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Message started by Galadriel on Jan 10th, 2005 at 8:04am

Title: HairStick Poll
Post by Galadriel on Jan 10th, 2005 at 8:04am
I'm clearly in a poll-making mood and haven't yet seen a hairstick poll here.

1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks?
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks?
4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands?
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like?
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other?
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...)
8. How many is enough?
9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club?
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks?
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks?
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks?

My answers:

1.I have currently 6 pairs of quality hairsticks (and three more pairs ordered), and maybe 10 or so pairs/individual cheap sticks
2.Wood and bone- as long as they are enameled.
3. My cheap sticks are bought from local stores. Quality ones are from LL and Maiden's Treasures.
4.No, unless it signifies quality. My favorite brands are LL and MT. I'm planning to buy a Quattro stick though.
5.My quality collection is still so small that I try to buy sticks that suit both my hair color and clothes- ones that I can wear often. When my collection grows, I might just buy something because I find it beautiful.
6. Probably lampwork beads, though all are beautiful in their own way.
7. I don't have a favorite style-yet.
8.No idea. But I know that the limit is much more than 9 pairs.  ;D
9. Yes
10. When my hair was shorter, I couldn't make hairdos using them, just use them as decorations. That problem has now solved naturally.
    Another problem was when I ordered plain wooden sticks from MT. They were too smooth to stay in my hair. This problem I solved by enameling them at home. Easy job, and it resulted excellent, wearable hairsticks.
11.Cinnamon bun.
12. They're part of my everyday style. I use all my hairsticks in both everyday and special events- even simplest quality sticks are beautiful enough for both uses. In special events, I just do a more elaborate updo.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 10th, 2005 at 11:06am
1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)        I have more sticks than I can count in my head.  I'll have to update this after I get home an count them all!
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks?
I don't think I have a favorite material - I love wood for everyday wear, I love stainless steel for wet bunning, bone and glass are great for dressy looks.
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks? LongLocks, ebay, craft fairs.
4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands? Brand isn't as important as quality.  Of course, once you find good quality, you keep buying from the same place!  I have LongLocks (of course!!), Papa Don's, keyto, Quattro, Argus, Wilyumswood/graydog, Raz.
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like?  YES!
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other? Lampwork beads are my most favorite, followed by cloisonne, and anything handcrafted.
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...) Simple, understated, with class
8. How many is enough?  You can never have too many
9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club? of course!
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks? nope
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks?  figure 8
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks? I wear my hair in a figure 8 most days.  I wore my hair in the same style for my son's wedding.  I dress up the style with the type of hairsticks I use.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by nightowl on Jan 10th, 2005 at 3:27pm
I love your polls, Galadriel!

This one will take a bit more concentration, (and I'll need to go count my sticks!)

I'll come back later with responses ;D


Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by styg on Jan 10th, 2005 at 4:09pm

1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks) 3 LL pairs, 2 dressy tresses pairs and 1 cheap pair of plastic ones of which one stick is broken by now.
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks? definetely not plastic! all the others i have are bone, and i like them (naked or with enamel, but if they have sharp edges there has to be enamel for sure)
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks? see question 1. the plastic ones came from a local shop that sells cheap jewelry mainly.
4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands? euh ... apparently it ha more to do with the fact they are handmade if they are quality and neat. and from all i have seen LL stays a fave but of course you also pay for that quality. other handmade ones are nice too but if they are cheaper ... well you just know why they are cheaper lol.
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like? i have dark hair in which most sticks fit in my opinion. and i wear 95% black so there's no problem either! i both like sticks that have radically different colors from the hair color (bright colors, white ... ) or more sober and dark ones.
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other? i am not sure what all of those are lol but i am very impressed by lampwork beads ... it just looks way more sophisticated than ordinary crystals. but crystals shine more which is nice too.
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...) i don't have a fave one really.
8. How many is enough?euh ... i am far away from enough still!
9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club? of course
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks? i still have problems with "sewing" a stick through a bun, and that's why i just don't do it, stays ok lwithout it too, just can't make really flat buns let's say.
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks? oh, many, any bun variation, shortened pony tail (that i finally managed to do in very greasy hair but i have still to figure how to balance better the weight of the hair cuze i find it pulls too much), and i am close to being able at least to do the french twist pony which can be nicely dressed with sticks too.
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks? let's say i use also daily the very dressy looking LL sticks (why locking up such great sticks?) but i will do more elaborate buns or variations for a more festive look.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Anais Satin on Jan 10th, 2005 at 4:16pm
Heehee another Galadriel poll! ;D

