LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> face shapes

Message started by allisonrh on Jan 21st, 2005 at 12:23am

Title: face shapes
Post by allisonrh on Jan 21st, 2005 at 12:23am
Hey I'm pretty sure I have a round face , but please correct me if I'm wrong. And I wanted to get this cut

but I'm afraid it will make my face look fatter. Do you think that this cut will take weight off my face or add weight? and if not this cut can any show me a pic of a cut that takes weight off your face. But i wanna keep my length.

this is my pic. it's really upclose so you can see the shape of my face better!

Thanks everyone in advance!

Title: Re: face shapes
Post by eKatherine on Jan 21st, 2005 at 12:57am
It's really hard to see the shape of your face in such an extreme closeup. You have to scroll up and down, back and forth, and all you can see is each pore and freckle.

I had to download the picture and reduce it in order to see the shape of your face. Your face is not round, it is oval. It is the ideal shape of face to have any style of hair you wish.

Surely you know that this is a long hair board, and we're all going to try to convince you to grow longer, because we believe that all face shapes look best with long hair.

You'd look great in an updo.

Title: Re: face shapes
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 21st, 2005 at 10:23am
Such a pretty girl!

eKatherine is right - you have an oval face.  That cut would look fine on you.  Just remember that the cut would put lots of layers into your hair which would take quite a while to even out if you later decided you wanted your hair all one length.

You might also consider the texture of your hair.  That particular style looks best with hair that is stick straight and the hair itself is thick to give it that "stiff" look.  If you have fine hair that does not stay straight, your "look" will not be the same.

Good luck with what ever you decide.

Title: Re: face shapes
Post by styg on Jan 21st, 2005 at 4:09pm
i think that on the contrary it wil slim the face cuze it falls partly over the cheeks ... i always thought that such cuts give more voluminous faces as well (i have a very fine face) but i've had something of the sort and i think creating volume around the face with layers actually narrowed my face! another misconception of stylists. so if you like that cut and want a narrowed face, go ahead i'd say  ;D

Title: Re: face shapes
Post by styg on Jan 21st, 2005 at 4:11pm
but maybe without the bangs ... usually if you don't cut bangs they will either cut the shortest framing strands until your mouth or chin (i hate the mouth length cuze you can't pull it behind your ears ... and it even shortens cuze hair is cut on wet hair which is longer)

Title: Re: face shapes
Post by allisonrh on Jan 22nd, 2005 at 7:40pm
someone told me to ask for wispys/layers in the front that hit an inch or two above my chin (mid cheek) and angle them inward. would this be a good idea, or should i just cut my hair like the picture?

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