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Message started by Galadriel on Mar 1st, 2005 at 5:28am

Title: Growth Poll
Post by Galadriel on Mar 1st, 2005 at 5:28am
Spring is coming...and along spring comes my Growth poll.  ;D Have fun!

1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?

5. Why do you grow your hair?

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady?

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?

Here are my answers:

1. Since latter half of 2001.

2. No. When my hair was shorter, I trimmed it more often, though.

3. I take biotin-silica-acerola cherry and multivitamin. I don't usually remember to take it daily, though  :-[

4. I haven't achieved any "real goals" yet, but I've been happy when I've achieved some minor milestone, like being able to put my hair up.

5. I really want to get super long hair. And growing is fun! It's almost like a hobby to me now (as you can see  :P )

6. When my hair seems to grow very slowly, I get frustrated, but normally, I would say no. If I got suddenly a hip length hair, I probably wouldn't know how to handle it. Also, part of fascination of long hair comes from knowing that it's something that has taken time. So for most of the time, I'm pretty content with hurrying slowly.

7. More seldom and seldom all the time, it seems. I started from nearly monthly trims. My last trim was in December, and I plan to have next in early April.

8. I would tell her about my long hair journey so far and tell that with patience, she'll success too. I'd also tell, that growing hair can be fun.

9. No...there seems to be quite a lot variation. All the more exciting!  ;D

10. Yes and yes. I measure my hair montly and post results to appropriate threads. I think it helps me to understand my hair better...and at times when I feel that I have made no progress at all, it's good to have measurements results to check.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by bikerbraid on Mar 1st, 2005 at 10:41am
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair? I have no idea.

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help? Yes.  My hair was almost waist length when I cut it.  I had no regrets, I was ready to return to short hair.  I waited 15 years to grow it out again.

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?  I take a good multivitamin, extra MSM, Biotin and Silica for my hair and joints.

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?  The only hair goal I had when I started to grow it out was to be able to put it into a pony tail.  I think I reached that about 10 years ago.   ;D  I couldn't decide what to do with my hair after that, so it has just kept growing.

5. Why do you grow your hair?  Initially because it was easier to care for and saved money.  Now I grow it because I can.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?  I"m not sure I'd call it fun, but I have enjoyed learning how to handle my hair as it gets longer.  Since I have no goal length I wouldn't know what length to have it "jump" to.

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions) I have had 1 micro trim in the past year.  I dust when I think of it.

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
Just tell them to let it grow for 2 years with minimal trims/cuts and see where they end up.  I think most people, although frustrated with their monthly growth rate, are amazed at how fast the time goes by when they see how much it has grown over an extended period of time.  A picture should be taken when they start, so they can keep referring to it.

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? I average 1/2 inch per month or a little less.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project? I measure 3 or 4 times a year.  It is nice to have recordable increased length.  

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by eKatherine on Mar 1st, 2005 at 11:42am
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?

It was last April that I discovered long hair was a thing that a person could fixate on and obsess over. Previous to that I had been letting my hair grow, but doing so had allowed it to grow in in whatever ratty condition my care routine allowed, which was minimal conditioning, lots of tangles and accompanying brushouts, regular blow-drying...

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
Cutting does help you get rid of the urge to cut... ::)

Truly, when my hair was almost knee-length, I got the urge to cut, as it had been so long since long hair had been in style, I was tired of wearing it in a single braid, and I was finding it difficult to take care of by myself. Cutting certainly helped all these issues.

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?
I tried vitamins and MSM, but my hair growth rate never got over the expected 1/2" per month. I'm convinced that barring certain extraordinary health circumstances, they don't work.

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
I just reached the 36" level today. Next few goals: tailbone, meter-length, classic. After that, I'm not sure. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

5. Why do you grow your hair?
My hair is straight, fine, and silky. Long hair is how it shows best, with the least maintenance. It basically doesn't do any short styles well, won't hold a decent curl, and has no volume.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?
Growing hair is fun in a sedate sort of way. I think I might now be able to figure out how to handle knee-length or longer hair, though it might involve getting the help of a hair minion.

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)
Since mastering the self-microtrim, I've done a couple, and they work really well at making my ends look nice and full. I've stopped for a while in order to allow my hair to grow. Either when I reach tailbone or classic I will start trimming again. I'm sure my hair would look nicer if the last 6" were gradually trimmed off, but I don't know how I'll feel when the time comes.

