LongLocks Salon
Hair Types >> African American Hair >> Hairstyle for thick hair

Message started by candylipsgurl on Aug 10th, 2004 at 5:49am

Title: Hairstyle for thick hair
Post by candylipsgurl on Aug 10th, 2004 at 5:49am
I have very thick hair and I am trying to go natural. My roots are wavy but my ends are almost straight. I dont put any heat in my hair and the only style I can really put it in that wont look funny is braids, and hair clips. I dont like to wear pony tails because they break the back of my hair off and so I am not left with many options. There is a cool hairstyle that I just cooked up for my crazy hair. it looks good and it hides the diffrent textures of hair.  First I braid the front of my hair in sort of a crown shape. I then braid the back in corn rows. i leave it braided over night and in the morning i take the back down and its wavy and pretty. I also do this with Corn rows in the front going straight back, or in a design and take the back half down after its been braided for a while.

Title: Re: Hairstyle for thick hair
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 10th, 2004 at 10:29am
Sounds like a great way to get waves in your hair.   :D

Title: Re: Hairstyle for thick hair
Post by goofba11 on Aug 11th, 2004 at 11:33pm
That's a very nice hair-style. I used to style my hair that way, too.  :)

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