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Message started by Anais Satin on Jul 12th, 2004 at 6:24pm

Title: hair dreams in general
Post by Anais Satin on Jul 12th, 2004 at 6:24pm
Flaming Bunny wrote:

i wonder if short haired people have disturbing dreams about having reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long hair??!! hehe that would be weird!

Now you've made me curious. Does anyone ever have SUPER-long hair dreams, whether you're a long or shorthair?

Here is something from Dreamer's Dictionary and Dream Analysis and Interpretation:  

Hair in a dream represents the dreamer’s conscious, waking thoughts. How hair appears in the dream will indicate the quality of the thoughts, thus giving the dreamer insight into the way s/he is thinking and what alterations can be made to enhance thinking. For instance, if hair is being cut this will symbolize the dreamer’s current tendency to reorganize thoughts; baldness will indicate a need to exercise conscious thinking particularly relevant to the aspect of Self that appears in the dream. A hairy dream-creature will indicate an unknown part of Self consumed by conscious thoughts.... [Dreams about one's own hair loss can indicate a sense of having no control over a situation]

Slim chance we'd all agree on these "interpretations", but this does inspire me to do some primary research on hair dreams. if not dreams about hair, then people's hair in dreams.  

Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by Kate on Jul 13th, 2004 at 2:02pm
"hairy dream-creature" LOL, I'm going to start referring to my sasquatch boyfriend as that. I got a mental image of him waking up with a snort and grumbling, "overslept again."

I usually dream I have short hair, but I have had it short most of my life. I wonder when/if that self-image will change...


Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by Kate on Jul 13th, 2004 at 2:03pm
Sometimes I dream that I forgot to shave my legs and they're all whiskery, what could that mean?  ;D


Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by bikerbraid on Jul 13th, 2004 at 2:32pm
That you really want to return to a more simplier time?? ::)

Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 13th, 2004 at 4:52pm
i dont know about all of that definition but i agree with
[Dreams about one's own hair loss can indicate a sense of having no control over a situation]

if something is upsetting me in waking life i tend to have the bad dreams where my hair is being hacked off.

i really want to know what the hairy dream creatures are??!! hehe

Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by eKatherine on Jul 13th, 2004 at 6:10pm
Hairy dream creatures?!?


Title: Re: hair dreams in general
Post by Anais Satin on Jul 13th, 2004 at 6:59pm
hairy dream creatures.. lol. Though it's probably any random animal that a person dreams about, that takes the fun out of it! I'd rather think about weird furry whatchamacallits that live in the closet.

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