I do know that now that I've mastered the microtrim, I'll never need to do a regular trim again.

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
First, I would probably try to show them pictures of women with their hairtype with long, healthy hair. Then it would be necessary to convince them to start doing nice things to their hair, and stop abusing it with improper handling. People with this attitude usually have been doing chemical treatments (color, perm) to their hair for so long they don't even know what their natural hair looks like, so until they are willing to let this go they won't see their natural hair to develop a relationship with it.

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady?
No, in the fall it seemed to grow not at all, now it is growing ½" a month again.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
I measure at least weekly, but this has no effect on the growth rate, so it does not affect my growth.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Valerie on Mar 1st, 2005 at 12:55pm
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair? Since the summer of 2000. I had always wanted long hair, but once it reached BSL, it would look ratty and I'd end up cutting it.  I discovered hot oil treatments that summer and have been slowly growing ever since.  

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?  Not since I was in school.  I always liked how manageable my hair was after a cut, but always missed the length.  

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?  I used to take horsetail (silica), and noticed a growth of 1 inch per month.  Since I've been forgetting to take them, I'm down to 1/2 inch per month.  

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal? Yes, I reached hip length, and now a little longer.  Once I hit a goal, I just start thinking about the next one.

5. Why do you grow your hair? I just love the way long hair looks, and definetly think it looks best on me.  

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could? I'd go with having classic length hair overnight, assuming that it also came w/ no damage.  

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions) About every 10 weeks when I remember.

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair? I'd point them in the direction of this board.  And also tell them where I started from, what worked best, and how long it has taken.  

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? I don't think I'll know until I've been measuring for a year.  Then I think I'll be able to tell more of what is seasonal, hormonal, and supplements.  

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project? [Yes, it definetly points out to me that my hair is growing even if I think it isn't.  

Hopefuly I haven't messed up the formatting on this too much...

Edited by BB to correct the formatting.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by styg on Mar 1st, 2005 at 10:40pm
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?
since i cut it myself in beginning of november 2004.
2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
the last time i did a major cut i initially only wanted some layering (my hair was around 33 -34") and i gave in at the hairdressers to cut it to my shoulders. i didn't regret it but over the years i let it go longer again cuze that's just so much easier to style (meaning no styling required).
3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?
since end december i take around 1 mg of biotin per day which gave me great growth in januari. i also take ginkgo biloba for concentration and is supposed to stimulate hair growth as well. (enhances bloocirculation in brain and scalp, and basically all extremities)
4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
not yet, my first goal would be tailbone, which i hope to achieve in late summer. it's only then i'll consider my hair "long". then i might start trimming more often depending oon the state and look at that length.
5. Why do you grow your hair?
it's prettier, easier, and you can trim it on your own. weehee
6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?
it's fun and frustrating at the same time. but right now i managed to get my focus on coloration with henna, so the length isn't annoying me too much these days.
7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)
i've been trimming twice since my cut in november. i am following now the MM lunar chart. so i plan to trimm oof course 18th or 19th march for lengthening. i might trim just 2 mm every month, this is just way less traumatizing. if not i trim about 4mm every two months.
8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
to start by washing their hair less frequent as soon as it gets a length where you can throw away all those styling products. to enjoy every length that comes. (supposing that for someone used to having had a butch cut for a long time, even shoulder length will feel like long). anyway, the start looks the funniest actually cuze every month of growth changes the look  a lot. it's more annoying once past waist length. i don't even think one needs frequent trimming either before waistlength if you start with a good basis.
9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? yes, slightly slower in winter but it never skipped a month lol.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
YES, i became an addict but try not to measure more often than monthly and before and after a trim.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 1st, 2005 at 11:32pm

wrote on Mar 1st, 2005 at 5:28am:
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair? Since September 2003

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help? I've been "long" (shoulder length or slightly longer) and short several times.  It did help me feel better about my hair for awhile, but I get bored with it after awhile.

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what? A multi-vitamin.  More for general health. "tricks" - trying to stop ripping through my hair with a comb  :o

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal? not yet - my first goal is to be able to get my hair up in a braid or bun, almost there but not quite yet (I've been saying that for way too long it seems :-/ )

5. Why do you grow your hair? The short hair-blow dry thing drives me batty ::)  And I like to put up my long hair, especially in the summer to get it off my neck 8)

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?  I'd like to get to my initial goal overnight so I could put it up well every day.  

