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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> Hair Vitamins

Message started by Kate on Aug 12th, 2004 at 8:35am

Title: Hair Vitamins
Post by Kate on Aug 12th, 2004 at 8:35am
I've started taking hair vitamins in an effort to reduce fallout. For those of you who take supplements, how long did it take before you started noticing an effect? Was it mostly fallout which was affected or did you notice an improvement in hair quality as well?


Title: Re: Hair Vitamins
Post by Anne-Marie on Aug 12th, 2004 at 10:01am
I personally swear by Ultra Hair Plus(with MSM) supplements.
I have been taking them for about 2 years and nowadays I loose maybe one to three hairs per day(it used to be a lot more,around twenty or so) and my hair quality has improved too,I'm much less prone to splits.
I think it took about 2-3 months before the supplements had any effect at all :) :)

Title: Re: Hair Vitamins
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 12th, 2004 at 10:23am
When I started taking Biotin and Silica with my MSM, it also took 2 - 3 months to notice less shedding.

Title: Re: Hair Vitamins
Post by strawberryfine on Sep 5th, 2004 at 6:32pm
Hi Everyone,

How much biotine, silica and MSM does everyone take and how often?


Title: Re: Hair Vitamins
Post by eKatherine on Sep 5th, 2004 at 9:21pm
I think I started with 15 mg of biotin, when the bottle ran out I dropped it back to 1 mg a day, which is still a huge dose compared to the recommended allowance.

My silica comes in giant oval pills. You're supposed to take 1-3 a day, I take 1.

MSM I bought in a jar that contains 8 oz of powder. I take 3 grams a day, which is ½ teaspoon mixed in a glass of water twice a day. I read of a study where nail technicians were supposedly able to tell which subjects were taking it and which weren't at that dosage.

It's been less than a month for the MSM. I'm really not sure whether the silica or biotin are doing anything. My shed rate is really low anyway. I'm thinking that the MSM should affect my growth rate.

I'll probably make a decision when the bottle runs out.

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