1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)
2 pairs
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks? Dymondwood
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks? Mamacat
4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands?
brand doesn't matter, Mamacat carves them personally.
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like? I look for things that have contrast in my hair.
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other? none
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...) tight corkscrew shape
8. How many is enough? 1 pair, but that doesn't mean I'm not getting more.
9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club? not yet
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks? yes, straight ones don't stay, slightly screwy ones don't stay either, crimped ones don't stay either.
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks? cinnabun, half-up cinnabun
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks?
I only use one pair regularly, so it's for both, and works for both because it's a lovely polished wood.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by nightowl on Jan 12th, 2005 at 11:55pm
1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)
28 pairs
8 individual
3 pair on the way

2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks?
slender carved bone sticks

3. Where do you buy your hairsticks?
ONLY from Susan's LongLocks HairSticks Boutique!

4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands?
Not brand, but quality.  My sis introduced me to Susan's catalog - and I'm afraid everything else just pales by comparison - I'd never tried hair sticks before ordering my first pair from her - and I'll never go back to wearing my hair without them! ;D

5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like?
I only wear white dresses/shoes for work - and love 'anti-white' (as I fondly call black) when off work:wearing black skirt/shoes and black or colored tops.  When off work (they do give me days off once in a while - ha ha) I like to match what I'm wearing - When working - well  -  my hairsticks are my "stab" at individuality and color - so - anything goes!

6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other?
Hmmm...... Have MANY favorites - but as an avid rockhound - I think I like the gem-stick top beads the most.  Or - any opaque/milky glass.  I have a pair I'm particularly fond of with opaque pistachio green colored beads.My very favorite pair have large color-changing teardrop shaped beads that turn from lavender to pale blue in different lighting.

7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...)
Love anything old fashioned, LOVE the beauty of deco sticks (though not much of the sticks show when in my elaborate buns), Love the natural beads in gem sticks. Love anything Susan makes due to the sheer artistry of them.

8. How many is enough?
enough?...... ENOUGH???? :o
Hmmmmmm..... Do you mean there is a limit to hair stick ownership - Gads - perish the thought!

9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club?
Of course!
Wish I lived on the other coast - I'd be dropping by the studio and snapping them up as soon as the enamel dried!  (note to self: plan vacation to susan's hometown) ha ha

10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks?
On my days off have tendancy (if not going out of house) to wear a more casual up-do.... Not placing the sticks as securely - Running down stairs with a loose 'do' sometimes leads to hair stick flying and me leaping to save them (with little thought for personal safety - ha ha) ... it's the old slippery hair syndrome.

11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks?
I think every hairstyle is improved by adding hairsticks!  Latest fav is a vertical flat figure 8, (laid out into an 8, not a bun with one side flipped over) secured by rapunzel sticks.

12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks?
I've worn them every day (with very few exceptions - when sick in bed, etc) Since I purchased the first pair in 2003.  I recommend it highly for improved hair health and growth.  The health - well - less wind whipping, less brushing/tangling, less moisture lost, Able to keep more oil on hair without anyone noticing.....  The growth part - well - I so seldom see my hair "down" - it has been a constant surprise - "oh, my - it is really growing, isn't it?!".... Can't wait to measure on February 1 - and see just how fast my hair does grow!

Thanks for thinking up the fun polls, Galadriel!
Please keep them coming! ;D


Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by BrunnetteTexan on Jan 13th, 2005 at 12:48am
Oooh another fun poll.  I love these!!

1.  I have two sets of LL hairsticks and several cheapies that seems to disappear and then reappear in my son's room.

2.  I love hairsticks made out of bone or wood, they stay in my hair the best.

3.  My favorite place to buy sticks is from Susan but I also compulsively check out the hair accessory section of any store I am in.

4.  Brand doesn't matter to me but quality does.  My hair is very fine so I don't want something that is going to mess it up.

5.  I buy any hair sticks that appeal to me.

6.  My favorite topping is anything natural.  I think pearls and natural stones look more expensive. I don't really care for crystals as the main topper but as an accent there are ok.  

