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Chit Chat >> Personal Hair Journals >> Galadriel's hair http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1099471681 Message started by Galadriel on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 6:48am |
Title: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 6:48am
This journal will be most interesting. My hair is now just a few centimeters below my shoulder line, so it will be a long wait before I'm happy with its length.
So far, I have survived more than a year of bad hair care and still have a reasonably thick bunch of healthy hair. I have survived the annoying time from growing my hair from stub to shoulder-length, months when it kept falling to my eyes and looked ugly and outgrown short style and almost an entire year when it hung somewhere around my chin, formless and didn't suit at all to my face. For over a year I have managed to keep my hair on an updo, and have learned several updo styles in the process. That about my past and to the present. From now on the growth of my hair will be less easy to notice, but the whole looks better. I have learned to be gentle for my hair and I just imagine, that my hair has started to look happier lately. I am trying to invent a working way to make a French Twist, but so far I have been unsuccessful. No matter how many days it is from my previous hair wash or how many styling products and hair pins I use- the hair just doesn't stay where I've put it for longer than half an hour. It's frustrating. But buns secured with a bun net are easy, as well as some others securely pinned styles. And I really like the way my hair looks: golden and shiny. My goals: I want to have a long hair. Waist length is the longest one I can imagine on myself right now, but I don't think it will necessarily be the end. I just haven't ever seen anyone in RL with a hair longer than that. :( |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 11:58am
I look forward to hearing your tails of your growing hair.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 4th, 2004 at 4:47am
Guess what I found from my mailbox yesterday, almost right after I had ended my session here? My first pair of Longlocks hair sticks had arrived!
They were lovely! I'm not good with inch system, so they were a bit shorter than I had excepted, but so beautiful! Really from a different planet than all my other hairsticks. I'm wearing one stick right now, and am probably unable to take it off from my hair until the next shipment (which I haven't ordered yet) arrives. I guess I have found out what to do with the money that I save from not partying or drinking booze. :) As I played with my hair, I also decided to oil it for the first time with jojoba oil. My hair was shiny before, but now I almost except that it will glow in the dark. ;D I also performed split end check and the situation seems so good that I don't need to trim my hair this month as I had planned. More money to spend in hairsticks. So, all in all, yesterday was a very good hair day. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 10th, 2004 at 6:35am
I guess I didn't look well enough in my last split end check or then in a couple of days something really weird has occurred...because I've spotted so many of them after that.
I've started a war against them, and have promised to myself that until situation shows some real improvement, I'll cut every day at least 30 split ends. I've been doing that for a few days now, and yesterday, it was still more like 50 before I gave up. :( But it would be so great if I succeeded and would not have to go to trim for a while. Besides split ends, my hair is in good condition to the ends so there's still hope. A little, anyway. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Nov 10th, 2004 at 3:52pm
That's a great idea about trimming a certain # of splits each day. I just can't ever find the time to sit down for several hours and do it.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 13th, 2004 at 9:47am
To trim 30 split ends doesn't take terribly time. :) I've done it every day.
Besides Split End War I have started Braiding project. My goal is to learn to make a crown braid to myself (I'm going to have my spouse to learn it too, but I have a doubt that I might be the one to learn it faster). As I have a short-haired history, the only braid I've mastered so far is the standard braid. And I wear it only at night- it's way too short to look anything but pitiful. I've tried to French braid my hair a few times, but haven't succeeded. So,today I've tried second time to make a crown braid. It went much better than the first time! I tried it after shower with damp hair, and managed to braid more than one quarter before the braid became too loose. ;D I ended my braiding session by managing to make myself a pretty, even Dutch Braid. It succeeded beautifully on the first try (in my whole life), so I'm very happy! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Nov 13th, 2004 at 3:03pm
Very cool about the crown braid. I am also working on them, and last nights was the best I've had so far. Once you master the crown braid, you'll have no problems with french braids.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 14th, 2004 at 7:02am
I think that once I master the crown braid, I won't ever have problems with any braid ;D. I haven't tried crown braid today, but I managed to do classic braid (two Dutch braids, lifted to a bun at the back of my head). It looks very cool and very complicated. Makes my hair look longer too. :)
Starting the Braiding Project was very good idea. Trying to practice Crown I've almost accidentally managed to find many pretty ways to do my hair just in a couple of days. I guess, that once you set your mind to what you are learning, you also learn faster. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 15th, 2004 at 4:04am
Tried crown braid again. It just doesn't seem to work. I start from lower section left and start braiding upwards from there, but handling my hair when doing that is so difficult. I can't make the braid tight enough, or even control it...if nothing else happens, the hair that hangs downwards when I'm trying to braid upwards, gets on the way.
Or then there's just some minor detail that I don't get- could be that too, since I don't have any trouble in doing regular French or Dutch braids. Must keep on trying... My hair has grown! I've imagined that it's just about 2 inches below shoulder line, but yesterday evening I just looked in the mirror and I tell you- it's more like 4 inches below shoulder line, well on its way to BSL. ;D When has this happened? I still continue trimming 30 split ends a day (or more, when I have time& energy). And every day there are always more and I don't even have to look for them much. So that project is very much still continuing. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Nov 15th, 2004 at 2:18pm
Galadriel, I don't know if you have tried this yet but it has made my crown braids look much better. When you divide your hair into your 4 quadrants, start at the section over your left ear (or right if your left handed). Mine still aren't good enough to leave the house in, but at least they resemble a crown braid now.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 19th, 2004 at 7:46am
Thanks, Valerie! I will try your advice! :)
I just made a post to "help" board. As the title there says, split hairs are everywhere. I've trimmed hundreds of them so far, and there's no end in sight. I'm feeling desperate and my hair is just a big, yellow bunch of problems. My hair has also static, and jojoba oil doesn't seem to help much to that. Hope that someone will be able to help me... The only happy thing in my hair life is, that I completed my second order from Longlocks boutique today. ;D Soon I will be a happy owner of three new pairs of hairsticks. EDIT: 50 split ends hunted down today. :'( What have I done to my hair to make it do this? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 20th, 2004 at 2:12pm
I'm still unhappy with my hair. More than 50 splits trimmed today. :(
Besides that, I've done everything I can to make my hair become more tolerable: I vinegar rinsed it and gave it a nice hair mask that has always made it feel better. While washing my hair, I realized that I don't have to do that every other day anymore. I remember, when I had shorter hair and it looked awfully dirty if I had for some reason keep it unwashed for two days. Not anymore! I think I might be able to keep it even three days unwashed...but then I think I should start applying rosewater to avoid the unwashed smell. Anyway, I think it is a good change, as my hair somehow has started to feel better with it. :) Now, if I only could get rid of all those splits... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 21st, 2004 at 8:34am
First day when I didn't find 30 split hairs quickly. :) I hope, I hope, I hope so much that this is a sign of success.
After yesterday's pampering my hair feels really nice and soft. And thick. I measured round my ponytail and it's now 8 cm (little more than 3 inches). And I still have some hair that's not long enough to get in. :) I read from the newspaper that US dollar is weak compared to Euro. My first thought was: "But that means that I can afford more LL hairsticks!". ::) I'm addicted. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 23rd, 2004 at 4:24am
Oh no it wasn't. Splits are still there in great numbers. Today I cut more than 50. Do they multiply during night or are there just thousands of them? Again, I'm a bit depressed. But stubborn.
I bought some rosewater yesterday. I plan to use it against unwashed smell, but the label also said that it's good against dryness (of skin, but I bet that same goes for hair). I pray that it's so, because my hair tells me that it's not very happy about rabid cooling of weather (it's winter now, decents amount of snow and everything). I believe it behaves just because I've been extra nice to it lately. Today, it's second day after washing my hair. It should be dirty, but it's not. Actually, it feels perfectly ok. I'll see the situation at night when I take down my bun- if the hair doesn't still look very dirty, I'm going to do something really radical- wait for tomorrow before washing. :o Wouldn't that be strange. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by strawberryfine on Nov 23rd, 2004 at 4:43am
Hi Galadriel,
That is a great idea about using rosewater on your scalp. I just tried it and it feels and smells wonderful! What is a crown braid? I'd really like to know. Good journal~ 8) strawberryfine |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 23rd, 2004 at 7:25am
See www.dreamweaverbraiding.com . Crown braid is a braid that goes around your head looking like a crown. Very beautiful and very difficult to master- at least on yourself.
I will certainly continue practicing it- right when all my hair time isn't spent in trimming splits. I received an email that told that my hairstick order has been shipped. Now starts bouncing! I'm so excited. Of course, I just had to peek to boutique site and there's a lovely pair of hairsticks. I hope (against all odds) that nobody else likes them and they will still be there when I have the chance to shop next time. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 25th, 2004 at 6:48am
Yesterday I went to Rammstein's concert (yes...my taste with music is weird), and besides the concert, I got some good long hair sigthings. Top ones were the first classic length hair I have ever seen- in good condition, and one girl had a BSL hair with most lovely texture. It wasn't thick but not thin either. It looked very dense, shiny with only little volume and looked so silky and flowing that I was in awe. I almost asked, what she has done to achieve such a beautiful hair.
Also, I got lots of evidence for my belief that coloring damages long hair. There were lots of people with long, colored hair. None of them looked really healthy, and some looked totally fried. Back to my own hair. I really think that I'm making some progress with split hairs. I might don't have to trim every day for the rest of my life! After washing cigarette smell out of my hair, I tried oiling it wet. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Nov 27th, 2004 at 5:20pm wrote on Nov 25th, 2004 at 6:48am:
I'm going to have to do that tomorrow. We went out yesterday, and are again tonight (truly bizarre for us!), and although it is great to catch up w/ friends I had forgotten how awful the cigarette smell in my hair/clothes gets. Hopefully leaving it up helps some. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 29th, 2004 at 5:34am
I think that oiling dry might work a bit better with me, at least now when the ends are extremely dry and brittle. This week, I'm going to see my hairstylist and get rid of worst damaged stuff (and hopefully some split ends). Then I'd have only to deal with those hairs that have been split from higher up. ::) Oh, if they ever found a Horror Hair Museum, I might donate some of my hairs there- during my split end project I've found some really scary specimens, like hairs that have been split from 15 cm (6 in) the end and produced 4-5 split "threads" in the process. And most of my individual hairs are thin...
Perhaps my hair type is easily damaging, but still I wonder, how can I have caused all this damage. Can harsh brushing and tangling really do that? To turn away from hair horror stories...I've really fallen in love with rose water. Besides its scent, it seems to moisturize my hair wonderfully and give it incredibly soft finish. I've used it quite freely when combing my hair and managed to spend quite a big portion of the bottle. I also bought VO5 hot oil pack. I'm going to take hot oil treatment at hairstylist, but I've planned to try it a little later. I didn't find anyone's experiences about the product from boards here, so I guess I'll get to be the test animal. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 30th, 2004 at 7:47am
As I revealed secrets of my style in other thread, I thought to share with you my LL shopping list- things that I should get as fast as I can spare money for them.
I already have one pair of pink GossamerStix and two pairs of BridalStix and one pair of silvery SpiralStix are on their way. So I still need... One more pair of white hairsticks. Because neither of my BridalStix is all-white. *nodnod* Two pairs of brown sticks with some simple crystals. I wear brown nearly every day, so these are a big necessity. One pair of black sticks, perhaps in SterlingStix style. Or with some gorgeous lampwork beads. Black I don't wear daily...that's why I need just one pair. For now. One pair of DecoStix. Just because they are so gorgeous. One pair of green sticks. In any style. Because I like green. One pair of FuturiStix. The style is too cool. One pair of violet sticks. Violet is a good color too. That's my plan for the starters. *wonders how long it will take to collect all this* ;D But as you can see, I absolutely need these. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by strawberryfine on Nov 30th, 2004 at 10:18pm
I will be your most staunch enabler! I feel certain that you do indeed NEED everyone of those hairsticks and probably some you haven't thought of or seen yet! Now, I gotta go make MY list! I've been using the heck out of rosewater lately, too. Doesn't it just make you feel all pampered? Can't wait to hear about your hairsticks when you get them! strawberryfine |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 1st, 2004 at 7:15am
Thanks for encouragement! I think you're right...I have this nagging feeling that everything I need was not included in the list ;D . But I guess I recognize the missing ones when I see them.
And then to the big news. I received my new hairsticks! I was mentally prepared that they wouldn't come before next week, and was so surprised to find that they had arrived. The shipping was even faster than last time! ;D I put one pair aside, to wait for Christmas Eve. Then I opened the two wrappings. And stared. Touched the sticks to make sure that they were real. And then stared some more. I had tried to imagine, what they would look like, but when I actually saw them, I realized that I had managed to underestimate them both. Silvery SpiralSticks just slip into my hair, and suddenly I have a securely attached bun. Nothing short of miraculous with my slippery hair. Their color matches with everything and anything and the beads with silver foil inside look just amazing. I guess that these are going to be my most used hairsticks! BridalSticks are even more beautiful, so beautiful that they really don't match with everything I wear. But they match with my plentiful white shirts, so they aren't going to gather dust either. Opaque white aurora borealis crystals are among the most beautiful crystals imaginable...a still photo doesn't do them justice at all. If you imagine freshly fallen snow shaped into a crystal you'll get some idea of what I'm talking about. Perfect winter hair ornaments! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by strawberryfine on Dec 1st, 2004 at 6:39pm
Oooh! I can almost smell the tissue paper!
They sound gorgeous. Can't wait to see some pictures of them in your hair! strawberryfine |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 2nd, 2004 at 8:58am
Getting pictures might take some time since I haven't yet got a digicam of my own. I always plan to buy it, but my budget is a limited student budget and when I have money to spare, there's always something more urgent to buy...like hairsticks ::)
I have still trimmed split hairs daily by dozens. But I really feel that the situation is improving: it's harder to find new splits than before, and many of them are hairs splitted from high, so they are harder to notice. Otherwise, my hair looks and feels really good, and I don't ever remember it being this soft except right after hot oil treatment at hair salon. I've got rid of static- I just started using more rosewater. Or then my hair has just got accustomed to winter. I had to move my stylist appointment until next week. Positive thing is, that now I get some extra time to deal with splits hair by hair, and the less she finds them, the less she wants to cut. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 8:05am
Why is it, that every time I declare that split end situation is improving, next trim proves that there are still zillions of split hairs? Same thing yesterday: I posted my previous journal entry, then at night started my usual split end trimming session and ended up trimming about 100 split hairs before I got tired.
I started trimming splits on Nov 10, so my project has lasted more than 20 days and I estimate that I've managed to trim about 1000 of them or so, but am I done yet? Oh no I'm not! It's a miracle that in spite of all this my hair looks healthy. But then, it's fine and thick...right now I wish half-seriously that it would be thin and coarse. So much less hairs to trim! I'm wearing my SpiralStixs right now. My bun feels as secure as if I had made it with handful of pins. But it has only two SpiralStixs, one plastic pin to hide the ends and a bun net to keep flyaways in place. And only hairsticks really hold the hair. It still feels like a miracle. Must get more of these...I noticed that Rapunzel had posted new beautiful SpiralStix. Unfortunately, colors aren't right for me (though one pair has opaque white aurora borealis crystals... ::) and the blue ones are really gorgeous ) I hope they sell fast and I get lucky with next update :) . *hairstick addiction isn't going anywhere* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 9:47am
yes those spiralstix certainly were a great invention ... they are on my list for sure!!!
do you have a special strategie in putting your bun net without a ponytail holder. i bought one as well but my bun always feels too loose after having struggled to put the thingie!! :-[ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 12:10pm
Hmmmm...good question. I nearly always start my buns from a ponytail (I've found some wonderful flat-surfaced ponytail holders without metal, they're supposed not to damage the hair). My hair isn't very long and it's also very slippery, so making a secure bun without a ponytail beginning is very difficult. I can't even make a French Twist! :(
Anyway, after I have the ponytail, I shape the hair into a bun and secure the it with plastic pins (or hairsticks) , then I flip the net over it, to give it a tidy look and a little extra support. If the bun looks uneven under the net -the net always pulls the hair a little tighter and that can result to small surprises- I might correct it with inserting metal pins. According my experiences, the bun net doesn't hold/support the hair like pins or hairsticks. I can well imagine that struggling it on anything but a ready bun must be difficult! But for me it's necessity since it prevents the bun from unraveling and creates the kind of tidy look that otherwise would took a lot of strong hairspray. Which isn't good for hair... I noticed you telling in some thread that you've ordered those lovely Pink Poppy hairsticks. Have they arrived yet? They looked delicious :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 2:12pm wrote on Nov 25th, 2004 at 6:48am:
I know that feeling! This trick works pretty well (I have friends who smoke and hanging around campus is enough to get my hair smelling of it... yuck) I mix a spray bottle with water and my favorite essential oil... spritz it on my hair, and the ciggy smell is gone... Just thought I'd share! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 4:46pm wrote on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 12:10pm:
me neither he he. my bf hates the style, but i think you can do less formal versions with longer hair (well i've seen nice pictures on the net let's say). wrote on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 12:10pm:
yes! i ordered three pairs in total and i am impatiently waiting for them to arrive! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 4th, 2004 at 6:49am
Can't wait to hear of your sticks when they arrive, styg! :)
The problem with my French Twists is not the length- I've been trying to make it for a while now. But my hair is just too slippery for the style, I just can't make it last (half a liter of hairspray would probably help, but I don't think it's worth it). So these days, I'm more concentrated to braids and buns. I hope that as my hair grows, I'll be able to do something new. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 7th, 2004 at 5:40am
;D ;D ;D Today, I'm happy to announce that my Split End Project is officially over. For past two days, I have been able to find just a few splits, and now I think that I can relax a bit. I'll still check them regularly, but these daily trimming sessions I've had, are over. ;D ;D ;D
Of course, I have a new problem. For past few days my scalp has itched. It doesn't seem to be related with its being unwashed or recently washed, and the hair doesn't feel any different either. I haven't had any changes in my hair care routine. It just itches. I've thought that maybe my scalp is dry, and used rosewater. Can't say if that's working. Other problem is the cold weather. I didn't really know that it's so bad for the hair. It hasn't been terribly cold (in Finnish standards), just a few degrees below freezing point, and I'm used to go out with just earmuffs. I guess that that habit needs to change too. It's so annoying that nobody sells good-looking hats that can be comfortably fitted over a bun! :( |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 9th, 2004 at 3:00pm
I'm back from hair salon. And am very confused about what should I do with my hairstylist. Should I dump her or something?
Oil treatment was nice. And she cut less than half an inch off- just the driest ends. But. In addition to pampering and care, I received vigorous brushing with metal bristle brush. That really hurt! And when she finished my hair, she made a hairdo that needed back combing :o I just watched horrified when my lovely hair turned to something that might have suited for a troll. Then she finished it with heavy layer of hairspray. The result was beautiful but I couldn't feel really happy because I just kept thinking how my poor hairs would react to such rough treatment. :( Sure. It was a beautiful hairdo. But untangling the hair from those gigantic, glued curls that were essentially tangles back at home was definitely _not_ nice. And I'm afraid that with her powerful combing and brushing she actually damaged my hair. I'm afraid to go to her again. And it's really sad because she's been my stylist for over ten years. :'( But I've had so much trouble with breaking hairs that I don't want anything but gentlest treatment to my locks. *sigh* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Dec 9th, 2004 at 5:12pm
ah yes ... even when they manage not to cut of more than what you asked for, they still like to first torture you by washing and rubbing your poor hair with extremely hot water, asking if it's not too cold ... then comes the combing ... disaster (even after a deep conditioning, they sure don't want to lose too much time on combing). luckily you can refuse extra styling after a cut (and pay less cuze less torture haha) cuze once a girl like blow dried my hair for 1.5 h while constantly pulling my hair (she was going in layers of 1/2 inch a time hence ...)
i think the extra care they give to your hair is even more terrifying than the actual cut! really, don't go anymore and wait until you can cut it yourself. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Rua on Dec 9th, 2004 at 5:16pm
There is a simple solution to that.
Seeing as how she cuts your hair the way you want (which believe me, is very hard to find in a stylist), next time you go in for a trim, just ask her to do ONLY a trim. No style, please...just leave it wet. You could use the excuse that you want to braid your hair when you get home or something. Of course, if she's brushing hard WHILE cutting your hair, then you've got a slight problem. Good stylists are so hard to come by these days. I understand you're dilemma, especially since you've been with her for so long. Is she that rough with you every time you've gone? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 10th, 2004 at 4:44am
I am NOT feeling better. I have spent last night a long time (and am going to continue right after I finish posting) in cutting broken hairs. I don't know what my stylist did, did she break so much or whether her "care" just made everything that's damaged before to stick out, but right now my hair both looks and feels frizzy as broken hairs stick out of my head. If I feel my hair with my hand, I can feel the softness from oil treatment- and roughness from damaged hair, and I felt neither before yesterday. :'( I have been annoyed with my hair before, but now I feel outright sad. :'(
Yes, she seemed convinced that my hair needs vigorous brushing with that horrible metal brush in every turn, especially when she blowdried it before cutting. I don't know if she's always been that rough- this was the first time I visited salon since joining these boards and learning how to treat my hair gently. Before that, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference as I have assumed (feel free to laugh) that hairstylists are professionals of hair care who know what is and what is not damaging for one's hair. And that if I tell clearly of my hair goals, they can take that into account when they are handling my hair. I have told her (and told her again yesterday) that I am growing my hair very long and that I want it to be in good shape. Right now, I don't ever want to see her and her torturing devices again and have already got my spouse to promise that he'll trim my hair. After seeing me totally upset, fighting the tangles desperately he suggested that I should make a reclamation- but that's where my 12 years of friendship with that salon show. At the price of visit to horror salon, I can buy a nice, horizontally striped t-shirt, and oil for making hot oil treatment at home. It seems that I have acquired a nice, shiny new phobia. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 11th, 2004 at 6:58am
I had to spend two hours in trimming most of the damaged hairs. >:( After that I washed my hair and vinegar rinsed it to get rid of all the styling goos. Vinegar rinsing actually hurt! I guess my scalp has small wounds in it...not surprising, really. :( Finally I oiled it with jojoba and sprayed rosewater.
Now the crisis is resolved, and my hair is again beautiful and feels good. As long as I'm not thinking all those broken hairs I had to cut. My new phobia is doing well. No more hair destructing professionals for me. From now on, it's going to be just me and my hair minio...I mean my spouse, wide-toothed combs and lots of nice light oils. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by eKatherine on Dec 11th, 2004 at 11:20am
:o :o :o
<<<<Galadriel>>>> Unfortunately, most stylists are skilled at creating a temporary look for clients who don't care about the health of their hair. They don't have enough long-haired clients to see the long-term results of the damage they do, and since they honestly believe things like she told you, she's never going to try anything else to find out if it works better. It's nice to have someone pamper you, but the stylist who can do better for your long hair than you can at home is rare. My own stylist doesn't know how to comb from the bottom, so I probably won't go back there anymore rather than try to reeducate him, even though he is a nice guy and inexpensive. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 12th, 2004 at 1:44pm
I have been doing Christmas cleaning...actually for a while now. ::) But anyway, I got this idea of listing my favourite hair toys. I actually have A LOT of hair toys- where have they all come from?
This list includes only a small fraction of my hair toy collection, just my current favorites. I don't count non-ornate hairpins or ordinary ponytail holders as toys, so they're not included either. 1. LL hairsticks. I've got 3 pairs now, and don't ask me to name my favorite. I love them all, a lot and equally. Can't wait to get to open the one I've spared for Christmas! 2. Other favourite hairsticks: a silvery hairstick with pink and amethyst rhinestones. Another metal hairsticks with faux pearls- this one looks like a magic wand. A long, black hairstick with drizzly, silvery finish and three rhinestones. Not very pretty but matches with one of my favourite sweaters. 3. Ponytail holders and scrunchies. I have found some interesting ponytail holders with beads that I can use with a braid. My newest purchase are two soft crunchies I use in rare occassions at home when I wear a ponytail. I also have a few ornate, beaded scrunchies. Sometimes I make a bun and put such an ornate scrunchie around it. I haven't actually had that style for a while. Maybe I should now that I remembered it... 4. Hair fork. The only hair fork I have is a long, wooden hair fork. It doesn't hold my hair, but sticked through a bun it looks very nice. 5.A small metallic comb with gray and clear rhinestones. It looks like a real hair-killer, but it isn't. This is a long-time favourite. And then...non-favourite top 5 :) 1. Cheap, plastic hairsticks I bought some weeks ago. I don't know why I don't like them...I just don't. 2. Hair clips and big claw clips. Even biggest claw clips are unable to hold my thick, slippery hair neatly. Same goes with big hair clips that are still very fashionable and available in beautiful designs. I haven't bought new ones since I found that they just don't work. I have some tiny claw clips that I sometimes put in a row on a bun- it looks quite nice. 3. Hair slips. I have few beautiful slips, but I haven't quite figured, how to make them to stay straight and to hold the hair at the same time. 4.Ornamental hair pins. I've tons of these and I've used to decorate my bun with them. They've experienced inflation after I ordered my first LL sticks. 5. French twist comb. It doesn't work and it's design is such that it can't be used to make any other style. Total waste of 2,5 euros. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 13th, 2004 at 5:52am
Today I'm doing something radical. If I manage to resist my urge to wash my hair, it's been 3 ½ days unwashed. It looked a bit dirty yesterday, but when I arranged it a bit I noticed that it had shine like never before and I thought just to...go for it. I have an important meeting today...to complicate matters. But I think I can still manage something passable by doing a braided style. Besides, when my hair is dirty, braids don't start unraveling.
Oh...and my scalp itch is gone. No sign of that after oil treatment. Have to remember that, if the problem reoccurs. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 14th, 2004 at 5:15am
Now my hair is again clean, oiled and rosewatered and it feels soooo great. ^^
I found lovely chenille thread scrunchies from a local store, and just had to buy some. They feel lovely, and I'm wondering, is there really no way to wear them outside home (ponytails are not my thing). Probably not, but I like them anyway. I still have some damaged hairs and have trimmed them. I have made up my mind that I'll keep a break from growing length once I reach BSL in order to gain thickness. After some time there- let it grow long. It's funny, that my hair is even now considered "long" by many people. I think it's still short. I don't think that even BSL hair is "long", more like "halfway there". |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 16th, 2004 at 4:51am
I revived my crown braid project. This time, I followed Valerie's advice and started from the quadrant over my left ear.
It worked! I managed to finish the braid, for the first time. It was terribly loose, but I think that once I master the style, it will look really cool on me. And I should have time to practice it: I've been looking for new hairstyles online, but most of those are for really long hair and require twisting and turning that is not possible for me...yet. Where are hairstyling instructions for hair growers who have their hair in this maddening not-anymore-short, not-yet-long -phase? At the moment I have 5 hairstyles that are really useful: simple bun (a variation, really, since my hair has grown), dressy bun, french and dutch braids and classic braid. Mostly I wear simple bun decorated with hair toys. I hope that on Christmas holiday I have spare time for experimenting new styles. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 17th, 2004 at 5:25am
I found new hairsticks from internet. Maiden's Treasures hairsticks are made of wood (natural color) and looked very pretty, so I placed an order...I know I know, I'm a hairstick junkie. ::) But, the only thing I've been missing in Rapunzel's collections have been natural color wooden sticks with some nice beads. So I just couldn't resist when I suddenly found such sticks. Good thing is, that natural wood is always some shade of brown, so I don't need to buy SO many of them.
I found a measuring tape lying innocently on my combing table (yes...I have a small table/cupboard in hall where I've gathered all my hair stuff). I didn't measure length, just around my ponytail. It was 9 cm (3.5 in) this time, so it has improved one cm (½ inch) since last measurement. Now my only problem is, that I've had to trim lot of hairs from high, so my hair is far from being one-length. Must do something about that sometime. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 18th, 2004 at 12:00pm
Making simple buns has become too complicated lately, and I've switched to cinnamon buns. When I tried them last time, they looked sadly small- one good thing in simple bun is, that it looks big even in shorter hair. With a cinnamon bun, that's not possible.
And it's not necessary anymore, for my cinnamon bun looks quite pretty. I wouldn't mind if it was bigger, but it doesn't look sad anymore. It's also faster to make than a simple bun and doesn't require hair pins- a hair stick and a bun net are really enough. I'm wearing the style right now, secured with one of my LL sticks. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Dec 18th, 2004 at 2:33pm
Are you hair buns crocheted?
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 18th, 2004 at 5:32pm
Do you mean my bun nets?
No, they are bought from a local store (I think they're available in almost every store that sells hair stuff), made of flexible nearly invisible thread- maybe nylon. Once spread on a bun, the result is practically invisible. These nets are available in natural hair colors and cost only a two euros or even less, which is good because they aren't very durable. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Dec 18th, 2004 at 10:53pm
Yep, I meant bun nets.
I'll have to look for some, I would like something that would make my buns stay neater longer. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 19th, 2004 at 6:17am
Progress with crown braid: today's crown braid is good enough to be left on until I leave home ;D. I think I'm starting to get hang of this.
My hair care routine now: Wash&Condition: CWC wash with Body Shop's Olive shampoo and honey conditioner. This is the best combination I've ever used. Once a week hair mask with Wella vitality care&repair mask. Feels good too. Vinegar rinse with white wine vinegar every now and then. Wet combing. Should try VO5 hot oil some day. Other products: Rose water for everything, jojoba oil for oiling after wash. Aloe vera gel for styling...as well as some hairspray. I don't feel good about using hairspray, but I can't live entirely without it either. Combing&Brushing: Plastic, very wide toothed comb is enough. No regular brushing. I have a natural bristle brush made from some white hair. ??? It's softer than boar bristle and won't penetrate my hair. I use it only occassionally after oiling. Styles: French braid for every night: otherwise French, Dutch and classic braids, cinnamon bun, haven't had a dressy bun for a while. Necessities: Bun nets, ponytail holders, bobby pins, plastic and metal pins Toys:Hairsticks are always good...though I haven't worn my cheap ones for a while. Scrunchies are lovely but can be worn at home only. Hairfork. I don't think I need to make any chance for these routines...everything seems to be working pretty well. My hair looks very healthy and shiny. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 22nd, 2004 at 5:54pm
Not so long until I get to open the last little tissue package from my last LL shipment ;D
My hairstick addiction is doing well: I'm waiting for my Maiden's Treasures sticks to arrive, and I already dream of ordering new SpiralSticks. ::) I guess it's only lucky for me, that none of those on display right now have that must-get look... the one pair I have, seems to have ended up to be my most often worn pair of hairsticks just like I predicted. My mom saw them on the other day, and I showed her, how quickly and comfortably I can put my hair up using them. After seeing that, she said that she wants to grow her hair long too, and I think she really meant that! We're having winter storm right now and I'm not sure, whether it's raining or snowing. I hope the latter- I don't want to lose the little snow we have. I want a proper, WHITE Christmas. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 23rd, 2004 at 9:31am
My crown braiding practices continue. Today I trier French Crown for a first time. As first attempts usually, the result of this one wasn't pretty. But annoying wispy hairs in front went nicely into the braid, so for that part it looked better than my Dutch versions (which are still far from great, but less bad). So I might concentrate my practicing on this type.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 25th, 2004 at 7:48am
It seems that I've entered in some sort of shedding season. ???
I have shed very little hair per day (maybe 20 hairs a day...it has seemed very little) since I started to take good care of it. During past week or so, things have changed. I feel I shed so much now-at least 40 hairs per day, if not even more (haven't counted...) It's still in limits of normal, I suppose, so I'm not exactly worrying. This is actually the first time I'm aware of the pace of my shedding/non-shedding. ::) It just feels...strange. My prettiest present this Christmas was a new pair of LL sticks. They're so beautiful! I wonder, will I ever get enough hairsticks and whether I will still be able to keep each pair as precious and beloved as I now do. I haven't ever been attached to material things, or cared much about jewelry. LL Hairsticks just have sneaked some way into my heart, and as I in general prefer simple style, I've found them a wonderful way to express my love for beauty and art in my style. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 27th, 2004 at 10:45am
Today I gave myself my "pampering treatment": home facial, vinegar rinse& hairmask treatment at the same time. Now I feel really relaxed and luxurious. ^^
I tried to make a dressy bun for Christmas, and found out that my hair has outgrown that style too. If I make loops, the ends end up being awfully long, and as I don't like messy styles, that style has to go from my list. Have to figure out something new... My Maiden's Treasures hairsticks arrived today. Their sticks parts are plain, natural colored wood, and the beads are beautiful. I liked them immediately. :) My collection of beautiful hairsticks has grown this month so much...I really have to restrain myself better in future. But I still love every stick. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Dec 27th, 2004 at 1:57pm wrote on Dec 27th, 2004 at 10:45am:
Galadriel, have you tried a braided bun fixed with hairsticks? Your hair's likely long enough that you could do that now. Just braid all your hair in a standard english braid and then (sans twisting the hair) put your hair up in a bun like you usually do. Affix with hairsticks and voila! It's a style that will grow with you, as well. When I first started making the style, I had just enough braided hair to make a bun, but as it's gotten longer I can sorta... spread out the braided bun so it's like a horizontal figure 8 braided bun against the nape of my neck. All it takes is a pony holder, a pair of hairsticks, and two mini-clips (for some of my flyaways) Instant hairdo! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 27th, 2004 at 4:39pm
I have- but the result looks rather weird. In theory, my hair is long enough for braided bun, but in practice I think it needs to be longer for the result to look good.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Dec 28th, 2004 at 2:14pm
Well, hang in there, Galadriel! I'm sure your hair will catch up with you. I think you'll enjoy it when you can manage it, though; I love wearing my hair at the nape of my neck because I don't get the 'hair stuck in the high ponytail' hurts. Does your hair ever do that? It gets used to being up and when you let it down, your scalp tingles and hurts from being stuck in a high position.. ow!
Well, even if your having trouble with the buns, I'm sure your hair is absolutely gorgeous! And with all those lovely LL hairsticks to adorn your tresses.... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 29th, 2004 at 4:04pm
Thanks for support, novusfemina :) You're right, having beautiful hairsticks helps. I guess I'll have to concentrate in acquiring new ones so I can stay happy until my hair grows a bit more (isn't that just the best excuse... ;D)
I haven't noticed that feeling, maybe because I never wear my hair down, except when I'm washing it. But it would be a small wonder if it didn't do that. The euro/US dollar development is becoming better everytime from hairstick addict's point of view. :D There are some beautiful hairsticks in the store right now, but as I won't be able to buy every beautiful pair I find, I've decided to wait until IndividualiStix page and DecoStix page have been updated, before fetching my Visa. I guess it's time to think of some new year hair resolutions. 1) I'm not going to cut or color or perm. 2) I will not set my foot into a hair salon. I will learn to do my treatments at home with help of my spouse. 3) I'm not going to buy any cheap hair toys (ponytail holders and such necessities aren't toys). 4) When buying hairsticks, I will try to be practical and buy only such sticks that I can expect to use a lot. 5) I will do my best to treat my hair gently. 6) I will restrain my urge to talk about hair outside these boards. I will remember, that most people aren't interested at all about growing hair, hair care or hair toys. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by strawberryfine on Dec 30th, 2004 at 12:34am
Excellent resolutions!
SF |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 30th, 2004 at 8:07am
Thanks, strawberryfine!
I checked my split hair situation late yesterday night, and found again lots of splits. I think that the more exotic-looking hairs had damaged at my hairdresser visit, but I'm also beginning to think, that my hair is really fragile and splits very easily. In that case just need to learn to live with it. And I invented a new bun! I posted the instructions for my figure 8 lookalike bun to my wanted:bun styles thread. I'm happy again, as the result is really quite beautiful. I'm sure that when I reach BSL, I can also do a pretty infinity lookalike bun in same manner. Grow hair, grow *wonders if self suggestion can make hair grow faster* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Valerie on Jan 1st, 2005 at 1:21am wrote on Dec 29th, 2004 at 4:04pm:
I agree that most people don't want to talk about hair, but I seem to find a lot that do. Usually when someone compliments me on a new style, or the times I leave my hair down, I find people that always wanted long hair and then want to know how I take care of it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 1st, 2005 at 1:43pm
My hair isn't yet long enough to be so impressive...though it feels longer when I keep it in a bun. When I take it down to make my night braid, I always feel a little disappointed. I guess I subconsciously believe, that if a person is able to put her hair in a bun, she must have a truly long hair- and when my hair is down, the mirror shows opposite evidence. ::)
I've been trimming lots of splits again. I guess this time isn't as bad as last (well it shouldn't be, considering all the trouble I went through then). But it's bad enough to make me consider again, whether there are any secret tricks that reduce splitting. Today I was wearing my green Maiden's Treasure hairsticks at lunch at my spouses' dad. His fiancée was there, and she really grabbed my sticks them while they were still in my head. I was flattered -they are nice hairsticks, after all- but still it felt very unpleasant. I hate it when I have to smile and be polite in a situation like that! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 2nd, 2005 at 8:08am
I forgot to note, that I tried VO5 hot oil about a week ago...not impressive. My hair felt just the same as after an ordinary hairwash. I have still XZ cone free deep conditioner waiting for test use. I'm kinda happy with my Wella hair mask, but still I'd like to find some nice deep conditioner- I don't think hair mask is quite the same, as it's used weekly and in spite of using it regularly, occassional oil treatment at hairstylist has worked wonders with my hair. But something has to replace that. I promised not to buy any cheap hair toys this year. I guess I can start buying different deep conditions instead. :P
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 3rd, 2005 at 7:08am
I got a burst of inspiration, and started to crochet a scrunchie. I haven't really done anything with my hands for a long while and was amazed, how relaxing it really is. I expect to finish it tonight (it ended up being rather big). Already it looks very cool, it's ruffled and very nice.
The only yarn I had at home, was light golden brown- almost same color as my hair, but I'm already thinking of buying some more colorful yarn...and maybe little beads. I prefer so much hand made things to industrial, and am really happy that I can made at least some hair toys myself. Hair growing is becoming more and more fun all the time. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 4th, 2005 at 5:27am
Ran to buy those yarns then...and now I'm actually wearing a self-made, pretty scrunchie. :) And I'm already planning making a variety decorated with glass pearls.
Ponytail hasn't ever been my favourite, but now I tried a high ponytail and surprise, surprise! It looks good and is also quite comfortable. I can't wear it right after washing, but on second day after (like today) it lasts better. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 5th, 2005 at 5:58am
I still plan my next hairstick buy...little hairstick junkie as I am. But it seems like the shop just empties five minutes after Rapunzel puts new stuff there- and unfortunate for me, she does it when it's midnight here and I'm asleep. When I come back in the morning to check what's new, the place is again full of sold signs. I'm happy for her success- she has earned it all, and it's no wonder that there are thousands of longhaired ladies dying to get their hands on LL hairsticks. But...maybe Rapunzel could clone herself or something? ;D
Until that happens...I guess patience is a virtue, and I'm sure that one day I get my chance to snatch the most beautiful pair in the shop. After all, I've done it before. *wanders off to play with her lovely hairsticks* I'm sure they just love to be entertained by their nice owner. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Jan 5th, 2005 at 2:10pm wrote on Jan 5th, 2005 at 5:58am:
*giggles* I'm the same way, Galadriel! I just look at the pics with all the sold stickers and I think.. "ahhh, to have a large spendable income!!!!!!" *runs off to admire her pair of stix* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 5th, 2005 at 2:45pm
My income isn't large...it's really tiny, as I'm still studying and my jobs are irregular. But I don't spend much money to anything else either (except feeding my family, bills and train tickets).
I need seldom new clothes, I don't have expensive hobbies, I travel little and don't own a car, I don't smoke or drink much alcohol, I don't need much money for entertainment. To put in short: I've learned fairly well to live according to my income. So I find quite often, that there is loose money that I can spend to a pair of hairsticks if I want. Actually, few of my friends have asked me how can I afford such expensive hairsticks -and don't realize that they have their small habits that really cost as much even if they don't realize it. It's really as simple as that. Ten less lattes in a good café, two party evenings or three new CD:s- and there's suddenly enough money to buy a pair of hairsticks. I guess that for most people it's just easier to spend ten times 6 euros than 60 euros at once. Not to forget that the hairstylist I used to go to, charged almost exactly the price of a pair of LL hairsticks each visit. How convenient... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Jan 5th, 2005 at 4:47pm
ha! sometimes i try to figure how much money i've saved in my life by not going to hairdressers (my mother has cut my hair all through childhood, in my teens, until i finalyy wanted a "real haircut" in university. but finally i only went about 6 times to a hairdresser. at (reduced) student tarif.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 6th, 2005 at 7:04am
I don't know how much you have saved, but it's certainly a lot! I wish I had been smarter, but my mom has taken me to hairdresser since I was a child and though I had heard of home cuts I just thought that hair cutting and styling is best to leave to professionals.
Really, sometimes my own woolheadedness still surprises me. But, realizations like this must be good for character development. ::) I'm pushing my limits again. I'm going to wash my hair tonight, it's then been 4 days since my last hairwash. My scalp is itching, but otherwise my hair doesn't look terrible. So I'm just going to improve my character, tolerate the itch and let my natural oils work. And enjoy being able to wear a perfect Dutch braid for the whole day. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Jan 6th, 2005 at 10:44am
my parents were actually too cheap to put me to the hairdressers. my mother comes from a big family where the daugthers were taking care of everyones hair cuts.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 7th, 2005 at 7:10am
I've finished my prettiest scrunchie so far. These self-made ones are for daytime use superior to the ones I've bought. As they're crocheted around a regular flat ponytail holder, they hold much better. I could wear a ponytail attached with one of these for whole day! I have also made two bigger ones that can be used around a bun- haven't tried those on yet, but I'm sure they're just as great.
Now that I'm into handicraft again, I'm planning to try enameling my Maiden's Treasures hairsticks, as I still have some matte enamel left from my last wood painting project. The sticks are really pretty, but plain wood with no enamel is way too slippery for my hair- the bun just won't stay! Their ends are also rather sharp, so they aren't very comfortable to wear... It's disappointing, as they are so beautiful. I guess I now know, why they cost so much less than LL sticks... :-/ I need that enamel finish. Guess this means that Original LL sticks won't be my choice either. My hair really seems to love luxury even more than rest of me ;) EDIT: Yay! Three layers of enamel worked. The sticks are so much more manageable now, though their appearance didn't change a bit. I guess that these aren't first and last MT hairsticks for me, as I feared for a moment. Though I still prefer to receive my hairsticks ready. ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 8th, 2005 at 1:07pm
I've been on a diet for a week now. I have made a resolution not to weigh myself until next weekend. I have eaten in a very disciplined manner for the whole week. It's not easy, as I normally don't pay much attention to what I eat. First days were really pain, but now I'm less hungry and think that I might manage to stay on a diet for a while. Would do me much good...
Anyway, I mentioned this, because I finally went to a health food store, and bought some hair vitamins. The product I'm eating contains vitamin C, acerola cherry, silica and biotin and it's supposed to enhance hair growth. I hope so! Speaking of hair growth, I have grown myself a sort of natural bangs: near my hairline there's lots of new hair that's too short to go into my ponytails. I've tried to comb it back and make it stay there with hairspray, but it's really a battle I lose every day. So I tried this style where I just let those hairs hang down framing my face. I look so young and soft with this and am not sure if I really like it, but the hair stays there well. I haven't still managed to order a new pair of hairsticks from LL. Now I visited again at MT hairstick page and am really tempted to order something nice from there- they have a sale now. I've actually visited in quite a few company's hairstick pages during past few days, but the only ones that have sticks to my taste are LL and MT. Oh well, things would go too complicated anyway if I ordered hairsticks from every online store on the globe. ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 9th, 2005 at 8:28am
Oops I did it again... ::) namely ordered new hairsticks, from Maiden's Treasures. I just couldn't resist their winter sale any longer.
Anyway, my quality hairstick collection is still small, 9 pairs altogether (I'm trying not to think that before late fall, I didn't have a single quality hairstick). But I'm considering ordering a Quattro hairstick...and I still haven't managed to order anything new from LL. Now just listen to me. ::) I sound like SUCH an addict I can't believe myself! But I can live with it, especially after a discussion I and spouse had last night before going to sleep. He asked me, what I would like to have for birthday present (my birthday's coming next month). He already got me a pair of gorgeous LL hairsticks for Christmas, so he obviously didn't want to buy another pair as a present now (I wouldn't have minded, but he has some strange ideas about getting something different, different hairsticks not being different enough ::) ). So we thought. But no. I don't really need anything else. I don't need anything and besides don't like practical gifts, my perfume collection is close to overwhelming, I don't want new jewelry or music, I don't have time to become addicted to a new computer game and as I'm trying to lose weight, I absolutely don't want a huge box of chocolates. Maybe I just ask him to take me to see a ballet or something... So it turned out, that my only material need really are new hair accessories. It seems to be abnormally LOW amount of material needs, so I'm trying not to feel quilty about my spending or weird (sometimes I feel that I'm the only person in this country who loves long hair and beautiful toys) and just enjoy. After all, hairsticks are artworks and things of beauty, and one can't ever have too much beauty surrounding her. I also inquired Tenderheaded.com, whether they ship to my country- they had some lovely silk bandanna scarves. But they don't ship to my country. One moneyhole plucked there. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 10th, 2005 at 5:15am
I've just proved that I'm not only gathering hair toys. I can give them away. Last night I went through my hair toy collection and selected 25 toys to give away.
Among these were: * All my ficcare-type clips. They haven't never worked in my hair and never will. Besides, everyone wears their hair in such clips. So they're superboring compared to my unique new hairsticks. *French twist comb. I can face it. I'll never be able to make french twists with my slippery hair. *Several cheap hairsticks that I've never liked but bought because they were the only ones I could find. *My biggest claw clip. My hair is too thick to fit into it neatly. I spared some claw clips that were a bit smaller. I don't know if I can ever wear them, but they were so pretty that I couldn't part with them yet. *A headband with glitter. Shees...WHEN have I bought this? Plus other small stuff. I'm sure some poor child will have the time of her life playing with these. And my combing table looks a little more orderly. It's again three days from hairwash and I'm going to wash this evening. I guess I can officially start trying to wash my hair only every four days. :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 11th, 2005 at 5:05am
I got an idea again.
I'm going to make a hairstick box of my own! I went to a local hobby store, and found there a nice, big unfinished wooden box. It's not open box, but I think I can bear that if I paint it nice enough. ;D My plan: 1) Paint the box. I have a tendency to make things very ornamental- I'm wondering, could I perhaps theme it to Kalevala. Lacquer. 2) The difficult stage: Inside. Find a way to cover inside with silk (not satin, because I want LUXUS!). Find some styrofoam sheets to make padding, and cardboard (cover cardboard also with silk) to divide inside so, that each stick has own place. 3) Arrange the sticks and be happy. Geesh...I feel I'm going to work with this for a long time. But hey- maybe spouse has finally bought us a digicam before that, and I can send you pictures. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 12th, 2005 at 4:55am
It's been a month since I told of my favourite hair toys, and I noticed that that list has gone through some big changes. Time to update!
MY FAVOURITE HAIR TOYS 1. LL hairsticks. Well, this part isn't probably going to change. ;D 2. MT hairsticks. 3. Scrunchies, real soft ones to put my hair into a ponytail after washing, and my pretty homemade ones for holding it. 4. My leather hair slide. I've worn it only once...yet. But if I wanted a simple look, I'd use this. These are only hairtoys I've worn lately. My non-favourite list has shrunken to nearly nonexistence after my donation. My haircare routine is still the same and I don't feel any need to change something that works so well. Styles I'm able to make have increased a bit: -cinnamon bun -Chinese bun (new!) -Braids: Dutch, French and Classic -high ponytail (new! worn only at home so far) -Hair Slide bun (new!) -Figure 8 lookalike bun (new! I haven't worn this after I found a way to make it) Last night I did some spencil sketching to my box. It's going to be AMAZING...once I finish it in distant future. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Jan 12th, 2005 at 12:11pm
Ooo, Galadriel, I love the chinese bun!
