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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush

Message started by Aeryn on Sep 18th, 2004 at 10:31pm

Title: Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush
Post by Aeryn on Sep 18th, 2004 at 10:31pm
I already own a paddle brush with nylon and soft tips, but I was wondering if a large with long boar bristles and a bit of nylon bristles paddle brush is a better bet when it comes to brushing hair in the long run?  I already have a narrow boar bristles brush but it's too small for my thick hair. I was curious if I should get boar bristle paddle brush I just described in addition to my nylon paddle brush or it's not necessary? I heard that it will aid with distributing the scalp oils and make hair shiny and healthy.

Title: Re: Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush
Post by eKatherine on Sep 18th, 2004 at 11:12pm
The concensus is that you should detangle with a wide-tooth comb and brush as little as possible, so the paddle brush is unnecessary. Many people brush only to distribute oil they have applied to the hair.

Title: Re: Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush
Post by bikerbraid on Sep 18th, 2004 at 11:52pm
Brushes on long hair are typcially used to distribute oil or put a smooth finish to your hair.  In the case of the latter, the brush would not necessarily penetrate all of your hair.

Title: Re: Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush
Post by Rua on Sep 19th, 2004 at 6:35pm
I bought a boar bristle brush ages ago that was too small and it seemed to make more tangles than smooth them out.

Eventually I got a large one and it does a fine job, although now that my hair is gettin a bit longer, I find that I'm using the comb to detangle a whole lot more than the brush. (My hair tangles really easy and it can be a nightmare to comb with the boar bristle brush if I'm not careful.)

I do, however, like my brush. It's been very good to me overall. :)

Title: Re: Boar bristles vs nylon paddle brush
Post by Aeryn on Sep 21st, 2004 at 2:08pm
Thanks, ladies! I guess I wouldn't waste my money spending on the boar bristles paddle brush then. I already own my favorite tortoiseshell wide tooth comb I've been using for years and worked well for me.  :D

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