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Message started by Jadewolf on Mar 24th, 2005 at 10:15pm

Title: Salve!
Post by Jadewolf on Mar 24th, 2005 at 10:15pm
No, not 'salve' as in something you put on a sore, but 'salve' as in the Latin greeting (pronounced sall-way)! I'm a Latin/Mythology lover (wouldn't say nerd... cause I don't know too much... but what I do know, I love!) and obviously a long hair lover!  I stumbled upon this site by total accident... don't remember what I was doing a search for, but I'm glad I did it!  The advice is great and I'm dying to get my hands on some LongLocks hairsticks. ;D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Sakina on Mar 25th, 2005 at 12:12am
Welcome to the boards!!

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 25th, 2005 at 1:32am

Glad you found us.  :D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by greek_lady on Mar 25th, 2005 at 5:08am
Welcome aboard Salve!
Another hairstick lover, huh? I'm one too  :D, an addict actually  ;D


Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Autumn on Mar 25th, 2005 at 5:26am
[glb]HELLO & WELCOME[/glb] glad you're here! ;D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Galadriel on Mar 25th, 2005 at 5:33am

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 25th, 2005 at 11:39pm
Greetings!  Always great to have another long hair lover on board (pun intended!) ;D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Ceridwen on Mar 26th, 2005 at 3:47am
Salve tibi quoque!  Quantum Gaudium est ut alteram doctam Lingua Latina hic invenerim?  Diem meam perfecisti.* ;)

*cough* er, yes, from one confirmed Latin nerd to another, hail and well met :)  It's the perfect field for long haired ladies, no?  Lots of neat hair ideas on all those statues... to say nothing of Deborah Kerr in Quo Vadis.  Are you just starting, or been doing the language for a while?

*(helpful translation = hi to you too!  How cool is it to find another Latin speaker here?  You've totally made my day.)

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 26th, 2005 at 7:14pm

wrote on Mar 26th, 2005 at 3:47am:
*(helpful translation = hi to you too!  How cool is it to find another Latin speaker here?  You've totally made my day.)

That's what I thought you said!   :-X ;D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Trisha on Mar 28th, 2005 at 3:05pm
Howdy and welcome!!   ;D

Title: (Re: Salve!
Post by Jadewolf on Apr 8th, 2005 at 3:38am

wrote on Mar 26th, 2005 at 3:47am:
*cough* er, yes, from one confirmed Latin nerd to another, hail and well met :)  It's the perfect field for long haired ladies, no?  Lots of neat hair ideas on all those statues... to say nothing of Deborah Kerr in Quo Vadis.  Are you just starting, or been doing the language for a while?

:D Yay! novus amici! Sorry it took me so long to reply... I've been busy and lazy simultaneosly lately  ::) Yes, Latin is definitely the language for the long-haired.  I'm taking Latin 3 at my high school, and I'm in our Junior Classical League, which is a blast.  I'm pretty new to the language, but I'm loving it so far--I compete in our JCL competitions in Mottoes, Digital Photography, Play(which I wrote with my best buddy who got me into Latin and who I recently got to join these message boards!), and I entered a story in Creative Writing which I think is judged at Nationals... if you'd like to read my story, which is narrated in English, but has all of the dialoge in Latin, or see my digital photography entries, which are mythology stuff, let me know!  I'm still a total amateur, but I like 'em!  Our annual Roman Banquet is coming up, where we serve Roman-ish dishes and entertain the community with acting as if we were gods and goddesses or whatever the theme calls for.  This year we're doing the wedding reception of Cupid and Psyche... I get to play Juno in the banquet, and I play Psyche in the play I co-wrote.  The play is a sort of modern-day comical rendition of what the gods would do on the Newlywed Game. :P
Anyways, to everyone who welcomed me- Gratias tibi ago! ( ;) Thanks)

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Anais Satin on Apr 8th, 2005 at 3:41pm
Hey there Jadewolf, I hope to learn some Latin from you then :D Welcome

Anais Satin

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Ceridwen on Apr 10th, 2005 at 2:47am
JCL!  I was our chapter's secretary my senior year of High School, almost made the All-Virginia Certamen team.  The guy who's now my fiancee was in it too, we collaborated on the video competition, and he made his own Roman armour.  My big thing was the dramatic interp, and the at-sight reading competitions.  Ah, fond memories of my Andromeda costume, complete with fake blood and a severed tentacle...

It's all coming in really handy now, since a lot of college curricula focus on the language at the expense of the history/ life/ mythology stuff, so you get to grad school and still don't know handy things, like the fact that the only roman ladies in togas were 'ladies of questionable reputations', and the proper way to cook lark's tongues.  Not to mention the tons of practice you get speaking in Latin and reading in meter.  Definitely stay with it... the memories are SO worth it.