Did you get the instructions from longhairloom.com? When I found that site I was so amazed! I can't wait to try the Bridal Bun... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 12th, 2005 at 1:40pm
Yes I did. ;D It's such a great site!
I tried to do it some time ago, and the result was rather messy with short hairs sticking out. This time I put bun net over everything -hair stick included, and result was very nice. And will get even nicer when my hair grows. Speaking of bridal buns...I'm getting married next winter (hope so, there's so much big things happening in my and my spouses' lives that we haven't set any dates yet, but next winter is where we're aiming at). My resolution not to set my foot in a hair salon concerns especially occassions where my hair needs to be done- I won't trust a stylist to make me an updo as gently as I want it done. My hair will be around BSL then I think, so I need to find something amazing that I can do by myself. Luckily, there's still plenty of time for me to learn and my hair to grow. I'm also planning to custom order Rapunzel a pretty trio of wedding hairsticks...two stix and a matching GeishaStix should make the simplest bun stunning. *dreams* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by BrunnetteTexan on Jan 13th, 2005 at 1:09am
If you do decide to go to a stylist make sure she does a practice run before the wedding so you both agree on what is going to be done. That was the best advice I ever got when planning my wedding. Still that didn't stop her from fiddling with my hair way too long and making me late for my own wedding. I literally had to tell her to quit messing with my hair and run out the door.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 13th, 2005 at 5:28am
EDIT: I did it! I did it! *bounces* I ordered a pair of LL hairsticks! Misty Mauve DecoStix, if you're interested to know. I declare them as my official birthday present. I'm going to be in SO bad a bankrupt next month- but so happy at the same time. I finally get my longed violet stix and DecoStix- all in the same pair. I managed to peek into the page even before Rapunzel had put it up to what's new section and RAN to fetch my Visa. The designs were so beautiful that I could immediately tell that their availability is counted in hours at best. *continues bouncing*
BrunnetteTexan, if you look a bit back this journal, you'll find the source of my stylist traumas. As the stylist I used was really considered among the best this country can offer- former president's wife's "court stylist" etc. I'm not risking my hair again, as it is fragile even in good care. I browsed Longhairloom and there are some really nice styles. Dreamweaver braiding has also very nice styles- a braided style would be something different and very nice. As long as I can proceed with the idea of a custom hairstick trio I'm open to suggestions ;D . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by nightowl on Jan 13th, 2005 at 3:19pm
Galadriel - Congratulations!!! ;D
(I missed those when they were new - I would have bought that pair! Purple is my favorite color!) Wait until you see them! You won't believe it, but Susan's hair sticks are even MORE beautiful in person! :o I know you'll love them! nightowl |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Jan 13th, 2005 at 8:40pm
Nightowl's right, Galadriel...
when I opened the pair I got for Christmas, I was absolutely shocked and... wowed by how beautiful Susan's stix are... By the way, CONGRATS!!! (ahhh mayrige!) *feels sappy* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by LynneTyson on Jan 14th, 2005 at 1:39am
Galadriel , I saw the sticks you ordered,,,they are wonderful!!! Nice choice! Have fun with them.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 14th, 2005 at 7:10am
Thanks, everyone! I still feel happy...that pair was love at first sight and I didn't waste a minute in ordering it. I'm trying not to imagine how they will look like in RL. My past experiences show that I'll be happily shock-surprised in any case. Often, when I'm doing my bun, I still stop for a moment before inserting a LL stick into my hair and just admire for a little moment its beauty. *happy sigh*
Just for joy of making lists...I've bought recently so many hairsticks, that I need to update my hairstick shopping list. 1. A pair of black hairsticks. I still think that any decent collection must include one pair of black sticks that can be worn almost everywhere. 2. A pair of spring green sticks. Perhaps with a touch of white, but all-green sticks will do too, as long as the shade matches with my hair color. 3. A pair of all-white, simple sticks. 4. A pair of FuturiStix. They are SO StarWars, reminding me of gorgeous hairdos of the movies. I just have to wear them when I go to see next SW movie. 5. At least two pairs of SpiralStix. They work so well in my hair. 6. Some lovely SpecialEdition sticks. 7. A pair of SwingStix. I probably should also order a simple wooden Quattro stick or two- my only simple sticks at the moment are cheap plastic and I just can't bring to myself to wear them any more, except when I'm in a situation where I feel that my sticks wouldn't be entirely safe. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 15th, 2005 at 7:18am
Last night I put a load of jojoba oil & some rosemary essential oil to my hair, wrapped a towel around it and went to nice, hot sauna. Super relaxing, and I'm sure it was very good for my hair...it still has a faint, fresh rosemary scent. :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 16th, 2005 at 1:24pm
^^ I'm having "I love my hair"-day. Oil&sauna increased its shine and softness and both looks and feels great. I don't know if it's winter, but its color has become very interesting. There is a definite, dark undertone that makes me think of mice and linen, but it is streaked with bright blonde streaks- and the end result is just lovely.
I was today at wedding fair, gathering tons of brochures. I'm starting to have some ideas of what kind of wedding I'd like to have. And of one thing I'm now absolutely sure: no visit to hairstylist. There were quite a few girls dressed as brides (most of them didn't look like professional models), and one thing in common was that their pretty hairdos were made of dull, very dry-looking hair. I'm sure my hair will look a hundred times better even in my everyday updo- cinnamon bun with stix. If I put a little effor to styling if gently for wedding by myself, the success should be guaranteed. Now, I'm off to wedding styles forum to start my own wedding hair thread ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 17th, 2005 at 12:26pm
My hair looked dirty and there seemed to be excess sebum in my scalp so I gave in and washed & vinegar rinsed it today, instead of tomorrow.
Now it is in a nice damp bun. I've started to put my hair into a damp bun regularly after wash, though it is a bit difficult practice in winter. But then, also lack of moisture is a problem in winter when air is freezing cold outside and dry and central heated inside. Besides, a bun feels much better than a damp, cool lump of hair hanging down my spine and wetting my shirt. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 18th, 2005 at 4:27am
Lalalalalalaa! *does a little happy dance*
I don't know, what's the best way for waking up in a dark and cold winter day, but I can tell you, that a courier ringing my doorbell with a shipment of hairsticks is definitely in top 5! In other words, I received my MT hairsticks. Again, little packages hid inside some absolutely lovely hairsticks. I'm enameling them right now and expect to be able to wear the first pair when I leave to uni. Last night I trimmed again splits. As usual, there was quite a lot of them, and if only I have time this evening, I think I should continue with that. I also tried a crown braid again, this time I started it from higher up than I've used to, and that finally did the trick. The end result was a bit messy, but otherwise it looked quite good French crown. The messy look is partly result of this maddening, wispy new growth that I have in my neck and forehead- right in places where it's visible and annoying. Hope this problem solves as my hair grows a bit. In any case, I think I don't need much practice before I can say that I can master the style. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 19th, 2005 at 6:31am
I went to Body Shop to buy conditioner, and found there really nice looking wooden combs that cost only 3.60. I bought one, and it feels very good, and different from my celluloid comb. I also bought amlika leave in-conditioner. Just out of curiosity. ::)
Oh, and I trimmed again split hairs. I still have remarkably many hairs that have been split from high up. In order to get rid of the damage, I sometimes have to cut 10 cm (4 in), if not more. I try to comfort myself by thinking that at least I can keep the hair. :-/ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 20th, 2005 at 2:50pm
Today has been another good hair day.
Nothing unusual has really happened- I've just enjoyed having such a nice hair that can be put to a pretty chinese bun and decorated with most beautiful hairsticks available. ^^ I feel happy today, in peace with the world, myself and my hair. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 21st, 2005 at 1:29pm
Tried a crown braid today...almost perfect! The shape was right, it was tight enough and everything was very satisfying except those wispies that my scalp seems to be producing in masses. I suppose I can say that I can make a crown braid now to myself- my hair just isn't quite ready yet for that style. :)
I'm thinking of ordering a pair of steel sticks (once I've survived next month's Visa bill, that is) for damp bunning and other extreme conditions. My LL bone hair sticks don't mind to be put into a damp bun...but I've really started to feel a bit tender about them. It's been snowing today heavily and it finally starts to look like January outside. I wrapped my head inside a big, thin wooled scarf and put my coat's hood on top of it. This seems to work, except when I have to take this system on and off repeatedly- it makes those abovementioned wispies stand out like Medusa's tendrils. Every longhaired lady I've seen seems to favor just letting their hair hang uncovered in a braid (or even more commonly) loose. I don't think that's good for hair... Today's list: 10 reasons to bun as soon as you can 1. When the hair is in a bun, you can't see that it's still short. Everyone knows that only long-haired ladies wear buns. So, logically, when your hair is in a bun, it is long and amazing by definition. 2. A bun can be decorated with all sorts of beautiful hair toys. Loose hair can be decorated...with what, really? ??? 3. Bunning protects hair and prevents it from tangling. 4. Buns look mature (not old, but just of the mystical "right age") and professional. In my opinion, anyway. 5. A bun doesn't need combing or other maintaining during a day. 6. Bun prevents shedding during day and you don't get those unsightly fallen hairs lying all over your white or black sweaters. 7. If you are assaulted, you can pull your hairsticks off a bun and try to use them as a weapon. 8. You won't find bunned hair from your plate when having lunch. 9. You can mist your hair lightly before putting it up, and hopefully the trapped moisture will pamper the hair. 10. There are few ways of wearing hair down, instead there are countless bun styles that can be made at home. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 22nd, 2005 at 4:19pm
I'm waiting for our sauna to warm :) .Today my hair has been clearly dirty, which has meant that I have been able to create a perfect, neat Dutch braid and have been able to wear it for the whole day.
I think that I've been quite successful in my battle agains winter dryness. Today's list: Things I've done to my hair in order to prevent winter damage 1. I've tried to prolong the interval between washes. Right now I have to wash it ever four days. Very good, since when I started this journal I had to was it every other day. :) 2. I've tried to protect it from cold: I haven't stepped outside my home without covering my hair well. 3. Moisturizing: When I've made a bun in the morning, I've first misted my hair (especially ends) with rose water so, that the bun has been just a trifle damp. 4. Extra oiling: in addition to my normal dry oiling after washing, I've added just a drop of jojoba oil to ends nearly every day. 5. I've tried to cut down my use of hairspray. Actually, I remember using it only once this week. For some reason, aloe vera gel has started to work and on most days this week, it really has been enough. Plus of course my normal routine: CWC wash, jojoba oiling after wash, french braid for night and a bun for day, no brushing, vinegar rinse every now and then, rose water misting, been looking for new ways to condition. And a few split end search& destroy missions. That oil treatment in sauna was really good. I don't think I need it today, but I think I'll try my new amlika leave in-conditioner. :) It isn't really as complicated as it looks here. Or then I just enjoy pampering hair. ;D Anyway, it looks very healthy and shiny all the way to the ends and the only thing I don't like about it is that it's still so short. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:50am
Hair feels nice today. I guess that amlika leave-in conditioner is OK though I noticed that it contains Dimethicone Copolyol. So I'm not going to use it after every wash- just every now and then.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 5:03pm
i think that silicone is water soluble (copolyol = multiple alcohol groups = dissolves in water)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 24th, 2005 at 4:23am
That's great to know. My hair is still doing very well, so I think it accepted the leave-in nicely. I also did a small S&D session. I found splits but I had to really search for them- it seems that the situation is under control right now.
Making that hairstick poll was a good idea. After realizing that I've ordered 4 pairs just this month made me feel a bit worried for a time. Though, as my wise spouse put it when he saw the last shipment: "Everyone's got to spend their money somehow, and hairsticks are beautiful." It's still soothing to know that there are plenty of sane people out there who have really big collections. ;D Hopefully, one day I'll be one of them. But still, I'm not sure if lurking in the shop when I can't afford anything is a good hobby- I've spotted 2 lovely pairs again, and keep wishing that they won't sell until I can order them. As if it helped... ::) At the same time, I'm waiting for my last order to arrive this week. I'm sure that when it does, I'll feel just perfectly happy again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Jan 24th, 2005 at 10:20am
yes, can't help to go drool either ... i was so not going to buy anything anymore until my birthday in may ::)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 26th, 2005 at 5:26am
A new day, new to die for-designs in the shop. I keep telling myself that there'll be some new to die for-designs for sale when I can afford ordering again. Can't yet say, whether this works... :-/
EDIT: Didn't work, as I suddenly remembered that I had acquired a gift certificate from Collector's Club. Big enough to make all the difference between affording and not-affording. So, Seafoam Bloom Glittersticks are now mine. I put the order on hold, though, and plan to complete it after I survive the Visa bill. I'm again all excited! These qualify as green hairsticks, match my hair and clothes...and were SO to die for-design. My hair is behaving weirdly. I washed it on Saturday evening, so this morning it should have been clearly dirty and need a wash tonight. Well, it isn't. It's at its best- not horribly slippery anymore, not dirty yet. It looks great in a bun though this should be a braid day. But if it doesn't demand to be washed, I'm not certainly going to wash...but it's still weird. I don't suppose this is because of the leave-in conditioner. Weather, then? ??? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 27th, 2005 at 5:18am
My hair looks a bit dirty, but nothing really alarming. I'll wash it tonight or maybe even tomorrow. It would then be 6 days, which would mean that I'm starting to be REAL close to my hairwashing goal.
Hair growing is so much more interesting with all these test and minor goals. ;D Hair growing has also helped me with my diet. I've always hated being on a diet because I can't take my thoughts away from food and the fact that I'm hungry. Thinking philosophy didn't help- it's too complicated, I guess- but obsessing with my hair did. I think of food much less now that I can concentrate in everything related with my hair. Weird, but it works. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 28th, 2005 at 8:48am
Nope-couldn't resist washing my hair last evening. But it's still new record, 5 days. :)
I've been able to nearly abandon hairspray. Aloe vera gel has for some reason started to work. Added to the fact that I don't wash myself nearly so often, I decided to change my vinegar rinsing habits. For twice now, I've been using a vinegar rinse as a part of my regular hairwash. But I've used it as a much milder solution than what I did when I used it once a month or so. I just love the effect a vinegar rinse gives to the hair, and have been very pleased with results of my new practice. It seems that there's always something new...and something to write about. I didn't know that this can be so interesting. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Jan 28th, 2005 at 10:06am
i use (very diluted) vinegar too every time i wash (just dip in my length a few seconds and it's all washed he he)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 29th, 2005 at 5:58am
He he...I found yesterday an old picture of me...taken early spring 2003. My hair was there barely chin length, even a bit shorter in front. Odd...I remember it had to be longer, as I started to put it up with a claw clip the same summer. Tells something about my obsession with updos ::) .
It's always great to find proof of that my hair is actually growing. In 2 years I've managed to get everything to one length and am nearing BSL. ;D I'm happy. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jan 31st, 2005 at 4:35am
Cleaned my combing table again. Again, to put some resemblance of order there, I went through my hairtoys and put majority of them to the cupboard. I don't think it's such a long time since doing it...but then, I haven't really worn any hair toys except hairsticks and beaded ponytail holders for a while -now that my hairstick collection has grown a little and I have some choice, I wear them exclusively unless my hair is so dirty that it needs to be put in a Dutch braid.
I had a good hair dream last night (first too, I don't remember having dreamed of my hair ever before). I dreamed that I was taking February's monthly measurement, and that though I measured several times, I always got 70 cm as my result...that would be 15 cm:s (6 in?) of hair growth in a month. lol |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Jan 31st, 2005 at 7:10pm
Galadriel, sorry to intrude ;)
I just wanted to say, what a charming siggy you have! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 1st, 2005 at 4:25am
My journal welcomes intruders, offering them comfy cyberarmchairs and some cybercake :)
I found the ticker after lurking a bit in longhaircommunity- several people there had such. It's really easy to make @tickerfactory. And the one I have keeps the virtue of patience well in my mind. :D Yes, I confess. I lurk in longhaircommunity and occassionally in longhairloom. Why haven't I registered there, you ask? Silly as it sounds, these boards have become my hair's home and though I'm sure there are great people out there...I feel best when I can keep my opinions in one place. Saves a bit time too, I hope. Besides, here are all LL stick addicts who make me feel so normal and cozy. ;D My hair is certainly moody- I had to wash it again, only three days since last time. I couldn't help it as it both looked and felt like a grease pit. :-X Why does it stay clean for five days and only three after next wash? ??? I even wondered, did my amlika leave-in have something to do with that marvelous result and applied it again. Now it's just waiting... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 4:30am
I've discovered vintage hair combs in idea level. I don't know if any are available here, but the ones sold at Ebay seem to be very affordably priced. So, I registered in Ebay and hope that at some time something nice comes to auction. :) They're too cool. :look
I found Yves Rocher's version of Monoi oil (contains about 50% real stuff plus paraffinium etc.) and since it's the only stuff that resembles even distantly monoi oil in this country, I just had to try it (though in general I'm not very fond of their products). The scent is lovely, and the oil itself seems passable. It's definitely heavier than jojoba, but my hair decided to respond well anyway. I guess it'll be good for occassional winter use. My hair doesn't seem to be growing, so I really want to keep it so well moisturized that I wouldn't have to trim it for a while. I can tolerate zero growth, but actually taking steps backwards is a different matter. ;D I've checked split ends again- it's a while since my last thorough S&D mission. I've found few splits, but my overall situation seems to be quite good. Pampering seems to work! Other observations: As you can see, I've added my estimation of my hair type to my siggy. I'm not sure it's totally correct- I had to get the 1b- part from that old photo where it seemed that my hair wasn't exactly stick straight. Now I keep it braided or bunned so much that it always has little wave because of that. But I guess that it's 1 b. Determining hair thickness wasn't easy either. I have some baby fine hair, especially along hairline. I think the bulk of my hair is barely medium thickness though- it's difficult to see against light, but that's because a single hairs' color is so light. I have no problems of feeling my hair between my fingers. And, of course there are some hairs that are darker and really coarse, really weird, wiry things. But they are still hairs and getting long...and that's what matters ;D. So, average is M. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 10:09am wrote on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 4:30am:
i'd never bought it though. paraffinium ... you'd better put nothing at all then. although ... now i think of it, i used to use this biphase leave in of schwarzkopff that was full of it too. ::) but now i'd stick to natural oils only. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 2nd, 2005 at 12:23pm
Yes...I'm not totally excited about mineral oils either. So though I kinda like it -it made my ends shiny and a bit heavier so they're easier to handle- I'll try to be careful. I'm planning of ordering real monoi oil- if only I can find a company of which international shipping policies I can understand :lol .
I've got such a hair-eventful day today. The reason why I stopped thinking deep thoughts for my Master's Thesis (I'm writing it at home today...I'm trying to do it as much as possible nowadays) and ran back here was that my Misty Mauve DecoStix and chinese jewelry roll arrived today! *does a happy dance and flies straight to happy hair heaven* Sticks are absolutely breathtaking as always. As I was bored of cinnabuns today, I had made a french braid with end tucked in. Now I tried a hairstick-decorated version of it and it's just lovely. I'm sure they'll make my philosophical thoughts flow much swifter for the rest of day. My combing table has been waiting for the jewelry roll, and for a reason- all my LL sticks went there nicely and it looks very elegant on my combing table. I need another for my MT sticks :look . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 4:23am
I had to wash my hair AGAIN! I really don't know why it has become so dirty so fast for the past few times, but it just has. I didn't vinegar rinse it this time- just shampooed and tried XZ leave in conditioner that I've been meaning to try for some time now. It seems to be ok, though I didn't notice any great changes. Maybe my hair is already in top condition ;D . At least it looks like it. ^^ Anyway, it wanted its jojoba oil badly.
I let it air dry without putting it up as I usually do, and now I have a hair typing problem: I thought I was 1b, but my hair dried totally straight- so I have to think if I'm really 1a after all. For some reason, I'm totally bored of cinnabuns- the feeling just came suddenly. I'm trying to see, if there's any other hairstyle that could last in freshly washed super slippery hair. Yesterday's French tuck was just what I was looking for, but I don't think it's an option for clean hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by novusfemina on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 7:32pm wrote on Feb 3rd, 2005 at 4:23am:
Galadriel, your hair might have dried straighter this time because of the leave-in conditioner. I know my hair loses some of it's wave when I use my Aussie leave-in conditioner... Just a thought. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 4th, 2005 at 6:47am
Thanks, novusfemina :) I hadn't thought of that. I'll trust the photo and let 1b stand for now.
I've been trimming splits again. That seems to be a never-ending mission. :-/ I don't have time or patience for doing big S&D missions where I go through all of my hair so little trimming more often suits me better. New styling idea: I found a way to wrap a bandanna scarf around my bun, as a bun cover (that makes the bun also look bigger, very good for my self esteem). Looks nice and above all- different from a regular cinnabun. It's beginning of February, so time to list my haircare routine again: Wash & condition: CWC with Body Shop olive oil shampoo & honey conditioner. Body Shop Amlika leave in-conditioner. XZ deep conditioner. Oiling: Jojoba oil for oiling dry hair, with Rosemary EO for deep conditioning, haven't made up my mind about Yves Rocher's so-called monoi oil Styling: Rose water for moisturizing and as styling aid, Aloe Vera gel. I've managed to rid myself of the hairspray except in most demanding circumstances. ;D ;D ;D Combing: My good old plastic comb for wet combing, Body Shop's wooden comb otherwise. It's really great! Styles: Cinnabun, French braid (for night), Dutch braid, French tuck, Chinese bun, high ponytail sometimes at home. Today's Cinnabun with a scarf is promising. Other styles are rather experiments, that I haven't worn more than once or twice. Toys: LL&MT hairsticks, chenille scrunchies for high ponytails, cheap plastic hairstick for wet bunning I'm still contemplating of satin pillowcases- everybody seems to find them beneficial, but I don't quite like the idea on sleeping on something slippery. Still searching for substitutes... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 5th, 2005 at 7:34am
I'm wearing the scarf bun again today. It's so comfortable and I like the way it looks. Under the scarf, I can hold my hair in a very loose bun. I'm sure my hair likes that!
I registered to LHC boards. I'm not planning to be very active there, but it's nice to have an account just in case there's something interesting going on. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 6th, 2005 at 6:27am
Another scarf bun day. I really like this style- it's so comfortable. I posted the instructions to boards, just in case someone is interested.
My hair behaves normally for a change: I washed it on Wednesday, and this is fourth day since- a hairwashing day. Just like it should be. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 7th, 2005 at 5:58am
Today I'm going to KEEP a lecture ( :o, I'm very inexperienced in lecturing) and decided that a scarf bun doesn't give me the emotional security I need. Yes...I sometimes build my emotional security by trying to make myself look more confident. Not that philosophers have a dresscode- I think we're among the last people to buy that nonsense that one cannot be a professional if she doesn't follow certain dress code. That's just irrational!
But yeah. I was telling you about my emotional insecurity. And how I decided after a moment to wear this pretty self crocheted big, golden brown scrunchie around my bun. Nice look, suited perfectly my thinking clothes and made me feel instantly better. I don't know if I'm exactly bored of wearing hairsticks- I enjoy looking them and playing with them, but I haven't worn them after I got bored with cinnabuns. I think I'd love to wear them with some other style, but I'm not in a very creative mood right now...and as this is first day after hair washin, my hair is too slippery for Chinese buns and French tucks Just to note: Yesterday I washed my hair, right in schedule, CWC with ACV rinse, wet bun, amlika leave-in conditioner and jojoba oil afterwards. My hair became incredibly soft and lovely. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 9th, 2005 at 6:00am
Now I've caught flu. Spouse had it until now (this is the first day he's at work) and after nursing him, I got it. I guess there's symmetry somewhere. :-/
Hair is doing well. I've been dusting it a bit, though there aren't so many splits. Yesterday I wore my newest pair of hairsticks- with a cinnabun. They were so pretty that I didn't feel bored at all. Today I'm ill and back with a scarf bun. I'm really happy that I came up with this style, it's so handy. I can't wait my hair to grow, but then, there's this problem with thinning ends. My ends are thin, and I still feel that the smart course of action would be to stop in BSL for a few months and trim 1 cm monthly. But that would mean longer wait until longer lengths... :-/ I really have to think about this well before I actually reach BSL. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 10th, 2005 at 6:01am
I'm still ill, drinking tea by litres and trying to think of nice hair thoughts instead of other parts of my head that aren't doing nearly as well as hair.
I figured out, how to do a five-strand braid in general. Turning it to a five-strand Dutch braid on self has proven difficult. I haven't lost my hope though...braiding takes just practice. I feel too weak for a serious braiding session right now, but perhaps I'll be better when weekend comes. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 11th, 2005 at 4:57am
Now I've lost my voice entirely. :-X This is just great. Otherwise, I'd had said that I feel a trifle better today.
I washed my hair last night...I know, in my condition it might have been better to leave unwashed, but it was dirty and just added to my feeling miserable. I tried to keep it short, so just a CWC, leave-in and oiling, and of course a wet bun. Now at least my hair is in top condition, inside its scarf bun. To cheer myself up, I'm planning of completing my hairstick order, now that I have time to dwell in catalog. After this, I might slow down a bit- I'm not growing my hairstick collection just for the joy of collecting but because I love each and every pair I own. I already have several pairs I've worn just once or twice, and after my newest additions...maybe I should just spend some quality time with my existing collection. Unless something totally irresistible shows up. ;) EDIT: The two pairs for which I've been drooling for a while were still unsold (miracles DO happen, apparently), so I stopped teasing my luck and ordered them. The shipment will be here just in time before my engagement anniversary and a romantic dinner we've planned to celebrate the excellent idea of getting engaged... I'm sure that my mental wellbeing must soon start to reflect in my physical condition. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 12th, 2005 at 9:57am
I'm still ill, still missing my voice, still wearing scarf bun and still feeling happy of yesterday's hairtoy shopping.
Last night when I was making a night braid, I noticed a small, but nice thing. Always when I've night braided, I've noticed that the very end of my braid has felt dry and a bit brittle- I've thought that my longest few hairs have been damaged. But last night, my hair was smooth and lovely all the way to the tips. In middle of the winter, I think this is something to be glad about. As I had my last trimming in December, I thought that I'd need another in beginning of March. But as my hair hasn't been really growing and the longest ends are doing so good- I feel like I might postpone it! :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 14th, 2005 at 4:40am
I'm almost back to normal again. :D
My hair seems to have enjoyed its time under scarfs: it's super soft and lovely. It seems that wearing scarf buns for so many days in succession did the trick: I'm perfectly happy with wearing a cinnabun with hairsticks again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 15th, 2005 at 7:06am
Heehee...I'm stretching my wash interval again. 5 days tonight! Today is the first day when my hair feels dirty, so I arranged it to French braid, tucked the end in and secured it with a large plastic hair pin and a pair of MT hairsticks. Pretty!
Split ends seem to be an endless battle to me. I trimmed over 100 of them this morning, and I'll need to continue. I should remember to check the situation often. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 16th, 2005 at 5:25am
I must admit it- I'm a bit depressed over my hair's growth. It's so slow (even if I don't think of the fact that there's no progress at all since December)! It's still over 10 cm (about 4-5 in) to BSL. A year! :(
Well, of course I've known this, but now it somehow hit me with new force. I try to be rational and remind myself, that the length between shoulderline and BSL is the longest distance between two body curves except classic- knee lenght distance where most don't ever go. And my next goal, waist will be less. But I'm still frustrated. So frustrated. On the happier side, I shopped new clothes yesterday. Mostly from a catalog- there's this Swedish company that makes beautiful clothes that don't follow mainstream fashion (I don't follow it either, I have my own style and sometimes finding clothes that look like "mine" is difficult). But this company has always something interesting, in spite of fashions. www.gudrunsjoden.com if you're interested. For the first time in a long, long, long time I ordered a colored jacket and pants that I mean to wear at work (if they don't prove too disturbing). Ok, I realize that dark blue isn't exactly "colorful" for most people, but for me it is. Now all I need is a pair of blue hairsticks that I can wear with my new outfit... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 17th, 2005 at 4:18am
My depression was cured by this amazing new hair toy I found. I don't know what it's called in ANY language (I tried to search for such toys online, but didn't find any).
It looks like two long interconnecting combs with short teeth that are put together from one end and can be clipped securely from other, so they form a clip. The hair is gathered to a ponytail, and then this thingy is snapped to hold it. It creates a ponytail that starts from high up, but the neck hairs aren't pulled high like in ordinary ponytail. Result: a very flattering-looking ponytail which makes my hair look much longer than ordinary ponytail. It really makes the best out of my hair. I love this! Too bad I can't wear it today... I'm going to lecture again, and my emotional security demands a bun. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Feb 17th, 2005 at 11:10am
I think what you are describing is what we used to call 'banana clips'. They never held in my fine hair, but I did like how they looked.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Feb 17th, 2005 at 1:49pm wrote on Feb 16th, 2005 at 5:25am:
totally right! i was inspecting my back side in the mirror too and for me BSL and waist are very close indeed. i am equally frustrated about tailbone being so far away from waist! but then classic comes very close. so close i even think i'll be trimming tons once at tailbone to get most of those layers out. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 17th, 2005 at 4:56pm
Banana clip? What a fun name for a fun toy :) . This one I have has to be placed well in order to hold- it curves, and if the curve doesn't fit the shape of head the do becomes too loose. Otherwise it is fairly secure in my hair.
Styg...as always, your hair sounds absolutely gorgeous. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 18th, 2005 at 4:23am
Today I'll get to wear my new toy all the day. I'm so happy to finally be able to make a do that resembles a ponytail, but fits to my head shape at the same time.
Choices, choices...I need to list again all the hairstyles I'm able to do at the moment just to be stunned of how many choices I have. So, here's everything, including the styles I know but haven't actually worn much. 1. Cinnabun -with hairsticks -with pins and other decorations 2. Scarf bun 3. Chinese bun 4. Fake figure 8 5. Hair slide bun 6. This wonderful 'do that is still without a name http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=242462&messageid=1108502316 7. French Braid 8. French Braid with end tucked in 9. Dutch Braid 10. Classic Dutch/French Braid 11. Banana clip ponytail 12. High ponytail :o I choose from among 12 styles every day (plus, right when I solve baby hair problem, I can add crown braid to the list)! I didn't realize there were so many. Wow. Even half-long hair isn't certainly boring. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 19th, 2005 at 5:38pm
Yesterday I gave my hair a "full treatment": wash, ACV, deep conditioner + normal leave-in conditioner + jojoba.
Now my hair feels super soft and shiny (and super slippery too...but I'm expecting it to be perfect tomorrow). But split ends are STILL bothering me. I spent yesterday over an hour trimming them, and continued today, and I have got just a few parts of my hair checked. There seem to be so much of them. I have no idea of what causes them...I think that I'm really treating my hair gently. Really annoying. >:( My previous LL order has been shipped- three pairs of hairsticks are on their way home again. ;D But even that wasn't enough...I just needed to order Romantic Interlude BridalStix. The design was too interesting. Funny, I've thought that I'm lampwork bead gal, but lately I've ordered mainly hairsticks with crystals. Gorgeous crystals that have looked just perfect in gorgeous designs... *happy, dreamy sigh* And big news for the last: We finally got the digicam! I'm trying to get some pictures of my hair soon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 20th, 2005 at 4:04pm
Promised pictures posted to Show Off Your Locks. I lured T take them right in the morning, and we had fun time taking them. After looking at everyone else's nice pictures for so long I'm happy for finally being able to participate. I really liked the Chinese bun picture.
I'm definitely going to start wearing Chineses more often- when my hair isn't too slippery for holding the style long even with a bun net, like it was today. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 21st, 2005 at 5:02am
Weehee! I'm a Diamond NOW!
My hair is finally dirty enough to make a lasting Chinese bun, and that's what I'm wearing. I ordered hairsticks AGAIN...I've admired for long hairsticks with twisted ribbon lampwork beads, and my waiting finally paid off, I'm sure that Zircon d'Or sticks will suit perfectly with those blue clothes I mentioned a while ago. I'm so happy of Euro/Dollar conversion rate and wish that situation stays the same until I become really rich. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Feb 21st, 2005 at 10:49am
Here's your diamond.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 22nd, 2005 at 6:44am
A shiny diamond! :D
Lecturing is OK, but or some reason I feel still totally drained and in need of pampering. My hair looked dirty when I unraveled the night braid, so I decided to experiment a bit. I took a fair amount (a teaspoonful, maybe a little more) of jojoba oil, and applied it to my length (ponytail). Then I wrapped my hair into a loose bun, misted it with rose water and then completed my scarf bun like usual. The oils will get to work where they are needed most for the whole day before I wash it in the evening, and outside it looks like an ordinary scarf bun. See what happens! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 23rd, 2005 at 4:25am
Experiment turned out to be success! :D
In the evening, I washed my hair (SC with shampooing also the length...long time since I last did that ;D), didn't apply leave-in because I wanted to see the exact results of my experimental bun. My hair turned out to be incredibly soft and lovely. The very ends were a trifle dry even after last time's deep conditioning, but not anymore! They're again as soft as the rest of the hair. I'll definitely do this again. :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 25th, 2005 at 4:49am
My Olive oil shampoo bottle is almost empty, and I decided that it's time to test a new shampoo. I wanted to find something cheap from a local supermarket. First minutes at shampoo shelf were disappointing. Head and shoulders...cones...Pantene...until at last I found in lowest shelf something interesting. LV shampoo is a Finnish brand, and meant for sensitive skin. Recommended by Allergy and Asthma Alliance of Finland. Doesn't have parfum or colors...or much of anything else either, at least if compared to my Body Shop shampoo. It was adverticed as extra gentle, and at least compared to other brands it seems such. Price was reasonable, and it is also available in bigger bottle size.
Ingredient list: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glycereth-2 Cocoate, PEG-4, Rapeseedamide, Sodium Laureth-11, Carboxylate, Laureth-10, Sodium Chloride, Polyquarternium-10, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate. I'm going to test this stuff tonight, with otherwise completely normal routine. I wash a bit early of schedule- but tomorrow is our first engagement anniversary (might be last too, if our wedding plans proceed as intended ;) ) and we go to a fine restaurant. No place for dirty hair! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 25th, 2005 at 4:10pm
Quick update for results from my experimental wash with LV shampoo. My hair feels just as soft and nice as always after a wash. I think I'll try this shampoo for a while, and if my hair still seems to like it, I'll stamp it with a big, yellow APPROVED stamp. ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 27th, 2005 at 2:30pm
Hair has spent today happily inside a scarf bun. It's really cold outside, so it's great to know an extra protective hairstyle.
Our dinner yesterday was wonderful, the food was excellent and mood very happy. I wore my Raspberry Swirl hairsticks- they were perfect for romantic evening. I noticed that the silver plating has started to darken a bit. I'm going to try silver polish carefully to darkened parts, right as I'm polishing my other silver stuff. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Feb 28th, 2005 at 6:02am
So, I tried silver polish, and now my sticks shine like new. Very good! :)
Did I say that yesterday was cold? Well, now it's even colder. Last week I had bought a blush pink bandana sized chiffon scarf, and today I chose to wrap my hair inside that. It's a bit less casual than a bandana scarf, and I feel quite comfortable with it- even though today's a lecturing day. Of course, knowing that styling choices are really limited if one wants to go outside on a day like today, helps. Tomorrow is measuring day- I so wish that my hair will finally show some growth. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 1st, 2005 at 5:40am
March is here, and so is my growth poll...and the best of all, good growth in my own hair. ;D I've gained 2 cm in a month! After months of no real progress, I couldn't be more pleased! ;D
Upgrade on my routine Washing: CWC with Body Shop olive oil shampoo or LV shampoo & honey conditioner. Body Shop Amlika leave in-conditioner. XZ deep conditioner. Good results from deep treatment with jojoba oil. Oiling: I've used jojoba oil. Started to hesitate about that fake monoi after all. Styling: Rose water and jojoba. I have used little hairspray only once in February. Still happy about it. Combing: My celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: I've mostly worn cinnabuns with hair sticks and scarf buns. Chinese bun is nice, but cannot be done when my hair is clean, same goes for braided styles. For nights, French braid still rules. Toys: LL&MT hairsticks, bandana scarves, cheap plastic hairstick for wet bunning. EDIT: Forgot my banana clip! That's a great toy, but a bit difficult in cold days when I need to cover my head with layers of wool and deal with resulting static. It's amazing how there seems to be changes in my routine from month to month. What I learned yesterday: Though chiffon scarves are pretty, they aren't nearly as good as bandanas in making scarf buns. They seem to unravel easily and have to be readjusted many times a day. Not to mention, that they don't feel very secure or support hair like a bandana does. Have to find some other use for those scarves. Maybe they are still good used as triangles or something... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Ilovecats on Mar 1st, 2005 at 10:16pm
Hi Galadriel,
I've read quite a few of your journals and noticed that you mentioned having tons of split ends. I also have split end and breakage issues, even though I thought I was doing everything right. What I have, however, is ponytail damage. I only ever used scrunchies (cloth covered elastics) but still have breakage and splits halfway up my head from the ponytail. Did you ever wear a ponytail for a long time? I'm just throwing an idea out there, maybe this could be where your splits came from? But if they are not high up on your hair, they probably wouldn't be from the ponytail. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 4:57am
As I keep my hair always up, and need to have a ponytail start, this might be a reason for some splits. But my splits are really everywhere...there's no "damage concentration" in my crown area. :-/ The situation has improved a lot lately, though. I have oiled my ends a lot, treated my hair gently for since November and trimmed regularly splits. There are still some, but the situation is far from the worst. But I'll definitely start to think of how could I prevent ponytail damage. Wearing my hair down is definitely not an option- death for the ends- and in most days my hair is so slippery that braided styles won't stay. Still, there's got to be something that can be done...
Yesterday my ends felt dry- I guess that since I've trimmed in December, they are entitled to be a bit dry. But for first aid, I threw them into a scarf bun with a load of jojoba oil for the day. In the evening I washed -again with LV shampoo- and vinegar rinsed it. It seems that overconditioning is impossible for me in the winter. Today, cold weather continues, so I'm going to dry oil my ends again, mist with rosewater and do a scarf bun. |
Title: I receiveRe: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 11:40am
Oh my...I'm trying to write about my hairstick shipment that just arrived and totally made my day...but I'm speechless. Three stunning pairs in luscious colors (plus another jewelry roll) in my hands, and I'm totally out of words. I guess I need to babble a bit...it's so fun to read later.
Rose FuturiStix have amazing HUGE rose crystals, and they look so exotic and stunning that I feel like fainting every time I look at them. I've used a lot my other pink pair, so it's nice to have another. Seafoam bloom GlitterStix have most unusual flower design. Seafoam green is lovely color that suits my haircolor very well, and the glitter finish is just perfect- subtle enough for everyday use, yet interesting. Perfect for bright sunny days! My grandchildren will fight for these one day. ;D Spring Forsythia DuetStix...now they are just too beautiful. Olivine green color is wonderful and teardrop crystals are breathtaking. I think that these will become one of my most used pairs. I gotta lure T to take pictures of these beauties. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 3rd, 2005 at 4:41am
So, I started to ponder the problem, how could I make ponytails to different places and ended up doing a sort of classic braiding: I did a middle part, french braided both sides as long as the "french" part went. Then I combined the ends to one ponytail, twisted it to bun at the nape of my neck, put on a net and secured with my Spring Forsythia hairsticks. T was still at home when I was doing my braiding (didn't see the final result though) and commented, that he loves my fancy updos. Now, he compliments me of my hair, but this particular compliment was new ;D. I'm also very happy with this style, it's so beautiful. The only downside is, that the braids take a bit time to make, especially as it's a bit difficult to make two braids that are exactly alike on self. Neverthless, I should have patience for this more often!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 4th, 2005 at 6:47am
I'm still thinking of styles that don't need a ponytail base. Today's style is French braid with end tucked in. I attached it with my new FuturiStix. In this style, the stick part doesn't show very well, so hairsticks with bigger crystals/beads are just perfect.
I hope to be able to come up with non-braid styles. Banana clip pony is one option that I probably use more when weather becomes warmer and I don't have to mess with headcovers. French Twists would be great, if only my hair were less slippery. I'm sure I can solve this, if I just think a bit, though... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 5th, 2005 at 7:06am
I washed my hair last night, the "usual treatment", CWC, amlika leave-in and dry oiling plus wet bunning. So, today's only option was to bun. Recently washed hair just is not good material for experimenting. I tried my FuturiStix, and guess what! They work surprisingly well in slippery hair. They're a bit thicker than my other hairsticks, and I think that the carved surface might have something to do with the matter...but this is very good! :D
I'm ready to call my LV shampoo experiment a success- all there is to it seems to be, that it is a simple, gentle cleanser, and as such a good addition to my shampoos. I still feel like continuing shampoo experiments- next I plan to go to a health food store and see, if I can find a good natural shampoo (though my Body Shop shampoo is excellent, it's ingredient list is far from natural). I've been diligently trimming away some splits every day. There aren't overwhelmingly many, but it is visible, that time has really passed since my last trim. But, as winter's growth was so minimal, I really want to postpone my next trim until beginning of April. On fun side, I thought to list things that I've learned about my hair since starting to treat it well. 1. My hair is fragile and needs to be pampered and treated super gently. 2. Brushing regularly is a major mistake. 3. So is sleeping without a French braid. 4. My hair does not require washing every other day. 5. It loves to be bunned, especially inside a scarf. I don't think it would tolerate being down often very well. 6. It needs to be dusted often. 7. When in good health, it is super slippery. However, slipperiness can be overcome without resorting to tons of hairspray. Bun nets, hairsticks and aloe vera gel can tame my hair in normal situations. 8. French Twist just doesn't work. 9. I better stay away from hairstylists. New LL hairsticks are far better investment. 10. Shine spray is totally useless if the hair is healthy. EDIT: 11. How could I forget this? Though it doesn't look like growing, it grows. Not equally much every month, but the average seems to be quite normal amount of growth. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 6th, 2005 at 2:22pm
I need to find a small, soft rug that fits in front of my combing table. Today was second time when I nearly dropped a hairstick. Though I know that I can send broken sticks for repairing, that's not certainly something I look forward to!
I did that classic braid thingy do again, and it has stayed neat (well, I haven't messing with wool scarves). I also like the feel of it...can't wait until my hair grows so long that I'm able to do all the beautiful braided styles showed in dreamweaverbraiding. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 7th, 2005 at 5:03pm
I bought the rug...feel much safer now. :)
I went to Helsinki, and among other things searched for a satin pillowcase. I was really surprised to discover, that even in the city's best warehouse there weren't anything that appeared to be a quality product. People really don't use those things here! I guess that I need to resort to internet shopping again... :-/ I also looked a bit natural shampoos available, and found a couple of brands that had natural ingredient lists. I couldn't make up my mind with those, so all I bought from that shop was a bottle of rosewater. I've become such a heavy user! But I guess that I'm allowed to be like that after managing of stopping using hairspray. To be truthful, I would have never believed that I can do that, and now that it seems to have happened, I'm very happy with myself. :) Today is third day from hairwashing...and I'm so tired that I'm going to leave that until tomorrow. In any case, my hair looks quite ok in classic braid and I'm sure that a scarf bun doesn't look too bad tomorrow. My scalp has been itching a bit- maybe I'm in a need of a nice oil treatment to my roots and all. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 8th, 2005 at 4:43am
Hair feels really soft and lovely, and instead of confining it to a scarf bun, I just made a cinnabun with hairsticks. Haven't worn hairsticks for a couple of days and they feel reeeally luxurious! ^^
My hair is actually cleaner than I expected- doesn't look dirty, only shiny and soft. I wonder if braiding has something to do with that. On the other hand, I lost unusually lot hair when combing last night...so I guess that my old way of doing a bit different styles every day might still be wise. Oh, and I cleaned my combing table again. Finally, I had enough spirit to put almost all my old cheap hairsticks to charity bag, except just a few- one for wet bunning and a couple that are so pretty that I might find use for them if I travel. Otherwise, my quality hairstick collection is so big that I'm sure there's something for every occassion. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 9th, 2005 at 11:58am
I received my new hairsticks: Romantic Interlude Bridalstix and Zircon d'Or D'Or Stix. ;D ;D ;D
Romantic Interlude hairsticks are now my second hairsticks that I bought Chinese buns in mind. The crystals are very interesting and subtle coloring matches with everything. I'm sure I'm going to wear these a lot. Zircon d'Or sticks are simply a knockout. My little collection has only beauties in it (can't afford to buy those pairs I find only mildly interesting ;) ), but I think that this pair is most beautiful of all. Twisted ribbon beads are amazing...I NEED to have more of hairsticks with these!...and the design and color are just spectacular. I love these! In fact, I love these so much that I think I'll drop Susan a special little thank you email. :) My hair is doing pretty well. I'm dreaming of warming sauna on this weekend if my stuffy nose clears. I'd love to make an oil treatment... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 10th, 2005 at 4:56am
I'm still bouncing around for hairstick happiness. My collection is sooo nice now, and I can finally think of slowing down my collecting soon. Note: soon, not just yet. ;D
Another source of hair happiness is, that I've survived first day after washing again...it's closest thing I have to a bad hair day. Real bad hair days, when I had to leave the house with my hair looking like a mess, are fortunately long gone- they went when I started to bun and have never come back. I also checked split situation before I bunned, but it seems that my diligence has paid off and there aren't too many *knocks the wood*. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 11th, 2005 at 7:22am
I've made a decision.
[glb]I'M NOT GOING TO TRIM BEFORE JUNE.[/glb] It's then been 6 months since my last trim. I don't really think that a trim is necessary every 8 weeks as my stylist has taught me- when I thought about, why I think I need a trim, that was the only real reason that came up to my mind. My ends aren't in such a bad shape- thanks for regular dusting and moisturizing. A bit dry, but mostly the dry hairs are split or broken hairs that can be dusted away. I've just assumed that they must be since it's so long since my last trim. Doesn't sound very convincing, now does it? And, in case some damage develops, I can still trim that away when I stop for a while in BSL. So, until June, it's just dusting, dusting, dusting and hopefully lots of growth! Inspired, I had a little longer dusting session right away, and I got rid of quite a few splits. Much better! For finishing touch, I added a drop of jojoba oil to very ends, misted ponytail part with rosewater and put everything inside a scarf bun. Nice! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 12th, 2005 at 9:15am
Yesterday I found some pretty bandana scarves in pastel colors from Helsinki. :D There were also silk scarves, but I think that silk doesn't work in bun cover use.
My hair is really dirty now, but for some reason I had neverthless difficulty in braiding it. After few unsuccessful tries of making different braids I gave up and made a scarf bun. I'm sneezing, but neverthless dream of sauna and oil treatment (jojoba&roisemary EO mix). For waiting the oils to work, I have Babylon 5 first season to entertain me. This will be so nice a weekend ^^. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 13th, 2005 at 7:13am
The oil treatment really made my hair happier. :D Scalp itching is gone again- I guess that in my case, it's sign of the scalp getting too dry. It's just like the rest of my skin, then, needs moisturizing and starts to itch if I don't take good care.
Did a small dusting. The splits aren't so easy to find at the moment, but I prefer the situation to stay that way, so I keep dusting a couple of times a week, checking a random section of hair every time. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 14th, 2005 at 9:56am
Good hair sighting day!