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions) about 3 months, but I'm hoping to extend that out now

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?  give it a try -- if you really don't like it you can always cut it later, but you won't know until you give it a good try

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? don't know, haven't been measuring long enough to see a trend

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
I'm starting too, it encourages me to see some objective data that my hair IS growing ;D

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Galadriel on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 4:46am
Preciouslocks, I think your hair is long enough to be put up with a claw clip. You might also like to try my "simple bun"- I've posted instructions to Casual hairstyles board. I was able to do that style before my hair was even shoulder length.  :)

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Anais Satin on Mar 3rd, 2005 at 3:56pm
Woohoo! another Galadriel poll!

1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair? Since .... um... it was probably March-April-ish of last year.

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help? No. It's strange, and I can't believe I've never had such an urge to cut. I already know what it feels like to have a short do and I don't want to deal with it anymore. It's old news.

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what? Nope nope. Just daily multivitamins

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal? Yes-- I got to waist and my hair is healthy ;D Started at about neckish. When I get to hip, I'll trim off layers for about 6-7 months until they're all gone, then continue growing until I reach Tailbone. That's my first long term goal; ultimate long term goal is fingertip a.k.a. Golden Ratio.  

5. Why do you grow your hair? Because long hair is sexy and makes me feel great. I've had MUCH more confidence and self-awareness (not in a bad way, but I'm just more aware of my body)

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could? hm.. Tough question. If I were to suddenly have Tailbone length (another goal) overnight, I would not adjust to it very well. I would rather "grow into" a length and be used to the resulting length.

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions) Microtrim every 3-4 months

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair? I'd find them a hair twin with long LONG hair and get them both in touch. Having an inspiring hair twin did a lot for me.  

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? No. It's much slower in the wintertime.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project? I don't measure anymore; I'll go back to measuring on Beltaine ish, or possibly even late summer if I can hold off for that long. However I DO take growth photos; it seems to make me less hair-anorexic. And the growth is more obvious and encouraging to me than measuring in numbers.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Babyfine on Mar 3rd, 2005 at 9:27pm
since December of 2003.  

Yes, more times than I'd like to count.  Sometimes it helped to get rid of ultra damaged hair, but I always missed my long hair and wanted it back.

I take GNC Nourishair and a good multi.  I don't think they help my hair grow any faster, they MAY help with shedding(a bit)

I've never really reached any goal I've set out for.  I hope to change that this time.

I've always wanted long hair at least once in my life, (waist length at least)

I'd like to have at least waist lenght hair overnight, if I could.

Right now about 1/8 to 1/4 inch every two months. going to stretch that longer and longer as my hair gets in better shape and I can do it myself.

That person was me!  I am getting encouragment from the boards.  I was told over and over by stylists, ect that my type of hair would NEVER grow long.  I'm setting out to prove that wrong.

Ehh- I don't know, I think it grows faster in spring and summer and slower in fall/winter.

 No, I never measure-yet.  ( i have once)

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 4th, 2005 at 1:15am

wrote on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 4:46am:
Preciouslocks, I think your hair is long enough to be put up with a claw clip. You might also like to try my "simple bun"- I've posted instructions to Casual hairstyles board. I was able to do that style before my hair was even shoulder length.  :)

Thanks Galadriel -- I'm going to work on some of those when I have some time to be patient with myself.  I can "pony" it but I still have 1 or 2 layers that fall out all over.  I have been using those mini-claws to keep the layers under control.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Sakina on Mar 4th, 2005 at 2:41am
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?
In earnest, since December '04

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
Yes!  I wanted a change and upon deciding that another tattoo was too expensive I cut my BSL hair to a chin length bob in one chop.  I thought it was fun and flirty but everyone else was horrified (not that it was ugly, just that I had cut my beautiful hair)

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?
I take biotin, Healthy Hair ayurvedic herb blend, Super Silica Plus by KAL, Kelp caps and Hair & Nails caps by Nature's Way.  I also visualize myself with amazingly long, thick wavy/curly healthy hair-without fairytale ends.  I imagine what it would feel like to sport such locks *a dreamy look, a secret smile*

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
I think my immediate goal is to get these layers trimmed up, then I want to grow to BSL.  So, no :-/ I haven't yet reached a current goal.  However, I did have a goal of being able to put my hair in a bun which I do as often as I can and wear my hairsticks so perhaps I have met a goal.  Yea me! ;D

5. Why do you grow your hair?
I love being able to wear my hair many different ways.  I really have naturally beautiful hair (if I do say so myself) and I wanna show it off.  Besides, its one of the things I like about myself.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?
Some days I'd love to "be there" at my goal length "Presto", but life's all about the journey-not the destination so it's one step at a time for me.  Besides, if it happened to all of us, what would we have to share on these boards?!?  Wouldn't that be boring!

