Now that I have discovered Longlocks, I have unlocked many secrets to super hair care and growth! Of course, I have vastly improved my diet, too. Daily flaxseed oil, vitamins, and all around healthy foods have had a drastically wonderful effect on my health and hair. Along with daily vigorous exercise. Which, by the way, I need to be getting around to doing sometime this evening...the whole routine of my life somehow slipped off its axis during Christmas vacation in Tennessee!!!!! How hard it is to get back on my exercise schedule! I'd better just turn on the "Riverdance" CD and go at it. Along with my other toning exercises... I can't think of any more hair news. The banana clip style is just loverly. I'm quite happy with my hair. Can this last? I hope so! Then I can spend less time worrying about it and more time on the people and things that REALLY matter most!!!!!!! :) Oh yes. Brother's new girlfriend has curly hair. It's about chin length and she usually has it pulled tightly back from her face. If I had her hair, I would grow it long and do wondrous things with it. But what would a straightie like me know about a natural curly girl? I have heard that curly girls "fight" with their hair every morning. I can't imagine it would be that bad. Or is it??? :o |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by panpeus on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 12:19am
Welcome back, Christiana!! It's good to see you around once again, and it sounds like you found a hair care regimen that really works for you. I hope you had a happy holiday season.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 4:35am
This is late, but welcome back! Happy 2006! :)
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 4th, 2006 at 3:40am
:)Thank you, Pan and Juri--it is good to be back!!! :)
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 My hair felt sort of lifeless and wilty today. It could have been the cloudy, dreary weather, or it could have been emotional factors too. Today would have been my brother's 22nd birthday. He died in July of an accidental overdose. :'( :'( :'( Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh it hurts [glb]so bad [/glb]to think of him--------to think of him is like scraping open a wound with a very fragile and tender scab on it. It is better to just leave him in God's Hands and keep on going with life. But if I can save one person's life from drug/alcohol abuse and addiction, I will use whatever opportunity I can to speak out about it...or be a witness.......or SOMETHING.................. So, I'm feeling frustrated with my hair. But.....hair is a good distraction when you are tempted to fall into sorrow. Not that sorrow doesn't have its place, but you can't let it get the best of you... I may have overconditioned it last night, too--thus contributing to it's limp, wilted appearance. I have read that you shouldn't put conditioner on your roots, but I did that last night--and I don't usually. Hmmmmmmmm, do I see a connection there?? Must sign off for now! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Sakina on Jan 4th, 2006 at 4:47am
Christiana, I'm very sorry to for your loss.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Jan 4th, 2006 at 6:03am
Oh, I'm so sorry about your brother, Christiana. Many hugs to you.
((((Christiana)))) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Curlygirl22 on Jan 4th, 2006 at 11:31am
im so sorry to hear about your loss christina. unfortunately we share the same pain. my brother passed away 7 years ago. he would have been 27 years old in july 25. God rest there souls. :'( it hurts till this day and hurts because he wont be here to see my kids and play with them. :'( :'( :'( God help us. you can send me a message. everyday is a struggle.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 5th, 2006 at 4:00am
Almost midnight, almost Thursday
Thank you for your kind words, Sakina, Juri and CurlyGirl... Ughhhhhhhhhh, I guess it was emotions from yesterday that made my hair act so weird. Today it feels SOOOOOOOOOO thick. Bizarre. Well, I'm up late again. So what else is new. ::) New Year's Resolutions down the drain again. Ha, I'm about to take a shower and wash my hair. I can contemplate that fact while I sit in the shower. (Fortunately I'm the only one who uses it downstairs now, since brother #1 moved out...) Does anyone else but me sit on the floor of their shower and inhale the relaxing steam, I wonder..........it does marvels for the sinuses, if you have problems in that area--which I do. So I guess I'd better go sit in the shower and clear my head before bedtime. And wash my hair...but no conditioner on the roots, I think. That HAD to be why my hair was so unmanageable yesterday, rather than due to emotions... I just found out that there are going to be not one, but TWO trials involving the police going on the day I have to report for jury duty. How interesting..........................just when life is getting good and quiet and uneventful, God throws a curveball at you. Or is it a monkeywrench? I forget the expression. But whatever it is, I'm sure there's a reason for this happening to me... I MUST start getting in bed earlier...tomorrow for sure. ::) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by panpeus on Jan 6th, 2006 at 12:44am
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My older sister nearly died of an overdose on X. I can relate to the feelings that you must have. Please take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 6th, 2006 at 9:47pm
I'm glad your older sister didn't die, Pan...OD'ing is SOOOOO scary. Thank you for your kind words. :)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
To be continued........I just started typing and it's time for supper!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Anais Satin on Jan 6th, 2006 at 10:41pm
Christiana, I just wanted to offer a big ((((HUG)))). Lots of blessings to you and your loved ones.
