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Message started by Gollan on Sep 25th, 2004 at 8:28pm

Title: Anti-Frizz Products That Don't Require Heat?
Post by Gollan on Sep 25th, 2004 at 8:28pm
My hair frizzed out a couple of months ago and has *not* responded to any of the anti-frizz products I've used. I've been blaming a new shampoo I tried around that time but switching back didn't help at all. Now I realise that the frizz corresponded with me giving up wet combing my hair. I've been letting it air dry before I combed it. No amount of anti-frizz product has helped the resulting frizz and I suddenly understand that too:

"Apply on damp hair... Style by blow-drying"

I haven't been following the directions! Then again, if I was willing to blowdry my hair why would I need an anti-frizz product? Anyway, all this is just to lead up to my question... are there *any* anti-frizz products (for straight hair) that work and *don't* require heat?

Title: Re: Anti-Frizz Products That Don't Require Heat?
Post by Kate on Sep 26th, 2004 at 8:32am
I have curly hair, but I also have a major frizz problem if I'm not careful. Here is what I do:

1. Let it air dry (sounds like you've got that down pat).
2. Scrunch in some Friedman's anti-frizz when damp.
3. If desperate, smooth/scrunch in some Citré Shine polishing serum.

The polishing serum is basically bottled silicones, after applying it my hands feel like they're covered in plastic wrap. It works fantastically on frizz, but you'll have to clarify at the next wash.

Oh and have you tried oiling your hair while damp? As long as you're careful, wet combing shouldn't be too damaging to your hair. I wouldn't think you need to give it up entirely. :-)


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