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Message started by Anais Satin on Aug 26th, 2004 at 12:54am

Title: Hats
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 26th, 2004 at 12:54am
Does anyone have a favorite hat that fits all of their hair? ? (Please share ;D ;D For the past 6 years, i've been stuffing all my hair into a black fleece newsboy on windy days)


Title: Re: Hats
Post by eKatherine on Aug 26th, 2004 at 1:27am
I bought a black straw "cowboy"-style hat when I was in Montana, so I would have something to shade my face and contain my hair. It worked especially well when I wore a topknot or had my hair loose, not so well with a bun off the center back, which interfered with the hat's proper location on my head.

Forgot it there. :'(

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 27th, 2004 at 6:45pm
Aw, that bites... I've lost my fair share of hats and gloves too, always during travel, and especially in public bathrooms. How often do you go to Montana? Would you have an opportunity to buy another? ? It sounds like such a great hat.

Hats are a real hairsaver and timesaver for me, especially on dirty-hair days--They're stuff-and-go! Sounds like snoods would be a good substitute too, for hat-free occasions like Catholic masses. This lady at the bank had a scarf wrapped around her hair, snood-style... it looked so classy!

Title: Re: Hats
Post by eKatherine on Aug 27th, 2004 at 7:15pm
Actually, I only bought it for the trip when I realized I was going to be walking outside a lot, and the sun is very bright there. Where I live, we don't have much use for straw hats most of the year, so I'm going to need to be getting or making some warm hats really soon.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Galadriel on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 10:48am
As the weather is getting colder, the hat season in Finland starts.

For me, hats are a problem since I want to wear my hair up every day. On the other hand, I wouldn't like my head to freeze. My solutions:

1) A hooded coat. Both my winter coats are hooded, and a hood fits over any bun. Problem is, that my hair is so silky that the hood slips away very easily...

2) Which brings us to Solution 2. Wearing a big enough woolen scarf so that it can be wrapped gently around the head. With a scarf, even a hood stays well. I look like a muslim, but so what?

3) Ear muffs (or whatever they are called in English). My newest discovery. I just bought one with some width, so it warms more than just my ears. I hope, that they will also help a hood to stay in place.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by bikerbraid on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 11:39am
I don't wear hats other than during the winter.  When the winds blow and/or the temps get low enough that I need a head covering, I wear a hood/scarf.  I made a number of these last winter.  They are fleece on the outside and a smooth satin-like fabric on the inside.  I can wear this over a bun or braids without messing up my hair and still keep my ears and head warm.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Valerie on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 12:58pm
Hats and scarves I've decided will be my new obsession this season.  I don't really have any now, except for 1 baseball cap that I like.  I don't know how well I can pull off a hat or scarf that looks good but I'm willing to try.  

Bikerbraid, I like the idea of your scarf.  I was thinking of asking my mother in law to make me a satin bonnet type thing that I could wear under hats and scarves.  

Title: Re: Hats
Post by maggie on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 1:10pm
I have never heard of a snood, what is that? *curious*  

I do not have much luck wearing hats, I guess I don't have a "hat-head".  I love when girls can just throw on a baseball cap to cover their hear, and it looks so cute, but not on my head!  If I am having a dirty hair day and need to quick cover up, I usually go with the bandana to cover the entire top of my head, and then do low pig tales, or a pony tale in the back.  I must wash my hair every day or I get very greasy looking, and my hair will begin to separate and look terrible!  But on my day off when I don't feel like showering first thing, the do-rag does just fine, and I can go out and walk the dog and just look "casual", not dirty!  In the winter when it gets very cold here, I will wear a winter hat, and I have a favorite woolen over-sized scarf that I bought up in Boston that I will put over my head like a hood, and then wrap around my neck and face if necessary.  Speaking of winter, I'm really not looking forward to it...

Title: Re: Hats
Post by maggie on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 1:13pm
Correction.......girls do not wear hats on their "hear", as far as I know, they wear them on their HAIR!!!  Oooops :o!