Today I went to university, and had some extraordinary long hair sightings. First one was at computer room, where I saw this girl wearing her natural blonde, healthy hair in a bun that looked like a figure 8, and was decorated with an ornate comb. I have never seen a woman (except myself) wearing beautiful hair ornaments on an ordinary day. Seeing her made me really happy! Unfortunately, she left before I had a chance to compliment her. Then, I came to my department, and it seems that spring sun had lured all local longhaired men there. I saw one with hip length hair, and at the library there was another long haired guy wearing a bun. A good-looking bun. I'm sooo happy after all these sightings. They really made my day! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 15th, 2005 at 4:47am
I can't believe this. It should be spring here, but it's colder than ever during the "real" winter months. :(
Not too many styling options available: scarf bun is the only comfortable style that stays neat for the whole day and isn't disturbed when I get in and out of my hoods and scarves. I'm happy that I bought those pretty bandanas (I'm going to Helsinki again today and am hoping to find one or two more). I hope that my scarf collection will keep me entertained until the weather gets warmer and I can wear all my beautiful hairsticks again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 16th, 2005 at 4:40am
I thought today would be my washing day, but my hair feels strangely clean again, so I'll wait until tomorrow. I wonder, where does this unnatural cleanliness come from. I haven't abandoned my goal of washing my hair just once a week, but it seems that since I stretched the interval to 4 days, things have become a bit complicated. I can wash my hair every 4 days in average, but sometimes it gets so dirty that it needs to be washed on 3rd day after washing day and rarely I can wash it on 5th. Complicated...but I'm still going to keep trying.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Mar 16th, 2005 at 10:33am
If it is any consolation, it took me almost a year of washing every 4 days to be able to stretch it to 5.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 17th, 2005 at 4:21am
That is good to hear. :D Especially since the cleanliness didn't last until night. My hair turned somehow into a grease pit during just one day, and just before sleeping I had to wash.
But, I'm still happy. I managed to make a French Twist. I found this old, sturdy 6-prong celluloid comb of mine, and gave it a try. It worked! I managed to produce a French Twist that lasted longer than half an hour. Not for the whole day, but I think that with little practice, I can make it. ;D And it looked so good! I think it makes me look a bit older, but that's only a good thing. For some reason, people seem to listen older philosophers better than young. So, hopefully this will become my new secret ethos booster! :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 18th, 2005 at 4:37am
My hair spent all yesterday in a nice French Twist and I was sooo happy of that.
The cold weather isn't going anywhere- it's still freezing cold (and it doesn't help to know that right now we're about 10 degrees below the average temperature of this time in March). So, today's again a scarf bun day. I visited yesterday in a hair accessory shop and bought a French Twist comb (replacement for the one I gave for charity a while ago ::)). And...nothing else! The hair accessories available here are lame, inspite opening a couple of new shops that sell mostly hair accessories. Nobody is selling good updo tools like hair forks or good combs. So I guess that internet will stay my number one hairtoy shopping place. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 23rd, 2005 at 3:37am
Phew! I missed my journal during the update break!
Well, nothing really noteworthy hasn't happened these past few days- I've ordered a pair of hairsticks (couldn't resist those Caramello SE sticks any longer), honed my new-found skill with French Twists (I love them!) and gave my hair a clarifying rinse and XZ deep conditioning when I washed it. And, at all times, I wish it was longer. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 24th, 2005 at 6:20am
Yesterday I was again seeing one of my favourite Finnish bands coming to play at a local nightclub (Finland is so small that even quite successful bands sometimes can come to do nightclub gigs in smaller places like the one where I live in the middle of the week). I came home at around 2 am, and was too tired to go to shower. I did that the first thing in the morning.
I hate cigarette smell! On the more positive side, there was again a good long hair sighting- a young lady who wore her gorgeous classic length hair down. I've often wondered how I'm going to look with long hair- haven't seen many pictures of larger ladies with long hair. Now I know. It looks GORGEOUS. I want my hair that long right now! And I think that once my hair gets in those lengths, I might even start to wear it down every now and then ;D . Nothing special about my hairwash- just ordinary cwc. It's air drying now, but I doubt that I can get it completely dry before I have to leave the home. Luckily, the weather has become warmer, and is already above freezing point during the daytime. A scarf should be sufficient protection. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 25th, 2005 at 5:57am
Trip to Helsinki was so eventful. Not only did I find new bandanas (I think I now own as many bandanas as quality hairsticks ::) ), but also good longhair sightnings on older women. One really elegant updo, and the lady who sold me those bandanas had a long, thick braid of graying hair- I think her hair must have been classic length. Remarkable thing was, that neither of these ladies had colored her hair- something very rare in this country where nearly every woman colors. I must say- those ladies looked really elegant and much more beautiful than they would have looked with shorter hair.
I feel really spoiled after these long hair sightings I've had lately- this has been most unusual time. Thanks to Styg, I now lust a snood from bronzejewelers (well, I've lusted them but the ordering system has made me hesitant). I loved the look of plastic snoods, but even when my hair was flip length, I managed to break even biggest ones available here. I bet that could not happen with a bronze snood- at least with one that comes in different sizes. ;D But first, I've better complete my pending hairstick order... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 26th, 2005 at 5:19am
I wore my hair yesterday in my version of classic braid (two French braids combined into a low cinnabun and held together with hairsticks) but for some reason I couldn't make the thing work today. Finally, I had to settle for a cinnabun with green hairsticks.
The temperature has climbed to above freezing point and sun is warming nicely. I'm all excited about spring that is finally coming. After winter, it feels great to be outside without wearing a hood and earmuffs. And how my hairsticks must sparkle in sunlight! ^^ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 27th, 2005 at 4:14pm
Third classic braid day in a row, this time because my hair was so dirty that there was really no other way to wear hairsticks. I'm still excited about the spring, and Spring Forsythia hairsticks are just perfect for expressing the feeling ;D .
My braids have recently entered into a very uncomfortable length- the "tail" part seems always to be in the wrong place around my neck. I hope that this will get better as my hair grows...along with everything else. ;D Can't wait to be able to make a good-looking rosestem braid. I washed the hair- a "full treatment" including vinegar rinse, deep conditioner and dry oiling. I washed my hair early in the evening- nice to go sleeping with dry hair for a change. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 28th, 2005 at 12:06pm
My hair is clean and nice again, and for a change, I made a scarf bun using one of my new bandana scarves.
It's so comfy and I feel all pampered for being able to do so many hairstyles. I'm still so excited about it, after so many years with hair too short to do anything, it feels really luxurious and I'm enjoying every moment. A while ago I mentioned that I would like to try some all natural shampoos, and now I found this company. http://chagrinvalleysoapandcraft.com/index.html I placed an order, two soaps and two shampoo bars. I already was planning to try making soap at home (I've been lately looking for ways to make my life more simple and natural, how to make things at home and so on), and now I discovered that it's also possible to make shampoo bars (though apparently it's best to start with simple soap). ;D Exciting! But first, I will try how I like shampoo bars with this company's products. They look so luxurious and I can't wait to try them! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 30th, 2005 at 5:46am
My hair life's big theme at the moment seems to be waiting.
Waiting for my new hairsticks and shampoo bars to arrive, waiting for reaching BSL (I checked from the mirror last night, and it's getting close) and lengths below that. Waiting for my hair to be long enough to make a nice long braid. At least, two first things don't require a long wait. :) Keeping my hair up helps with third- with my hair in a bun, I can feel like a longhair. Scarf buns are especially good at this as wrapping the scarf over the bun makes it appear bigger. ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Mar 30th, 2005 at 7:42pm wrote on Mar 30th, 2005 at 5:46am:
told you it wouldn't take a year! ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Mar 31st, 2005 at 5:46am
I'm beginning to think you might be right- my hair seems to grow fast now! ;D Let's see how summer goes...
I'm wondering, is rapidly coming spring again causing weird reactions in my hair. It was so dirty that I had to wash it yesterday, and while I was at it, I cut about a ton of split ends (continued today). Last time I checked the situation was not long ago, and then I could find hardly any. I'm also shedding more than usual. But, if it is the spring, I have some hope that it'll pass in a few weeks just like it did when winter came. As the situation is what it is, I decided to put an extra load of jojoba and rosewater in my hair and scarf bun them for today. I don't know if it will soothe my hair as much as I wish, but at least it soothes me. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 1st, 2005 at 5:21am
Naah...not terribly fast growth, just a good 1 cm. But it's growing and that's the main thing!
Here's my current routine. No big changes this month, except learning to make a French Twist. Washing: CWC with Body Shop olive oil shampoo or LV shampoo & honey conditioner. Body Shop Amlika leave in-conditioner. XZ deep conditioner or jojoba oil mixed with Rosemary EO for leave in conditioner. Oiling: jojoba oil Styling: Rose water and jojoba. I think I can label myself officially as an ex-hairspray heavyuser! ;D Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns and scarf buns. Classic braid with a regular cinnabun. French Twist. French braid for night. Toys: LL hairsticks and bandana scarves.Combs for French Twist. For some reason I haven't worn much my MT hairsticks... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 2nd, 2005 at 5:51am
My spouse is recovering from a bad flu that lasted nearly last week. And guess what's my reward for nursing him? That's right...now I'm going down with a flu. This has happened so many times that it's almost a pattern: he catches the flu first, I manage to stay healthy just long enough to nurse him, and then when he starts showing signs of getting better and is fit enough for some nursing responsibility, I become ill. :-/
I guess this means delay in my plans concerning sauna and oil treatment... I found out that Argus Designs will be closed during remaining season of 2005. Just when I had fallen in love with their designs and was planning ordering. *sigh* On good news side, I finally hardened myself and threw to charity bag all my shampoos and shower gels that I'm not going to use for one reason or another. I regret a bit my Body Shop Honey shampoo- but it just doesn't work with my hair. Also, a full bottle of deliciously smelling raspberry shower gel had to go because it made my skin awfully dry - with my delicate skin it was too high price to pay for heavenly smell. Plus a lot of other stuff. I hope that they make someone else happy :) And my shower has again room for new stuff...like certain shampoo bars. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 3rd, 2005 at 6:11am
My condition isn't improving. Though today would normally be my washing day, I simply don't dare to wash- I get otitis really easily.
I hope that my scalp will appreciate this. :-/ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 4th, 2005 at 10:54am
I still have a flu...and I still don't dare to take a shower. My hair is dirty, but I don't think it has actually gotten much worse. I think I might make it to tomorrow without washing...but not longer. Hopefully it is enough for avoiding otitis.
I took some pictures of my hairtoys, to be posted in Longhaircommunity's photo gallery. They came out well, so I add them also here. Here are all my quality hairsticks. Hairsticks in upper row are from Maiden's Treasures. The lower row...looks familiar, doesn't it? ;D And here are all my LongLocks hairsticks. The photos don't really do them justice. Here is general portrait of most of my hairtoys other than hairsticks pictured above. Nearly everything except bandanas were bought before I found internet's hairtoy resources. Is it just a coincidence, that besides bandanas I use these only occassionally. Conclusion: I need to find more French Twist combs and hair forks. And more LongLocks hairsticks, of course. Which reminds me...my next shipment should arrive pretty soon. :D *bounces* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Apr 4th, 2005 at 11:33am
Galadriel your hairsticks are lovely!!! I love the white rose of MT. I,too, have my eye on it for some time! And I'll let you know that when that mauve/purple deco LL pair called Misty something was gone I was heartbroken!! I love it very much. Congrats on a very good choice ;D Now back to admiring all your collection ;) ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Apr 4th, 2005 at 6:35pm
All I can say is [glb]WOW!![/glb]
Serious hairstick envy here! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Apr 4th, 2005 at 7:55pm wrote on Apr 4th, 2005 at 10:54am:
i received my stuff from bronze jewelers today ... believe me, i can maybe not do a "complate" french twist since there's just too much hair to tuck in but all those semi-twist styles ... the comb holds it all and my hair was freshly hennaed and washed! they made the teeth slightly longer. it glides in smoothly and comes out without ripping a single hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on Apr 4th, 2005 at 10:16pm
:o Gorgeous! What beautiful hair toys!
I'm sorry to read about your problems with otitis. I've had problems with that too; when I was in school I'd get an ear infection almost every time I showered. I would either wear swimmer's ear plugs or use a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part grain alcohol in my ears afterwards. It burned, but I didn't get infected. I'm gonna look at the hairsticks again for a while. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 5th, 2005 at 6:34am
Thank you all for your nice words! :) I'm sure that though she is probably about to drown in orders, Rapunzel is happy to help you to ease your hairstick envy (not to mention, that I'm sure that if I saw your collections, I might turn green of envy myself! ;D ) Greek Lady, I was on the site when new DecoStix were posted there, took one glimpse to Misty Mauves and ran to fetch my Visa. LOL It was love at first sight. I think I wouldn't have been able to get a good second sight as I remember that all the DecoStix posted at that time went really fast.
Styg: I think I really need to order something from Bronze Jewelers soon. 13bodies: Thanks for your concern and advice. I really hate having tendency to develop otitis though I'm adult. Anyway, today I'm feeling a bit better. I'm not still healthy, but I'm not sneezing constantly either. :) My hair was very dirty, and when I received my shampoo bars, I didn't wait a moment before going to shower. My lengthy review of shampoo & soap is here: http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=products;action=display;num=1112684501 Let me just say again that I'm very happy of being clean again, and very much going all-natural in my shower habits. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 6th, 2005 at 3:16am
My hair is still feeling nice and soft. Since I washed it so early yesterday, I count this as second day after washing. Hair looks and feels a bit oily from ears down. I wonder, whether I accidentally overdid my oiling a bit (I don't think it's the new shampoo because I didn't apply it to my length). In any case, as long as I keep my hair up, it's not disturbing and since it also feels nice, I just let it be. I think I'm still shedding quite a lot, though nothing near to yesterday's horrific amount (I think I lost a full handful while combing and washing! :o). It worried me a bit, and I hope that it's just my being in not-so-good shape combined to sudden change from winter to spring weather.
I feel much better, and am going to travel to Helsinki, visit library and do other stuff that I should have already done. I'm still taking rest of the week easy, and will stay the rest of the week at home working with my Master's thesis and next Monday's lecture. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 6th, 2005 at 11:55am
Hairstick review update :)
When I came back from Helsinki, I was in for a real surprise. Longlocks hairstick shipment in my mailbox! I've usually needed to fetch them from nearby post office, but as I was very tired (not still in full health...) I was really glad to find them from my mailbox. This time I had a special reason to be excited: both pairs that I had ordered, I had ordered after a little struggle. Caramello SE pair was in the shop for ages, and though I really liked it, I always kept telling myself, that I already have several nice pairs of MT hairsticks that are brown and I still almost never wear them... but still, I kept coming back to drool Caramellos and finally I just couldn't resist the urge, especially since they just stayed there in the shop... Lacerta Holostix where a different matter, a struggle over my prejudice towards Holostix. I knew that I needed badly a pair of black hairsticks. But I never quite liked the look of Holosticks...the pictures of lacquer look a bit weird on the site I guess. However, I was there when these Holosticks came to the shop and found not just one but two pairs that had so nice crystals that I was ready to order them inspite of some little nagging doubts. Someone beat me on Dark Matter, and Susan notified of that, and I switched to Lacerta. I didn't mind the switch at all, I had actually liked Lacerta more right away, but had thought that all-black hairsticks would have been more "practical". ::) Now I'm really happy this beginning brain problem didn't have chance to grow! And now they're both here. Just like I thought when I first saw Caramello pair, they are just the kind of hairsticks that are a perfect fit with nearly all my clothes. The beads, however, where a big positive surprise. In the picture they looked...well...somehow a bit ordinary, but in reality they're far from it! The color is really luscious and if they didn't have this nice three-dimensional effect, they would look exactly like little caramel candies. Super cool! I'm so happy I couldn't resist that temptation. I guess that my Maiden's Treasures hairsticks will continue to suffer of too little attention... I don't think the issue with them is really the color, but the fact that they are not LongLocks! Lacerta's crystals are just as lovely as I envisioned them. Lacerta means "lizard" in latin, and is a name of a constellation...cool... The biggest surprise was holographic finish. It is really STUNNING!!! It looks silvery at some angle, but then there are these little sparkles in all colors of rainbow, changing in reflections of light. They're really, really beautiful, and I'm totally in love with them. And I want more Holostix in future. Too bad my new pairs don't match, because I'd like to wear them both at the same time right now! *is in happy hairstick heaven* ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 7th, 2005 at 5:29am
Happy hair days seem to continue. My hair looks still clean, and is incredibly soft and shiny. It's a cloudy day, so I'm wearing my Caramello pair and absolutely love how they look in my hair. Logically, I couldn't resist when I noticed Hot Chocolate hairpin on IndividualiStix page- the first thought that crossed my mind was "Hey, that's a perfect match with Caramello". Second thought was "Where's my wallet?" ;D
If you ask my hair, the day's a success. I hope that good hair vibes will also have an effect to my thinking, for I have a lot of philosophizing to do today! :) EDIT: Forgot to add...shedding seems to be normalizing. I guess that my hair being super dirty affected to shedding rate. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 8th, 2005 at 12:26pm
Today I washed my hair second time with Honey Beer& Egg shampoo. Before washing, I spent a moment dusting. Split end situation seems to be good and there aren't too many around, but I also prefer to keep it that way.
Washing with shampoo bar was even more pleasant than last time. It lathered more (I luuuurve lather) and the "squeaking" feeling wasn't as strong as last time. I shampooed once, and then applied ACV. From then on, everything went just like last time. I shed quite a bit while wet combing, but not handful. I think my shedding is slowly creeping back towards normal again. There's a group order of Mei Fas in LHC. They offer hairstyx at half a price...now how am I supposed to resist that? Answer is, that no way. I put an order to three pairs of Allwood hairstyx and am struggling hard against temptation to order a certain beaded pair. And you know that I'm not very good at struggling against hairtoy temptations... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 10th, 2005 at 6:20am
I was in sauna yesterday and ended up washing my hair again with Honey Beer & Egg. It seems that my scalp has adjusted- the weird squeaky feeling had almost disappeared. Next time, I'll go without ACV and see what happens.
I'm very, very happy for finding Chagrin Valleys' products and am about to donate last of my liquid shampoos and conditioners. I reason, that since there was this adjustion period, there's no benefit in rotating between these totally different types of cleansers. My hair doesn't seem to miss a conditioner either so I think that a deep conditioning every now and then + oiling will take care of its conditioning needs. I love the simplicity of soap washing, and the softness and radiance it gives to my hair. I plan to rotate between different shampoo bars, though. After next wash, I'm going to try Rosemary Aloe Lavender shampoo bar... Another thing I like A LOT are my Caramello hairsticks. I really don't understand how I've survived without such a versatile, good for every occassion- sort of pair. All in all, my hair life's good, and I'm enjoying my hair and life with it a lot. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 11th, 2005 at 8:25am
Today's a gray and rainy day. Though I usually prefer not to wear colors while working, today there seemed to be so little color in the world that I found myself needing badly something to perk me up a bit. A pink striped shirt and my pink FuturiStix certainly did the trick. :) I feel more relaxed about lecturing and am not so worried about my appearance on lectures any longer. It's philosophy anyway, and I'd be disappointed if students swallowed whole everything I say. :P
I'm also thinking of making changes in my diet again. After I recovered from worst flu, I've been craving for salads, which is good. I've also started to bake our own bread. Not only is homemade bread easy to make and tastes good, but it's really easy to slip seeds and other super healthy stuff in the dough. So, two good changes in my diet so far. But, the sad fact is, that whatever weight I lost in beginning of year, seems to have creeped back (I blame certain chocolate chip cookie recipe for that ;) ). I'm hoping to cut eating sugar again and return to three meals per day rhytm, which felt really good while I was on the diet. My days are irregular, but, at least I can try. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Apr 11th, 2005 at 4:42pm
Dear Galadriel,
I just wanted to write to send you support on your recent dietary changes. I've been told that to learn something new it takes 500 repitions to create new nuropathways. To unlearn something and then replace it with new patterns takes 5,000 repitions. I'm telling you this in hopes you'll have patience and to reduce frustration. I, too, have a very irregular schedule and over the last 4.5 years I've eaten from a lot of fast food drive throughs. It's left me lethargic, depressed and fatter than I want to be. In November or December I was diagnosed with food sensitivities to wheat, dairy and corn. Well, you can imagine what a change I've had to make. Baby steps. I've found that doing a 3 day juice fast has made me much more aware of what I eat and why I want to eat it. So, I no longer want to put those unhealthy foods in my body. I'm not eating perfectly by any means, probably doing it right 85% of the time. If you need any pep talks along your journey, pop on over to my journal and let me know! :) Good Luck! Your sister in good health, Sakina |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 12th, 2005 at 4:30am
I've been overweight since childhood. While I don't think I'd feel comfortable being of normal weight, I do try to keep my weight in limits that are comfortable for me. As for lately, I've been pushing those limits and ended up being on a diet quite often. :-/ So I'm trying to think of some small changes to healthier direction. It's just difficult because I don't remember to think of things from healthiness perspective... I'd probably need some talking wrist watch to remind me in grocery store... :P
Back to the hair. Yesterday I had two long hair sightings while I was at the uni- or, two long hair horror sightings, to be more accurate. I've always been appalled of how insensitive comments people can make of long hair, but these two gals had heads of hair that made even me think of scissors (and of course, huge jars of jojoba oil and conditioner). Both had longer than waistlength hair that was dull, full of breakage from top all the way down and the whole looked really bad. I wondered, whether my long haired future would have looked like that had I never found these boards. Probably. I have never heard or read a single good, natural haircare advice in my mother tongue. Not to mention, how much my hairs' condition has improved since beginning of this journal. When I started this, I would never have really believed that I'd be able to stop using hairspray altogether, that shine spray would become completely obsolete. Not to mention, that I'd be able to quit visiting hairstylist and on top of that, be able to trim once in 6 months. Right now I've done everything except the last, and it seems that I can manage that, too. :D My ex-stylist would faint if she knew... EDIT: edited word "wrist watch" so that it passes the monitoring eye of ever vigilant censoring program ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Apr 12th, 2005 at 7:59pm
ah, you notice too how most long hair sights are pretty scary!! i had a few good ones at a marriage this weekend, but that gal has had long hair for many years and trims often obviously. but the ones i know myself or usually see in the streets ... my god! this site totally changed my perception on long hair lol although the last time i had long and rather dry hair (silicones of course) it never looked that bad! i wonder how so many people grow hair but don't care how it looks besides the length.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 13th, 2005 at 4:45am
I agree...people with radiantly healthy long hair are around here nearly extinct. Given the lack of knowledge, I usually enjoy seeing anyone who goes against mainstream and has a long hair... to make me notice long hair in a bad way- well, it has to be really bad. Sometimes I wonder, whether I could recognize a long hair board member on the street from combination of long, healthy hair and some pretty quality hairtoy decorating it. ;D
I'll update about hair after I've washed it tonight...without ACV :o . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 13th, 2005 at 3:10pm
Ok, update comes now.
http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=gallery;action=display;num=1113377391;start=0#3 Here's my today's braiding experiment. My hair was dirty and I wanted a braided style, but still something new and different. The braid I went out with was a bit tighter and better made, but otherwise it looked like one in the picture. It lasted very well and was comfortable- and I was happy, feeling that I had most beautiful hair in the whole Capital Region. ;D I bought some colorful, narrow satin ribbons for my next braiding experiments... When I got back home, I went and washed my hair without ACV. It felt squeaking, though that feeling lessened a bit when I did my last cool rinse. Now my hair is drying, and it seems to be just as soft and nice as always. So I guess that the squeakiness isn't anything to worry about. Next time, I'm going to try Rosemary Lavender Aloe. I also placed another order to Ida. I ordered soaps for both myself and my mother, whose skin is very similar to mine. She was so excited when I told her about these soaps. For myself, I ordered: Carrot & Honey complexion soap Rose Petal Geranium soap Carrot Milk& Honey shampoo Nettle shampoo sample size I guess my shampoo needs are satisfied for rest of the year. ;D The book I've been working with, is finally going to press and the publishing party will be in early May. I better start planning soon how to wear my hair there. ;D I'm certain that I should continue my styling experiments. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Apr 13th, 2005 at 10:23pm
hi hi ... i couldn't resist, i placed an order for 12 sample sized bars cuze there's just no way i can just pick out 4 !!! (12 is what fits into their smallest bag)
but i am not sur yet which ones she has. if i know i'll let you know! 8) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 14th, 2005 at 4:41am
It is difficult! I don't really know, how I managed to choose just a few. ??? :P
Now my hair is completely dry, and it feels nice, but somehow not quite as super nice as it was when I used ACV. I can't quite put my finger on, what the difference is... But, I guess I'm going back to that, at least for a little while. I've found lately a few recipes for making ACV rinses with honey and/or herbs, so maybe I could try something like that... I think that I'm on a braid mood today, so if my hair allows, I'm going to try again some fancy weird braid. I just love fancy weird updos and wait eagerly for the day I can start making Princess Leia styles. ;D It's really nice, how in all scifi movies the ladies always have beautiful long hair, usually in nice updos. Clearly, longhairs are ahead of their time ;D . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Apr 14th, 2005 at 7:09pm
i received mine yesterday but only get it today at the post (they really are big lights at the post over here ::) )
so finally ida managed to put 15 sample sized bars in the envelope!! lol, tons of choice, my reviews will follow for sure. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 15th, 2005 at 5:36am
15 bars :o! That's a lot to review ;D ! I'm looking forward to hearing of them. My second shipment has been just sent, I received an email from Ida about that. *bounce*
I also completed this months' hairstick shopping. Well, actually I thought I had completed it yesterday, but when I came to the shop there was this PERFECT blue pair I've been hunting for so long. I hope my shipment isn't packed very tightly ;) . I'm still working on the concept of keeping a break in my hairstick shopping so that I could afford hairtoys from other interesting sites...but it's just so difficult when there are all these to-die-for designs. Well, I'll do it one day. It just wasn't today. ;) I begun this morning by spending a rather long moment dusting. For the most part, I like my hair. Except splits and the poofy look it has when it's down. I hope that thel latter will correct itself with growth...and I just need to live with the first. After finishing my dusting I put an extra load of jojoba oil to my ponytail part, misted everything with rose water and put everything into a scarf bun. That seems to have become to my instant conscience-reliever procedure. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 16th, 2005 at 6:49am
My hair has begun to feel more normal again. Today, we're going to sauna, I'll make a nice oil treatment and try Rosemary Lavender Aloe shampoo with ACV. I still shed a bit, but I guess the total amount has lessened. On some days I shed like a squirrel, on others less. Can't wait for this to completely normalize!
On another note, I did survive a week without extra sugars. I ate a lot more veggies and fruits that I've otherwise been lately. That has to be good for me- but I have to admit, that it hasn't felt entirely good. No extra energy, just extra hollow and somehow weak feeling. But I guess I manage the weeks- for weekends I'm going to be less strict. The body has better to settle for this compromise ;) . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 17th, 2005 at 6:03am
I did the oil treatment, this time I mixed both Rosemary and Lavender EO with jojoba. The smell was really good, even spouse commented it. :)
Getting the stuff out of my hair, on the other hand, wasn't so easy. I didn't manage to clean my hair with shampoo bar (on a side note, otherwise I think I like Rosemary Aloe Lavender bar) though I tried to wash very thoroughly, and had to wash again this morning with my gentlest detergent shampoo. I hope my hair doesn't mind getting two vinegar rinses on successing days. Anyway, it's drying now and I hope it's clean. I added some leave in conditioner to ends. If my hair still feels bad, it's definitely not due to lack of trying from my part! Yesterday it was very warm, and today seems to be just as great day. We're going to nearby forest to look awaking nature (and first morels if we're lucky...) I guess that means a scarf bun. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 18th, 2005 at 5:07am
The hair turned out to feel wonderful. It's now very smooth, super soft and shiny. The treatment episode might was messy, but hair loved it! ;D
Last night I slept with twin braids. It worked quite well. They don't look as stupid on me as I was afraid- the style is actually quite cute (though the braids are too short ;) ) and I can see myself running around with twin braids when summer comes. Maybe with a scarf, that would give some protection... I really look forward to coming summer, colorful clothes and more casual hairstyles. Last summer, my hair was just in a simple bun decorated with local hairsticks (hee hee...now my hair is too long for simple bun and instead of cheap plastic hairsticks I have lovely LL sticks), I didn't even know how to French braid. This year, everything in hair front will be so much better... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 19th, 2005 at 8:13am
After oil treatment my hair has been so soft, that it's actually annoying. Yesterday, after a long fight, I managed to put it in a cinnabun with hairsticks. That cinnabun wasn't prettiest of its kind- essentially a tight ball that looked way too small for my taste. Anything better-looking just wouldn't stay. But it lasted through the day.
I hoped the situation would have been better today, but as it started to become evident that I wasn't so lucky, I decided to do something really historical. I did a half up style. :o I did a center part, took just a little hair from the sides and secured it with a small elastics. I'm quite happy with the result. My hair is just long enough for not looking pathetic, and the style doesn't make me look too feminine. I guess, that with my humanoidish face that won't be a problem, really. At the moment, I look like fat elf. In other words, I'm quite satisfied. :) I have quite a few clothes that should suit this style very well... It also looks like my dusting has paid off. My ends look good, and they don't thin too badly. A little trim in beginning of June should take care of that. It seems that my shedding season is finally over. I haven't shed much for past few days, and today's shedding was next to nothing. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Apr 20th, 2005 at 1:14am
Hi there. I was just wondering if you've used any conditioner since starting to use Ida's shampoo bars. I use one for the first time today and didn't use conditioner since I wanted a "pure" experience of the product.
I did use a vinegar rinse and my hair is soft. Maybe I'm paranoid. Do you oil your ends with a bit of jojoba while using the poo bars? Also, any tips on starting twin dutch braids? Yours looked so pretty in the photo and I've only just done one really decent single dutch braid. I'd really appreciate any hints! Thanks ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 20th, 2005 at 5:48am
No, I haven't used conditioner with shampoo bars. First time, I wanted a "pure experience" as I had heard that they could be used without conditioner. The result was so shiny and soft hair, that I decided that I don't need a conditioner next time... to this day, my hair is totally happy. ;D I use jojoba oil, though, to my very ends after hair has dried. I tried to wash once without a vinegar rinse, and though it didn't cause a hair disaster, the result was somehow not quite as nice as with the rinse. Hard to say what it was...maybe the shampoo left a little residue or something. ??? So I'll keep vinegar rinsing.
Twin Dutch braids...hmm, well, first you need to make a center part. You will also need small elastics, since you have to secure the first braid before you can occupy your hands with second one. You should start both braids from sections closest to your ear, or they can become asymmetrical. For me, right side is more difficult to braid neatly than left, so I always start from there (when my hands are rested and I have plenty of patience). You will need to take hair just a little- much less than if you were braiding a single braid, or the result won't look nice and tight. If you want to braid anywhere but straight down, you change direction by taking more hair from one side and less from the other side...oh, and as symmetry is important, you will need to check the mirror often. Usually, when I have finished Dutch parts of both braids (before I start to braid the "tails"), I secure them and check the result. If it isn't good, it's then easy to make corrections. If I like what I see, I usually combine the braids and secure with a large elastics, then take small ones away. I do this even when I intend to do two finishing braids as in the picture. It's somehow more handy... I'll come back to post my review of Rosemary Lavender Aloe later. First, I must do the day's work. I'm so happy for having opportunity to study and work at home. From hairstyles point of view these home days are also nice- even those little restraints I keep when I go out, are gone and I can do anything that comes to my mind with the hair. Usually, though, it's simply a scarf bun or a cinnabun with hairsticks. Yesterday evening wind rose, and as I went out, I got a chance to experience for the first time, what wind does to loose, fine hair. :o So, I think that I better think very carefully and check the weather forecast before deciding to leave a big portion of my hair down. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 20th, 2005 at 11:45am
Here's link to my Rosemary Lavender Aloe shampoo bar review. Me likes! My hair is like silk now ^^ I also found my second shampoo bar order from mailbox. More reviews to come! They look so interesting. I separated the ones bought for my mother- couldn't resist the temptation to smell a bit of them. Lavender Oatmeal Spice caused real soap envy in me- the scent is phenomenal! Well, whenever next time is, I can order one for myself too. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 21st, 2005 at 9:38am
Third logging in here today. Maybe I have finally time & clear enough head for actually finishing my hair journal entry. ::)
There are a lot of hairtoys I should shop when I finally manage to take break from ordering LL sticks (after I've completed my next order. For sure. I'm serious. My collection IS soon big enough. I can do it. Rapunzel should cooperate just a bit more and design something really ugly for a change. Maybe she could for a month or two design only hairsticks in neon green-orange-beige... ;D) Ahem. Where was I? Yeah, making a list of hairtoys I should buy in near future. 1. A ficcare Maximas clip or two from Headgamesonline. I don't possess a single hair clip, and have heard so many positive reviews of Ficcares...I'd love to give it a try! Border color maximas look really good... 2. A snood from Bronze Jewelers. I'm still wondering about the size. I'm tempted to order the biggest they have but am not quite sure. 3. French Twist comb or two, maybe from Hairboutique. They carry both France Luxe and Evita Peroni... I remember the time when Evita Peroni was sold in Finland. My hair was then pixie... X( I guess that their hair jewelry was just too expensive for local taste. ::) Now we have only one department store that carries a small selection from Laur's. They are a bit more expensive hair toys and look like they're good quality, but unfortunately the selection consists of barrettes and hairtoys that are too small for my hair. I love simple prongs and forks that Argus Designs carries, but they're out of business for rest of the year. Oh yes, it seems that I'm going to do all my significant hairtoy shopping online (except bandana scarves...). I'm outgrown and outeducated (sp. ???) from shopping in local shops. I wonder, should that also be counted as a milestone in my longhair journey... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on Apr 21st, 2005 at 10:45pm
these days, i only go to the local shops that carry hair toys to have a big laugh, including big shops in Paris. ::)
plastic combs and hairsticks full of seams, french clip "murder" barrettes ... give me a break! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:41am
Oh...I haven't traveled beyond Sweden for a long time, so I have partly thought that maybe this has something to do with Finland being so small. Apparently, bad hair toys have conquered the world. :o
I have to admit that it's really difficult for me to understand that women are fully willing to invest hundreds or thousands of euros to all forms of jewelry, except hair jewelry. What's the logic in that one can buy a ring or earrings (which are completely useless from practical perspective) and happily pay a hundred euro or more of those, and at the same time be horrified of paying 20E from a hairtoy, that besides being pretty actually holds the hair. ??? There's just no logic in that, I tell ya!!! :P I'm so happy for having a psychologist as my spouse...usually even he can't find sense where there is none, but at least he strokes my hair and tells me that neither me nor the world are completely insane. Which, I feel, is exactly what I need to hear every now and then. Besides cyberworld, I'm not in very good terms with reality. ::) It's been very cold (even snowing!) yesterday, and the improvement shouldn't arrive sooner than tomorrow. But I'm going to Helsinki today. Yesterday, I solved last big philosophical problem of my Master's thesis (while doing laundry... (!) and today I have to search some literature to find in order to fill the last 15 or so pages. I think I'll show my happiness to the world by wearing something really pretty in my hair! ;D Ficcare has made an offer for LHC members. I don't know if it extends to Europeans, but I hope it does. :) Just in case, I gave them my address. Oh, and Mei Fa group order has closed too. I ended up ordering three pairs of their Allwood hairsticks. I reasoned, that they should be different enough from LL hairsticks so that I don't begin comparing them and find Mei Fa's wanting (I guess that's what I managed to do with Maiden's Treasures). Also, having a big discount helped. ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 24th, 2005 at 6:45am
Yesterday was a sauna day again. I tried Carrot Milk & Honey shampoo bar. I like it least of my shampoo bars - the smell is really weird and it didn't lather very well. But I was still happy with the results, so I'm going to use it anyway.
I've been trimming splits daily for a few days now. A neverending task, though I don't want to complain too much- after all, my hair is in great shape in general. ;D Now, if it would only grow a bit faster... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 25th, 2005 at 5:55am
I found an article that says that sauna (or temperature above 50C ) damages the hair. I need to start protecting my hair with a towel in there... Funny, I've always thought that moist heat of sauna wouldn't be so harmful. Guess I was wrong.
Today I'm wearing a French twist. I still haven't quite used to the look of it, though I think it suits me. Must be the glasses that make me feel like an old lady! ;D I'll change to contact lenses before I leave for lecture. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 26th, 2005 at 4:14am
Yesterday I went to Helsinki and among other things, managed to break one of my New Year's promises: I bought a cheap hairtoy, from H&M.
http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=gallery;action=display;num=1114451247 Actually, I bought two: this one, and a similar clip in turquoise. They are hair friendly and I just love them! Now I need only some courage or a special occassion for wearing them (I don't think that book publishing party will count as such occassion...) Hair is truly an endless source of entertainment! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 26th, 2005 at 11:38am
Hairstick update
Newest additions to my hairstick collection arrived! :D Time for another praising review! Rare Bud: I've waited so long for another SpiralStix pair...and these beauties were definitely worth all the wait! Fuchsia teardrop crystals (have I told you that I adore teardrop crystals?) and lovely rose red finish make these climb very high on my crowded favorite list. I'm looking forward to my next Very Clean Hair Day! And, whether my second favorite on SpiralStix page is still free ;D . Hot Chocolate: This is my first IndividualiStix, and my second brown LL hairstick. It's perfect match for Caramello pair- finally I can mix and match! :D I have worn Caramellos so much that I expect to find a lot of use for another hairstick in taupe. Rapunzel did it again! :D :D :D And faint smell of sweet perfume fills my working corner... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 27th, 2005 at 5:47am
Ended up washing my hair last night. I was so tired that I just forgot ACV rinse. But my hair feels completely normal neverthless. Either it's used to shampoo bars or Lavender Rosemary Aloe is somehow better than Honey Beer & Egg.
I'm wearing Rare Bud hairsticks- they fit perfectly to this sunny spring day. :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 28th, 2005 at 5:02pm
Today I've been so tired. I slept very badly last night- I always do when spouse's away in a work trip. For hairstick therapy, I chose to wear my Rose Futuristix even though I spent the whole day at home, working with my Master's thesis and cleaning. But, hairstick therapy just seems to work for me! At least, instead of being tired and grumpy I am tired and hairstick happy. Have I mentioned that I want more FuturiStix?
Split end situation is better again- I guess I trimmed every day for nearly a week, and it worked. Maybe I can relax for May Day time now. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Apr 29th, 2005 at 5:00am
My May Day party season of 3 days begins today, so I don't know if I have time to come and write much during that time.
May Day here is essentially a student carnival, and as I'm still a student, I need to participate. But, this year it's not only partying from sunset to...sunset after two days, but I also have to go to fine dinner in middle of everything. When I'm partying, I wear student coveralls (now here's one outfit I'm not even TRYING to describe to anyone who doesn't know). I guess that braids of some sort or a scarf bun would work with that. To fine restaurant, I'll have to quickly make dramatic change into a hairstick bun, and right after that...a hairstyle change again. I remember last year being so easy...I wore a combination of small braids and loose hair. But then... But, we'll see how everything goes :) . |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Apr 29th, 2005 at 7:17am
Galadriel it sounds as lots of fun!!! ;D ;D Even if I don't know what "coveralls" exactly is, I do get the idea that it's gooood for fun!! ;D :D
Remember to post hair pics! :) ;D :D And have fun!!! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 1st, 2005 at 8:33am
Sorry, no pictures. I caught a cold and had to take it easier than I had planned. :-/
What's happened in my hairlife lately: -I've practiced making a Nautilus braid. I love the look of it, but have still some difficulties in making it last. -I've shopped new LL hairsticks ;D . I've decided that I'll keep a break in ordering after I've spent my next discount code. I want to have a bit more time to play with each of the beautiful designs I already have. -Today I washed, ACV'd and deep conditioned my hair (haven't used XZ for a while...it felt great.) -I measured my hair just a while ago. 60.5 cm, which is first time when I have a whole inch of growth. Seems like I'm speeding up for summer. I hope that I continue to gain length- I'm still very much going to stick with my plan to trim in the beginning of June. Ok, then to my monthly routine update. Washing: Shampooing with Chagrin Valley shampoo bars. No conditioning, but ACV. LV shampoo for washing after oil treatment. XZ deep conditioner every now and then. Oiling: jojoba oil, mixed with rosemary& lavender EO for deep conditioning. Styling: Rose water and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns and scarf buns. Classic braid with a regular cinnabun. French Twist. French braid for night. Working with nautilus braid. Experimented with Heidi braids in anticipation of sunny days. Toys: LL hairsticks and bandana scarves.Combs for French Twist. Haven't used those great clips I bought from H&M, but I'm just waiting for a suitable occassion. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 2nd, 2005 at 6:00am
I've eaten almost whole jar of my silica-biotin-acerola cherry supplements. Can't say if it has made any difference, or is my hair growth speeding up because of spring. But can't say that it doesn't work either, so I'm going to buy some more. ;) I'm going to look, if there's anything with calsium. I don't use much dairy products, so a little extra calsium might do good.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 3rd, 2005 at 7:43am
Rapunzel had posted SO gorgeous DecoStix- and they were all sold before I got to the computer. *sigh*
Though I'm sure that I'll recover from feeling of loss once my three SE pairs arrive. ;D I bought new supplement- found one that had calcium and other stuff besides silica and biotin. Yay! My throat is a bit sore, and I've been drinking rooibos tea. I've read somewhere that it might promote hair growth. I hope so! I hope so much that I gain good growth this month- then the inescapable trim wouldn't feel so bad. (Oh my. Here I'm mourning for the loss of hair that is caused my trimming after 6 months of just dusting ::) ). I've worn cinnabuns a lot for the past few days and feel the need to do something different- though it's great to wear hairsticks. Solution: need to see, if my hair is manageable enough for doing a chinese bun or something else a bit different that requires hairsticks. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 4th, 2005 at 4:38am
I have had a big change of mind.
I always thought (after being brainwashed by years of art studies, perhaps ::) ) that light yellow wouldn't look nice with my hair. Well, I was wrong. Yesterday, I got an impulse to go to see, whether I could find anything that might work as a summer hat. I didn't find a hat, but I found a single lonely bandana sized cotton scarf that was light yellow with red little flowers- and just like that, I bought it. I tried it on my bun when I got home, and surprise! It looks quite good. It somehow seems to emphasize the golden shade of my hair, and as that shade has been a little less obvious during the winter, it is a really welcome effect. I'm wondering, whether this discovery will have an effect to my future hairstick purchaces :P ...not that I'm thinking of such so much- I really try to mentally adjust to the idea of keeping a little break. Oh my, this is going to be difficult... :P Instead of a hat, I decided to give snoods a chance. I have still yarn left from my scrunchie crocheting project, and started to crochet something, that will hopefully end up being a snood. I'm a bit suspicious about snoods in general, but one made of leftover yarn doesn't cost anything, so I'm not really losing anything if it doesn't work. If it works, I might order the one below- I really like the appearance of cloth snoods. I think these are really beautiful and would be so happy if I could justify myself buying one. http://www.mennonitemaidens.com/catalog/vintage_snood_3913560.htm |
Title: http://www.sewmodestclothing.cRe: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on May 4th, 2005 at 9:54pm
If you sew, here are a couple of patterns for the cloth snoods:
http://proudmommy.tripod.com/snood.html http://www.sewmodestclothing.com/snood.shtml |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on May 5th, 2005 at 10:50am
Very nice! :D Did you put elastic in it or a ribbon to tighten it? Or is the crocheting have enough elastistity to keep it in place?
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on May 5th, 2005 at 11:38am
Holy cow! You made that without a pattern?! You've got some talent there-I'm really impressed. I, myself have absolutley no patience for fiber arts. I'll stick to music.
Way to go, Galadriel! Have you checked out Lady MacSnood's website? I get 3 snoods from her-they're really nice and she has some interresting patterns. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on May 5th, 2005 at 3:56pm
That's gorgeous! And you finished it so quickly; I am EXTREMELY impressed!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 6th, 2005 at 5:21am
Thank you, all *blushes happily*.
But, it was really easy make, and also quick as the yarn is fairly thick. I made the snood in a day and adding the pearls took one evening. I used elastic to tighten it. I discovered quickly, that it doesn't stay too well in my hair when it's recently washed (well, what does stay in my hair then lol ). I checked Lady McSnoods' webpage, just to get some inspiration. Actually, seeing the intricate patterns gave me enough clue about the basic idea behind the snood and enabled me to make my own one. ;D I suppose that my way of making a basic snood differs a bit from hers. I'm now making a second one and start to actually have some idea of what I'm doing. I could use a bit of extra cash, so if I get hang of this and my crazy schedula allows, I might make a few to be sold in LHC swap board. But, we'll see. My life is in fact pretty busy at the moment so I don't know if I have time for that. I have been asked to participate in writing an expert opinion to our Parliament concerning a certain new law. Not to forget, that my job situation for summer is still open- I hope to get some clarification of that soon too. Not to forget, that I still have to finish my Master's thesis (there isn't much left, though). And the book is coming out on Monday. I suspect that my latest LL hairsticks won't quite make it to publishing party. But, they will make it to LHC's longhair meet in Helsinki! ;D There are a few Finns in LHC and now we're going to meet. I don't know if any of us has really long hair yet, or if our talks will be mostly about growing hair- either way, I'm happy. It's going to be great. One of us is an experienced snoodmaker, and she promised to bring some of her snoods. Me? I'm going to take a few pairs of my LL hairstick collection there. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 8th, 2005 at 1:34pm
Yesterday was sauna day, and though T gave me some odd looks, I bravely tried to cover my head with a bath towel (I'm NOT good at making towel turbans, just for the record ). I then washed my hair with Rosemary Aloe Lavender, ACV'd and even added leave-in conditioner before braiding. Today I oiled the ends. After all this pampering, hair feels happy and so does the rest of me.
I've made some great progress on snood front. My hopes of actually getting to sell a few are rising... Otherwise, today's been a quiet day in the hair front. Even today being a Very Clean Hair Day (VCHD ;D ) doesn't bother too much, as I'm simply at home, cleaning the house and resting. I keep it in a cinnabun with Hot Chocolate hairstick, and even if the bun tries to slowly unravel, it doesn't trouble me too much. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 9th, 2005 at 5:04am
I asked T in a very innocent voice, how much my hair is above BSL. He said that it's about 3 cm (about 1 ½ in). Yay! If he estimated correctly, I guess I can expect to be in BSL in the end of the summer in spite the coming trim. ;D
I fetched my summer clothes from the attic, and put my thickest sweaters back in there. My wardrobe looks renewed (though the weather seems to be cooling again and I don't expect to wear all those lovely clothes quite yet). I can't wait for my Keylime Pie hairsticks to arrive- I bought them when I was thinking of my summer wardrobe, and am totally convinced that they'll look awesome with many of my summer clothes. For some reason, my summer clothes have even some color in them...it'll be great when the weather warms up just a bit. :D Today, I'm still reduced to a more all-weather garb in shades of brown and grey that help me to focus in hard thinking. Though heavy rain is promised later today, sun shines still so brightly that I chose Romantic Interlude hairsticks. They have just the perfect sparkle for this beautiful spring day. ;D *hairstick collector happiness*. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on May 9th, 2005 at 3:35pm
Wow Galadriel! You did that yourself??? :D :D Way kewl!!!