7.  I don't really like the FuturiSticks or the HoloSticks but I like everything else

8.  Ummmm...if you fill up your house or your husband threatens to divorse you, you might be getting close to enough hairsticks

9.  I am a member of the LL club

10.  I ran across a post here that described how to make a bun with sticks and nothing else, since then, no problems

11.  I'll put hairsticks in any style

12.  I wear hairsticks all the time, even to Karate class, they hold better than any clip I've ever owned.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by greek_lady on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 3:38pm
1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)
Ummmm I am too embarassed to admit that in public :-[ :-[ :-[. I mostly have pairs, but I have individuals too, including the geishas. Oh, and I have bought about 20 for gifts for my longer-haired girl friends and they went bananas over them too!
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks?
I haven't got anything but bone yet. I have ordered a couple from MaidensTreasure site to try out the straight wood sticks, but haven't received them and so I don't really know. So far I prefer bone over spiral wood
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks?
LL of course! 99,9% of my sticks are from Susan's site. I *did* order once from dressytresses' site when I wanted to go travelling and was afraid of losing Susan's jewels, but the sticks from that site got undone the very first day I wore them. So I never went back there.
4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands?
Brand means nothing to me per se, but hairsticks *mean* LL to me!
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like?
All of the above
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other?
I love sparkle! So I love dichroics and rhinestone beads, but I also love crystals, some lampwork, some sterlings. Not crazy about cloisonne, but I do like a couple
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...)
I looooove geishas (with the dangling beads), swings (smaller dangles), I love fantasys and gossamers (ahem) Decos (the decoupage paper ones) and some sterlings. Oh I *do* love originals too! Simplicity has a beauty of its own!
8. How many is enough?
Hello, my name is greek_lady and I am a hairsticks junkie :-[ :-[ :-[
Luckily I have no husband yet. I dread the day a husband will come along and count them!!

9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club?
I did join after my first five sticks
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks?
I *have* been known to drop some and even had one blown off my hair in a gale a couple of days ago  :'( :'( Oh and one got stuck in my mouth once! :o
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks?
I wear my hair down. So I just use one stick to weave it through my hair and keep half of it out of my face, which partly explains #11 above  :-[
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks?
I wear hairsticks every day since finding out about sticks and LL back in July. In the begining I was wearing buns, but I *hate* buns with a vengeance. They remind me of the nuns at school. So I just wear them down and I use more sparkly or dressy sticks for special occasions

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Rapunzel on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 4:34pm
I was just alerted to this thread and I gotta tell ya, it's a REALLY fun one for me to read!

Greek Lady is being extremely modest, as she is by *far* my most avid collector.  There are a whole lotta women out there who own more of my sticks than even *I* do, but they all PALE in comparison to her!  As a matter of fact, she sent me a kudo the other day which I'm pretty sure she did just to bust on me and force me to post all her designs on the site, LOL!  Which by the way, I *might* get done by 2010 since I never have time to do any of the *fun* stuff anymore :P

So... are you ready for her numbers?  I actually counted them all.  Including Special Orders (all of which she hasn't received yet) and not including her pending custom designs, Greek Lady owns:


:::drumroll getting louder and faster:::

:::drumrolll is deafening:::

:::throwing a little fanfare in:::

:::dancing ladies doing their thing:::


328 pairs of LongLocks HairSticks.

She has earned 52 free LongLocks HairSticks Collectors Club gift certificates and has used 33 of them (though I'm not sure I was a good gurl and marked them all).

Oh yeah... Greek Lady MEANS it when she says she is an addict, LOL!  But I gotta tell ya, her appreciation of them really makes it worth all the hard work to keep up with her :)

So... any challengers?  :x

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by eKatherine on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 4:40pm
Holy Toledo!

:o   :o   :o  

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by styg on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 4:49pm
jeezes!! she has an extra job just to pay her sticks??  :o

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Rapunzel on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 5:03pm
I like to fantasize that she is a descendent of Greek royalty but she assures me she isn't :D

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Galadriel on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 5:09pm
And here I was thinking that I've been growing my LL stick collection pretty fast   ::)

That's very impressive. I hope that one day she posts her collection somewhere where we all can admire them.
;D *says a baby addict*

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by styg on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 5:14pm
personal update:
*i couldn't resist today and for once not all the overnight posted LL sticks were sold so i have another pair of LL sticks coming ( Pink Anthurium)!
*i also ordered a week or so ago 5 pairs of MT sticks (thank you galadriel! it were sales and they were just too cheap not to dig into! one pair is for my mother).
*and i also ordered 4 of ric's wooden hair forks. do those count too?

i think i am going to stop for a while cuze i still have to buy my henna/indigo/amla herbs in bulk  8)

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by greek_lady on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:31pm
:-[ :-[ :-[
I knew I was into 3 digits, but not that. Honestly I hadn't realised myself.:-[
I have been collecting stuff from as far back as I remember. And I had to sell off an entire collection that I had lost interest into, to partly fund my hairsticks collection (that was a Swatch watches collection, collectors' stuff and all). Plus I am actually getting a second job from Feb 1st so you got it correct there! Most important of all I do wear my hairsticks all the time. In fact it's the only kind of jewel I wear at all, except a watch.  
Susan's sticks have really *clicked*, if you know what I mean.