Anais p.s. I sit in the shower too. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Lisabelle on Jan 6th, 2006 at 11:18pm
I am sorry to hear about your loss ((hugs)). I sit in the shower too! I find it easyer to shave with my back and all. Nice to see ya back! :)
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 7th, 2006 at 4:55pm
THANK YOU for your kind words, Anais and Lisabelle--(and for sharing that you sit in the shower too!!!!!) :) :) :) It's great!!! 8)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 7, 2006 Today is the First Saturday of the Month, and I just did my first TRIM after "the big cut" last month. I think I cut a little under 1/2 an inch, which was more than I had intended, but with the slight layering of my hair, I had to "up it" a little in order to make sure EVERY HAIR got snipped. I am starting to realize just how important frequent trimming is, in order to maintain end health and thickness. I generously oiled with coconut oil before combing and cutting it. It is now happily secured in an updo that is very festive looking, and makes me feel like I'm either getting married or attending a wedding. :) :) :) I've been experimenting with messy updos, and I finally found one I liked. It's sort of a French twist thing secured with a barette up high at the crown, with the ends spilling over on top of my ears. My ears feel less cold if some hair is touching them, soooo...this appears to be working out great!!! I used to have a real aversion to wearing my hair up, but now I have more of an aversion to wearing it down. If it was SUPER THICK and just settled down my back like a heavy mantle, I might do it, but I just don't have that type of hair. I guess I'm blessed to have the kind of hair I do...one day a neighbor commented on an updo I was wearing and remarked how fortunate I was to be able to wear my hair up, as SHE never could with her THICK HAIR--it always fell down!!! So I'm grateful!!!!!!!! :) :) :) And, I'm WAYYYYYYY overdo for an exercise session. I'm going to sign off here RIGHT NOW and get it over with. Then I'll have lunch a bit later. Then go to Confession (okay I haven't been mortally bad this past month but I could have been better!!!!!!! ::) ::) ::) ) Exercise will stimulate circulation to my head and that's good for the HAIR, among all other things.... Later!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 25th, 2006 at 2:50am
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hair: Must wash tonight. It's the 2nd day. Redken's Ringlet is AWESOME for a light, controlled hold, even though I do not have ringlets. I got a free sample in the mail. Formulated for curls, it contains much moisture. It's like a cream/conditioner/gel in one. Diet: Trying to cut back on snacks until I get into better shape... Excercise:I feel like I'm slogging through wet cement. Haven't been dancing for weeks. Danced a little tonight...that's a good start. Been sick for a couple weeks, felt weak. Now my legs and the rest of me don't feel like dancing or doing much of anything. Misc: Might be getting a puppy. Finished jury duty yesterday. I was sworn in as an alternate juror but got to be excused before I ever had to say a word. Earned 10 bucks. I will try to post here everyday to keep track of my progress, especially pertaining to EXERCISE. I can't believe I slipped out of that habit so easily and quickly. Hopefully this journal will serve to help motivate me! It's still January...the New Year is still young. :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Angel Spun on Jan 25th, 2006 at 4:38am Quote:
That's a good way to look at it! :) Just keep dancing... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Jan 25th, 2006 at 5:59am
Nice to see you again, Chrisitiana! :)
I keep meaning to ask you, how long have you been dancing? I remember when Riverdance first came out, I really wanted to learn Irish step dancing, but no one in my state taught it. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 26th, 2006 at 12:45am
Hi, Angel Spun and Juri! :)
wrote on Jan 25th, 2006 at 5:59am:
Hey Juri, I took ballet and tap as a young child, but it was actually Riverdance that sparked my Irish step dancing devotion. So that was what, ten years ago? Now I'm not just doing it for fun but for serious exercise. And it WORKS, if I can keep up with it on a daily basis... ::) ::) ::) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well, it is..... Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Hair: Washed last night-- the every other night wash. Seems to work out good for my hair. Current daily style is my old trusty standby-- in a cascade clip (aka banana clip). Coconut oil ends at bedtime, every night. Oops, I forgot to swallow my flaxseed oil today--must remember to do that. My hair has drastically improved since adding flaxseed and more olive oil to my diet over the past year. Plus chewable vitamins, Tums for calcium and all around healthy foods... Diet : Ate two pieces of fudge for dessert. Mom was trying to get it out of the fridge. She serves dessert every night and I don't dare refuse, and I figure one dessert a day won't hurt me, as long as I get my exercise in... I used to eat about two nutritious snacks per day, (besides 3 meals--gives you a BURNING metabolism) but since I am trying to shed a few pounds, I am cutting them out. Maybe I should just cut my bedtime snacks and leave my midafternoon snack? Or maybe I should keep the snacks and ramp up the exercise? However, I am feeling so tired lately that it is actually easier to not exercise, even though it means giving up my snacks. Dancing: Haven't done it yet. Probably should, right now...as soon as I complete this entry...my favorite workout tape is still Riverdance, after all these years. Maybe in a month I can allow myself those snacks again--or if I workout twice a day? Misc: Pro-Life Mass with the Bishop mourning recent anniversary of Roe v. Wade. I love it when the spicy incense clings to my long hair. I feel like a walking censor. (Spelling? The thing they put the incense in. ) Okay, that has absolutely nothing to do with Pro-Life... :)Puppy Tales: :) MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE I will be getting a Siberian Husky. It is up to Mom, cuz the lady that has them lives an hour away. The price is SOO good for huskies...maybe there will be some more available locally? We shall see. Must sign off for now... and get dancing!!! :-/ :-/ :-/ |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 26th, 2006 at 9:52pm
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hair--satisfactory. Wash tonight. Diet--satisfactory. Pork and potatoes for lunch, no snacks. I'm feeling weak but won't indulge until supper--which shouldn' t be too far off now! I'm not overweight but I have gotten sooooooo off of my routine. My muscles feel loose and flabby. Especially legs. That would make sense, for a dancer... Exercise--major improvements. Danced alot today. Will do my other toning exercises tonight. Did some yard work outside--unseasonably warm right now, 50's. 8) And........ Misc--MIGHT really be getting that Siberian Husky puppy!!! :) :) :) Mom came home with a puppy gate for me today, so I guess it's serious. Now just need to convince Dad to drive us out to the lady's farm on Saturday. (Dad, puh-leeeeeeeeze...) Pups are 13 weeks old, with shots/wormed. 175 bucks. I pray that all goes well, if God wills it to happen. I'm not going to think too much about it. I'll just go about my business and respond to the situation accordingly!!! Heeeeey, it's supper time right now!! What a wonderful situation to respond to! Later!!! :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Angel Spun on Jan 26th, 2006 at 10:41pm
How cool. :)
Best of luck with your puppy situation, Christiana. Siberian huskies are beautiful dogs! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Jan 27th, 2006 at 1:12am wrote on Jan 26th, 2006 at 12:45am:
Neat! I used to do ballet and tap, too up until a few years ago. I think Irish step dancing would be good exercise and dancing in general is more fun than regular aerobics. Good luck with the puppy! :) |
Title: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Jan 31st, 2006 at 4:18am
(Hi Angel Spun and Juri! :) I haven't posted here for a few days.....sooooooo busy............)