Also, it's so nice that you have ppl in your country/city with the same interests to meet up! I wish there were any greek ones too. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on May 9th, 2005 at 10:36pm wrote on May 9th, 2005 at 5:04am:
you see you see!!! hair does grow faster than you think ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 10th, 2005 at 4:56am
I agree with you Styg...it seems that the 6 in/year calculation doesn't work in my case. Another confirmation is, that I reasoned out how much I've grown since I started, and counting all the trims- the only possible conclusion is, that my growth rate has been above 6 in. As my growth record for winter has been steadily slow, I'm interested to see, whether my hair grows like a weed during the summer. Last month was really encouraging. :)
G_L, I'm really excited about the meet- it was something that I though wouldn't ever happen. I was very surprised to learn that there were others from Finland in LHC. And most of us don't live that far from Helsinki, so a meet was possible. It'll be just great to discuss hair stuff in my own tongue- it's something that I've never been able to do. *bounces* I counted my LL hairsticks. 17 pairs, including the three pairs on their way home. :D It's not too long since I thought that with 17 pairs I might be well equipped, but it's not so. So many are still missing... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on May 10th, 2005 at 10:38am
You must let us know how your meeting with other long hairs goes. You might even encourage one or two to join in the fun here as well. Of course, if you wore all 20 pair of LL sticks at the meet, they will ALL want LL sticks, hmmmmmm what a dilemma. :-X
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by styg on May 10th, 2005 at 9:13pm wrote on May 10th, 2005 at 4:56am:
you might be one of those people who grow nearly nothing during winter but steadily an inch / month from spring on. i don't think i ever grew so much in one month, but i also never noticed my hair slowing totally down either. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 11th, 2005 at 4:31am
If that was the case, I wouldn't mind it. ;D Nor would I be very surprised- in every way, seasons and changing of them affects me a lot. Especially when changes can be dramatic. Yesterday I noticed that again when I was in train on my way to Helsinki. Trees have been bare this long (I feel it's exceptionally long...) but yesterday hints of green seemed to be found in every other tree. Last night it rained, and today it looks as if the green has enhanced from yesterday. It'll be summer soon! ;D
Back to hair. I spent some time dusting yesterday. Seeing that there were more splits than I would like, I decided to wash my hair with Honey Beer & Egg, and add another dose of XZ deep conditioner. Today it seems that it was a very wise course of action- hair feels very soft and wonderful and not a bit overconditioned. It wants to get all the pampering it can get! I also found three new floral cotton scarves to add my (already overwhelming) hair scarf collection. Today I'm wearing a single braid with a scarf tied around my head- a style I'm planning to wear more when summer comes. I have a bit difficulty in making the kerchief hold in my freshly washed hair even though I use snap clips to secure it- but at least it looks nice and fun. My braid doesn't look exactly pitiful any longer (hair has grown! :D), just short, so even though scarf still covers most of it, I don't feel uncomfortable wearing it. I've noticed that making a simple English braid is a bit complicated. It's difficult to divide my hair to even sections and to make the starting point tight enough for the braid to look and feel good. But I'm practicing and learning little tricks, and at least today, fourth try resulted in a good braid. I just wouldn't have thought that after mastering all those fancy braids I'd have any trouble with making the simplest braid. Apparently, things aren't quite so straightforward. ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 12th, 2005 at 1:41pm
Today's been a great day. This is one of the first really warm days this year, and first day when trees are startinng to have some green on them. And, today was finally the long-anticipated publishing party of our book!
It was a nice little event, and there were quite a few people. :D I wore white, and wore my hair in a middle part + cinnabun with Violet Pinks hairsticks that were just perfect. Middle part looks really good on me, and bun with a middle part was my standard hairstyle for quite a long time. I wonder, why did I stop making the part. I should really remember to start doing them again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 13th, 2005 at 11:31am
Sunny weather continues, but today's also been very windy. As I spent the day at home, I decided to test combination of twin braids and bandana scarf as headcover. My twin braids are still far from perfect-looking, but they were comfortable. Also scarf felt quite nice worn this way...except that wind managed to blow it from my head once though I had tied it well. ::) Well, next time I'll use snap clips. ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 14th, 2005 at 6:39am
Home alone for weekend. Blah.
But, hair is doing great. I washed it with Carrot Milk & Honey + the customary ACV. Maybe the scent of the shampoo bar has become a bit milder, or I have accustomed to geranium smell because it felt quite ok now. It still doesn't produce much lather, but hair seems to like it neverthless. I also spent quite a while in dusting, and now I finally wheel that split end situation is in control- for a little while, anyway. I'd love to keep my hair braided- must be the coming summer- but it's VCHD, so I guess I'll have to settle for a scarf bun. Speaking of which, my bandana collection has grown even faster than my hairstick collection- the picture I took for this journal a while ago, isn't even near the truth. Maybe I should update the pictures when I go for summer (or uncertain monetary situation...still no progress with research project) break from collecting hairsticks. I noticed that Rapunzel has put more ShadowStix to boutique. I'm keeping my hands crossed up to elbows that she'll do the same with FuturiStix soon. And Swingstix and...and... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 15th, 2005 at 8:34am
I checked from the mirror- and see progress! Ends of my hair are now hovering only 1 inch above BS. ;D The downside is, that those ends are so thin that they're barely visible against my back (this is one of the rare moments when i wish I had darker hair). I think that I'm going to boldly trim a whole inch. That would take the thinnest part off. I'm still hoping that since it's summertime, I'm talking about only one month's growth anyway- that wouldn't be too bad. But- we'll see in a fortnight or so.
Still haven't heard anything from Ficcare. Except, that their offer expires on May 31st. And that they take orders only via phone (not very likely that I'm going to make a call to US just to get two clips) and fax. I'll have to ask, if T could fax my order at work. If that doesn't work, I'm going to just order my clips from Headgamesonline.com. After all, I'm mainly interested of Border Color Maximas, and they carry those. Today, it's scarf bun again. I'm using one of those floral cotton scarves I found last time when I was in Helsinki. I really should try some new hairstick updo. Say, when next shipment arrives... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 16th, 2005 at 5:49am
I think I might wash tonight. Seems that I've taken a step back in stretching my washing intervals when I changed to shampoo bars- the only negative effect. Though I don't know whether it's the shampoo bars or just that they're so yummy that I need just an excuse to jump to the shower. ::)
No scarf bun today: a trip to Helsinki requires again a cinnabun with hairsticks. No energy for trying classic braid or anything fancier. I promise, I'll do the updo research someday soon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 17th, 2005 at 1:56pm
I washed the hair, with Carrot Milk& Honey. I still don't like it quite as much as I like the others, though I am going to use the bar I have. It works reasonably well, after all, though there's not much lather.
Otherwise, not much happening in hair life. I took care of my VCHD by bunning hair with FuturiStix. Noticed quite a lot of new growth in front, which is great since I've also had some shedding. We managed to book tickets for Revenge of Sith for Sunday- so, I guess I'll get to wear my FuturiStix twice this week. ;D Today I begun new jar of silica supplements. Besides silica, acerola cherry and biotin, this one has also calcium and boric. I hope my body and hair will like it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 18th, 2005 at 10:38am
Egads! (as Rapunzel says) My newest hairstick shipment has been taken hostage by customs. :( Instead of being in my care, they're lying in cold shelves of customs office. And freeing them is going to cost. :( A lot, I'm afraid (though, of course, I have no slightest doubt that they're still more than worth it). At least, I managed to get them transported to a service point in Helsinki, where I can get more easily. In any case, it'll be next week until they're here. *grumbles*
Blah. I miss them. We're going to have longhair meet tomorrow. :) It'll be great! I guess I better cheer up myself by going to select, which of my hairsticks I'll be taking with me. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on May 18th, 2005 at 12:14pm
I'm so sorry your LL sticks are being held hostage. Are you sure some female customs agent doesn't have a special occasion that she is going to wear them to?? It could just be a conspiracy. 8)
You must report on your group meeting! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 20th, 2005 at 7:52am
Ooh, I like your theory, BB. Especially, since it's a shipping that contains 3 pairs of SE hairsticks. ;D
So, the meet was yesterday. There were three of us: me, Viviane and Miuku (+ one baby). We had a nice time, walking around and talking hair stuff. The funny thing was, that we found out that Finnish translations to things like CO and ACV and such sounded really weird- and nobody knew what a snood is in Finnish. :lol: But it was fun. Two of us had shorter hair, but Miuku had a goooooorgeous thick, dark hip length hair. Viviane's hair was even shorter than mine, but it had a really gorgeous shine. Beautiful! I brought about half of my LL hairsticks, and they caused many oohs and aahs ;D (Was there ever any doubt of that?), and resolutions to check this site. I also learned, that apparently one can find non-plastic simple hairsticks from Finland- just not from hair accessory shops. Both Viviane and Miuku had found nice hairtoys from local ethnic shops- I hadn't ever thought to check them. So, all in all, it was a very nice meet and I'm happy for having been able to get there. I'll post link to LHC thread once we get one. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on May 20th, 2005 at 10:30am
Sounds like the meet was a good one! I'm sure it was fun to discuss hair topics in your native language. And of course, showing off your hair toys is ALWAYS fun. ;D
You must let us know when your sticks are released from confinement. If it is not soon, maybe we will all have to start a letter writing campaign for their release. We could go on a hair cutting strike - wait - we're already doing that. Oh well, hope you get them soon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 20th, 2005 at 12:48pm
Update: I received a notification from Helsinki customs office, that my hairsticks had arrived there.
http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=ponytales;action=display;num=1116595631;start=0#0 has a story of what happened when I went to declare them. I thought it was just too funny to hide here in my journal. ;D ;D ;D But, here's my traditional hairstick review. Glittering Sea SE GlitterStix: When I ordered these, Rapunzel added a little note to the order confirmation saying that she almost kept this pair herself, and I can see why! The beads are absolutely beautiful, a rondelle and a crystal compliment them perfectly, and glitter finish combined to capri blue sticks makes them truly look like glittering sea. It's easy see why that customs officer lady was nearly breathless! Keylime Pie SE GlitterStix: On mint green, the glittering effect is subtler, and very elegant. I totally love the beads with light green glass swirls. Cube crystals in the middle and a lovely vermeil bead cap topping the bottom bicone chrysolite crystal make the design look just perfect. Spring Daisy SE SpiralStix: These don't obviously have glitter finish, but in their own way, they are just as stunning as the others. (Don't even try to wonder, which pair is my favorite!) The amethyst purple color is luscious, and the beads...oh the beads! They are so pretty I would like to take them and plant them in a garden! As I don't have a garden, they will just have to make my hair flower. ;D I'm sooooo happy to having these hairsticks, no matter the cost and extra trouble! I hope my hair life settles down a bit- now I'm only looking for Sunday when we have tickets to Star Wars. I hope to come up with some nice hairstyle for that... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 23rd, 2005 at 4:54am
Time to introduce new abbreviations:
SBV: shampoo bar + vinegar rinse SBO: shampoo bar only Ok, now that terminology is ok, back to hair life. Weekend was very busy, and was also the first really summer-like weekend this year. The weather was very warm- I ran around wearing t-shirt, highwater pants and sandals. :D Though lazily about protective hairstyles, but best I made was a scarf bun on one day. ::) Otherwise, it was hairsticks. Saturday was sauna again. My towel turbans are improving- the one I made actually lasted a long as I wanted. I SBV'd with Rosemary Aloe Lavender. Ends feel a bit srunchy- I think I should make an oil treatment. On Sunday, we went to see Revenge of the Sith (me liked, except Padmé had less hairstyles compared to previous episodes). My hair was way too slippery for a nautilus braid, so I had to settle for a bun with FuturiStix. ;D Today, my plans include going to Helsinki, so this will be another hairstick bun day. I don't know yet which pair I'll wear though- depends on what I'm wearing, which in turn depends on weather. Complicated... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on May 23rd, 2005 at 2:33pm wrote on May 23rd, 2005 at 4:54am:
Did you notice her hair changed length during the movie? She had a braid that was almost tailbone at one point, but when her hair was loose it was only waist length! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on May 23rd, 2005 at 3:39pm wrote on May 23rd, 2005 at 2:33pm:
*only* waist length ::) ::) ::) Hahahahaha ;D Actually I caught myself saying that thing too, today and my friend whom I said that to, looked at me as if I were a lunatic :o :o I am going to see the movie too Galadriel, so no spoilers please because I *won't* be able to resist reading it ;D ;D I'm sure I will like it too. What sticks should I wear to the movie, huh? I think your wearing Futuristix was very appropriate ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 24th, 2005 at 5:32am
I agree, G_L, FuturiStix were just perfect for the occassion. ;D
I noticed the mysterious changes in Padmé's hair length, BB. Maybe she likes wigs? ;D The weather continues sunny and very warm. I can't believe that it's barely 2 weeks since the first spots of green appeared to the trees, and now we have a really summery weather. So fast change Finland's seasons. I'm working at home today, so I'm finally wearing a nice and protective summer style, french braid under a bandana scarf tied around my head. This summer bandanas tied around the head seem to be a popular style here- among girls 13 and younger. For once, we have a fashion that wouldn't be bad for a bit older people too... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 25th, 2005 at 5:04am
I managed to see yesterday one other person over 13 (looked to be about my age) wearing a scarf. For me...I must say that that style was a true bliss- it was really hot! How did I live through last summer without bandanas?
I don't think today will be much (if any) cooler, but 1) I'm going to Helsinki and 2) Spring Daisy hairsticks are just too irresistible, so I'm kinda forced to wear a bun with hairsticks. ;D I've tried to get back to my usual hairwashing schedule- which means that I'm going to wash this evening. I will also continue my dusting which I started yesterday. I know that trim is due to a week, but after dusting for half an year now, I don't believe any longer that it would help but very little with splits. I guess I'll do the oil treatment on weekend and will just apply some deep conditioner to my ends today. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 26th, 2005 at 5:39am
Washed my hair last night just as I had planned (Rosemary Lavender Aloe again)- the deep conditioner especially seemed to be a good idea. That and oiling have really renewed my ends and they don't look dry at all any longer. ;D Just a little thin- but an inch off should do wonders with that.
I'm a bit sad after hearing what happened to BB. That was really scary. I'm a bit paranoid too- I mean, there's not much one can do to prevent a thing like that from happening. It could happen anywhere. In my culture, people are very strict about personal space -"don't touch a stranger intentionally" is a rule well respected. But, LL hairsticks are so irresistible that it makes even me a bit wary. Sakina's Chinese bun picture reminded me that I haven't weared that style for a long time though I like it. Today my hair's too clean, but maybe tomorrow or the day after..? My hair has clearly grown (now I have to turn my braid over my shoulder in order to finish it- that's something totally new ;D ) so I hope that also Chinese buns are a bit easier to make. Today, it's VCHD, and though I wanted so badly wear Glittering Seas pair, I have to admit after four tries that they won't stay. Haven't still decided whether I'll be wearing a scarf or Spring Daisy pair when I leave to Helsinki. Guess I'll let the weather decide. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 27th, 2005 at 7:17am
Yep, I got to wear Glittering Sea today, with a low bun. ;D Yesterday went for scarf and all signs tell that I'll be wearing scarf during weekend too, so it was nice to find out that my hair behaves well enough for hairsticks today.
I decided that I need a barrette. After I've had my trim and my ends look thicker again, I thought it would be nice to try Hoshi's style. http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=242462&messageid=1067037353 After I've done all the necessary stuff here at university, I might stop at a nearby department store that carries Côte des Barrettes hair accessories- that brand sells some really lovely barrettes I've resisted heroically... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 28th, 2005 at 2:06pm
I found a really nice barrette. I have to admit though, that Hoshi's style isn't nearly as simple as it looks- all my attempts turned out more or less lopsided. :-/ But, I still have a pretty barrette and I'm determined to find a nice way to wear it.
My "hairstyle forecast" for today was right: the only option that even came to my mind was a scarf bun. I'm wearing first time this seafoam green floral print scarf I bought awhile ago. Soon, after I've finished my to-do list for today, I'm going to mix a nice oil treatment from jojoba, lavender EO and rosemary EO. ;D Then off to sauna! (hoping that the heat will also make my PMS aching back feel better...) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 29th, 2005 at 7:35am
My scalp and scalp hair already thank me for the oil treatment. In spite of trying to wash carefully, I didn't manage to get all the oil from length, so I had to "length wash" it again. Now it feels great, super soft and shiny. Yay for oil treatments!
The jojoba oil bottle is almost finished- lasted about half an year, which I'm quite happy with. Regular oiling doesn't consume much, but I use it quite generously for deep treatments. *pets her wonderfully soft hair* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on May 30th, 2005 at 5:12am
Still have a very happy hair day. I made a hairstyle experiment and did a low bun with hairpins instead of hairsticks. That was difficult compared to using hairsticks! Though, at last I succeeded. I've last used hairpins to fasten my bun a long time ago- I guess it's safe to say that last time wasn't this year. My bun is a bit bigger than the one I manage to make with hairsticks- and a lot bigger than the one I remembered having last time when I used pins. ;D There is growth!
Spent some time dusting last night and found many little splits and a few deep splits- no way that those would have been caught in a trim. I have an eternal battle there... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 1st, 2005 at 4:52am
June has come. It's gray and rainy day here- but somehow it still does seem that spring has gone as quickly as it came and summer is here.
Hair is still doing great and is super soft. I'm going to was it today- I'm trying to come up with a schedule to wash twice a week: on Wednesday and on Saturday. Time to look at my routine: Washing: SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars & ACV. LV shampoo for washing after oil treatment (about once a month, that is). XZ deep conditioner every now and then. Oiling: jojoba oil, mixed with rosemary& lavender EO for deep conditioning. This combination totally rocks! Styling: Rose water and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns and scarf buns. Other styles very occassionally. Have been working with alternative ways of using bandanas in anticipation of warm and sunny days. Have been working with English braid in anticipation of the day when my hair is finally so long that I like the look. Toys: LL hairsticks and bandana scarves. Once my ends have been trimmed neat, I'll try barrette styles. Other: Trim coming on weekend! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 2nd, 2005 at 4:36am
Continued dusting and washed my hair with Honey Beer & Egg shampoo.
Stopped also teasing my luck and bought the two pairs of hairsticks that I've drooled day after day for a while. Susan has already one pair pending, so soon three pretty pairs + one jewelry roll will begin their journey home. I'm beginning to have a small-scale storage problem soon: my combing table is rather small, and I need to start thinking, whether I should put something to the cupboard under it. The first thing to go there aren't hairsticks, though. ;D I must admit that my collection has grown faster than I thought...though it still feels small. Besides LL hairsticks, I'm waiting for the three pairs of Mei Fa's I ordered a while ago. Mei Fa messed that order up a bit though, I hope it resolves soon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Jun 2nd, 2005 at 3:53pm
You too, Galadriel???
Hahahahaha Sakina wrote the same thing in her diary and I just answered and I come here to find you have the same problem ;D ;D It's only natural, see?? LL hairsticks are soo awesome and addictive! ;D ;D Storage is major PIA :-/ Rolls and transparent boxes is the way I have handled it. I don't let them lie around on a dressing table etc because 1. they are MAJOR dust-gatherers 2. my little nieces are drooling over them and fondling them much too much for my comfort ;D ;D 3. if I keep them out of sight, I get to "rediscover" them every time I take one pair out of "hiding" ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 3rd, 2005 at 4:31am
Oh me too ;D...and I have only 20 pairs of LL sticks, counting the ones that I just ordered, plus a few pairs from Maiden's Treasures. The coming roll is my fourth. :D
I agree, stopping ordering is NOT an option, though I'm very determined 'n such to keep a little break so I could buy certain other hairtoys. ::) (Actually, now that I'm in the point where I should start the break, I'm not determined at all! ::)). We'll see how that goes... I love the rolls, as much as I'd love to keep all my hairsticks visible all the time. But, I also want them to be safe and rolls are a very elegant way to do that. As I still have only a couple of pairs at most in one color, my hairsticks aren't in any special order yet. It's always fun to find some gorgeous pair I haven't worn for a while. I have to take a picture of my combing table. ;D It's really great (especially for the fact that if it weren't triangular, it wouldn't possible fit to this household). It's an old, wooden top quality aquarium stand and works wonderfully in its new usage. I especially love the cupboard that it has- without that it would be just impossible for me to keep even the little resemblance of order I have now. Now that I'm supposed to keep that break, here's a list of my hairsticks. Raspberry Swirl Gossamer Pastel Bride Bridal Violet Pinks SE Bridal Silver Sphere Spiral Misty Mauve Deco Seafoam Bloom Glitter Spring Forsythia Duet Rose Futuri Romantic Interlude Bridal Zircon dOr SE DOr Caramello SE Glimmer Lacerta Holo Hot Chocolate Individual Rare Bud Spiral Glittering Sea SE Glitter Keylime Pie SE Glitter Spring Daisy SE Spiral Blue Gems Neon Forest Sanctuary Gem Capri Moonlight Sterling |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Jun 3rd, 2005 at 5:08pm wrote on Jun 3rd, 2005 at 4:31am:
So it is YOU that got that AWESOME gossammer pair! I KNEW it, I KNEW it :o ;D ;D You beat me to it by seconds :-/ a long time ago, must have been sometime in Fall, yes?? I was sooo devastated about that pair. It is one AWESOME pair of sticks. I was almost sure it were you, that got it. Oh well, at least it is in safe and loving hands and it will be taken care of really well ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on Jun 3rd, 2005 at 9:10pm
I don't know if you've seen this: Crocheted Hairtoy Organizer . I love storage solutions that involve hanging stuff up. I have more room on the walls than I do in the rest of the bathroom. :D
I'm not a morning person, you see, so if my sticks aren't out in plain sight I may forget they exist in the rush to get ready for work. ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 4th, 2005 at 8:48am
Yes, GL...they were my first pair of LL hairsticks. ;D A serious love in the first sight-case. You're right, it was last fall. I had been lurking in the shop for weeks and tempted so many times, and when I saw those I just couldn't resist any longer. They're still one of my favorites- seem to go with everything and every occassion.
I've seen that organizer- I lurk the Loom sometimes. Unfortunately, my home doesn't have any more wall space than any other space- everything is well covered with bookshelves. When I first saw it, I really wondered if I could have hanged that somewhere near combing table. Maybe in the next home I have... (we're starting to seriously looking for a new home this summer). So, now it's done. T cut my hair. :) He was very gentle (unlike certain hairstylist) and did great job. We ended up trimming a bit more than I had planned first- I decided that now that we were at it, I wanted to get rid of all the scraggly, damaged ends that have annoyed me since the hairdresser disaster in last December. So, my hair was reduced from 61.5 cm to 57.5 cm. There wasn't too much hair on the floor though-my ends were really so thin that they deserved to go! I mourn the loss of length just a bit- but then, now my ends look SO thick and gorgeous that I'm very happy. I decided to wear a low ponytail for today just to display my new, soft, thick and lovely ends ;D . Until beginning of December: let it grow again! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Jun 5th, 2005 at 5:33am
Psssst Galadriel, get your credit card ready ;) ;) ::::hinthinthint::::
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 5th, 2005 at 7:34am
No, I won't ;D . Just paid my Mei Fa's. My hairstick budget for June is spent (and well spent too). ;D
Last night we went to sauna (it's becoming a habit fast) and I deep conditioned my new pretty ends. Today is house cleaning and baking day though, so no ponytail but a scarf bun. I have a mixed feelings about the trim though- I know I made the right choice about cutting the damage away, and I love how healthy my hair now looks all the way. It looks so good, in fact, that I don't feel the need to stop to BSL for a while any more. And, if average growth is 6 in per year, I'm still able to achieve that. BUT it really feels shorter. I've been so focused in gaining length and have been so happy about each millimeter and now almost two inches are gone just like that. Feels a bit :o . Oh well, I just hope that I get some really fast growth during summer! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 6th, 2005 at 4:14am
My newfound love to ponytails gave me an idea to experiment with hairstick and ponytail combination- or the Compass hairstyle as it's named in hairstyle gallery. The result was very pretty, though it took some serious effort to weave the hairsticks securely enough. But, the main thing is that I don't have to think that a ponytail would necessarily mean a day without wearing hairsticks. ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 7th, 2005 at 5:39am
Yesterday's calm and peace was broken very soon after writing last entry. I end to run around in various errands for the whole day.
Among other things, I got cigarette smell to my hair and had to wash it. I also dusted a bit. Trim seems to have taken care of most splits, but not all. So, at least checking the situation weekly is still not exaggerated. Today hair is clean and soft, and I'm hoping to have a peaceful studying day at home. Oiling, rosewater and a scarf bun will take care of my hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 8th, 2005 at 5:13am
When I took the scarf bun down in the evening was still totally amazed on how lovely my ends feel. I love the feeling...but I'm still a bit sad over the loss of length. It's not even two inches, but the distance between BS and my ends seems to be huge as ever. Groooooooowww!!!
Surfed at Finnish wedding boards. When I found the hairstyle forum, I was totally shocked: almost all the hairstyle pictures were something that I could make at home: fans, low buns decorated with hairtoys etc. Only a couple of styles looked too complicated for me. :) I almost feel sad for people who must go to a salon in order to get a fan or a nice bun. 8) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 9th, 2005 at 5:00am
Boooohoooo! GossamerStix retired and I have only one pair. :o I was SO planning to shop more of them. :'(
*wipes a few tears* The new style replacing it is better be gorgeous. Of course it is. How could it not be? But I was really looking for shopping Gossamers. I'm glad my next shipment is going to be here soon. Such things always help. *smiles faintly* It's such a special shipment, three new pairs and all of them first of their styles. :) Last night I washed the hair with Honey Beer& Egg poo. I added some Rosemary and Lavender EO to my vinegar rinse. That gave a lovely smell to my hair, though by now it's gone. I also noticed that the "improved rinse" made hair feel different from using ACV+water, somehow fuller. Interesting. I found these amazing bobby pins with hanging feather decorations. I have one pair that has similar style decorations and I've loved to slip them into my bun...so I couldn't resist when I found these ones that are even bigger and better. ;D I also found some hairpins with nice looking silk roses. I bought five of them in rose red, but am terribly tempted to buy them also in other colors available (cream...that would be so gorgeous for wedding, and rose/dark lilac which was just a stunning color). They're fairly expensive as they're sold individually...but I guess I'll buy them anyway. After all, I've never seen flowers in proper hairpins, only in bobby pins, so I feel that this chance might not come by another time. And they're a classic accessory. And I'm in love. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 11th, 2005 at 7:17am
My life has been a bit miserable lately. Allergy, meeting my mentor and having to settle a major dispute in another online community have pretty much exhausted me.
But the weather is beautiful as ever. I've worn a braid and bandana combination twice, and it makes me feel incredibly summery. My braid is short, but otherwise pretty. I no longer suffer from loss of length and love to be able to wear my hair in more casual updos than buns. Another great thing is, that my hair loss seems to have returned to its normal, low level (when spring turned to summer, there was again some increased shedding, though I don't think I remember to write about it). Today is washing day...after changing to SB routine, it's become even more pleasant experience as before. In other words, exactly what I need. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 12th, 2005 at 7:59am
I feel really renewed after last night's sauna, hairwashing with "improved vinegar rinse", deep conditioning and mini facial. As a bonus, when I sought my shampoo bar, I found chamomille and calendula soap! I didn't remember that I had ordered such. ;D It felt fabulous and the scent was lovely. ^^
Today, my hair behaves rather well for VCHD. I oiled it, and was able to make a bun using my Keylime Pie hairsticks (which, as some of you remember are GlitterStix and can therefore be slippery when my hair is at its cleanest). I'm wearing a summery outfit with cream white highwater pants and a neat light green t-shirt, and the combination is just perfect! Just what I dreamed of when I ordered this pair. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Jun 12th, 2005 at 3:01pm
Oh, Galadriel, your outfit sounds perfect!
I, too, often imagine coordinating my outfits w/hairsticks. I get inspired both by what I've got in the closet and by Susan's designs and color schemes. Hope you have (had) a really great day!! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 13th, 2005 at 6:45am
Yes we had. :D I and spouse have at last decided the town, where we are going to target our search for a new home. Actually, we found one that we're going to have a closer look at. I'm so happy of the thought of moving- this apartment is way too small for two people and a crazy rabbit. Not to mention, that I'd love to have a garden again.
Most of my clothes (excepting summer and party clothes) are pretty "colorless". I use my hairsticks to express my love for beautiful things and to express my mood. In the morning, I usually just "feel like" wearing certain pair. ??? When I've just bought new designs, I obviously feel like wearing them, but otherwise this method seems to pretty well ensure, that all my hairsticks get attention quite equally. Seasons seem to affect me pretty strongly: for example, I bought my seafoam green pair dreaming of summer while it was still spring, and wore it maybe once then. But now that summer has come, I've worn it quite a lot. I've worn less my white hairsticks...I'm certain that with first snow, that will change. I'm a seasonal creature in every way, and starting to notice this pattern in my hairlife doesn't surprise me much. EDIT: UPDATE: How nice. I've got a notification from Customs again. Seems that the officer ladies want to see more of my lovely LL purchases. ::) Or then they are having a hairstick confiscation campaign. At least, this time the cost shouldn't be quite as high as last time. I wonder, what kind of adventure is waiting for me now... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 14th, 2005 at 6:13am
Ummm... ::) Let's pretend that my break from shopping LL hairsticks didn't start quite yet. Because I just ordered a pair. ;D It's just totally impossible for me to resist Bill Grout's twisted ribbon beads. I loved them before I had a pair with them, and now that I've seen them in RL, I love them even more. I'm so happy of having another pair soon on its way home!
Gray and a bit cooler weather continues, and I'm wearing a scarf bun again. Yesterday I peeked in Body Shop, and took a look of their Moisturizing hair mask, in hopes that it would have solved my deep conditioner trouble. Well, it didn't, as it had both cones and parabens. I really think their advertizing is misleading- all this talk about naturality and such, while their products are as full of chemicals as everyone elses. ??? My research continues... EDIT: My Mei Fas arrived! And all I can say is "Wow!". I ordered two pairs of their Allwoods: Forest and Walnut (ordered also Cabana, but that had been discontinued). Both are a bit darker than the picture on the web suggests, but absolutely lovely. I'm also surprised of how thin they are: like knitting needles. They are very well made and nothing like cheap wooden hairsticks that can sometimes be found from local stores. I'm very pleased with these and am certain that for my plain hairstick needs, these ones are just perfect! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 15th, 2005 at 11:05am
My hair turned into a grease pit towards the evening and I decided finally to wash it, with Rosemary Aloe Lavender SB. I made my ACV rinse about half milder as usual. It didn't give my hair quite as much slip as usual, but neverthless made it feel quite good. I also dusted- it seems that split ends are creeping back. Final touch with amlika leave-in conditioner, and I'm happy again.
Major news: thanks to instruction booklet that came with Mei Fas, I now master French Twist with hairsticks! It looks much more better than with a French Twist comb. Unfortunately, it's much easier to do with Mei Fas than with my LL hairsticks- it must be Mei Fas being so thin. But, I'm not going to give so easily up! ;D Today, I went to customs to declare my new hairstick shipment. It wasn't an adventure at all this time- I wasn't even asked to open the package (hmmm...I'm getting suspicious though- the officer lady who served me this time had barely shoulder length hair). But, no way that I would wait until evening and being at home before opening the package! I'm now at University's Student Library, and have just taken a peek at my new hairsticks. Here's my traditional review: Blue Gems: Light Sapphire AB crystals have just become my favorite crystals! Their color is just amazing! I snatched these from the shop right after I saw them and seeing these in RL is plenty of confirmation that when possible, it's wise to be fast! Otherwise, this design is very interesting with neon splashes in shades of blue. Another pair that looks perfect in every occassion (and extra perfect to wear on Finland's Independence Day ;) ). Forest Sanctuary: I remember drooling this design when it first showed up, and have been amazed that I had opportunity to buy it myself. I don't believe that a pair of hairsticks can become any more elegant than these. Simple, beautiful...divine! These seem to radiate self confidence- a very good property in hairsticks of someone who finds herself regularly from tough situations! Capri Moonlight: Another pair that I drooled a lot before I could buy it. Sterling silver lentil beads are perfect and so like me. Capri blue looks suits very well with my haircolor. In short, this is another pair that I except to wear a lot. I also received my fourth jewelry roll. Customs cost a bit less than last time. *sigh* Hair life's good. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 17th, 2005 at 8:31am
Variety is finally coming to my hairlife. :D
Yesterday I wore an English braid (took me nearly 20 minutes to make a decent one, and that was not because I had so much hair to braid). I'm trying to learn Dianyla's method that makes the braids sit so beautifully- but it's difficult! Though, there is every indication that this style is worth learning. :) Today is French Twist day with Mei Fa hairstyx. My hair is again in its nicest stage- manageable but not visibly dirty, and I'm finally able to make a French Twist. Not that I was bored with my buns...but it's great to have some easy varieties. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 18th, 2005 at 4:31pm
Hot day!
It's 4th day after washing, and my hair is looking clearly dirty- but sauna's already warming. :D I started the day with a bun with Seafoam Bloom hairsticks, but soon decided that single braid and bandana around head-combination were more appropriate for the day. I'm so tired that I guess I'll do just an ordinary wash. Bening negligence... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 19th, 2005 at 6:52am
Washed with carrot milk & honey shampoo bar + improved ACV and amlika leave-in. This morning I added a little jojoba oil to very ends. Hair feels luxurious and has wonderful shine. But, it isn't maddeningly slippery either= I can wear my new Blue Gems pair. ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 21st, 2005 at 3:36pm
Hot day, that I've spent mostly sitting in our balcony a criminology textbook in one hand and a glass of cold drink in the other hand.
Poor hair has been subject to styling changes (different cinnabuns, really) as I didn't have the energy to do anything properly. When I finally took it down, it looked a bit limp and dirty, so I washed it with Lavender Rosemary Aloe & ACV. I still feel a bit overheated, but cool damp ponytail down my back really helps a little. :) They say this weather is going to continue. I wonder, how will I survive... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 6:02am
I think I'll survive. :)
Nothing really spectacular is happening...Midsummer is tomorrow and we'll be inviting a friend couple to a little midsummer/BBQ party with us. Hair has been behaving nicely again. Yesterday I kept it in scarf bun, which lasted for whole day. Now I'm keeping it in a hairstick bun with Lacerta Holostix, but we'll see if I'll change before leaving the house. Depends on weather: if it seems to get too hot, I'll change to single braid& bandana combination. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 25th, 2005 at 6:12pm
Summer hairstyles still rule. Today I've felt a bit flu-ish, so I decided not to go to sauna. Instead, I just took a shower and SBV:d my hair with Carrot Milk & Honey poo+ amlika leave-in as a bonus. I also dusted a bit. Hair seems to be doing fairly well- not too many splits, though there were a couple of really scary ones. I guess that it appreciates my attempts to keep it protected and moisturized during summer. :)
Received a notification that my new hairsticks have arrived. Didn't get in time to post office though, so I'll have to wait until Monday. But, no Customs this time! ;D Watched Star Wars New Hope from DVD. *sigh* Leia's hair is so gorgeous, and never mind if it's mostly fake. I can't wait until my hair is long enough to make those styles. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 27th, 2005 at 7:32am
Twisted Springtime DrizzleStix have arrived! ;D
I love them! They fit just perfectly with my haircolor. And the beads...the beads are phenomenal ^^ . Drizzle pattern looks good too, making the sticks look vibrant and very interesting from a little distance. Perfect spring and summer hairsticks! Some extra happiness came still from the fact that this time Customs didn't intercept them. ;D ;D ;D Hair has been nice, and besides arrival of my newest pair, not much has happened. After Midsummer's casual hairstyles, I'm back with hairstick cinnabuns. I'm still feeling a bit flu-ish, and have a boring texbook for today's reading, so the hairstick happiness really improves my mood. It's really difficult to feel down while wearing a pair of Susan's creations! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 28th, 2005 at 6:49am
It's finally a French twist day :D . My French twists are by no means perfect yet, but as I've practiced a bit, they are now wearable. Only downside is, that I can't make them stay before third day after washing...which, this week meant before today. :)
Panpeus's twisted braid was really inspirational- I plan to try that today. I'd seen pictures of that style before, but always with very long hair and just somehow thought that in my hair, the result would be less flattering. I'm happy for being proved wrong this time! :D Maybe I'll soon have another style to add to my options. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 29th, 2005 at 4:20am
Said and done! ;D I dedicated some time to play with my hair, and after some failures finally got hang of the idea, and managed to do a nice twisted braid. I love the style! It's just what I've been looking for- braid, subtle, but not ordinary (I don't think I've ever seen this in RL). And now that I've got hang of the idea, it's just as easy to make as a regular French braid. :D
My hair got dirty again...it usually does that if I play with it a lot on third day. So, I had to wash it in the evening, with Carrot Milk& Honey + ACV again. I also dusted it and deep conditioned with XZ deep conditioner. I wishfully think that growing has given my hair some extra manageability- Very Clean Hair Days aren't quite as difficult as before any longer. Or then it's the shampoo bars. In any case, I like it! Eg. today, I managed to made my twist braid with no big trouble. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jun 30th, 2005 at 1:13pm
I ordered 4 hairforks from Blondiesturn. ;D I'm really excited as I've heard so many people praising them. I have only one hairfork, a cheap (and too long) one that I bought from H&M some two years ago. I haven't ever been able to use it as more than a decoration- I guess it's the length just like with my cheap old hairsticks. I'm sure that these new pretties will work much better.
Hair's pretty interesting. I noticed some buildup (excess sebum?) in my scalp. Yuck! But, hair is exceptionally soft at the same time without looking greasy- so soft that it rivals with my bunny's fur. So, I try to enjoy that and not to scratch the scalp. ;) Today I had a meeting about my new job that starts tomorrow. So, I got to wear a cinnabun with Romantic Interlude hairsticks. I noticed that I had so many hairsticks that it's starting to get difficult to find certain pair, so I arranged them all to jewelry rolls according to color. Had some quality time admiring them all! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:49am
By last evening my scalp started itching and I got some yucky stuff under my nonexistent fingernails. :-X So, off to shower I was, with some brown sugar I found from kitchen. I lathered my scalp with Rosemary Lavender Aloe SB, then added generously brown sugar, and tried to work that to my scalp. Easier said than done, but I tried my best to be thorough. Then normal ACV+ leave in conditioner for finishing touch. Today it seems that brown sugar really worked: scalp is still a little itchy, but feels clean. I wonder, what upset it so- since beginning to use natural stuff, I have never experienced anything like this. I suspect the weather a little- it's been warm and very humid, rain showers every day. I don't appreciate such weather, so why would my scalp do any better? :-/
Today is my first day at new work (hee hee...still done mostly from home :D ) as Animal Saver Pro...well, that's not actually my title, but I like it and it doesn't really matter as I'm in a position where I can choose any title I would like...My job is to work in ethical pet trade project, which I've been coordinating from volunteer basis for two years. Now I get paid for doing that! Hair is in a pretty twist braid and enjoying the jojoba oil. Measurement for this month is rather sad: 58 cm. Half a centimeter growth. But, even little growth is growth. Better luck next month. At last, my monthly routine update: Washing: SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars & ACV. LV shampoo for washing after oil treatment (about once a month, that is). XZ deep conditioner every now and then. Body Shop Amlika leave in conditioner when I feel like it. Oiling: jojoba oil, mixed with rosemary& lavender EO for deep conditioning. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns and scarf buns. Single braid with bandana tied around head. Wonderful twist braid!!! French Twist with Mei Fa hairsticks. French braid for sleeping. Toys: LL hairsticks, bandana scarves, Mei Fa hairstyx for French Twists. Pretty elastics for braids. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 2nd, 2005 at 7:25am
My career as a walking LL commercial continues. ;D
Yesterday, when I was on my way to library, a lady stopped me to compliment my Blue Gems hairsticks I was wearing. She said that her daughter is getting married and she's seeking for pretty hair accessories for her. I didn't have Susan't card with me, but I wrote Boutique's address down for her. Her nice words really made my day- my hair isn't anything special yet, so it's great to receive compliments of my hairstick choices. Hair's doing fine, though it's still quite slippery. It's getting plenty of washing this week as it's sauna day again. Hope that it won't mind... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 3rd, 2005 at 4:39am
Bleh. Spouse's gone to Granada for a job trip and will be back at Saturday. I've got plenty of work and studying to do, but still...
Hair emerged from sauna soft and shiney as ever. Washed it with Honey Beer & Egg this time, with usual ACV (but forgot about any other conditioning...need to oil it). I played a little with my hair slide (I found some pretty slides from Leatherjewelers and would love to buy), but so far I haven't been able to figure out any updo besides a simple loop that looks good. Seems like my hair is just a bit too short for this toy! Grooooooooow!!! EDIT: Did some measuring on how long different lengths are on me- I think I've done that before, but don't remember writing it down. So, here they are. BSL 26.4 in/67 cm. 3.5 in to go, that is. ½ in/month growth rate means 7 months! Now I'm depressed. :( Waist 31.5 in/ 80 cm Tailbone 39.4/100 cm Classic 44.5/113 cm Fingertip 46.5 /118 cm Knee 57.5in /146 cm (approx.) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 4th, 2005 at 6:22am
Hot weather is here again. I wore a braid and bandana around my head yesterday, and I'm probably going to wear that today too. Tomorrow I'm going to Helsinki to do my criminology exam, so I'll have to think of something new for that. Maybe a scarf bun? Boy I'm being innovative. ::)
Surfer Finnish wedding boards again. I've solved the thing that always puzzled me: why women cut once they get married. According to my new information, the big cut is all planned. They grow it for wedding, up to two years, so that the hair would be long enough for an updo. Then it has served its purpose and can be cut. I must admit though, that now that I know it, I'm not still sure whether I understand it. ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 5th, 2005 at 5:40am
No scarf bun today. I spent my time again surfing for wedding updos, and was so inspired of all that glam and elegance that I just had to make a French Twist with my best comb for today. ;D I'm at the Uni library again...killing time and trying to relax before exam.
I received a message from Blondiesturn saying that my hair forks are now ready for shipping. I paid them, so she'll probably ship them tomorrow. Can't wait to see them and start learning to do updos with them! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 6th, 2005 at 7:25am
I'm such a mess today.
My sleeping rhythm is a mess (spouse away, had to wake up yesterday at 6.30 am, today woke all by myself at 5 am, fell asleep again and slept until over 10 am feeling still tired). Hot weather continues- yesterday it climbed up to 30 degrees, and all chances are, that today's going to be just like that too. Half of my energy has gone to sweating and two thirds of the rest has gone to thinking how to cool myself. Also, my eating has become a mess- it must be the heat again, and missing spouse. Yeah, I'm a mess. I'm so happy that exam is over and I can spend today still at home (commuter trains I use are like ovens right now) finishing paperwork for tomorrow's meeting. Only hair is doing remarkably well. I was so sweaty after I came home yesterday that I had to go to shower right away. Decided that my scalp must be sweaty too, and SBV'd it with Honey Beer& Egg. I really think that I'll forget about trying to prolong washing intervals before weather becomes a bit more tolerable...I bunned it wet- what a glorious coolness! ^^ As I was in Helsinki, I also shopped hairtoys. Those pins with cream colored roses had been all sold, but I still found the purple ones. I also found some pins with interesting feather ornaments from the same store. I guess they're bridal, but I think my wardrobe contains enough white to justify their use. ;D Don't know yet how I'll end up wearing my hair today- I don't plan to put it up before going out. And then- it all depends on the weather. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 7th, 2005 at 3:07pm
Hard day. 6 hours maraton meeting, and when I came home I wanted just to check LL boards and relax...and stumble to Rapunzel's message. Which led me to news boards. Which led me to check other online communities where I'm member to see that everyone I know is ok. A very hard day. :(
I ended up rinsing the length yesterday when I went to shower, and had a nice damp bun for all night. Today, however, my hair hasn't been quite as nice- it somehow manages to be slippery and dirty-looking at the same time and I contemplate washing it tonight. If I can find energy to do so. I kept it in a bun with Rare Bud SpiralStix, but had to redo the bun during the day. Bleh. I visited a local department store- just a quick peek before heading for the train back home, and found this amazing pretty bun cover. It's fower-shaped, made of elastic string covered with pearls- amazing! It cost only 4.20, so I couldn't resist it. Let's see just what hairtoys I've shopped this month: 1 pair of LL hairsticks (I'm planning to buy another so I can combine shipments again though) 4 Blondiesturn hair forks, of which one is a pair! pretty hairpins from Glitter and now this bun wrap And the month isn't that far, and there are actually a few more things I'm planning to buy. This must go to records as one of my most hairtoy addict months ever. But then...what else could I spend my money to? ??? Even my spouse is such an enabler. Before we went, as one of his last things, he reminded me that I should remember to order more LL hairsticks for wedding. ;D He's right, I should get to designing the dress soon so I could finally email to Rapunzel about them. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Jul 8th, 2005 at 12:57am
Oooh wedding! Grats on the engagement, and we'd love to see what sticks you end up getting. :-D And dress of course!
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 8th, 2005 at 6:12am
Thanks, though we have been engaged since spring 2004. We plan wedding for next spring. Finns can be a bit slow in these things... ;D
So, I washed the hair last night again, with Rosemary Lavender aloe. Today, I put generously three butter lotion to my ponytail. It made the hair feel funny, but very manageable. Then, some misting with rosewater, and a bun with Glittering Seas hairsticks. Perfect for a trip to Helsinki (have to take care of some tax issues and have lunch with my mother). Rest of day will greatly depend on how hot it will be. At least I must come up with something special for bunny- she's not taking T's absence well at all and keeps reminding me about her opinions in such subtle ways as growling and chasing my legs. I already pity T when he comes back and bunny gets her chance to tell him directly what she thinks of people who abandon her... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 9th, 2005 at 6:38am
I think I overdid a bit with three butter lotion- my ponytail still feels a little "waxy". But only little- it seems that my hair has absorbed most of it. That can't be bad...
I finally ordered a Ficcare clip from Headgamesonline. After a long pondering, I ended up ordering Medium size. It seems that my hair has thinned a bit for some reason (it's not in thicker end of ii, but rather right in middle of it). And, if I have made a mistake, I can always swap it. ;D But I think that it will be fine. In any case, if I'm satisfied with Ficcares in general, I'm going to order another clip anyway. At the moment I don't have any clips at all- last ones were those beak clips that didn't work at all for me and that I ended up donating to charity. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 10th, 2005 at 9:13am
Ordered a a super gorgeous pair of hairsticks to complete my LL shipment- my order is now complete and ready to come home! :D This month will be really like Christmas- so many hairtoys coming.
I ended up washing my hair last night after having sweated for whole day, along with lovely cooling Body Shop Blackcurrant face mask. For my hair, I washed it with Rosemary Lavender Aloe again, and then added XZ deep conditioner. Now it feels all nice and normal again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 11th, 2005 at 2:08pm
It's hot! T brought me a pretty fan from Granada, and let me tell you- it's become my new best friend. Shower has become my second best friend- just a little walk to shop groceries, and I was all sweaty again. I'm so happy that I can work from home- we may not have air conditioning, but at least I don't have to move much in that killing heat.
Hair is doing fine. I did twist braid this morning, but when I left to grocery shopping, I switched to scarf bun+rosewater- my hair was still too slippery for a neat braid. Maybe tomorrow... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 12th, 2005 at 11:23am
Weeeeee! My Blondiesturn hairforks arrived! ;D
I ordered: a pair in birdseye maple and singles in macassar ebony and afzalia lace. All 6 in long, all perfect! They're totally smooth, natural color (she doesn't do dyed woods) and just awesome. I'm in love! Otherwise, it's a hot day. Up until now I had my hair in a bun decorated with that new pearl bun cover I bought last week. It's so pretty, though I need to wear bun net under it to prevent loose hairs poking out of it. But, neverthless, it must go because I'm going to play with my new forks right now. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 14th, 2005 at 12:28pm
My hair life hasn't been very eventful. Weather is still too hot for my tastes, but luckily I can spend most of my time inside where it's a little cooler. I've been taking showers daily, even twice a day. It's not doing good to my skin, even with Chagrin Valley soaps, but can't help it. I have wore shower cap though- I washed my hair last time day before yesterday after extensive playing with hair forks had made my hair look dirty, with Nettle shampoo. I think that Nettle is in same category with Rosemary Lavender Aloe- "lighter" compared to eg. Honey Beer& Egg. It works well, though I think that I receive best results when I use every other time more conditioning poo.
