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Chit Chat >> The LongLocks Lounge >> i watched Valentine last night... http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1090848771 Message started by flaming_bunny on Jul 26th, 2004 at 12:32pm |
Title: i watched Valentine last night... Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 26th, 2004 at 12:32pm
so i was watching that "Valentine" film last night (the murder film with that guy who played Angel in Buffy) and when this woman was in the shower and feeling all tense cos someone might be outside (ooo im so scared ::) ) all i could think was "you shouldnt wash your hair all piled on top of your head" hehe but wait....the haircare gets worse!!! she got out of the shower to see if anyone was there...leaving the shampoo in her hair (on top of her head) and then finds that the water has stopped working in her apartment!! :o so to rinse off she STICKS HER HEAD IN THE TOILET!!! EWWWW!!! then i turned over cos it was a crap film....me being more interested in the girls hair care shows it didnt grab me....just like when you know a tv programme is bad when you start commenting on the curtains lol!
anyhoo...enough of my ramblings! :) |
Title: Re: i watched Valentine last night... Post by eKatherine on Jul 26th, 2004 at 2:22pm
Me, I would have been thinking, Noooo....don't put shampoo on that lovely hair, conditioner only....
Although you can bail clean water out of the toilet tank, not the bowl, to use in case of an emergency. I'd rather use the bottled water I keep for drinking. |
Title: Re: i watched Valentine last night... Post by bikerbraid on Jul 26th, 2004 at 3:42pm
I'm always amazed at the shampoo commercials. They show women with beautiful, long hair, but show them doing HORRIBLE things to it - piling on top of the head, rubbing with a towel, brushing when wet. It's amazing they have any hair! ;D
Title: Re: i watched Valentine last night... Post by Rapunzel on Jul 27th, 2004 at 4:44am
Especially when you consider that they straighten the heck out of even the straightest hair with a flat iron when they style the hair for the commerical (I have this straight from an international Pantene model's mouth). C'mon, you didn't really think the *products* were making the hair that shiny, did you? Heck no, it's because the hair cuticle has been steamed flat!
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