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Message started by flaming_bunny on Jun 26th, 2004 at 3:50pm

Title: 4 strand braid
Post by flaming_bunny on Jun 26th, 2004 at 3:50pm
i just found out how to do the 4 strand braid...i practised on string and it came out really well! when i did it in my hair (a lot more difficult but i did it!) i looked in the mirror and it looked like a normal 3 strand braid...except the top was twisted at the nape of my neck!  ???  ???  what on earth is going on here? can anyone shed any light on the matter?
thanks in advance  :)

Title: Re: 4 strand braid
Post by Rapunzel on Jun 26th, 2004 at 4:10pm
Four-strand braids don't look very different from regular braids, but any braid with an even number of divisions will twist.  The trick is to get your hair long enough to get a couple of complete twists down the length!

Title: Re: 4 strand braid
Post by flaming_bunny on Jun 26th, 2004 at 7:57pm
aha! thanks Rapunzel!  :)  ;D

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