I've been playing with my new hair forks. I can already make pretty secure buns, and am making progress with French Twists. I think though, that a 3 or 4 prong design might be easier for that... Besides playing, my hair has spent its time in regular cinnabun with hair fork or hairsticks. Today, it's Spring Daisy SpiralStix. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 16th, 2005 at 5:43pm
Time for a full treatment: sauna, home facial (cleansing, peeling and face mask) and hair treatment. I started my hair treatment by applying jojoba/rosemary EO/lavender EO mixture generously to my hair, stuffed hair inside a shower cap and watched movie. Then to sauna -just added a towel around everything. Then washed my hair with LV shampoo and finally tried my new Urtekram chamomille conditioner for first time. Hair is still damp, but feels very soft. And I feel renewed. ^^
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 17th, 2005 at 3:56pm
Morning: upon taking my night braid down I found out that (again!) I hadn't managed to get all the oil from yesterday's treatment off from my ends. Unfortunately, I didn't have a time for shower in the morning as we had to get to see another house. So, I put my hair to cinnabun, added Twisted Springtime stix and nobody could guess that I was a walking hair catastrophe. ;D
The trip to house took quite some time, as we both totally fell in love with it. It's big, in moderate condition (=a little polishing would be nice, but no need to do anything immediately) and even has a duck pond with ducks! :D :D :D We immediately booked another showing for tomorrow (we'll take T's brother who studies building with us) and are prepared to make an offer right then! I'm so hoping that the house is as good as it seems and everything goes well. *bounces* When we finally came back, I went to the shower, and did another wash with LV shampoo and Urtekram conditioner (which seems to be wonderful stuff, making the hair very soft). It's still early to say whether or not I managed to get rid of the oil, but I hope so! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Jul 18th, 2005 at 4:02am
*Crossing fingers that you get your house*
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 18th, 2005 at 5:45am
Thanks! I'm hoping too that it is as good as it seems- if it is, we'll make the offer today. I'll keep you informed on how everything goes. *bounces*
It's been raining heavily during two nights now, and the weather seems to have changed from simply hot to warm and very humid. See how my hair likes that... So far it seems that today is just an ordinary VCHD- aloe consumption is high and I don't even dream of anything more complicated than cinnabun with SpiralStix. I would wear a scarf bun, but there's the house showing. In general, I've noticed that my cinnabuns have become more difficult to make- usually I need to use a couple of hair pins besides hairsticks in order to make it look decent. I don't remember having this problem a couple of months back- but then, at that time my ends were much thinner than they were now. Weird. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Jul 18th, 2005 at 10:49am
Good luck on the house!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Jul 18th, 2005 at 4:21pm
Hey, good luck with the house! I hope you get it ;D ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by panpeus on Jul 18th, 2005 at 4:58pm
I hope your house situation works out well!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Jul 19th, 2005 at 3:39am
Sending positive house thoughts your way! :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 19th, 2005 at 4:05pm
Thanks everyone :D However, bad news is, that there was a problem too big for us. From official papers we found out, that the house was being sold due to a bankrupt of the owner's firm. Bank had ordered the owner to sell in order to pay his debts. Which made the trade situation so legally insecure from the buyer's view that we saw no other choice but to back off. :( We are disappointed but- if there was one nice house, there must be another somewhere, hopefully with a clear legal situation. We just need to find it.
Hairwise (sp?) today has been a bit strange. My hair feels still like recently washed. I had to put aloe to my ponytail before winding it into a bun, and then secure it with SpiralStix (Spring Daisy again ;D). There were good instructions of Gibson Girl style on LHC, and I tried that. Somehow, it doesn't look elegant at all- more like a weird scifi 'do. I hope that tomorrow or whenever my hair is more cooperative again, T will take some pictures. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Jul 19th, 2005 at 5:50pm
Sorry the house did not work out for you. :'( Hopefully another good one will come along soon for you!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 20th, 2005 at 4:45pm
Yeah... I suppose house hunt is rarely easy. We've seen two other houses since. Neither of them felt right, but at least there seems to be quite a few places to see.
Today the hair has felt more normal and manageable. I started the day with a scarf bun, as I thought I would spend the whole day working at home. But, we found another house showing nearby, and for there I switched to Rare Buds SpiralStix. When we came back from there, T went to see his friend and I remained here relaxing...and soon started to dust, and from there, it was short way to playing with my hair. After a couple of gibson girl attempts that ended up looking just as weird as previous ones, I ended up wearing a French twist with Mei Fa styx. If I walk past the mirror, I'll probably change it though. :P I found from LHC a new interesting bun style (that seems to require extremely long hair though) called cloverleaf. it looked so cool...I can't wait until my hair is long enough for being able to do it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 21st, 2005 at 12:41pm
New hairsticks have come home! ;D ;D ;D
Raspberry Festival DrizzleStix -These looked gorgeous in picture, but in RL they are even more amazing little works of art. Drizzle effect looks particularly beautiful in this design, and fuchsia beads in beautiful bead caps are just stunning. Butterfly Meadow SugarStix - My third pair with Bill Grout's amazing twisted ribbon beads (can't get enough of them!). A special bonus are padparadcha cushion crystals- a stunning color that I've hunted for months, and that looks just as beautiful as I could ever have hoped for. Sugar effect is very unusual in most positive sense- catches the eye and doesn't let go. All in all, I'm so hairstick happy... ^^ Otherwise...I had a meeting today, and as I had to leave the house early I thought that a nice rope braid would be easy. Well, I managed to make it, but so far I've redone it maybe ten times or so- my hair just isn't cooperative though in principle it's wash day (I think I'm going to skip until tomorrow though). Bleh. I guess I need some more practice. Or a more cooperative hair. Or both. :-/ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 21st, 2005 at 5:56pm
Here are some new pictures of my hair.
I can't make hairstick knot, so I made a new attempt with Blondiesturn Birdseye Maple forks. It worked...sorta... French Twist decorated with feather pins. This might have potential to develop into a wedding updo. My hair is finally long enough to a braided bun :D . Brand new Butterfly Meadow hairsticks first time in action. Ok, this is really weird. Two rope braids twisted into...something. Keylime Pie hairsticks almost manage to save the mess. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by AtlantisAllure on Jul 21st, 2005 at 6:50pm
Your hair is very pretty! My favorite style is the french twist with feather pins, soooo pretty! I love your color.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Jul 21st, 2005 at 7:56pm
Lovely!! All those hair toys go great with your hair color (which really is Galadriel-ish.) :)
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 22nd, 2005 at 8:26am
Thanks, both! :)
I've been a bit worried of my color getting darker lately- these pictures showed that for no reason. Only noticeable thing is, that unlike during previous summers, this summer I haven't got highlights. No surprise, I've spent a lot of time indoors, and have also been protecting my hair outdoors on sunny days. :D It's 5th day without washing today. I'm well heading for a new record in washing interval. At the moment, my hair is still looking good when it's up in a bun. That's a good sign, as I quite often need to resort in braided styles for last day before washing because of dirty look. I misted scalp with rose water to prevent "head smell". I'm prepared to wash my hair today, but it would be so cool to be able to stretch until tomorrow night and our traditional sauna time. ;D But, we'll see what happens. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 23rd, 2005 at 4:31pm
Woohoo! 6th day and sauna is warming. My hair doesn't even look as dirty as one would think. My scalp is a bit gunky, but again- not as awful as I would have thought. I'm very pleased! Just checked the journal and yes, this seems to be a record time between washes! ;D
Still wearing my new SugarStix- they're just too cool. Also, the "sugaring" makes the surface of the sticks a bit different, not rough exactly, but...texturized? In any case, they hold better than my regular uncarved hairsticks. Headgamesonline seems to have added to its Ficcare clip selection. My first Ficcare is on its way home- I'm so hoping that it will work and that I could order a couple of more of them, they're so pretty. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 24th, 2005 at 11:54am
Hair is clean again. I ended up doing just a simple wash: SBV with honey beer and egg and improved ACV rinse, only some jojoba and rosewater for conditioning in the morning. Then a scarf bun with a pretty sky blue bandana. A comfy way to spend a VCHD.
I need to buy more rosewater the next time I visit Helsinki. The bottle is almost finished again. I wish rose water came in canisters. :P |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 24th, 2005 at 1:47pm
Visited Longhairloom - haven't checked that site for a while, and found this interesting rinse recipe. Must remember to try that soon!
Chamomille rinse Make infusion of 1 quart (or litre) of water and a chamomille tea bag. Add 10 drops of rosemary EO, 10 drops of Lavender EO and a few drops of Vanilla EO and 1 tbsp ACV. Let cool, and use as final rinse for hair (don't rinse away with water). This should make hair nice smelling, strong and soft. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 25th, 2005 at 9:22am
Discovery of the Day: I have found at least a temporary solution to my problems with cinnabun. I've used to insert both hairsticks from the same side so that they form < shape, which is pretty but has been troublesome for lately. It seems really to make the difference, if I insert the sticks from different sides so that they form X shape. It's of course, a bit more difficult to make, but the sticks hold the hair more firmly and also the resulting bun is flatter.
Another interesting recipe to try Snowy's deep moisture treatment 1 part Fave moisturizing conditioner 1/4 part honey 1/4 part aloe vera gel place in a cup and heat in a microwave for 10-15 seconds, just until warm. Wash hair and squeeze out excess, blot dry, leave in under a heat cap/shower cap/warm towels for an hour or so. Rinse well. Finish (you can add leave in) as usual. Great after protein treatments. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 26th, 2005 at 9:22am
Bought finally some sand paper and set to last attempt to make my MT hairsticks comfortable to wear (their ends had rough points which I first tried to cover by enameling the sticks, but after a while, the enamel started to peel off). I sanded the sticks to get rid of enamel and sanded the ends so that they had rounded points. Finally I oiled them with jojoba (had read from somewhere that it's suitable for oiling wooden hairsticks). The result turned out to be great, and now that I know what to do, I dare to order from MT again...there are a couple of really pretty pairs that I've been drooling. I also sanded smooth my plainest French twist comb -I've liked it but have worn it only very seldom as it had sharp seams. Not any longer! :D
Hair is doing fine, because it's a sunny day and I'm at home, it's spending its time comfortably in a scarf bun, marinating in rose water. I dusted last night a bit, but though I've been a bit lazy (or less fanatic) duster lately, I noticed only a few splits and most of them baby splits. Definite improvement there! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 27th, 2005 at 3:58pm
First the big news: my Ficcare arrived ;D. It's such a pretty thing, so well made, and- above all, it holds my hair like glue and yet manages to feel super comfortable. I haven't ever managed to keep my hair up with a clip, but this thing really works. I'm so happy about getting it...and yes, already planning buying more. The only problem is, that I ordered a medium clip and it fits perfectly- which is a good thing right now, but I'm afraid that I'll grow out of it. First I thought I should order large ones next time- but then, there is LHC's swap board, and I could just buy a couple more perfectly fitting mediums and swap them when they become too small. I already hear certain Border Colors and Silver Primaveras calling... ;D
Second big news is, that I managed to resist my temptation to order from MT for about 5 hours- now that I know what I must do in order to make them wearable, there just seemed no reason to hold back any longer. ;D I ordered three pairs, a bit simpler styles (I usually have my plain& simple season in fall). I'm such a hairtoy addict...but, how many addictions feel as good and are as harmless as hairtoys? Third big news is, that I've finally figured, how I'm going to avoid a scarf and hood hell next winter. Searching Amish hairpins I found a site that sells plain winter bonnets! We don't have any religious minorities who have taken over bonnets, so I don't think I would raise too many misconceptions when wearing one (besides, my moslem-style winter scarves have already made me kinda immune :P ). Here is the link, I'm talking about Winter Outer Bonnet. My hairlife will be muchly improved next winter! :D Today I and T were first at zoo and then went to see another house. I don't usually visit in places with lot of people, so naturally I observed besides animals people and ladies' hair. The disappointment! Everywhere there was fried, short hair, and longest I saw (on young girls) was above BSL. Even I would have stood out (but of course, I was protecting my hair from sun damage by wearing a scarf bun). Sad sight. I'm so happy for finding this site and knowing that my hair won't ever be chopped and fried again. For house showing, I changed to French twist with Ficcare. It's almost unreal how well it holds and how nice it is to use- I'm now wearing my most perfect French twist in recorded history. :D I'm almost sad I must take it down soon, as it's washing day again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 28th, 2005 at 8:06am
Hair wash with Honey Beer & egg poo + improved ACV rinse + amlika leave-in conditioner have left my hair incredibly soft and clean. Which means a VCHD. But, you couldn't ever guess I'm having one of these days- I'm wearing a gorgeous and very secure French twist with Ficcare! Ficcare Maximas clip seems to be in hair clips what LL is in hairsticks- totally superior, that is. I've already rearranged my next month's hairtoy budget to make more room for a couple more of these. *hairtoy happiness*
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 29th, 2005 at 3:49pm
Busy day: first a long meeting, and then at home much writing to do. But I'm all done now and ready for weekend! Have I already told that I love my Ficcare ;D ? Ok, I guess I have- but let me tell that just once more! It held a French Twist from early morning until evening- an absolutely perfect French Twist, mind you! It felt so wonderful to walk around in my errands having totally amazing hair that looked as if I had jumped straight out from a hairsalon. ;D What an ego boost a pretty hair and a good hairtoy can be!
As I had time before coming back home, I visited again certain department store's hairtoy department. There has been this barrette that I've drooled for at least a year- one among the very few quality hairtoys they carry. It's a Laurs' brand, pearlized creamy white color wide barrette with French barrette mechanism. There was just one left- and it was on sale! And now I'm wearing it and it looks just perfect. Of course, it's likely that I won't wear it in public until my hair is a lot longer, but it's gorgeus and I love it anyway. I also finally bought some more rose water, as pure rose water isn't sold anywhere in this town. :-/ I also checked EO selections, but didn't buy anything- I still don't have a good idea on what EO's besides Lavender and Rosemary would be especially good for hair. Have to do some research about that. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 30th, 2005 at 3:05pm
Yesterday evening: practiced French twist variations. It seems that wearing French twist every day since my Ficcare arrived has had a positive effect to my skills: my French twist look decent with any hairtoy if I just manage to make the toy hold. That's some huge progress!
Results: Ficcare works still best. Comb comes second. Also hair pins work well. I have still trouble with forks and LL hairsticks. The styles look pretty but unravel very fast. All variations I tried look good, and I'm developing a serious liking to French twists- just as many variations as with good old cinnabuns! I wouldn't ever have thought that! But then...Finland is NOT the best place on Earth to see innovative longhair styles on the street. Today: scarf bun for unsuccessful blueberry/mushroom picking trip to nearby forests. After we came back I tried for the first time a hair fork cinnabun without a net. It held nicely during trip to grocery store...and unraveled right at the front door. I clearly need some practicing, but it's going to be worth it- my bun looked so shiney and nice without a bun net. :) Now I'm waiting for sauna to warm and the time to wash away last remnants of sweat and gnat repellent. Haven't still decided whether or not I'm too lazy to deep condition. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Jul 31st, 2005 at 2:02pm
Honey Beer& Egg, ACV and deep conditioner last night. French twist with Ficcare today.
It was time again for combing table cleanup. Outside temperature and calendar both agree that it's very much summer, but I have already started to feel approaching fall. Well, it is August tomorrow... ::) In any case, I can afford myself a few quirks, and being a seasonal creature is one of them. So, half-unconsciously I put most of my spring/summer hairtoys back to cupboard and replaced them with more "fall-like" hairtoys. Away went flowers and feather pins. I replaced them with a couple more fall-like hairtoys. I found a couple of nice thingys of which existence I had almost forgotten and that deserved to be picked out into light (and possibly into use, if I ever manage to wear something cheaper) again. ;D But, most importantly, the combing table looks different and conforms much better with my mood. ;D Note to self: I should really buy a few nice boxes and arrange my hairtoys that aren't in active use in those. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 1st, 2005 at 5:23pm
Time for monthly routine update!
Washing:SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars & ACV. LV shampoo+ Urtekram chamomille conditioner for washing after oil treatment (about once a month, that is). XZ deep conditioner every now and then. Body Shop Amlika leave in conditioner when I feel like it. Oiling: jojoba oil, mixed with rosemary& lavender EO for deep conditioning. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns, scarf buns and French Twists with Ficcare. French braid for sleeping. Toys: LL hairsticks, Blondiesturn hair forks, bandana scarves, Ficcare Maximas clip <3 . Now that MT hairsticks are comfortable to use, I think I'll be using them more often too. Maybe. Not much changes during this month, except in hairtoys section. I did quite a lot hairtoy shopping. I guess that this month won't be much different- I've already placed an order for 3 more Ficcare clips. I just decided that I can't live without them. ;D Growth- well, there is growth but not the big summer growth spurt I was hoping for. Just ordinary ½ inch. But, it's still growth. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 2nd, 2005 at 3:09pm
LHC is doing group order on Amish hairpins, and I decided to participate. I've been wanting to try these things for a while- everyone seems to think they're best hairpins around. But, I've just been hesitating- I always hesitate when I should do business with a new internet company ::)- and have been just generally procrastinating- I mean, it has sounded a bit silly even to me to order a couple of packs of hair pins from the other side of the globe! It's not like they're hairsticks :P . But, that's taken care of now.
I've heard that some people have had problems with ordering from Headgamesonline. Just after I placed my second, bigger Ficcare order! I worry a bit- but, my last transaction with them was a smooth one and the clip is the best invention after my secret pear cake recipe. Must keep fingers crossed. I'm wearing my favorite MT pair first time since Spring. The sticks are just a tad slippery, but they hold, and most importantly, the ends are now just perfect. :) My new order has now been shipped -Kathy had some problems with it, and it took longer than usual for her to ship. But she emailed me and promised that she won't charge me shipping when I order next time. :D That's so cool! Truth to be spoken, I had hardly noticed the delay and definitely didn't mind it in the first place- so it's really great service from her part. :D Big decision: I'm not going to resume my quest for one week washing interval. The fact is, that I'm quite happy with where I am now- Saturday sauna has become a kind of tradition now, and if I wanted to prolong the interval between washes it would be quite troublesome. Instead, this twice a week washingl seems to work just well. So, I'm going to stay right here for a while. :) And, this is an achievement too. This time last year, I firmly believed that my hair absolutely must be washed every other day! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Aug 2nd, 2005 at 3:43pm
Just throwin' in my 2cents - those Amish hairpins ARE the greatest! And I've only had one group order from LHC go bad, but it was rectified quickly.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 2:41am
Secret Pear Cake recipe?? Hmmm.
What would it take for you to share this secret? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 6:12am
*can't wait new, improved hairpins* I don't use hairpins that often these days- but when I need them, they are invaluable!
As for my secret pear cake recipe, I suppose it takes mostly a bit calculating from your part as I'm using Metric system (and am so lame in math that I'm a terrible converter) :P . I suppose my secret is safe enough if it's known only at the other side of the world ;D . Anyway, if you want to try, here is the recipe. Let me know if you experiment with it! Pear cake 2 eggs 2 dl sugar 1 tsp vanilla sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1 pear 1 dl pear juice 1 tsp baking powder 2 ½ dl wheat flour 75 g butter 1. Turn the oven on (175 deg C), cut the pear into small cubes and melt the butter. Grease the baking tin and flour it with bread crumbs. 2. Whip eggs and sugar light. Add cinnamon, vanilla sugar and pear cubes. 3. Combine flour and baking powder and mix this into the dough as well as melted butter and pear juice. 4. Pour the dough into the baking tin. 5. Bake for approx. 40 minutes. Note: the resulting cake is rather moist. I don't know how long it lasts storage- at my home it's about 1 evening. *disclaimer: online dictionary was used in several places. If the recipe sounds really weird at some point use common sense and blame the dictionary. :P * |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 10:44am
Molten butter - gives me an image of a large volcano with butter running down the sides! ;D
Melted butter is the more typical verbage. Your recipe sounds delicious - thanks for sharing it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 10:56am
*rofl* Actually, that's what my butter looked last night- I warmed it in microwave but the lid of the bowl wasn't tightly enough on and "exploded". Result looked a bit like volcano erupt. But, thanks for correcting. I modified the post. ;D
I knew that web dictionary would make me say something funny. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Aug 3rd, 2005 at 1:38pm
aaahhh, you didn't have to modify your post - I kinda liked the "molten butter" in the recipe. ;D It gave it a bit of originality and fun!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 4th, 2005 at 6:12am
It just wasn't what I meant... ;D I always imagine that my English is fairly good...until I notice that at some areas my vocabulary is badly restricted. But, it's improving all the time. :)
MT hairsticks have arrived! I got my first design that has lacquered bamboo sticks, and am impressed. :D They look great and are very smooth. Finally I have a nice black pair! Two more pairs were of wood, that I sanded. One has tigereye gems- I'm wearing that pair right now. The other has serpentine jade beads, being a nice and simple pair. My minimalist season should come some time soon, and this pair is just perfect for that. Last night was a hairwashing day. I dusted (splits are creeping back!), did just simple SBV wash, and oiled in the morning. I wanted to do a simple wash to see exactly my hairs' condition. After all, it's soon been a year since I joined longhair boards. I was very happy with I saw- my hair looks really the healthiest it has ever been! :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Aug 4th, 2005 at 10:35am wrote on Aug 4th, 2005 at 6:12am:
:o :o :o Your English is better than most Americans. You have nothing to apologize for. I applaud you for conversing in a second language - something most Americans can't do. I hope you did not think my "correction" was criticism. I thought it was humorus translation. My apologies if it offended you or made you feel bad for any reason, it was not my intent. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 4th, 2005 at 1:31pm
No need to worry, BB, you didn't sound like criticizing and have absolutely no need to apologize. :) The translation was too funny- just what I expected from an online dictionary (and too true with what just happened in my baking just a bit earlier). ;D
I'm just a perfectionist and like to correct little things. It helps me to remember them in future. :) And I think it's healthy for me to get reminded every now and then that I still need to continue my efforts to improve my skills. I know I'm pretty good- but there's always a chance to improve. I find that inspiring. :) It's nice to be able to communicate in two languages (in fact, many people I know can express themselves well in three or four). As languages, Finnish and English are very different, and quite often, things are expressed differently. For example, English uses different pronouns for male and female people, while Finnish has just one word that is used for both. On the other hand, "please" that has quite obvious function in English, is missing completely from Finnish- we may use other expressions in its place, but more often we don't use anything (and it's still considered as polite if the tone of voice is nice). Many little things like these combined lead to big and thought-provoking differences. Ludwig Wittgenstein said that boundaries of language are boundaries of world, and I find that to be so true. Knowing languages makes the world seem much wider. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Aug 4th, 2005 at 3:58pm
I have several friends that are fluent in multiple langages (one speaks 7!). Sadly, English is all I am comfortable with. I know tidbits of Spanish, French and German, but not enough to say I know the language. I agree that knowing other languages "opens up the world".
Good for you! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 5th, 2005 at 3:47pm
I feel more dead than alive- 7 hour intensive meeting does that to a person! :-X My job is a dream, but there's just so much of it! But, at least things went a bit forward, and a better world is a bit nearer. :)
Hair has been all the day in a cinnabun with my new Tigereye hairsticks. They're soooooo cool. After the meeting, I went to do a bit shopping. I didn't find another Body Shop full size wooden comb, but I found a nice wooden pocket-sized comb. I bought it, so I have a nice comb with me on days like this. I also found a nice carved leather barrette from Glitter. I love the look of leather barrettes, though it seems that my hair needs to grow a bit before I can use one to make nice updos. Headgames sent a strange email saying that part of my order has been shipped. They didn't tell though, which part. :-/ I guess I'll see that soon though- their shipping is quite fast. I'm hoping that rest of the order won't take long either. I made a last minute adjustment to my Amish pin order- I realized that I could use also some 2" pins. I hope I wasn't too late with that. Phew. I'll check rest of the threads tomorrow. Too tired right now. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by wishing4longhair on Aug 5th, 2005 at 3:52pm
You have quite a journal here! I just finished reading it all. :D
wrote on Aug 4th, 2005 at 1:31pm:
Wow. I can only speak English and can understand a little Spanish. When I went to London last fall, I lived in an International student house. I met many Europeans. I discovered that all of them spoke fairly good English or were learning (one guy I had a conversation with had only been speaking it for 5 months, I was impressed) They all knew a little of another language as well as their native and English. They were so good, I was ashamed that I only spoke one language. I enjoy hearing the languages that are spoken around your area. One of my good friends from London is from Sweden and I would ask him to say things just to hear what is sounded like. :D Anyway, tangent!! Ok, I've enjoyed reading your adventures of your hair and it's growing. I am not a hairtoy adict, so I can't relate to you in that respect, but I understand how long it seem to take hair to grow!! I'll stop taking up space in your journal now. :) Meg |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 6th, 2005 at 11:45am
You read it all?! :o Wow! :D Even I haven't done that for a long time.
Hee hee...Swedish sounds funny. Here it's compulsory to study Swedish at school all the way to university level. So I guess I could say that I know Swedish, but as I never need it anywhere, my skill is quite passive- I understand much, but can't really communicate very well. When I visit Sweden, I always use English. Finlandssvensk that I have learned is actually a dialect of Swedish, and sounds very different from Rikssvensk that is spoken in Sweden. I can hardly understand that! But, even those Finns whose tongue is Swedish, know Finnish well and usually speak that when Finnish-speakers are around, so there aren't much chances to practice. Hair growing requires definitely patience (see my ticker...) but in terms of things I've learned and condition of my hair, I've made tremendous progress. :) I didn't know much about anything when I joined, and my hair was for most part a mystery to me. And, I had no idea how eventful my hairlife would be- I think I've entered something here almost every day. Then to today's news: Biggest one first: it finally happened! The thing I've been waiting for months! I managed to order two pairs of the amazing new Futuristix! ;D I've been wanting more hairsticks in that style ever since I got Rose pair- they work so well even in slippery hair and look so like me. I was so amazed when I saw that Rapunzel had made the stix right in the colors I've been looking for. I couldn't have found more fitting stix if I had custom ordered them. I'm sooooooo happy. :D :D :D .[/ramble] We decided to go to sauna yesterday, as this weekend there's a rock festival that messes our schedule. T has a ticket for both today and tomorrow, and I have a ticket for tomorrow. So, no good sauna time. I washed my hair with honey beer & egg+ improved ACV rinse. It was still wet when we went to bed, and even in the morning when I unbraided my hair, it was still a bit damp. My hair may noot look amazingly long, but it has already achieved long drying time. I'm wearing it now in a bun with Mei Fa's- wanted to wear just something nice and simple. I've needed to fiddle them a bit, but otherwise they're doing pretty good job in holding my VCHD hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 8th, 2005 at 12:18pm
Hair survived the festival day nicely inside a scarf bun. However, when we came home I decided to wash it (Honey Beer& Egg again). I guess that the damp weather we're having makes it act so funny. Even now that it's supposed to be nice and clean it feels weird- somehow heavy and a bit lank. Or, to put it more positively- more manageable than normal VCHD hair.
I went to bed right after washing my hair (which meant that I was wearing very wet night braid). But this morning I woke up with almost dry braid. I was still a bit tired, so I just put it up in a French twist with Ficcare. It lasted nicely for the whole day- I ended up walking a lot in rainy weather which didn't help my hair to stay exactly neat until I come home- but it could have been much worse. In less than a minute I had remade the twist. :D I love my Ficcare. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 9th, 2005 at 6:36am
My Sweet Basil soap is almost gone- what a great excuse to order more of lovely Chagrin Valley soaps! ;D
I ordered:Chocolate Almond soap Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap Honey Butter soap Lavender Oatmeal Spice soap Sweet Basil soap Lavender& Spice shampoo bar All full size. Ok...I got a bit carried away when making the order. :-[ ;DBut, my skin loves CC's soaps and I'm sure that I've used them in no time. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. ;D Weather is still tropical- very damp and quite warm. Forecast says that today we might get thunder. I'm taking today easy- I'm going to have a lunch with my mother that I haven't seen for a while, then do some work stuff and bake cookies. Hair gets to spend the day in a scarf bun. I enjoyed walking a lot yesterday in spite the rain- but my old knee injury didn't like it as much as the rest of me, and my knee got really sore last night. It's better now, but I think I'm wise if I take it easy today. I had almost forgot that knee problem's existence- it hasn't bothered me in Ages. It's a knee I broke when I was skating as a kid, and after that it has been "weather sensitive", hurting when rainy weather is coming. During my teenage years it was quite troublesome at times, but it has gotten better and better since then. But, I rested it last night and am going to walk only a little today- I hope it'll be enough to make it happy again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 10th, 2005 at 5:55am
Yesterday ended up being hottest and dampest day for a long time- followed by massive thunderstorms in the evening (not in where I live though- we just got heavy rain). So, in the evening my hair was as sweaty and icky as the rest of me, and I decided to wash it again. This time I used Rosemary Lavender Aloe. It seems that it's a good idea for me to keep changing what shampoo bar I use- my hair feels somehow better than last time I washed with Honey Beer& Egg for n'th time in a row.
Two of my Ficcares arrived: Large Primavera gold and Medium honey marble. They're both so pretty. The size difference between Medium and Large is much bigger than I expected: "officially" it's just 0.5 in, but I swear that in my clips, it's closer to 1 in. Plus that Large clip is much wider than Medium. In spite of this, both sizes work equally well in my hair and are equally firm- I expected that there would be a difference but there really isn't. The Large clip closes all the way around my french twist while Medium doesn't but even that doesn't have least effect to anything. I like the smaller and sleeker look of Medium a bit more, but will probably buy Larges in future because I don't expect to grow out of them. I'm glad I have my three Mediums though (once the Tortoise one arrives), and will enjoy using them as long as I can. I'm thinking that I'll give the Primavera a special task and keep it as a wedding hair accessory at some point of our celebrations (no way I'm going to wear the same style all the time ;D ). I'm wearing the clip right now, and though I work at home today, I feel that my hair is in such a pretty twist that I didn't have to change it a bit if I were to attend a ball in the evening. ;D I also bought some aloe vera gel and rosewater from Helsinki. Feel well stocked again. I got into conversation with the lady who sold me the aloe vera gel. She asked me, whether I use it as a skin remedy, and was very interested when I told that I mainly use it as a substitute for hairspray. She had very short (and quite fried) hair herself, but said that she will try it too. :) Good Hair Deed of the Day done there! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by gabi on Aug 10th, 2005 at 6:03am
Reading this reminded me I have to start experimenting with my sticks and ficarre's again.
I'll bet the tortoise looks wonderful ...g |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 11th, 2005 at 9:12am
I'm sure it will. They all do. ;D I guess I'm well on my way on acquiring another hairtoy addiction. But, Ficcares are such amazing clips. I never quite believed the rave about them until my curiosity got the better of me and I ordered one. I'm so happy of being able to do French twists that look perfect and last for the whole day in a minute. I haven't yet tried the other styles that the instruction booklet shows- the model has even shorter hair than I do (sic!). I don't like ponytails or half ups and have grown out of peacock twists. I've tried a bun and it looked nice, but I want to use my sticks and forks too.
Last night I played again with my hair, aiming to find something wedding hair-like. We've not decided the date- 1.3.2006, Light willing. It's not that long until then! I didn't take pictures, but the styles I tried (fan chignon and "longhair" version of my old dressy bun style) were promising, and next time I practice them I will take pictures. Today, it's raining, I'm working at home...more like procrastinating at the moment, but I'll get to work soon ;D...and back with cinnabun. I'm wearing Asian Moon MT sticks that have turned out to be a great buy- in pictures they looked just simple gem stix, but in RL, the color of serpentine jade beads matches perfectly with my haircolor. :) I also bought some new sock yarn. New autumn colors of the brand I use had arrived. They had pretty multicolored yarns in purple, gray and green. I'm not usually fond of multicolored yarns- they are rather impractical in the socks I usually make, but these were so pretty that I decided to knit at least one single colored pair for myself. Maybe I'll play with braids (sp.?) ... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 12th, 2005 at 8:36am
Bleh. I just came back from routine health check. It seems that my blood pressure isn't quite ok (no wonder, really. My RL has been quite challenging lately), and the doctor said that I should lose some weight. I feel disappointed - I was so certain that everything's ok, as I haven't gained weight and have been walking a lot and eaten a bit more healthily lately and as a result felt myself healthy. But, the situation is what it is and I guess that losing a few kilos is more quickly available means of making my blood pressure drop than waiting for my work situation and wedding/moving stress go away. Blah.
Hair is clearly enjoying the super humid weather, now that it's just humid but not too hot (yes, it's raining again). It's super soft and shiny and behaves well. I have it in a scarf bun- comfy during doctor's appt and looks still freshly made. I can only wonder how did I manage to live last summer when I hadn't yet learned how to make these. I've now paid my Amish pins. They may take a few weeks to ship- the group order ended up being quite big, and Plainly Dressed didn't have so much pins ready. But, I'm sure they'll be worth the wait and that everything will be fine. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by gabi on Aug 12th, 2005 at 8:38pm
Awww Galadriel - I know weight stuff is difficult.
You will probably be amazed how quickly everything starts to get healthier, BP, sugar count. Makes it easier when you start to see results...best to ya...g |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 13th, 2005 at 6:22pm
Thanks Gabi! I feel a little better. If and when I need to lose weight, having professional help may prove to be a big help. And I know from experience that after I survive first four days I will start feeling pretty good again and everything will be easier.
It's still raining. We found out in the morning that our rabbit had diarrhea. It's SO difficult to find a vet on weekends, but after half an hour's calling round, we managed to get an appointment- in Helsinki. The doctor wasn't a rabbit specialist, but she did her job well anyway, and Liina is now safe and will hopefully do fine in home care. In all the hassle, I just threw my hair into a scarf bun and have pretty much forgot about it for the whole day. I hope that tomorrow morning will not be quite as difficult as today, and I have time and energy to do something nice with my hair. Something nice with my hairsticks, that is. I miss wearing them. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 15th, 2005 at 5:22am
The rains are still continuing...really, normally we have nice weather in August. Hair is feeling a bit funny- wonderfully soft at the roots, but ends are feeling a bit crunchy. I'm trying to resist the urge to wash right now- which is difficult, as I've received my new Chagrin Valley soaps. ;D I haven't tried any of them yet, but my, do they smell heavenly! :D As a surprise sample Ida sent me Juniper Berry& Comfrey soap. I wasn't too excited about it on the site, but IRL, it smells lovely and refreshing- like mint bubble gum. I love the surprise samples...
I'm back with cinnabuns & LL hairsticks. This grayness and rain needs to be countered in some way, and hairsticks are a handy portable source of good vibes (only the painted ones though ;D). Third day on a diet, and luckily the week is beginning which makes things a trifle easier. Just for the record, it's NOT a good idea to start a diet on Friday. My idea is to take it easier during weekends, and it was really difficult to fit beginning of a diet to that. I think I managed it, though. Now it's hopefully just one more bad feeling day and then the constant hungry feeling should decrease. :) Bunny is doing better- her tummy has settled down. She was upset with us for the whole weekend, but now that the hay and water only-period is over and we've been able to give the conciliatory peanuts, she has decided that we're okay after all. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 16th, 2005 at 5:02am
Hair was really dirty by the evening. I tried Lavender Spice Shampoo and Chocolate Almond soap. Liked both very much :D . I did just a simple wash with ACV in order to be able to review the shampoo. Next time, I'll try shampooing my scalp and using Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap to my ends. So many people have had great experiences with that. I'm hopeful...
The soap was great too- maybe creamiest soap I've ever used. It left my skin very soft and moisturized. It would make a superb winter soap...if I can make it last that long. But hey, maybe I will, I have so many other great soaps too. Now the hair is behaving very well, and it's also soft and shiney. I'm wearing it in a hairstick bun again, with Spring Daisy stix. It's not raining any more...maybe the fall could start coming and bring some sunny days with nice, a bit cooler temperatures with it. I bet there aren't too many people in this country actually waiting for the fall, but I am! Just let me finish the pair of socks I'm making... ;) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 17th, 2005 at 12:33pm
Hairsticks arrived in record time- only a four days or so!
I received: Olivine Rainbow FuturiStix Sapphire Ice FuturiStix I love olivine green and I love FuturiStix, so I didn't need too many seconds to figure out that this pair was for me. It's a veeeeery stylish pair, perfect for fall and for every occassion imaginable. Definite favorite potential. Sapphire Ice pair is...icy. :D I was hunting for a light blue pair to go with certain clothes- and was so happy when I found one in FuturiStix line. And with Light Sapphire AB teardrop crystals! I'm sure you've noticed that I have this thing for teardrop crystals... I really think that Rapunzel has somehow read my mind- two pairs of hairsticks this perfect on same page! I'm so happy for finally receiving more FuturiStix- it's such a great style, looks just like me and holds well even slippery hair. I also received a silk jewelry roll. Spent some pleasant time rearranging my hairstick collection. It looks huge spread on bed! ;D Strangely, it doesn't look nearly as huge when packed neatly to jewelry rolls- I'm still sure that there is something missing from my collection. ;D I've also tested more Chagrin Valley soaps! Lavender Oatmeal Spice has a super yummy scent. My skin seemed to love it. It'll be a luxurious experience when I use it together with Lavender Spice shampoo. ^^ Honey Butter soap is unscented, and smells like Three Butter Lotion bar. Like Chocolate Almond, it's also very creamy. Love it too. Today I had a meeting- it's really been a stressful and tiring day at work. New sticks and soaps have come in true need! My hair seems to really love Lavender Spice shampoo bar- it's today so soft and lovely. I wore it in a low bun for the meeting, and now it's in a low ponytail with chenille scrunchie. I should wear those more- they're so pretty and hair friendly. Unfortunately, my hair looks still quite lame in ponytail so I don't like the idea of wearing it in public. But, as a home hairstyle, it's great. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 18th, 2005 at 12:16pm
Suddenly the wind has turned to north, and summer has subtly changed to early fall. Air is cooler and clear- very invigorating. I've waited for this...
As I didn't want to find myself washing my hair on successive days, I decided to wash today. I used again Lavender Spice shampoo bar. My ends have felt a bit dry- I guess I've deep conditioned less than usual lately. So, I used Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap to my length besides my body. It's abundantly clear that my hair (like my nose!) loves the Lavender Spice shampoo bar- it's ultra shiney and soft. The ends that I had treated with the soap didn't feel at all conditioned like I expected them to. They don't have the slip that I've associated with conditioners, but they are super soft and shiney and feel somehow nourished and more substantial than before. After my hair had completely dried, I finished the pampering with a dose of three butter lotion and put it up in a French twist with Ficcare. When I was combing my hair before putting it up, I noticed that it looked strangely long. I took measuring tape and WOW! The growth spurt is here! In less than a month I've gained two centimeters- almost an inch! That puts me to 61 cm or 24 in! :D I'm now almost where I was before the cut. Yay! :D The diet has started as well as it can. I'm not enjoying it OR feeling good -I feel good when I've had some chocolate ;) . The "nice light feeling" that I've heard of so much is in my case more like "bad, hungry feeling". But, I've managed it and have eaten just as planned. I'm happy that the weekend when I can take a bit easier is coming soon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Aug 18th, 2005 at 12:56pm wrote on Aug 18th, 2005 at 12:16pm:
Oh Galadriel, are you my twin sister?? I feel exactly the same. Chocolate is my feel-good food and that "nice light feeling" I don't wish it even upon my worst enemy! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Aug 18th, 2005 at 5:20pm
I wonder how many socks you'd make if you knitted everytime your felt hungry. Nothing like distracting yourself while making a transition.
Hang in there, you'll adjust. Perhaps gradually decreasing the chocolate will help. Good Luck! We're here for you, G! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 19th, 2005 at 5:06am
Thanks for your support, Sakina and G_L . :) So far, I've just checked some interesting message boards when I've felt hungry ::) . I agree...I should start adjusting soon. Can't wait for that to happen! A major part of my diet is though, that during weekdays I don't eat sweets or desserts- just fruits.
Night is over, my hair has absorbed three butter lotion and...looks fantastic! I've thought for quite a while now that my hair looks fantastic, but it seems that it's still been possible for it to do a little better. Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap certainly did something really fantastic for my length- it shines like Pantene commercial hair, feels like silk and still feels thicker- like it had just eaten a big meal. I've used to that feeling with shampoo bars- they do that to hair, but now it's enhanced and...wow. Just wow. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 20th, 2005 at 1:05pm
Yesterday my hair behaved so well, that I wore it in twin Dutch braids for the whole day. The style doesn't look particularly good on me, but the braids have gotten again a bit longer which is nice, and it was something completely different. My braids were also super smooth and not hairy at all- I think I get to thank Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap for that. :) Very uplifting!
Today, hair went into a scarf bun and we went to nearby forest. After two hours of super healthy trekking we had found some mushrooms, but not very much. Maybe in a week or two there'll be more. Poor T got some moose flies (sp?) into his hair- he has thick and poofy hair and it was pain getting the flies out of it. I didn't get any- I guess that hair pulled back doesn't attract them. ;D Next time, we'll get him a scarf cap. Poor guy, he's so not the bandana guy-type- but in the woods, no one sees... ;D Speaking of guys, today I saw a Samson today! When we were shopping groceries, there was this guy, I think he was in his forties, with waist length salt and pepper hair in a neat ponytail. That long hair on a man of that age is so unusual sight. Long hair suited very well for him though- I sent him thumbs up vibes! At the same store, I also saw a girl (maybe 10 years old or so) who had amazing, healthy and very thick braid to her waist. It was so pretty. A pretty good hair sighting day. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 21st, 2005 at 5:18am
Went to sauna last night. Washed with Rosemary Lavender Alow, ACV'd and deep conditioned. Now that hair has dried, it feels good...but...there's not much difference with how it feels deep conditioned and without it any longer. I can only wonder, what the shampoo bars have done to my hair's condition, but it's clearly something great!
Hair is now in a single braid. It looks better than last time- not great, but it's not tiny either. It doesn't hang stiffly in my neck but turns nicely around my shoulder (never mind that not much more than the tassle rests on my shoulder ;D). But, main point is that it's not a stiff braid-stub any longer. Big improvement! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 5:45pm
Today's been a rough day and on the top of everything I've felt ill for the whole day.
I wore the hair in a fan bun for my trip to Helsinki- it seemed manageable and doing well. It held nicely- but when I came back I had to take it down, I was so exhausted that I needed a nap. For evening, I wore just an ordinary bun with Asian Moon hairsticks. But, hair decided that it wanted to be as crappy as everything else today- I found scalp gunk! :-X I can only blame the deep conditioner- or maybe my scalp was just behaving like rest of my body. I scritched it with my wooden comb. I guess it's not a very pro scritching tool, but it seemed to work just fine. Felt nice and lifted the gunk. Then off to shower. I washed my hair with Lavender Spice bar -can't get enough of that ;D - and used Honey Butter soap for length. Hair is still wet, but I think it worked just fine. At least the ingredients in that soap sound like it should be very conditioning. But, we'll see that in the morning. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 4:27am
:( Sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 5:34am
Thanks! :) After a good night's sleep I feel much better. I also get to spend today at home- which is always relaxing even if (and when) I have to work.
I posted my new wedding style attempts here . T Took the pictures a couple of days ago, but was too tired yesterday to post them. I'm really starting to wonder what my haircolor is. When I'm inside and looking in the mirror, it seems golden blonde...but in these pictures, the color seems to vary: in some pictures there are ash tones, in some it looks golden and I think I see even strawberry shades in a picture or two! I wonder, what is the truth about my color...a chameleon blonde maybe? Hair is doing well. It liked the Honey Butter Soap- my ends feel just as lovely as they where after Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap. :D I finished them with some Three Butter Lotion. I'm also wondering, whether my regular (though cone-free) deep conditioner has become incompatible with my otherwise all natural routine. I guess I have to try it a couple of times to test. I guess that I could do without if need be. The buttery soaps are great moisturizers for my length, and I could always do jojoba oil treatments when I need something really efficient...*ponders* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 7:09am
I'm glad you're feeling better, Galadriel!
All those styles look great! I think any one of them would work. Good luck with the wedding plans! :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by gabi on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 7:49am
Get well soonest ... it's really going around isn't it *gah* ...g
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 12:01pm
Feel better soon! ;)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 24th, 2005 at 1:19pm
Thanks, gabi, Juri, Lisabelle. :) I'm really feeling better now. Today I had a long meeting (6 hours)...but I'm beginning to get used to long meetings AND we made great progress with things. So, I'm tired but otherwise happy.
I still feel a bit strange thinking that my ends like SOAP. But they do! At least Ida's soaps (I'm NOT planning to try Palmolive ;D). They've become more manageable- the over-slipperiness is gone, but the hair has still kept its shine and body, and instead of a tad dry even the ends feel just as nourished and great as the roots. Very good! Today I wore a black blouse, and finally got to wear my MT Licorice hairstick pair. The were my first lacquered bamboo hairstick pair, and after a long day I can say that they're great. A bit longer than my other straight hairsticks, but not too long. Another good buy. Ok, but now I'm off to shower. These annoying early autumn days when mornings begin to cool but days can still be hot are here, and because I left early I've worn a light coat and proper shoes instead of sandals and have regretted it ever since I stepped outside again in the afternoon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Aug 24th, 2005 at 2:14pm
I just remember what happened to me with Palmolive dish soap. I must have been like 15 when I wanted a wet look to my hair and not knowing there was Dippity Do, I put petroleum jelly in my hair (I can't believe I did that!) My black friends did it so why not me too? Oh boy, I washed and washed no help at all. :-X Then mum found out and got out the Palmolive, my poor hair almost did not recover! :'( Mum put a whole bottle of mayo in my hair to help the dryness. Crazy eh?
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Aug 24th, 2005 at 8:20pm wrote on Aug 24th, 2005 at 2:14pm:
ROFL - Did you ever see the Simpson's episode where Lisa get's gum in her hair, and Marge starts piling peanut butter, mayo, etc - until the bees started chasing Lisa around. You're mom's name isn't Marge is it?? :D Glad you are feeling better Galadriel! Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 25th, 2005 at 6:03am
It's really amazing how different soaps can be. I've always liked soaps, and it's not a long time since I was in Helsinki and checked some new soaps from Bronnley (an expensive and supposedly high quality British soap brand). :-X! After learning the things I've learned on boards, those pretty soaps suddenly seemed yucky. All that artificial stuff in them...the unnecessary artificial stuff. It was a healthy reminder to me on why so many people are suspicious about any soap. Now that I'm wiser, I wouldn't touch such stuff with a long stick!
Not much to report about the hair- it's nice as always. Scalp gunk hasn't returned, which makes suspicions about certain deep conditioner grow stronger. Today, it's a scarf bun day again (like tomorrow, I have a train trip to Turku tomorrow and it means that I need a comfy style that stays neat all day and can be leaned on). Today I don't have anything special to do (a load of work isn't special)- I just felt like it. Seems like I'm rotating the same few styles...I hope that my hair grows soon so long that I could start making good looking braids and figure-8's. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 26th, 2005 at 2:04pm
Once again, it's time to praise the wonderful Scarf Bun!
