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Message started by bikerbraid on Oct 5th, 2004 at 5:12pm

Title: New realizations
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 5th, 2004 at 5:12pm
I've been in a "rut" with my hair lately.  Some of it is just because I've been busy but some of it is "just because".  

The other day I had come to work with my hair somewhat damp from washing the previous afternoon.  I left it loose so that it would dry out before I became "moldy".  I hate having my hair in my face and I didn't have a headband or barrette to pull back some of my hair.  So I pulled back just the front section and braided it.  I meant to put an elastic on the end but got distracted and went on with work.  

I was amazed that at the end of the day, my hair was still somewhat braided!  My hair NEVER stays braided without being tied off.  I then realized that my hair is now long enough that braiding a small section to the ends will stay braided.  I've always been envious of the curly haired who could braid their hair and it would stay.  Now I can get at least smaller braids to stay enough to keep my hair out of my face.

I guess my hair really is still growing!

Title: Re: New realizations
Post by Kate on Oct 5th, 2004 at 8:07pm
Nice, Bikerbraid :-) Why don't you try the hair headband style posted by someone else in another thread? I tried it the other day, and - although my layers created a very "hairy" braid (as eKatherine would say) - it kept my hair out of my face and stayed braided without being tied off.

And besides, we want new pics of your hair.  ;)


Title: Re: New realizations
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 5th, 2004 at 9:14pm
I'll have to try that and see if I can manage it.  I'm still trying to work on a crown braid, but I keep getting my hair all tangled in the process.  Maybe doing just the front would be a better starting point.

As for pictures?? We'll just have to see IF I can do it, and then hope that someone is around to take the picture!

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