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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> help! Tangles!

Message started by Aphrodite on Jul 4th, 2004 at 6:55pm

Title: help! Tangles!
Post by Aphrodite on Jul 4th, 2004 at 6:55pm
Does anyone know exactly what causes hair to be naturally tangely? Everytime I wash it- get up - go out - basically everytime I go to come my hair, it is a tangely mess. Could it be because it isn't all one length? Or that I am over conditioning it? Or even that it needs a damn good trim (although this has recently been done) It's so annoying that I'm seriously thinking of having it cut short :'( (its only shoulder length now as I was determined to grow it but it's driving me nuts) - I haven't got the time to detangle it every 5 mins. >:(

Does anyone know what could be doing this - it never used to get so tangled when it was this length.... ???

Title: Re: help! Tangles!
Post by Anais Satin on Jul 4th, 2004 at 7:06pm
What's your typical hair routine?

(1) It could be the kind of conditioner you use. Some leave-in conditioners actually increase the friction between hair strands. I used Paul Mitchell leave-in during the winter, and my hair was less manageable than it was before I used it.
(2) You could have a lot of damage. Damage e.g. rough cuticles can cause massive tangling.

I'm sure I missed something, somebody help me out :)

Title: Re: help! Tangles!
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 5th, 2004 at 4:36am
Although I always thought my hair *loved* -cones, I found when I stopped using them that my tangles decreased very significantly!

Title: Re: help! Tangles!
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 5th, 2004 at 10:34am
once youve detangled in the morning..id put your hair up in a ponytail or whatever so theres less chance of tangles forming  :)

Title: Re: help! Tangles!
Post by Aphrodite on Jul 6th, 2004 at 2:48pm
Thanks everyone for your help - I use organic shampoo and conditioner and I'm wondering if that is what's doing it - however I have just bought a hair serum to put on the very ends and it seems to have worked (a little) I think I'll have quite a big trim (again!) and see how it is after that .

Thanks again :)

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