Today's been a hairwise challenging day to say the least: I've been walking hours, mostly in pouring rain (the kind of rain where an umbrella doesn't save you from getting thoroughly wet) and sat in a train that had nice high seats with headrests for five hours- and had only one chance to correct my hair. A braid wouldn't have survived it looking neat and nice. Hairsticks would have been uncomfortable during train trip...but scarf bun was perfect! It lasted all the time, and is still just as neat as it was 6.30 in the morning when I made it. Miraculous, isn't it ?! ;D I'm still going to movies tonight (to see The Island), and I don't have to anything to my hair for that either. I guess I've repeated this a few times, but let me say it just once more: I love scarf buns! Another thing that I love are my new Amish hairpins that arrived Yesterday. They're great! They looked sharp in the picture on Plainlydressed site, but they're really just pointy but not sharp or uncomfortable in any way. Very sturdy, hold very well...to make a long praise short, they make my old hair pins look (and feel) poor excuses for metal hair pins, even though my old pins are best that I've found from local stores- I tried quite a few brands before. But, time to move on again! I'm glad that I went ahead and ordered several packs and different sizes- charity is calling my old pins because I don't think I'll be wearing them any more. Why would I, since I've got so much better pins now?^^ LHC has another group order- De Renaudin products at wholesale prices. I'm not really interested of their horn hairsticks and decorative combs, but after having heard so much raving about horn combs, I'm going to order one. Another thing that I should order soon is the winter bonnet from Christian Coverings. I wonder if it will work as I'd like it to, and if I look silly in it...but there's only one way to know for sure, right? In any case, it is cheap, and I have much to gain. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 27th, 2005 at 6:15pm
This morning was sunny, and that meant yet another scarf bun day, because we headed to forests of Kaukas, and were successful: we found both mushrooms and lingonberries, and our efforts were royally rewarded by some delicious wild mushroom pizza and lingonberry pie with vanilla ice cream in the evening. :P Yum!
And, of course, wonderful relaxing sauna. I washed my hair with Nettle bar, and the ends with Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap. Then improved vinegar rinse. Yum, said hair! Before going to sauna I spent a moment S&D'ing. My split ends have decreased so much- finding the few I snipped away was a tough job. But, I noticed that nearly all splits I did find were tiny splits in very ends. That got me thinking a microtrim. This month's growth rate has been so good...and just a three or so millimeters off would probably rid me of all baby splits. Yes...it might be a good idea... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 28th, 2005 at 12:17pm
Still thinking of the microtrim. T agreed to do the work...but I guess I wait until official September measurement before I do it. But, this has been a month of great growth, so maybe I could snip just a teeny bit.
Hair is doing great and behaving well. It's spending the day in a French twist with Ficcare (border color gold, to be exact- my first Ficcare is still my favorite one). I haven't heard anything from Headgamesonline. When my last order arrived, they had left a note that Tortoise clip is on backorder, and they hadn't charged my Visa for it...but it's weeks now. But then, they must deal with notorious Ficcare company... :-/ I just need to remember the situation- which is difficult as I have so many things to remember. Instead of jojoba oil, I put some Three butter lotion to my length again. Feels great! I think I used it a bit too much at first, but now it seems that I've got it right- I'm learning to love that stuff fast. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Aug 29th, 2005 at 8:27am
Mmmmmmmmh :) Mushrooms ! I went to the woods quiet a few times myself.......just had some more fresh mushrooms last night.
What exactly are lingonberries? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Aug 29th, 2005 at 9:44am
Oh Lingonberry pie!!! Had some when I was at IKEA a few weeks ago. I even bought the jam, my Swedish hubby and I love Lingonberries and Gooseberries too!!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:23am
Galadriel's Guide to Finland ;D:
Besides all sorts of mushrooms, Finland's woods are full of tasty berries like blueberries, wild strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries etc. This compensates nicely the fact that many garden fruits don't survive here. Everyone (foreigners too!) is allowed to pick berries and mushrooms anywhere without landowner's permission. Lingonberry is a small, red berry that is very common in Finland. You can see a picture of it here.http://www.uta.fi/~hh58253/ipoppla/puolukka.html Like all wild berries, it is very healthful and rich in vitamins. Taste of fresh lingonberry is very sour and very aromatic, preparing or adding sugar takes away sourness and leaves delicious aroma with just a tinge of sourness. It's good to use in almost everything: pies, jam, juice, marmalade, dessert soups etc. Lingonberry pie with vanilla ice cream is divine. Lingonberry jam is delicious in desserts and sweet foods, but it's also delicious with salty foods, especially liver and game. Not much new to report about hair- except that I received a hairstick compliment again, of my LL Forest Sanctuary pair. :D It was really nice- my hair was misbehaving a bit and I wasn't completely happy with my bun as I left the house. Apparently, as long as I have a pair of LL hairsticks in my reach, I don't have to worry about bad hair days. ;D Reminded me again, how lucky I am, having a hair that is already long enough to be put up with pretty toys. Misbehaving short hair could not have been fixed so easily! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:36am wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:23am:
Really? How wonderful!!! That would be like heaven for me! :D Congratulations on the hairstick compliment! I find that I get compliments on the hairsticks, because it is a rare thing to see around here. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Aug 29th, 2005 at 12:29pm
:) That DOES sound good. All these berries...
I think I have to drive to IKEA soon, just to taste this pie. I am curious now. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 29th, 2005 at 2:25pm wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 11:36am:
Forests are nice, and I'm trying to make best of this bliss. I'm hoping to find my next home a bit more on the countryside = nearer to forests. I guess hairsticks are rare everywhere. I have seen just a few times someone wearing a cheap plastic pair of hairsticks- and never anyone wearing a quality pair. It would be nice to see people wearing nice hairtoys...on the other hand, this situation makes me stand out better. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Aug 29th, 2005 at 4:13pm wrote on Aug 29th, 2005 at 2:25pm:
Yeap sounds just about right! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 30th, 2005 at 6:00am
Not to mention, that as things are, we could probably spot longhair board members easily: really healthy hair combined with a quality hairtoys is so rare.
I happened to sit yesterday in a train where a young hairdresser was discussing with her friend about what to do to friend's hair. She also mentioned that she would like to grow her own hair long...which is probably not going to happen, not with her ideas of haircare. :o She planned creating her friend a new hairstyle with a load of chemicals "if the hair doesn't naturally do what you want, you just need to add products. A spray, a spray to roots- mousse, a styling fluid...and blowdrying to shape should fix it", cutting "Can I take some length? People never want length taken and it's so annoying because a layered and shorter cut has so much more movement..." and using BOTH curling and straightening irons "the combination of stick straight and curlier sections is SO HOT" , blowdrying and teasing on top "teasing adds body and lift" of it all. I managed not to wince every time she added a new "idea" to her plan. The horror! I managed not to wince...but I got also more determination to stay in my decision to stay away from any and all stylists. Hrrr. *shivers* A secure hairstick bun with zero movement is what I prefer anyway. I've played with Amish hairpins- have tried to make a bun with using only them. It's surprisingly difficult- but, I have worn hairstick buns almost exlusively, so I am a bit rusty. Right now I'm wearing a bun held together with Amish pins only, but when I leave for meeting, I think I'll play safe and switch for hairsticks. Today, I'm going to Helsinki. After meeting, I'm going to visit a certain department store and see if they have nice velvet ribbons. My braid is still short, but not pitifully so, and I've been thinking for a few days now that it just might already look nice with a braid tied with a pretty ribbon. I'm even so confident that I think I could avoid it looking too school-girlish (even in case that anyone would mistake a person of my size for a schoolgirl :P ). Last but not least, scalp is acting weirdly again. It seems a bit gunky, and I'm shedding slightly more again. Maybe my deep conditioner is ok after all, and summer turning to fall and/or my hairwashing getting to normal schedule after summertime's frequent washings is what's confusing it a bit. Maybe waiting (and arrival of a horn comb) will do the trick. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Aug 30th, 2005 at 6:23am
I feel your pain. I had to listen to a similiar conversation a few days ago. :(
Yesterday it was topped off: I bumped into a former co-worker and she comented on my hair "looking like it needs another perm". ??? I put a smile on my face and explained to her that I am letting my hair grow.....and so on.......Her reply: Really? Ain't you going straight towards 50? Why would you want your hair to grow? Now, this is why I am grateful for different people, different tastes, different mentalities. Have a wonderful hair-pampering day :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Aug 30th, 2005 at 1:37pm wrote on Aug 30th, 2005 at 6:23am:
Oh Moonbeam. :'( I'm sorry she was hurtful to you like that. Some people just love to voice their opinons and not care how the person feels at all. Just ignore and do for you..your body, your head, your life. 8) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Aug 30th, 2005 at 1:39pm
Galadriel, sometimes the bottom line with some hairstylists is money. Clients want what the hottest look is and will buy and do what it takes to make them look in vogue. :P
I don't do salons anymore. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 30th, 2005 at 3:36pm
Moonchild, you handled the situation wonderfully. Some people just can't behave. ::)
I agree with you, Maroula. It seems that most hairstylists don't know a thing about caring for hair and making it healthy- all they know and all they care of is how to force it do something it naturally doesn't want to do. No more hairstylists for me either! Last traumas from that train trip were quickly mended today: today turned out to be a real "candy day" for hair! First, I went and bought those ribbons. I got four velvet ribbons and two embroidered ribbons. I already tried a wine red ribbon with a French braid, and am very happy with it. It is easy to braid, holds well and looks very beautiful. Good buy! When I came home, I found my Tortoise Ficcare from mailbox. I've heard some talk that Headgamesonline is not most reliable company on Earth- but seeing this clip convinced me that I want to be patient with them. Very patient. The clip is gorgeous! Something that is simply not seen around here. Once again, I have a feeling that here's a hairtoy I'm going to wear a lot. But, the treats didn't stop there, as I also found a note from post office. ;D My Willow Grove ArtiStix had also arrived! My hairstick collection isn't exactly small any longer, but this pair deserves a place among the most beautiful anyway. Coloring, crystals, subtly sparkling finish- a pair of hairsticks just can't get much better than this. So, here I am sitting among all my new hairtreats and feel absolutely spoiled! A whole load of beautiful hairtoys in one day...at a price of one perm in a good salon. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Aug 31st, 2005 at 12:05am
Enjoy all your hair goodies Galadriel!! They all sound wonderful! :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Aug 31st, 2005 at 6:40am
Heheh you must be absolutely giddy with all the new hairtoys! I felt giddy reading about them. :)
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Aug 31st, 2005 at 1:43pm
I am! It was such a happy coincidence getting everything in same day! :D
Today has been my last workday...then it's back to studies- at least for a little moment. I really should finish my Master's thesis and be done with that. I'll start tomorrow. And then, there is the other stuff...and I'm still continuing to do part of the work from volunteer basis. Saving the world business is such- work to be done never ends, but sometimes the funding does. :-/ I just came out of the shower. It was hairwashing day again, and I washed with Lavender& Spice SB + ACV. It's a long time since I've used my leave-in, so I finished with that. I also spent a moment dusting. So, hair should be doing pretty well, once it has dried. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 1st, 2005 at 5:46am
Time for monthly update again!
Washing:SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars (Lavender Spice is my new love!) & ACV. Have used my "regular products" (deep conditioner& amlika leave in) maybe once, haven't used LV shampoo or Urtekram's conditioner at all. Discovered that Chagrin Valley's soaps make wonderful conditioners for length. I have tried Cucumber Lime Yoghurt, Chocolate Almond and Honey Butter soaps, all are great. Oiling: jojoba oil, mixed with rosemary& lavender EO for deep conditioning. Chagrin Valley's Three Butter Lotion. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns, scarf buns and French Twists with Ficcare. French braid for sleeping. Single braid. Toys: LL and MT hairsticks, Blondiesturn hair forks, bandana scarves, Ficcare Maximas clips. Velvet ribbons for braids. It seems that my routine is going to more natural direction all the time...which is nice. I'm still playing with ribbons and braids- braiding a ribbon is a bit tricky, especially since my hair is still so short that bringing it over shoulder is quite difficult when there's also the ribbon to deal with. But, I'll learn it. This morning was cool (and it's not the first cool morning here, though the days are still warm) and I realized that it's high time for me to order the winter bonnet. So, I stopped procrastinating and the order has now been placed- with shipping it was $36.95, which makes it still quite reasonably priced. I hope it will arrive so that I have a time to "practice" a bit. I hope it will work and I'm not going to look like an idiot wearing it. LL charity auction is going well- I bidded yesterday, and when going to bed in the evening I still was the high bidder. But, this morning, the sum was tripled. :o It's a gorgeous pair but I'm still happy that someone is able to give so much more than I could have afforded. I checked Finland's Red Cross, but it seems that they're not directing funds to disaster area at least yet. Which means a bit more surfing- I really want to donate some. It's all I can do from this far anyway. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Sep 1st, 2005 at 6:33am
I was also surprised, in a good way, that the bids for the Katrina auction had gone up so much. Although the Red Cross in your country isn't sending donations to the states yet, it means a lot that you wanted to do something to help. Hugs to you, Galadriel. :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:29am
I bid too, but it was peanuts to what it is now! I'm glad the auction is going well.
Thanks for your good will intentions. It does mean a lot that people outside the US want to help. We appreciate the thoughts and well-wishes. *group hug* Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 1st, 2005 at 11:36am
*huggles everyone* There are a lot of people who care around the world. We all share the same planet, after all. I'd prefer to live in a world where people can trust to help from strangers when they need it and wish to do my part in ensuring that. :)
BUT, for those who wonder why you are not seeing more international help: there are two things that keep other nations in observing positions: most important one is, that USA hasn't made official call for aid to the international community. Before that is done, other states won't assign official help, as they think that you guys can handle the matter without us. Secondly, the seriousness of situation isn't quite understood in distant countries. I know people from disaster area, and get my news mainly via international news networks, so I'm pretty well informed. But, if I followed only Finnish media, I would have only a faint idea on how badly things are going. Our main newspaper has dedicated only one page to Katrina, so it's just one big news among others. :-/ Anyway...I mainly came back to announce, that my surfing paid off, and I found American Humane society that accepted online donations and made my donation there. :) I'm glad I found them though they weren't the first option I had in mind. But, it's an important target anyway: I know better than most that abandoned pets make excellent carriers for diseases, and some of them can posses danger for humans too (besides some very exotic pets I'm thinking of big, hungry dogs and like). I don't think that many animals can really be rescued, but many of them can be spayed/neutered or at least euthanized properly- and considering the future, that is important for the city. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Sep 1st, 2005 at 12:11pm
Thank you for your "contributions". If still looking for a way to assist, the American Red Cross is one of the primary agencies to collect and distribute funds during disasters. They accept credit card donations online at their web site.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 1st, 2005 at 12:57pm
American Red Cross wouldn't process my credit card. :-/
I don't know what was the problem- was it just my card or are they having some more general problem. Whatever it is, I hope that they'll get lots of donations. :) Two great things happened (yes, I DO stuff today besides posting here). The magistrate started to take bookings for spring wedding times today, and we booked our ceremony! Woohoo! :D Another thing is, that I've found an interesting house and we're going to see it on Sunday. It looks good, but according to real estate agent, it needs extensive repairs. We'll see what we'll see- during the summer I've found out that my idea of nice house differs vastly from ideas of real estate people. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Sep 1st, 2005 at 6:36pm
Congrats on booking the ceremony date! Hope the house turns out to be what you are interested in.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by gabi on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 2:26am
Congratulations and best wishes on the house too...g
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 3:34am
Yay! Congratulations on getting your date! Closer to being reality, huh? How exciting!!! I hope your house works out, for sure the right one will come along.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 5:46am
Congrats on the date :)
And you will "feel" if the house is right for you.... sending you good vibes and wishes :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 6:55am
I have no idea on how the house will turn out. On paper, it seems like it could become a nice house, and it passes many of our criteria better than other houses. But I already know that this one would require extensive repairs. It has served previous owners as a summer place and though it's well kept, they haven't done any major repairs. Its roof, insulations, pipes and who knows what else need repairing. There isn't even running water in the kitchen! :o So, we are basically going to see, whether the task of making it habitable would overwhelm us, or whether we could do it. I don't dare to hope that this would be "the one"...yet it just *might* be...
Mamacat is taking last orders for custom hairsticks this month- after that she will sell on Ebay only. I already pm'ed her... Hair is doing fine today, maybe a tad dirty. I'm going to wait until tomorrow night before washing in any case- we're going to look for some mushrooms again, so the hair will get all sweaty and dirty during tomorrow. Fia on LHC had made an interesting calculation. She had calculated, to how many washes in 5 years different washing intervals will lead. The differences were really huge! I have been happy with my current twice a week-schedule, and changing it might be difficult because we have sauna every Saturday. But I really want to rethink it again...maybe I should start aiming at washing once a week only again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 2nd, 2005 at 9:40pm
Congratulations on your wedding date!
Thank you for posting about Mamacat. I PM-ed her an order. :D Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 2:06pm
Today's been full of action. We went to forest after breakfast, and in just an hour, we had found both mushrooms and lingonberries enough for more than this weekend's needs. A scarf bun was again the right choice that kept most bugs and fir needles out of my hair...though at home I found a persistent moosefly. Yuck. Quick switch to hairsticks (Violet Pinks SE sticks that I haven't worn for a long time), and off to buy groceries. Back home, hairsticks still holding well, I added just a scarf before I set to the task of preparing our pickings into delicious foods: mushroom and reindeer pie, scrambled egg roll with mushroom and bacon stuffing (yum!), lingonberry pie and lingonberry muffins. After all this, we still had some lingonberries left, to be eaten fresh with caramel sauce. Double yum! We also gave a couple of lingonberries to Bunny. She loved them. I should have guessed this earlier...normal rabbits like blueberries but L has always found them too sweet. So, she loves lingonberries. ::) She's always so logical...it's just us humans that are lacking consistency sometimes :P. Hairwise, this huge baking effort (not finished yet!) meant putting a scarf on my head (the hairstick bun still under). Looks terribly housewifey with my apron , but trust me, after finding a few long hairs from my bakings I quickly found the joy and reason in covering my head while working in the kitchen.T laughed my kitchen style at first, but it stopped midair when he found a long hair curled inside his breakfast roll. ::) After that, he has been very supportive and found me only incredibly cute in my kitchen uniform... ::) Speaking of kitchen uniforms, after I started baking regularly, I found quickly that besides a good kerchief, a good apron is also invaluable. Those that cover well are very difficult to find (I've recently started really drooling beautiful plain aprons sold in places like Plainly Dressed and Mennonite Maidens). But if I'm not fully protected, I manage to spill something colorful on myself. This is especially interesting since my aprons seem to stay nice and clean... Mamacat sent me ordering info. The woods on dymondwood page look so different than in her finished sticks...I'm regretting that I didn't write down prettiest color combinations I saw on Ebay. But, I'm trying my best. Though there's no way that I can reduce my order to just a pair or two. When I have finished my baking, it's probably time for well-deserved sauna and hairwash. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 7:27pm
Your "cooking outfit" sounds so cute! And practical too - I'll have to remember the scarf thing when I cook.
Perhaps you should upgrade to a lab coat and add lace since the apron is not exactly keeping stuff off of you. ;) Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Sep 4th, 2005 at 12:22am wrote on Sep 3rd, 2005 at 2:06pm:
To find a workable apron, check out restaurant/supermarket supply stores. My husband works in a supermarket and there is a local place where he would pick up items for meat, produce and appy. He had this huge catalog and they had all kinds of apparel in there...I loved the aprons and bought two. They also come in colors, not just plain meat counter white. ;) Also congrats on setting the wedding date!! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 4th, 2005 at 8:10am
Oo, I like the lab coat idea! ;D Though I'm not sure if spouse would feel safe eating my bakings after seeing me working in that... :P
Here, supply stores meant for supermarkets or restaurants sell for registered customers only, and applicant customer must be a business. So, those are out of my reach. I've managed to find two quite good aprons so far, and after we move and I can get a sewing machine, I'll try to make my own. Happenings in hair life: I ordered from Mamacat, 7 pairs :o . I just couldn't reduce the list! Besides, I consider this as my last chance- I've never had any luck on Ebay auctions, and if they become the only way to acquire Mamacat's hairsticks, the chances will be even smaller. But, I should do with seven pairs for awhile. Before going to sauna, I asked T to microtrim my hair in order to get rid of the tiny splits I've seen developing lately. He did just right again- there was just a little dust-like hair on the floor afterwards, and my measuring tape still shows 61 cm. :) Gooooood. I proceeded to wash the hair: Rosemary Lavender Aloe for scalp and Cucumber Lime Yoghurt for roots, plus ACV and later oiling with jojoba. Hair seems happy. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Sep 4th, 2005 at 12:03pm
Here, supply stores meant for supermarkets or restaurants sell for registered customers only, and applicant customer must be a business. So, those are out of my reach. I've managed to find two quite good aprons so far, and after we move and I can get a sewing machine, I'll try to make my own.
Darn it, I didn't think of that. How about looking online? You may be able to find something that way. Congrats on the 7 pairs of mamacat's hairsticks! Her sticks are simply gorgeous....if you get the chance, please post pictures of them in operation. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 4th, 2005 at 4:54pm
I've drooled Mamacat's hairsticks for ages at Ebay and was so happy that she gave this last chance of custom ordering them. It seems like I'm not the only one though- poor mamacat must be drowned in orders by now! Yet, she has managed to provide very prompt and friendly service. :)
I've found good looking aprons online (also more beautiful than neither of my aprons) - Mennonite Maidens sells a nice garden apron, and Plainly Dressed's prairie apron looks also about as perfect as they come. I've just got this mental barrier- hairtoys are one thing, but the idea of having to order one's aprons from the other side of the world still sounds a bit too weird. But, maybe I'll do it in one of these days anyway. We saw the house today. It was in bad shape as we predicted- but otherwise very close perfectness. It's a tough decision, are we or are we not seriously interested. Besides the price, that house would take a lot of work and extra money for repairs. But still... *sigh* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Sep 5th, 2005 at 11:44am
Good luck with the house. It's not an easy decision to make, don't rush into something you are unsure of.
I understand about ordering things from far away. Do you perhaps know a seamstress that can make you what you want? Maybe she can make you a very simple working apron, one that isn't just for show? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 5th, 2005 at 5:08pm
I've toyed with the idea of hiring a seamstress- but, it seems that it's much cheaper to order an apron from overseas, as ridiculous as that may sound. Having a seamstress to do minor repairs to clothes isn't too expensive, but having a seamstress to make even simple clothes is! Especially since I've used to spend more in hairtoys than clothes. ;D I'm really looking forward to getting a sewing machine and learning to sew (though I sucked in handicraft at school...). Before that, though, I'm fairly sure that I'll end up ordering an apron or two online.
Today was a happy hair day. In the morning, when I took my night braid down, I noticed that my hair is tickling my back. Not my shoulders, but well down my back! ;D It doesn't feel long yet, but it's definitely on its way towards it. Me likes! Up it went again for the day (french twist for a change), but even knowing that my hair is definitely growing made me feel all fuzzy and happy for the whole day (which was definitely something since I had a meeting today. A side note: I HATE being a chairman in meetings. Almost as much as I hate leading people. Which makes me an ideal leader according to Plato. Arrgh.) It seems to hover less than two inches above my upper BS. Not many months until my hair is longest it has ever been. Soon I can start counting the days. And clean the house so it's ready for arrival of my long hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Sep 5th, 2005 at 5:34pm
Galadriel, I was unaware that Mamacat was taking commissions again until you mentioned it in your journal. So THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are a dahhhling.
Anais |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 6th, 2005 at 5:00am
Lisabelle's beautiful avatar reminded me of that I haven't done a French tuck for a long time. I didn't have difficulties making it, but just didn't manage to make it secure enough. But, now I realized that since my last try, I've switched to Amish hairpins. It worked!
I really like the look, must do this more often now that I have means to make it last. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 6th, 2005 at 12:36pm
Are you 2 going to be able to do some of the repairs yourself?
Can you live in it, be happy and still work on the things which need to be fixed? How did the french tuck work out? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 7th, 2005 at 5:01am
That's the problem. We could probably do some minor repairs by ourselves, and the house is big so we wouldn't need to have every room in our use...BUT it's already clear that there is need to do some big repairs too (like insulating attic floor, getting more sewage and pipes, adding electricity, making big repairs to sauna, bathroom and kitchen) and many of these repairs would have to be done before we could move in. :-/ We don't even know yet, what exactly should be done- we just know that it would need A LOT of repairing. So, T to whom I left the decision as he is better in calculating stuff than I am, is just trying to decide, whether the house is worth of all the work that we should do simply in order to determine, whether or not we should even consider buying it. It's very complicated. For my part, I know that whichever way he decides, my feelings will be mixed: in case he chooses that we should not bother, I feel sad because in spite of everything it is in many ways the nicest house we have seen so far. If he thinks that we should take a closer look, I'll be just terrified about the massive amount of work that is ahead of us. :-/
French tuck worked well- and it was sooo pretty. But the hair decided to be just weird. It felt quite clean in the morning, but by the evening, it was gunky, looked like a grease pit and I sensed faint, yucky tinge of sebum smell. Off to wash. To crown it all, yesterday turned up to be the worst shedding day for a long time- I wonder, whether a 100 hairs were enough. But, for once I remembered to examine the hair, and it seemed to be 100% shed hair, no breakage at all. That's something... I washed the hair with Lavender Spice, added Honey Butter soap to the ends and finally did improved ACV rinse. The hair is clean again, but scalp is STILL a bit gunky. It's so weird! I can only wonder, what's going on. My whole skin is behaving weirdly too, though. Maybe it will pass. I hope so. But, I guess I better forget the twice a week washing schedule for now. I don't think that harboring the gunk will do any good. I hope today'll be a little better. No chance of me wearing a French tuck-hair too clean. But I suppose that a nice pair of hairsticks can improve my happiness just as well. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 7th, 2005 at 7:34am
:) Happy Hair Day to you :)
It's the opposite in our home. Hubby leaves always everything to me....Can't say that I like that. I collect all the info and then I make him sit down with me to discuss the issue and come up with a joint decision. Hopefully the amount of money required for the repairs will not go over your budget and it will be worth it in the long run. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 8th, 2005 at 2:17pm
In my family, I and T discuss of most decisions and then decide together. I usually get to decide more "everyday" things, and my responsibility are also big value and lifestyle questions. T gets to make big practical decisions. But, in every large question, we discuss anyway a lot, and neither of us would ever make a decision that the other would oppose. Seems to work...
This time, T decided after days of thinking, that it's best if we ignore that house, at least for time being. We agreed that in future we should look more for houses that need repairing- it might well be that our dream home is there instead of among completely modernized and shiney houses we've been mostly looking for so far. I lament just a bit the nice kitchen and garden, but believe that T is right in judging that the money and work required could well end up being too much for us. Then to hair. Hair has been nicer today- the amount of gunk hasn't increased as I feared, and to balance the huge shedding, I've shed just a couple of hairs today. Nice! I remembered to put my hair in a low bun for change, with Lacerta Holostix. I met my mother for lunch, and she complimented both my hair and hairsticks. :) So, this was again a bit better hair day. I hope this will continue. Oh, and a new accessory shop has been opened in Helsinki. I checked it out, and it had some pretty (but cheap and rather low quality) hairtoys. Unfortunately, they were priced a bit too high for being rather low quality. Neverthless, any addition in hairtoy selections is good- one can always hope that more people would be inspired to grow their hair long. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 8th, 2005 at 6:31pm
Good for you :)
It's nice to receive a compliment by one's mother, isn't it? |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 9th, 2005 at 5:29am
Yes it is! :) My mother likes my buns, though she for some reason has a need to always spice her compliment with age-related comment -yesterday it was just "in your age" added to the compliment. Can you tell that one day, she's going to have a surprise? ;D
If my hair wasn't long, today could well be a bad hair day. I can't quite describe it, but both hair and scalp feel somehow strange. I hope that if I just leave it alone for the day, I won't have to wash it in the evening...but we'll see. At least, it still looks nice when bunned with pretty hairsticks (Asian Moon). Speaking of hairsticks, I've forgotten to mention that I ordered two pairs of pretty LL hairsticks again. I'm hoping they still make it to this week's international shipment. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 9th, 2005 at 7:33am
Asian Moon - nice choice!! That was the other pair I couldn't decide between when I bought Peruvian Princess.
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 10th, 2005 at 7:11am
I bought Asian Moon pair because I thought that it would be nice to have a simple pair with beads for my minimalist seasons. I didn't anticipate that Asian Moon would become one of my favorite pairs! The beads match just perfectly with my haircolor and look stunning. I'm so happy that I got the pair- it was literally last minute order, as she had already sold the last pair, and had to hunt the beads to make my "extra" pair.
My hair went worse towards the evening yesterday, and I decided that I need to do something. Besides washing with Lavender Spice shampoo, I made Snowy's Deep Moisture treatment. I used my XZ intensive conditioner to it. I also went to sauna with the treatment. After rinsing I finished with ACV rinse, and my hair felt immediately very nice. I read that the treatment balances scalp- I hope so! Now that it has dried, the hair still looks and feels nice. Gunk is gone *knocks the wood*, hair is super shiney and soft. I think I made the right move. This treatment's a keeper! I'm going to follow with oil treatment next week or so. Both my winter bonnet and LL order have been shipped! Christian Covering's email notification mentioned Jesus at least three times (which is quite an achievement given that it was just a shipping notification)- but, I suppose that conservative Christians are like that. In any case, I have nothing but good to say about their service so far- reasonable prices, and they completed my order much faster than they promised on site. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 11th, 2005 at 3:54pm
Hair feels still good, and scalp seems to behave too. I had some nice wave when I took down my night braid, and I decided to wear it down for Sunday lunch at T's mother. Wearing hair down felt MUCH better than last time (I don't even remember when last time was...early summer?). I attribute the improvement for growth- it seemed to have just enough weight so it stayed most of the time where I wanted instead of floating around my head like Medusa's tentacles.
I can't say that it feels long yet, but it's certainly getting better. That is easy to tell. And I loved the way it shone in sun. :D Some day, I might really start enjoying wearing it down every now and then. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 13th, 2005 at 10:37am
Innovation: I found out how to insert Amish pins into a French tuck so that the style lasts all day! Yay! I'm happy to add French tuck to my everyday styles, and to enjoy it as long as my hair remains short enough to be tucked under the braid. :D
Scalp situation: Hair was getting dirty yesterday, so I decided to wash it, with Rosemary Lavender Aloe. Before braiding for night, I also added some amlika leave-in conditioner. Hopefully rosemary and lavender soothed my scalp a bit...Today, hair is clean and scalp feels ok. Hair has spent the day in a cinnabun with Silver Sphere SpiralStix. It's a long time since I've worn that pair, and it feels almost new! Other: I have a mild flu, hopefully it won't get worse. The weather has turned such that it's impossible to dress right: mornings are already cold, but in the afternoon it's still warm. I plan to spend rest of the week as much studying and working from home as possible. Waiting: Mamacat hairsticks, winter bonnet and two pairs of Longlocks sticks. There seems to be some problems with De Renauding group order- if it won't work out, I'll have to order a horn comb from somewhere else. Or forget about it and order some hairsticks instead. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 14th, 2005 at 6:22am
It's the same here with the weather: cold in the a.m. and warming up later in the day.
I hope you get over your flu soon. Sending you lots of good vibes :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 14th, 2005 at 7:30am
Thanks, both! I'm feeling a bit better already. The promised autumn storm (they say it's the last remnants of hurricane Maria) is here though, it's windy and raining and definitely not the weather to go out if it can be avoided. I don't need to shop even groceries today, so I'm staying at home. I took yesterday a couple of books from Department library, so I might do some thinking work on epistemology later. Right now, though, I feel more like thinking some lighter subjects like hair. ;D
I did another experiment. Lately I haven't enjoyed my night braid as much as before- the tail has become long enough to start feeling like I had a rope attached to my head. So, last night I tried good old scarf bun for sleeping. It was different from braid -of course- but not more uncomfortable. If I want to sleep on my back, I just need to support my neck more and less the head and voila! It's quite comfortable though the bun is in the back of my head instead of top. A promising style for sure. Now I'm back with cinnabun with Ficcare. My medium Maximas seem to be a bit too small for the job, but large Primavera is just right. Can't help thinking that I should own more than one large Ficcare... ::) I'll see how much hairtoy budget I have left after paying to Mamacat. Anais Satin has posted pictures of her Mamacat hairsticks, and I'm bouncing with anticipation to see how my sticks will look like. But, it seems that she's really drowned in orders...patience is a virtue, and one I need to work with. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 15th, 2005 at 7:37am
Ok, forget that getting better. Now I have fever- it started to rise last night. But, I'm sneezing a bit less and my throat is better, so I'm quite ok and comfortable as long as I take it easy and don't wander too far from bed.
Took a quick shower this morning b/c I had sweated during night and felt yucky, but didn't dare to do anything to my hair. It looks quite clean anyway so I think it will last at least until tomorrow night. Supposedly scarf bun would be the style for the day from practical point of view, but I wanted to wear something pretty, so I put it up with Hot Chocolate stick instead. I may be as pale and charming as a piece of toilet paper but at least my hair is well. Got to be glad about little things today. EDIT:grammar |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 15th, 2005 at 8:53am wrote on Sep 15th, 2005 at 7:37am:
:D I agree - we all deserve to have beautiful hair even though our noses are red and our eyes are puffy! I'm glad you found something cheerful while you're sick. I hope your fever goes down soon, and that you feel better! Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 15th, 2005 at 2:20pm
Hairstick update
New hairsticks have arrived and made my day once again! :D The shipping was really fast- less than a week! Prismatic sun- simple but luxurious pair that is precisely the right shade of yellow -the shade that actually looks good in my hair, like hair friendly highlights (if there was such a thing...) Combination of teardrop and barrell crystal is interesting. Beautiful pair! Hibiscus tea- And here we have detail upon detail! Hairsticks with carved twists, adorable little silver teapots and beautiful lampwork beads with amazing tiny flowers and transparent dots. But, unlike I expected, this isn't a fun pair- instead looking these sticks makes me feel nostalgic and a bit sad, makes me think of gardens pictured in oldest photographs and tea parties that ladies in long skirts and sun bonnets once had in those gardens. A very suitable pair for my more melancholic days. I'm feeling a bit better, and don't think I have fever at least right now. But then, I have been resting quite efficiently. Dusted a little, and though I didn't find many splits, there were a couple of pretty amazing ones. Need to remember to keep dusting a bit more often. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Sep 16th, 2005 at 12:38am
Hair goodies that arrive in the mail always make me feel better on yucky days. Congrats!
Feel better and enjoy your new sticks! :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 16th, 2005 at 8:14am
Spending yesterday mostly in bed reading Dark Tower paid off- I'm feeling almost normal today. :D And, today's task is doing the work that I didn't do yesterday and the day before that. :-/ But, I've already been very productive, so maybe today will end up just fine. In any case, tomorrow it's weekend again and I can relax.
Hair is doing fairly well, though it's getting dirty. I'm not too enthusiastic about washing tonight...but we're going tomorrow to look wedding rings to Helsinki and I wouldn't like to look like a greaseball then. I'll decide later. I was too lazy to bother with a pretty French tuck, so I just did a cinnabun and secured it with Prismatic Sun sticks. They managed to make it look fresh and interesting enough to cheer me up a bit. I'm already toying with idea of getting another jonquil yellow pair- the color is too pretty. But we'll see. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 18th, 2005 at 8:52am
I was right- by Friday evening my hair was just yuck (not much unlike the rest of me...) I washed it with Honey Beer& Egg, ACV'd and finished with deep conditioning with XZ.
Yesterday, we went to search wedding rings. I wanted something unusual- yet even in Helsinki I got to see almost similar solitaires and diamond row rings in every store. Pfft... ::) My old favorite- Illusioni from Kalevala Jewelry in gold and with a diamond was a clear winner no matter that it costs only 1/4 of the money we've reserved for the ring. T said though, that he'd like me to wear two rings every day (a bit difficult with Illusioni...) so we agreed that besides the gorgeous Illusioni we'll buy a nice golden band that I don't mind dipping in dough bowls and flowerpots ;) . Gets complicated...but I suppose that we just are complicated people. Now, I get the practical golden band for everyday use, T gets a wife who wears her both rings at all times and we both get to buy that "necessary" gorgeous Illusioni ring ;D. ( T was super cute when I told him that I'd probably be totally happy with a plain golden band. He looked at me solemnly and said: but I want to buy you something really gorgeous too!). Though we haven't ordered rings yet, the matter is now solved well enough so that we can proceed to arrange other stuff. Like what on Earth I'm going to wear in the wedding... Today, hair is still clean and seems happy. Right now I'm wearing it in a bun with Amish pins- I'm still trying to figure out how to insert the pins so that they won't start wiggling out. Right now it seems that I haven't figured it out yet. Neverthless, they're wonderful pins. For lunch in a restaurant, I'll suppose that I'd better switch to hairsticks though... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Sep 19th, 2005 at 1:04am
A lovely ring - obviously a special ring for a special person.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 19th, 2005 at 5:12am
The ring is different. Nothing what you would see everyday as a wedding ring. :) It looks very pretty.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 19th, 2005 at 7:11am
What a beautiful ring! It looks very elvish. How appropriate! ;)
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 19th, 2005 at 12:05pm
I agree, it looks elvish ;D (though the manufacturer claims that it has been inspired by Art Deco period). I'll post a picture of golden ring once it arrives (they don't officially make it in gold- it needs to be special ordered and they have made only a couple of golden ones before my ring). Seeing some of other jewelry of that product family in gold, I'm sure that it will look a hundred times better than that silver one in picture (and even that looks quite good). I'm sooooo excited! *bounces*
The hair: Hair is doing fairly good- a bit poofy until I applied a little Three butter lotion to ponytail, but otherwise quite good- not too dirty and not too clean. I started the day with a French braid, but got annoyed with the "tail" and switched to a bun with Butterfly Meadow pair that is so perfect in a sunny autumn day. Still waiting: Mamacat hairsticks and Winter bonnet. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Sep 19th, 2005 at 3:09pm
Elvish! That was my first thought too. It looks fabulous :-* Congratulations
Anais |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 20th, 2005 at 5:18am
Wooohooo! The winter bonnet is here! :D *does a happy dance* It works and it's perfect! I don't look silly in it- I look pretty. And I can even fit my hairsticks under it very comfortably and without them bulging! Photos coming soon...
But meanwhile, here's my review from Products forum. http://www.longlocks.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=products;action=display;num=1127195829 Sock news: I've finished two pairs of socks made of the funny yarn I mentioned some time ago. Green pair is for me, and violet is for my best friend who just had a birthday. I have to find a digicam (guess that T has taken it...) and take pictures before I meet my friend again. Hair: I'll wash it this evening. Still have the flu, so it will be just a quick wash. For the day, I guess it's the good ol' bun again. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 21st, 2005 at 11:38am
Found the digicam- but not its battery. So, no pictures yet...
Washed hair last night with Lavender Spice- just a quick wash as the flu isn't still planning to go anywhere. It's not really bad- just bad enough to make my pace a bit slower and my mood a bit darker. Today, I put it up with my White Rose MT hairsticks that I haven't worn for Ages. I had an optician visit scheduled in Helsinki. Some fresh city air for me... Turned out that my eyesight had worsened again just a little...after spending 4 years in -7, I had hoped that my eyes might had settled down, but no such luck. :-/ The only positive news was that during this time, they had developed a more efficient thinning method for lenses. I don't think that my lenses will be significantly thinner than the ones I'm wearing now, but at least my bottle bottoms won't get worse. On a more positive note, I spotted two nice hair sightings on my trip. One was a girl with a nice, thin, hip length hair that she wore down. Another was a lady with an interesting updo- it looked a bit like French twist, a bit like cinnabun and a bit like something else. In a way, I like good updo sightings even better than hair sightings- maybe it's because they are even more rare. Got a PM about LHC's De Renaudin group order. There is progress after all. :) And the steady flow of packets from distant locations to my mailbox will continue... :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 22nd, 2005 at 5:13pm
I think I've reached a milestone, and one that I thought would be still far ahead.
I wore my hair down again today -not for the whole day, but for my little walk to the grocery store. It really doesn't feel bad or look silly any longer! Of course, as I've sayed, it will look better once it gets longer, but the lion's mane-feeling is gone. And I really liked to see how it seemed to change color in sun and have the gentle wind combing it. ^^ WOOHOO! I still have some temperature, no matter that I have rested today as effectively as I have been able. I even slept hours during the day. I so hope that I'll get better during the weekend- otherwise Monday will be real torture- besides a meeting to lead, I have scheduled an appointment with P- we need to finish research grant applications, and my brain better be in working condition then. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 4:59am
A new style has been found!
So, I was playing with my newly-found flowing hair, and discovered this style that seems to combine best sides of hair up and hair down. I think it looks very pretty, at least with my face shape. The look of this style will improve once my hair gets longer, but it's already very pretty. Instructions: 1. Make a middle part, about 4 in is good. 2. Take a little hair from left side along the hairline and the part (be careful not to take too much hair). A total of thickness of little finger is quite good. Twist the hair and pull it back to your crown. 3. Secure to the crown with a bobby pin. 4. Follow steps 2 and 3 for the right side. I'm wearing this style right now. Can't get over of how pretty it is... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 5:24am
Okay, you have to help me out here: are you twisting it just once or do you twist-it twist-it? Maybe you can take a picture? :)
I think, that I did something similiar a few days ago, since I am always trying to find new ways to keep my shorter layers out of my face. 8) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 5:31pm
Computer ate last post...let's try again.
Some photos: First, the new style. I don't twist my hair much- just so that it doesn't lie flat in the front but has a little lift. Forehead Side view From behind. I'm wearing super pretty dragonfly jaw clips which don't show... Hair is just washed and air-dried, not combed Then to bonnet pictures- I'm going to be firmly out of fashion this winter! ;D Front view. Getting all the baby hairs to behave is a challenge! Side view- see how well the bun with hairsticks is hidden! And here's how I look from behind |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 5:42pm
Galadriel, I LOVE the way your hair looks when it's down. THe colour and the way the ends look are really really nice! IMHO I think, weather and mood permitting, you could let your hair down more often. It looks so healthy.
*crawling back into the woodwork* |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 6:03pm wrote on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 5:31pm:
I hate it when that happens!! Your hair is so long now!! Gorgeous color m'dear! Keep up the good work ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Sep 23rd, 2005 at 6:45pm
Love the bonnet!!!! I think you will be quite stylish with it. ;D
Your little "poof" on the sides looks great! Thanks for sharing your pics. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Sep 24th, 2005 at 5:30am
I LOVE the bonnet! :D It goes well with your coat. I like that it can cover your sticks with no problems.
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 24th, 2005 at 6:48am
Thanks, everyone!
G_L : I'll definitely be wearing it more down from now on. :D BB & Cynde: The bonnet is great- I thought it would look weird, but it doesn't. Remembering the mess I had with my scarves last winter, I really like how comfortably it fits over hairsticks. I was quite surprised about that length picture myself- there is a big difference compared to how my hair looked in March. It has grown much more than I expected (or have noticed for that matter), and the longer it gets the better I like it- Lion mane days are over! :D Not to mention that the ends are much nicer, thanks to the cut in June. I don't think that I need a trim before December, if I just keep moisturizing. Big thanks to everyone in this board for all the support and advice! Last night I washed it again- Honey Beer egg for scalp, Honey Butter soap for ends and as a finishing touch, I made my ACV rinse to a big cup of chamomille tea. I've been brewing a lot of tea lately- and as I was at it, I decided to make a cup for my hair too. The chamomille tea has been sitting on my kitchen shelf for quite long enough. If only I remember, I could do a few chamomille-ACV rinses in succession just to see how those affect to my color. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Sep 24th, 2005 at 7:42am
The bonnet and coat look so cute together! And your hair looks like it's gotten a lot longer. :D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Maroula on Sep 24th, 2005 at 12:15pm
Galadriel you have such pretty hair, gorgeous color! The bonnet looks great on you and I agree it matches the coat perfectly!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 25th, 2005 at 6:06pm
Thanks, juri, Maroula :)
Hair was weird today- in the morning it looked like completely normal second-day hair, but in the evening it looked a bit greasy (and scalp felt gunky), so I decided to wash it. Can't go to meeting with greasy hair... I used Lavender Rosemary Aloe this time, with ACV. But then, I've been sweating for the whole day- I suppose it's the flu and my body temp that can't decide whether it wants to be a bit too high or not. I hope to be better tomorrow- lots of work to do. If this flu isn't better by Tuesday, I'll go to see a doctor. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 27th, 2005 at 10:40am
I'm finally getting better, and hair seems to be getting better too. Yesterday was a tough day -as meeting days always are- and today I'm taking it easier, doing chores that I've neglected during the flu and later today I'm going to see a friend and do a bit shopping in Helsinki.
I got a hairstick compliment yesterday- this time a lady at Humane Society (where the meetings are) praised Misty Mauve pair. I've received so many hairstick compliments this year. ^^ I think I'm using the right brand. ;D So, today is another hairstick bun day. After playing with styles, it's good to be back with basics at least for a couple of days. Besides, my hairsticks deserve attention! Today's choices were Hibiscus Tea (for morning) and Olivine Rainbow (for Helsinki visit). A little luxury to spice up an ordinary day. Still haven't heard of my Mamacat order. But, I know she is incredibly busy, so I'll be patient... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Sep 28th, 2005 at 4:12am
Your hair looks great :) :)
And thanks for the pictures of your new style! I had my hair almost like that.......matter of fact, I am wearing it like this today. :) :) :) :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 28th, 2005 at 6:30am
Thanks, Moonchild! :) I really love that style- it's like half up except suits better to my face shape.
Got myself hairtoys from Helsinki: little jaw clips, pretty snap clips with pearls, bobby pins with pearls and rhinestones and little beak clips covered with satin ribbon. I selected all these pretties my new down style in mind. :D Can't wait until my hair is clean and ready for a day down so I can try them. Today, however, I found myself back with styling experimenting. I tried another style inspired by a picture I saw at LHC. I French braided my hair from below my crown, then tied it off at nape so that it made a ponytail, and tied a ribbon around the elastic. The result is very pretty and comfortable, and it's also good for playing with ribbons. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by wishing4longhair on Sep 28th, 2005 at 6:55pm
Your hair looks so nice and long. Keep growing.
What is the bonnet for? Something special or just for fun? I like it. Meg |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 29th, 2005 at 1:51pm
Thanks! ^^ My hair has really grown during my time here. :D
The bonnet is my newest attempt to solve my eternal winter hat problem- how to be able to wear buns and pretty hairsticks while still protecting my head from cold. If my bonnet is warm enough, I will use it all winter and consider my winter headgear problem solved. :) Today, I noticed trees getting yellow...sun shining and making weather quite warm...chamomille rinse coming when I wash my hair tonight: perfect day for wearing my lovely yellow Prismatic Sun hairsticks! My hair was a bit dirty (and gunky...yuck!) already yesterday, but I bravely decided to wait until today before washing- I haven't still recovered completely of that superannoying cold. Well, I'm still sneezing today, but my hair has arrived to the point where nothing can keep me out of shower and away from the lovely Rosemary Lavender Aloe shampoo bar. In fact, I think I'll get there right now. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Sep 30th, 2005 at 4:31am
When do you know you're really into collecting hairsticks?
So, I got yesterday my new glasses (yay!). When T came home, he didn't notice anything, so I finally asked him, does he notice anything new about me. He looked at me, gave me a look from head to toes, then grinned, grabbed my head and turned it promptly, then let go. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "Because most of the new things you shop go into your buns." He said. So. Today my hair is nice and clean again. Second chamomille tea rinse done- can't say that I see much difference in color. Maybe I need to do it a few more times- or maybe chamomille doesn't work for my hair, as my blonde is quite deep. I'm wearing my hair in my new favorite down style with pretty little jaw clips. It just occurred to me, that being able to wear my hair down might be a good solution for VCHD's. Unless, of course, it gets really wild during the day. But, today I have some work at home so I can keep this as a "testing day" to see how well my hair behaves down when it's very clean. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 1st, 2005 at 8:33am
Time for monthly routine update!
