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Message started by Sherry on Apr 24th, 2005 at 3:41pm

Title: Allure Magazine
Post by Sherry on Apr 24th, 2005 at 3:41pm
This months issue has an article called "The Long View" It's an article on long hair and some points on taking care of it. I was surprised to see it but I think it's great. IT has 4 subtitles in it called "Great Lengths,"
"On the Upkeep," "Hair Pills," and "When Long is Wrong" The only one I really had a problem with is "When Long is Wrong" which talks about some older women shouldn't have long hair if it's thin or dry which I tend to disagree with. But the rest was pretty good and with some nice photos of models with somewhat long hair. Not like some of you on here but longer than you normally see a model wear. Just thought I'd share :)

Title: Re: Allure Magazine
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 24th, 2005 at 5:47pm
Wow!  A fashion magazine that supports long hair??  That's unusual.  As for "When long is wrong", I don't know why people keep insisting that age is a factor.  Condition and appearance of the hair I can accept and understand, but age has nothing to do with hair other than you've had a longer time to grow it!

Title: Re: Allure Magazine
Post by PreciousLocks on Apr 24th, 2005 at 7:00pm
I do find it amazing that most of the models in magazines and TV have "long" hair, but the first thing they recommend for a "make-over" is to cut hair short ::)
Agree with BB - condition of the hair is more important than age (or I'd have to turn into one of those bobbed and permed middle-age ladies :P).

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