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)
I'm not doing microtrims yet, I'll probably have up to an inch removed next week at the salon.  I did, however, purchase a good pair of haircutting scissors in anticipation of trims and elimination of split ends.  Fortunately I don't have many of those. :)

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
I'd tell them my story and share this board with them.  

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady?
Sure seems to be-I think my supplementation has kept the winter growth going while it is usual for most to slow down

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
I'm trying to measure monthly to post, I just started measuring late December '04.  It does make me happy to see an increase in the number, but I guess it won't help too much until my hair is all one length.  I like Anais' idea of taking a photo record.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Valerie on Mar 4th, 2005 at 12:18pm
Sakina--I love that you visualize long hair growth.  I have fleeting thoughts that I should add that to my visualizations, but then generally forget.  I do usually picture myself with long full healthy hair, so hopefully that counts some.   ;)

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by PreciousLocks on Mar 4th, 2005 at 11:21pm

Some days I'd love to "be there" at my goal length "Presto", but life's all about the journey-not the destination so it's one step at a time for me.  Besides, if it happened to all of us, what would we have to share on these boards ??? Wouldn't that be boring!

Too true!  Thanks for pointing that out ;D ;D
AND, we wouldn't have met all the lovely people here :'(  that would be a great loss

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by BraiderSC on Mar 10th, 2005 at 1:10am
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?
I have no idea...a year or so?
2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
Well, I used to grow it, cut it short, hate it, make Mom promise never to let me cut it again, grow it out, get tired of it, and cut it.(and all over again)  But that was when I was, oh, 9-12 years old, so I'm not sure if it counts...
3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what? no

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
I'm waistlength now, and don't want it much longer, so I guess I've reached the goal of having hair as long as i wanted it.
5. Why do you grow your hair?  Because it looks good long and I like it and nobody i know has long hair like mine.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?  I'm not actively trying to grow it anymore...

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)  whenever the ends start looking a little raggedy. (I like straight-across, full/thick ends).  When growing out I trimmed an inch or less about once a year.  Now I guess I'll have to trim more often since i don't want it much longer...

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair? To stop worrying about it, and don't trim off a fraction of an inch more that is absolutely necessary to maintain neat-looking ends.

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? yes, I think so.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project? no.  I did once, and posted it in the measure up thread, and since then I keep forgetting to measure again.  I can tell if my hair's getting longer by where it falls to on my jeans.

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by flaming_bunny on Mar 10th, 2005 at 5:21pm
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?
since about May of 2004

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
no...but this is the first time ive intentionally aimed for long hair.

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?
no, but im going to start taking a multivitamin soon...need....growth...!

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
no....still waiting on my first goal of classic before i go onto THE goal of knee length

5. Why do you grow your hair?
because having loooooooong hair will be so cool and very me, i look odd with short hair.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?
having my goal overnight would be boring...but i wouldnt say no to a guarenteed growth of 2" a month!  ;D

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)
i do microtrims every few months to tidy things up and do S&D sessions whenever i feel like it...i can go months without them but recently ive declared war on splits and have been trimming them everyday for over a week now  ::)

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
i'd say, look at me! ive got fine hair that looooves to split and get damaged but im still doing it!  8)

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady?
no, when i first started growing my hair it was 1/2" per month...now i get that every 2-3 months...it sucks royally.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
used to measure every month but it grew (no pun intended) depressing...now i measure every 3 months. it does help because this way i know how far off my goals and if i need to do anything extra for my hair (like take vitamens to boost growth  ::) )

Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Brad on Mar 14th, 2005 at 11:35pm

1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair? [glb]I always have long hair.  The last I got it cut was three years ago so I could have my natural hair color.[/glb]

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help? [glb]Yes, then after a while I go back to long as I like that best, more options.[/glb]

