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Chit Chat >> Brushes With Long Hair >> Homecoming at my School http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1096896193 Message started by Manegirl on Oct 4th, 2004 at 12:23pm |
Title: Homecoming at my School Post by Manegirl on Oct 4th, 2004 at 12:23pm
Hi all:)
I went to a Private College-Prep K-12 school. This weekend was Homecoming, which, because of the closeness of the alumni, is always a fun time of seeing old friends and making new ones. (Classes are small, rarely more than 50 students per grade) Anyway, I noticed lots of long hair among the current students. Mostly BSL, parted in the middle, but all of it very pretty and well-maintained. I hope this is a trend and they all have at least waist length by graduation! Have a happy long haired day! BTW, a few guys with long hair too! Manegirl:) |
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by bikerbraid on Oct 4th, 2004 at 5:29pm
It's always great to see that the trends are to healthier hair. Can we assume that as a private school, the kids are brighter and therefore quicker to pick up on what is best?? ::wink wink::
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by Manegirl on Oct 4th, 2004 at 5:56pm
Hi BB:)
Well, they are at MY school, anyway. I am some times amazed that I had the privilege to go there ( I was a TERRIBLE student!) anyway the pretty hair added to an already fabulous weekend:) Long haired prayers and hugs, Manegirl ::) |
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by Cairn on Oct 4th, 2004 at 11:17pm
I think longer, more natural hair is one current trend, at least. I've noticed many girls (and some guys) at my public high school with longer, well-managed hair. I can think of at least three gals with waist-length hair. But then, there are still plenty of people with bleached, butchered bobs, and one of my friends noted that she thought more people seemed to have shorter hair this year, so maybe people are just going to the extreme in both directions.
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by Autumn on Oct 5th, 2004 at 8:03am
There is so many different hair accessories nowdays that I would think it would encourage people to grow their hair longer. So many of the new things on the market make it easier to put your hair up in different way and also things to make fancy braiding easier too. I guess it is a matter of taste but I know when I was in school I was always experiementing with my hair, sigh I had more time to do then too. ;)
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by Rua on Oct 5th, 2004 at 12:56pm
I experimented with my hair in school too. I went to a public school in the States for a short time. I had the "Dolores O'Riordan from The Cranberries" look for a couple years...without the hair bleach.
All the girls in my old school had carbon copy hair. "The Rachel Cut" bleached to high heaven with various highlights. Then that eventually morphed into "The Flying Saucer" hairdo (as my friends and I so fondly referred to it), which was The Rachel Cut only with shorter layers and ratted at the back to give a raised flying saucer effect at the crown. NO individuality whatsoever. I used to get slagged from the other kids for not having the same look, but I was proud of the way I looked and wasn't about to change for nobody. I wonder what everyone looks like now. Ah memories..... ::) |
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by Manegirl on Oct 5th, 2004 at 4:58pm
I graduated in 1971 and of course, many girls had long, stringy "hippe hair." This WAS the 70's after all! Most of them now have hair shoulder length or shorter, but the kewl thing is that they are all as pretty as they were then, some look even nicer! I, on the other hand had very short hair (Go figure) and did not start growing it out until 2000 or 2001. i am still a little girl at heart! ::) Long haired prayers and hugs, Manegirl ;D |
Title: Re: Homecoming at my School Post by callisto on Jun 11th, 2008 at 6:23pm
Most of the people at my school who follow trends have very straight, layered hair that is usually shades of honey brown. There are also a lot of asian girls who sit behind me in history class who give me hair envy. I do like my curls even though they can be a hassle, but it would be nice to have sleek, shiny smooth hair that you can BRUSH without getting a poofball.
I will stop ranting now. Then there are a few people at my school with long hair. 3 that I can think of have waist length hair, and one girl whose hair must be knee-length. One of the leaders of my robotics team has hip-classic length curly black hair. She is my idol and makes me sad that I cut. Oh, well, that is history now and I just have to wait until it gets long again. |
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