LongLocks Salon
Hairstyles and Styling >> Hair Care Product Reviews >> Aveda Products?

Message started by Babyfine on Jul 20th, 2004 at 1:52pm

Title: Aveda Products?
Post by Babyfine on Jul 20th, 2004 at 1:52pm
Has anyone ever used any Aveda Products, and if so
did they like them?  I've never used them.  Also, has
anyone ever used Mane n Tail S/C by Straight arrow
originally marketed to horses but also used by people?
I've heard very good things about Mane N tail and
not very good things.   Also heard very good things
about Aveda.  Do they Sell oil for hair?

Title: Re: Aveda Products?
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 22nd, 2004 at 2:07am
I've used Aveda's Moss Sap shampoo and conditioner.  It is a very strange product to use.  It was very moisturizing.  It is not something you would use every time.  I have saved it for when I feel my hair is especially dry (like during the winter).  

The products are a bit pricey.  You have to decide for yourself if they are worth the cost.

Title: Re: Aveda Products?
Post by Babyfine on Jul 22nd, 2004 at 2:16pm
I finally noticed that there was discussion about Aveda
here several pages back! Dumb me.  It's sounds like
it's like everything else, works for some people but not
for others.   I've found I usually have to try things
myself, some things people have sworn by work terrible
on me, others that people don't like work great.  
I just ordered some jojoba oil, I'm excited to try it.

Title: Re: Aveda Products?
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 22nd, 2004 at 3:59pm
If you are interested in trying Aveda products, I'd recommend buying their travel/sample size.  Although I felt those were even pricey, it is much cheaper than buying full size products!

Title: Re: Aveda Products?
Post by noelkara on Jul 22nd, 2004 at 6:58pm
I think they do sell oil for hair. It's called ABC  oil, or something like that.

I like the way Aveda smells but I don't find that they work better than much cheaper alternatives. I haven't used a great many of their products though, so some may be better than others. I do like their color-depositing conditioners though. They condition well and leave a nice natural sheen and color.

Title: Re: Aveda Products?
Post by Babyfine on Jul 23rd, 2004 at 12:04am
Bikerbraid-that sounds like a good idea.  I can't afford
the more expensive products,either.
Noelkara-I've found that the more expensive products
so far have not done anything better for my hair.  I'll
check into the oil-thanks.

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