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Message started by Anais Satin on Aug 23rd, 2004 at 3:14am

Title: Height and hair
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 23rd, 2004 at 3:14am
Hey Folks,

It seems that short hair on a very tall lady is going to make her look even taller. And a tall lady with proportionately long hair is going to look... um.. less tall. (shorter didn't seem like the right word)

But.... on a short lady, will long hair make her look shorter or taller? I've found that one could argue both ways:

     (a) Shorter, because it's not "proportionate" to her body, makes her seem short compared to her long "tall" hair
     (b) Taller, from the "vertical" effect that people often get from vertical stripes. (Assuming the hair is anything but curly. I'm sure volume and straightness/waviness/curliness also make a difference in the effect on height)

What is everyone's opinion on this? I'm not going to base any of my long hair decisions on this, so don't anybody be nervous about the effects of their post :P  


Title: Re: Height and hair
Post by Gollan on Aug 23rd, 2004 at 4:25am
In my opinion a person's height has more of an effect on their perceived hair length than the opposite case (hair length effect on perceived height). Since our hair all grows at about the same rate it reaches certain landmarks sooner on short people. I think this can make the hair seem longer on a short person. I do think that 'tall' hairstyles are probably not advisable for shorter longhairs.  ;D

Don't get me started on buying men's clothes such as shirts where a typical size 'small' has the same size buttons, pockets, collar, and sleeves as the 'medium' and 'large' (makes things simpler at the factory). Such garments emphasize my small size even more because the pockets and sleeves are disproportionately large.  >:(

Title: Re: Height and hair
Post by leia on Aug 23rd, 2004 at 9:47am
There are 2 short girls in our school who have long hair. I've seen both of them with short 'do's, and both of them look shorter with long hair. (Also their hair is very thick, maybe that contributes?) Their hair also looks longer because they are so short  ;D

Title: Re: Height and hair
Post by eKatherine on Aug 23rd, 2004 at 2:23pm
I agree, your height will make it appear your hair is growing faster, as you will reach your goals faster than a tall gal.

I would propose, though, that long hair will probably make you look taller in pictures, if that's important to you.

Outside of that, it's just the argument that only a few women are suited to long hair, and short/tall/thin/fat/older women should have short hair. Which is why we see obese women with cropped hair, which in my opinion looks ridiculous.

Title: Re: Height and hair
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 24th, 2004 at 1:23am
Yeah, I was leaning more towards argument #1. Thanks ladies and gent 8)

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