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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Hair Color Remover?

Message started by AtlantisAllure on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 8:16am

Title: Hair Color Remover?
Post by AtlantisAllure on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 8:16am
I recently dyed my hair black with permanent haircolor. Its awful! I looked at some haircolor remover, but dont want to damage my hair any more than I have...I was just wondering how damaging it would really be?  Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you. :)

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by Sakina on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 12:10pm
Hi.  The color remover stuff is very nasty.  
I used permanent color on my hair for over a year and then decided to go back to my natural color.  My stylist only applied the remover partially, like highlights so we could blend the color out and then put a semiperm color over it.  My hair feels like straw (it's awful) and I think its a bit brittle.  Nothing like my hair usually is.
I don't know what advice to give, maybe getting some of the color removed like I did is the lesser of two evils.  Maybe cover your hair with a scarf for awhile?  I'm sorry you hate the result, but you could wind up loosing your length.
Good Luck!!!!!

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by bikerbraid on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 5:04pm
Sorry, no suggestions here just sympathy.  (((hugs)))

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by novusfemina on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 7:12pm
Eeek!  So sorry about that, but occasionally a color looks so great in the box, but when it's on your hair...

Well, let's not dwell on the mistake so much then as to how we can fix it!

Your best bet, if your natural color is say a light brown to dark brown; is to wait out at LEAST a week (you have to give your hair at least that much time to rebuild it's natural oils before you dye again) and re-dye your hair back to it's first state.  If you can stand it; let your hair get really, erm.. greasy before you re-dye.  It'll help with some of the damage.  Bear in mind, though, that it may take a series of gradual lighter dyes before you can get back to the original.  

The same might work if your a redhead, but I'm not sure how sucessful you'd be....

And if your hair is blonde, I'd only let a color specialist mess with it... just be very specific that you don't want your hair to be totally fried when it's said and done, but don't expect miracles.  Dyeing hair is always risky business.

*hugs*  Hang in there!  Lots of us have had mishaps with hair in one way shape or form, so we can all offer up some help, and always some sympathy.

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by styg on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 9:06pm
black is supposed to be UNREMOVABLE ... so i wouldn't even try to strip it cuze fried hair is for sure not any better.  :-/

but ... i dunno which developer you used but i use 80% of black in my color mix (also permanent) but i only use a 3% peroxide solution so although it looks pretty black at first, it's gradually washed out.

personally i'd wait a bit ... add baking soda to your shampoo and rinse with diluted ACV to restore pH balance ...  but stay cool and don't grab immediately to other chemicals, your hair might not approve.
or use one of those shampoos that give brown reflections ... i used them and they work.

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by eKatherine on Feb 4th, 2005 at 1:10am
Colorfix is supposed to be the least damaging.

I tried a L'Oreal product to remove the unnatural red stripe I had from when I first started coloring my hair. I can't recommend it. I don't think it actually damaged my hair, but it lifted the color a lot. It took a lot of doing to get it natural-looking again.

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by charmedpea on Mar 5th, 2005 at 10:15am
[/size][size=13]Hi ask your hairdresser about a product by rusk.. Called Elimin8.


Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by angeldrgn9 on Mar 7th, 2005 at 11:01pm
color removal can be pretty bad.. if it has bleach and whatnot .. there are a few products that are suppose to be good and not as harmful.. go to this sight and they have some stuff you could buy. i myself colored my hair black.. but it looks good..lol and i am just wanting to try something different, so i myself am going to check out one of these products.. it would be too expensive to go to a salon.. my hair gotes to my butt.. so... anyway. good luck. http://www.adiscountbeauty.com/page32.html

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by goldielocks on Mar 28th, 2005 at 7:56pm
hi hope you have had some sucsess with your hair adventure, rusk elema8 is a great product  a professional color person can remove artificial color with far less damage then  it used to do. i was recently trying to have someone put a tone in my hair that had become rather one dimensional due to over highlighting on long hair ,i was made a very dark dull red... i  hated it.. with agood hair colorist i am now a very natural highlighted blonde, of course my hair now needs weekly protien paks and high grade water soluble siliCon, paul mitchell is fab, i M NOW BACK TO MY OLD BLONDE SELF.. HOPE THIS HELPS

Title: Re: Hair Color Remover?
Post by charmedpea on Jun 14th, 2005 at 10:22pm
Another vote here for Rusk elimin8.  It pulls the color out with limited damage. but it is a professional product, it can only be bought by a professional. Black can me removed but will probably need to do it twice.


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