[glb]I GOT MY SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPY!!![/glb] After Midnight Tuesday, January 31, 2006 HAIR: I'm up waiting for it to get mostly dry before blowdrying it and braiding it for bed. DIET: Three meals a day and no time for snacks... EXERCISE: Who has time for that when you have--- MISC.: -----a Siberian Husky puppy!!! 13 weeks old, blue eyes, fur mostly white with black/gray markings. "Smokey" is his name. I feel like I just had a baby!! ::) ::) ::) I can only imagine that, of course, but my life is completely upside down because of him. But he's well worth it. And hopefully things will settle down in a week or two. And hopefully our Golden Retriever will bond with his little brother. I have a feeling my Hair Journal is about to turn into a Husky Journal... ;) I wish I had more time to post on Longlocks but I've GOT to go. Like a babe he is up at all hours, and I need to get some sleep. Maybe I can get back here tomorrow!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by bikerbraid on Jan 31st, 2006 at 11:22am
A puppy! Congratulations. Yes, you will be busy taking care of your little one. Good luck! :D
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Lisabelle on Jan 31st, 2006 at 12:29pm
Ooh I want to see pictures of your puppy! ;D
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Angel Spun on Jan 31st, 2006 at 8:26pm
Congrats on your new puppy, Christiana! That's so awesome! I wish I had time for any pet!
You should definitely post pics. :D |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Curlygirl22 on Feb 1st, 2006 at 1:55am
Awwwwww......how cute a little puppy! enjoy it. :)
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 4:27am
Hey Bikerbraid, Lisabelle, Angel Spun and CurlyGirl22!! I WISHHHHHHH I still had my brother's digicam, but he took it back... :'( If I can bum one off my Dad, who has two, and load the software on my PC, MAYBE I can post a pic of my adorable "little wolf-boy"! Oh he is SOOO cute...
After Midnight Thursday, February 2, 2006 Hair: Debating whether to do my monthly trim on Saturday. I DO want to increase length, but I DON'T want to revert EVEN A LITTLE BIT to my former fairy-tale ends. Probably I'll end up trimming just a weeeee little bit. Diet: Still no time for leisurely healthy snacks. I suppose things will get back to normal later, once Smokey settles down a bit... Excercise: Bending, lifting, walking, running after Smokey...no dancing or usual toning excercises yet, this week...must get back to them ASAP. After the little wolf has been here a little longer, perhaps? Misc: Smokey pulls me like I'm a sled, when we go walking. ::) It's bred in his bones to do that, and I don't mind...he's so much fun. I can hardly believe I have a Siberian Husky!!! I am exhausted. Must go dry my hair and get into bed. Smokey may sleep until seven, or he may have to go out at 2 in the morning. So far he's both slept through the night and had to go out at one or two in the morning. But the sacrifice is worth it!!! :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by bikerbraid on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 11:25am
Training your puppy will be important - especially since the pulling is part of their breed. They need to be taught to only pull when in a harness (then hook them up to a wagon or sled and let them pull you all over the place!). They need to be taught to heel when on a leash.
Training at an early age is critical - while you can still overpower them. Once they grow to adult size and strength, it will be extremely difficult to control them. But they are a loveable breed - enjoy! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 10:35pm
Thank you for the puppy-training advice, Bikerbraid!!! It sounds like you've been there, done that! I really appreciate it, as this is the first time I will have trained a pup. He won't be little for long, though, so I had better get serious about setting apart some time each day for the training. Before he's a big Husky and it's too late! "Heeling" is going to take forever, I am thinking... ::) ::) ::) Can't wait to see him pull a sled or wagon!!! MUST get pics!!! :) :) :)
Hair: Smokey loves to chew it. I think my ends have practically been trimmed by him already. ::) I have taken to pinning my night-braids on top of my head. There is just no time in the wee hours of the morn to disentangle braids from a puppy's mouth. When I go out places my hair stays down; as soon as I come home, up it goes. Diet: Went grocery shopping w/Mom today, and it took awhile. We always relax w/donuts and coffee when we get home. I'm not worried. Smokey is my personal trainer, hee hee. He sees to it that I burn my calories. Exercise: Was heading out to take Smokey for a walk, but he was having so much fun running up and down the yard with the neighbors' dogs across the fence, that I just left him. Misc: Housecleaning tomorrow. BUSY day. I rarely am online on Fridays, so this is it until Saturday. Oh that reminds me--I need to make Smokey's first vet appointment, for the next Saturday. Hopefully he hasn't picked up any parasites in the yard, rooting around in the dirt and who knows what else--yuk. Dogs will be dogs. I am trusting that his [glb]guardian angel[/glb] will keep him safe!!!!!!!!!! Until later.......... :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by bikerbraid on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 11:46pm
I have very strong convictions about dogs. My hubby and I have owned, bred, and trained a number of different hunting breeds. Large dogs can be wonderful companions, but if they are not trained properly they can be a real pain!
