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Message started by greek_lady on Mar 19th, 2005 at 3:27pm

Title: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 19th, 2005 at 3:27pm
I would like to know the name of a simple hair accessory, that's not in vogue but has been around for ages. It's not exactly a hair barrette but it is metallic too, can be painted in different colours, but mostly it was in plain "silver" or "gold" colour. Thin, simple metallic clasp you could wear pairs of those to keep your hair out of the face. I haven't encountered them in any hair site I've looked (not that I've been to too many) and I want to do a google search for some, but don't know their name!
Does anyone understand what I'm talking about?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 19th, 2005 at 9:39pm
Do you mean something like a snap clip?  

Here are a couple of sites
snap clips

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 19th, 2005 at 9:56pm
Thank you bikerbraid but no it's not any of those what I'm trying to find out.
Imagine the small thin barettes on the first site, but all made of one piece of metal on top and the other piece that clasps shut, very thin, very flat, very very simple.
I don't find them around too much these days, that's why I want to search the net for them, but they have been around for ages. Very low profile but secure and trustworthy as very few hair clasps/things.
Anyone got any other idea please? ???

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by Autumn on Mar 23rd, 2005 at 5:51am
A few years back there was a popular holder for ponytales and a barrett called a French Clasp, that's all I can think of.  :-/

Here is a barrett with a French Clasp ... http://www.auberginedesigns.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/143?osCsid=74680cb0efe3dc0e16e7ea66fed9ee44

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 23rd, 2005 at 3:06pm
Thank you Autumn, but no I don't mean those. It's a very simple and thin, thing, it doesn't "snap" shut, the under part sort of slides into the upper part which is bend a little in the end to create a small "hook". Arrgghhhh, frustrated! >:( :D

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by styg on Mar 23rd, 2005 at 10:10pm
i think i know what you mean and i don't find them anywhere either:


scroll down to one of the last photo's! woman in the topic refers to them as "metal hairbows":

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 23rd, 2005 at 11:05pm
I think I know what you mean now.  Here is a picture of a simple barrette. Is this closer?

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by Galadriel on Mar 24th, 2005 at 5:59am
Hey!!! I've been looking for those too. I actually managed to find them, but they were too small, even after I bent the spring to help accommodate more hair.
I haven't seen any better after that.

BUT I think I'd like to see the closing mechanism in detail before ordering online. There are those "genuine bows" and then something that looks like a hybrid between bow and barrette- and its locking mechanism isn't nearly as hair friendly.

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 25th, 2005 at 4:26am
Thank you Styg, yes these are what I am looking for, with a slight variation. I read the woman's article, she doesn't know their name either. To tell you the truth, they don't have a particular name in greek either! So is it "metal hairbows" then ???

Thank you bikerbraid I'll look into those too. I have only one pair in gold metal, left, since high school. And I treasure them as a treasured jewel, they are my last refuge if all else fails!  :)(eeeekkk I hate gold  ;D, it's my nemesis I'm sure) I must find some more for back up  :D
Could you confirm their name as "metal hairbows" as in the above article?? Or do you think there is another?

I hear you Galadriel and I think that, genetics apart, those "hairbows" may be partly to blame for my flyaways, some of that at least. I was using them for ages! I have stopped doing that the last couple of years because I can't find them anymore. (The flyaways are still there, though, so maybe they are not that much to blame  ??? :D)

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 25th, 2005 at 4:29am
Thank you ladies!  :D

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 25th, 2005 at 10:17am
I used a 3 or 4" version of the hairbow barrette the last time I had long hair.  It was my most versatile hair accessory.  I had forgotten all about it until searching for a sample for you.  I must see if mine are still buried somewhere!  

I do think that I had some broken ends from using them, but I was not too careful with my hair back then.

Good luck finding what you are looking for!

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by greek_lady on Mar 28th, 2005 at 3:11pm
No luck so far bikerbraid  :-/
These thingies are so not in fashion.Can't unearth them anywhere. All I get is hair bows, you know the shirley temple thing  :D
I shall persevere though  8)
Did you find yours?

Title: Re: Hair accessory question
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 28th, 2005 at 3:15pm
I've not found mine yet.   :P  But I will keep my eyes open for them in the stores and online.  They are a good versitle hair toy.

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