LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Oh So Fine >> Can Fine get Frizzy?

Message started by Sara on Jan 16th, 2005 at 1:57am

Title: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by Sara on Jan 16th, 2005 at 1:57am
My hair is fine, but it gtes frizzy if its not conditioned. People tell me that peple with fine hair dont gte frizzy. Is this true? Or do I have naothe rhair type?

Title: Re: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by strawberryfine on Jan 16th, 2005 at 2:41am
My hair is definately fine and it does get frizzy.  Usually it is confined to the top surface hair, the front hairline, and down the part.

You may have some natural wave or body or even curls in your hair that you are not yet aware of.  Keep reading as much as you can here.  There is a wealth of information and when you have a question, ask.

Everyone here is so helpful.



Title: Re: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 16th, 2005 at 5:54pm
My fine hair has frizz tendancies too.  I try to tame them a bit with a little jojoba oil on my hands and just run them over may hair to smooth out the firzzy ends.

Title: Re: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by Babyfine on Jan 16th, 2005 at 6:49pm
Defineatly!!! I have very fine hair and it frizzzzs especially in humidity.  However, I've learned to fight
frizz by-
Using a microfiber towel to dry my hair
Keeping hair moisturized (More CO washing and shampooing just once a week)
Frizz-ease REALLY helps my hair, but it's loaded with
silicones if your're trying to avoid them.  Beauty without
Cruelty leave in is a good 'cone free product that tames
my frizzes.  
Oiling with Jojoba oil.

Title: Re: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by Sara on Jan 16th, 2005 at 10:47pm
Oh thank goodness I'm not alone. It gets very wet here and when I go out (if my hair isn't braided) it gets frizz...not fair). Yes, yesterday I tried COing and oiling up with olive oil (I almost felt it was a waste though because I could have used that with spagetti...), however my hair is nice and un-frizzy! Thank you guys for your help, and I'll be sure to look around more.
Oh and my hair does have some natural wave to it ;).

Title: Re: Can Fine get Frizzy?
Post by UP_Lisa on Jan 21st, 2005 at 3:21pm
My hair is very fine and very straight.  It doesn't frizz no matter what, but I certainly get static and flyaways.

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