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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Rosemary!

Message started by Cairn on Aug 25th, 2004 at 9:26pm

Title: Rosemary!
Post by Cairn on Aug 25th, 2004 at 9:26pm
So I bought some rosemary essential oil last week - my very first. :) I looove the smell and am quite excited to have it.

Anyhoo, I've had a recipe for a rosemary oiling treatment saved on my hard drive for ages, waiting for a chance to use it. However, the only other ingredient is olive oil, which is waaay to greasy. I only have a small vial of the rosemary, so I'm trying to conserve it and don't want to use up too much with experimentation. Does anyone have any good recommendations of how I could use it? Preferably something that doesn't include another type of oil, since I don't have anything else and probably won't until I get a job and some cash in my pocket  :-/


Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 26th, 2004 at 12:27am
Hey Cairn,

Ooh, there's plenty you can do with Rosemary oil... For aromatherapy, it also has a stimulant effect (great when you're studying for a test) opposite to the way lavender can make you drowsy. Rosemary oil can also be applied to the ends of your hair, mixed in jojoba I guess... but since you don't have other oils handy besides olive, suppose you could dilute a very small amount in distilled water and make a spray or a hair rinse?


Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by leia on Aug 26th, 2004 at 8:47am
Put it in jojoba oil or any other carrier oil that you like  :)

Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by Aphrodite on Aug 26th, 2004 at 4:52pm
Use olive oil! Yes it will make your hair greasy so only do it when you know you aren't going to be seen. I did a scalp massage last night with about a table spoon of olive oil and four drops of rosemary - left it until this afternoon, washed my hair and wow! silky, smooth, shiny - just lovely! HOWEVER I did use an organic shampoo to wash my hair - I would'nt use a moisturizing shampoo after doing this as I don't think it would wash the oil out properly....

Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by Cairn on Aug 26th, 2004 at 8:09pm
Thanks for the ideas!

Aphrodite, I tried exactly what you described when I first used it (even used an organic shampoo), and still ended up greasy.  :-/

I did a chamomile rinse last night and added a couple drops of rosemary; it smelled divine and worked well. I'll see what else I can do with it.

Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by leia on Aug 27th, 2004 at 12:19am
Another idea:

I put some distilled water into a mister bottle with a few drops of olive oil (you can omit this or use another oil) and a few drops of rosemary. It smells really great and you can mist it straight onto your hair :).

Title: Re: Rosemary!
Post by Aphrodite on Aug 27th, 2004 at 8:24am
It's so weird how one thing works for some and not for others.... perhaps olive oil is just too much for your hair - it might be worth mixing rosemary with jojoba (that makes my hair scrunchy but lots of people love it) maybe that would be lighter and less greasy. ??? and do a scalp massage with that.... mixing rosemary with chamomile sounds nice - I might have to try that :)

keep experimenting :)

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