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Hairstyles and Styling >> Hair Care Product Reviews >> Nature's Gate Sea Kelp and Aloe Conditioner

Message started by Kaylin on Feb 16th, 2005 at 11:08pm

Title: Nature's Gate Sea Kelp and Aloe Conditioner
Post by Kaylin on Feb 16th, 2005 at 11:08pm
Just HAD to report on this product, as I didn't see anything mentioned in past threads.

I bought myself some of this conditioner (Used for chemically treated/ Dry/ Damaged hair) on Tuesday afternoon, and absolutely HAD to try it right away. Absolutely No -cones with this product, and very minimal preserving agents as well.
It smells a bit funny though, not nearly as nice as perhaps a comercially available products, but I think really that and the price is my only beef with it.
It actually looks like regular whitish conditioner out of the bottle, and you don't need much. I used a small bit and finger massaged it through my scalp and hair, then washed it out as best I could.

My hair felt great, even while wet, and it wasn't nearly as frizzy as it normally is, even when using regular tap water. (Generally speaking, we don't have hard water where I live, unless you're outside the city).

Lemme know if people are interested in what is listed as ingredients, and I will post them for you.


Title: Re: Nature's Gate Sea Kelp and Aloe Conditioner
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 17th, 2005 at 12:01am
Isn't it fun when you find something that works??

I'd guess that the kelp is what gives it the aroma.  :-/

Give us an update on how it works on the long run.

Title: Re: Nature's Gate Sea Kelp and Aloe Conditioner
Post by Kaylin on Feb 17th, 2005 at 2:35am

wrote on Feb 17th, 2005 at 12:01am:
Isn't it fun when you find something that works??

I'd guess that the kelp is what gives it the aroma.  :-/

Give us an update on how it works on the long run.

Will definately do. I just added a post in my own journal about adding it to henna as well.


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