Large dogs should not be allowed to do the following: Jump up on people Climb on furniture Take food from the hand Chew on clothing or furniture Pull on a leash When they are puppies, these may not seem to be an issue, but you must start when they are young, or they will do these things as adults. A good obedience school is a good start. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 5th, 2006 at 6:15pm
Thank you Bikerbraid!!! The more advice I can get about dog raising/training, the better!!! I will have to see about getting Smokey into Obedience Class... ::) ::) ::)
Sunday, February 5, 2006 Hair: Been in night braids since Friday night. I have been SICK since then, some kind of stomach flu... :P Thankfully I live with my fam and they helped manage Smokey while I lay languishing in bed. Diet/Exercise: Sick, not eating/moving around much. Don't want to think about it. Smokey: Veeeery frisky. Needs a walk BAD but I can't go out. He's playing in the yard right now. He seems to understand what things in my room he should/not chew on. (His toys: good. Mine: bad) He also is learning not to jump up on the kitchen table while we eat. Biggest prob. is the 11-year old Golden Retriever. They DO NOT get along. GR acts like he is going to kill Smokey. Misc: Missed Sunday Mass. But I got some good sleep while fam was at church. Smokey was good too, sleeping while I slept. What a joy he is. Dad gave me one of his digicams!!! When I'm feeling better I'll load the software and start getting Smokey to pose for pics. Maybe I can take some hair pics, too... Must go for now. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Angel Spun on Feb 5th, 2006 at 10:45pm
Hope you feel better soon, Christiana!
Can't wait for those pix. :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 7th, 2006 at 8:28pm
Hi Angel Spun! Thank you, I'm feeling good enough to be up and around now! And cute little Smokey pics are forthcoming....
Tuesday, February 7, 2006 Hair: No wash since Friday night. SOOO oily. A natural deep conditioning oil treatment, ha ha...and I don't care how I look. Ughhhhhhhh--nothing does you in like the stomach flu. Maybe I should venture into the shower and wash up tonight? But who caresssssssss...... :P :P :P Diet/Exercise: Blah. :P :P :P Smokey: Fiesty and frisky. My folks already had the now-elderly Golden Retriever before I moved in with them, so I have no idea what to expect from this pup. Every day he does something new. And he's MINE!!! Mine to train, to walk, to sleep in the same room with...but of course everyone else loves him and helps care for him too, ESPECIALLY since I am sick...or recovering... :P Misc: I was supposed to cook supper tonight. Mom is in the kitchen doing that now. The flu sure forces you to take a retreat or a rest in the midst of all the struggles and stresses of life, that's for sure...I guess I needed this. :) Oh yeah. I never did my first Saturday of the month micro trim. Maybe tonight. Later!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 9th, 2006 at 3:28am
Wednesday night, February 8, 2006
Hair: Biggest hair news is that I have decided to go with doing a trim EVERY 3 MONTHS. That way I can have fat, healthy ends without sacrificing too much length, if I just do a little trim... [glb] Diet/Exercise: Thanks to the flu, I am losing weight without even trying. Not that I was overweight really...but you know how you feel after the Christmas season... ;) Too many sweets, too little exercise....now I will have to seriously work on muscle tone, once I get over this sickness. Haven't danced in ages. I might have to give it up, now that I have Smokey to take me on walks... ::) ::) ::) ***If you want to tone your thighs etc., buy a baby/puppy gate and step over it a gazillion times a day.*** Misc: Cleaned my bedroom and did laundry this evening. EVERYTHING is topsy turvy in my life right now, it seems, thanks to my new arrival. He is sleeping peacefully as I type...I'm up waiting for my clothes to get done in the dryer. Then I'll get into bed. It feels good to have my room straightened up. Everything of value is stuffed up somewhere and out of puppy-reach, but it is at least neater than before. Later! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 9th, 2006 at 5:18pm
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Oh maaaaaaaaaaan...I knew I had trouble calculating. I didn't flunk math in HS for no reason... CORRECTION!!! My next trim will be APRIL 1, 2006! That would be three months from January, NOT March... ::) ::) ::) Lunchtime...gotta go. More later. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 12th, 2006 at 9:07pm
Sunday, February 12, 2006
[glb]I'm feeling better![/glb] :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Hair: Worn in an updo for Mass this morning. Hair is in an updo 100% of the time now, mainly because of Smokey. He loves to chew on hair. Diet/Exercise: Planning on getting back into the swing of things tomorrow. ::) Toning, Irish step dancing...and of course, a daily brisk walk with my pup. Dad wanted to take Smokey out for a walk today, so I let him. It was too cold out for me. Smokey enjoyed it IMMENSELY. He truly is a little Arctic wolf-boy. Misc.: I have to go outside in a little while, before sunset, and "pick up the yard". Oh fun. Actually it's not bad, but for the cold...and Smokey is asleep on the deck, so he won't be running after me, preventing me from getting my little job done... ::) ::) ::) Mmmmmmmm...lasagna for supper tonight. Thanks be to God I am feeling well! I can enjoy it!!! P.S. Hair: Seems to be growing fast. The ends are staying fat and soft, thanks, I think, to a nightly heavy oiling. April 1 is the date of my next trim. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by juri on Feb 13th, 2006 at 6:07am
Glad you're feeling better, Christiana! :)
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 16th, 2006 at 7:19pm wrote on Feb 13th, 2006 at 6:07am:
Thank you, Juri! :) Thursday, February 16, 2006 Hair: I did the most awful thing last night. If only I had gone to bed at 11 instead of dillydallying around, I wouldn't have cut.....ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it hurts, but I know it will grow out...it HAS to... I trimmed my bangs--fine. And then I went and trimmed the fringe around my face, but I took off several generous inches and for the life of my I don't know why. I HATE it, it is so short and not long and wispy like it was...now WHY did I do such a thing? WHY?????????????????? ??? ??? ??? ??? THANKS BE TO GOD I managed to pull myself out of bed around noon--I was depressed--and experimented with my hair until I came up with a good fix. I found that if I pulled some loose long wispies from around my temples, I could get the same soft, feminine effect even though I had cut off most of the wispy hair around near my ears/jawline, which I usually pull out to frame my face. UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH....it must have been hormones. But I am SO grateful that I found this new method to hide my mistake. Or is it my madness... ::) ::) ::) Diet: Eating the chocolates I received for Valentine's Day. Not too much though. Skipped breakfast today because it was snowing and I couldn't go out anyway. So I slept late and ate breakfast for lunch. Exercise: Besides my Siberian personal trainer, I FINALLY got back into my old routine last night! (Before I cut my hair) I did some Irish step dancing and found I'm not too rusty yet. ::) Then I did my other special toning exercises. Then I ate three pieces of chocolate. :) Misc: Couldn't get to the noon Mass today because of a winter storm. Couldn't go grocery shopping. Can't go anywhere. Refrigerator is on the blink. Probably will be getting a new one. Thanks be to God we have an old backup in the garage. It's still going strong. I guess they don't make newer appliances as well as the older ones. I have to sign off now and go get my letter written to Grandparents. I want to send them a bunch of cute Smokey pix! Speaking of Smokey...he's doing soooo well. He's enjoying our Arctic weather. Potty training/obedience is going GREAT. He sleeps all through the night and wakes up when he hears Dad getting up for work. What a cutie. He makes everybody laugh and smile. Must run for now......... