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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Can you condition too much?

Message started by joanne on Nov 2nd, 2004 at 5:10pm

Title: Can you condition too much?
Post by joanne on Nov 2nd, 2004 at 5:10pm
I recently was reading on a website that sleeping while conditioning your hair could cause more harm than good. I don't remember the address but basically it said, since your hair is wet, your hair is fragile and can break easily as it moves around. My question is, aside from sleeping, can you leave conditioner in too long? Is ther a point where the conditioner makes your hair fragile  ???? Do conditioners say, for example 12 to 15 minutes for a reason? How about conditioning too often? I want to say that as long as you are careful with your hair it won't harm it, even if at some point the benefit stops.
Any thoughts or comments are appreciated.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by Anais Satin on Nov 2nd, 2004 at 10:44pm
I think so.. especially if it is a protein treatment. Overnight oiling should be okay, as long as the hair is wrapped in some way I suppose.

But I wouldn't do anything synthetic overnight. I would expect it to make my hair extremely brittle as it has in the past with certain combinations of oil + commercial conditioner. For some reason, oil reacts strangely with some of my shampoos and conditioners. Even if I didn't use oil, the sebum would eventually mix with the rinse-out conditioner and make my hair very very CRRRRUNCHY...

As for conditioning too often, it causes massive buildup for some people... but that can be remedied with a clarifier .. I love my stinky vinegar  :-* :-*  

Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 12:02pm
Yep - what Anais said.  [Actually I had written up a response very similar, but it got lost before it got posted - so much for my multi-tasking abilities!!]

I, too have found that certain conditioners do not interact well with my jojoba oil.  One of these days I'll try to figure out what the ingredients are that cause my hair to get crunchy with oil.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by joanne on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 7:37pm
I've never had any problem with conditioning but I was wondering. It's a little off subject but how does jojoba smell? I've been using coconut for a while but I've become curious about jojoba. I love  the way coconut oil smells  ;D.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 7:51pm
Jojoba oil by itself does not have a scent.  Frequently jojoba is a carrier oil for other fragrance oils that are added to it.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by strawberryfine on Nov 8th, 2004 at 1:51am
I think maybe I am experiencing some of this.  Too much conditioner, then oiling, then crunch.

Is anyone using a conditioner that seems to be oil-compatible?

I could sure use some suggestions! ???


Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by Rua on Nov 8th, 2004 at 8:40am
At the moment, I'm using Tresseme and I haven't had any problem as long as I don't lash on too much oil. I've never had a crunchy problem with the coconut oil, I think because it's so light and it absorbs so quickly.

Then again...it could be just me.... ::)

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 8th, 2004 at 10:16am
I've had good luck with my Austrailan Organics conditioner and oil.  

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by Rua on Nov 8th, 2004 at 11:00am
Australian Organics....is that from the Aussie hair products line?

Just curious!

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 8th, 2004 at 9:19pm
No, Austrailian Organics is the brand name.  I've found it at Ulta stores here in the US.  I think drugstore.com has carried it in the past as well.

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by strawberryfine on Nov 9th, 2004 at 11:06pm
Which Tresseme conditioner are you using?  Sorry to ask you so many questions but I think our hair may be similar!
I may have posted this question somewhere else, if I did please overlook me!

Title: Re: Can you condition too much?
Post by Rua on Nov 10th, 2004 at 12:50pm
At the moment, I'm using Vitamin E and Aloe Colour Revitalising conditioner and shampoo. I know that Tresemme has been in the States for ages but it's kinda new out here. It's pretty good. I tend to get build up on my scalp from most Pantene conditioners, and this stuff doesn't really do that.

And don't be sorry to ask me questions! I feel chuffed that anyone is asking me anything at all!!  ;D

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