Measuring tape shows good 0.5" growth. Only two inches until BS (and until I dare to declare that my hair is longest it has ever been). It's not much... Washing:SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars + soaps, LV deep conditioner. I've had a flu and my scalp has been gunky...lighter shampoos like Rosemary Lavender Aloe have felt better. Have done my ACV rinses to chamomille tea twice now. Experiment continues... Oiling: jojoba oil, no oil treatment this month (have skipped sauna since flu started) Chagrin Valley's Three Butter Lotion. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns, scarf buns and French Twists with Ficcare. French tuck (new!), "down with little twists" style (new!) and French braid for sleeping. Experimented with rope braid bun, but that's still a bit too small for my taste. Toys: LL and MT hairsticks, Blondiesturn hair forks, bandana scarves, Ficcare Maximas clips. Ribbons, little jaw clips for "the down style" (I really have to come up with shorter and prettier name for that one). I have done S&D missions regularly irregularly. I find only few splits in these days- the condition of my hair must have improved immensely compared to what it was when I started this journal. :D |
Title: , Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 2nd, 2005 at 10:53am
First: a bunny picture. T managed to take a picture of Liina when she was doing something she's not supposed to do. The bunny is cute as ever, but the mess she made while digging that little nest of hers wasn't...
T left to a conference trip to Canada early this morning, and I and Bunny have the house for ourselves until next Friday. I'm not enjoying about it as much as usually- I still have the flu, and the day outside is gray and a bit unfriendly-looking. I'm spending it reading Dark Tower and eating buns. Maybe watch some movie later. From tomorrow on, I'll have my hands full of work. That should make me feel a bit better... Today, I'm just trying to make myself as comfortable as possible. Took a shower in middle of day just because I thought it might refresh me a bit. I washed my hair too though it wasn't very dirty: Rosemary Lavender Aloe for scalp (scalp seemed to still ask a light shampoo), Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap for the length and Sweet Basil soap for body. Now I'm drying. A stuffy nose prevents me from feeling very fresh, but at least I'm clean. :) Once my hair is dry, I think I'll put it up with some extra pretty pair of hairsticks just because I can. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:27pm
Oh what a cute bunny!!!! :D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:35am
Hahah what a naughty little bunny! But bunnies are so cute they can get away with doing things like that. :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:52am
Heehee, cute! Some how naughty antics make cute animals even cuter. :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 7:41am
Cutest little bunny ;D and defiantely curious about the world around her, isn't she?
Hopefully you will get over your flu soon. :-/ This seems to be a very nasty one, you have it for quiet a while now. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:21pm
Never a dull moment with a houserabbit ;D .
Yes, Moonchild, I've had this flu for three weeks now. If I'm not starting to show some real improvement before the end of the week, I'll go to see a doctor again. (Don't know what it would help, as I'm almost certain that this is the same viral infection that everyone else has). But, T insists, and...maybe a doctor could do something. ??? I don't ever remember having just a common cold this long. Hair is, however, doing very well- it's soft and shiney and was even easy to style. I put it up in a bun with Blondiesturn hairfork- I noticed that the darkest one matches perfectly with my suede jacket. Watched Tomb Raider last night -I hadn't seen it, and Bunny seemed enjoying it too. Alas, in spite of all my attempts, I didn't quite manage to figure out whether Lara Croft wore a standard braid that was just extremely thick or whether she had something like 4-strand box braid. ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:28pm
Hope your feeling better! :) Perhaps you should go to the doctor. I don't like doctors myself, but sometimes you have to go. last time I went for my shoulder and he looked at the records and said "you haven't been hear since 1999!"
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 5:21pm
Have you heard of colloidal siver? It is real silver that is electrically charged and microscopic pieces of the silver go into water. The charge the silver carries picks up the virus or bactieria and carries it out of the body via urine. It is oderless and pretty much tasteless. Its an old folk remedy-you might find some is a health food store.
I hope you feel better soon! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 5:42pm
I don't like much doctors either (in fact, I like them so little that I'm hoping to write about some things I perceive as clear ethical problems among medical profession one day...), and the one I saw about this illness told me just to rest and drink hot tea :-/ . But, maybe a more thorough check is in order.
Thanks for the tip, Sakina! :) I haven't heard of colloidal silver before *wonders what on Earth that might be in Finnish*, but it sounds definitely like something worth a try. I'll check tomorrow, if I can find it somewhere. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by panpeus on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 6:38pm
I actually have a bottle of colloidal silver in my pantry. How long is the shelf life? I've had it since the summer.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 10:10pm
I may be wrong, but I don't think colloidal silver has a shelf life. I am not sure.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Oct 4th, 2005 at 8:19am wrote on Oct 3rd, 2005 at 2:21pm:
I think it was a French braid into a standard braid. I know she had to wear extensions, so they probably did the french braid to hide the weave. The video game Lara Croft wore a single dutch braid. Very fun movie! Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 4th, 2005 at 2:03pm
Cynde, I agree with you about the French part...but I still wonder about the end- it seemed somehow more "square" than an ordinary braid. But then, it was extremely thick...*is so NOT going to check the truth from a still picture* 8)
Went today to Helsinki and did some shopping: -colloidal silver (brand name was Silverin) Will take that tonight. -three shirts/jackets. I have a bit unconventional way of shopping clothes: if I find a style that I really like (so rare!), I usually buy three or so pieces in same style, sometimes even in same color. This time, all three were different colors: black, tan and white. I really don't like changes in my wardrobe... -a pair of cute little silver jaw clips with butterflies -some aloe vera gel Today is my first bad hair day in Ages. In the morning, I decided to make a nice French Twist with my gorgeous tortoise Maximas. I've been able to wear that on a first day after wash, and as today was second, I thought that it would be just fine. I don't know what went wrong, but by the time I got to Helsinki, my hair was a total mess, the twist slipping down fast. I redid it, but that was only a temporary remedy as combing meant combing aloe vera gel away. Not good. By the time I finally got home, I was a truly sad sight. Urgh. I put my hair in a low pony with a velvet scrunchie...and in ten minutes, I felt the scrunchie starting to slide down (hasn't ever happened). As a final attempt, I'm now wearing my hair in a cinnabun with bun net and SpiralStix. Flu is better today. Just a couple of random sneezes, and nose is completely ok. Go away, evil flu! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 5th, 2005 at 5:53am
Whew! I spent this month's hairtoy budget fast! ::) I just couldn't restrain myself when I saw all those beautiful SugarStix. Pastel Butterflies and Tropicana Rose are now miiiiiiine ;D , and I'm so happy. They both look breathtaking in pictures- I can only wonder how they will look IRL? Will I faint?
My hairstick collection has grown to a-bit-less-puny size of 32 pairs (counting the 4 pairs that are on their way home). To my own surprise, I still have use for all, and as my favorites change with seasons, every pair is at some point a favorite pair. Hair is behaving quite nicely...though I still decided to wear a bun with SpiralStix (Spring Daisy). I'll wash the hair this evening- and so neatly, I'm back in my normal washing schedule just when my flu is getting better. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 6th, 2005 at 6:49am
Bad news from Canada: T who had just a little flu (milder than I did) when he left, told me that he has now a real flu with fever and everything. I'm happy to have him back tomorrow, but am a bit worried about the long flight.
Bad news from here: I was stupid and slept window open, and now I have stuffy nose again. Good hair news: I washed my hair last night with Lavender Spice SB+ chamomille-EO-ACV rinse, put three butter lotion as a leave-in, and now my hair feels really, really good. Scalp is nice, and the hair feels super strong and nourished. :D It had braid waves, so I decided to just bun it (Butterfly Meadow sticks this time). I like the look of braid waves on others, but my hair is still too short for them to look good. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Oct 6th, 2005 at 8:13am
:( I hope you guys can shake that flu virus.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 8th, 2005 at 3:10pm
Thanks, Moonchild. We're trying. I am actually almost perfectly ok again- a long night's good sleep did wonders for me. Before this morning, I didn't realize how tired I was. I suppose that past week didn't offer me much quality sleep before last night.
T, however, isn't doing so well. Besides exhaustion from long flight and double jet lag, his flu is really bad. But, we didn't have plans for this weekend- just a couple of invitations which we cancelled. Not a loss at all- our joy of seeing each other again hasn't gone anywhere and we're perfectly happy drinking tea and watching movies together. :) Hair is doing well. I made T smile when he noticed that I had chosen to wear Hibiscus Tea hairsticks for today(a subtle reminder of importance of drinking lots of tea ;) ) I washed my hair a while ago (Lavender Spice shampoo & Honey Butter soap and ACV+EO rinse), and now it's ponytailed and air drying. It seems that my shedding is slowly decreasing again- I shed only a little when I combed after washing. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 9th, 2005 at 10:19am
No big news today. Hair is clean and happy, and spending its day misted rose water in a scarf bun. I realized that I haven't done a proper deep treatment for a while- but, I haven't been in sauna for a while either. But, I don't think my hair has suffered too badly- it seems to be in great condition with just the basic care I've provided it lately. I just have to remember that a deep treatment wouldn't do any harm when we resume our normal weekly schedule again...
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 10th, 2005 at 3:01pm
Not a "scheduled" washing day, but I got so sweaty on my trip to Helsinki (very humid weather, just a bit too warm clothes, heavy bags and lots of brisk walking) that shower was needed. Washed my hair with Honey Beer& Egg shampoo and Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap, plus EO-enhanced ACV rinse. Much better now. :) Also, it seems that my shedding has normalized to just a few hairs-level. I also have lots of baby hairs growing. Let's hope that fall/winter shedding will be less than summer/fall shedding was.
Did my first herringbone braid yesterday- and it looked good! I was, however, surprised of how slow it was to make. But, though I don't think that it will become my favorite braid, it's neverthless always good to learn new braids. :) Today I wore a barrette- the quality one I bought some time ago. It's very pretty, but after wearing it for hours, I can't figure out, why barrettes are so popular. I mean, the hair hanging down my back seemed to be about getting stuck somewhere all the time. Maybe I can wear the barrette on days when I'm not sitting in train or wearing a coat... for more normal days, updos and braids (or even hair down) are better. :) Final noteworthy thing is that I finally found plain cotton satin pillowcases- I've been looking for those for months now. They don't seem to be very popular... But now that I found them, I bought four at once. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 11th, 2005 at 1:36pm
I read at LHC HeidiW's interesting article about ACV rinse not being a really clarifying rinse. So, I've been mistaken about that- I always thought that ACV rinse removes buildup from the hair. Well, apparently ACV's main good qualities are other things -though those other things are certainly things that my hair loves. According to HeidiW, ACV may remove the little buildup from shampooing, but not the stuff that has built up over time. Which means that my hair has NEVER been clarified. As my hair is prone to dryness, I decided that I'll do my clarifying experiment (baking soda mixed with Urtekram conditioner) at the same time with my next deep treatment- hopefully this weekend, that is. :)
Hair is doing well today- besides oiling, I pampered it with a generous spray of rose water before bunning it. Just a simple bun for today (or as simple as you can get with gorgeous LL hairsticks ;D ). Spring Daisy again- one of my favorite pairs. Waiting: mamacat hairsticks (she seems to be really drowned with orders), my LL hairsticks that have already been shipped, colder weather so I'll get to test my bonnet outdoors |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Oct 11th, 2005 at 2:22pm
A strong solution of vinegar/water will have a clarifying effect on hair that does not have a lot of build up on it. Not all products build up on the hair. Clarifying shampoos can be quite harsh and should be followed by a deep conditioning. You may not really need a clarifying shampoo if you are not using lots of styling products (gels, mousses, hairspray) or heavy silicone laden shampoos/conditioners.
Let us know how your clarifying/conditioning works out. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 11th, 2005 at 3:55pm
My ACV rinses are anything but strong...and lately I've been trying to find the minimum amount of ACV that still works. I don't really think my hair has much buildup- it hasn't seen styling products or non-water soluble cones since early this year :) . But, I still suspect that during a long time period some stuff might still build up- excess sebum, pollutants from air and such. And...I'm curious, of course. ;D Careful too- a Snowy's Deep Moisture treatment will certainly follow this experiment, and I'll mix the baking soda with conditioner instead of a shampoo (since some think that it's milder that way). I don't think I've ever seen a commercial clarifying shampoo...and in any case, baking soda sounds better. It makes my cookies and pies good, so it must make my hair good too. ;D
Maybe if it seems like a good idea, I may start doing it twice a year or so- more than that it's not probably necessary. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Oct 12th, 2005 at 12:54pm
Galadriel, I was wondering how you're feeling. I wonder if the lingering of the cold is due to the season's changing.
I hope you're feeling all better (and T, too). |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 12th, 2005 at 2:12pm
You're too sweet, Sakina! :-*
We're both feeling better, not perfectly ok yet, but definitely better. My condition took a giant's leap to the better when T came back from Canada and I finally got lots of quality sleep (no matter how well I do during the day, I always sleep badly when I'm alone). I still sneeze a few times a day, but otherwise there's not much left of the flu...most importantly, I'm finally feeling good again. :) As for where the flu came from... around the time I fell ill, they said in the news that there's a bad flu epidemic around- I supposed that that's what we got. Especially since others who have had flu lately have all said that it has been really persistent and quite bad (I was spared of high fever at least). But, the flu season has certainly begun- and others will follow, as they do every winter. In the morning, my hair was pretty and cooperative like a dream, and I decided to wear it down with pretty jaw clips. In the afternoon, however, my scalp started to itch...I scratched...and there was gunk! :o I decided that this was a good enough reason for trying baking soda clarifying right away. So, I went to the shower and first washed the hair with Lavender Spice shampoo, then rinsed. Then applied 2 tsp of baking soda well mixed with generous amount of Urtekram conditioner (the only rinse-out conditioner I own, sulfate and cone free). Rubbed that in, rinsed. It felt really weird- as if I had tiny grains of sand in my hair. It made my hair "squeaking clean" (at which point I discovered that there is a world of difference between SB squeaking clean and this other squeaking clean). Rinsed well and towel dried. Then applied a big dose of Snowy's Deep Moisture Treatment enhanced with a bit of jojoba oil, put a shower cap on...and came to computer to entertain myself ;D . I'm going to let this sit for two hours, then rinse again and hope for the best. This better work... In any case, results will follow tomorrow. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 13th, 2005 at 6:40am
Hair is much better! ;D It's hard to say, whether baking soda or SMT did it (or combination of both), but now I have gorgeous hair!
Scalp is clean, and the hair feels strong and nourished. Additionally, hard as it is for me to believe, I think it is even shinier than before- just amazing! I put it in a scarf bun so not much of it is seen- but just its being there makes me happy. :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 14th, 2005 at 1:45pm
Here's a picture (where colors are rather weird...) of a particularly successful Nautilus braid I made today. Hairsticks are Willow Grove ArtiStix. Besides them, the "nautilus" is pinned with small Amish pins.
Hair is still doing fine, and scalp feels wonderfully clean. My hair (not scalp) is a bit greasier at crown area, but it doesn't show, so I'll just ignore it until tomorrow when we hopefully go to sauna. :) I suppose the clarification+ SMT was a good idea. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Oct 14th, 2005 at 3:04pm
Wow! What a nice braid! When my hair's long enough I'll give it a try! Thanks for sharing! ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Oct 14th, 2005 at 3:18pm
Excellent braid! Your hair is really getting long! Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 15th, 2005 at 2:36am
That's really neat! You did a good job with that braid, Galadriel! :D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 15th, 2005 at 6:31am
Thanks, everyone :D
T took another, a bit better picture. Hairsticks are Forest Sanctuary GemStix. I'm trying to wear this style today, see how well it lasts and how the Amish pins should be placed. I really like this and it would be neat if this could be perfected lasting enough for everyday use. Hair is pretty much same as yesterday. In the evening, if I have time, I'll go to sauna. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Oct 15th, 2005 at 9:00am
Wow! That braid looks so nice! And you did that yourself! Wow! :D :o
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 16th, 2005 at 1:48am
Very nice! And I like your shirt! :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Oct 16th, 2005 at 3:06am
Your nautilus braid looks great! I'm interested in hearing how your experiments turn out.
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 16th, 2005 at 7:32am
Thank you, ladies! Nautilus braid lasted really well and stayed neat until the evening. My hair was still a bit greasier than usual due to remains of my deep treatment- which probably helped. In future, it might be a good idea to apply a little aloe vera/jojoba mix to the hair before beginning to braid. The short (2") Amish pins are absolutely perfect in pinning the braid. Hold like glue, but are so short that the ends don't poke out. :D
So, it seems that fancy braids aren't necessarily special occassion styles only. I had time for sauna, washed hair with Lavender Spice, Honey Butter soap and regular ACV rinse. When I was combing it, I added some amlika leave- in. I haven't used that for a while... I don't think that I'll be buying a new bottle though. There's nothing wrong with the product- but it's not that spectacular either, and other things being equal, I prefer all natural stuff. The hair feels great- my scalp feels still somehow exceptionally clean. It's hard to describe, but it's a pleasant feeling. I suppose that clarifying was a good idea that deserves a place in my hair care routine. Maybe once in three months or so would be good. Haven't yet styled my hair today yet- I'm having a long and lazy morning. As my hair is so clean, I doubt that it will be anything fancy though. House news: Building has become number one option for us. We have found a couple of good-looking homes, and the land in countryside is still reasonably priced. There are still many questions that need to be answered before we can start making decisions- but once again we have some hope. The air of silent frustration and despair is gone from our little family. :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 17th, 2005 at 7:05am
I saw a lady wearing her peac. (I don't write the whole word here in remembrance of our sweet profanity filter ;D) twist with a real Ficcare Maximas yesterday, when I was shopping groceries! :o :D This is the first time that I've seen anyone wearing a quality hairtoy.
Today, I'm wearing my hair "down with twists", using little beak clips wrapped in satin. They feel hair friendly, and more importantly- this must be the first time in recorded history when I've managed to hold a hairstyle with a beak clip. ;D I've started to question, whether my trim in June was really smart move after all- now the last couple of cm of my ends look slightly wispy again. ::) It's all completely healthy hair with only few splits- they just taper enough so that my hair doesn't have the perfect neat look of fresh blunt cuts. Maybe it's just that my Scandinavian heritage is finally showing! I don't think that real fairytale ends would look good on me, but I can live with current situation. And in any case, it's just a bit over month until December where I've scheduled my next trim. I'll decide the cutting need then. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 18th, 2005 at 2:03pm
Haven't worn cinnabun for several days- feels a bit weird, but I just haven't been in the right mood. Todays' style was/is a rope braid bun, pinned with Amish pins. It looks really nice, and has lasted the whole day even though I didn't use a bun net. Yay for net free buns!
Hair feels incredibly silky, and though it's third day, it still feels clean. After I clarified, the scalp seemed to normalize in an instant, and is again as nice as can be. Have I already told that from now on, I'm going to clarify every now and then? Well, I suppose I have- but I'm just so happy of having this super nice and clean-feeling scalp! The weather was very cold today- I wore my winter coat for the first time. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer again...but I'm sure that first bonnet day (when temperature drops below freezing point, that is) is going to be soon! :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 18th, 2005 at 6:36pm wrote on Oct 18th, 2005 at 2:03pm:
:o! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are below freezing point temperatures common in your country? I think I'd turn into a popsicle if I went to Scandinavia. I'm freezing if the temp is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 19th, 2005 at 10:26am Not a dumb question at all. :) Day temperatures drop below 0 deg C (freezing point) some time in early November (in Southern Finland), and they rise again in late March or early April. In winter, temperatures vary from around 0 C (32 F) to -25 C (-13 F) or even colder in coldest few days. BUT it's not that bad, really. Our houses are well heated and insulated and are just as comfortable as in summer. And even outdoors, it's quite tolerable if one is dressed properly. We call it "layer dressing", and it means that in cold weather one should wear three layers of clothes: undergarments (not just bra and panties but long underwear), middle layer like pants and shirt or a sweater, and outer layer : coat, hat, warm shoes and gloves. Depending on what one chooses to each layer, she can be comfortable from temperatures near 0 to very cold weather. :) When foreigners unaccustomed to cold weather come here, they are usually freezing because they don't know about layer dressing and therefore wear way too few clothes. I've talked with people who believe that native Scandinavians are somehow biologically adjusted to cold weather. But, that's not true- when it gets cold, we just know how to keep ourselves warm. Then to news! THE CHRISTMAS IS HERE! I don't care about what my calendar says- my desktop says it must be Christmas, because it's full of colorful scented tissue and my eyes are resting in no less than four new pairs of LL hairsticks- each of them beautiful as sunrise in Heaven. But, here's the traditional review: Pastel Butterflies SugarStix- These looked beautiful in the picture. But the butterfly design is neverthless incredibly more beautiful in RL. The "sugaring" is subtle, and beads with little lavender roses are so romantic. After unwrapping this pair, I was quite ready to happily faint. Tropicana Rose SugarStix- I must be really toughened by my Longlocks shopping career- even now fainting out of pure aesthetic happiness was *this* close! Wonderful colors, wonderful little Padparadcha crystals and beads with aventurine ribbons and little orange roses make this a pair that I could just watch for hours. And did I mention the wonderful, beautiful colors? Vintage Chic BridalStix- This might very well be THE pair that I'm going to wear in my wedding. Shimmering gold finish, beautiful givre crystals and ornate leaf bead caps- a pair of wedding hair pins can't really get much better than this. The sticks are both simple and detailed at the same time-just perfect. Zircon Fantasy FantasyStix- I've been waiting for a darker pair of hair jewels for the darkest time of the year- and here it is! My third pair that has three medium sized crystals in a row as toppers (perfect design for Chinese Bun hairsticks). Peridot green rondelles really catch the eye- the combination is just perfect. Don't ask me to name the most beautiful pair- they are all amazing little works of art. I'm in happy hair heaven! I have some more errands to run today. I noticed that many people were wearing hat today- the weather forecast was wrong, and today it's even colder than yesterday- temperature is barely above zero. And yes, it means that when I leave the house, bonnet will leave too! I won't still be able to say much about its efficiency, but in any case I'll know what it's like to wear. :) Today's going to be a washing day. My hair has been so nice, and I plan not to mess with it. Just an ordinary little wash should do. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 19th, 2005 at 6:35pm
I have done today also other things than played with my toys...really. But, here's another update.
First: Great news! I have finally collected all my Longlocks and Maiden's Treasures hairsticks into a photo gallery. Here is the address: http://photobucket.com/albums/a360/Lady_Galadriel/ Password is Galleria Enjoy! Wore the bonnet outdoors for the first time. Good news: Nobody even looked twice at me. At least I didn't notice. The bonnet seemed to warm back of my head nicely- it was definitely warmer than I thought. It also covers the ears completely, which is nice. And, my bun and hairsticks were very comfortable and the bun stayed well. Bad news: It feels weird to wear! I suppose that it's mainly that it's unlike any other headgear I have ever used. It's light, and as it leaves forehead exposed, I felt that it was falling away all the time- though it was quite well secured. Another thing are the ties: in order to secure the bonnet, the ties need to be tied tightly. I'm not used to having things tied near my throat, and at first I didn't like the feeling at all. But, as I got other stuff to think about, I kind of forgot them. I suppose that in time, I may adjust. Thirdly, my wispy forehead hairs refused to cooperate and sit neatly- the result was not pretty. I need to find a way to tame them. To sum it up: the bonnet is not just another kind of hat- it requires getting used to and there are probably some tricks to learn too. But, the basic idea is good, so I'm going to continue my experiments. Washed the hair, Lavender Spice shampoo& ACV rinse. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Oct 19th, 2005 at 10:41pm
I love your gallery! You have a beautiful collection. I really want to see a SugarStix in person - maybe that's what I'll get next. :-D
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 19th, 2005 at 11:15pm
Thanks, Galadriel! Yep, it definately sounds like you all know how to dress for cold weather. Reading your answer made me remember how I went to London with my high school band around New Years and although we had long underwear and jackets, we still froze. lol. Oh, but some of the boys still bought soft ice cream from a cart while we were near Big Ben. :)
Thanks for posting the link to your gallery. You have beautiful sticks! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by ChiliPepper on Oct 20th, 2005 at 1:25am
Now I know who is buying up all the hairsticks!! It seems everything in the store is sold. I can't wait till my hair is long enough to wear my hairsticks again.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 20th, 2005 at 10:35am
Cynde- I agree, you need to see SugarStix in person. ;D I haven't ever been a big fan of romantic floral designs, but SugarStix are just too beautiful to resist! The surface has a little texture which makes them hold well in slippery hair.
juri- lol, it's not a good idea to eat anything cold if you're freezing. ChiliPepper- My collection is really quite humble compared to what people like Sakina and Greek Lady have (she must have over 400 pairs by now). I agree- the sticks sell really fast. If I happen to be around when something extra nice is still available, I don't think twice before ordering. Haven't regretted that... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 24th, 2005 at 4:52am
Not much to report here- except a busy weekend. But, I had a good time and also accomplished quite a few things. :)
Hair is last washed on Saturday, just a simple wash with Honey Beer& Egg and ACV. It's still looking and feeling great, except that I've lately spotted a few splits...but I'm not complaining as it's nothing like how my hair was when I started this journal. Nothing new on the style front- I'm totally happy with wearing cinnabuns secured with my new hairsticks ;D. Weather has cooled (though only for a couple of days, they say), and I'm continuing my bonnet experiments. I still have trouble with baby hairs in the front. Today, I'm going to try center parting my hair and hoping that combing the hair to sides instead of straight back will help. But otherwise it seems that it is indeed possible to get used to wearing a bonnet- it already feels much more comfy than at the first time. But, we'll see how that goes. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 25th, 2005 at 4:27am
I must have hairorexia (?) or something. Yesterday, once again, I was looking at some commercial and thinking of the model "wow, she has such a nice long hair" only to realize a couple of minutes later that my hair is already at least two inches longer than hers. :D It's certainly nice to surprise that way, but I feel that there's something weird with my perception abilities- though I wear my hair mostly up, I see it down every day. ??? This realization certainly raised a bunch of interesting epistemological thoughts. If only I was researching simple beliefs instead of complex ones... in any case, I suppose that I better keep any insights between myself and this journal- though T is very understanding, he is a psychologist after all, and as such might think that my cognitive faculties need to be readjusted instead of used as starting point to epistemological contemplations. ;D
Ok, enough of weirdness. Hair is pretty and I still wear it bunned with hairsticks (tropicana rose at the moment, but I may switch for another pair once I leave the house). Weather is still very cold for the season. As I planned, I wore the bonnet yesterday. Having the hair center parted really made a difference in how neat it stayed! My good luck that center parts look good on me. ;D As for how warm it is...the back of my head felt really well-warmed, and it protects my ears from the wind. But it leaves my forehead and scalp until ear level unprotected...which means that once it gets really cold, I must pull my hood on top of it. Not a big deal though- and as the bonnet prevents static, it's a big improvement anyway. Ficcare has released a new fall catalog, and they carry new, GORGEOUS 3-tone clips. Must have! But how? Headgames doesn't carry the new colors yet. Maybe I should email them anyway... Things I should do: order from MT (they have certain gorgeous pairs that are calling me). Order menstrual pads from LisaJaney. Still waiting: mamacat hairsticks...I suppose I should email her soon- it's been so long since I heard of her. But I know she's in all likelihood just incredibly busy at the moment. It's not like I'm in real hurry anyway. ;) I just wonder, how I managed to survive before I started to shop via internet. :P |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 26th, 2005 at 5:15am
It's snowing! :D :D :D And not just a couple of snowflakes but a real snowfall. *bounces* This is earliest first snow we've had in many years (I can't remember in how many). Of course, all will be gone by the weekend, but right now everything's white and beautiful. :) I'm happy though that I don't have to commute today- first snow always makes the traffic a huge mess and there are lots of car crashes. But, I get to be at home making very last corrections to my Master's thesis.
I got email from Mamacat- my hairsticks are now ready. She sent pictures of them, and they're so beautiful! I was a bit worried as the colors on Dymondwood page were quite unclear, but it seems that I managed to get just what I wanted. (I'm only kicking myself because I didn't order Agatewood). I've been longing to have some hairsticks that are sturdy besides pretty- and for that purpose Mamacat sticks should be perfect. I also stopped procrastinating and completed my menstrual pad order for LisaJaney. I've felt bad about using disposable pads- not any longer! :D It never stops to amaze me how much of my stuff I just order from US these days- the problems of US economy aren't certainly my fault! ;) But, in truth, if our dreams of moving to the countryside come true, it's only great that I'm more dependent on post office than shops. Hair is ok, it's washing day again. The nice thing is, that it seems to have grown a bit again- I've now worn a regular braid instead of a French braid as my night style, and it has worked well. I love it how my hair seems to become better and better as it grows. It's now as long as it was when I was a kid (except that I had hideous bangs for most of that time). It never got longer no matter how I wished that it would. Of course, I probably treated it very badly unlike now. But the memory feels a bit weird neverthless- clearly my hair wants to grow long and tells that in so many ways. This time, I will help it to become what it wants to! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 26th, 2005 at 5:38pm
I hope everything goes well with your Master's thesis! Will you have to defend it after your committee--I'm assumming you have one--reads it? If you do, I wish you good luck! :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 27th, 2005 at 6:38pm
No, I don't have to defend the finished work in front of anyone except my instructor when he gives some last-moment advice (though he's straight from a nightmare...) It will be reviewed and graded- but before recording the grade I will be told it, and will have a chance of withdrawing my work if I'm not happy with the grade. The toughest part -seminars where I had to present essays based on my work- are far behind. They were really bad- many students quit after their first proseminar (on 3rd year) or seminar. But, I knew that and prepared myself well and everything went great. :)
Today, I've switched hair style maybe 4 times or so...just couldn't make up my mind. Besides, after yesterday's wash (Lavender Spice+ ACV), my hair has been super clean and slippery- even aloe vera gel didn't help much. I tried to make Rose bun, but I suppose I still have too little hair for that one. I managed to make one, but it looked lumpy in same way that braided buns did a while ago. Must be patient... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Oct 28th, 2005 at 7:27am
Oh, you're lucky you don't have to defend your thesis (despite your nightmarish instructor). Maybe I should go to grad school in Finland...just kidding. But the situation about students dropping out reminds me of the honors program at my former university. Out of the nine other students I began the program with, I think only three or four of us completed the whole thing and graduated with honors.
Again, congratulations on finishing your thesis! If it's anything like what I felt when I finished my honors project, you must feel like you're on top of the world! ^_^ |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 28th, 2005 at 7:36am
Good news: I'm still so happy about completing my Master's thesis and the fact that this day is practically a free day for me- it will take a few days before my instructor has read and commented my work. To be truthful, I mostly feel a bit weird. I have nothing to study, no philosophical questions to wrestle with. My head feels so light...
Then the bad news: I'll have to survive next week without my VISA. No internet shopping will be possible- my Paypal account will also be closed. :o :'( (You know this will be so hard for me... :P) October is expiration month for my VISA, and I was expecting to get a new card...except that it never arrived. I called the bank today, and then the credit card company, and both said that there seems to be nothing wrong with my card- except that it isn't in my wallet. They couldn't explain what had happened- except that someone had probably messed up somewhere. So, now my card is closed and the new will arrive in the end of next week if I'm lucky. Another good news is what I realized while posting at LHC yesterday: my hair has changed a lot in past months- for the better. I'll save deeper analysis for near future (my one year at Longlocks boards post, that is) but let me just say that I've been surprised of how soft my hair has become and of that it even seems to have developed a hint of wave (you can see that in my last length picture). Who would have thought?! Today, the hair is doing just fine, and I'm keeping it in a bun with Raspberry Swirl sticks, hoping that my ends will appreciate the protection and will pay me back by behaving until December. Waiting: Mamacat sticks to arrive ;D...haven't heard anything from LisaJaney and my pad order- she said that the order form acts funnily sometimes. I can't email at her until I receive my new credit card and will be able to pay again... :( . Oh yes, more than anything else, I'm waiting for my credit card. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Oct 28th, 2005 at 5:25pm
When your Mamacat sticks arrive, definitely post photos :D I remember you ordering oodles.
Anais |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on Oct 28th, 2005 at 7:29pm
I'm sorry to hear about your credit card woes. It took a week for me to get my new one after cancelling the account and I had serious internet shopping withdrawal. :P
It doesn't help that the internet is generally the only place to get good-quality hairtoys. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 29th, 2005 at 12:15pm
Anais Satin: Sure I will. :D
13 bodies: I agree- internet is the best place to buy so many things. Hairtoys of course, and my soaps & shampoo bars, clothing...so much stuff, really. I'm going to have a tough week ahead! Today I made a French tuck. I think that this hairstyle will be history very soon- fitting the braid in was very difficult- much more so than the last time I remember. While it's a bit sad that I'm "losing" this style just when I figured out how to pin it well, I'm also excited of the hair growth it means. Who knows what other style will replace it. Figure 8? It's washing day again- I'm pondering whether to do SMT while watching the evening's movie before sauna. Maybe I should, I just feel soooooo lazy. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Oct 29th, 2005 at 4:23pm
Galadriel Congratulations on your master thesis!
Yayyyyyyyyy for Lady Galadriel ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Oct 29th, 2005 at 6:31pm
A french tuck was one of my favorites too. I'll just add that the "next" style I went to was a looped french braid. French braid your hair to the very end. Bring the end of the braid back up to the underside of the braid, just like when you tucked it, but don't push it all the way up. Instead take a scrunchie, pretty bow or barrette to secure the braid as a loop.
I wore my hair like this for some time as my "professional" hairdo when training and always got compliments on it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 30th, 2005 at 4:50pm
Thanks, g_l :D
Thanks for the idea, BB. French loop sounds really cool- I'll try that tomorrow when my hair hopefully behaves a bit better than today. It would be nice to have more use for pretty scrunchies and certain nice barrette... But today my hair was quite annoying! Besides washing, I did SDMT yesterday, and it made my hair feel super silky, soft...and superhyper slippery. I had trouble even with securing a cinnabun! Not nice since I was in a hurry. Hasn't happened for a while... But, once I managed to pin it down (with Pastel Butterflies SugarStix), it stayed well for the whole day. So I suppose it's not a hopeless hair- just challenging. I hope that tomorrow it well be a bit more cooperative. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Oct 31st, 2005 at 12:57pm
All the snow is gone and so are colorful leaves. It's rainy and dark- the only time of the year of which I don't have nice things to say. I hope it will get colder again soon and we'll get some snow. That would help with darkness...
Hair has been super nice though. It's very shiny and silky, but more manageable than yesterday. I tried Bikerbraid's French Loop. I managed to make one (and it was easier than French tuck), but my loop is still very small so a scrunchie looked just weird with it. But it's a very promising style anyway! For today, I just bunned the hair, and secured the bun with Blondiesturn Birdseye Maple hairfork pair. No need to do much else with it. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 1st, 2005 at 5:14am
Good news: Amish pin group order is progressing and I also found a Ficcare group order- I'm going to get those autumn color Maximas after all! :D The only exciting thing is, whether I'll have to borrow T's credit card in order to pay, or whether my new card will arrive in time.
Bad news: My growth rate for October wasn't too good. I'm in pitiful 24.6 in- I had really hoped for something better. But, the measurement was inconsistent, so maybe I'll have really nice numbers in December (for a moment anyway as I'll need to trim a little). On the other hand, slow growth right now isn't only a negative thing- my hair seems to have entered to the famous BSL area, and seems to be in a transitioning period. Besides French tuck, I'm losing the ability to use medium Maximas with my French Twists. I'll have to find some other use for those clips- I have worn them only a few times and they are so pretty. I'm not ready to part with them yet! Today the length feels super clean& slippery, but scalp is getting a bit dirty. I managed to make a French twist with tortoise Maximas after some struggle and am enjoying that while I still can... Monthly routine update Washing:SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars + soaps, XZ deep conditioner. Snowy's Deep Moisture Treatments enhanced with jojoba oil. Oiling: jojoba oil, no oil treatment this month, Chagrin Valley's Three Butter Lotion. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. Styles: Cinnabuns, scarf buns and French Twists with Ficcare. "Down with little twists" style and French braid for sleeping. Experimented with different braided buns. Toys: LL and MT hairsticks, Blondiesturn hair forks, bandana scarves, Ficcare Maximas clips. Ribbons, little jaw clips for "down with twists" style. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 3:57pm
I fetched my Mamacat sticks from customs. This time, the officer was a short-haired lady, but she asked me to open the package anyway since she was so curious ;D. She admired Mamacat's work and so do I! The hairsticks are gorgeous! I'm sorry to report that I can't post a picture of them right away since my adventurous digicam battery has disappeared again. ??? But, I promise that you'll see the pictures right when I find it.
I got: chestnut ribbon spiral royal jacaranda ribbon spiral applejack ribbon spiral purplewood ribbon spiral evergreen spiral indigo spiral paisley spiral I'm spoiled! ;D As these can be worn in damp hair too, I can now donate to charity my last ugly plastic hairsticks! Today I wore a French twist that I managed to make with medium Maximas after a big struggle. When I came home from Helsinki (where, besides running errands and shopping clothes I found some pretty hair beads and a lovely deep rose pink velvet scrunchie), I washed my hair. My scalp felt so dirty...my ends were fine, but after being 5 months with just S&D missions, I thought they need some extra pampering. So I washed the scalp with Rosemary Lavender Aloe and conditioned the length with Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap. That should work... Now I'm waiting for the hair to air dry (wearing that new scrunchie! ;D), feeling that I've accomplished a lot of stuff today. And hairtoy happy. I have begun to wonder lately, how can it be that I actually actively use all my zillion hairtoys- it seems to defy some natural laws. But, as usually, my interest is mainly metaphysical and for the most part, I'm just enjoying of all the variation. Speaking of scientific interest, I just realized that I have now measured my hair for a full year. Hair Growing Results November 2004: 53 cm/20.87 in November 2005: 62.5 cm/25.6 in Net growth: 9.5 cm/3.74 in (not entirely sure how to calculate inches...) Trims: 5 cm/2 inches Total growth: 14.5 cm/5.71 in Conclusions: It seems that I have pretty average growth. From beginning of next year: measuring 4 times a year, and trimming 4 times a year. My hair is fine, and cutting just twice a year might be too seldom- I think that I'll have to cut more than 1 cm/0.5 in in December in order to get nice ends again. Maybe, if I trimmed 1 cm a bit more often, I would get nicer ends- not to mention that it would total to just 4 cm's a year while this year I had to cut 5 (granted, the June trim was quite big). In three years, it would mean more than an inch of difference. In 5 years... ;D Anyway, I'm really happy of that I decided to do monthly measurements- this was really interesting (not to mention that I got moral boost in a time when it would have been hard for me to notice much growth). |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 3rd, 2005 at 1:21pm
I've now kept a hair journal for a year! :D I wouldn't ever have guessed that this would be so fun and educating! During this year, hair growth has really been one of smallest changes.
So I thought it would be fun to gather the high & low moments of my hair journey here. 4.11.2004 I receive my first pair of LL hairsticks. Yay! 9.12.2004 Horror experience in hair salon results in beginning of my hairstylist phobia. I take learning to take care of my own hair as my goal. 29.12.2004 I make New Year hair resolutions. It seems that I've managed to keep them all- except my resolution not to buy any cheap hairtoys. But I didn't see that Glitter and Accessorize were coming... ;D 4.1.2005 I crochet a scrunchie! 10.1.2005 Cleanup- I get rid of many of my old, bad quality hairtoys 22.1.2005 Many good changes: I have managed to prolong washing interval to 4 days and also cut down my use of hairspray 4.2.2005 I discover scarf buns 11.2.2005 I'm planning to slow down my hairstick collecting. ::) Too funny... 17.3.2005 I manage to make my first French Twist! 5.4.2005 I change my washing routine from CWC to SBV with Chagrin Valley shampoo bars. 5.5.2005 I made a snood. Sorry to say, that I didn't end up wearing it many times though it is pretty...it's still somewhere though... 20.5.2005 My legendary adventure in Customs 4.6.2005 Little trim turns a bit bigger. I get rid of my damaged ends, but lose a bit more length than I had planned 30.6.2005 I order my Blondiesturn hair forks 3.7.2005 I calculate, how long does it take from my hair to reach certain body parts. BSL is 26.5 in. I've got STILL almost two inches to go! 27.7.2005 I receive my first Ficcare 2.8.2005 I decide not to start trying to prolongen my washing interval 25.8.2005 Amish pins arrive 20.9.2005 Winter bonnet arrives 23.9.2005 I discover down with twists style and decide that my hair is finally long enough to look good even down 12.10.2005 Baking soda clarifying experiment turns out to be a success. 19.10.2005 I wear my bonnet outdoors for the first time and put all of my Longlocks and MT hairsticks to a web gallery It's been quite a year! Today, I've been at home, writing last minute corrections to my master's thesis that I must leave on Monday. I've worn cinnabun (those are getting difficult to make!) with Mamacat hairsticks. Mamacats are so pretty, but I have a bit difficulty in inserting them- the spirals are much tighter than in LL SpiralStix. But, once they're properly placed, they make wonderfully secure buns. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Nov 4th, 2005 at 3:24am
Those are some cool highlights, Galadriel! :D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Nov 4th, 2005 at 5:53am
That's a lot of progress! Congratulations on a good-hair-year.
Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 4th, 2005 at 2:04pm
Yes, I was myself surprised of how eventful my hair life has been. Growing has been quite an adventure!
I finally received my new credit card and have since payed all my pending payments (typical for my luck that I got a bill flood right when I couldn't use my paypal account). :) Feel much better now! A week without my bank and credit card was a PITA, though I didn't shop much. The weather is typical November weather: very dark, cold and rainy. I'm glad I've been so busy today. I'm back with Longlocks hairsticks again-Violet Pinks for today. Though Mamacats are wonderful and excellent quality in their own way, I have to say that I still love my Longlocks sticks more. ;D And on days like today, I just need a little extra sparkle in my life! ;D Got also news from my DeRenaudin comb- it's now ready to be shipped. It appears, that DeRenaudin company was a bit slow in processing the order. So, now I'm officially waiting: Amish hair pins, TLC pads, DeRenaudin horn comb :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by panpeus on Nov 4th, 2005 at 5:32pm
Paying off a credit card is the BEST feeling in the world. I wish I could have that feeling more often~ :-[
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 7th, 2005 at 1:54pm
I agree. I'm not really used to handling cash any longer- it's great to have a bank card again. As for the Visa...I think I've already shopped enough for November, but it's neverthless nice to have Visa around just in case. My orders have now been processed, so I'm waiting:
-De Renaudin horn detangling comb -TLC menstrual pads -three new fall color Ficcare Maximas -4 packs of Amish pins I think that's all. 8) Then, to continue with good news, I left this morning my Master's thesis for inspection. I made last-minute corrections until 1 am last night and had to get up early in order to make it in time to Helsinki. Now it's just waiting until 30th day when I'll hear the proposal for a grade and decide, whether or not I'll request my Master's papers. But, the professor who read the second-last version of it said that I can expect to get a good grade. I hope so! But, I have also some very bad news. The wedding's canceled due to a major relationship crisis. In fact, I and T aren't even engaged anymore. Some really bad things have happened, and though there is hope that our relationship may yet be healed, we will need to restart it in a way. I'm not moving away, at least yet, and we both are committed in working out the things that have come in between us. It will be hard, but, there is hope. I don't want to go into details, but I think that you should know this much. Hair...hair has behaved quite well in the middle of everything. I washed it on Saturday with Lavender Spice + ACV. The ends are still so soft and healthy, but I'm a bit annoyed about how thin they have become. I just keep dreaming about the coming trim. Which might be good in a way- otherwise even the thought of losing even a tiny bit of my hard-earned length feels so bad. To cheer myself up, I've been wearing my prettiest LL hairsticks. As always, they really seem to help a bit with my anxiety. Even now, looking and wearing hairsticks like Tropicana Rose makes me feel a tinge of happiness and joy, if only momentarily. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Nov 7th, 2005 at 2:52pm
I'm sorry to hear that things are not going well in the relationship area. But if there are things to work out - it is best to do them before the marriage. I wish you both well and hope things can work out to everyone's satisfaction.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Nov 7th, 2005 at 4:43pm
Bikerbraid is right. Get these things fixed before your married. If there'a a will there'a a way. I am sorry to hear about this and I hope everything works out alright. ((((hugs))))
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Nov 8th, 2005 at 4:28am
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and T. I hope the two of you will be able to work things out. Good luck!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 8th, 2005 at 6:47am
Thanks for your support, guys. It really makes me feel better. If things won't work out, it won't be for lack of trying. Right now, the situation is still bad enough that everything can still go wrong, but I'm also hopeful. The decision whether to break up or continue will be mine- T is certain that he wants us to continue. But, I don't think I'll be deciding that for a while. I just need to see how things start to develop.
I don't know if it's fun or just tragicomical, but yesterday evening when I was braiding my hair for sleep, T came to me and asked me, if I'm going to cut it short if things go badly between us. I said that of course I wouldn't do such a thing. He looked relieved and just said that he'd thought that I might because that's what many women do when their life changes dramatically and because he's been supporting my hair growing so strongly. I suppose that that is pretty common thing to do, but I'm too attached to my hair to see why. It's not even really long yet, but it's already the best hair I've ever had, and I'm hoping to always have a long hair. I've thought so for a while now, but I never was sure how deep my feelings in this matter were. Now I know. :) That velvet scrunchie I bought from Glitter a while ago has proved to be a real treat. It stays in my hair much better than any other scrunchie I have, and I love the color. Haven't yet worn it in public, but I think it's just a matter of time. For most part, Glitter is a shop that is full of junk not worth even the few euros they cost, but it seems that every now and then it's a place worth checking anyway. Hair is still nice. Rose water consumption is increasing, though the weather isn't even that cold. I haven't done an oil treatment for ages- just SDMT's. Maybe I should... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 9th, 2005 at 3:06pm
Washed my hair today, with Honey Beer & Egg. Practiced French twist with hair fork, and once managed to make a passable one.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Nov 9th, 2005 at 4:58pm
I hope all turns out for the best , for the two of you, Galadriel :-*
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 10th, 2005 at 5:21pm
Thanks, G_L. :-* I hope so too, but working things out is really hard. It really takes all my energy, and also T is taking sick leave from his job. It's that hard...
Sooo...today I went to Helsinki, to take care of some graduating bureaucracy and to buy knitting supplies. It was a gray day (whole November's been gray here), but I found walking so nice that I visited some more shops than I had planned...and of course, in the end my feet took me to Accessorize. I still think that the hairtoys they sell are quite expensive for their quality, but they sure are prettier than toys elsewhere! I bought a pretty flower clip and little gold sparkle crocodile clips. They did improve my mood a bit! I also think I'm finally mastering the use of Mamacat hairsticks. They are great sticks and hold very well, but the tight spiral makes them a bit difficult to insert- or rather, they need to be inserted differently than my other hairsticks. It also seems that Amish hairpins are going to become mandatory if I want to keep my cinnabuns flat. But hey, it must mean that my hair is growing! Paid my Ficcares to Dvips. Ficcare hasn't sent them to her though so getting the clips will take some time. But the main thing is that I'm getting them- without Dvips it wouldn't be possible as Headgames doesn't carry fall colors. I'm going to look sooooooo special. ;D I'm still drooling for gold/topaz Maximas clip from their new catalog...see if I'm going to afford that. Hair is doing well, except being very clean again. I'm wearing a low pony with velvet scrunchie right now- it's been my favorite home hairstyle since I got the scrunchie. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 11th, 2005 at 6:09pm
Hair is doing well, I've worn a standard braid with a pretty beaded elastic I bought last year. At that time my braid was so short, but now I can feel the beads between my shoulder blades- such a fun feeling.