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 3:40am
Almost midnight
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Hair: I am NEVER going to cut my bangs, or sides, again. I feel so "cropped". Ugh. :'( :'( :'( I can't wait for them to grow out. Never, never, never again...I will only trim my ends. Bangs can just be gone. Forever. I washed last night, so tonight I can enjoy a shower and get right into bed. Diet: Had two Krispy Kreme doughnuts after we got back from Holy Hour at church this evening, so I decided that would replace my bedtime snack. Yes, I am back in bedtime snack mode, after the stomach flu got finished with me. Last night I had a big bowl of Cheerios with a fresh cut banana. Exercise: Walked with Smokey. Played with Smokey. Picked up after Smokey. All day I deal with Smokey. I read that Siberian Huskies do more to get their owners in shape than anything else. I believe it. At 7 in the morning, when I had to get up with Smokey, I worked out on my Ab Roller. Now I need to do my lower body toning exercises. I might skip Irish Step Dancing for tonight. It's late... Misc: Not too much going on. I'm soooooo tired. And no wonder...it's time for bed! Later!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 24th, 2006 at 2:42am
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Hair: I had said "No more bangs ever" but I don't think I really mean it. Just won't cut them as short, and will NEVER trim the sides. UGH. :P :P :P Thankfully I can pull out strands from my temples to hide the shorties that USED to be nice long wispies framing my face... Diet: Good. Almost time for my bedtime snack. Last night I had...ummmm...what did I have? Oh yeah, Rice Chex and Oatmeal Squares cereal. And half a banana. Tonight I will probably have more of those Oatmeal Squares--they were yummy. Maybe mixed with something else. We have so many cereals in the cupboard that I can't choose just one!!! Exercise: I did my "Daily Three" toning exercises, as well as some dancing. Took Smokey for his walk, as well as playtime in the living room. I didn't pick up the yard today--and I think Smokey's paws got in "something". Yuk. Reminder to pick up the yard EVERY day. Misc: I am praying that a prospective employer will check their e-mail and give me a response. If God wills it, I would like the job...but we shall see. Meanwhile I will explore other options. Hair Again: I have discovered that the right side of my hair is thinner than the left. If I make my part above the middle of my left eyebrow, it balances things out. What a discovery! It's getting late, and I have to defy nature and get up early to do the Friday housecleaning. Later!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by maggie on Feb 24th, 2006 at 12:57pm
Hi Christiana! :D
I have a trick I use when attempting to trim my sides, to keep them from looking "choppily" cut. I don't know if this will be useful to you or not, but I'll share anyway. What I do first is...using my hand I pull out the side section that I am about to trim a little away from my face, so that the hair is spread evenly in my hand, not just in a clump. I then take a very sharp pair of hair trimming scissors, and here's the trick...hold them part way open and position the scissors so that they're almost up & down, with the open end ready to sweep in the down direction. Then I begin to move the scissors down the hair section just barely opening and closing them as I do it. It creates a kind of "shearing" effect, but you still get a clean cut on the ends. Doing this prevents bluntness and creates wispiness, which I like for around my face. You also don't have to remove a lot of hair to get the look you want most times. As for my bangs, I trim those myself as well. I take the easy way out! I went online and bought one of those razor-combs that hairdressers use. It has three functions on it, one end is just a plain fine tooth comb, the other end has a different comb on each side. Each looks like a regular comb, but there is a sharp razor up in the teeth...you couldn't cut yourself on it if you tried, don't worry about that! One side is for a choppier cut, and the other is for a more even cut, but will leave the ends a bit wispy. I use the choppy side. All you have to do is comb your bangs down, doing one inch sections at a time, grab hold, and run the razor comb over the ends. It's easy and it gives a little more body to the bangs. Razor cutting not the healthiest thing for your hair, but for something like bangs that get trimmed frequently, it doesn't much matter. One more method I used to use before buying the comb (I got this one out of SELF magazine), was instead of cutting straight across, hold the scissors straight up & down...well nearly, and cut "up" into the bangs. It gives a "fringed" look. You just have to be careful with the angle of your scissors not to cut a high chunk out! :P Hope some of that makes sense to you, and maybe helps you! :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 25th, 2006 at 3:59am
Hey MAGGIE!!!!!!!! THANKS a billion for the sides and bang cutting tips!! I have never heard those before...sounds good! Must try!!!! I just HAVE to have some bangs and sides, wispy like, around my face. I've never been happy with the way I have cut them, so... Thanks so much!!!! :) :) :)
Almost midnight Thursday, February 24, 2006 Hair: It's going to get washed--maybe---umm, no, I don't think so. It's too late and I'm too tired. It will just have to wait. Forced to wear it down because of my choppy cutting of the sides. It looks hideous in an updo. Diet: Going to have my bedtime snack before I jump in the shower. I feel like some more cold cereal w/milk again. Exercise: Cleaned the house, took Smokey for a walk, started to do my toning moves when Smokey woke up and wanted to know what I was doing with the Ab Roller at bedtime. (Trying to workout while you are sleeping, puppy-luv...) Misc: Sooo frustrated about my job search. I can't say much more about it here in cyberspace, but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........I feel like I am ramming my head against a brick wall. I have been online job searching for hours this evening. Oh joy. And now I'm a frustrated wreck. Time to sign off, put hair in a nice high bun for bedtime, eat my comforting and nourishing snack, relax in the shower, and... GET TO BED!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 26th, 2006 at 12:57am
