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Chit Chat >> The LongLocks Lounge >> Hot or cold water rinses? http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1110812273 Message started by Valerie on Mar 14th, 2005 at 12:57pm |
Title: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by Valerie on Mar 14th, 2005 at 12:57pm
During the winter months I LOVE to take hot baths. I try to keep my hair dry if its not a washing day already, but if it is I let my hair soak in the water. I also have been taking very warm showers.
I've seen that a lot of people do a cold water rinse, on their scalp and length. I can't stand it on my scalp this time of year, but I have been rinsing out my conditioner in the sink with cold water. Its only been a couple weeks, and a few washings, and I haven't seen any difference. Is the warm/hot water going to damage to my hair? And does the cold rinse, help seal off any of that damage, or prevent other damage? |
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by eKatherine on Mar 14th, 2005 at 2:01pm
The temperature of water we use to wash our hair (<120ºF) is really not much more than warm, certainly not hot enough to harm the hair.
Lots of people swear by cold water rinses, which supposedly "close" the cuticle, which is "opened" by washing in warm water. I read a study where they found that by the time the hair cooled down to room temperature, there was no difference under microscopic examination. Your mileage may vary. |
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by bikerbraid on Mar 14th, 2005 at 5:32pm wrote on Mar 14th, 2005 at 2:01pm:
LOL! ;D I love that! Good one! |
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:35pm
Love your research eKatherine! I too like warm to hot baths/showers and was trying to be "good" by cold rinsing. :P Wasn't feeling great this weekend so I skipped the cold rinse and didn't notice anything different. ::) I don't think I'll return to the cold water torture.
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by Anais Satin on Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:54pm
I do cold rinses to at least keep the cuticle smooth during the drying process. Cold rinses also wake you up! ;D
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by nightowl on Mar 15th, 2005 at 5:12pm
I wash my hair 2x/week... and these are the only times I'm in the shower more than 3 minutes (have to compensate for the LENGTHY showers by my 16 year old).....
So..... I linger in the shower for 10 - 12 minutes - feeling decidedly naughty. around minute 10, and close to the "rinse cycle" I begin the gradual rinse process: after all cleansing completed: start rinse with hot, toasty water... 30 seconds turn faucet to warm, enjoy (with slightly less enthusiasm) for 1 minute. Then, finally - turn to barely cool/almost cold for final 30-45 seconds: Boy am I ready to jump out of the shower by then! ;D (If I didn't cold water final rinse, I doubt I'd ever get out! ha ha) nightowl |
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by styg on Mar 15th, 2005 at 10:01pm
i think while rinsing you really see the shine "exploding" ... if it lasts, i am afraid even the effect of vinegar can't last that long, all depends on how much the texture in it's natural state is doing. some damage will always leave the scales open, permanently. :'(
ah well, never have any problems detangling wet hair, must help a bit, and it's great for some good circulation in the scalp he he. |
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by Anais Satin on Mar 15th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Ohhh definitely the wet detangling part! :D
Title: Re: Hot or cold water rinses? Post by Valerie on Mar 16th, 2005 at 3:39am
Thanks for the info everyone!
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