Of course, it is still too short a braid for my taste. But already it seems to be living its own life, trying to climb over my shoulder to the front all the time, over back of high chairs and so on. Maybe it will stay better in place once it grows a little... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by 13bodies on Nov 11th, 2005 at 6:57pm
I've just read about the problems you and T are having. I'm sorry to hear it, and I hope you work things out for the best.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Nov 11th, 2005 at 7:14pm
I hope things work out with your relationship, whichever way you guys decide to go. I was in a similar situation a couple years ago - I was engaged, and we had already reserved everything, bought the rings, and sent out the invitations. But there were still some issues I felt we hadn't resolved, and didn't want to enter a marriage with those looming over. It didn't end up working out, so I'm glad we called off the wedding rather than end up getting divorced. It was a really hard time for both of us, as we sorted things out, so I can wholeheartedly sympathise with how you must be feeling. *hug*
Your Mamacat sticks sound so fun!! I can't wait until I reach the top of her queue. She must have gotten a ton of orders since she stopped taking custom orders. :o Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 12th, 2005 at 3:32pm
Thanks for the hug. :) I agree- no matter how much this sucks, it's good that this didn't happen after the wedding. That would have made things even more difficult. :o But, I'm happy to report that there has been some progress during the past few days. We have also decided to spend this Christmas a bit differently- we have usually spent it with T's relatives, but as we expect that this situation will be still going on in Christmas, we decided that it's better to spend it in quiet. So we, two pagans, are going to the most peaceful place in the country to spend Christmas -Orthodox Monastery of Valamo. I believe that absolute quiet (and good food, the place is famous for that!) will be just what we need.
Mamacat sticks are so nice, but I agree that she must have a ton of orders- I ordered my hairsticks early and just got them. She must be really overwhelmed. :o I hope that she'll survive and will start her Ebay auctions soon. In the interest of improving my and T's relations, I taught T today, how to S&D my hair. He liked doing it, so I'm hoping to be one step closer to having a hair minion. ;D Today's a sauna day. I suppose that my hair could do with a deep treatment, but I feel too tired, so a generous dose of XZ deep conditioner will have to do. Wore today my Hibiscus Tea hairsticks. I was hoping that a carved design would help with my cinnabuns that have become a bit awkward, but no such luck. I'm even contemplating an option that I would start doing braided buns or something for a while. But then, my cinnabun problems might just be growing hair combined with lack of practice in handling such hair. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Nov 13th, 2005 at 6:33am
Is there an Orthodox Monastery in Finland? Wow!
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 13th, 2005 at 1:52pm
There are actually two: Valamo monk monastery and Lintula nun monastery. Both are very small though, and as far as I know, no other religion has monasteries here. We have actually relatively large orthodox population as especially Eastern Finland and Carelia has been centuries in close contact with orthodox Russia. :)
Hair is nice (I suppose that it really appreciated its XZ deep conditioner dose), and I decided to wear it down with twists. It hasn't stopped to surprise me that I look good that way yet. I'm wearing that new flower crocodile clip I bought from Accessorize last week. A cute little thing really. Seems that there's something strange going on with my LL inbox. I didn't receive BB's secret santa pm and couldn't respond to her via pm either. But, fortunately there's email backup available and I can still participate. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 14th, 2005 at 10:16am
Another rainy day, and I'll have to leave soon to chair a meeting.
Hair is nice and feels very silky. I managed to make a reasonably flat cinnabun with hairsticks (Caramello at the moment, don't know if I'll change before leaving) and just one Amish pin. A lucky day! I received my Secret Santa person's information from BB. :D I don't go all the way to Helsinki downtown today, but I certainly will later this week. Accessorize is calling, and maybe I should check H&M and Glitter too. ;D And I should reserve some extra money for hairtoy shopping... It'll be fun! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 15th, 2005 at 4:43am
It really seems that my hair has entered first major transition stage since I was first able to put it up.
It's grown enough so that I'm clearly losing styles- there's no doubt about it anymore. Like I posted a while ago, I've at least temporarily grown out French tucks (French loop isn't working yet). Making neat French twists is exceedingly difficult. And even my big favorites, cinnabuns, are transforming from quick and nice updos to something that requires quite a lot of effort (and hairtoys) each time. On the positive side, today I tried figure 8 bun, and to my great surprise, I could make one. Just barely, but I could make it! :D I'd post a picture if that digicam battery wasn't still missing. It is fairly secure too, held with a hairstick (Rose FuturiStix) and two Amish pins. It was also much easier to make than regular cinnabuns have been lately. I'll probably lose the ability to do this for a couple of months once I trim, but for now, I'm quite happy. I'm also experimenting with braided buns, and haven't given up cinnabuns either. Others with very long hair can make them just fine, so it must be just a matter of learning to do things a bit differently from what I've used to do. Another thing is, that I'm not quite so sorry about losing a tiny bit of length with trim- I'll consider it as buying some extra time to figure out how to replace the styles I'm losing or have lost entirely, and how to make styles like cinnabuns in a new way. Life is pretty much about changing and coping with changes anyway, and I've once again been reminded of that my hair life is no exception. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 16th, 2005 at 9:10am
More playing with figure 8 buns. I tried also infinity bun, but that doesn't seem to work quite as well as a regular figure 8. I suppose that's because the necessary Amish pins are more diffifult to place in Infinity version. And I need those pins in order to make the style last. But, I just concentrate in being happy about being able to make figure 8's.
Blondiesturn hairforks seem to be the best tools for this style. Hairsticks are nice too, but the slipperiness of my hair seems to cause some problems with them, especially now that being successful in fig 8 bunning still requires great precision. Today's challenge is to try to make a figure 8 without a ponytail base. Right now, that goal seems to be quite far. I'm wearing a figure 8 without a pony base right now, but it doesn't seem nearly as stable as versions that I've started from a ponytail. I just have teflon hair... In the evening, it'll be washing time again. Right now I don't think I have energy for anything but just a quick wash. But we'll see. I'm just a bit annoyed that I've spent this month's hairtoy budget and have to wait until December until I can order more LL hairsticks. It's hard, I'm telling you! :P I hope certain Ficcares and other stuff will arrive soon (hoping for next week)- they might ease my pains a little. I was planning to go to Helsinki today, but I'm still so tired- working out issues with T has been so intensive that I'm worn out both physically and mentally. Tomorrow I'll go. Promise. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 17th, 2005 at 12:27pm
After the storm, weather has turned colder again and that has among other things meant bonnet weather again. I think I'm finally learning the secrets of successful bonnet wearing, which is great because I've started to like my bonnet really much!^^
Washed my hair with Carrot Milk& Honey shampoo bar. I haven't used that one for a while - I remember liking it less than my other shampoo bars. Now it seems that sitting in shelf has done something good. My hair turned out great and the geranium smell was much milder than I remember. Today I've worn a scarf bun. I remembered it while trying to remember quick and easy styles that might still work. I'm happy to report that it worked just fine. So, as I promised, I went today to Helsinki to do some hairtoy shopping. Hair friendly toys aren't certainly easy to find, but I managed to find something for my Secret Santa person. I hope she'll like it. Just a little packing to do and tomorrow I'll be able to ship! :D I also bought some velvet ribbon and a nice hair clip for myself. If everything goes well, I'll graduate in less than a month...so it's hight time to think of what will I wear in the little ceremony we have, and most importantly, how am I going to wear my hair. ;D Right now I'm planning to wear quite normal clothes: white silk tunic/jacket, gray pants and white silk/wool shawl. A bun with hairsticks is a strong candidate for hairstyle, but lately I've been thinking of wearing herringbone braid/pony style with ribbon. If I bun curled my hair just a bit to get nice ponytail part it might look mighty cool... Still waiting veeeery patiently and hoping that Christmas rush hasn't begun on post routes of the world: more Amish pins, TLC pads, Ficcares, de Renaudin comb. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 18th, 2005 at 10:22am
Secret Santa gift completed and sent! That was fun! :D Now I can only hope that it will travel safely and that the recipient will find use for it ( I took the idea "hair toys" rather literally and sent something other than super practical basic accessories).
For myself, today was another day that felt a bit like Christmas- my new fall color Ficcares (3-tone red, 3-tone mocha and 3-tone lavender) arrived! :D They're gorgeous! And suit me perfectly! I'm so glad I got the opportunity to order these. Don't ask me which color I like best- the super elegant brown goes with everything, lavender is as gorgeous as lavender gets and red is just that fatal red color that goes perfectly with my hair and might well cause a traffic accident or two. My quest for new updo styles is still continuing. Yesterday, I started experimenting with log twist. The regular log roll still doesn't suit the shape of my head, but then I inverted it (start from a high ponytail and place the twist downwards) and it made all the difference! Secure with a Ficcare and two Amish pins, and the style is as elegant and pretty as one could hope for! :) So, my experimenting seems to be going well and I have two strong candidates for "staple updos". Now my only challenge is to find a quick and easy style secured with hairsticks... Found digicam battery, but now I suspect that the camera or its cable is broken- couldn't download pictures. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Nov 18th, 2005 at 5:22pm
Galadriel, how are you doing with the Mamacats? It works MOUNDS better to "screw" them in, rather than "inserting them". It's how they scoop up your scalp hair effectively, and essentially sewing the bun to the head.
Anais |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 19th, 2005 at 1:19pm
I'm wearing a pair of Mamacats right now. I agree- screwing them instead of inserting like other hairsticks seems to be the key. Right now my main problem seems to be, that cinnabuns have become a difficult style in general. I'm looking for a way to solve it or alternatively, I'm ready to try some other style that can be secured with hairsticks. Right now, for example, my bun is secured with a pair of Mamacats (which keep the bun very secure except the super annoying tail), a bun net and three Amish pins. Even I think that this is a bit too much for a cinnabun (especially since the resulting bun doesn't look nearly as good as my cinnabuns in the past).
Mamacat sticks are very sturdy, so if I absolutely want to wear a cinnabun, I can do it with Mamacats. But I don't like the idea of using Amish pins with delicate finish of Longlocks sticks. :-/ No...really...there must be a solution other than being patient. Experimenting continues... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by panpeus on Nov 19th, 2005 at 3:47pm
I was trying to look form mamacat's website, but I couldn't find the URL. Could you give me a link? :)
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Nov 19th, 2005 at 4:11pm
Yeah, I second Panpeus' question.
Also, where do you order ficcare's? The www.ficcare.com site is just the one home-page... ??? ??? Thanks for your help! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 19th, 2005 at 6:34pm
In future, Mamacat sells in her Ebay auctions only. I don't think she has any auctions there right now. In the beginning of September she took custom orders for a fortnight or so (that's where I got my Mamacats)- after that the orders overwhelmed her totally. I think she hasn't still completed them all. But, hopefully she'll be back at Ebay soon.
Obtaining Ficcares is tricky if you live outside US because they won't ship overseas. Ficcare also has really weird customer policies, and one of them is, that you can't get a catalog before you have ordered. ???www.headgamesonline sells a limited (but nice!) selection of Ficcare Maximas clips. I've ordered from there a couple of times with no problems. But others have reported that they have had some problems with Headgames. Longhair Community has Ficcare catalogs scanned on their Swap board. Because of getting in trouble with Ficcare before, they don't do any regular group orders (to which anyone willing can participate), but quite often there are mini group orders. As far as I know, participating in such an order is the only way for people outside North America to get clips that Headgames doesn't carry (like my beloved Fall Color Maximas clips). :( |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 20th, 2005 at 11:13am
Felt experimental last night, and decided that it was time to try to create my very own deep treatment. I wanted to try something natural that would nourish my hair and make it stronger for winter.
So, this is what I came up with: Winter Hair Food 1 tbsp jojoba oil 1 tbsp organic honey 1 tbsp aloe vera gel one egg (preferably organic!) Warm honey and jojoba few seconds (less than 10) in microwave oven. Mix well with aloe vera gel and egg. Wash and towel dry hair. Apply the mixture. Beware, it's liquid! Put on a shower cap, let sit for a couple of hours and wash. Results: I think this was just what my hair wanted! :D When I washed the mixture away, it felt instantly thicker and stronger. Today, it feels still great. Slight scalp itch I had is gone, and the hair still feels much stronger than before the treatment. I think I didn't get all the excess oil away from my length, but it's ok as long as I wear my hair contained- I'm going to let it be until next shower. In any case, there was much less excess oil than after my oil only treatments. :) In future, it might be fun to experiment with small amounts of EO's with the recipe, but I believe that I got the basic idea right. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Lisabelle on Nov 20th, 2005 at 1:13pm
Oh this sounds goood! I'm going to give it a try! ;D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Nov 21st, 2005 at 5:48am
Winter food, huh?
I like that. Will definately try this next weekend. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Nov 21st, 2005 at 1:47pm
Thank you Galadriel for solving those mysteries for me :-* :D
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 21st, 2005 at 2:52pm
I hope you'll like Hair Food! Don't forget to let me know how it worked. :) My hair is still happy about it- it seems to love proteins so much that it would probably eat a steak if it could. ::)
I received my Amish pins today. This time I had ordered shorter ones: 2" ones that are great for pinning up braids and other delicate styles, and 2.5" ones which are at the moment good for almost any style for me. Still having major trouble with cinnabuns. I'm starting to get really desperate - and the smallest reason isn't that I miss wearing all my beautiful hairsticks! I have tried braided bun and twist braided bun, but they don't quite do the trick either. I'm in trouble. There must be a solution somewhere...I hope... Shopped a bit in Helsinki today (caught no hair goodies). When I came from there I felt so crappy - walking in warm department stores in full winter gear does that - and washed my hair with Lavender Spice + usual ACV rinse. Now the hair is almost dry, and feels great. Winter Hair Food is a keeper. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 22nd, 2005 at 1:05pm
Good news: I managed to make a decent bun. This time, I used Longlocks SpiralStix, and they hold better than anything during past weeks. :D My bun isn't quite as flat as I'd like it to be, but at least is secure and neat and has stayed that way for hours now with only a pair of hairsticks. Now I just need to figure out how to wear rest of my pretty hairsticks. But for today, I'm completely happy for this little progress.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 23rd, 2005 at 6:43am
SpiralStix really work- another day, another bun with Spring Daisy pair. I feel a bit limited having only 3 pairs of Spirals...though as everyone has probably noticed, Spring Daisy is one of my favorite pairs so maybe I can manage until I find a way to use regular sticks. *hopes that Rapunzel will post some gorgeous Spirals right in the beginning of December* ;D .
Last night I was surfing when T sneaked behind me and started to play with my ponytail. He petted it, and suddenly I realized that he was petting rather down my back. I asked "Where does the end of my pony exactly hit?" He said that it's right below my BS! :D It must have something to do with my position- when I'm standing, my hair is still just a tiny bit above BS. But my first goal is very close now... :D Though the trim will take me a bit back. As I looked happily how down my hair falls, I also couldn't help noticing how thin my ends are. They are wonderfully healthy and silky...but thin. See-through thin (rather obvious as I was wearing a bright red t-shirt :-/ ). I think I've shed quite a lot during this fall -I think my ponytail circumference has decreased a bit- and through right now I'm growing incredible amount of baby hairs, it will take some time until they grow. This might be my first "replacement" time- I've read that many people have such around BS. I'm also trying to keep in mind that a fortnight before trim is a terribly bad time to draw conclusions about one's ends...but in any case, I'm a bit depressed. The tapering visible in a braid occurs pretty far down though- maybe if I cut a little (like I did in June) I'll be able to take care the most of it. And maybe my new plan to trim less but more often next year will work. If not, I will probably forget about hip length at least for a while and will start maintaining the length at waist. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Nov 23rd, 2005 at 11:21am
I am a Spiral Stix lover too! I frequently will wear one spiral and one regular stick for variety. As your hair gets a bit longer, the straight sticks will get easier to use (but I always come back to my spirals!).
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Sakina on Nov 24th, 2005 at 3:30am
I second the love of SpiralStix! They hold so well :-) I'll have to give your "twist" a try, BB. I've never mixed a straight stick w/ a spiral. Cool.
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 24th, 2005 at 4:51pm
Thanks for the idea, BB! :D It sounds great. I haven't really mixed and matched, but now if ever is the time to start doing that. I suppose that the bulk of my hair can be held with just one SpiralStix so the other one could be some other hairstick... *plans*
Today, however, I wore a Dutch braid. Haven't done that for a while, but it seems to be one of the styles that you can't forget once you've learned it. It stayed well for the whole day, until I took it down for hair wash. Washed my hair with Honey Beer& Egg, and before washing I also did a small dust trim. Well, these days I can't do big dust trims as I don't have that many splits. ;D I wrote on LHC a rant about my thin ends, and got a bunch of good replies. They helped me to realize that my view on hair growing has been a bit too simplistic. Since the time I got my hair to one length bob, I've assumed that I can just grow and grow until I reach my goal, only trimming away the damage. But, it really isn't that simple (and it's quite obvious now that I think of it), and if and since I plan to keep somewhat blunt look, in future I may need to slow down growing in order to keep the ends reasonably thick. That part should be easy- even before getting my thin ends blues I had decided that I'm going to do small trims more often next year. Though I'm nowhere near my final goal length, the first thought when I look in the mirror my hair down isn't "it's SO short!" any longer. I expect that the more difficult idea to follow is the idea of stopping at waist altogether for some time in order to allow the shorter growing hairs to catch up with the ends. Neverthless, that too is a good idea and I'm going to give it a try. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 27th, 2005 at 8:45am
Snow is back, and the scenery looks like straight from a postcard. Yay! I hope that this time it would stay a bit longer (of course it won't, it's not even December yet).
Yesterday was a sauna day again, and I washed my hair with Lavender Spice shampoo and Cucumber Lime Yoghurt soap. I just oiled it a moment ago and put it up with my red Ficcare. It's first Advent, and so I thought that a Christmas look would be only proper. Family crisis or no family crisis, giving up little traditions that I and T have developed over our years together won't help make anyone feel better (besides, after three weeks of little sleep and much crying, we ARE starting to feel better, little by little. We have had long, good talks every day and have managed to behave even when we have talked about painful stuff. So, unless something really bad happens, I believe that if we remain patient and continue to work hard, we'll remain together.) Back to hair. Dutch braids have still ruled as a home style- so comfy and looks a bit different. Yesterday, I managed to even make a decent bun with FuturiStix (Sapphire Ice as it was snowing). I'm still convinced that those little dents in their surface are not only interesting looking but also make the sticks to work better in my hair. Speaking of hairsticks, this month has been really a test of will- not buying any LL hairsticks has been so difficult, even though I spent my hairtoy budget to other super pretty things like Ficcares, and even though my troublesome hair has allowed me to wear my hairsticks less often than usually. Cynde received my SS gift. I hope she's going to like it- it was difficult (but exciting!) to choose a gift for someone with thick, dark hair. I'm pretty happy that I managed to come up with something that is not a "basic accessory" but a "toy" and that is hair friendly... ok, enough of hints! ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Nov 28th, 2005 at 5:57am
I absolutely LOVE what you picked out! I have never seen a crocheted scrunchie like this one before. And it goes so well with my wardrobe. :-D And what I like about the pin is that it is so versatile. In the pic in my journal I use it as a brooch. And I've been looking all month for a brooch too! Now I have one!
I've been enjoying my new toys all night - I keep fiddling with them. heheh Thank you very much! *hug* Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 29th, 2005 at 1:29pm
I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying your gifts! :)
Today, I'm enjoying of wearing a hairstick bun with just one Amish pin as additional support. :) After weeks of trouble, wearing lovely Longlocks sticks (Raspberry Swirl) feels just wonderful. Thoughts about coming trim: I measured my hair, 25.6 in (unofficial measurement as it's not 1st Dec, of course). It certainly doesn't look like that though as the ends are so thin. At the moment, I'm very tempted to do a bit more generous trim- maybe inch or even a bit more. I want nice, blunt ends soooooo badly. Maybe if I trim a bit more often in future I'll be able to get away with smaller trims. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Nov 30th, 2005 at 2:01pm
Today the weather has been the absolute worst that a Finnish weather can be- icy water pouring down and stormy cold wind attacking from every direction at once. But, my day has been one of the rare excellent in every way- days of my life. :D :D :D
I'll start from the morning... ...when I woke up nervous (to my wonder, I had managed to have really good night's sleep and that felt heavenly after weeks of insomnia and nightmares) and left to Uni - today was the day when my Master's Thesis grade was pronounced and depending on the grade, I was prepared to either draw it from the process or to request my Master's Certificate. So...the degree was.......... EXIMIA!!!!!!!! It's second highest grade possible, and very rare ( the highest grade is in practice never given to anyone). I was excepting a worse grade- eximia is not something one can count for, or even to hope for. So, not only I was able to leave my request for certificate (my official graduation day will be 14.12) but I'm also going to graduate with top degree. For that alone, I would have been the happiest person in country for the rest of the week. :D :D :D :D :D So, I came home with some cake, and I and T had a good time eating it. Then came the mail! First package was a rather small one, but it contained my De Renaudin horn comb. It is bigger than I expected, quite heavy, incredibly nice feeling and about 200 times more beautiful than in the picture at De Renaudin website. I love it! It smells, looks, screams of quality- I'll feel like a queen when combing with it! Then, there was a much bigger package. My Secret Santa gift had arrived! My Secret Santa was Khrome! I think she would do well as a professional psychic too- the gift was just too perfect. She had packed everything carefully in a beautiful box decorated with a big paper "snowflake", and inside the gifts were wrapped carefully in Christmas red tissue. I received a beautiful crocheted light pink and black bun cover that looks just like something that will take me through any awkward bunning time. So, we exchanged crocheted items. How cool is that alone?! I also got a pack of Scünci velvet scrunchies. The rose pink velvet scrunchie I found a while ago has become such a favorite, and I was a bit down for not having found more of them. And now I got six more in beautiful colors(deep red, amethyst purple, white, very dark green, midnight blue and black) ! They are a bit smaller than my original one, which makes them suitable for nearly everything, even braids. Finally, there was a bookmark...a LOTR bookmark! It had a little One Ring dangling from it. Of course, I just had to try that ring on... I suppose that by now you aren't surprised to hear that it fit my finger perfectly ;D . I don't dare to wear it everywhere, but on selected occassions... it's just way too cool to let dangle from the bookmark all the time. ;D I'm sorry to report that my digicam isn't yet working- T said that we have to take it to shop for repairing, but when it arrives, I'll post some cool pictures. The day isn't over yet, but I'm just going to declare it a perfect day already. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by khrome on Dec 1st, 2005 at 4:07am
YAY you got the package in record time! And I was all worried it wouldn't get there before the end of the year. Haha! There is actually one more thing in the package - it's kind of small, and I think was in a white tissue paper.
I'm glad to hear your Preecciiooousss fits you perfect. Tee hee! Cynde |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by juri on Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:41am wrote on Nov 30th, 2005 at 2:01pm:
Congratulations, Galadriel!!! :D Too bad we don't have any dancing bananas, I'd post a million if we did. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 1st, 2005 at 2:52pm
Thanks, juri! :D
Khrome, I re-checked the tissue found the Amish pins, if they were what you meant! Thank you so much- they're just the right size for pinning up braids and those annoying small sections of hair that my buns produce nowadays. :D Then to the news. It seems that my luck has at least temporarily reversed completely (or then I'm receiving some major compensation for last weeks' troubles). In any case, I started today and new month doing some internet shopping. A new month and new hairtoy budget led me very quickly to Longlocks boutique again, and now I'm happy owner of two pairs of hairsticks that I've drooled for days (Gilded Denim and Pink Plumeria MajeStix). As Tenderheaded ships nowadays to Finland :D , I also went ahead and ordered two microfiber towels and some hand dyed silk ribbon from there. Their shipping costs are high...but I've drooled for Aquis towels for Ages. After shopping, I washed my hair (Honey Beer & Egg poo + Cucumber lime yoghurt soap). Yesterday was my washing day, but hair was behaving so nicely and I was busy bouncing around of happiness so I forgot to wash it. No harm done there, though. When it had dried and I had made another successful bun with Butterfly Meadow stix, I headed to have lunch with my mother and did some shopping. The storm had gone and the weather had cooled again and white postcard scenery was back. A great weather to be out. Among other places, I visited Helsinki's biggest bookstore. I went to philosophy section...and couldn't believe my eyes. My book was there! It was published back in Spring, but I haven't been in that bookstore's philosophy department since spring. It felt incredibly super hyper cool to see the book I had been editing and writing there. ;D Ok, enough of that- if my ego swells just a little more, my head might explode and make a huge mess. :P Anyways, I came back home, and it didn't take long until doorbell rang. The mail lady was there (second day in row when she has had to ring the doorbell), holding a huge bubble wrap envelope. My TLC pads had arrived! About TLC pads: They seem very well made, and are so cute. They are thicker than my Always Ultras, but feel much softer and more pleasant to touch. Their structure is quite interesting -inside is removable and the inside is lined with nylon. As far as I can tell, it seems very practical. And did I mention that they look SO cute ? I had ordered all my pads in Pastel, and LJ had chosen very pretty fabrics that should calm even the worst I hate the universe- moods I sometimes have at certain days of the month. For once, I'm waiting the end of next week with some interest. 8) I remembered that it's first day of the month and time for my monthly measurement. I got 65 cm/ 25.5 in. It looks like quite a growth, but I suspect that part of it is due to measuring problems last month. We'll see what the tape shows after the trim, though. Finally, the traditional monthly update Washing:SBV with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars + soaps, XZ deep conditioner. Snowy's Deep Moisture Treatments enhanced with jojoba oil and Winter Hair Food. Oiling: jojoba oil, Chagrin Valley's Three Butter Lotion. Styling: Rose water for misting and aloe vera gel. Combing: Celluloid comb for wet combing, otherwise Body Shop's wooden comb. De Renauding horn comb has arrived and has been very nice so far. Styles: Cinnabuns, French Twists with Ficcare, "Down with little twists" style and French braid for sleeping. Braided styles like Dutch braids are coming back. First successful attempts with Figure 8 bun. Reverse log twist with Ficcare is also very pretty and promising. Toys: Longlocks Hairsticks- especially SpiralStix and FuturiStix have been wonderful. Blondiesturn forks, Ficcares (amazing Autumn color clips), velvet ribbons and little jaw clips for down with twists style. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 4:23pm
I think I'll have my trim tomorrow. Today I have seen T only a little, and have felt tired and just a bit not-so-healthy. Being out in Wednesday's storm was probably not good...
Today was a cinnabun day again. I noticed that the short Amish pins are just perfect for taming unruly buns- they are so short that the can be inserted quite easily so that they won't scratch my precious hairsticks (Capri Moonlight today). Capri blue seems to be a bit difficult color to match with my usual clothes, but today this pair seemed the only thinkable thing to wear. I wish there were more days like this- the silver lentil beads are just awesome. At home, I've found myself wearing scrunchies that Cynde sent me. They're so handy and pretty. Ordered hydrogen peroxide and lanolin from pharmacy. Our pharmacy is so small that they didn't have them right away. But Monday suits me just as well. The lady who took my order looked seemed quite surprised when I told her that I need lanolin for my comb... ::) I also bought containers for pre-washing my pads. T was quite funny when he saw those- though even he has to admit that pads with flowers are pretty, he isn't at all comfortable with certain aspects of womanhood, and the idea of washing and reusing menstrual pad scares him a little. ::) I also found nice, sleek shoes that I was looking for my graduation ceremony. The only winter shoe pair I had is extremely comfy -and extremely casual. I don't like the wear of wearing ladylike shoes much, but sometimes such are necessary. The pair I picked was certainly better than most. For once I had luck shopping shoes! I've also shopped new philosophy books today and yesterday. I have collected some during the years, but now that I won't have any exams at least in near future, I might actually have time to read some classic. I already have started to read Aristotle's Rhetorics and Poetics (in Finnish). From Helsinki I found a very interesting book, Susan Neiman's Evil in Modern thought. I'm kind of interested in philosophy of evil (among other things ;D) and it's always nice to find a book in such a rare subject. Today, I found Finnish translation on selected passages of Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica, which I've been wanting to obtain and read for a long time. Now I have plenty of brain food and am all happy again. My Tenderheaded order has already shipped. That's probably fastest shipping I've ever encoutered. Though I'm sure that the shipment will get caught in Christmas rush, I hope that it will still make it here right before Christmas. I'd love to be able to take a microfiber towel with me to Valamo -there's a Christmas sauna, and in winter travel conditions a bit quicker hair drying time would be great. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 3rd, 2005 at 5:36pm
Hair trimmed!
Just like in June, there was very little hair on the floor. Yet, measuring tape claimed that my hair is just 60 cm long now. I don't know if that's correct however, I'll measure tomorrow when my hair is hopefully a bit less wavy. It could be right though- my ends are SO much nicer now. Not super thick, but not whispy either. :D MUCH better. T is a great trimmer- very gentle and accurate. As my hair is already very near the longest it has ever been, I guess I can settle for gaining length slower and maintaining the nice ends a bit better. So, whether I really lost 5 cm/2 in length or not, I'm quite happy with the result. I really hope that my new trimming strategy will allow me to keep these nice blunt ends better. Today was also washing day. I've continued to feel a bit ill, and took just a quick shower and quick SBV with Lavender Spice. Otherwise, there isn't much to report. I wandered to Dreamweaver braiding page and remembered that I haven't worn any cool braided updos for a while. Maybe I should... Waiting: Aquis microfiber towels and silk ribbons from Tenderheaded and Longlocks sticks & jewelry roll. Both have been shipped and I can only hope that they'll make it here before Christmas. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 4th, 2005 at 1:05pm
Well, it really seems that I managed to chop 5 cm and my hair is 60 cm. The hair feels short, too! But the ends are great, so it's hard to be unhappy.
Inspired by Dreamweaver site, I braided twin Dutch braids that I then pinned up to two separate braided buns. The result was very cute. Apparently my hair isn't too short to some elaborate styles after all! :) Decided once again, that I really should do braided styles more often. I should also learn to decorate my braids with ribbons. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by greek_lady on Dec 4th, 2005 at 2:39pm
Galadriel heartfelt congratulations on your achievement!!! You are a philosopher now! Yeahhhh :D :D
I also noticed that you just had your hair cut 5cm AND you used the exact same phrase to describe that i.e. "chop" like I did!!! If you go to the measuring thread you will see what I mean! Seems like we go on parallel situations, like in summer when we both had a hair growth spurt and now we both "chopped off" 5cm! How funny is that!!! :D :D :D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Dec 4th, 2005 at 8:29pm
Oh, I love the Dreamweaver web site! Unfortunately I still have to many layers to even consider braiding my hair.
Maybe you find some time again for new pictures? :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 5th, 2005 at 12:57pm
Thanks, G_L. I'm already planning taking over the world :P . We really seem to go parallel...that is funny. I just hope that I can reach the length you're already at. :) With my scissor happiness, that's going to take some time...
Moonchild, maybe you could start your braiding exercises from twin French braids. They don't require much hair, and the result should be very pretty. With a little longer hair, you'll be able to do French braid. French braids require less hair than Dutch ones, and layers are reasonably easy hide into them. I haven't yet had my digicam repaired :( - once I do, I'll post a ton of pictures: Mamacat sticks, Fall color Ficcare etc. etc. I met my doctor's thesis mentor today. We discussed on the things I shoud write in (as near as possible) future: -An international scientific article based on my Master's thesis :D . Because I can. Shouldn't take too much time as the thinking work has already been done. - My Doctor's Thesis (diposition and research plan first), basically a new theory in enviromental ethics. - A treatise/scientific article on anger, specifically how to hate virtuously. Just because the topic interests me. -A thousand or so grant applications so I can buy food and hairsticks during all this work. :P I'm still not any wiser about certain practical aspects of beginning postgraduate studies. But, hopefully everything becomes clearer soon. Today I've been wearing my hair in a braided bun secured with Amish pins. It has stayed really well, and I think it looks much better than the pitiful versions I tried a couple of weeks ago when I still had thin ends (and longer hair...). It's been snowing quite heavily, but braided bun looks good with center part and with help of my dear winter outer bonnet, my style has stayed neat through the day. Still not regretting loss of length. I may reach my initial goal slower, but I'm not really in a hurry. Even this length allows me to play with so many styles and toys, and I also feel that I have now gained a little extra time to figure out how to deal with my hair once I reach the awkward stage around 63-64 cm's again. I absolutely love how my whole hair - strangely enough not just the ends - looks so much thicker now that I have blunt and neat hemline. ^^ And, my hair is still 7 cm longer than when I first measured it here. :) I really think that chop was the right thing to do. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Anais Satin on Dec 5th, 2005 at 3:26pm
I'm excited for those Mamacat pictures... wheee! ;D And I think your hair color, especially, goes well with the dymondwood color schemes.
Anais |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 7th, 2005 at 6:08am
Mamacat hairsticks are so pretty, and they are simply perfect for this time of the year. The weather around here is quite hostile for delicate hairsticks. But Mamacats don't mind harsh weather at all. My favorite pair at the moment are the Chestnuts, they match with my haircolor very nicely.
Yesterday was Finland's Independence Day. Traditionally, it is a fairly quiet, dignified day- quite the opposite to its US counterpart. I and T stayed home, prepared a 3-course Finnish meal, warmed the sauna and had a cozy home evening. I washed my hair with Lavender Spice and deep conditioned it with XZ deep conditioner- was too lazy to do anything more complicated. I also did some hair spotting. They show President's independence day reception festivities on TV, and that's always a good chance to see interesting hairstyles as it's the number 1 formal event in the country. To my pleasure, there are always quite a few ladies with long hair (some relatively young people like athletes, singers and citizen activists below the "chopping age" always get invited). I saw a pretty braided updo, and one lady with gorgeous hip-length hair wore her hair in a half up with a beautiful sparkly barrette, but in general the old truth that Finnish hairdressers are way less creative than Finnish evening gown designers was apparent. Especially the lack of hairtoys caught my eye. I spotted a pretty French twist comb as well as some bun ornaments and floating jewels, but I'm not really exaggerating when I tell that my everyday updos have more interesting hair jewelry. ::) This is a land of hairstylists, not a land of hairtoy makers. This morning my Tenderheaded.com order arrived. I think they shipped in record time- just 6 days, counting the weekend and yesterday being a free day. Microfiber towels look interesting. As I washed my hair yesterday, I'll have time to wash them before I try them on Friday. I also received two hand dyed silk ribbons: Mango Sorbet and Summer Sky. They're lovely, and I braided my hair with Mango Sorbet right away. All in all, I'm very happy with Tenderheaded right now. :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 8th, 2005 at 12:56pm
More hairtoy news:
Today I received my Longlocks shipment. That was fast- I wasn't at all sure that it would make it to my graduation ceremony with Christmas rush and everything. :) I received: a jewelry roll in gorgeous plum purple, and two pair of hairsticks. I've been keeping an eye on MajeStix since I started my collection, and now I finally found two lovely pairs. Gilded Denim MajeStix: My first pair with cube beads. Sapphire blue is one of my favorite colors, and I'm so happy that I finally got a pair of hairsticks in it. At the moment, this pair is the strongest candidate for my graduation ceremony hairtoy. Plumeria Pink MajeStix: This is my fourth pink pair...and absolutely necessary addition to the collection. The beads with little flowers and subtle aventurine ribbon are among the most beautiful even in my collection. The combination of pink, fuchsia and silver is perfect for winter. I did a small shopping trip to Helsinki. I had to buy trousers for my graduation ceremony. I found a nice pair of plain black pants and from sale rack a grey pair that was in -70%. I've been looking for nice grey trousers for whole fall, so I felt lucky. The discount was quickly spent though, when my feet took me to Accessorize. This time, I found most beautiful beak clip ever. This is one of the things that MUST be photographed once the camera is fixed. It's a flat beak clip that has beautiful pastel colored "stones" as decoration. The spring seemed strong, and what's most important, it even had little teeth! It is most expensive hairtoy I've seen sold IRL, costing 18, but I just had to buy it. I'm so glad I did. When I came home, I did a French twist and found out that the clip secures it wonderfully- just as well as my Ficcares! ;D Finally I have a beak shaped clip that actually works! I consider this day successful: I now have everything ready for graduation ceremony. My hair is doing remarkably well for winter- so far, dryness hasn't been a problem at all. And, once again my combing table needs a cleanup due to my growth of my hairtoy collection. ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 9th, 2005 at 10:28am
Finally a quiet day to spend cooking and cleaning and doing other housework that needs to be done.
Today is first day that I classify as moderately cold. I was a bit to discover that the bonnet still keeps me warm, even though it was a bit windy. It really didn't feel that warm before, so this is a nice surprise. I've also been playing with my new hairtoys. It seems that after the cut, my hair doesn't look quite right down any longer- the missing length isn't much, but apparently it's needed badly. But, knowing now what lies ahead, I'm enjoying cinnabuns with hairsticks (Gilded Denim right now) and French twists and plan to do so until awkward stage is here again. Hair is nice today, and has great shine. It doesn't seem to be bothered about winter dryness- pampering seems to work. I should wash it today, but I'm trying to stretch until tomorrow night and weekly sauna (second time this week though). I've been reading about BPAL, and am really tempted to order a load of imps in January. I'm going to force myself to wait at least until that though- I've just barely managed to overcome my perfume addiction, and my bathroom shelves still have WAY too many old perfume bottles. When some of them are gone though... ;D |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 11th, 2005 at 4:11pm
My hair survived in surprisingly good state until last night and washing time. Once again, I was too lazy to do a deep treatment, but I washed it with Honey Beer& Egg. I got to test my Aquis microfiber towels. All I can say is wow! They really work, and way better than I thought they would. I blotted my hair with Aquis towel and then made a towel turban. After an hour or so, I let my hair down. It was only a little moist, I'd say that at least 60% drier compared to air drying. When I went to bed, my hair was just a little damp.
Also, the time had come to start testing my TLC pads. The maxis feel a bit thick (compared to Always Ultras ::) ), but otherwise they are way more pleasant in every way than disposable pads. They stay well in place and taking care of them is easy enough. I'm planning to order a couple of thin ones more, but otherwise I guess that I counted the amount quite right. Today, I cleaned and rearranged my combing table again. That's my favorite chore! ;D As usually, some toys (though no hairstick rolls!) moved to cupboard and I took a couple of toys back into light from there. Today my hair is clean, and I've worn it in French twist with Lavender Ficcare. French twist is another style that I'm trying to enjoy of as long as I can. That might not be very long, hopefully... |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 13th, 2005 at 7:00am
No big news. Hair is doing well. I have lived past couple of days quietly, and haven't done much with it- only what's necessary to keep it detangled and out of way: braided, French twisted, bunned, depending on what I've been doing.
I've been thinking of what hairstuff to take to Valamo with me. At the moment, my list looks like this: - Aquis towel - celluloid comb - aloe vera gel - rose water - Nettle shampoo bar (that's my only sample sized SB) - almost empty bottle of ACV - two bun nets - two elastics - some Amish pins and bobby pins - one pair of Longlocks sticks for dinner - one pair of Mamacat sticks for everything else Long list, yet it's the shortest I can come up with. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 15th, 2005 at 5:04am
Argh, once again I wrote a long story and thought I had posted it only to discover that in fact everything had disappeared to cyberspace.
Well, here I go again. My graduation ceremony was yesterday. A quite boring event, where I ended up entertaining myself with some hairspotting. I was rather shocked to discover that every single one of new female Masters and Doctors had their hair shorter than mine. Two ladies had barely shoulder length hair, the rest had hair ear length or shorter. I just don't get it. Most of these people haven't even turned 30 yet (which seems to be the general chopping age). ??? It really seems to be very important for people to look just like everyone else. Though...it makes my rebel spirit just a little happy to know that at least in some circles, my hair is already exceptionally long. ;D I myself wore a low bun with Willow Grove hairsticks. It looked just right for the event: dignified and classy with a little happy sparkle. I was so happy for having regained my ability to do cinnabuns for a while. After dirty hair had served its purpose in helping me to create a nice and sleek bun, it was time to wash it. I did a small S&D, and washed the hair with honey beer& egg shampoo and honey butter soap. I'm going to clarify & deep treat for Christmas (in other words, this weekend). I've had a tradition, that once I achieve some "milestone" in my life, I buy a piece of jewelry to remind me of it. This time, I decided to buy a pair of hairsticks- the only jewelry I really use besides earrings, and I'm getting new earrings as a Christmas present from T. Though my collection is rather large, it seemed to have just enough room for Dragonfly Dreams pair. ;D Finally, it's time for my final review of TLC pads I like these! Compared to commercial pads, they are softer and breathe better- very nice to wear. Both maxi and regular work very well. Taking care of the pads sounded a bit complicated, but in reality, it takes very little time and washing them as instructed really makes them clean as new. I still like how pretty the pads are- much more fun to handle than commercial pads. All in all, I'm pleased to have found out that these pads are superior to commercial ones both in comfort and from ecological point of view. :) edit: spelling mistake |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by bikerbraid on Dec 15th, 2005 at 5:51pm
I'm so pleased that your experience with LJ's TLC pads has been a positive experience. It amazes me how EVERYTHING has become disposable - society is becoming very lazy. I too used cloth pads, and also cloth diapers for my son. The laundry was not an issue for me, even when I lived in an old farm house with a well to contend with. If you are up to new experiences, the Moon or Diva cups are also wonderful. Congratulations on doing your little part to save the world! |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 16th, 2005 at 8:29am
I had been looking for good cloth pads for a long time when I found Lisa Janey's products. I've seen cloth pads sold locally only once. They were expensive and their quality looked rather bad. Mooncups seem to be gaining popularity, but I haven't took interested in them as I've always liked pads so much. But, I'm glad to see that reusable options are spreading. :)
Saving the world is something that I'm trying to accomplish at all areas of my life. As a philosopher, I can dedicate my working time for doing that. But I also believe that my thoughts wouldn't be worth saying if they wouldn't work in practice, in my private life. ;) I have discovered, that every change I've made in my life during the past few years towards more natural and simple living has been very rewarding. I'm convinced that quick and easy life that is so heavily promoted by contemporary society is in fact a quick and easy way to unhappiness. So, I've decided that I'm going to try something different. Growing hair fits well to my ideas, and as it has grown, I've found deeper meaning in it besides aesthetical pleasure. And, so I keep growing and am not tempted at all by all the salon and product ads around. Today, I continue to enjoy of wearing a cinnabun with amazing Pink Plumeria hairsticks. Hair is at its best- third day super soft hair that is easy to style but still looks clean. Good hair day. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 18th, 2005 at 6:39am
Yesterday was washing & sauna day, and also "christmas cleaning day" for my hair. I first washed with Lavender Rosemary & Aloe, then clarified with baking soda mixed with Urtekram conditioner. After that, I made a generous dose of Winter Hair Food and let that sit for 4 hours until sauna. Finally I washed the WHF away with Lavender Rosemary & Aloe + ACV rinsed. This morning, I did a bit more generous oiling than usual.
Hair seems very happy, though the change wasn't quite as big as last time (when I clarified with baking soda for the first time ever). It is silky soft yet strong feeling. I shed like a chinchilla during the treatment though. But, I suppose it's nothing to worry about- today I've shed very little so far. Besides, I still have a nice new hairs growing so maybe that will compensate soon. Right now I'm wearing my hair in segmented ponytail. It takes me three elastics (one at the base of the tail). Doesn't look too impressive, but not really pathetic either. When my hair grows, I might like to wear this style outside too. So many things to do when my hair grows... ::) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 20th, 2005 at 12:29pm
Today, I went to Helsinki to do some last minute gift shopping. For once, I didn't look hairtoys at all- it was way too crowded everywhere for pleasant shopping. Presidential election campaigns have also started, and I got my share of brochures too. I've already selected my candidate though. Current president will get my vote. She isn't from the party I usually vote, but she has done excellent job and I'd be happy to see her continue (which she most likely will- everyone else seems to like her too.)
The weather is still cold- it's now around -10 deg C. The bonnet is still keeping me wonderfully warm though. Hair is also doing well. I've kept it cinnabunned every day... maybe I got a bit traumatized of that awkward no cinnabuns- period I had before trim? :P |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Moonchild on Dec 21st, 2005 at 10:51am
Just a little note to wish you and your family a
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year :) |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 21st, 2005 at 11:14am
Thanks, Moonchild! :)
Today, I made a nice discovery: I'm once again able to do French tucks. Temporarily, of course, but who cares? I did a nice French tuck right away, and decorated it with pretty clips. I'm wearing it still- it holds very well. I don't like the idea of losing this style in few months again, but...who knows what nice style I'll get as a replacement once I've survived the awkward stage. When I was shopping groceries, I saw some gorgeous hair. There was a lady wearing a big, high cinnabun that was really beautifully made. Compared to my cinnabuns, at least! She was so elegant and really stood out of the crowd. Today is a cold day- coldest this winter, I think. Bonnet keeps me still warm, though today I noticed that my forehead (that is exposed) was cold. But, had I wore a hat, the back of my head would have frozen. There's just no chance to win. There's France Luxe group order at LHC. I'm hoping to get a few items- the discount is very good, and I've been meaning to order from FL for months. Just have never got to do it. Today's also washing day- I'm going to take a shower right after I've finished my chores. I'm thinking of using Honey Beer & Egg shampoo, just because I'm taking Nettle bar (that is lighter) to Valamo. We're leaving on Friday morning, and I suspect that tomorrow I'll be busy packing and doing other arrangements. So, I don't think I'll update this journal until I come back. [glb]Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everyone![/glb] |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 26th, 2005 at 2:07pm
I'm now back from Valamo. The trip was nice. The monastery was a beautiful and peaceful place (and surprisingly big, considering that there are only ten monks!), and we got plenty of rest and good food. We'd like to go back in summertime for a couple of days.
Hair survived the travel nicely. Chagrin Valley bars were quite handy for traveling. Actually, I didn't do anything differently from my usual routine, just lived with less toys and soaps. Aquis towel was great, the reduced drying time was a bliss with so cold weather outside. Today, after we came back, we warmed the sauna again. It's really cold outside now, so extra warmth is welcome. I washed my hair and body with Lavender Spice & Lavender Oatmeal and Spice bars- they smell just like Christmas. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 27th, 2005 at 12:53pm
Dragonfly Dreams hairsticks arrived. The lampwork beads are mesmerizing, and the colors are suitable for every season. Little dragonflies are just too cute. ;D
Otherwise, hair life hasn't been very eventful- I've been once again busy cooking and cleaning and have just put my hair up with hairsticks (Spring Daisy before fetching the new pair from post office). In spite being clean, it seems quite obedient. Only noteworthy thing is, that today was the first morning this winter when I noticed serious static that had to be tamed with rose water. |
Title: Re: Galadriel's hair Post by Galadriel on Dec 29th, 2005 at 4:13pm
Hair life is quiet- I've worn it bunned. Yesterday was a scarf bun day, but today I'm safely back with hairsticks (Twisted Springtime). For some reason, the hair started feeling slightly greasy yesterday evening. As we're having sauna tomorrow, I've decided just to live as a grease pit until then...but oy, it's a challenge. My luck that I'm not seeing anyone.
We're preparing for the New Year. As usually, we're going to spend it quietly at home, prepare some food, drink some of the wine we bought from Valamo and enjoy fireworks (we bought some today). I don't think that this year, I need to make hair related resolutions- the ones I made last year were pretty good, and I don't have slightest temptation to seek "change" from something damaging. I've already decided that I'm going to trim four times, and also measure less often. I'm hoping to be patient and grow a bit slower if that's the way to maintain blunt, neat hemline. I'm hoping that I'll manage to grow past BSL, but we'll see. |
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