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what? [glb] I take a vitamin, don't know any tricks that could help my hair grow faster.[/glb]

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals?[glb]I never really had any , but to have long hair.[/glb] If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal? [glb]After finding this sight I do have a goal to the middle of my back, I measured my hair this evening and it is 221/2 inches long so I think another 5/6 inches till then, I think![/glb]

5. Why do you grow your hair? [glb]I like long hair you can do so much more with it than short, I love it curly, straight, up, down, ponys, buns..just about anything.[/glb]

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could? [glb]I never thought of it as fun till I found this sight, now I think it would be fun if I can get it to the middle of my back or waist lengh, never thought about that before.[/glb]

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions) [glb]I go between 8 and 10 weeks, sometimes I tell her I don't want but a tinch off the lengh and trim the rest, I want it long I tell her.[/glb]

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair? [glb] I would let them know all you can do with longer hair and growning it out isn't bad, they have barretts for the bangs and headband to keep it out of your face so you can keep growing to the lengh you won't need them anymore and before you know it you have long hair.[/glb]

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady? [glb]I think it grown pretty well as I notice after about 6weeks my hair is longer. Now that I think about it , last year Jan. 2004 my hair was to my shoulders , I'd say in a years time it has grown 5/6 inchs. If I didn't let some of the trims happen where she took an inch and a 1/4 off it would be longer.  I go home and say, she just took off what I grew.[/glb]

10. Do you measure your hair regularly?[glb] Tonight was my first time.[/glb] If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project? [glb]This will help me keep track as how fast it does grow. And the next time I go for a trim, I'll know just how much they do take off. ;D[/glb]


Title: Re: Growth Poll
Post by Ceridwen on Mar 15th, 2005 at 1:59am
1. How long have you intentionally grown your hair?
Um... *counts* 18 years?

2. Have you ever grown hair, but given in to an urge to cut? If yes, did cutting help?
Sort of...  I wacked off a good six inches once in middle school when the ends got icky and ropey...  Cried my eyes out for a week or two, but the ends look a lot better now as I've learned to take better care of them

3.Do you take any vitamins or use any "tricks" to enhance your hair growth? If yes, what?
Kind of...  I take cosamin, vitamin E, and fish oil for my osteoarthritis, and I've noticed it makes my hair and nails stronger too.  Dunno if it's faster, but definitely stronger.

4. Have you reached any of your hair growing goals? If yes, what did you do after you had reached your goal?
You know, I've never had a real goal beyond 'really long' before now.  Unless growing it out in elementary school counts.  I was SOOOO happy when I was first able to put it into pigtail braids, even if the back always came out.

Now, I'm going for classic.  And after that...  have I ever mentioned that I take my fashion sense from fairy tale princesses and victorian ladies?

5. Why do you grow your hair?
You know, I've never really thought... I guess I just feel prettier this way, more feminine.  I started growing to prove my parents wrong when they said I couldn't take care of it, and now it's just like a limb or something.  More than that, it's one of the few parts of my body with which I am genuinely pleased, which goes a long way towards helping me accept the bits of me I'm not so keen on.

6. Is growing hair fun, or would you like to get your goal length hair overnight, if you could?
Oh, I'd SO do it overnight!  I have recurring dreams where I can lengthen it just by tugging on the ends.

7.How often do you trim? (counting microtrims, but not search&destroy missions)
Um... two times a year?  Maybe three?  Only when the ends are knotting up too much.

8.How would you encourage someone who is starting to grow from very short and doesn't really believe that she can grow a long, healthy hair?
If you can put up with salons, blowdrying, and all the irritation that goes with short hair, you'll be fine.  You're just exchanging one kind of irritation for another.  

Get a bandana or fifty to keep that irritating in-between hair out of your nose and hang in there.  Once it passes your shoulderblades, it gets TONS easier.  And when your resolve begins to waver, do a google image search for long hair and remind yourself what you're aiming for.

9. Is your hair's growth rate steady?

Maybe?  I don't keep close enough track.

10. Do you measure your hair regularly? If yes, do you think that it helps your growing project?
For me, it just increases frustration when it doesn't go as fast as I want it to.  I prefer to concentrate on how healthy it's looking depending on what I do, and trying new hairdos as it gets longer, or reworking my old standbys (tie-it-in-a-knot-and-put-sticks-in-it, anyone?)

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