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Anais Satin on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 5:26pm
A snood is also called a caul:


These things are comfy  :D

Title: Re: Hats
Post by flaming_bunny on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 6:14pm
i must buy a hat!!!!! not for the cold weather but to hide greasy hair when i havnt got time/energy to wash it  :) but its hard cos most hats dont suit me.....im a non hat gal

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Autumn on Nov 4th, 2004 at 5:40am
I never have success with hats. I usually wear my hair in a high ponytail and the hat hits in the wrong spot making it look like I have a big lump on my head. :(  

During the summer I wear a sun visor. the visor does nothing to protect my hair but at least it sheilds my face from the sun which can get hot here in California. 8)

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Babyfine on Nov 4th, 2004 at 2:07pm
This year I should get a hat to protect my hair from the
cold- which I've never done before- not go out with
a wet head- which I do all the time.  
I would loovve a snood!  I don't think you can get them anywhere but online!

Title: Re: Hats
Post by maggie on Nov 4th, 2004 at 2:43pm
Thanks Anais Satin, so that's what a snood is!  I've seen them before but did not know what they were called.  This opens up a whole new dimension for me, I never even considered one of those for myself until now, hmmmmmmmmm............................

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Kate on Nov 5th, 2004 at 8:51am
I need to get a hat before the Arctic winter sets in here.  ::) What sort of materials should the inside of a hat be made of to protect hair? Could I sew in a lining? (unlikely as my sewing abilities stop around buttons)


Title: Re: Hats
Post by eKatherine on Nov 5th, 2004 at 9:35pm
Ideally, a hat would have a silk lining.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Bardic_Love on Feb 23rd, 2005 at 1:47pm
It's been a while since a post in this thread, but I was curious, with the weather here in Florida warming up I'm sure I'll be spending more and more time outside or at the beach. Can anyone suggest a good hat to wear to the beach? Something kind to my hair, cool temperature-wise, and that would stay in place easily would be perfect. I've been looking at those straw/woven sunhats but I wasn't sure if they might damage my hair, they seem a bit rough.
Without one my scalp tends to burn and I haven't been able to come up with any good finds for a beach hat.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Galadriel on Feb 23rd, 2005 at 2:16pm
How about a nice scarf that you secure with bobby pins?

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Ilovecats on Feb 26th, 2005 at 3:23pm
I'm a big fan of putting things on my head!  :)

On casual winter days when I'm just going to class, (the jeans and sweater-over-T-shirt days,) I do a scrunchie bun and pull a regular knit hat over my head and the bun.  The hat is stretchy enough that it'll go over the bun.  I kinda look dorky walking around with what looks like a ball sticking out of the back of my head, but I don't really care. Note: I don't have tons of hair, so this probably isn't feasible for everyone.

On days when my hair needs to be washed, but I'm too lazy to do it, I wear a kerchief or bandana on my head, usually with a ponytail.  Of course, this doesn't do much for protecting the ends...

I'm still trying to figure out ways I can protect my hair with various types of headcoverings.   I'm thinking of checking out types of scarves or veils to accomplish this.  The snood appeals to me too.

Title: Re: Hats
Post by Lisabelle on Apr 19th, 2005 at 3:19pm
Hi All,

They call me the hat lady in my nieboorhood!  ;D  In spring and summer I'm out there with my sun bonnets. In the fall and winter my good old toque or beret!  I always make sure my hats are a bit big in size to accomidate hair styles.  When I wear my sun hats I sometimes put a scarf or "dew rag" underneath. I have these in some cool styles, flames, skulls and pot leaves  ::)  I got them from my friend Simon, who until just a few years ago, had the most gorgeous curly long blonde hair.  Then he cut it and now looks like Alexander the Great!  ;)

Winter is really hard on hair here in Canada so a thick toque is a must, which of course leads to helm head  :-/  A hood with a draw sting also helps.  I knitted a hood and cowl and found that worked well.  Had to make one for my hubby as he kept stealing mine!  ::)  He, btw, shaves his head and has a huge baseball cap collection.  I've trained him to put sunblock on his dome as he's a red head or err.. was one  ::) and burns quickly.

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