Correction: Yesterday's entry should've said "Friday" not "Thursday"--for what it's worth ::) ::) ::)
Saturday, February 25, 2006 Hair: It's definitely a wash night tonight, especially after I skipped last night--because I was too tired. And it was too late. Tomorrow means Sunday Mass and a large crowd of people, so of course I want my head not to reek of sebum for whomever is sitting/kneeling behind me... --My new method of parting my hair on the left side to balance out the lopsidedness is working GREAT. I draw up the sides and secure at the crown, and the hair falls nicely and evenly now. Deo gratias. :) :) :) --Hair is worn down when I go out somplace, and up at home. Mostly to minimize damage from Smokey the Siberian Husky-wolf. He really does resemble a wolf in more ways than one...but I digress... Diet: I actually forgot to eat lunch today. :( I didn't notice it much. Oh well, we had a hearty family breakfast like we always do on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I didn't starve. --Tonight's bedtime snack: probably cereal. Possibly yogurt. Been getting slack on my daily yogurt consumption. Exercise: Took the little "wolfie" for his walk. He is learning soooo fast!!! He is such a joy to walk with. He loves to stop and contemplate people and vehicles. Did 2 of my toning exercises...I must do the 3rd, and then some dancing. Misc: Mom mentioned going to see the new Disney movie "8 Below", tomorrow, about the Siberian Huskies who struggle to survive on their own after their owner has to leave them. I have heard that it is a tearjerker. I HATE to cry in public. The only times I felt at ease crying in public were when 2 of my brothers passed away (RIP) . That was reality. Movies aren't reality but they ARE emotionally moving, and do I ever get emotional... :'( :'( :'( Dear brother (last remaining db) maintains he doesn't care to see the movie, but his girlfriend does. I know he secretly wants to, but won't admit it. He's got a soft spot for Huskies, don't ya know... ;D ;D ;D (Plays with Smokey in yard, in house, buys him things, etc...) Oh my--it's already past nine!!! Must go!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 27th, 2006 at 3:22am
Sunday night, February 26, 2006
Hair: Washed last night, though I was soooooooooooooooo tired. And I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired right now... Diet: Had a light lunch after Mass, and spaghetti for supper. At Sunday night tea, I ate a Krispy Kreme doughnut, a chocolate chip/cream cheese cupcake, and a poppyseed kolach. (Bohemian treat). This would replace my usual healthful bedtime snack. Exercise Took Smokey for a walk after supper. It takes half an hour to go around the "long" block. Too tired for anything else...besides, it's Sunday. Rest. :) Misc: Fam went to see the movie "Eight Below." I cried through the whole thing. Being a Husky owner myself, it really touched me... :'( It was really good...fortunately we sat in the very last row, which made me feel more comfortable. When we went to see "Narnia" last month, there were people sitting behind us and I felt soooo self conscious about my tears. (Yes, I cried during that one too.) No more hair news. Got to get in bed EARLY. Maybe I'll be in by midnight. :PGross out factor: :PSmokey threw up twice in my room while we were at Mass this morning. The dog book says it's normal for dogs to do this from time to time, so...but now my room smells like puppy puke. I cleaned thorougly and aired it out, but...I think the smell is emanating from his sleeping cushions. No mess there, but definitely a smell... ??? Will have to take them outside tomorrow to air out. MIGHT have to wash them. No more procrastinating! Later!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Feb 28th, 2006 at 3:30am
Monday night, February 27, 2005
Hair: Good thing this journal exists--I just NOW remembered it's wash night! And here I am up late--again!! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... Diet: Good. I'm hungry for my bedtime snack now but I might just skip it, 'cause I REALLY need to get in bed at a decent hour... Exercise: Took Smokey for his walk, did some time on the Ab Roller, and that's all. Misc: Oh yeah...I removed the chicken wire from around the Brussels sprout patch today, because Smokey was jumping in and out of it. While I was out there, in very nice warmish weather, I cleared out the tomato patch, too. Now THAT was exercise. Trying to work outside with a Husky pup frolicking about and trying to "help" you... ::) ::) ::) I can't believe I forgot about Hair Wash Night. I just can't believe it. Now I've really got to go. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 1st, 2006 at 3:24am
Tuesday night, February 28, 2006
Hair: HAIR WASH TONIGHT!!! Went without it last night. Ended up staying online until 2 a.m. researching puppy illnesses... :P :P :P Hair is doing so well now that I have figured out how to part it slightly on the left side, to balance it. For bedtime, I am putting it into two braids and sock curling the braids. Lovely!!! Hair hangs *just right* in the morning!!! Diet: I'm afraid if I go upstairs to get my bedtime snack, Smokey will awaken and start howling. This pup has major separation anxiety. Maybe moderate, actually...he's not too bad...but at 30 minutes till midnight, I doubt the rest of the family wants to hear Siberian yowls and screams. I know...I'll just shut my door. That should muffle him. Exercise: Just finished half of my Riverdance routine. I never get tired of "Reel Around the Sun". Too out of shape/tired to do the whole thing... No Smokey walk today. Little guy threw up twice last night, so I made him take it easy today. Ab Roller and lower body toning exercises--done!!! Misc. Ash Wednesday is tomorrow--the start of the Lenten season of fasting, almsgiving and prayer. Whoever in cyberspace happens to surf past this journal and wants to know ANYTHING about the Catholic Church, Catholic practices, etc., a great resource site is Catholic Answers--http://www.catholic.com Also: ask a Catholic priest anything and read others' questions and the answers: http://www.askfather.net |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 3:24am
Ash Wednesday
