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Chit Chat >> The LongLocks Lounge >> Hair in unsual places http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1114111567 Message started by bikerbraid on Apr 21st, 2005 at 6:26pm |
Title: Hair in unsual places Post by bikerbraid on Apr 21st, 2005 at 6:26pm
As some of you have already experienced, long hair can find itself in some "strange" places. As I was trying to pull my hair out of a sock that I was knitting and had knit the hair in, was was thinking about other situations where my hair has found itself. Here's my list:
Caught in car doors and windows (I've learned to make sure it is always secured before getting into or out of a car). Rolled up into car seat belts (Again - I've learned the hard way that loose hair in a car is not good). Knit into socks, scarves, hats and sweaters. (Hey - it's a natural fiber, I just tell the recipient that it adds character and warmth!) Caught in the pulleys of my compound bow. (You'd think I'd have learned from the seat belts ::) ) Under hubby's feet. (I had been looking for something on the floor and he MOVED - stepping on my hair). In a stranger's drink. My hair was in a braid, and when I turned quickly, the braid landed in his beer. :P Caught on a button - and not my own! Caught in a zipper (my own, but hard to explain why it took me 30 minutes in the restroom). I'm sure I'll think of others - how about you? |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by Anais Satin on Apr 21st, 2005 at 8:37pm
Interesting topic! I get hair stuck everywhere because I shed like MAAAAD ;D I have an incredibly fast growth rate but also an incredibly fast shed rate. Expect to see me tapered at tailbone length if I don't trim.
gosh, it's hard to TRY think of them! ;) Give it a little and I'll edit this post later ;) ;) ;D |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by Autumn on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 12:16am
Around buttons and in zippers...the WORST spots are loose hair caught vaccum cleaner and sink drains (can be an expensive fix). :-[ :P
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by styg on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 10:20pm
i fish my hair out of the bath tub after washing. ;)
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by 13bodies on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 11:21pm
In the litterbox--Rumpole the cat likes to eat my hair when it's freshly washed. Before I started braiding my hair at night, he'd sneak up behind me, wrap his paws around my head and bite into my hair as though my head was an apple. He's a shoe-sniffer, too. He's Mama's little fetishist ;D
I've also gotten it caught in seat belts, purse straps, the beaded trim of a pair of sandals (don't ask), and the refrigerator door. |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by BraiderSC on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 11:53pm
Wow, BB, I've never knit my hair into anything before! (at least, not yet...)
Once, I was braiding someone's hair which was the exact same color as my own, and I almost started braiding my hair into hers. The other day I caught it in the seat-belt hardware (the pulley thing where it comes out of the wall of the car). Sometimes I put my hair over the back of my chair, and lean the chair back against the wall or something, and hair is stuck b/t chair and wall. It gets caught in the backs of our ladderback kitchen chairs. |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by Kathleen on Apr 23rd, 2005 at 2:15am
I did some naalbinding, however you spell that (a sort of viking form of knitting, kinda not really) and I kept getting my hair in it.
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by gabi on Apr 23rd, 2005 at 7:57pm
I think it's no cooincidence that women starting bobbing their hair around the time they started riding around in cars, harrrrumpf.
But my most recent surprising and annoying hair catch is in my dogs vet wrap 8)...g |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by PreciousLocks on Apr 23rd, 2005 at 8:33pm
on purpose - in birds' nests. I put my loose hair outside for them to use in nest building. :)
I have a bird's nest made almost entirely out of horse hair. 8) I'll be watching for the accidental catches in "strange" places as my hair gets long enough to find itself where I don't want it :o |
Title: Re: Hair in unsual places Post by bikerbraid on Apr 23rd, 2005 at 9:40pm
oooo - bird's nests - I love to let a loose hair fly for the birdies to take to their nests. I also like to give the birds the little clippings of wool yarn I have after finishing a project. I have the most colorful nests in my area!
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