LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> Fire Hair >> Red and Green for Christmas

Message started by strawberryfine on Dec 4th, 2004 at 3:40pm

Title: Red and Green for Christmas
Post by strawberryfine on Dec 4th, 2004 at 3:40pm
Happy Holidays, All!

I was just thinking... Autumn is a great season for redheads with all the beautiful foliage surrounding our hair, but Christmas time is great, too! 8)

Wear green earrings with your red hair, maybe Christmas earrings or jingle bells
or--red  and green hairsticks
or--green holly leaves, silk, in your updo
or--green tinsel
or--a green silky scarf in your hair
or--green satin ribbon in your hair (or velvet)
and--green clothing to match your hair accessories!

Anymore ideas?  Anyone?

Title: Re: Red and Green for Christmas
Post by Spaceybabe on Dec 26th, 2004 at 5:48pm
I always go mad at christmas with festive accessories, this year I braided green tinsel in my two braids that I wore on Christmas eve, it looked great!
I painted cocktail sticks with red and green nailpolish and stuck them all over a bun I wore on Christmas Day and today, (Boxing day) I wore a topknot with two scrunchies wound round it, one red and one green. It elicited many comments, not all of them positive! :)
Even my dog had a plastic mistletoe accesory in her ponytail.  :)

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