March 1, 2006 Beginning of the Holy Season of Lent ("Lengthen", "springtime--days growing longer") Hair: By Easter, my hair should be waist length. (If I don't trim it.) My huge trim was on Thanksgiving 2005, sooooo...looking forward to long-long hair again. :) Last night was wash night, and BIG MISTAKE--I conditioned my whole head instead of just the length. Hair is limp and oily looking. But I won't rewash, just suffer till tomorrow night... Coconut oil still rules for: prewash treatment ends treatment detangling treatment (if needed) Diet: Church law requires us to fast today--no eating between meals, no meat, 1 full meal and 2 smaller meals to maintain strength. Juice/water permitted between meals. Sick/elderly/children dispensed from fasting. Sooo....where does that leave me? Probably waiting up till midnight so I can have a bedtime snack! :) Delicious salmon cakes for supper, though. Homemade. Oh so good. Exercise: Cleaned out the area under the deck today. Was outside for over an hour. No walk for Smokey today. He stayed outside all day, running around and playing and getting into my hair. (In more ways than one.) ::) Maybe I'll do my exercises now, and by midnight, I can go have a snack ;D Misc: Smokey the Siberian Husky-Wolf knocked my hairdryer on the floor. I heard the crash from upstairs. I wonder if it is safe to use now??? I'll get Dad to plug it in and test it out for me. I think my pup is part wolf. I have no way to prove it, but he looks SOOOO wolfish. I have to go...and get those exercises in. Better late than never. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 3rd, 2006 at 3:32am
Thursday night
March 2, 2006 Hair: Wash night. And then I'll probably stay up on the computer until it dries a bit...forgot to ask Dad to test my hairdryer and see if it is okay, after it crashed onto the floor. (Courtesy a very curious Siberian Husky) Diet: All is well. No time for a bedtime snack tonight though...well, actually, there's always time...I need some cereal...or should I just rush right into the shower? I don't want to wake up with hunger pains. Exercise: Took Smokey for a mile-long walk. He did very well. He's a natural at walking, thankfully. That's just what I wanted in a dog. No additional exercises...went grocery shopping, and that was tiring enough. Misc: Tomorrow is Friday, and all Friday's of Lent are to be meatless. (But not fast days. Only Good Friday, right before Easter, is a meatless AND fast day. Fam will be going to Stations of the Cross devotion at church tomorrow night. There's always a good turnout, and I know it's a bit vain but I hope my hair looks nice. Usually, by eventide on any given day, it's seen better hours. ::) ::) ::) I guess I'd better sign off. I have to defy nature and get up early to do the housecleaning tomorrow!!!! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 7th, 2006 at 5:26am
Tuesday early morning, March 7, 2006
Hair: Just washed, am sitting here at the computer waiting for the warmth from all this electrical equipment to help dry my hair before I give it a final blast with the hairdryer. Diet: Been forgetting to eat my daily yogurt. I repent, I repent...oh yeah, also been forgetting my daily glass of V-8. Must reform.... Exercise: Did my full exercise routine! Plus I took Smokey the Siberian Husky for a half-hour walk. I feel great. I'm sure he does too. He's 40 pounds already, at 4 months old. Misc: Too tired to write more. Must get hair ready for bed. |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 10th, 2006 at 3:09am
Thursday night, March 9, 2006
Hair: Back to wearing a Cascade (Banana) Clip. I go back and forth with those things. I think I'm going to stick with it for a while. Really, my hair is just too fine to look good down, for a long period of time. But thankfully it stays up SOOOOOOOO well in the clip!!! Diet: Forgot to eat my yogurt today, but remembered the V-8 veggie juice. All else is going well. For bedtime snacks I've been having a big bowl of cereal. I would make hot oatmeal if it didn't require so much effort....soooooooooo lazy................... Exercise: I did my Irish stepdancing routine, and most of my toning moves. One more move left, which can be done lying on my bed. So I'll get it in sometime tonight... Smokey has had 2 walks today--one before supper, and one before bed. Good for him and good for me!!! Misc: I am so upset and depressed about a relationship. Or what could have been a relationship, or friendship, whatever...I still have not heard back from the guy, and I am tormenting myself with what-ifs. I'm pretty sure my first email to him scared him off, but there's nothing I can do to take it back. And I WON'T contact him again and appear like I'm throwing myself at him. I hate it that this happened...I'm so sensitive and emotional anyway, and so......ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I feel physically sick sometimes because of it. I know this is not a rational reaction....and obviously, if God did not directly will for it to happen, He certainly permitted it for some mysterious reason... I hope I never see this guy again. I am SOOOOOOOOO embarrassed. I never want to show my face at Mass again... I pray that this young man will either go to another Mass time or to another Catholic parish so we don't see each other. This is just too AWWWWWWWWWWWWFUL. I hate this. I offer up all this pain for the good of all the REALLY suffering souls out there, suffering much more than me... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 14th, 2006 at 12:36am
Monday, March 13, 2006
Hair: I've been wearing it up in a banana clip every day, all day. It's a great style for staying at home or going out. I am seriously considering NOT trimming on April 1, as I had planned. Now that I am oiling w/coconut oil every night, the ends are in really good shape. I think I can let it GROW GROW GROW for a while yet, before having to trim. Oh yes--a sure fire way to know my locks need a trim is massive tangling in the shower. So far, only smooth sleek tresses--may it continue!!! Diet: Been eating my yogurt and V-8 juice, as well as other healthy foods. No snacking on candy or "junk". Bedtime snacks have consisted of cold cereal lately. I'll have to try hot oatmeal, esp. tonight--wind chills in the single digits. Exercise: Whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa....current routine has been two 30-40 minute walks per day with Smokey, plus toning exercises and an Irish step dancing workout daily....I'm maxed. I feel sooo in shape. Except--I skipped the doggie walks today. The wind is blowing and it's COLD. Misc: Still looking for a job. Or for a job to come looking for me. Oh God, please help................ Oh yes--my short short layers around my face have MIRACULOUSLY grown so fast so as to be wearable in an updo/banana clip in public--even to looking good actually!!! I can't believe it. I was thinking I would have to wait for summer for this cutting disaster to remedy itself. I truly cannot believe it, but am I ever GRATEFUL!!! :) :) :) Not too much else going on.... |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by maggie on Mar 14th, 2006 at 7:23pm
Oh, Christiana, you're being much too hard on yourself about e-mailing that guy. God only knows what his deal is, why he didn't reply, it's his loss-not yours, remember that. One thing that I'm learning along the way is never ever be afraid to try something because of the fear of failure...because you will always have the pride of knowing that you pushed yourself to do something that may have been scary to you, but you did it...no matter what the outcome. Just another feather in your cap, that's all. And, so what if he sees you, keep confident, he's the one that should feel embarrassed for not having the courtesty to return your message...so hold your head up high sistah! You did nothing, repeat nothing that you should feel embarrassed about!