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by greek_lady on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:33pm
Oh and Styg YOU are the one that beat me to that AWESOME flower stick!!! :o :D

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by bikerbraid on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 8:28pm
Greek Lady,

I bow down to you.  You are amazing.  How do you even decide which pair to wear?  I have such a hard time deciding and I have nothing compared to you.  (However, I have been known to mix and match the sticks I have - especially when I can't decide!)

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by LynneTyson on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 9:49pm
1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks)

67 pair of the LL sticks (2 more on the way) 5 single sticks. 1 pair from Greydog, and 4 pair cheap-o`s

2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks?

Bone or wood

3. Where do you buy your hairsticks?

I like Susans the best.

4. Does brand matter to you? What are your favorite brands?

Quality matters more than brand

5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like?

At first I matched my clothes, now I just buy what I like.

6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other?

I love the lampwork beads!

7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...)

I like them all.

8. How many is enough?

You can never have to many hairsticks!

9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club?

Yes, and what a nice thing to give us!

10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks?

No, I use them with and without a rubberband.

11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks?

Sloppy bun is my fav.

12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks?

I use them every day.

A big "you go girl"  to the Greek Lady, treat yourself well,,,you`re worth it!

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by styg on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 10:31pm

wrote on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:33pm:
Oh and Styg YOU are the one that beat me to that AWESOME flower stick!!! :o :D

:P :P :P you probably beat me on fifty other pairs !!! hi hi
(the fanciest ones i saw though were gone (those first nice lily special edition pair, i was rather happy susan posted a nice and cheaper version of it)

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Galadriel on Jan 24th, 2005 at 3:54am

It seems that quite many of us like especially designs with lampwork beads...maybe that's why Special Editions designs sell so fast.

Good news for Rapunzel: our beautiful hairsticks aren't gathering dust in our closets, many have answered that they wear hairsticks daily.

My personal hairstick collection goal is to collect until I have a perfectly suiting pair for every occassion, every season and every mood. I'm a complex person, so I guess that means a lot of hairsticks. ;D

*sends Rapunzel creativity vibes*

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by greek_lady on Jan 24th, 2005 at 3:46pm
I still haven't got all of my sticks, so the situation is still manageable. ;) But I have them in rolls according to colours. I was never one to wear make up or fuss in front of the mirror every morning, but now I do spend a little time going through them, lol.
Actually it is I that bows down to you for your achievements. I may not post, but I do lurk and your biking feats are waaaaay beyond me!
Oh, and I just LOOOVE your Lollipops!

Thank you! We ALL deserve our small, hard-earned luxuries.  :)
Btw what is the name of that gorgeous jewel you wear in your profile photo? It accentuates your hair colour so nicely!!!

That awesome pair you wear in the photo of your profile may be Pink Poppy???? If yes, you beat me to it, too  ;) Awesome!

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by Sakina on Jan 24th, 2005 at 6:11pm
Guess I'll chime in, now that I've actually counted my hairsticks...

1. How many hairsticks do you have? (please separate pair and individual sticks) 43 pair plus 3 individual
2. What is your favourite material for hairsticks? Anything Susan makes
3. Where do you buy your hairsticks? LongLocks.com
4. Does brand matter to you? Yes.  What are your favorite brands? Long Locks
5. Do you buy hairsticks that match your hair color, the color of your clothes or both, or do you just buy what you like? All of the above.
6. What is your favourite topping: crystals, lampwork beads, dichroid (sp?) beads, cloisonne/enameled beads, some other?
Lampwork, crystals & gems, cloisonne in that order
7. Describe shortly your favorite hairstick style (eg. modern, natural, swingstix...) Can't pick just one, but am particularly partial to the swingstix :)
8. How many is enough? Impossible to answer.
9. Are you a member of LL Collector's Club? Yep.
10. Have you ever had problems with using hairsticks? I did break the tip off of one stick, at first I didn't know about weaving them into the hair so one fell out and broke :'(
11. What is your favourite hairstyle with hairsticks? Bun, 1/2 pony bun, tucked up french braid
12. Do you use hairsticks on special occassions or are they part of your everyday style? If latter, is there difference between your everyday and special occassion hairsticks? I try to wear them everyday, but if I plan on doing headstands I leave them out.  All occassions are special if I'm wearing Susan's sticks!

Title: Re: HairStick Poll
Post by styg on Jan 24th, 2005 at 10:00pm

wrote on Jan 24th, 2005 at 3:46pm:

That awesome pair you wear in the photo of your profile may be Pink Poppy???? If yes, you beat me to it, too  ;) Awesome!

yes, they are, but they were up there for ages!! now even the special editions seem to fly out the door right away.

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