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Jadewolf on Apr 10th, 2005 at 4:02am
:o Heracle! (by Hercules! for those getting confoozed) I want to run for secretary in our little ol' Victoria, Texas Memorial HS and compete in dramatic interp next year!!!  I've never been in dramatic interp- got any tips?  My best friend is way in to costume competitions... in fact, she let me use her Aurora costume for my Cupid and Psyche digital photography entry this year (yeah, I know, like Aurora and Psyche are alike in ANY way)... it was kind of thrown together at the very last second... we had been practicing our play for State competition, and before we knew it, we were calling my oh-so-sweet-and-tolerant boyfriend, slapping a random tunica on him, and snapping some crazy shots in her room... It didn't really turn as great as I would've liked, and I kinda... used an artistic license... but here it is, the sixth place winner at state (phoo, I got second last year) http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/17058006/  My second place winner from last year, "Sister goddesses" is on that site, too...  Anyway, it's awesome to meet a former JCLer- I've got to introduce you to my friend, her name for these message boards is Aurorawolf, but I don't think she's posted anything yet... Maybe we three can get a Classical conversation going in the non-hair-related section! ;D

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Ceridwen on Apr 10th, 2005 at 3:01pm
Ecastor!  I love the picture - it looks just great!  Almost like a painting, very artsy.

Dramatic interp...  well, it kinda depends on the judges.  Some of them go in for the hyper-dramatic overinterpretation thing, others go in for the more natural style...  Either way, lots of practice reading meter without losing the natural stress accent will never go awry, and they seem to be really big on not locking your knees, but moving about the 'stage'.

When I did the video, Rob and I drafted my younger brother's soccer friends as actors, luring them with the promise of nachos con queso and dressing them up in bedsheets and t-shirts.  In retrospect, I don't know how I managed to convince a bunch of popular teenage guys to participate in my nerdy Latin movie...  Perhaps the omens were favorable :)

You know, the costume competitions give some interesting opportunities for simulating ancient hairstyles.  I had some small sucess with those funky archaic greek barrel curls held with a diadem, and I think somewhere I saw a collection of hairsticks found at Troy...  who knew?

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Jadewolf on Jun 20th, 2005 at 3:01am
Wow, it's been awhile since I checked these boards out!  Hey there, Ceridwen.  Just thought I'd let you know that I tried a crazy, time consuming style based on this: http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/flavianhair4c.jpg  for our JCL's annual Roman Banquet... BUT didn't take any pictures! *smacks forehead* I guess it was just because it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it... but I did get compliments, and I think I'll try it again...  It involved about 3 hours of braiding and pinning and was topped with my friend's peacock feathers (for Juno!).  Also, after an INSANUS day of driving all over town and being relocated drastically, my Latin buddies an I got our play taped for Nationals... Difficulties included: costume problems, an actor claiming he had "stuff to do" and bailing on us on the day of the taping, and a school janitor walking in as we were about to finish--he kicked us out 'cause our sponsor had left for a moment and he was locking up, and we had to move it to my friend's living room... But ah, it is done, and as far as how it turned out... eh... alea iacta est... We're holding a Latin camp for elementary and junior high kids this summer that sounds like fun; I think I'll help out if I'm not already volunteering at a Zoo camp... Oh, and just because this is about the only place other than JCL meetings where bragging about this is worth it-- I beat our resident Latin super-nerd on the National Latin Exam and got Magna Cum Laude ;D... Well, enough rambling!  I hope everything's going well for you!  Have a nice day!  ;)

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 20th, 2005 at 10:59am
Congrats on your victory!

Title: Re: Salve!
Post by Ceridwen on Jun 30th, 2005 at 6:38am
[glb]WOOT![/glb]  Well done on the NLE, if I remember correctly, Magna cum laude means you only missed one or two?  Bene factum, amica.

Flavian hairstyles are mad difficult, even if you've got the bangs for it.  I'd LOVE a pic, next time to make the attempt.  The most ambitious I ever got was some Mycenean barrel curls when I did an Andromeda costume.  Only that year, Nationals were in Florida, so the humidity rather spoiled the effect  :'(  Should have gotten pictures, but that would have made too much sense.  And I got all my money stolen, but that's another story.

Are you doing the tests as well as the costume?  Those can be pretty fun.  That's kind of sick, having fun taking tests, but it's also true, eh?  Oh, and what authors do they read in your Latin 4?  We did the AP stuff, Vergil for 4 and Catullus/ Horace for 5.

You know, I really do miss JCL - it's the most fun learning experience I ever had, and where else can you get prizes for scale models of seige weaponry or painstakingly documented outfits?  Let alone the joy that is the film contest.  Ah, the hours we spent trying to get my brother's friends to pronounce "Augur" correctly *has a nostalgia moment*

Vaguely off topic... but I just got my masters this month.  Now I've got to find a dissertation topic... probably something with Galen, we'll see.

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