Now, repeat that over & over again until you believe it!! ;) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 15th, 2006 at 5:11am wrote on Mar 14th, 2006 at 7:23pm:
Thank you Maggie---a big, huge THANK YOU--I so needed to hear that...I am going to take your advice and hold my head high, and not worry about it...anymore, that is; I've wasted enough time on it already................. Wednesday, March 15, 2006 Hair: Sitting here waiting for hair to dry before getting it ready for bed in braided sock curls. I just ran my fingers through my damp hair and I think I snapped off a good hair...UGHHHHHHHHH... Wore a banana clip today. I put it in this morning, and the style lasted all day and evening. I didn't have to redo it, even after a day of cooking, laundry and walking Smokey. Went to a special evening Mass and I didn't have to touch it up at all. Diet: Good. Tonight's cereal snack was Oatmeal Squares/Rice Krispies. I'm almost out of Flaxseed Oil. I'll have to get some when I go shopping on Thursday. Exercise: Despite such a busy Tuesday, Smokey got two walks. I also did my other toning exercises. No dancing, though. Misc: Well, it's late. Must get ready to sign off. Ohhhhhh, I forgot to "pick up" the yard today...must remember to do it tomorrow for sure. Smokey has (or had) roundworms and I'm supposed to be keeping the grounds clean. I gave him his 2nd dose of worm medicine today. One more dose and he should be finished with those yucky parasites...hopefully he has already been cured of them. Well, what a cheerful subject on which to end. But that's life...sometimes...often.... :P But sooooooooooo many blessings too. :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by maggie on Mar 15th, 2006 at 4:49pm wrote on Mar 15th, 2006 at 5:11am:
;D You're Welcome! :-* |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 19th, 2006 at 2:35am
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Brother left his girlfriend and she is over at our house now. We are trying to comfort her. Brother just left her a note and says either she leaves or he leaves (their apartment). When will he/she learn that living together before marriage leads to DISASTER???? Brother has been through this before, and I don't know about the gal...Of course he's depressed...can sin ever make you happy???? Can you be happy when you disregard God's laws and even if you don't believe in God, the natural law written in our hearts??? I am so grateful it has come to this and that Brother wants to separate. It's an answer to prayer. Hopefully all the hours fam has spent talking to the dear girl tonight will strengthen and enlighten her to see what is right, and that it is better this way. Hair: I guess I'll go ahead and wash it tonight, even though my stomach feels yicky and I'm not sure I will make it to Sunday Mass tomorrow. Diet: All I feel like eating is junk food. Stomach ailment makes me not myself. I guess I can indulge since I'm sickish. Exercise: Oh yuckkkkkkkkkk....no...no.... Misc: Dear Brother's (Ex?) Girlfriend just left. She seems calmer and composed now. She just wants to know why he left and didn't say anything...and then she said she will move on. Thanks be to God. I've been praying about this for months. Dear Brother never seemed happy. I hope he doesn't go and repeat his mistakes again...he's sometimes so desperate to have a relationship that he really ends up falling over some cliffs, sometimes. Enough said...I have to go get ready for bed! |
Title: Re: Christiana's Hair Affairs Post by Christiana on Mar 20th, 2006 at 4:07am
Midnight March 20, 2006
Hair: I have to go wash it NOW...stomach still feels a bit yucky, but I'm hoping to be able to go out tomorrow. Usually I would be up at this time waiting for hair to dry, but I'm off schedule... :P Diet: Didn't eat much today. Just breakfast and supper. Oh yes, and Tea with dessert after supper. :) And a bedtime snack. Do I sound like I have a stomach ailment??? Exercise: Took Smokey for a walk at 9 pm, though I did not go to Sunday Mass this morning. I stayed in bed till about 3 pm. Misc: We have not heard anything from Dear Brother or his girlfriend. Brother should be stopping by for lunch tomorrow....hopefully....so we should be getting some more news. I hope the dear girl will move back home (in another state) where she has family that love her dearly. And I hope Dear Brother will resume the practice of his Catholic faith and meet a nice Catholic girl who will help keep him on track in his life. Or maybe meet the girl first and then have her bring him back to the Church. He has so much baggage behind him but all that can be wiped out in an instant with a good Confession. Miracles happen... Now--got to go get in that shower!!!!!!!!!!! |
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